Tales of a changed Earth chapter 5

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#5 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed Earth 5 by Raven Fox and Utah friend: This series is written by a friend of mine who lives in Midvale Utah. In the last couple of years I've been getting PM's to start on this series again, but I had to convince my friend to write this series again. Thank him in the comments for getting back in writing this series again; he does go on so furry to view the site. Because he thought nobody didn't like this series of tales. This does start in the pass as usual but there're going to be a few new characters and a couple of surprises.

Fifty years before the events of chapter one, unknown world. Secret lair of the good dragons.

Samson in his wolf form looked at the young dragons looking at him in awe as he walked in the antechamber to the class. He being the elder dragon and leader has the responsibility of training the young dragons. It takes almost fifty-one years to train a hatchling so that they can survive with the threat of the evil dragons. The dragon in the form of a seven foot tall athro wolf looked at the hand missing its index finger. A vision of amber catlike colored eyes went thru his mind giving him a shiver. "That's another dragon I am worried about, but I've hadn't seen her in seventy years. She just disappeared with that white one Sandra." Samson thought to himself walking to the front of the classroom.

The young dragons in their canine forms watched as the tall blonde colored wolf walked to the front. Near the wolf is an easel with a tarp over it. They watched as Samson walked to removing the cover and a hand painting of a green dragon causing gasps. "Anybody know this dragon?" Asked the leader of the good dragons.

A red colored male wolf raised his hand and answered at Samsons' nod. "That is Oblivion, the leader of the evil dragons."

Samson replied. "You're right Morgan, if you see this dragon and you're by yourself... My advice is to fly away really fast back to the lair." His voice changed into a bellow. "Under no circumstances do you try to engage this dragon in combat, you might last less than a minute before you're dead!" The wolf flips the page showing a black dragon and he saw Morgan raising his hand again.

Morgan replied. "Obiit, second of command, leads the black dragons."

Samson sighed. "No, look closer, that's not a male black dragon. This is a female black dragon, her name is Ewyon. You don't want to mess with this dragon to. She's more dangerous than her father Obiit." The wolf holds up his hand with its missing finger. "She's the only black dragon who injured me, plus my daughter. Never under estimate your opponent."

Morgan looked at Samsons' hand with the missing finger and looked at the painting of the black dragon. The artist drew the dragon with her head turned roaring shooting a pillar fire to the side. Then he saw that the difference from a male black from a female was that the female has a more slender body and snout from the male. Plus a thicker mane of white hair. "She's kind of beautiful, but I don't want to be alone in the sky with her if she did that to Samson." The young wolf thought to himself. "But where is she?" (That will be revealed in another chapter. RAVEN FOX)

Troy's' place, two weeks after the events of chapter four.

The male human was asleep with an arm around the black fennec vixen. Ewyon suddenly awoke sitting up looking around emanating a deep grow. It would seem humorous hearing a large grow from an anthro fennec vixen, but she morphs into a black dragon the size of a passenger airliner.

Troy awoke looking at the vixen. "What's wrong love?"

She gets out of bed looking towards the front room. "We have unwanted guests." Ewyon answered as a white vixen with another male human walks in.

Sandra looks at Ewyon and replies acidly. "Oblivion is outside; he's very brave coming here." She looks at the black vixen and Troy. "I've already notified Rynn and Samson, they're on they way here." There's a knocking at the door.

Ewyon opened the door grabbing the tall gray wolf with green head hair pinning him to the wall. Sandra grabbed the anthro red vixen pinning her to the floor.

Oblivion bellowed. "You're father just threw us out of my group! Due to the injuries you and Sandra inflicted on me. I can't change into my dragon form until I recover." He gives her a sly look and replied with a leer. "I need your help my apprentice."

"Samson will deal with you teacher. You!!" Ewyon looks at Riva. "And her are going into the good dragons' custody. I don't trust or her, it took one hundred and twenty years to earn Samsons' trust and I am not going to lose it."

Minutes later, Sandra looks at the open front door seeing and very large gold colored dragon with a smaller one land in the parking lot with a copper and silver landing to. Two blonde colored wolves and a silver vixen with a copper male fox walked in the apartment.

The male fox looked at the gray colored wolf with a green tinge to the pelt grinned. "I thought I'll never see this day. Oblivion caught by his apprentice."

The gray wolf looked at the fox with anger and with a leer. "It has just gotten worse for you goodie to shoes. Obiit, Ewyons' father has just force me from leadership of the evil dragons. I was just asking for Ewyons' help." Oblivion finished the statement with sarcasm.

Samson looked at Ewyon sighing. "I'll take them off you hands; you better come to the lair tomorrow morning. We'll start in the morning of how we're going to deal with this current crisis." He turns to the other dragons glancing at the red anthro vixen. "Lynn, Shan, take her to the lair. Blindfold her, but Lynn, you better carry her." Remembering Shans' favorite stunt while flying.

The silver colored vixen looked at the red vixen with a leer. Ewyon told her how Riva treated Troy after the changes done to the planet Earth. She looked over to the black colored fennec vixen doing a mischievous grin while tying a blindfold to Riva.

Ewyon saw the look from her friend sort of feeling sorry for Troys' ex-girlfriend. "Samson should have had Shan fly her to the lair. I have a feeling that Riva is going to be sick after her ride."

Minutes later, the good dragons' lair.

Morgan watched as two gold dragons flew in the lair with a silver and a copper colored one. The wolf watched as the dragons morphed into their canine forms and walked to a gray wolf and a red vixen. When he looked at the gray wolf, fear gripped him when he recognized Oblivion looking at him with green eyes full of hate.

Samson walked up to him. "Morgan, I am glad you're up. You and Shan are going to keep an eye on him till we decide what to do with him."

The young wolf stammered. "That's Oblivion, how did you capture him? He's the most powerful dragon around."

Oblivion replied with sarcasm. "Yes, you good nice cuddly dragons manage to get me."

"Just ignore him, when a dragon gets badly injured on its body, it's stuck in its canine form till it recovers. Ewyon and Sandra if you remember injured him awhile back." Samson talked to him in his teachers tone.

The wolf nodded walking to Shan who is leading Oblivion to an area to keep watch on him. Morgan ignored the wolfs' taunts and looked over to Lynn who is leading the vixen to a different area. He noticed that the vixen looked ill as if she is airsick.

At the current moment, Utah state prison.

Charles, a male human with black hair with hazel green eyes looked at the stainless steel toilet in his cell. The human remembered the night of the change and his cell mate vanishing that night. But he's still in prison for the assault charge due to him not making bail. A couple of days before the changes, he intervened when his neighbor was beating up his son. He heard the young boys' scream and ran to the house finding the mother with a bloodied nose and his neighbor kicking and beating the young boy.

Due to his short temper, the human kicked and beaten his neighbor till the kid beater was unconscious. The wonder us Draper police arrested him for assault and battery. Due to Charles being a loner, he didn't make bail and now he's in the state prison awaiting a pretrial, but due to recent changes on Earth. He's waiting for something, a chance to leave his current prison.

The whole place shook as if an Earthquake has struck the prison. A tearing sound resounded as the ceiling is torn away. A large black reptilian head poked in the main passage with white hair on top of it. "Dragons, this place is being attacked by dragons." Charles said in awe as the large black dragon landed in the passageway and was followed by others.

Obiit grinned as the other evil dragons in their canine forms killed the prison guards. He turned to a red female wolf grinning. "Free the prisoners who might want to join us, but kill the ones who don't."

Milla nodded to Obiit and walked to the cells stopping at each one either opening the cell door or shooting a crossbow she picked up.

Charles looked at the red athro female wolf at his cell door. He studied her liking the orange red pelt with a trace of dark red in it, but those red eyes gave him shivers. "What do you want?" The human asked her.

She grinned at him showing her lethal teeth and growled. "Do you want out of this cell and be freed again?"

Charles grinned back to the wolfess. "Sure, I'll go with your group. I hope the work is exciting."

Milla yanked the cell door opened still doing that dangerous grin. "Oh, human, you're life has just been filled with more excitement."

Charles walked out the cell following the female wolf reminding himself not to piss off this female. He was wondering, where his friend Troy is now at?

The next morning, the good dragons' lair.

Rynn looked towards the lake directing her gaze to the South. A minute later a black shape appeared in the distance, before raising the alarm, a white one also appeared. Breathing a sigh of relief from Sandras' voice replying. "It's us Rynn, how are things going?"

The blonde colored wolfess grinned. "Oblivion is now being quiet, Riva is still ill from the ride Lynn gave her last night. Tell Ewyon that Samson needs her help with something." She relayed her thoughts to the white dragon, and then she notified her father Samson that Ewyon and Sandra are almost at the lair.

A while later, the entrance to the lair.

Ewyon looked at her group of students. The fennec vixen looked at a red colored male wolf with orange red pelt with a trace of bronze mixed into it. Morgan looked at her with his bronze colored eyes.

Mixed emotions went thru his mind looking at the black colored fennec vixen. Standing near him is the only evil dragon who ever injured Samson and his daughter Rynn, the two most powerful good dragons. The stories Samson told the dragons he trained, told of a menacing black dragon. But standing near him is a petite black colored fennec vixen shorter than him. Two weeks ago, she saved his life and carried him back to the lair.

"Alright, I think you heard of me." Ewyon said to the young canines seeing a few staring at her in awe. "I wonder what horror stories Samson told them of me?" She thought to herself. "Samson wants me to teach you young ones a few tactics of how evil dragons fight. Just for your information, my father is nothing compared to Oblivion. His has one big weakness..." The vixen lets the words sink in. "Obiit will fly away from a fight if he thinks his life is in danger. Oblivion will fight you till he kills you or you badly injure him, but he likes to stay in the back lines and he rarely fights only if he thinks that he will win."

A few minutes later, the group of dragons is flying in formation. Morgan looked at the black dragon flying next to him. He knew that Ewyon is almost three times his size. Her voice entered his head. "Alright Morgan, I'll show you young ones one of my favorite fighting techniques." The black dragon suddenly ascended into the sky.

Morgan looked around in all directions in the sky for Ewyon. The other young dragons looking around for the black dragon. With no noise around with only the beating of their feathered wings gave Morgan chills.

"You're dead Morgan." Ewyons' black body dove near him and quickly pulled up to ascended back into the sky. "Put your thumb over the sun to block it."

Putting a thumb to block the sun, Morgan saw a black shape diving near them. "Ok, so that is how she injured Rynn." The young dragon thought to himself.

Later, inside the good dragons lair.

Troy sitting down looking over to Samson. He looked over to John and Dave, the human males who are Rynns' and Sandras' riders who are talking to the leader of the good dragons.

The blonde colored wolf sighed. "Last night, after we took Oblivion and his rider in custody. Obiit, did a jail break releasing around ten inmates from the state prison." The wolf did a look of pain. "They killed the guards and the rest of the inmates who didn't go with them.

Troy remained silent, because someone he knew was at the prison due to the county jail being over crowded and not making bail. "I wonder if he is one of the dead?" He thought to himself looking at the other two human males.

The evil dragons' area.

Charles sat on a large rock looking at the different anthro canines with a few dragons walking around the area that's a rock formation. "You defiantly need the means to fly to access this area." He thought to himself as a male black fennec fox walked to the middle of the clearing.

"Ok, my name is Obiit, plus I am from another world. I came here to conquer this nice world and I don't come in peace. From what I heard, this world is pretty large and do any of you fine gentlemen want any places for your own?" The fox looked around the crowd of inmates. Also last night, the dragons also paid a visit to the women's prison.

During the night, the red dragon Milla talked to him after landing here. She finally let him go to sleep when the sun started to rise. Then he is knocked to the ground as an another inmate started a fight with him.

The inmate who just attack Charles was a known gang member. He started to take out a shiv made from a piece of Plexiglas with one end wrapped with electrical tape for a handle.

Charles manages to keep the weapon from impaling him. He is hit on the side of the head a few times as the other inmate repeatedly hit him. But he managed to keep his facilities as he kept the inmate from badly injuring him. Before he could come up with a plan to turn the tide of this fight, the other inmate is jerked off him.

Milla in her dragon form had the inmate in her jaws. She tossed the inmate in to the air, open her maw wide.

Charles heard the inmate screamed and his body disappeared in the dragons' open maw. He saw the swollen area on her serpentine neck go towards her body. A few seconds later the muffled screams stopped as the bulge went to her body, and then the dragon changed to an anthro female wolf who looked at him and belched.

Obiit who saw the incident laughed. "Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, no fighting or trying to kill each other. The punishment is quite severe; you'll end up being dinner for one of us."

Milla put an arm around his shoulders and looked at him. "I looked around and decided to choose you. You don't mind being my rider?" She asked him.

Charles took a good look at her knowing that she is almost a foot taller than his five foot seven height. He looked over again keeping an extra second looking at her large breasts being contained with a type of bra and she's wearing a lion cloth covering her pubic area. After devouring the inmate who tried to kill him, Milla is still skinny and he's now looking at her lean abdomen. "Ok, I'll be your rider."

A hand tilted his head up and he's looking at her red colored eyes. "Good choice, you won't regret it."

Charles looked at Milla who told him that she's 400 years old. He rode her from the prison doing a rough guess that she's the size of a 757 airliner. The human wondered if he's going to regret his decision as he felt a jolt of energy going in to his body.

Later that day, at the good dragons' lair.

Samson chuckled as he heard the results of how Ewyon trained the younger dragons earlier. "Like I said to you fifty years ago Morgan, she's more dangerous than her father Obiit." He said to Morgan and then looked towards the entrance of the lair. "Everybody get ready for a fight, we have company."

Minutes later miles south of the lair.

Troy, riding Ewyon, held the sword given to him by her. The weapon for its size felt like holding a feather. Next to him is Sandra, Ewyons' sister, her rider Dave is holding a white colored katanna. He looked toward the left front of the formation seeing Rynn with John on her holding a gold colored long handle axe. "Halberd, yeah, he's a med evil fan who use to go to Wynn fairs."

Ahead of him, he saw a black dragon leading a group of other dragons. Ewyon growled when she saw her father. The male black dragon single out Ewyon and started to fight her.

Obiit still doesn't have a rider, so Troy didn't have anybody to fight. He decided to help Ewyon fight her father.

He had to avoid Obiits' large snapping jaws and the human manage to strike him a few times. Ewyon held her own against her father, but Obiit being a coward struck again by biting Troys' right leg off below the knee and Troy fell off Ewyon.

Hearing the air rushing by him feeling a terrible pain clutching the remains of his right leg. Troy looked up seeing Ewyon and Obiit fighting each other. He didn't crashed on the ground, because a set of red colored scaly hands catches him and gently placed him on the ground.

Thru the haze of pain, a figure with black colored hair walked up to him. "Long time no see Troy. I see that you ride the infamous Ewyon, I heard a lot about her old friend." The figure said to him.

"Charles, is that you?" Troy asked holding the stump of his right leg.

"Its me Troy, I am just hanging out with a different crowd. You were one of the few people who treated me kindly, so I am going to save your life. Lose too much blood bud and I'll end up missing our little talks." Charles said tying a tourniquet above Troys' right knee.

Troy flinched in pain as Charles tied the cloth tight. He saw Charles talk to the red dragon. The dragon walked up to him and opened her maw.

"Your still bleeding to much bud, I got to take drastic measures. I am sorry, but I have no pain killers." Charles said to Troy sticking a branch in Troys' mouth.

Troy saw a jet of flame shoot out of the dragons' maw. The flames touched the remains of the right leg and brought severe pain.

Charles looked at the stump and grinned looking at him with red colored eyes. "Well, it looks like your going to live old friend." A black dragon landed nearby hissing at Charles and the red dragon.

"Milla!!" Ewyon replied with menace in her voice in Troys' thoughts. "It's been what, fifty years since we seen each other."

Troy clutching his leg watched as the two dragons circled each other. He thought that they were going to fight, but he heard Ewyon send a message to the red dragon. "You saved Troys' life and so I am going to let you leave in peace Milla."

"It's such a pity that you changed sides' dark sister. Your father is doing a better job than Oblivion. We're going to take this world soon. Maybe if you beg your father for mercy, he might punish you lightly and we might become friends again. As for now Ewyon, I'll leave you in peace because it seems that Troy and my rider know each other." Milla said to Ewyon lowering herself and helping Charles on her.

"Oblivion will heal soon Milla, he's still alive. You might be the one begging for mercy." Ewyon said to Milla.

"We shall see dark sister. We shall see." The red dragon launches herself in to the air.

Ewyon morphed to her fennec vixen form and ran up to Troy who is lying on the ground yelling in pain. "Hold on love, let me get rid of the pain." The vixen says a few phrases laying her hands on the remains of Troys' leg.

A sensation of warm water being poured on him and goes to his mutilated leg and the pain goes away. He watches as a white dragon lands nearby with a copper colored one landing to and darkness.

"They just turned around and flew off." Shan said doing a pained expression when he saw Troys' right leg. It was missing below the knee and the stump is badly charred from Milla breathing fire on it. "You better take him back to the lair Ewyon."

After she finished the spell Ewyon looked at the two foxes. "I almost got him badly injured, but he flew off when I started to win the fight."

"Your father is a coward sister, no offense little sister." Replied Sandra putting an arm around Ewyon.

"None taken, like I always said since Samson allowed me to join his lair. I count Samson as my father Sandra." Ewyon said to the white vixen triggering a snicker from Shan. "What's the matter?" The vixen asked the fox.

"Nothing, nothing Ewyon, you better get Troy to the lair so we can clean that wound." Shan said morphing to his dragon form.

Ewyon morphed to her dragon form and watched as Sandra and Dave gently placed him on her back. She nuzzled Troy with her muzzle who is now unconscious.

Sandra watched as Ewyon flew off to the lair. The white vixen looked at the direction where Obiit flew away and did a sneer. She morphed to her dragon form then Dave climb on her and followed Ewyon to the lair.

Minutes later, the good dragons' lair.

"We got to remove it above the knee, because the flesh is severely damaged." Replied Samson said looking at Troys' leg.

"Don't even think about Samson, I am going to fix his leg." Replied Ewyon looking at the blonde colored wolf.

Sandra knew what Ewyon is thinking. Her younger sister is a more stronger magic user than her. The magician who train her and Ewyon told her that black dragons are as powerful as gold dragons in magic. Oblivion is the only evil dragon that can use magic because due to not trusting any of the other dragons in his group, he didn't train any of the evil dragons in the use of magic. "I bet right now he's regretting it. If he just taught some of his trusted followers some healing magic, he will still be leading the evil dragons. But I hope he takes a long time to heal." The vixen thought to herself watching Ewyon putting her hands over Troys' right leg.

Ewyon looked at Samson. "Dull his pain, I am starting the spell."

Samsons' ears perked up when he heard the words spoken by Ewyon. "I haven't heard that spell in centuries." The wolf thought to himself and his expression turned to shock when he turned to the remains of Troys' leg.

At the base of the knee at the charred area, black bone grown sprouting and growing till it stopped when five toes reformed. A few seconds' later blood vessels snaked around the bones and black colored muscles reformed quivering as it covered the bones. Then skin covered the new lower leg.

"Its doneee." Ewyon replied and then the fennec vixen passed out.

Sandra caught the vixen supporting her. Samson with that look of shock shook his head. "That's a very powerful spell Sandra; better put her in Lynns' area."

The white vixen carried Ewyon to the sleeping area and looked at Samson. "Something tells me that there's a price for doing such a spell."

The wolf nodded and looked at Troys' new leg with glistening black skin. "Every day, she does something very different and unique. Oblivion, you sure lost a very talented apprentice." He looks at his hand with its missing finger. "No, gold and black, doesn't match."

Troy regained conscious and looked at Samson. The human looked at his leg expecting a mangled stump, but his expression turned to shook seeing the shiny black leg. "Ewyon did this?" He asked and went to get up, but he's gently restrained by Samson.

"She's resting right now, that was a powerful spell she used. I've hadn't seen it used in centuries. But sometimes there's a price paid for using it." The wolf see's a look of horror in the human's eyes. "Don't worry, it's usually small and I'll keep an eye on her. Go to sleep, I got to check on her." He says a few words and puts his mangled right hand on Troys' forehead making the human fall asleep." Samson looks at his hand thinking. "Yeah, I better keep an eye on her and keep her here for a few days." The wolf walks to Lynns' area passing Oblivion.

The large gray wolf watches Samson walk by sniffing the air. "MMMMM, the magic of a black dragon, wasn't that traitor Obiit. Was it my apprentice doing it? She and Sandra went north after they left my group. You know who use to live North at our old world Samson. Does the name Nerlin ring any bells in your ancient mind?" Oblivion said in a taunting tone.

Samson looked at the gray wolf with a tinge of green in his pelt. "Yes I know of him Oblivion, and that spell has his mark on it. I think your apprentice Ewyon must have done some extra studying when he wasn't teaching. You know that she's curious and likes to read stuff. If she was hatched in my group, Ewyon would have been a prized apprentice." The wolf did a disappointed look at the ex-leader of the evil dragons. "You screwed up by not teaching your followers all the stuff they need to learn. If you taught some healing spells, you would have still been leading your group instead of being our guest."

The gray wolf did a leer. "Oh, there's going to be changes in my group when I am healed Samson. When I leave, I advise you to move the location of your lair because I have a general idea where I am at now." Oblivion did another sniff in the air. "I've gotten a good whiff of my apprentice, if I was you; I wouldn't have her doing any outside teaching with male dragons."

"Black female dragons don't reach sexual maturity till their three hundred years old." Samson said to Oblivion and started walking away.

"If you see something near her in the next couple of days, don't come crying to me you hatchling." The gray wolf chuckled and lay back down studying the rock ceiling. "What do you get when you mate a good dragon with an evil black dragon? Happen when I was only fifty years old and Samson was an itch between his sires' legs. Oh he was killed when he was just coming out of the egg." Oblivion did an evil chuckle watching Samson walking away.

The next day.

Troy woke up seeing Ewyon looking at him. He noted the black fennec vixen looked a little ill this morning. "Are you ok?" He asked starting to get up, but he's restrained by the vixen.

"I am ok, the fresh air might make me feel better, just lay down and rest. I'll check on you when I am done teaching." Ewyon said to Troy giving him a stroke on the cheek and left.

Samson walked in a minute later looking at Troys' new leg. The blonde colored wolf looked at him with gold colored eyes. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I am ok; something has been bothering me since I've been injured. Ewyon, Sandra and Milla are born evil dragons, but I and Dave still have our original eye color." Troy shudders. "But Charles eye coloring has been changed to red. Why is my eye color isn't amber like Ewyons'?"

Samson thought for a moment and answered. "Ewyon has changed her personality, but for Sandra, that's a mystery. Both of those female dragons disappeared a couple days after a big fight we had with Oblivion. They were missing for seventy years; I have an idea where they might have been at. Because Ewyon is as strong of magic user as me and black dragons are as nasty magic users as they are fighters. I don't want Ewyon as an enemy." He saw Trots' puzzled expression and the wolf slaps his head between his ears. "Excuse me; she was my enemy one hundred and twenty years ago. I just don't want to be fighting her now because Oblivion is not teaching the evil dragons how to use magic. When he became leader of the evil dragons, he didn't teach the magic the dragons have inside them."

Troy watched as Samson walked away looking at his new leg feeling the black skin. He pinched the skin feeling the sharp pain briefly and laid down thinking.

Outside the lair flying south.

Ewyon felt nauseated, cussing to herself hoping that the fresh air will make her feel better. She thought to herself that she'll eat some calm weed when she's done with this lesson and sleep with Troy. "Yeah, plus I might not be completely recovered from that spell. I'll just do this lesson and take it easy after this and cure myself of this nausea." The female dragon thought to herself.

Then the nausea has gotten worse and all of a sudden the young male dragons started to crowd her. Ewyon ascended higher into the sky and only the young male dragons followed her to a higher altitude. Some instinct made her climb higher into the sky.

Morgan followed Ewyon and the other male dragons. Some scent is being emanated from Ewyon, but an urge made him follow the black dragon. Minutes later at a higher altitude, he watched as the other male dragons gave up and flew down to the ground. "Alright, it's just me, dam, she can really fly." The dragon thought to himself as he got close to her. Something exited from him and he felt the cold air on his penis.

Ewyon felt the young male dragon tackled her in the air. She felt his limbs hold on to her body and a rough texture penis enter her.

At a high altitude, the two dragons tangled together started to drop to the ground. Morgan felt Ewyons' high body temperature on his penis and he grabbed her neck and he tightens his grip on the larger dragons' body.

Ewyon sighed as she felt Morgan rubbing her body and the rough penis reciprocating inside her. The dragon felt her temperature rise and a rush went thru her as she had an orgasm. "Dam, no wonder Sandra likes this feeling!" She thought to herself letting out a pillar of flame.

Morgan felt Ewyon do her orgasm and admired her shiny black body. He looked at the ground rushing up to them. The young male dragon roared letting out a pillar of fire as he emptied inside Ewyon.

At an altitude of one hundred feet, the two dragons uncoupled and leveled out.

The evil dragons' area.

Charles rested his head on Millas' lap watching Obiit pace around the area in his fennec fox form. The human grinned remembering that the dragon leader didn't do anything to his followers. All what he did was just sit at his area and told everybody to stay away.

Obiit looked at his followers watching Milla the red female wolf. He broke up with her a couple of days before he banished Oblivion. "Let her have that human, I found someone else. That humans' leg tasted awful, I am sure not going to snack on one again." The fox look over to a female gray wolf with long green head hair; right now Jill is his current interest. "I'll do a round with her later, maybe I'll get an idea while having fun."

Charles relaxed as Milla massaged his head. He noticed the red wolf glaring at Obiit while the fox walked up to a female gray wolf. The human heard a predatory growl from Milla as the male fox started to have sex with the other gray wolf. "I better not cheat on her; I might end up like that inmate who attacked me a couple of days ago." Charles thought to himself.

"Your right Charles, don't you ever think about cheating on me. I was nice to him by swallowing him whole. As for Obiit, I just might chew on him if I ever get the chance as I would do to you." Millas' thoughts said to him as he fell asleep.

The good dragons' lair.

Troy from his bed watched as Ewyon walked in with the younger dragons in their canine forms. The vixen waved at him. "I'll talk to you later love." She said to him as walked by.

The lair of the good dragons next day.

Troy walked following Samson in his wolf form. The human limping is still getting use to the regrown leg created by Ewyon. Sandra and Lynn in their in their vixen forms ran up to the human and the very tall blonde colored wolf.

The white vixen had a mixed expression on her muzzle when she looked at Troy. She turned to Samson. "You better came with us and see this." Sandra said to Samson and she turn to Troy. "You to Troy."

The two vixens and the two males walked to an area with dragons and canines looking at a black dragon. Ewyon in her dragon form is curled around something. She looked at Troy with her amber colored eyes and uncurled herself.

"What the!!!!????" Exclaimed Troy.

"It's an egg." Replied Sandra looking at the round sphere. "But black dragons' eggs are shiny black, but this is different."

Against Ewyon is a five foot diameter sphere. Sandra was right about black dragons' eggs being black. But this egg has streaks and veining of bronze.

"Don't black dragons reach sexual maturity until their three hundred years old?" Ask Lynn looking at Sandra.

The white vixen looked at Troy and at Lynn shrugging. "Well one hundred years ago we were trained by a level ten wizard, that's why I and Ewyon can use magic. Day before yesterday, she used a complex spell to grow a new leg for Troy. I think using that spell caused her to go in heat early.

Samson looked at the egg knowing that Ewyon was training dragons yesterday and there is only one bronze male. He looked around and bellowed. "MORGAN COME OVER HERE YOU HATCHING OR PROPERLY PUT DAD!"

Sorry for the cliffhanger.