Argonians Revenge Part 2 - The execution

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#2 of Revenge

Argonians Revenge Part 2

The Execution

By Kendo Kawabata

"Kill me. Please, just do it. I hate him with every fibre of my being for what he did, for what he's done to us. He makes me sick to my stomach every time he touches me, every time he uses me for his relief. I would rather die then admit that I love him. So please, kill me and end it. Have your revenge for the choices I made, father."

"So you mean to tell me that you knew the plan would fail?"

Malgar gave a smirk from across the table in the main room of his home towards his rather angry looking captain. Rishka, the kahjiit captain of the Scarlet Brigade, was boiling over in anger over the exchange of words between them both.

"Of course I knew it would fail" Malgar said calmly as he leant back in his chair. It was just the two of them in that room, the huge orc looking completely at ease in front of the scowling feline. "Only an idiot would believe something as ridiculous as boiling a river like that" he commented. "Why are you so surprised your mage is that stupid?" he asked.

"And you just allowed my mage to deliver that idea, and have that bastard son of yours upstage him?" Rishka demanded with a furious snarl in his voice. Malgar ignored the scowl. He knew Rishka was good with a blade, and he was fast. But the orc was better than him. He had no reason to fear some angry little kitty.

"Of course I did" Malgar said to him as he ran a finger under his chin a little. "I was simply testing my son, to see what he was capable of" he said calmly. "And he did well. I was happy and pleased with what he came up with."

"Oh, and how did you come up with that idea?" Rishka demanded. "My mage was looking for a chance of recognition with you, and you what, used him?" he snarled. "That little argonian bastard has been your favourite since you claimed him. You devote your time to him outside everyone else, and you do not even give others the chance to prove themselves to you. You play favourites, and you know it" he snarled angrily.

Malgar stood up slowly, letting his height advantage on the smaller feline come into play. But Rishka had never been intimidated by the orcs sheer size. He glared up at the big hulking orc with a challenging glare.

"Rishka, the reason I used your mage, is so that I can promote you" Malgar said calmly.

Rishka was taken aback by the remark. For a moment, he was caught off guard by the sudden explanation, and he couldn't form words for a moment. But a moment later he recovered himself and resumed his glare.

"And how did you hope to promote me by using, and punishing, my mage?" he asked. He couldn't keep the scepticism out of his voice. Malgar chuckled as he moved away from the table and strode over to the window. He seemed rather amused by the whole ordeal.

Out in the area in front of the old inn building, lay the village of Hackdirt, now home to the Scarlet Brigade. He could see his son Roka out in the village, training with several of the others. Two very large imperial males, a kahjiit female and a deep coloured dark elf male were currently trying to bring him down. But the argonian was more than a match for them, even if he was outnumbered.

"You see Rishka, I know for a fact that one of these days I could die" Malgar said as he saw Rishka move up to his side. "I am not stupid. There will come a day when I will no longer be leading the Brigade. The only way that will happen, is if I am killed. And I have no plans on doing that anytime soon" he commented.

Rishka said nothing as he looked out the window with him. Rokas thin and slender form, even in the heavy scarlet covered armour, seemed to dance around the group trying to bring him down. Constant and lengthy training, by Malgars wishes, had made Roka one of, if not indeed, the best in the brigade.

"However, I plan on leading my brothers and sisters of the Brigade until that day happens to come that I die. Although if need be, I intend to lead the brigade by bedside, no matter how old or crippled I may one day become" he said calmly. Rishka snorted slightly to that.

"So you intend to stave off death for as long as possible, and end up crippled and bed ridden, but still giving orders?" he asked. It sounded like something the bigger orc would do. He had always been somewhat stubborn. The idea that the orc would hold off his death like that did not surprise him.

"What, would you have me leave the brigade instead? Find something so pathetic as love and surrender my command just because I found someone who 'completes' me as they say?" he said with a smirking smile. "I have no intention of that. Even if the day comes for me to retire my blade, I will command still" he said firmly.

"So, you meant to say you wouldn't retire with your son like anyone else would expect you to?" RIshka said with a smirk. It wasn't the first time one of the captains or even one of the soldiers in the brigade had fallen in love with a member of the brigade or one of the slaves and had tried to leave for that reason.

"You think I love him?" Malgar said with a smirk. "Don't be stupid. He may be a son to me, but he is nothing more. I may care for him, yes. But I wouldn't lower myself to the standards of 'love' for someone like him. He is replaceable, just like everyone else" Malgar said firmly. "Just as you yourself know" he added, almost as an afterthought.

One of the imperial males let out a cry as Roka swung his akivari katana in the air, an arch of scarlet blood flying in the air as he sliced between the openings of the greaves and chest plate in the males armour, making the tall male crash to the ground in agony.

"So, what does this have to do with my supposed promotion?"Rishka asked after a few moments of silence.

"Roka has proven himself time and time again to be exactly what I wanted. A future replacement as leader of the brigade. I have no doubt that under his command, he could possibly do what I cannot. Take on the Imperial City itself" Malgar said to him as he crossed his arms over his bare chest.

"In the past six years we have indeed grown in numbers, albeit slowly. Our base here can only get bigger in the years to come. And heck, maybe one day soon we could move north and take down Chorrol, or even move south and destroy the city of Anvil" Malgar continued.

"That always has been a goal in mind" Rishka admitted. He watched as Roka, without hesitation, slammed a fist into the female kahjiits face, a spray of blood erupting from her now broken nose as the argonian kicked her in the stomach and sent her sprawling.

"But, to get Roka ready for that, he needs to be tested" Malgar continued as he watched. "And this was one such test. I asked you to get your mages to come up with an idea to take down our next target, Roarks tower" he said. "And one of them did. But the idea I wanted was not one to be successful" he said.

Rishka narrowed his eyes slightly. He could start to see where this was going. But he ddnt want to interrupt him. Having a stupid answer to his chief could prove costly.

"I let Roka in on the plan, hoping that he would, by himself, come up with a better way. And he did. It is indeed clever, and, although we have to actually see if it works, I have little doubt that it will" he said.

"So, by bringing him a weak plan, you got to see if he was actually smart enough to see past its faults" Rishka said, nodding his understanding. It was a good tactic.

"Although if he didn't, that would just mean he needs more training" Malgar said. "Or we'd work out a better plan together" he added. "I had the bases covered, so to say" he said.

"So what will happen now? Are you going to go though with it?" Rishka asked. The dark skinned elf was next to go down, another flash of Rokas katana nearly cleaving the males left hand off, sending him to his knees as he clutched at the near severed stump.

"Of course" Malgar said with a light chuckle. "I fully intend to see if this works. We will be leaving come light first thing tomorrow. We should arrive at Roarks tower within a day or so of riding. Once there, we will do as Roka suggested. The river that flows under the tower will be blocked off at the end, and the pressure from the water that builds up underneath should be enough to either make the tower fall, or flood from the inside" he said.

Rishka nodded. It was an interesting plan to see if it could work. Roka was obviously creative.

"And if it succeeds?" RIshka said.

"Then I will promote him to captain" Malgar said. "And with that promotion in hand, you will be relieved of duty, and promoted yourself to Commander in chief" the orc said. "You have been in the brigade for almost as long as I have, and I can think of no-one else i would rather have lead us should my death come" the orc said.

Rishka grinned. Second in command of the brigade itself. Now that was a title worth using his men in such a way to obtain.

"I am honoured you think I am ready for such a position" Rishka said.

"But that is not the best part" Malgar said. "As much as I love burying myself in Rokas body anytime I wish, it is about time to share him. By making him captain, anyone, including yourself, may have their way with him" the orc said with a smirk.

Rishka felt his mouth watering. He liked that idea very much. Many in the brigade were eager to get their hands on the argonian boy. Although most would not have cared, the fact that he was off limits and exclusive only to their commander over the last six years had made him something of a prize to desire over.

Although the only thing stopping them wasn't any sort of respect for their commanders wishes, it was the simple fact that if Malgar caught any of them even touching Roka in such a way, they would be castrated and sent to live in the caverns underneath Hackdirt to live with the rest of the slaves that stopped them.

"So, if he becomes captain, he is then available?" Rishka said with a grin. "He always did remind me of his mother. He may not be aware of it, but he does have similar eyes that remind me of her" he said with a grin. "Oh, the things I did to her" he murred to himself.

"If he fails, you can do more then just that."

RIshka looked up in surprise once more. He thought he didn't hear him properly.

"What do you mean by that?" Rishka asked.

"If the plan fails, then by all means, Roka must be disciplined. The fact he is my son does not mean he is excluded from being punished" Malgar said so calmly that it was obvious the thought of his son being punished didn't affect him at all.

Rishka found himself grinning again.

"And who better to punish him, then the new commander in chief?" Malgar said. "His failure means your promotion anyway. Because it will be up to you to pick up the pieces of his failed plan" he said. "I'd expect a future commander in chief be able to pick up where a failed plan left off and lead us to the glory of victory" he said with a grin.

"You thought this through all the way' Rishka said with a grin to him.

"Of course I did. And if he is to be punished, you may do more then what you did to that slut of a mother you practically fucked to death" Malgar said with a laugh. "After all, a punishment is meant to hurt" he said.

Rishka found himself chuckling as well. He looked out of the window as he watched Roka bring own the last of his sparring partners, the last imperial male laying sprawled out on the grass, a thick open wound across his right shoulder. Roka simply stood and sheathed his bloodied blade, not a single mark upon his body.

"So, if you planned on having my mage come up with a bad plan in the first place, why did you punish him by slicing his ear off?" Rishka asked casually.

"Because any mage who comes up with an idiot plan of that level, deserves a punishment" Malgar said. Rishka merely chuckled to that. It made sense.

The following morning....

Roka finished adjusting the armour on his torso, making sure the straps were tightly secured in place before he picked up his gauntlets. They were freshly polished, the scarlet coloured metal shone brightly without a trace of the blood from the group the previous day.

Malgar and the soldiers he had chosen to take with him were outside, gathered in the middle of the village as they were finishing their preparations. They were due to leave at any moment, heading for their destination.

He slid the gauntlets on slowly, filling the iron casings that held his fingers as he moved them a little, seeing how easily they moved with his digits. He couldn't help but think of what Malgar had said to him the previous night, right before he had pounded him into the mattress.

"A captain, here, of the brigade' he said to himself as he picked up his silver dagger. The blade was polished to perfection, without a single nick along the edges. It was the only weapon he had that hadn't tasted blood yet. He was waiting for the right target. A certain green orc always came to mind.

"I don't know how to feel about that" he thought to himself as he slid the dagger into its sheath, then picked up the katana. The long and deadly sharp blade gleamed from the fresh polishing, and he could almost see a perfect reflection of himself in the blade. He looked a little closer. He noticed he was getting a light green colouring in his cheeks. Argonian skin went through colour changes in their lifetimes. It was one of the signs he was still maturing.

He pondered a little as he thought over the promise in his future. To be a captatin at an early age like this, who wouldn't want it? But he didn't want it. He wanted out. He wanted to kill Malgar, and make him pay for bringing him tinto a life like this. He growled a little as he held the blade tightly in his fist. He wanted to plunge this blade into the orcs heart and twist it around until the bastard stopped squirming.

"I can't forget what he did to us, what he did to my parents. And what he did to me" he said to the reflection in his blade. "I want to look him in the eyes as I end his life."

But then that feeling appeared in his chest, surrounding his heart with a cold and empty void that made him hesitate. He felt his hand shake and his grip loosen at the thought of actually doing it, of actually killing him and removing him from his life. He slowly lowered the blade, confusion clouding his mind.

"Why do I keep feeling this? I know what I want" Roka said as he stared at the floor for a moment. The feeling started to lessen, leaving his chest as his heart returned to normal. But the doubt was still there.

"Do I?" he wondered to himself. That thought did not sit well with him. He shook his head in confusion as he slid the blade into its sheath at his side. "No, I do. I do know what I want. I want to kill him" he said to himself as he shut his eyes.

"My name is Roka Sunder. My mother is Mallie. My father is Oba. I was their son. Malgar took them from me. My mother is dead and my father is dying. Malgar is not my father. I am not his son. I will never be. And one day, I will make him pay for the sins he committed" he said in the quietest tones he could dare to utter.

But he didn't feel better after repeating his prayer, the constant reminder of his desire to have revenge on the orc that had ruined his life and the life of his family. That feeling started to come back, that confusion and hollow emptiness that clouded around his heart.

"Dammit" Roka breathed as he clenched his fists in anger. "I know what I want. I want him dead" he snarled as he slammed his fists against the wall of the bedroom, his anger taking over as he snarled. He slammed his fists against the wall again as he felt like screaming.

What was wrong with him? He knew what he wanted. So why did it feel like he didn't?

"I can't love him. I just can't" he said to the old wooden wall as he held himself against it by his fists. "I can't..." he almost whimpered as he wanted to scream, to cry, to destroy something. His mind began to cloud in confusion and mixed emotions as he tried to understand what was wrong with him.

"I..." he whimpered softly. He couldn't even finish that sentence. He didn't know how to. He knew what he wanted, or he thought he knew what he wanted. But he couldn't admit it out loud. Why was it so difficult now, of all times, to speak it?

He slowly lowered his hands as he stepped back form the wall, his heart pounding within his chest. That feeling inside him had lessened somewhat, but it wasn't going away. For some reason, it was holding itself around his heart, as if to remind him it wasn't going away.

He had the chance to murder Malgar the other night in the bathroom. And the previous night, when it was just the two of them in the study. But he couldn't do it. Something stopped him doing it, that weird feeling that almost felt like longing that he could only interpret as love. And why, when Malgar had told him of his promotion, did the idea not repulse him?

He didn't know what to say as he walked to the door. He did know he had to bid farewell to Malgar as he always did, but he had no idea what to do until he got back. He was used to having Malgar around, or accompanying him on his quests and missions. But the few times, like this time, that he was left behind, he always felt lonely during it. It was like...

"I can't miss him" he snarled to himself as he wrenched the door open. He felt like pulling it off its hinges and throwing it against the window, if just to break something. The strange and confusing feelings that were streaming around inside him were starting to make him feel light headed and slightly off balance as he made his way down the stairs.

Malgar was waiting for him, the huge orc stood beside the front door wearing as usual his scarlet greaves and boots, and nothing else.

"Roka" he said as he saw the argonian walk down the stairs. "Is something wrong? You" Malgar commented. There was some slight concern in his voice, but Roka knew it was not the kind and caring concern.

"I'm sorry father" Roka said, his face re-equipping the emotionless mask he usually wore as he stepped off the last step and onto the floor. "I must have woken up with a headache" he said casually, as if it was no big deal. Malgar narrowed his eyes a bit as he took a few steps forward till he was in front of the smaller lizard.

"Is there something wrong" he asked. He cupped a large green hand under the boys chin and lifted his head up to look down at him. Roka could feel the orcs gaze on him and he met his eyes evenly.

"I will be fine" Roka said to him. "I am still a little overwhelmed by the good news you gave me last night" he said to him. "I never expected to hear something like that from you father" he admitted.

Malgar said nothing as he looked down at the argonians face. For a moment the two of them looked into the others eyes as they seemed to each seek answers to questions that they didn't know the other was asking. After a few long moments Malgar finally pulled away.

"You've come a long way from the small pitiful boy you were when I first found you' he said with a smug smile across his features. "I remember you crying that night" he said.

"You scared me" Roka said simply as he stood at ease. "And I didn't know any better back then. If I had known the type of life you were about to give me, I would have welcomed it more easily" he said.

"Wait....did I just say that?" Roka thought suddenly. The words he had just said, they had come out easily. Way too easily. And they did not feel like the lies he usually had to speak around the orc. Malgar smiled, looking impressed.

"Well, of course" Malgar said to him. "This life is the life for you, my son. You fell into it almost naturally, as if you were made to be a brother of the brigade" he said.

"Thank you father" Roka said once he regained himself and nodded his head low in a small bow towards the orc. "And it is an honour to serve the bridage, and an honour to be a captain within it" he said to him.

An honour to b a captain. Something about that statement felt way to easy to say, as if his mind had already decided he should speak it.

And, why did he feel...pride? Why did the idea of captain ... appeal to him?

"It is an honour that you deserve well my son" Malgar said with a smile as he put a hand on the boys shoulder and gave it a squeeze on the armour. "You have potential to lead this brigade one day. And becoming a captain is just the first step towards it" he said as he drew Roka towards the door.

"Thank you father" Roka said. His hand brushed against the handle of his silver dagger as Malgar took a step ahead of Roka and went to open the door. For a moment, his attention was focused on the door and his back was exposed.

Roka knew he could do it then. His eyes travelled briefly down Malgars thick scarred back to the spots against his lower region that held his kidneys. Roka could draw the dagger and twist his wrist around and drive the blade into that tender spot.

The pain of having his kidney stabbed would paralyse Malgar like a strike of lightning. His lungs would forget to breathe, his body would tense up and his limbs would freeze in place. He would be so struck down with the pain that he would choke on his own screams, leaving Roka the perfect opportunity to slide his akivari katana from its sheath and slice the orcs throat open.

He felt his fingers wrap around the handle and he took a soft step forward. He could do it now. He had to do it now.

But he felt that feeling clench around his heart and squeeze it once more. He almost felt the air from his lungs leave in one breath as he felt his head swim. His hand trembled and he couldn't work his fingers as Mlagar drew the door open.

Once again the opportunity for revenge had presented itself to him, and for a reason he had yet to understand, something within him had stopped him from carrying it out. He almost felt sick with the thought that he had come so close to actually removing the orc from his life.

He shivered as a dreaded icey feeling went down his spine as Malgar gestured for Roka to leave the building through the door. He had to concentrate hard to not allow himself to give himself away, and it was difficult, because a part of him felt...happy that he didn't do it.

And that happy feeling made him want to vomit all the more.

"However, being a captain is not easy" Malgar said as he walked out of the doorway, Roka following close. The middle of the village came into view as Roka saw the array of horses and soldiers already geared up and ready to head out once Malgar had mounted his own steed. "I started out myself as a captain, once upon a time" he said as he went towards his large black stallion.

"I would like to know why you are not allowing me to join you on this quest father" Roka asked as he watched Malgar swing himself up onto the huge animal. Malgar settled himself in the saddle before he picked up the reins.

"Roka, someone needs to look after the village whilst I'm away" he said. "In the past you have joined me as my bodyguard, and you have kept me alive as you were trained to" he said. "But, consider this part of your testing to become captain" he said to him. "Whilst I'm away, you are in charge of the guards and their patrols, and any disputes that present themselves" he said.

Roka nodded his understanding as the other riders started to leave out one by one, heading out of the ramshackle village towards the beginning of their journey. For some reason, the thought of Malgar actually trusting him enough with such an important task made him feel...happy. And it was disturbing him.

"So, I'm in charge while you're gone father" he said to him with a nod. "Very well. I will maintain your command in your absence" he said with a salute against his chest and a bow of his head.

"I do wonder though Roka" Malgar said down to him as he leant forward a little in his seating. "Are you good enough for a task like this though, or should I appoint someone else in your place?" the orc said.

Roka put his head up at the orcs words. The orc didn't trust him enough. A part of him was glad to know that, but the other part of him, the part that he didn't understand, felt bad about it.

But before Roka could reply, a flash of white light flew past his head. He felt sizzling air flow past his ear as he swiftly ducked, Malgars horse reared up in surprise as the huge orc grabbed the reins to steady the animal.

"I'll kill you" a voice shouted as Roka drew his sword, the metal sung in the air as he leapt to his feet. A tall and elegant looking high elf male in a scarlet robe was standing nearby with his arm outstretched, having just cast a serious lightning attack.

Roka narrowed his eyes as he spotted the heavy bandaging at the side of the mages head. This was the one whose plan had been used for Rokas success. And apparently he wasn't taking his failure well.

"You did this to me. I'll kill you you slithering snake" the elf shouted as he drew his hands back.

As Malgar brought his horse under control, Roka was already sprinting across the ground as the elf cast another blast of lightning into the air. Roka dove to the side as the blast crackled above him, striking the dirt behind him next to Malgars horse. The mage brought his hands together and a fiery energy burned in the air between his hands as Roka leapt to his feet again.

The elf cast the blast of fiery destructive magic and it burned through the air as it struck the ground beside Rokas feet as the argonian sprinted forward. His blade swung in the air like a knife through butter as he brought the blade into contact.

The last thing the elf saw was the cold empty eyes of the argonian that he had attacked as he felt the cold smooth metal of the sword slice through his ribcage. The blade caught between the bones and the metal slide up, slicing into the exposed innards of his chest. With a strangled cry the elfs vision faded into darkness as the blade sliced through him like a knife through butter.

Mlagar turned his horse around in time to see the elfs lifeless corpse land on the ground with a thud. He grinned as he saw Roka turn towards him, his blade dripping a scarlet river that now matched his armour. There had been no hesitation, no reasoning and certainly no mercy in that kill.

"I guess I have nothing to worry about with you in charge" the orc said with a smile as he kicked his heels into the horses flanks and the big animal started to trot after the others that had already left.

The caverns beneath the town had only one source of light, whatever sun managed to filter through the disused well in the middle of the town. The well was broken and unable to hold even a bare minimum of water, and what water it did hold, tasted like poison.

For a slave to end up down there, was like a prison sentence. While all slaves were considered replaceable and used for any task that the soldiers wished to use them for, the top side slaves at least were fed and allowed to sleep inside, if the soldiers were in a good mood. Those in the caverns, were left to rot.

Most were remembered now and then, if those soldiers that broke them in could care to remember them. But for those left in the cages that littered the caverns, there really was no hope. A slave left in those cages, never saw the light of day again.

Oba knew he would one day die down there. Four years ago, a year after his wifes death, the older argonian had been deemed useless to the brigade. Used for every task from manual labour, serving duties and seemingly endless sex from both the males and females, Obas once handsome body had become almost skeletal and dull. Some commented he looked like a walking husk at times.

After hearing a complaint from a female soldier that Oba had been 'unable to get it up' for her, Malgar had proceeded to punish the argonian by tossing him to the ground and stomping on his back repeatedly. The end result was that the argonian could no longer walk due to a broken back.

Malgar then proceeded to drag the argonian into the town centre and drop the broken lizard in front of his former son.

"Roka, it seems your father is of no used to any of us" Malgar had said. Lying on his side and unable to feel his legs, Oba had looked up at an argonian teen in scarlet armour. He recognised the name, but his son had grown up so much in the past two years that he barely recognised him.

"I did promise not to kill him, since you asked me not to" Malgar said. "But, because he's so useless that no male or female here can stand using him for sex, we will not bother looking after him any longer" the orc had said, gving the argonian a kick in the stomach for good measure. Oba felt blood in the back of his throat as he doubled over.

"So, if you want him to live, you will have to look after him yourself" the orc had demanded of Roka. When Oba had looked up at the argonian that malgar called by his sons name, Oba thought that maybe his time on this mortal plane would finally come to an end.

"Put him in the caverns. He can stay there till his time is up" Roka had said, his tone of voice told the older argonian that he didn't seem to care. And the look on his face as Roka turned and walked away broke the argonians heart once more as he was dragged off.

Sincec that day, Oba had been left in the prisoned cage and left to die. Over the years he had regained some use of his legs, but he knew he'd never get the chance to feel grass under his bare feet again. His body was weak, too weak to even stand some days. His eyes were going blind from the little light he saw by, and his body was riddled with scars and pieces removed from the days he was punished.

Some didn't know what was keeping him alive. For a slave to be in that kind of condition, something had to have kept his broken heart beating. But whatever it was, no-one knew. Because no-one cared to find out.

A noise nearby was heard as he opened his eyes. Lying on his back, he didn't bother to get up. Although the area under the orcs house was mostly sealed off thanks to several well placed boards, that didn't stop some o the other slaves from finding a space for themselves nearby. Although they rarely talked to him.

He didn't get up until he realised the noise was the hatch opening nearby that lead up to the orcs home. He slowly sat himself up as he gazed towards the cone of light that illuminated the staircase nearby. He squinted as he looked and saw a crimson figure descend down the stiars.

Only when it came close enough did he see that it was Roka, carrying a tray with a large pitcher on it, and a bucket. He set the bucket down outside the cage door and pushed a key into the lock.

"Hello father" Roka said softly as he brought himself into the cage.

"Don't call me that" Oba said, his voice grating in his throat after so long without being used. Roka set the tray down and Oba saw the food on it. The bucket contained water, and a large washcloth. "Malgar wouldn't like it if he knew you called me that" he said as Roka closed the door behind him, but didn't lock it. He felt his stomach growl at the sight of the food, and he licked his cracked lips without realising it.

"I only do that because it's what he wants to hear" Roka said as he knelt beside his father. He removed his gauntlets and slid his hands into the bucket of water. He pulled the washcloth in and then wrung it of excess water before rubbing it onto his fathers back slowly. "It doesn't mean anything when I say it to him."

"And yet it does when you call me father?" Oba asked. The water was a good temperature, and it felt good against his dulled hide. He felt a moan escape his cracked lips as he felt that warmth across his skeletal back.

"It does" Roka said softly after a moment or two as he rubbed the rag over his fathers back slowly. He could feel the bones under the hide with every movement.

"I can't imagine why it would, considering" Oba said as he felt Roka lift an arm up. He didn't resist, he allowed Roka to continue to clean him. Roka said nothing to him on that as he continued to wash his fathers naked body. It wasn't that he had nothing to say, it was that they had gone through the conversation more then once before, and it was hard for Roka to answer him again.

After a few minutes of washing and getting his father at least a degree cleaner, Roka put the washcloth into the dirty bucket and poured the pitchers contents into a tan mug.

"Father....something's happening to me" Roka said as he handed the mug to his father. Oba took it and drank slowly, welcoming the cold water into his throat. He emptied the mug down his throat slowly before he looked over at Roka.

"Do you mean this captain thing I've heard about?" Oba asked as he put the mug down. Roka didn't seem surprised that his father would know of that. Slaves did hear things after all, no matter where they were. And sometimes they talked amongst themselves.

"There is that" Roka said as he sat back. "Malgar did pull some strings in the brigade and is looking to promote me to captain" he admitted. Oba looked over at him for a moment in silence. "But, that's not what I want to talk about" Roka said as he cleared his throat a little.

"What could you want to talk about with me?" Oba asked him as he reached for a slice of bread from the tray. "I can't imagine we have anything in common anymore, or that I'm of any help to you" he said as he picked up the slice of bread between his two only fingers left on his hand.

"Father, you know why I can't speak to you often" Roka said to him as he watched his father eat the bread with what teeth he had left. He felt a slight pang in his chest at those words. "Malgar only gave me the choice to look after you because he thinks if he can catch me favouring you with more then a quick feed, he'll use that as a reason to kill you. The only reason I can stay and talk like this is because he's not here" Roka said to his father.

Oba said nothing as he picked up a slice of apple and brought it to his lips. He let the sweet taste coat his lips and tongue for a moment before he chewed it. He had no reason to hurry eating.

"I don't think that's the only reason anymore" he said at last as he looked away a little. Roka looked at him, slightly taken aback with that remark.

"What do you mean?" Roka asked him. "I would visit you more if I was able to" he said to him. "You know I would try more often."

"Roka" Oba said to him as he looked back at him. "Until Mallie died, and I was put under your 'care', you never paid the slightest bit of attention to us" he said. "I'm sorry Roka, but I don't believe that anymore" he admitted. Roka felt taken aback by that remark, and how calmly his father said it.

'Father, you know why I didn't care" Roka said as he leant forward. "You know that Malgar tricked me into believing that you didn't care about me, and you know I didn't realise it until mother died" he said firmly. His father merely continued to look at him with that sad calmness.

" know that" Roka said, but for some reason, he didn't feel so sure about it himself. His father didn't reply to that as he simply continued to look at him. There was something uncomfortable in the air between them.

"Father, you know he tricked me. And you have no idea how sorry I am that I believed him in the first place" Roka said as he got to his knees. "I just...I don't know how he tricked me" he said to his father. "That's the one thing I cannot understand is how he did it. I know that the answer is there, it could even be in front of me, but I just don't know it" he said. His father continued to sit silently before him.

The two of them sat there in the cell, Roka on his knees and Oba sitting up. Silence hung in the air around them as they looked at each other for some of the longest moments that either had between them both.

"Father, say something" Roka said finally as he broke the silence. "Please father, you know I am sorry, and you know I was tricked too. Please... just say something" he said. "Anything."

"You're right Roka. You were tricked" Oba said finally as he closed his eyes for a moment or two, before opening them to look at the other. Roka inhaled a little, a good feeling settling inside of him. His father believed it. His father believed he had been tricked too. "But I don't believe your sorry" Oba admitted.

Roka felt like he was just slapped in the face as he felt his breath catch in his throat. He had not expected his father to say something like t,hat to him.

"Father..."Roka began, but he couldn't finish. His tongue was stuck in his throat. He didn't know what to say to that.

"Roka, my wife and I raised our son together" Oba said to him as he looked at the dark stone wall beside him. "It is true, we made him work. Life on a farm is hard work, but at the same time we were teaching him how to look after a farm and its animals, so that when the day would come for him to leave, he could know how to look after himself" he said.

Roka sat back as he heard his fathers words. He didn't know what to say to that, but he didn't speak as his father continued.

"That night my son was taken into the arms of that orc, I watched as he so easily believed the lies that orc twisted around him. He twisted what we were trying to do to make it seem like we were heartless people who did not care. My wife and can't understand how we were feeling, seeing our son molested in such a way right in front of us" Oba said. His eyes began to tear up from the pain of the memory and he fell silent for a few moments.

"Father...I was tricked..." Roka said in a barely audible whisper to his father, but Oba heard him clearly as he looked over at him.

"But you still chose to believe it" he said as he blinked his tears away. There was no anger in his voice, but Roka found himself wanting to hear his fathers anger. Not the sadness in his voice that was cutting into him. "Yes Roka, he twisted the truth around you and used pleasure to cloud your mind so you would believe anything he said, but you believed him because you wanted to."

"Father..."Roka said as he felt a stab in his chest from his fathers words. He felt his hands shake as he felt his fathers words cut into him.

"Father...that's...that's not true" Roka said as he managed to speak. "Father...I don't believe anything he tells me. Honour, loyalty, respect for the brothers and sisters....he talks it but he never performs it. I don't believe any word of anything he has taught me" Roka said.

But it felt like desperation as his fathers face never changed as he spoke. For a moment, the doubt that clouded Rokas mind made him wonder. Was he trying to convince his father, or himself?

"Roka, if you want proof that you believe what Malgar said, just look at yourself" Oba said. Roka found once again he could not speak to his fathers words.

"Your armour, you say you hate wearing it, but it shines from the attention you give it" Oba said with a gesture of his good hand. "Your weapons, you hate wielding them, but they're in perfect condition, no matter who you've used them against. You don't hesitate to do anything that Malgar says for you to do, and you have killed soldiers and slaves alike, simply because the opportunity to do it was there" Oba said.

"Father....that's..." Roka tried to say, but he felt the pain in his chest grow with every word his father said.

"Roka, you chose to be in this world" Oba said to him. "You could kill him at any time, can't you? You sleep with him every night. He's taught you how to run this village. You could kill him and escape at any time. But you haven't" he said.

Roka felt a strange sensation at his fathers words. It was when his vision began to cloud that he realised that he was tearing up. Surprise took him for a moment, but it disappeared as he realised that his father was speaking the truth.

"You can't kill him, can you? He's the father you chose, and that's why you haven't done it. You don't want to leave his side" Oba finished saying as he looked to the side.

Roka felt the tears in his eyes well up. His father was so close to the truth, but even that closeness cut deep. And it was making sense too. Every word his father spoke practically was the truth, with how much Roka, no matter how much he didn't want to, could agree with it.

"You could have saved us. But you didn't. You did everything Malgar wanted, and more. It's too late for me now Roka" Oba said. "I know I'm going to face my end here, and I've accepted that long ago. I have no hope for myself anymore. My wife is dead, I will soon be dead. And my all honesty I believed he died that night he was taken" he admitted bitterly.

Roka couldn't say anything as he hung his head in shame. For the first time in years, he did not want to stop himself from crying. He felt he had no reason to stop once he started.

"Roka, I am sorry for what Malgar did to you" Oba said finally, with a deep sadness in his voice. "I am sorry he tricked you, and used you the way he did. I cannot fault you for that. But, I don't feel sorry for you for what you have become" he said. "You chose to be this way. You chose everything. I cannot feel sorry for your choices" he said as he turned away.

For several long moments, there was nothing but silence in the cell. Outside, the other slaves kept away, no-one wanting to listen in, because even listening to the wrong thing would be enough of a reason for someone to kill them.

Oba felt his heart grow weaker after what he had just said. For too long those words had gone unspoken, and while he had finally been able to tell Roka how he truly felt, it still hurt him. He knew that Roka was still his son, but he just didn't want to believe it. It was easier to believe that his son died that night he was taken. At least he could remember his son from the twelve years he had them, not the six years he didn't.

He lifted his head up as he heard the sound of metal against metal and something clattered to the ground beside him, a cold metal touching his good hand. Slightly surprised, he looked over and saw a gleaming silver dagger on the ground.

"Kill me. Please, just do it. I hate him with every fibre of my being for what he did, for what he's done to us. He makes me sick to my stomach every time he touches me, every time he uses me for his relief. I would rather die then admit that I love him. So please, kill me and end it. Have your revenge for the choices I made, father."

If Oba hadn't seen Roka say those words, he would not have believed that he had said them. But he heard those words and saw Roka say them. Those words rung in his ears as he suddenly realised what Roka had spoken.

" him?" Oba asked. That was the one part of what Roka said that surprised him most. He knew that Roka possibly looked up to Malgar as the father he replaced, but to go that far? Roka looked up at his father, and Oba was surpsied to see tears streaming down the boys face.

"What else could it be?" he asked, his voice croaking as he didn't fight back his tears. Oba this time found himself unable to speak. For a moment he did not see the warrior that Roka had been a moment ago. He looked more like a boy, a boy very lost and vulnerable.

"You're right father. You're right about everything" Roka said. Everything fell into place. Everything made sense now. He understood why he couldn't kill Malgar, and why he felt pride in all he had done. It all made sense, and there was no point in denying it to himself or to anyone anymore. That had been the turmoil. He had refused to accept the truth of it all.

He had wanted this.

"I don't know what else it could be" Roka admitted as he felt his body tremble. "I hate him father, I know I do. But I can't kill him. Something stops me every single time" he said as he felt the tears drip off his chin. "I can't picture my life without him, and it scares me. It scares me father, that after everything he's done to me, after all these years, its scares me that I love him and what I've become" he said as he brought his hands up against his face. His body shook as he held onto his face, his tears trickling though his fingers.

"And it's my fault. You're right" he said behind his hands as his body shook. "It's my entire fault too. I'm to blame for everything too. I chose all this, I decided it all. And I deserve this too father" he said as he put his hands down, unable to hold them up anymore as he closed his eyes.

"Just do it father. I wanted revenge on malgar for what he did. But I do not deserve to give it to him. You deserve your revenge for what you went through more then I do" Roka said as he fell silent, his tears slowly dripping onto the floor underneath him.

Roka heard his father move, and the sound of metal on dirt sliding for a moment did not make him fear it. He closed his eyes and kept them closed as he could tell his father was kneeling in front of him. For some reason, he didn't fear what was coming. It felt, more like a relief. And he was ready to welcome it.

If all along he had secretly wanted all of this, and he loved the monster that took him and that he had become himself, then death was what he preferred.

But the embrace of death never came as he felt Oba press the dagger back into his sons hand before he felt those thin arms wrap around his neck. He opened his eyes as he felt Oba lean over him into an embrace.

"Father...."Roka said quietly in surprise as he felt Oba hold onto him. Malgar had never once hugged him, never kissed him, or did anything tender to him on this level. But the hug he was given by his father, it had to have been the most intimate thing he had ever experienced.

"Roka" his father said softly as he held onto the boy. "I was a father for twelve years before my son was taken from me. I watched as he was turned into you, turned into something and someone I never wanted him to be" he said softly.

"Father..."Roka began, but Oba shushed him, and Roka fell silent without resistance.

"I know I will die down here. Death does not scare me anymore. But for the past six years, Malgar has taught you everything he thought you should know. But he didn't teach you what you need to know. And if I can be a father again and teach my son just one last thing before I die, I will do so gladly" he said. "And if it can help you, then I can die happy" he said.

Roka said nothing as he let his fathers words sink in for a few moments, for a moment puzzled over what his father could possibly teach him.

And then his father spoke into his ear and told him a lesson that was meant only to a son from a father. It was the kind of lesson that Malgar would never have bothered even mentioning, the kind of lesson that Roka would never learn from the orc.

And as Oba spoke, Roka felt all the information to the puzzle that had made sense before make sense again, but this time it was clearer. He understood more then he did previously, and he understood more then just that as well.

A weight fell off his shoulder and unclouded his heart as his heart and mind understood not just what his father said, but also who he was. He understood not just who he was, but where he fit in. He understood how he felt, and what he could do from that moment on.

He knew his place, he knew his heart. And he could finally act. His fathers final lesson, was to free him.

One of the patrolling soldiers was passing by the commanders house when the door opened rather quickly. He turned and stood at attention as he saw Roka walk out. The argonian looked about for a moment before he noticed the guard and turned to him.

"Master Roka" the soldier said as he brought his hand up in a salute.

"There's a dead body in the cell beneath my fathers house" Roka said as he looked the male over. "I want it removed before the stink comes up the hatch" he ordered. The guard was slightly surprised. Roka had never spoken to a guard with such forwardness before.

"Yes sir, right away" the soldier said as Roka walked away the moment he spoke. The soldier noted that there was blood on the argonians bare hands. But he didn't question it as he walked into the building and found the caverns hatch still open.

As he descended down the ladder, the soldier found the thick stench of fresh blood in the air. Someone had indeed died nearby. He saw the open door of the cage nearby and he stepped up to it. Flies had started gathering and they were buzzing around as he swatted at them.

Glancing inside, the soldier was met with the sight of a dead argonian, a large and bright red puddle of blood oozing from the gaping wound from his throat. From the look of the corpse, he had put up no fight.

The next night...

When Malgar and his soldiers rode back into the village the next day after the sun had set, they were greeted by the rest of the brigade standing in aligned rows in the middle of the town. Torches burned on each side of every doorway of each building, bathing them all in an orange glow. Every one of them were standing at full attention, their armour shining as they greeted their commander with a welcoming cry.

Roka stood in front of the rows, the men and women all cheering in welcome as Malgar and his soldiers rode into view their laden horses stopping before them.

"Welcome home father" Roka said with a smile across his features as he and the rest of the brigade bowed their heads and saluted against their chests. Malgar grinned as he dismounted from his horse and allowed them to rise properly.

"We are victorious" Malgar said in a loud voice, which brought cheers from the men and women standing in rows. They raised their fists and weapons as they cheered for their commanders' victory.

Roka saw behind Malgar that the rest of the horses were all laden with chests and armour, no doubt looted from Roarks tower. The men and women on the horses also carried more loot strapped to their backs. Attached to several horses by leads tied to their hands were the naked forms of many men and women, all of them looking as though they had been beaten beyond submission. Cuts and bruises and blood coated many parts of their bodies.

And it looked as if they had either run beyond their limits to keep up with the horses, or, as some were barely standing and others lying motionless on the ground, they were dragged anyway. Probably at top speed.

"Victorious indeed father" Roka said to the orc as he grinned in triumph. "And it seems you have come back well rewarded for your conquest" he added with a nod.

"Well rewarded indeed" RIshka said as he dismounted, a young and crying high elf boy was barely standing behind his horse. "And some rewards are yet to come" he added with a devious smirk across his features. Roka felt Rishkas eyes on him as he spoke that part, but he chose to ignore it for now.

Roka looked over at Malgar as the orc seemingly grinned wider. The orc clapped a heavy hand onto the boys shoulder and turned him to face the men and women that were standing before them. They quieted down as Malgar addressed them all.

"Roarks tower today fell to the Scarlet brigade, due to the plan of my son Roka" he called out to his brigade in a loud and carrying voice. "Roka came up with the plan to disable the tower within moments, and it worked. The river flooded underneath the tower and literally shook the men and women from it like salt from a shaker" he said.

Roka smiled in triumph from his fathers words as the men all cheered for the victory. Even the men on the horses cheered, and even captain rishka raised his fist in the air. Malgar allowed them to cheer for a while longer before he called for silence.

"And Captain Rishka led our men to victory as well without a loss on our side. The men and women of Roarks tower were captured and subdued. And Roark was slain by Rishka himself, upon the ground before his empty tower" he said.

The men cheered once again, many of the captives crying at that news. Some shouted at Malgar and his men, but were reward with a punch to the jaw to be silenced. Malgar took no notice as he waited for his men to stop cheering.

"With his victory, Rishka has proven himself enough that tonight, I, Malgar, commander of the Scarlet Brigade, do hereby raise him to the rank of Commander-in-chief" Malgar called out. Rishka walked up and stood beside the orc, a smug and proud look across his muzzle.

"AND" Malgar shouted, before the men could start their cheering once again. "As my son has proven himself once more, and exceeded my expectations, I, Malgar, commander of the Scarlet Brigade, do hereby raise him to the rank of Captain" he called out.

The men cheered as both Rishka and Roka both knelt beside their commander in the orange light of the torches, the cheers of men and women erupting around them. Neither rose from their positions until Malgar gave them permission to.

"Commander, I wish to make my first order as captain tonight" Roka said to the orc, who smiled at him.

"Well, by all means Captain Roka" Malgar said with a smile to his son, who smiled back at him before turning to the men and women in front of him.

"A captains duty is to reward those who serve him well" Roka said in a loud voice to the men and women before him. "All of you, who stand here today, have proven that the Scarlet Brigade is your family, and your life" he called out. He paused before he gestured to the soldiers on horseback.

"These brothers and sisters have brought us to victory tonight, and there shall be celebrations in honour of our brave brothers and sisters" he called out. The men and women around him began to smile in anticipation. "The cellars of all the houses shall be emptied of their wines and all shall drink to the victory" Roka called out.

"And" he added as he turned to look in the direction of the naked men and women, still tied to the horses. "These slaves shall learn their place before the sun rises" Roka said. "Tonight, all our brother and sisters have the honour of breaking these slaves in any way you wish. By suns rising, they shall either join as us equal brothers and sisters" he said, before he smiled, "or as our slaves" Roka finished saying.

Malgar smiled as the men and women of the brigade cheered loudest to this announcement. Almost as soon as Roka had finished speaking, several of the men had started dragging the slaves by their bindings whilst others had disappeared into the dwellings for the drinks.

"You know how to reward the men. Such an announcement so quickly" Malgar said as a screaming woman was dragged away nearby by her hair by a tough looking male. "I have a feeling you'll become quite popular" he added.

"Our brothers and sisters deserve a reward for their loyalty" Roka said with a smile to his father. "And so do you" he added.

"Oh?" Malgar said with a smile as the sounds of celebration and screaming began to erupt around them both. Neither of them took any notice.

Roka stepped up towards Malgar and pressed his lips against the larger orcs for a brief moment before he pulled away.

"Upstairs in the bathroom in ten minutes father. I shall reward you greatly tonight" Roka said with a smile before he turned and headed towards the house. Malgar smiled, rubbing his lips a little as he thought on what Roka had in mind.

He looked over his shoulder to see Rishka grab the elven boy by his bindings and drag him behind one of the buildings. The boys cries turned into screams as Malger knew the boy was being violated, probably for the first time. He turned away as he strode towards the house, leaving the men behind to revel in their victory celebrations.

"Excuse me commander" one of the guards said as he strode up the orc. "Something happened yesterday that I believe you should know." Malgar listened in interest as the guard explained what he had found in the cell under the house, and the orcs good mood only increased before he let the guard leave and headed into the house.

The bathroom door opened to show a full bath waiting for him, and Roka sitting on the edge. For a moment Malgar thought he was naked, but as Roka stood up, the orc smiled. Roka was wearing a chainmail loincloth that sat snugly around his hips and barely covered his exposed crotch. Not that it mattered, Malgar could see his goods anyway through the rings of knitted metal.

"Where did you find such clothing?" Malgar asked with a smile as he closed the door behind him. He noticed that the chainmail was golden in colour, and the argonian was wearing golden sandals on his feet. A length of chain links covered his chest in an X fashion, meeting in the middle around a large golden ring. Roka turned in a circle as he walked towards malgar, the tendrils of steam seemed to writhe around his body.

"I asked the brigades armourer to craft this with you in mind, father" Roka said as he lifted his arms up and turned around once more to show off his toned and lean body to him. "I do hope it's suitable" he said.

Malgar smiled as he noted that the boys backside had nothing to cover it, the muscular cheeks exposed to him. As Roka walked up in front of the orc, Maglar smiled and put his hands on the boys hips.

"You have no idea how much I want to rape you right now" he growled in a dominant tone as he pulled the boy towards him.

"Then allow me to help you father" Roka said with a smile as his fingers found the straps on the orcs greaves.

"Is this the reward you promised?" Malgar asked as Roka expertly began to remove e orcs minimal armour. The greaves were stripped of the thick legs, revealing the orcs sweat stained pants. Roka laid them on the bench beside the table of oils. As Roka picked up the huge two handed katana, Malgar hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his pants and quickly slid them down. His huge darkg green erection sprang into view, quickly hardening faster then it had before.

"No, it's not" Roka said as he placed the sword carefully on the bench. He smiled as he stood up, seeing Malgars huge throbbing length standing at attention between his thick muscled legs. "This is just part of it. The other part, is this" he said with a smile as he piked up a golden bottle from amongst the bottles of oils.

"And what is this?" Malgar asked as he ran a hand slowly over his length. He growled a little as he felt the pent up desire making his cock pulse. He always felt pent up the longer he went without his daily fuckings. Roka smiled and took the lid off the bottle, a thick and sweet scent entered the air.

"The fruit of m alchemy skill" Roka said as he tipped the bottle into the bathtub. The liquid was a deep purple and it flowed into the water like small tendrils from a sea creature. "It will completely relax you while you are in the bath father, and when you get out it will release its full potential" he said with a smile.

"And what is that?" Malgar asked once more as he worked his hand over his length. A thick bead of pre emerged from the end like a shining pearl before he gathered it in his fingertips and started to smear it over his thick cockhead.

Roka smiled as he put the top back on the bottle and set it onto the table with the other oils. He then knelt down on his knees before the huge orc and gave the thick cockhead a kiss with his lips. Malgar let out a low growl as he felt the pleasure of the boys talented lips on him.

"It will recharge not only your energy, but it will help you take me harder" Roka said with a smile as he stroked his fingers over the thick throbbing slab of meat in front of him. "So you will be able to have the energy to take me all night once again, just like the first time you took me" Roka said as he opened his mouth wide.

Malgar closed his eyes and let out a deep moan as he felt Rokas warm wet mouth slide down his cock. He felt the boys hands caress the length that had yet to enter, the fingertips tracing against the thick veins that bulged along the sides.

"Damn boy, I've only been gone a day or two but I've missed your mouth" Malgar growled as he placed his hands on the boys shoulders and started to move his hips. He didn't bother letting Roka get used to the fat log in his mouth as he started to thrust into him. He always did love it when the boy gagged, and he knew Roka did too.

But he was somewhat shocked when his first thrust, which should have lodged the usual length of half his cock into the boys throat, instead plunged the whole length in. Rokas nose was buried in the orcs pubic region as he felt his fat balls push against the boys chin.

"When did you learn this?" Malgar said in surprise as Roka put his hands on the orcs thick thighs and slowly push off. Malgar saw that the boys throat had bulged out down to his collarbone and the bulge was slowly disappearing as each inch slid out. He gave the orc a lewd smile as he ran his tongue across his lips.

"Another potion I brewed, especially for you father" Roka said with a smile as he wrapped his lips back around the thick green cock and took the length into his throat. The potion had relaxed his gag reflex and his throat to the point that Malgar could fist his throat without killing him. Malgar grinned as he realised he didn't need to hold back any longer as he grabbed the boys head spines and shoved his length all the way in in one go.

Roka never felt the urge to gag or choke for air as his throat expanded and bulged outwards visibly from the thick length that flooded his muzzle. His mouth and throat were filled with the hot orc cock as it was slid and out of his mouth.

Malgar growled as he held the boys head spines in a tight grip like they were handles as he spread his legs to give him a better stance as he thrust his hips back and forwards. Deep pleasurable growls emanated from within his chest as he felt his body start to sweat.

Roka closed his eyes as he felt the orcs fat balls bounce around against his chin, smacking against his jawline as he felt every smack. He felt the desire for the orcs cock start to flow through him, and he didn't fight back. He felt the fog of pleasure and lust for the orcs body, for the orcs cock and seed grow and cloud his mind as he submitted himself. His throat repeatedy bulgd out as he felt every inch slide in and out of his throat, the orcs body smashing against his nose every time he hilted.

Malgar grunted as he pushed his hips forwards, his thick muscualr ass clenched with every thrust forward as he once again claimed the boys throat. He growled happily as he felt his cock become enveloped in a thick warm sleeve that convulsed and clenched around his cock.

"I wish I had raped your throat open years ago, if I knew it could feel this good" the orc growled as he continued to plunge his huge cock in and out of the younger males throat. Sweat started to drip down the orcs thick muscles like small rivers that made his muscles shine in the steam filled room.

He growled as he ran his hands down to the sides of Rokas head and started to thrust faster. He could feel his cock throb harder and faster, his length expanding and contracting in the argonians throat, signalling his eminent release.

Roka wrapped his hands around the orcs heavy thigh muscles as best he could as he felt Malgar pick up the pace. He breathed through his nose as he allowed his father to rape his throat as hard as he wanted. He wanted him to, just as much as Malgar did.

Eventually it came to an end as Malgar thrust his hips forward and planted every inch of his fat orc cock into the boys throat and his balls erupted. Hot thick orc cream, a load bigger then normal due to him not releasing on a daily basis flooded down into the argonians stomach.

Roka felt the thick load fire straight down his throat as he swallowed every drop, not able to spill a single drip with it firing straight into his stomach. He felt his stomach fill slowly with the thick load as it poured as he squeezed the length with his throat muscles.

"Ohhhhhh" Malgar growled as he pulled his length out slowly once his balls had been drained. It was already softening as the fat mushroom head fell from Roka mouth as the argonian licked his lips, a lust filled smile upon his face.

"I hope I pleased you father" Roka said with a smile as he stood slowly to his feet. Malgar panted a bit as he smiled down to the slightly smaller boy, taking his hand and rubbing a thumb across the slowly spreading green streak on the boys face.

"You did" he said with a grin as he reached down with both hands to grab the boy by his exposed ass and pulled him close to his muscled body. He was pleased to feel the boys erection press against him. "You continue to impress me my boy, with how much you desire me" he growled as the two of them smiled at the other.

"Then it is time for your bath father. And then, you can claim me once more" Roka said with a smile as he pulled away and gestured his hand towards the still hot bath.

"Ah yes" Malgar said with a grin as he gave his son a good squeeze on his ass before he let go and lifted his body over the edge of the bath and into the water. With a loud and pleased sigh he lowered his huge body into the hot water, feeling the water level rise t cover most of him as the tendrils of purple oil swirled around him.

"So tell me, my son. Whatever brought on this new attitude of yours" he asked as he settled himself down in the bath. The water rose up over his body as he relaxed his huge form in the hot water. He felt Rokas hands rub over his shoulders from behind, the boys clawed fingers started to squeeze down on the thick and hard muscles.

"Father, I have a confession to make" Roka said as he looked down at the huge orc, who looked back up at him. "I have not been feeling myself lately" he said. Malgar said nothing as he moved his head back forward and let Roka continue talking.

"I have had conflicting emotions and thoughts lately, regarding you and the brigade. I will admit, my loyalty has wavered lately" Roka admitted.

"You know the price paid for wasted loyalty" Malgar said as he closed his eyes briefly. The water was very warm and he could feel the muscles in his body start to relax one by one. Whatever Roka had put in the oil, it was working.

"I know father. And I am sorry to say that my confusion led me to believe I could ask my previous father for help" Roka said. Malgar heard the self disappointment in Rokas voice, but he was still angry to learn that. But the anger was brief. With what the guard had told him, he could guess the outcome.

"Did you now?" Malgar said with his teeth pressed firmly together as he narrowed his eyes, feeling the boys fingers move over his shoulders in slow rubbing motions.

"Yes. I believed he could help. And I'm sorry for having to resort to such a measure. Until he tried to give me what he thought was help, and I realised just how pathetic he really was" Roka said with a light sneer. Malgar could hear the change of tone in Rokas voice.

"Oh? I thought you would have realised how useless of a father he was a long time ago" Malgar said as he felt Rokas fingers dig deeper into his shoulder muscles. He felt his legs start to grow heavy, and they felt weak in a way. But it was a good feeling of weakness, like all the stress in his leg muscles had drained completely. He didn't feel the need to worry.

"You are right father, I should have" Roka said. "But I never fully believed it" he said. "Until Oba tried to convince me that my unstable thoughts were because you re not my true father and that he still was" Roka said. "He thought he could be a father to me still" he added with a chuckle.

Malgar chuckled as well as he rubbed a finger against the jewelled ring in his nose. He could feel the relaxed feeling run up his legs through his hips. He was starting to enjoy the waters oil. He would have to start using it more often.

"And what did you do to him?" Malgar asked as he felt Rokas fingers dig in and out of his shoulders.

"I slit his throat when I realised he was lying to me" Roka said to him. "I took my katana, and dragged it across his throat as he looked at me and asked me why" Roka said with a smile down to the orc, who grinned back at him.

"You have done well, my son" Malgar said with a level of pride in his voice. "To kill him so easily, I'm proud" he said with a deep grin. Roka smiled back, pride upon his face as he dug his fingers hard enough to make the orc moan.

"Thank you father" Roka said with a smile ot him as he dragged his fingers across the thick hard shoulders to the orcs neck. "I will admit, when I killed him, I realised where my loyalties lie, and who my family is. My family is you , father" Roka said with a smile. "And my loyalties lie with the brigade. Forgive me father, for my weak moments" he said. Malgar smiled with pride on his face.

"You will make one of the finest captains in our brigade. I have no doubt that Cyrrodiil and Tamriel herself will soon feel the Scarlet Brigade in their future" Malgar said with a grin as he closed his eyes. The relaxed feeling was spreading throughout his body and he was feeling better with each rub of Rokas hands. "And you are forgiven son. I am glad you have come to your senses."

"I don't plan on being a captain for long, Father" Roka admitted. "One day soon, I intend to be the commander" Roka said.

Malgar chuckled a little as he tilted his head back a little, able to look up at Rokas upside down face.

"Becoming a commander is not some quick path you can follow" he said with an amused smile. "It took me many years to become commander, because there's more to being commander then just replacing me when I die" he said with a chuckle. "But I like your ambition, and enthusiasm."

He felt Rokas fingers rub across his neck as he found himself completely relaxed. His sons fingers were very talented as he closed his eyes.

"That's true" Roka admitted as he wrapped his hands around Malgars neck and squeezed it gently.

"There is still much that you need to learn. But I have no doubt that should the day come that when I am no longer commander and Rishka no longer has the position, I am sure that you will no doubt be the best commander our brigade has ever seen" he said with confidence.

"Thank you father. But, to be honest, I do not wish to wait" Roka said as he slid his hands off Malgars shoulders.

"What do you mean? I cannot just promote you so quickly" Malgar said as he tilted his head forward. But his chin immediately slapped against his chest and for a moment the surprise overwhelmed him. His head felt incredibly heavy.

"I know you won't" Rokas voice said as Malgar tried to lift his head up, but he was unable to lift it more then a few centimetres. His chin smacked back uselessly against his thick pectorals as he struggled to lift his arms. But they were too relaxed to move at all in the hot water.

"Roka...what did you do?" Malgar said as the anger rose in his voice. His body felt so weak and so heavy. He attempted to move his head again and only succeeded in tilting it back against the back of the tub so all he got was a view of the ceiling.

"I told you this was my best potion father, I just lied about what it could do. See, it will relax you, but it won't reinvigorate you" Roka said from somewhere Malgar couldn't see.

"What?" Malgar said in anger as he struggled again. But his body wouldn't respond to his wishes.

"It's the highest level fatigue potion that I could make. By now I bet your body is just a statue of muscle that can't move. And it's not going to wear off while your still in the water" Roka said from the other side of the room.

"What are you doing? This is treason" Malgar snarled as he struggle to move. But he could no longer even feel his body below his neck. All he felt was the hot water.

"As I said father, I realised who I am, and where my loyalties lie" Roka said as he stood above the orc, Malgar getting a view of the boys upside down torso as he felt those hands wrap around his neck. "I am loyal to the brigade father. I just know it would be better suited under my command. Not yours."

"You traitorous bastard" Malgar snarled as he struggled as hard as he could. But he could no more then snarl up at the argnonian above him. "When I get out of this water, what happened to your parents will seem like mercy compared to what will happen to you" he promised.

Roka tightened his grip around the orcs throat.

"The brigade is my family. And I will lead them, as commander" Roka said with no hesitation and no emotion in his voice as he looked down at the orc. "One down" Roka said as he grabbed the orcs throat and without hesitation he shoved him under the water.

Malgar got one last look at Rokas dead expressionless face before his vision was covered by the dark purple water. He struggled against the fingers wrapped around his neck as he opened his mouth and the horrible tasting water invaded his throat.

Bubbles erupted against the surface as Malgar let out silent screams of rage as he was held down. The water splashed against and over the s de of the tub as Malgar did everything he could to reawaken his body as he thrashed his head against the fingers.

But the purple water churned around his face as he felt his lungs drain of air with every shout and threatened word that escaped his lips. His vision swam before his eyes as the purple was replaced by red.

The orcs lungs began to burn as the hot water began to seep through his nose and his throat to fill them. His senses were on fire as Roka held him under the water, the bubbles slowly receding as the water began to calm down.

Malgar felt the last breath of air escape his lungs as he felt his heart about to burst in his chest before it simply stopped beating. His senses began to fade as he felt his body grow cold amongst the heat.

As his vision blurred between purple and red, he felt his body become lighter as it became a deadweight in the water. His vision slowly faded to darkness as he gazed upwards. But he never saw anything again as the orc drowned in the bathtub.

"Its not treason if you drown in your own bath" Roka said softly as he watched the orcs body start to rise in the water. He slowly let go of the orcs neck and, now freed, the huge green corpse of muscle slowly floated to the top.

Roka stared calmly at the face twisted in rage and pain as it stared back at him with dead eyes. The orcs eyes slowly grew white as they lost their colour and life before his body sunk slowly back into the water, now a complete deadweight.

Roka felt no pain in his heart, no empty or cold feeling as he watched the orcs body hit the bottom of the tub. Those feelings had been brushed aside the previous day, as he had come to understood how misguided they were. He did look up as he heard a knock on the door.

"One to go" He said to himself as he reached into the water and hoisted the orcs body upwards with little effort, settling it into a seating position, so it looked as if the orc had fallen asleep in his relaxed state. Roka picked up the virgin silver dagger from amongst the oil bottles on the table and slid it into his chain loincloth before he opened the door.