
Story by MonsieurFoxy on SoFurry

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Relief Part 8 - By MonsieurFoxy

(insert standard cover-all disclaimer here. Seriously, if you're underage or at work, don't read this!! I am not the police! If you're a parent, legal guardian, or are angry over your minor-whatever seeing this, USE A WEB-FILTER!!!)

All characters are copyright of their owners.

Jake awoke, and stretched, feeling the warm mass of short fur and muscle that was Jesse. He lay back on Jesse's broad, fine-haired chest and recalled the evening prior. He and Jesse had spoken in earnest, and he, Jake, felt the same now as then. He'd never felt such completion with another man. Nor had he ever felt so wanted. Jesse stirred up such deep feelings of love and attachment, things that he never imagined.

So what if Jesse wasn't human? He was loyal, sweet, kind, gentle, and attentive. Everything a person could want. Never mind that Jesse was hung, came like a fountain, and was horny and up for anything that he was. He chuckled softly, not wanting to wake Jesse. He peered into the Shep's face. When sleeping, he looked utterly innocent and oddly beguiling.

Jesse stirred, awakened by the sound of his lover's voice, and his movement atop his chest. He cracked open his eyes, gazing up into bright eyes that were still puffy from sleep, and lifted his head from the pillow to give Jake's nose a tiny lick.

Jake wrinkled his nose. Jesse's morning breath was rather more than he could handle, and he slid down, away from Jesse's muzzle, to curl up between the Shep's massive thighs. The musk of Jesse's loins was potent, and Jake felt his morning wood snap to attention with the swiftness of a cannonball.

Jesse scented Jake's arousal, triggering his own erection. His massive head peeked from his short, wide sheath, and pulsed, already shiny with fluid. Jesse huffed, and as his heartbeat sped up, his shaft creeped up his belly toward his navel. Thickening from it's meaty tip where it was nearly 2 inches across, to the base of his shaft, just above his unformed knot, his shaft stretched a prodigious 9 inches, throbbing and filling with blood. Jake looked into Jesse's eyes, now dilated with his arousal, and excitement ticked through him. He loved Jesse in the mornings, but yesterday's painful aftermath had taught him discretion. He winked at Jesse, and giving his furry lover's tip a lick, slid from the bed, and strutted to the bathroom, wiggling his butt. Jesse watched Jake, with something close to a predatory glare, and levered himself upright, and followed Jake to the bathroom. His shaft, throbbed, and spit a little clear precum, as if to say,"don't ignore me!". Jake took a few moments to relieve himself, emptying himself in preparation for the filling that he was soon to receive. Jesse ducked his head to enter the bathroom, and as Jake flushed and turned on the shower, grinned, showing off his many sharp and pointy teeth. Jake grinned back, unrepentant, and tested the water with one hand before stepping in, crooking one finger at Jesse in a blatant invitation. Jesse stepped in gingerly, careful of the shower curtain-rod, and felt the water's heat immediately begin to sluice through his fur. He whined, still hard and eager to be inside his mate.

Jake knew perfectly well what his mate wanted, and knew he'd be better able for it after a hot shower had loosened his muscles and let him purge his guts of the previous filling first. So he just leaned into the hot, wet-dog musk of his beloved Jesse, and breathed in through his mouth, letting the hot water pouring down over both of them soak him, and slowly he reached for the soap, and began soaping the soft short fur of Jesse's bellyfur, and up under each muscle-bound arm. He used a whole bar just scrubbing the musk from him, leaving him smelling clean and slightly sharp, with the fragrance of the thick soap. Jake continued to soap and soak his mate, gesturing for him to turn, and the huge Sheperd did, flexing as much as the shower would allow, making his muscles jump and stand out against his hide like cobblestones. Jake whistled appreciatively, and continued his soapy treatment of Jesse's backside down under his buttcheeks, and in behind his hefty ballsack and over his tight taint.

Jesse's tongue lolled out as he stood there, slack-jawed as Jake pampered him, and took such tender care of his most sensitive and delicate bits. He trembled slightly when thos strong, smooth hands gently rubbed over the thicker fur covering his balls, and jumped ever-so slightly when those talented fingers danced briefly over his tailhole. He'd had something down there before, and the memory of the sensations pulled themselves into the front of his mind for a moment, causing his hips to twitch in remembered ectasy.

After the water began to cool, Jake finally finished rinsing all the soap and conditioner out of Jesse's fur, and finished his own as well. They stepped out into the foggy humid air of the bathroom, and proceeded to dry off. Jesse took 5 bath sheets all for himself, and one more sufficed to dry Jake completely.

They wadded the towels together and bundled them by the door. Jesse took a small hairbrush with a long handle and brushed his teeth and scraped his large, very wet tongue well before licking his chops and licking over his black nose. Jake took his time, flossing and shaving, to remove the traces of a beard beginning to show on his face and chin.

"Why do you shave away your hair all the time, Jake?" Jesse asked. "Because, Jesse, I have to look presentable whenever I go out. People tend to think you're weird when you do stuff like not shave for weeks at a time." "But I was just wondering, because I just love how adorable you look with stubble." Jesse said, his tail wagging and slowly drying. "This isn't convincing me to let it grow. If anything, it's making me want facial hair Less." "Come on, just a little. Just leave this patch of beard right here, huh? It's just so sexy to see a little hair when you have so little hair everywhere else, Jake."

Jesse's question and his argument wasn't easy to refute, but I had to. I didn't just get a beard. I got this gnarled, tangled, untameable bush of hair on my chin. It got caught on things, it trapped dust and dirt. I hated my facial hair, and it hated me right back.

Jesse watched Jake's face as it went through the various expressions of dismay, distaste, anxiety, and for some odd reason, resignation. He felt his fur itch a bit where it was slow to dry right at the top of his hip, and scratched at it absently.

After a few moments of sober self-reflection, Jake remembered that he and Jesse were still naked, and that work was still waiting to be done. But as he made for the dresser to grab a clean set of work-clothes, he felt Jesse's paws around his waist. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back on the bed, and Jesse was straddling his thighs, his member thick, hard, and dripping pre. Jake tried to squirm free for just a moment, until Jesse ducked his head and gave Jake a lick, from behind his balls, up and over the tip of his shaft. Jake experienced a dizzy spell as blood pounded from the rest of his body and into his dick. Jake just went limp, all except his cock, which throbbed in time to each heartbeat. He stared glassy-eyed at Jesse, as the huge male shifted and used his own shaft to push Jake's legs apart.

Jesse's balls burned, and throbbed. He couldn't remember them being so full and needing to empty them more than right this second. His shaft leaked precum like a bloated fleshy fountain. It dribbled down and left Jake's thighs shiny and slick, and as he exerted more pressure, those slippery thighs were no match for Jesse's hard shaft. He split those thighs and as his cock met the soft sheets of their bed, it spit forth a large wad of pre that flooded the tight space between the bed and Jake's backside. It gave Jesse's cock the perfect slippery runway that guided it like a missile right to the crease of Jake's ass.

Jake in the meantime was panting and nervous; he couldn't understand why Jesse was acting so strangely and ignoring his orders to get off of him and let him up. But then, he suddenly couldn't remember if he ever actually said those things or just thought them. The heat between his thighs and wedged tight against his now-needy hole seemed to provide a major distraction that left him bereft of his wits. Jake panted now, as eager as ever, and glad that the long hot shower had loosened him up for this. No painfully tight fits this time around. So Jake shifted his arms around, and used them to lift his hips slightly up off the bed. Jesse's hot seeping tip slipped once under Jake's hips, then Jesse pulled his hips back to wedge his hard cocktip tight against Jake's hole once more.

Jesse was panting openly now, and he wasn't even in his mate yet. But his churning, burning, throbbing balls wouldn't let him do more than wonder at his own horniness for a brief moment, before washing away all rational thoughts. Jesse felt the moment his cocktip made contact squarely with Jake's pucker, and felt the softness, as Jake's body relaxed, and almost eagerly opened up to let him in. Even as relaxed and needy as Jake's hole was, it was still so incredibly tight, wet, and hot. The heat soaked Jesse's shaft, and made his knot pop free of his sheath with a dirty schlorping sound. He grunted and growled, moaned and rocked Jake back onto his own shoulders as he thrust forward, burying a full half of his cock inside him with a single thrust, and pounded straight into Jake's prostate. Jake let out a high-pitched squeal as his prostate felt like it was punched, and his cock snapped up and let loose a stream of pre that felt like he'd just cum. Jesse's breath went out in a whoosh as Jake's ass clamped down on his shaft, and stole his breath in an instant. Jesse wheezed, and let Jake settle back onto his back on the bed. The release of pressure on his shaft made the big Sheperd dizzy for a moment, but as soon as he leaned forward over his litle mate, he focused right in on the slippery pre now splattered all over his mate's face and chest. Jesse licked Jake's precum off his own face and chest while humping gently in and out. Just a few inches of his whole length were sliding in and out across Jake's prostate bump like a gentle massage compared to the initial thrust.

Jake gasped, his ass almost in pain but not quite, threading that fine line between pain and mind-blowing pleasure. He shivered as Jesse used that wide, hot, wet tongue of his to thoroughly clean all of Jake's precum off his skin. Jake's hips trembled more, as Jesse found his rhythym. The short-cocking that Jesse's cock delivered was like a balm, soothing away the tingling of that first amazingly powerful thrust. When Jesse began to hunch his shoulders and gripped Jake more firmly, he knew that the big Furball was really getting started.

More and more of that thick, bestial maleness pushed in and out of his stretched anus, and brought him a fresh wave of pleasure with each swing of his muscle-bound hips. Jake found his heart beating faster and faster as he yelped out as Jesse's hips ground against his own, and his balls were momentarily trapped between their bodies.

Jesse just grinned at Jake and rolled his hips forward, rolling Jake's nuts in their sack. This made Jake grit his teeth as the sensation threw him for a loop, his back arched and his fingers digging into the mattress. Jesse thrust deeper now, so that his erection just rubbed over Jake's prostate like a hand running down the inside of his nervous system. Jesse growled, deep in his chest, claiming Jake for his own as the vibrations travelled down and through his shaft, where it was buried deep in Jake's guts.

Jake writhed, like a fly on a pin, as Jesse's enormous shaft forced him to cry out, yelling, howling, as the pleasure swamped his brain, and overwhelmed him. Yet he couldn't cum yet. Something in his body seemed to resist it, and torture the rest of him with the tantalizing sensation that always came right before he shot his load. But this sensation just went on and on, and drove Jake to grab Jesse's massive biceps and rake his nails down them, desperate to vent some of the feelings his body was drowning in. As Jake raked Jesse's arms, Jesse responded by thrusting even deeper. The edge of his knot brushed against Jake's twitching anal ring with each forward thrust, and the slight contact reminded Jake of what was still ahead of them. He groaned, and almost mad with pleasure, curled up and grabbed Jesse's shoulders and pulled him all the way down against him, so Jesse's muzzle was mashed against his mouth, and Jesse was hunched over Jake's spread body, and humped even deeper.

Jesse's breath came in great steaming gusts now, as his blood boiled, and his guts tensed, and his knot throbbed and grew even thicker, as Jake's body milked at his shaft, eager for his load. He growled, and thrust harder, harder, his hips mashing into Jake's, as they both grunted and rutted against each other.

Jake's body was drenched in sweat, and his heart was beating fit to burst, and his eyes were burning from the sweat dripping into them. He felt like his body was made of molten metal. Every thrust send a burning wave through him that felt like it should scorch the hair off his head. All but a single hard knot in the center of his pelvis that got tighter and heavier as he inched closer and closer to release.

Jesse grunted and pulled back a bit more, his hips leaving Jake's as he pulled back, and piledrove himself into Jake. Jake bellowed and Jesse howled as their bodies met, and Jesse's rock-hard knot burst into Jake's ass, and locked them together. Jesse didn't think that he could get any harder, but he felt momentarily stunned as his dick felt like it burst. He felt it reach a bursting point, and then suddenly a swelling and a tightness as his knot swelled just a little bit more, pulling itself even deeper inside his human partner. His balls jumped, and his spine trembled as he let loose a huge torrent of hot cum.

Jake was trembling uncontrollably, as the heat from Jesse's shaft flowed deeper and deeper into him. Then it met the tightness in his pelvis, and dissolved it in a searing wash of pleasure that made him bellow as the load being dumped into him by Jesse's massive balls made his lower abdomen bulge just a little as it filled his colon completely and began to leak into his small intestine. He felt like a water balloon as he writhed, screamed, clawed down Jesse's arms, and thrashed like a fish on a hook. He felt his body buck and try to turn itself inside out from the nerve-burning orgasm that blew him away with it.


Jesse came to several hours later, to find himself still tied into Jake as tight as a cork in a winebottle. Every little movement made his nuts churn and clamp down again. He winced as he felt his overloaded nerves tingle again. His whole body ached from the workout he'd given it when he mounted his mate. Looking at the clock, he now understood that they'd been sleeping for almost 5 hours, and this made his canine brow furrow with confusion as he looked down his body to where they were still firmly locked together. They'd never been stuck together this long before. His movements were making Jake slowly rouse from slumber, and Jake's ass got even tighter around Jesse's cock.

A soft yelp slipped out of Jesse's muzzle before he knew it was coming. He clamped his muzzle shut as the tightness of Jake was almost painful around him. He could see a bulge right below Jake's bellybutton and was surprised that it hadn't already been absorbed by his body. He tried to move one last time before laying back down to wait for his knot to deflate.

Jake felt his body become alert starting with his ass making itself VERY known as he winced. his guts felt just as full as before, and Jesse's huge knot was still imbedded deeply inside of him. Jake tried to move but the movement brought a whine of discomfort from his mate who was still hunched over him. He brought Jesse's muzzle down to look him squarely in the eyes. He saw that Jesse was panting slightly and was just as confused about still being tied as he was. How long had he been passed out? He felt rested, even if every muscle below his waist was protesting the awkward positions they were in. He felt the heat from Jesse's thick knot still seeping through him, and felt the sloshing as the mass of cum was still backed-up inside him. Jake settled back, and took slow deep breaths, hoping to persuade his body to somehow relax a bit more and hopefully encourage Jesse's knot to deflate and let them loose. The hard knot that Jake had felt before, was gone, but as he breathed, he felt his pelvis suddenly relax more. For a brief second, Jake panicked, thinking that his hip had dislocated itself. But as he felt Jesse soften and the slipping sensation of cum beginning to leak out around Jesse's rapidly deflating knot, he sighed with relief.

Jesse also breathed deeply and let himself slide back and out of his mate's suddenly relaxed hole. He felt his cum lubing the way for his retreating member to pull out without too much discomfort. As the cum began to flow more freely from Jake's hole, the scent seemed different to his sensitive nose. He brought his nose up to Jake's hole and pointedly began to lap up the escaping fluids, to keep them from soaking the mattress too badly.

The sensation of that wide, warm tongue made Jake gasp again in pleasure as it cleaned him of the copious load now seeping from his hole, and acting as a salve for his tired and overworked ring. He felt his asshole begin to tighten and retract under Jesse's patient and thorough attention.

After the flow had diminished, and Jake's rosebud was pretty much back to its normal size, Jesse stopped licking and looked up to see Jake's shaft hard and leaking precum. He cocked his head an inch to the side to see Jake's face. He blushed a little and looked away, embarrassed by his body's reaction to Jesse's licking. Jesse didn't seem too bothered, as he simply took the shaft delicately in his muzzle, and folding his lips down over his teeth, suckled Jake's needy shaft and began to rub right behind Jake's balls with his thumbs. The slight pressure made Jake moan and lift his hips just a fraction towards Jesse's willing muzzle.

Jake then used his other digits to cradle and roll Jake's balls around in their sack. First spreading them apart and then together against each other, Jake's balls quickly began to flush and swell a little, as blood rushed to them. He groaned, a soft low sound that startled Jesse a little at the animal quality in it. He locked eyes with his mate as he sucked him off. Another swirl of Jesse's tongue over Jake's shaft had him rolling back on his shoulders and his eyes rolling back a little and fluttering.

Jesse rasped his tongue against the underside of Jake's head and pushed the top of his head against his rough palate, and tasted the salty, starchiness of Jake's seed as it splashed up into his muzzle as the balls in his fingers jumped and kept jumping.

Jake kept panting, and Jesse gently let Jake's flaccid cock free of his muzzle once his load had been drained from his shaft. He looked up at Jesse and the corner of his mouth quirked, and they both began to snicker a little, even as they both realized they'd slept the whole morning away.

Jesse cocked his head as he grinned at Jake. "Ready to actually do some work today?" "Are you, Jesse?" "Let's get something done today."

To be continued.

Sorry about the insane delay between part 7 and 8. Life intervened, along with a healthy dose of the flu.