Rain World: Into the Darkness - 9
Before too long, the two unsuspecting lizards on top of yundo joined the mindlink, and the number of thoughts transmitted between them doubled.
Rain World: Hungry Shadows - 12
_ _the mindlink happened,_ yundo sighed, grimacing as amu's weariness rubbed off on him.
We wish you a magi christmas
Zen was concerned, more so than his brother was used to him showing over a stranger, and a little of it was leaking over the mindlink.
equine soldier - tom
Tom looked deep in apollos eyes. a mindlink established and the father transferes all his knowlage to his son without any mercy.
The Canine Underworld - Subchapter Five: Finale
Modruk mindlinked to mike as the demon used the last of his energy to flip around to look at the werewolf one last time.
The Dream That Turned Real - Resurrection, Part 2
"now, rokar, i understand that you cannot mindlink, yes?" "yeah, i was b- hatched without it."
The Wolf Hunters - Episode 3 - A Dirty Secret on Alchoa II
One of them turned to me and spoke into my brain with a mindlink translator. "may we interest you in our wares." i turned to the creature. the creature's face was barely visible under its hood.
Red and Tails 3
I tried to mindlink with tails but my attemps were failure. i checked my room and found her lying on the bed looking at the window.
1- Wandering Mindlink
**_"The Force flows through us, from us, and around us. But most importantly it flows_** **between**** _us."_** _~Unknown Jedi Master_ "In the past, Padawans were assigned to a single Master. Years of training would follow, often from adolescence,...
The mindlink, that instantaneous moment where her perception had been shared with the wolf, she remembered now.
Aura of a Lucario
One said through a mindlink. "we just wanted to know whether to call you a he or a she." "you could have just asked!" i said angrily. the other ralts spoke up. "we were impatient."
21 (DSV Nautica) Unforgiven
He used the mindlink to 'see' her, and help her limp back to the ship."erebus...we are coming...we got out of the ship. we did not get a chance to see the ai core."aki cursed slightly at the news, pacing back and forth. "de'an, maneuver out to get them.