Tony da Lion: ~The Morning After~

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#2 of Tony da Lion

Disclaimer~ This story contains acts of sexual relations between minors. If that's not your thing then don't read further. Don't worry. This time there's less of a plot. But *spoiler* it's leading up to something big. Anyhoo, if you decided to read on, enjoy.

I wake up to a furry object on top of me. My vision is kind of blurry. I blink once, twice, three times. My vision clears. This isn't my room... Soon I become aware of a steady breathing from the furry object on top of me. The events of last night start rushing back to me. I smile at the thought and put an arm around Luke. He stirs. "Good morning sleepy head." He nuzzles against my chest. "A few more minutes mom..." I chuckle and lick his muzzle. "I'm not your mom." Luke looks up at me and freezes. "Look, if your gonna freak out..." I look at him skeptically. "N-no. I'm just surprised." He replies. "Yeah... So am I..." It's true. I am surprised still. I wasn't expecting Luke to confess his love for me. More over, I wasn't expecting to confess my love for Luke. I didn't know it was there until last night. Then again, I'm oblivious to allot of things... Luke rolls off of me. I gasp. His member was still partially inside of me. I can feel his cum flowing out of me. "Sorry..." "Don't be." I lower my paw to my tail hole and wipe some of the cum off onto my paw. I then lick my paw clean. "Mmm..." His cum seems to have a different taste than mine. It's more... sweet, and less bitter. Luke licks my muzzle. "Your a mess." "So are you." "Then lets take a shower." "Together?" "Yeah, of course. Why not?" "I... What if your mom sees us? What would she think if we took a shower together?" Luke chuckles. "She won't care." "How can you be sure?" "I tell my mom everything. She actually told me that you were probably gay too." "So she knows?" "Of course." I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe coming out won't be so bad. Luke gets out of the bed and tugs on my arm. "Come on. Lets take a shower." I chuckle and stand up, following him. He's so tall compared to me. My body is tiny next to his. All his working out has paid off for him. He leads me to the bathroom, just across the hall. We don't bother to put anything on. Luke's mother sleeps down stairs in the master bedroom. After we get into the bathroom Luke turns on the water. I can feel his cum dripping down the back of my legs. With the water set, we both step into the tub. Only one of us can stand under the stream at a time. He lets me go first. As my fur gets soaked he rubs the water in. Starting at my head, and working down my neck and shoulders. When he gets to me sides and chest I shudder. Both are so sensitive on me. I never get touched there by anyone. It feels so good... Luke kisses my neck as he rubs my hips, then my butt. I stretch out my neck for him. He rubs my tail hole. I hiss. It kinda hurts. I guess he bruised something last night. Not bad, but enough for it to hurt a little. "Are you okay? I knew I shouldn't have knotted you..." "I- it's okay. Really. It'll heal before long." "If you say so..." He continues to rub my butt cheeks, careful to stay away from my tender hole. Before long my whole body is drenched. We switch places so he's under the stream of water. I rub his fur to get the water in all the way while he rubs furpoo © into my fur. He doesn't take too long since my fur is pretty short. My headfur is the only fur on me that's longer.

Again he avoids my tailhole. He does however, pay more attention to my furry sheath and balls. My tip pokes out at him and he rubs it. I moan lightly. While all this is happening I'm still trying to rub Luke's fur, although I'm having a harder time concentrating on it. I lean into Luke. He moves on to my legs, cleaning all of his cum off. Even being soaking wet he's so warm. Like an oven. Soon I'm all soaped up, and Luke is all... well soaked. We again switch positions. He rinses the soap off, while I furpoo © him.

By the end of the shower I have a needy boner. We get out of the shower and dry each other off. I dry him off first, starting from his head down to his footpaws. When I get to his legs I have to kneel. I'm over come by Luke's musk. I can't help but sniff his junk. Even after a shower his musk and scent smells so good and fresh. So strong. "Wanna lick it?" I look up at Luke to see him smiling down at me. I nuzzle his furry sheath and balls then give it a lick. This is so hot... I put my muzzle around his sheath and suck on it to massage it. I can feel Luke's furhood growing in his sheath. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of Luke's growing furhood in my muzzle. I can feel his member slipping out and sliding past my nose. It smells so good. I can feel his paw on the back of my head, leading my muzzle to his tip.

With my eyes still closed I lick the tip. I taste his sweet and salty pre-cum. I suckle on his tip then sink my muzzle over his furhood. It's so good. I'm not sure about you, but having someones furhood in your muzzle is great. It's so warm and and tasty. I could keep it in my muzzle all day long. Luke has officially filled the void in my muzzle. I'm salivating so much. Drool is seeping past my muzzle onto Luke's sheath. Luke pushes my head down further. His tip pokes at the back of my throat. I gag a little. He pulls my head back a bit. "Sorry..." I'm too intoxicated to care though.

I push my own muzzle down. Again, Luke's furhood pokes my throat, but this time I swallow to help it go down. Doing this lets me sink my muzzle all the way down. My nose presses into Luke's belly. I can feel his cock half way into my throat. All my swallowing seems to be giving Luke immense pleasure. He's moaning and panting. Before long I have to pull off for air. I gasp and pant. "You didn't have to do that." "But I wanted to." I nuzzle Luke's balls. My furhood is drooling pre onto the bathroom floor. Luke chuckles. "Your so eager and willing..." I suck on Luke's furry balls. "Mmm..." Luke pushes my head away. "Enough. On you back kitty." Kitty? Hmm... I could get used to that... Regardless, I lay back on my... back, tail in between my legs. My five inch cock drools pre onto my tummy. Luke gets on all fours above me. He kisses my muzzle, then my neck before turning around to a 69. Luke's cock lands on my muzzle. I lick at it, he licks at mine. I moan. It's so sensitive. I take his cock into my muzzle, he does the same for me. It feels so good, but I can only take a few inches of his glorious furhood. He's not lowering his rear end for me. Even so, I make do with what I have. Licking and sucking. Luke goes to town on my cock. He fits it all in his muzzle. Not a hard task I'm afraid to say. I can berely feel my tip at the back of his throat. God it's so good. The only thing that could make it better is if he'd let his butt down, and if someone was stuffing my rear end. I can't take it any more. I put my paws on Luke's butt and try pushing more cock into my mouth while lifting my head up. Luke resists at first but then willingly lowers his cock into my throat. I guide him so all of his cock is in like before. Then I push up, and pull down. Luke starts humping into my throat. This is a whole new feeling. After Luke builds up a rhythm I lay my arms back down and let him face fuck me. He does it just right so I can take a breath every time be pulls out. So good...

Luke's humping gets faster and harder as time goes on. He gives so much pleasure to my cock. It's unbearable. I start humping up into Luke's muzzle. Luke's knot starts forming, sliding in and out of my muzzle. I'm getting so close... Next think I know Luke humps hard into my muzzle for a final time. Cum flows into my throat right into my stomach. I can feel the warmth of it all the way down. Luke's knot blows up, effectively tying with my muzzle. Of course, I can open my muzzle wider to take it out but I don't. I like the fullness, the warmth. The stickieness in my throat. It's all too much. I open my muzzle and moan through my muzzle full of cock. Stream after stream of my cum flies into Luke's muzzle. He swallows it all.

I lay there, with Luke on top of me. His fully erect and throbbing cock tied with my muzzle. I can breath through my nose. It's restricted, but I can breath. We both just stay there, relaxing and riding our climaxes. We hear a knock at the door. "When you two are done in there I have breakfast cooking." My heart just about flies out of my rib cage. I feel Luke lick at my slowly softening cock. "Be right out mom!" Luke pulls his cock out of my muzzle. Some saliva strings from his cock to my muzzle. "Come on kitty. Lets dry you off and get breakfast." I smile as Luke gets off of me. He picks up the towel and starts drying me off while I'm still laying. I sit up and let him dry me off. When all is said and done, my head fur and the fur on the tip of my tail is all puffy.

After wrapping ourselves up in towels, and skipping off to Luke's room, we get dressed, then go down the stairs to the kitchen. Janet is flipping pancakes on the stove. There's already a pile on a plate in the middle of the table. "Mmm... Chocolate chip pancakes... Your the best Mrs. Nightclaw." "Tony, for the last time, it's Janet." We all chuckle. Luke and myself sit down next to each other, side by side.

"So did you boys enjoy your shower?" I blush at this. "Sorry mom, I don't kiss and tell." "When has that ever stopped you?" Both of them chuckle. I'm still cherry red. "Oh, lighten up Tony. I told you me and mom are real close." Luke kisses my cheek. I only blush deeper. "Don't worry hun, he'll get used to it." It? Used to it? Oh, right. Used to being out. Well so far it's okay... Too okay actually. I thought it would be different some how... But I guess I never really thought about how it would actually feel.

"Come on boys. Eat up. Those pancakes won't eat themselves." Luke happily loads up his plate up with pancakes, he then loads up my plate. "Come on kitty, you gotta eat up." I blush again. Janet chuckles to herself at the stove. This isn't so bad... I pick up the syrup and squeeze allot onto my pancakes. More than is needed of course, but you can never have too much. We both om nom our pancakes. I get syrup on my muzzle, dribbling down my chin. Luke puts a paw around my neck, and onto my cheek. He turns my head and licks the syrup off of me. He reaches my lips and kisses me. I kiss back. We end up snogging.

"Hey you two. Not at the table." Luke breaks the kiss. "Sorry mom... I couldn't help it. He's so darn cute." I blush again. My tail flicks all on it's own. "Tell me something I don't know. Now eat up." We go back to eating. I never knew I'd be this deep in love. Actually, before last night I don't think I believed in such a thing. It just seemed like something that could never happen. All of those romance stories, and movies finally make sense. Then again, I'm not sure if we're going too fast... I mean, having sex, then declaring our love? It doesn't seem possible... But it feels all too right.

"Ground control to major Tony. You've been staring at your plate for the past three minutes." I blink and shake my head. "S-sorry..." Luke kisses my cheek as Janet sits at the table. "You two look so cute together, you know that?" "...Mom..." I blush. It looks like Luke is close to blushing himself. Janet just chuckles to herself and starts eating.

Five or so minutes go by like this. Just eating in silence. Then Janet speaks up. "So boys. Today's Saturday. What are we going to do?" We have a tradition on Saturdays. Janet takes us all out to do something fun, and get us moving. We've done everything from walking in the forest and climbing trees (which Luke and me do every so often on our own), to going to a movie. Yeah, I know. That one doesn't get us moving as much, but that's more of a special treat. "Why don't we go to the carnival? Isn't it just one town over?" "Honey, it's an hour away." "But mooooommm..." Janet chuckles. "Fine, we can go after the dishes are done."

That's all the incentive that Luke needs. He picks up the empty plates and dashes to the sink. I swear, even through we're fifteen now, he acts like he's ten some times. But then again, your only as old as you want to be right? Or at least that's what Janet always says... Well that and she's 29 years old and holding... I join Luke at the sink while Janet goes to get something better on for the cold outside. When Luke and I are done with the dishes, we put on our shoes, and put on our respective coats. Well, Luke puts on a coat. I only have a thin hoodie. The cold is gonna suck. Especially since I'm more used to warmer climates.

After about five minutes Janet comes back out. I'm always surprised by how women in general take so much time to get ready. I mean. How hard is it to throw something on? And what's with the make-up? Guys don't need make-up. I dunno. I guess this world just has too many people worried about how they look. But I digress... "Ready to go boys?" "About half an hour ago, mom..." "Oh shush. I didn't take that long. Now lets go." Janet leads the way out of the door. Luke puts an arm around my waist. It's pretty chilly out, but I should be fine with Luke keeping me warm. I mean. We're going to a different city. There's no way my parents could find out... Right?