The Man from Lycan Guard

Story by ultimadestroyer on SoFurry

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"Tap tap tap tap tap..." the soft sound of black Italian leather resounded through the marble hall as the man's foot met the ground repeatedly. The tapping suddenly stopped, only to be replaced by the clicking of heels against the floor, a heavy sigh now joining in the impatient orchestra as he checked his watch, grumbling, "Nine minutes late...and counting."

Though only 21 years of age, Matt had done well for himself; as an up-and-coming chemist, he had awed fellow scientists with the discovery of new compounds to prevent bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and on his journey of discovery, he had created a multi-million dollar company. But with that fortune had come consequences, the chief one being the creation of new enemies. Now, the six foot tall man waited for his solution to that problem...a bodyguard for hire.

"Lycan Guards...Our men have the protectiveness of a doberman, the senses of a wolf...the timing of a wandering mongrel..." he snorted out, shaking his shaggy blond hair out of his piercing, bright green eyes. He was just about to turn and leave the foyer until he heard three raps at the door. He grunted out an impatient "Come in...quickly."

The unmistakable sound of hinges creaking met his ears as he looked down to check his watch again...19 minutes late. Brows furrowed to a scowl and his jaw tensed a bit as he turned around, starting out "Nice of you to show up...I can understand a few minutes late but that was ridiculous yo-" whatever insult he was about to fire out was lost, deflected off the wall of a man in front of him. The finger he had been holding up lowered quite a bit as his clenched jaw began to droop, opting to simply stare up at the behemoth before him...towering up at a healthy 6'7" stood what Matt could only suspect was his bodyguard. The tower of hardened muscle looked down at him, an eyebrow perking up and a slight smile spreading across his face as a somewhat surprising gentle voice spoke out "Sorry about my punctuality...the train arrived late."

Matt just remained there, mouth still ajar as his bright green irises stared up at the glowing amber ones above him. The man was truly something to behold....short cropped white hair rested on top his head like a blanket of freshly fallen snow that ended just above a set of slightly pointed ears, glowering amber eyes twinkled softly and that grin across his face showed a very toothy smile...the chemist shook his head, clearing those thoughts out of his mind. Jaw snapped shut, throat was cleared and his scowl returned as his glasses were pushed up the bridge of his nose "Oh, I see...still, you could have called ahead, letting me know you would be a bit tardy..." Once again, eyes wandered up and down the muscled man and he sighed, turning quickly and motioning for the new employee to follow "Come now, you may not like it but we're going to have to change your wardrobe...jeans and a t-shirt aren't exactly proper attire for business meetings you know."

The pair travelled down a hallway, taking a left, then a right, the only sound between the two of them were their footsteps. Matt perked an eyebrow, steps slowing a bit as they approached a door at the end of the hallway, "You can talk...say your name, interests, hobbies...I don't know, rant about your pets?" the man was grasping for anything to break the silence that enveloped them. Luckily, as he started to turn the doorknob of a room on the left, he heard a soft chuckle followed by an "Of course Sir."

Matt winced as he heard it, shuddering a little and sticking his tongue out while he pushed the door open "Umm, yeah, please don't say that ever. I'm not a "sir" I'm a Matt. Now, go over to that closet and try on a suit you think will fit you...there's about every size known to man in there so get to it...mystery bodyguard." His hand met his forehead as that last part came out, almost not believing he allowed it to slip past his lips.

The chuckle the bodyguard had let out before turned into a booming laugh at this point. The deep, rich sound of a lightly accented voice reverberated around the room as the the still nameless man moved to rustle through the closet, immediately going to an end and pulling out the largest suit in there. The giant immediately tossed it on the bed, large digits trailing down to fumble with his jean's button, quickly undoing the clasp holding the denim around his hips. Next came the zipper, the little metal tag moving downwards as it parted the teeth, the man's pants dropping down to his knees while he spoke out "Well, my name is Kir and I'm actually from Siberia...I got into this business when I was about...oh 17 yea-..."

Whatever Kir had said next was lost on him...Matt was too busy staring at his new bodyguard undressing right in front of him as if he were a stripper for hire. Blood was rushing to his face, turning it a shade of bright scarlet while he watched the unplanned strip-tease unfold...he squirmed in place as the scene progressed, jeans being kicked off to reveal a very tight pair of black boxers clinging to his new employee's frame...and as his eyes wandered down to examine an extremely large looking bulge protruding proudly against the boxer's fly, the blood pooling in his face quickly found a new target to begin invading.

Kir continued his undressing, still completely oblivious to the effects he was causing in the man only a few feet away from him. Just as quickly as the pants had come off, the new ones were put least...Kir had attempted to put them on. The best he could do was cover that large bulge he had unwittingly been showing off as he grunted out "U-uhm...don't think they'll fit Sir..."

Matt's hands immediately moved to hide his growing erection, slouching a bit before letting a hand move up to cover his mouth and an obviously fake cough (at was obvious to him) "Ah...well...we'll have to bring in a tailor then. I didn't imaging you'd be so...erm...'bulgy," the last word caused his face to blush an even deeper crimson, "but, anyway, try not to undress in public like that; would be bad for my reputation to hang around such an obvious...exhibitionist." He quickly turned around, blush and erection now invisible to the near stranger as he hurried down the hall to a washroom...he had all but disappeared when a stern voice yelled back "And I said don't call me Sir!"

Kir heard a door slam from somewhere in the mansion, pants still half-draped around his frame...his nose wiggled and ears perked, the scent from before finally reaching his sharp nose. The new bodyguard raised an eyebrow as the smell of arousal began to surround him, wondering why he would be smelling such a thing now. He moved forwards, almost tripping due to the pants still tangled around his legs, but rebalanced himself just in time to prevent his meeting with the floor. Arms waved a bit in the air as he steadied himself...a thin blush spreading over his face as he realized he really didn't have any pants on, the "exhibitionist" ringing through his mind. He whimpered a little bit, grabbing his jeans and pulling them up quickly, sniffing through the air. His eyes closed and he wandered around blindly...following that slightly musky scent of male attraction...

Matt shut the bathroom door, panting a bit as he slapped a palm against his forehead "Stupid, stupid, stupid...why would that...that..." his eyes screwed shut and all the dog references from earlier appeared in his mind "That stupid mutt do something like that?! Honestly, it's like he's never been around civilized society before..." But as he spoke, his posture slumped a bit, pupils dilated and breathing became more relaxed. Slow breaths in and and out...the man sighing as he felt his erection die down, slowly making his way to the sink. A handle was turned and cold water flowed downwards, the liquid quickly caught in eager hands to splash across the crimson face looking back at the chemist. That man...Kir...he was so wild so...different...he was like a problem that Matt couldn't figure out...yet. He dried his face and looked in the stood up at odd angles, but after the display he'd just witnessed, a bit of unruly hair didn't matter too much. He adjusted his tie and swung the door open, taking a step out of the bathroom only to crash into a wall of muscle.

He grunted and fell backwards, looking up, astonished to see Kir there...once again his mouth hung open, the man a bit dazed as he remained on the ground, " did you know where to find shouldn't have been able doesn't make se-" he shook his head and quickly got up, his face once again scarlet as he moved past his new protector, stating "C'mon...we'll be late."

The bodyguard chuckled and followed. Though he was about to offer a hand to help Matt up, the smaller man quickly rushed past him, causing Kir to jog to keep up with him. He tilted his head, a small grunt escaping his throat before he asked "Ummm...late to what?"

Matt was just about to answer with some sort of caustic statement but stopped suddenly, turning on his heel and walking backwards eyebrow arched and he asked "Wait...nevermind did you find me before? It's not like you just guessed where to go and found me like that...there are too many hallways and choices for you to pick and get lost from." He was make it to him so easily and to WAIT was an impossibility. He just kept walking backwards, waiting for an explanation.

That giant of a man laughed and shrugged "Oh, that? Well, I just tracked you, there was really nothing to it." He offered up a small smile and shrug of the shoulders as a sort of afterthought, both of which just made Matt frown and give out an unpleased grunt.

"Okay, that did absolutely nothing to answer my question, so let's try this again. What do you mean you "tracked" me? What, did you tie a little string around my ankle and follow it to the door? Or did you find some shoe prints on the tile that led to where I was?" He was only answered with a raised eyebrow and a greater angle of head tilt, making the chemist slap his forehead with an open palm, his hand sliding down to his nose, pushing his glasses up while subsequently holding the bridge of his nose. He looked at his new employee, feeling a tad exasperated before he chuckled a bit, smirk spreading across his lips as he joked "Or what, did you sniff me out with that 'Nose of a bloodhound' or whatever?" He laughed a little, eyes closing at the joke as he wiped a tear away...somehow managing to stay up as he marched down the halls backwards. At the sound of silence, he opened his eyes to see the head tilt greaten, and the man give out a little grunt, "You flier I had before advertising you?"

Kir still looked befuddled, big, meaty finger scratching at a temple before he stated simply "But...I did sniff you out...I told you, I tracked you!" He smiled, proud of himself for that feat...but as he said it, Matt's eyes widened and he stumbled, toppling towards the floor for the second time that day, landing flat on his ass with a dull thud on the marble floor. He just sat there for a bit, trying to process what was just said before quickly getting up, Kir's outstretched hand ignored as he began brushing the dust off his black slacks and thinking.

The pair had reached the foyer once again, the two enveloped in silence as Matt's thoughts raced through his head at a million miles a minute. Doors were pushed open thoughtlessly as he began linking things together...the tracking, the flier, the...fangs? The two had reached the car that had been waiting for them, Matt turning and pulling the door open, just before he turned around, accusatory finger held into the air "Okay, you said you tracked me can a human do that? It's just not possible, the smell receptors of a human nos-"

He was cut off by a chuckle as Kir crossed his arms a little bit, shrugging as he simply stated "Well duh, I'm a werewolf. That's why I could smell you!" Instead of sharing a laugh with his new employer, he just received a blank stare and slackened jaw. Kir's smile faded to a slight frown as he gulped a little bit, eyebrows arching as he stuttered out "Y-you didn't know? But, that mutt comment in the bathroom and...surely someone told you tha-" this time he was cut off as Matt slid into the car silently, the silence this time heavy...almost oppressing.

His face hidden from view, the chemist simply stated, "'s true're a wer...werew..." Kir heard a noise as if Matt was choking on something, he frowned as he realized the reaction was caused by him. He was just about to utter an apology and leave before he heard the choking lighten to it? "Bahahahah!'re like...a guard dog then!" Matt had burst out laughing, head in his hands as he roared out uncontrollably...face turned a soft shade of pink, deepening to a light crimson as tears rolled down his face, all the while, Kir shuffled awkwardly in place, a scarlet blush lining his cheeks. Once again, he was about turn and leave, but a hand waving him inside and a gasping "Well...are you...coming?" stopped him. He moved to sit inside the car, face matching that of his employer, yet for a very different reason.

The man continued laughing for an unbearably long time, or, at least it seemed that way to Kir who just sat there, red-faced and fidgety. It took 10 minutes and a couple of giggle fits later to finally allow the werewolf to properly ask " didn't know then..."

Matt only nodded and gave out a little snort as he composed himself, clearing his throat and fixing his tie as he took his glasses off, wiping a bit of wetness from the tears off, "Of course I didn't. What kind of person automatically thinks because some agency has a word with Lycan in it that the person they send over is a werewolf! Where's the logic in it?" he tapped his head a few times and gave out a chuckle as the man beside him just tilted his head...blushing harder and nodding. The reaction was, honestly, adorable, and Matt couldn't help but give out a little snicker as he moved to sit by his protector, giving the man's head a little pat as he grinned "Oh come on, it was funny, you have to admit it!"

Kir only gave a little smile back and a soft purr-like grunt as his white hair was ruffled, "Heh...I guess if you say so...Matt." The two looked at each other seriously, the look lasting mere seconds before grins broke out on both their faces and they both started cracking up, the driver in front rolling his eyes and putting the window partition up.

It had been a week since Kir entered Matt's employ, but much had happened. Meetings, lectures, shopping for suits that fit...the pair had been on the move constantly, not even returning home once since that first day. They were always on the move, and with that came a lot of free time...much of it filled with awkward silence, but today...something was different. Matt pounded a clenched fist on the side of the door, causing Kir to jump up and give out a little bark, "Okay, we're going to play a game's gonna be the opposite of the Quiet Game, right? So, I'll start us off, how did you become a werewolf? Were you born like it or what?"

The man across from him blushed, the bodyguard dressed in black and white finally gaining some color as he gave out a hoarse reply, ", I wasn't born like that. It happened when I was very young...I was caught in a snow storm and I took the wrong path home. It got dark so I approached some dark figures, thinking they could help out." Kir moved a hand, touching a spot below his lip were a scar resided, "They, heh, couldn't really help out that much." He offered a small smile before turning to look out the window, apparently deep in thought, a pained look painted across his face.

A palm met Matt's forehead as he made the mood only worse, trying his best to recover as he stated haughtily "Well, that's one question answered. Now, it's your turn, ask anything you want pup." he smirked as he said the last word, watching as Kir's ears flicked a bit, blush spreading across his cheeks and a faint smile working over his lips. He was indeed very pup-like, easily exciteable, easily entertained, easily distracted.

Kir looked back and sighed happily, seeing his employer's usual smirk and cocky attitude making him squirm a bit and sigh out, every depressing thought he once had floating off into space, forgotten. A finger tapped his chin as he thought aloud " there a Mrs. Matt?"

Kir looked down and went wide-eyed, watching as Matt's face flushed from peach to white to hot red...he squirmed a bit and let out a nervous laugh "Heheh oh, that? Nooo, I'm...erm...much, too busy! Yes, I can't meet a lot of, well, ladies when I'm out doing stuff like this every week!" Kir only let out a little laugh and nodded understandingly, allowing Matt let out a sigh of relief, glad the matter wasn't being pressed into. In reality, if he wanted to, he could have had almost any girlfriend he wanted but...ever since college he just didn't really have much interest in women. Sure, he could admit to a few good looking gals how beautiful they were...but those were just compliments. It was his turn to look out the window this time, squirming uncomfortably as he muttered out, "Well, last werewolf question you really change during full moons and stuff?"

The bulky man chuckled, giving out a little shrug "I guess I never really thought about it. Usually I just change when I want, but it's possible that I change when She reaches her peak...after all, when She's empty I feel pretty weak and lethargic." He chuckled out happily, muscles flexing through the suit as if to show off how it wasn't a new moon. Matt only rolled his eyes as he gave out a little laugh himself.

"Yeah, yeah, keep flexing mutt, scare all those scary muggers and burglars away." Kir only laughed a little more and Matt scoffed, looking out the window as they continued to question each other. With every answer and new round of questions, it seemed that Kir had warmed up while Matt only became colder, trying to keep a set distance from him and his employee. They talked about important stuff and trivial matters...Matt was the middle of two brothers and Kir had a sister; both of them could cook, although very different things (Ukranian verse Russian meals); one played an instrument while the other wrote. Stories and experiences flowed out from each of them, the game stopping and starting back up every time they moved from the car, as if that was the only suitable place for keeping the questions alive. The questions continued day after day, week after week, and before they knew it, over half a month had passed since the first round they played.

"Thanks for reading, I really hope you enjoy it!" came an overly cheerful voice with a forced smile. Matt quickly signed a patron's book and moved on to the next eager customer, glancing at a clock to see how much longer he'd have to continue with the mind-numbing chore. He repeated the phrase, peppering in a "Ma'am!" this time as an overweight elderly woman teetered off happily. This time, instead of glancing at the clock, he looked over to Kir and offered a small smile, holding up five fingers to let him know they were almost done...but instead of an eager smile back he saw one as forced as his own. An eyebrow arched as he looked at the tall, suit-clad man, only to notice how pale he looked compared to that black suit...he was almost as white as his hair. He finished closing a book and stood up, turning to the remaining customers in line and apologizing "I'm very very sorry, but I'm going to have to cut today's signing a bit short...if the everyone could give my agent their addresses and names, I'd be happy to send them a signed copy, free of charge..."

The crowd gave a little whoop and quickly crowded around a scowling agent while Matt quickly making his way over to Kir, grabbing him by the arm and muttering "Hey...are you okay? C'mon, let's get out of here..."

The only response he got was "N-no, we still have...two more minutes...I'll stay. I' a good boy." Matt's eyes widened and a hand moved to Kir's forehead, quickly retracting as he felt the burning flesh. He bit his lower lip, looking around for anyone from his staff, but the only person their besides he and his bodyguard was his agent who was currently buried in an eager crowd of customers. Matt rolled his eyes and took ahold of Kir's sleeve, hooking a massive arm around his neck, leading the pair outside into the chilly Autumn air as his eyes scanned the horizon, spotting a yellow and black checkered car.

"Taxi!!!" he screamed, grunting and dragging the half-delirious guard behind while simultaneously hailing a cab. With a little difficulty he managed hail a cab, then fit Kir into the back seat, climbing in himself and simply stating to the driver "Just...get us to a place to stay. The faster you get there, the bigger the tip." The man grinned and gave a salute, his only answer was the sound of the gas pedal hitting the floor as they took off, speeding down the road.

Meanwhile, Kir gave out a soft groan, eyes fluttering as he passed into a half-sleep...everything was hot...forehead, cheeks, arms...everywhere. He turned and saw Matt patting his forehead softly, worried look plastered on his face. Kir gave out a snort and turned to the side, eyes fully closing now as he thought "Haha, this must be a dream...Matt's only that concerned when we're late for something." And with that, he fell into a deep slumber.

"Yeah, don't worry about the hotel, just be sure to pick us up here tomorrow...okay, thanks. Goodbye." Matt sighed and collapsed on an armchair, the closest "hotel" not exactly a hotel at all, rather a very quaint, very small bed and breakfast. His cheeks burned hotly as he recalled having to explain to the owners they weren't a couple, his bodyguard was just sick. Their coy laughs and winks making his face as red as Kir's was right now, the man taking the only bed there as he rested through his fever.

Matt grumbled, a hand combing through his thick, blond hair; he moved to the window, opening the curtains to stare at the quiet countryside, bathed in the pale light of a swollen moon. His gaze eventually turned back to Kir, the man seeming even more massive as he was sleeping. He gave out a small chuckle as he watched a leg kick out as he dreamed, nose twitching a bit and tongue pushing out of his mouth and hanging to the side. Matt tried to hold back a snort as he began snickering, moving over to the bed and sitting on its edge, looking over his bodyguard. He outstretched a hand,palm resting on a hot, clammy forehead and brushing back shaggy, white hair. Matt suddenly stopped...shaggy? Sure Kir hadn't gotten a haircut since he started his job with him...but the hair shouldn't be this long...should it? His other hand moved to the bridge of his nose, holding it lightly as he let out a long sigh; he grabbed his glasses, folding them up and sitting on the bedside table. "Ugh...stupid mutt, can't even tell when he's sick or not..."

Though his words might seem harsh, he said them with soft smile, his hand had moved back to Kir's forehead, trying to decide if he should get a damp cloth to drape across the hot, clammy flesh. He decided on the former and got up, kicking his shoes off on the way to the bathroom. He grabbed a washcloth and turned on the cold water, letting the cloth soak under the cool liquid as he unbuttoned his shirt, leaving him in nothing but a black t-shirt and jeans (thank God he could dress down today). He gave the washcloth a tight squeeze, wringing out a bit of the held water before folding it in half. Matt moved out of the bathroom and to the appeared that the sleeping man had been having a nightmare. The covers were twisted and bunched up around Kir's form, the half-delirious creature mumbling incoherently as he turned from one side to the other. Matt sighed and moved closer to him, a hand brushing the hair off his forehead again before placing the cool washcloth against it. He smiled as he looked down at Kir, fingers brushing down his forehead to his cheek as he chuckled lightly, the squirming stopping as he did so.

Matt grabbed a hold of the covers and adjusted them, smoothing out the surface and untangling them from sprawled limbs. He gave the bed a pat before looking down at the unconscious bodyguard, smiling a little before giving out a small laugh " know Kir, you actually look pretty adorable like this...just rest up, you'll feel better in the morning." He moved down, blushing a bit as his lips grazed across the man's cheek, shuddering a bit as a surge of electricity ran through his body, leaving him weak-kneed and breathing heavily.

He was just about to pull away when he felt a tug on his t-shirt; Matt looked down to find Kir grasping the black fabric, his lips twitching as he whimpered out a bit, trying to speak from his half-conscious state. Matt bent down a little, his hand once again moving to Kir's clammy forehead as he asked quietly, "What is it Kir? Are you okay? Do you need something to drink?" Instead of a response though, the sick body guard pulled Matt down closer and closer, his lips murmuring something quietly.

Matt's head moved closer and closer to Kir's, his face showing the signs of a creeping blush...a scarlet cheek pressed against an unusually pale one, ears straining to hear what the ill one was saying. But the expected words never sounded, rather, cold lips pressed against Matt's neck, suckling the flesh gently as a rough tongue began to play over his skin; Matt gasped, eyes going wide as his flesh was teased. At first, he tried to push away from Kir, convincing himself that it was an accident, the bodyguard was only doing it because of the sickness...but soon enough those excuses were put to rest. Kir's words finally found the voice they needed, the sick man whimpering out as he gave Matt's neck a particularly long lick "Mmm...taste as nice as you smell Matt..."

Matt's shock only deepened...but this time no excuses could be made for the behavior. His struggling lessened, hands pressed into the bed around the man's thick, muscled chest; with each lap Kir gave to his neck, Matt's eyelids drooped little by little, leaving the male panting a little bit, hovering over the sickly Kir. Yet, that position wasn't held for long; in mere moments Kir had tugged on the black shirt hanging above him, just hard enough to pull Matt onto the bed, the moaning male easily landing on the mattress.

Matt panted out roughly, the air heavy with the scent of growing arousal...he squirmed next to the frame of his muscular bodyguard, taking in deep breaths, wanting more and more of that smell. What he didn't know was that every breath he took in ensured the inhalation of the undetectable pheromones the sick male had been giving off. With each and every breath, both bodies began to heat up, adrenaline coursing through veins as Matt shifted around uncomfortably while Kir lay there, emitting a light growl as the pale light moved to shine over the pair.

It was at this point the heat had become too much for Matt; he quickly grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it above his head and throwing it to the corner of the room. Jeans were quickly unbuttoned, and pulled down as he squirmed next to Kir, his lips moving to mimic the bodyguard's, suckling neck flesh tenderly as he closed his eyes in heated bliss. And with each passing moment and kiss to the neck, Kir seemed to regain some of his vitality. Hands moved, grabbing onto Matt's waist and pulling the male on top of him; Kir growled out, that toothy smile glinting in the moonlight as his hips began gyrating up into Matt. Soon enough, the bodyguard's own shirt was yanked off, carelessly tossed aside, revealing a set of pecs and abs that could only be described as Herculean. Biceps flexed involuntarily in the dimly lit room, a hand moving so it could scratch at Matt's head as a deep voice spoke out teasingly, "It's okay, you can explore little one."

Matt glanced down, giving out a small whimper as he stared into the glowing amber eyes below him, the things seeming so animalistic...but, he knew it wasn't an animal he was lying on top was Kir. It was his bodyguard, his protector; he knew he could trust those shining irises. He pulled away from Kir's neck, nodding a little as trembling hands tentatively made their way to each of Kir's arms. Matt let out a soft groan, digits rubbing over the tensing muscles softly; each touch bringing forth a crescendoing moan, his vision fading a bit as zig-zagging sparks filled his eyes. All the while, Matt's head lowered more and more, eventually finding himself eye-level with his bodyguard's chest; he coughed a bit, his throat drying out as he thought about what he was doing. Soon enough, those thoughts were pushed aside as his lips wrapped around a pert nipple, his tongue lapping at the nub gently, the male only stopping to enjoy the sound of the giant below him moaning and growling out in pleasure.

The smaller man rubbed against his partner, lost in the pleasured haze of the night; hands teased along hard muscle, Matt finally understanding just what his bodyguard was capable of. Kir's response was but a slow chuckle, a large hand moving to gently scratch the back of Matt's head. With each flex of his fingers, the chemist could only gasp out, the feeling amazing, unlike anything he had ever felt. He pulled off of Kir's chest, panting lightly as the feeling began to intensify, oblivious to the changes the other man was experiencing; as the moonlight poured down on the pair, the male on the bottom began to thrash a bit, snarling as he rubbed against the other. Kir's fingernails began to grow out, the soft keratin beginning to darken from a pearly white to a dirt brown, the color eventually fading to a deep ebony as the blunt ends lengthened, sharpening into dull claw tips. Muscles bulged under the still exploring hands, growing out and filling those outstretched fingers, yet, this only seemed to encourage Matt, the human grinding further into the male below.

Clawed hands moved from blond hair to an arching back, teasingly rubbing the tensing muscles before they lowered down to Matt's jeans, tugging the things lower as Kir chuckled out, a broad tongue sneaking out to lick his lips "Mmmm, let's get the pup out of these." With that, the denim pants were yanked off, the dim light of the room allowing the changing man to watch a crimson blush sneak across Matt's face...a blush the same color as the boxer's Kir had begun to pull down. The elastic was just about to pass over the large bulge tenting the fabric, but suddenly the clawed hands stopped...Matt whimpered out, his length begging for release, but instead of the hot flesh meeting the cool air a snicker resounded through the room.

The bodyguard laughed, his bright white teeth glinting a bit as they grew down further, the canines extending downwards while the rest of his flat teeth appeared to sharpen, the enamel quickly eroding to thick points. Rough hands took ahold of the boxers while that deep voice boomed out, commenting on the pattern of the fabric: tiny little dog bones decorating the rich, red cloth. "Hmmm, so you like bones huh? Well, I seem to see a nice, big, juicy one right here!" Kir spoke out enthusiastically, finally letting the waistband slip past the tent, the other's erection bobbing up and down as it jutted out proudly.

Matt blushed out fiercely, hands moving to try and hide his bouncing length, squirming uncomfortably above Kir. His head shook back and forth gently as his eyes closed, his thoughts moving a mile a minute as they tried to pass through the lust-filled labyrinth that was his mind. Somewhere in the back of his head, a little voice was yelling out to stop this, that it wasn't right; that voice almost won out too, for just as he opened his lips, muttering "Nnn-no...Kir we can't...mmph do th-," the other male pushed his nose against the rigid member, audible sniffs passing through nostrils. Matt moaned at the feeling as Kir's nose pressed against his thick shaft, the cut, six inch long member throbbing as the head drooled a single drop of pre.

Kir growled out as he gave the thing a few more sniffs, each inhalation of the other's scent driving his changes further; his nose seemed to turn up a bit, the flesh growing darker, wetter. Soon enough his face began to push out, little by little, the tip of his moist nose flattening out as it bumped against Matt's sensitive tip, drawing forth a gentle moan from trembling lips. Kir grinned at that, his hands moving up to trace soft circles in Matt's stomach, while the other hand took a tight grip on the pulsating shaft, Kir's tongue once again sneaking out to give a provocative lick to his lips, but this time instead of retreating back to his maw, the thing hung out, easily reaching his chin. "Mmm, I haven't smelled this scent in a while Matt...the last time was when you went rushing off to the bathroom when I was trying on suits. It's lucky I'm around this time to take care of it," he chuckled, that coarse, rough tongue lapping up the bead of pre, causing Matt's hips to buck and hand to move up, taking handfuls of silky white hair, pulling Kir's face deeper into his crotch.

Kir gave out a soft growl, grinning as he buried his face in the other male's musky length, his altered tongue moving out to give soft laps to the erect member before him. Each lick drove the other crazy, Matt's hands moving to scratch at Kir's head, a deep rumble sounding through his bodyguard. With each little scritch he gave, Kir's ears began to point more, the once rounded flesh pushing out and lengthening to points, while the organs began to slowly migrate up towards his head, the skin becoming tighter as it pulled back. Soon enough, Matt was scratching behind those new ears while hundreds upon thousands of soft white hairs forced their way out of the skin, giving each of the splayed things a soft coat of downy fur. As he looked down Matt moaned out, the sight of the changing guard becoming too much for him to resist any longer; he humped up, shaft gliding along Kir's face while his digits took ahold of the other's twitching ears, the action making both men gasp out happily.

Kir gave out a growl as the other's hot flesh passed over his face, his tongue passing over the throbbing length every chance he got, each taste of the male causing a little more hair to sprout over his body; the already thick coating of hair on the man's arms and legs seemed to increase, more and more follicles growing out to fill in any bare space. His chest seemed to shimmer as silky white fur began to sprout on his there, each and every hair reflecting the moonlight off of it. Soon enough, those few laps weren't enough for Kir; his cold, black nose moved up to the other's stomach while soft, rubbery lips parted in a sinister looking grin just as he lowered his mouth onto the pre-spurting organ. Matt's eyes shot open as he gave out a little howl of pleasure, hips thrusting back and forth into that warm mouth as he began to lose control. The man could barely speak as his flesh passed over that rough tongue, scraping against each fang teasingly, making him spurt more and more pre into the lengthening muzzle he was humping so desperately into.

The bodyguard wrapped his tongue around the human's shaft happily, his own hands moving down to quickly yank off his pants and underwear as he felt the next change approach. His hand wrapped around his cock, pumping the impressive eight inches of uncut Russian dick as he growled out around the human's meat, happily sucking down the juices it gave. With each tug of his dick, the werewolf growled out a little more, feeling the length start to disappear into that thick foreskin; the tip of his cock moved lower and lower into the tube of flesh as he began pumping hard, the extra skin he was gifted with seeming to absorb the length entirely. Yet, this was obviously not the case, for with a gentle whimper, a pointed tip began to make its way out of tube of skin, the werewolf's member seeming to have undergone a metamorphosis of sorts as it was hidden. A red tapered length pushed out, quickly followed by inch after inch of swollen wolf cock; the four inch thick, throbbing length spurted pre constantly as it grew, passing six inches, then eight...with a little more time the thing stood proudly, surpassing a foot in length as its owner pumped it up and down, suckling the meat he had in his mouth harder.

As the scent of the werewolf's musky pre began to saturate the air around them, Matt began to pant out, giving out little grunts and growls as he thrust faster into his partner's muzzle, his hands moving from massaging ears to rubbing against cheeks as white fur began to sprout out there. It had been only a few moments but the human was already near his end, his thrusts becoming spastic as he tried to hold off the inevitable; Kir could taste how close he was, grinning to himself softly as he ran a meaty digit along his length, coating it in pre before moving it to the human's puckered hole. A dull claw tip teased the hole lightly before Kir grinned up at Matt, lips still wrapped around the pulsating cock as he grunted "Cum boy!" and plunged that finger deep into the man's hot insides.

Matt howled out, hips slamming once last time against Kir's lips as his balls pulled up; sticky, musky seed shooting out of his rigid length as it began to flood the other's maw. Rope after rope of the salty-sweet fluid painted Kir's mouth, the stuff acting as a catalyst towards the werewolf's changes. Fur sprouted up everywhere, covering thick muscles and chiseled features, rushing down the man's arms and legs as if it were a wave. As soon as the soft white fur reached his wrists and ankles, fingers and toes began to curl with pleasure while he gulped down the human's jizz. Palms and soles began to grow rougher, the flesh's color darkening to a soot black with each gulp; circles of flesh began to rise on each toe and finger, while his littlest toes seeming to pull back further and further from the other digits, moving closer to his heel. Bones cracked and shifted, Kir's heels pulled up as if the thing were merging with his ankles, dewclaws forming above his foot as the sensitive black pads pushed out fully, the male's feet turning digitgrade. All the while, his finger continued to pump in and out of Matt, making the human moan and squirm happily; though, when the motion stopped and the finger retreated with a lewd 'slurp,' all Matt could do was collapse onto the werewolf, cheek rubbing against the creature's soft fur as he murmured out a soft "O-oh God...Kir..."

The white-furred creature only snickered a bit, licking up a bit of leftover cum that had spurted on his lips before they once again found their way to Matt's. The human moaned, tongue pushing its way to Kir's mouth, sliding over the creature's fangs and grunting as the other's broad, strong tongue began to wrestle with his. Kir, pulled back, chuckling as Matt shivered again with delight before he fell onto the bed; Kir had moved from beneath him, migrating to the human's backside and resting his claws against the male's hips, the rough pads rubbing against the bare skin, making Matt writhe with pleasure "Heheh, it's my turn pup, get ready."

With that, Kir's thick, scarlet length began to rub up and down the human's hole gently, the tapered tip easing into the slightly loose passage, soaking it with the constant flow of musky pre. Matt's legs spread open further, eager rump rising a little bit as his head buried itself into a pillow, his own length rock-hard once more despite its intense orgasm. The human bit his lower lip, giving out a pained grunt as he felt the massive tool behind him begin to push in, the thing impaling him as it spread his legs wider. Matt cried out once, his toes curling despite the pain that burned through him, yet, despite the pitiful cries, the beast behind him just kept pushing in. Three inches of the thick tool sank into him, then half a foot, the werewolf panting in pleasure as he pulled back a little, his monster cock sinking even deeper into the human's backside.

Matt stayed there, on his hands and knees moaning as inch after inch of hot wolf cock speared him further. The pain had subsided long ago, the male lost in a daze of pleasure as he pushed back against the throbbing dick behind him. He began to growl out a little, snarling as he felt that tapered tip jab against his prostate, the hot, sticky pre coating his insides, making him pant and squirm with delight. Kir's grip tightened on the human's sides, ebony claws digging into soft, supple skin, little streaks of crimson appearing on the man's hips, making him cry out. The fat lupine dick picked up speed, squelching in and out of that loosening hole; large canine nuts slapped against Matt's ass, and soon enough, something new was slamming against the male's hole. The werewolf's knot slapped against Matt's used fuckhole, the grapefruit-sized mound of flesh longing to be trapped with the rest of Kir's cock, and it seemed that's just what the lyncanthrope intended.

Kir's pace quickened, thrusts becoming harder, more erratic; yet all Matt could do was moan out, his own cock pulsing as he humped at the air. He would growl out, thrusting back towards the lupine cock, legs spreading wider as his eyes shut tightly and he shook his head. He drooled out as his hands gripped the sheets tightly, that mound of flesh starting to push its way into the human, stretching him wide. One more thrust seemed to bury the thing halfway into the male, the teasing feeling of being half full making him growl out "F-fuck! Knot me boy! Push it in!"

The command seemed to trigger something in the male above him, the creature's grasp on his hips tightened even more, streaks of crimson dripping down his thighst as the wolf howled out, pulling every last inch of that monster cock out of the human before slamming it back in hard, the knot popping into the male's ass with a lewd 'schlurp.' Matt cried out, his length spasming a second time that night as his bodyguard filled him up, hips pistoning back and forth as the werewolf's knot kept him inside the other. Glistening teeth moved to the Matt's neck, clamping down on the soft flesh to keep the human in one place as the werewolf jackhammered into the male's abused hole; but as he felt those walls clamp down onto his length, he couldn't take it anymore. Kir let out an ear-piercing howl, his massive orbs churned before pulling up, spilling their seed inside that sealed hole, rope after rope of musky, yellow, animalistic seed filling the human, so much spilling forth it seemed to make his belly swell. All the while, muffled cracks were heard in the room, the werewolf's last change finally appearing as spine lengthened, pushing out above his tensing pucker while growing muscle and flesh. Kir's tail wagged eagerly, erupting into fur while Matt fell to his swollen belly, moaning out softly as everything turned into a dark haze, the last thing he remembered was the feel of Kir's rough tongue lapping up the blood leaking from his neck...

Matt gasped, flailing as he awoke. He groaned a bit, looking around the room, shaking his head in disbelief, "I...I can't believe it...that...that that actually happ-" he began as his fingers wandered to his neck to nurse the puncture wounds. What they found instead was filled in flesh, not even a scratch mark had marred his neck skin. The male raised an eyebrow, finding that those boxers from yesterday were still on, and when they were pulled down a tad, unmarked hips were seen. "I guess it was a dream..." he murmured, apparently having fallen asleep in a chair across from Kir, the muscled male curled up in a ball under the covers. Matt sighed and walked to the bathroom, pulling of his shirt and boxers as he stepped in the shower, hand moving down to turn the hot water knob.

Warm water cascaded down, drenching the man as he washed of the previous day's toils, chuckling to himself as he looked down " must've been a dream...otherwise I'd have cum dripping down my legs!" He laughed out a bit, finishing up the shower and quickly getting dressed. He looked at his sleeping protector and shrugged, figuring he'd give the man the day to sleep in and made his way downstairs, making sure to wave at the nice couple at the front desk before walking into the sunlight.

"Have a nice day!" the old woman called after him before chuckling and turning to her husband. "Haha, insisting they weren't a couple! Why, I could hear those two howling out from across the road last night!"