Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1. Shrad

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.1

Shrad Through the Bahn

The Shradians have elected to have Nori lead the party onward for the next stretch of road; staying off the Highway will hopefully provide the group a chance to evade any further notice should the dragon decide to make himself seen again. At this point, the party receives + Delay, and + Danger for their decision, but this may be subject to change based on future decisions. Narration for Part 2 for Shrad will be in 3rd person.

Tolen Lerum sat with his back against one of their wagons. He had been amazed when he saw Tollie repair the lot of them with hardly more than a few gestures and some words of power. When the hyena managed to get them to move without draft animals it was even more surprising. After being exposed to it for long enough, however, the novelty left, which meant that the fox lost his ability to keep his fatigue at bay. Leaning against one of the wheels, Tolen passed the time by reading the only book he was able to scavenge: it was half torn and parts of it were spattered in blood... but it was a book nonetheless.

"Must be an interesting read." Shadow noted, sliding down into a sitting position one wheel away from the fox. Tolen glanced at the dark-furred wolf, whose ears were focused toward him, but whose eyes were more attentive to the fire, and those gathered around it.

"Any book can be an interesting read." Tolen answered, "Just like every person can make a differnce."

"Forgive me if I don't acknowledge the wisdom you're showing while waxing philosophic, but it's been a long day." the wolf offered, exhaustion more evident in his voice than disdain.

"Oh..." the fox's ears splayed out, "I'm sorry... I just meant that I'm surprised she chose you."

"What?" Shadow was suddenly much more astute, turning to stare right at Tolen, "What do you mean by that?" the question held a hint of aggression to it

"Majh." the fox answered, "I'm trying to figure out why she chose you?"

The explanation seemed to put the wolf more at ease and he returned to looking at the fire, "You have your caravan leaders mixed up there, Tolen... Majh didn't choose me... the temple did."

"I believe that you believe that to be true." the fox nodded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shadow questioned.

"Just that not everything we believe to be true is, in fact, true." Tolen answered, closing the book, "I believe there's more to meets the eye than you might think."

"Like what?" the wolf asked.

"Majh chose me to come on this journey." the healer noted.

"So?" Shadow inquired, "You're just one person."

"And Guardsman Sten." added Tolen.

"He was one of her personal guards.... that's a given." the wolf shrugged.

"Her brother knows things." the fox spoke in a quiet, conspiratory tone.

"He's a Diviner... they're supposed to know things." Shadow stated in a bored tone, but the fox could tell that something about the comment struck a chord.

"He knows more than he should, even for a Diviner..." Tolen offered, "I don't know how and I don't know why, but I think Majh had a say in everything about this caravan... and I'm wondering if everything hasn't turned out exactly how she thought it would."

"I would like to think that I would not plan on getting crushed by a dragon if I had any say in it." Shadow answered with a hint of sarcasm.

"Knowing what would happen and being able to change what was going to happen aren't the same thing, Mr Darkfang." the fox pointed out, "If she knew that she was going to meet her end then it would make sense for her to stack the deck in her brother's favor... and, based on what I've heard about her relationship with him, she always wanted to keep him safe."

"So you think that she went around finding ways to get people she wanted in the caravan to take care of her brother after she got crushed by a dragon?" the wolf asked incredulously, "Why not just leave him home instead so it wouldn't be an issue?"

Tolen shrugged, "I don't have all the answers... or even any of them... but I do have a lot of questions and I'm trying to find out what fits best."

Shadow chuckled quietly, "You are a lot more thoughtful than you let on, you know."

"Some folks think that the smartest people are the ones who have an answer for everything while others believe that the smartest people are those who don't feel compelled to try always be the first to provide the answer." Tolen offered.

"You're doing the soap-box philosophy thing again." the wolf pointed out, but this time he was smiling when he said it.

"If we were to assume that Majh DID choose you, would we have a reason why?" the healer asked.

"No." Shadow answered, "In fact, I shouldn't be anyone's first choice." he shrugged, "I'm loyal to the temple, but I've been told far too many times that my lack of interest in killing made me a liability for the most important tasks."

"Thank you again for saving my life." Tolen offered with a smile.

"You're wel--" and the wolf stopped mid-word.

"If they'd have had a different guard along, do you think he or she would have thought twice about cutting off my head once they determined I was going to be a satyr?" the healer questioned.

"No..." Shadow answered, "But that could just be a coincidence."

"A very good one for me... that's for sure." the fox offered, and glanced back to the wolf, "Is there any other reason she might have chosen you? ...assuming she did?"

Tolen didn't miss the way that the wolf's paw went to his sword hilt. Shadow didn't grasp it, rather, he drew two fingers along the cross guard, deep in thought. The longer it took for the wolf to answer, the more Tolen began to think that he might have stumbled onto something... he only had to figure out whether or not it would be something he'd take up with Tollie.

Nori Bahn stood at the edge of camp, gazing out across the vastness of the open ground. He had plenty of experience traveling the trackless wastes around Shrad and, no matter the weather, he always managed to pull through. Considering the City Dwellers' interests in staying on the Highway, the trip should have been easy, but the ferret had learned early on that 'should' and 'will' are two entirely different things when it came to the Wild Lands.

"There will be rain tomorrow." Gaerid spoke, moving to stand next to Nori. The ferret still didn't know exactly what to make of the rottweiler. He was unsettling and and enigmatic and, as far as City Dwellers go, the bounty hunter knew far too much about the Wild Lands.

"Sleet," Nori countered, "but close."

"They don't want to travel the highway." Gaerid pointed out, "They're worried about the dragon returning."

"I would be worried too, if I didn't think it got what it already wanted." the ferret answered.

"But you plan on going off the Highway to humor them?" the rottweiler questioned.

"Highway or no Highway, it doesn't make much difference to me... but every time I have to hear some pompous City Dweller whine about not getting his way it makes me want to scream."

"So... the path of least resistance..." Gaerid noted. To the ferret, it sounded almost as if it were a chiding remark but, as usual, the rottwieler's muzzle held a complete lack of emotion, providing no hints.

"What do you want?" Nori finally settled on asking the question, "Why aren't you back with the others?"

"Because I'm more needed here." Gaerid responded.

"Believe me... that is NOT true." the ferret answered in as amiable tone as possible. Who did the rottweiler take him for that he needed some kind of advisor?

"We should head south and east toward the scrub land." Gaerid pointed out without waiting to be asked for his opinion, "We can find game among the small bushes and we can get a good view of the land... no surprises."

"And also nowhere to take cover if something comes at us from above." the ferret countered.

"I thought you weren't worried about dragons." the county hunter challenged.

"There's more than just dragons in the sky." Nori answered flatly, "I think south and west toward the swamp is a better idea."

"Mmm." Gaerid nodded his head, "I see your point... they'll need you more than ever to stay safe in the swamp."

The ferret scowled deeply, "No... I chose it for the ground cover, fishing opportunities, and because there's less chance of bad weather affecting us."

"And because it'll increase our chances of meeting travelers from Bannihar." the rottweiler noted neutrally, "I'm certain they'll love meeting pilgrims from Shrad seeing as the two cities have always gotten along so well."

Nori opened his muzzle to object about the smart-ass comment, but the truth in it made him pause.

"If we're leaving tomorrow you should consider getting something to eat before sleeping." the rottweiler offered, "Wyse and I will stand watch tonight... they'll need you to help navigate the swamp tomorrow... it's going to be a big day for you tomorrow."

"So it is." the ferret stated without conviction.

"Your chance to shine." the bounty hunter added, heading off on patrol.

"Hmph..." Nori scowled as the dog disappeared into the darkness, "Suggesting the scrub lands... what... is he crazy?" the ferret laughed scornfully, "No... you're no Wild Lander, Gaerid of the Fang." he spoke to the night's air, "You're in way over your head out here."

He sat facing the wide stretch of land a few minutes longer. He'd thought once or twice about the scrub lands, but there were far too many dangers to outweigh the benefits. Pausing at the thought of it, the ferret had to admit that the same was true for the swamp. And what about the Highway was such a problem for the damn City Dwellers? They built the Goddess-forsaken thing anyway! Wasn't it good enough to use to continue the journey? It WAS supposed to be divinely warded, after all. Scowling, Nori stood up and kicked at a rock; did Gaerid have him second-guessing himself? No... the ferret knew exactly what he was going to do.

With little left to be said to the darkness, the ferret gathered up his pack and began his short hike back to the camp. The one thing Gaerid was right about was that Nori needed something to eat and was overdue for some sleep. "My chance to shine." Nori confirmed, and head to the fire to explain the plan to his followers.

* * * * * *

Welcome to Chapter 1, Post 1 for the Shradian Caravan in this, Part 2 of Zion: Light of the New Moon.

We pick up the story after the group has made the decision to continue on. One more night of rest, and then they follow Nori onward to Zion!

Jumping right into things, we're focusing on a discussion between Tolen and Shadow, followed by Gaerid advising Nori... whether the ferret wanted it or not.

Next week will involve discussions between Tollie and Sten as well as some private pondering by Loric. At this point, it's time to decide on what idea Nori decided to go with:

1) Stay with the Highway... it's the best way. (-Danger, -Favor) 2) The swamp, beccause Nori knows best. (+ Dalay, - Luck) 3) The scrub lands, because Nori is flexible with his options ( +Danger, -Luck)

Contributing Readers have until Thursday, November 3rd at midnight. In the case of a tie, or non-vote, the option will revert to #1. Thanks!