The Chronicles of Rogue: Final Chapter

Story by Axio on SoFurry

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#10 of The Chronicles of Rogue

Roguefever Productions

Solemnly Presents

The Chronicles of Rogue

Final Chapter

Disclaimer: I own the character Rogue, as well as the plot to this story. Both are copyright to me.

Author's Note: And you thought that was it, didn't you! Now we'd finally be able to move on to the rest of the plot! But wait-nope not happening like that. Read on to see what I'm talking about.

I bolted upright, my thoughts in my dream shocking me into consciousness with a wicked cry. My heart was racing, and I was bathed in a cold sweat. I had apparently cummed in the sheets during my dream where Wulf had fucked me. Twice.

I vividly remembered eating dinner with Wulf, fully clothed, and having a charming conversation with him from across the small island in the kitchen. I could still sense the phantom-taste of the fish and apples on my tongue from my dream, and tried to figure out which reality was real. I wasn't sore, so that must have been an indicator that I was still a virgin, an indicator with which I received with outstretched arms.

I heard a knock on my door, a thick layer of fur covering the knuckle of whomever had made it on the other side. My ears pricked slightly and my whiskers twitched.

"Rogue? Are you okay?" The voice was feminine and sweet, with the small, slight purring sound most felines made when pronouncing an 'r'. It's almost indiscernible, though, and only helps felines recognize other felines.

"Simi? Is that you?" I asked quietly. I was still a tad shaken from my encounters in my sleep. It had felt so real, so vivid...

"Yeah it's me." She replied. "Can I come in?"

"Ah, um, what? I mean, um, okay..." I stammered, looking at the very large wet spot in my sheets, as well as the unmistakable odor of feline arousal and cum in the air of my room.

The door slid open, and Simi had a slightly guilty look on her face as she walked in, either very keen to mask her surprise at my cum-stained sheets or failing to notice them. She sat on the foot of my bed, facing the wall with the desk, where my two backpacks were resting peacefully next to each other.

"I did a very bad thing, Rogue." She said softly, not meeting my eyes.

My eyebrows knit together, and if she were looking into my eyes, I was fairly certain she would have seen a shroud of doubt dulling their normal luminescence. "What? What are you talking about?" I scooched back and rested my back against the wall behind me.

This time she looked over to me and met my eyes. "I made you dream that." Her eyes were sparkling at the corners with tears.

"Ex_cuse_ me? How do you know about my dream!?" I was a sea of discomfort, and the rational part of my brain was a little tiny boat in the middle of a vast, churning plane of confusion.

"I'm someone who uses water Influence, Rogue. I can tempt you with illusions when you're awake, and when you're asleep, they feel real. I can blot out certain memories that I don't want you to remember for a short amount of time, and create new ones if I want to. They don't last long, and are missing some key pieces, but they work on someone's subconscious... I'm sorry... I just... I just wanted Wulf to have someone to love, I love him, but I have Demi for me and I'm not one to cheat... and so I was torn, wanting Wulf to love someone but not at the expense of the unwilling.

"And then you came along! Rogue the cat, the one Wulf had been searching for from before day one of my meeting him. He seemed so happy, and I just couldn't bear it if you wouldn't return his feelings for him," she was crying at this point, small sobs wracking her frame as shining, perfect raindrops of emotion fell from her eyes. She continued, "So I did what I felt I had to do... I made you dream of him, I put ideas into your head, hoping to spark just a tiny flame of interest so it could be fed and nurtured inside of you until it would flare into the flurrying inferno of desire, passion, and of course, love..." Her voice trailed off slowly, another sob echoing up from the vessel of emotions; her heart.

Her sorrow was so easy to sympathize with... like when a child's parents get divorced, and the child tries desperately in vain to reconstruct the little world they had before the divorce, back when times were happy and lives were good.

I reached an arm out and patted her shoulder, scooting forwards and embracing her in a hug.

"Simi... to be honest, I think I do love Wulf. I think I did before I even knew who he was... but I don't think I can trust myself to make the best decision for myself on such short notice... Not just twenty-four hours ago he was still just a nameless memory, someone I knew yet didn't know. A familiar face with no name attached...

"I understand the feelings you have, and I understand why you did it... to be honest, I kind of enjoyed it. Well, the fucking part of it, at least.

"The point I'm trying to make is: I think I'm falling for him, I just don't trust myself. It can't be that easy, life isn't a fairytale where true love just comes waltzing into your history class. I need some time for my mind to say that yes, yes I do love him... my eyes say I love him, my mouth says I love him, my penis says I love him," I put a little sarcastic tone in my voice of that last one, "and most importantly, my heart does too. I just don't know enough about him, and I truly want to know more. I want it to work, him and me. Give us a little time... I'm sure that by the end of the week I'll have fallen for him head-over-tail, which scares me a little bit, but makes me happy at the same time. I forgive you, honestly."

I gave her a gentle squeeze, and she looked up again and into my eyes once more. "Are you sure, Rogue...? I still feel like I've done a terrible, terrible thing... I'm okay if you hate me; just give Wulf a chance... Don't let my screw-up change the way you might feel for him."

I laughed softly, a breathy thing that came easily, as much in humor as in relief. "Yes, I'm sure I forgive you, Simi. I actually enjoyed the dream too, but how did you know the size of Wulf's..." I trailed off and she sniffed a little, laughing a bit.

"Oh trust me; you know how cocky he is. He told me. And showed me, once..." She got the glazed-over look that someone in a memory gets when they space out. She quickly snapped back to the present and smiled, and I returned the expression, glad that A: I was still a sane/virgin furson, and B: I had someone I knew I could trust. It would have taken a really big person to have come forward right after having done something wrong to confess like that.

"Are you hungry?" She asked me.

"Nah, I normally skip breakfast, and I had a really nice dinner last night with Wulf, too."

"I'm still disappointed you didn't go naked or wearing those cute little boxer briefs. You would have torn a hole right in Wulf's pants because of the boner he'd have gotten!" She gave a tinkling laugh, a chime-y sort of thing that made me smile hearing it, like a beloved wind chime that sprang to life in the face of a cool autumn breeze.

"He might have gotten mad; I think they were really nice pants. Shows off his bulge nicely." I smiled, pushing her playfully, and she shoved me back. We sat there, giggling a little before we settled down.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"It's around eight in the morning, I think." She replied after some thought.

"Do you guys have a shower? I don't know if you noticed, but I kind of made a mess." I motioned to the dried cum-stain in my bed, still giving off the masculine, feline aroma that was me.

"Yep, and it's co-ed, not that it would matter for you and Wulf." She winked at me slyly and got up, off my bed. I got up and followed her, wincing as a few pieces of fur got plucked off by my trying to wrest myself free of the clingy, cum-stained sheets.

We went down to the other side of the hallway outside my room, and I heard the distinct, almost hissing sound of water going through pipes, as well as the staccato plap-plap-plap of water hitting a solid surface.

"It sounds like someone's already in there." I noted dubiously.

"That's fine, it's a group shower," She said.

"Why on earth would you have a group shower in this compound?" I asked her, switching from dubious to incredulous in a mere instant.

"All the better to orgy in, my dear!" She said, mimicking the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.

I laughed loudly and she told me to go inside. Well, she didn't tell me, she more or less shoved me through the free-swinging door and waved ta-ta before it closed behind me.

The staccato sounds of water hitting tiles was louder inside, and there was a small, white room with what seemed to be natural lighting coming from somewhere, making the whole room look like a light shade of blue mixed with a tiny bit of grey. I looked up and saw a skylight. It was still morning, so the sun wouldn't have been able to sneak any of its golden sunshine through the skylight until it was higher in the sky. I saw a hamper in the corner of the room and took off my boxer briefs, tossing them in and mentally chalking up two points for a well made basket. Then I added another point just for using something so sexy as a ball. I'm generous.

It looked kind of like a public bathroom, a very well maintained public bathroom, as in it had a stall for the toilet set aside, and along one of the walls of the small room there were a few sinks, the entire wall behind them made out of one large mirror, which was foggy from the steam coming from the next room, separated from the one I was in now with another free-swinging door. I liked this room, it had a sense of... style, I guess was the word. It was without decoration, and I appreciated that, honestly.

I padded over the cool tiles and went to the swinging door, wondering who else could be inside there already. I was greeted by one graciously back-turned Wulf, who was taking his time shampooing his fur among the multiple showerheads. The shower itself was around twice the area of the room with the sinks, and Simi was right, it would be very easy to have an orgy in here, with all the space.

I got a very sneaky idea, and, dodging around the streams of water, snuck up on Wulf, having made sure the swinging door had closed silently behind me, well, not closed, but ya know... swung silently... well.. bah, you know what I mean. It was quiet, okay?

Anyways, I snuck up behind Wulf, who was busy shampooing his chest area, and gave him a nice, hard, slap, right on his furry ass. He yelped loudly and whirled around, overstuffed sheath and smiling eyes saying hello, even if the eyes were slightly wide in alarm. His gaze softened though, and he smiled when he saw me snickering.

"Nice butt." I said teasingly.

"Why thank-you," he growled and lunged at me, seizing me in his soapy paws and pulling me close to him. His shampoo smelled like oranges and strawberries, which, for some strange reason, fit together nicely with his natural fir-tree-like musk. He nuzzled me softly and I hugged him, thinking I could get used to this, really.

"Hi, Catness." He kissed the top of my head softly.

"Hi, HornWulf." I purred softly, not minding the water coming off him. I personally loved water, despite my other cat-like attributes.

He chuckled softly at the nickname. "I could show you my horn right now, if you want, it's been wanting to meet you for the longest time now..." he grinded his hips against mine, and I liked the feel of my furry sheath against his larger one, our balls rubbing together softly.

"I'd like that. A lot, actually. But first, I have something to ask you..." I pressed myself in closer against his chest, looking up into his smiling eyes, now shining with curiosity.

"And that is?" He prompted me earnestly. His grinding had stopped, but our crotches were still pressed together. His sheath was warm, and it made me want to press mine against his a bit more.

"Well... I've been thinking... and I wanted to know how good you are at breaking down walls." I said slyly. I knew what I wanted him to do, but he apparently had no idea what could possibly be relevant about breaking down walls. It make me smile, he was so cute.

"I'd like to think I can knock down a wall in a fair amount of time. Why do you ask?" His ears folded back as his eyebrows knit together a little."

"Two reasons, one: it would be fun, and I've never seen the inside of a wall. Two: how else are we gonna get your bed into my room so we can be able to combine our beds together so I can sleep in the same bed as you? I want... well, what I'm trying to say is... I want to be your... um... your boyfriend..." I lost my sense of confidence and I could tell I was blushing a little. I waited, keeping my expression slightly stoic, in case he rejected my nervous advancements.

He looked lost in thought for a moment and then he smiled, and it felt like a little tiny beam of sunshine pierced my cold, protective barrier I had cast up all those seven years ago, and I felt myself beginning to thaw, just a little. I gazed at him through the steam, and he gazed back, the first golden rays of sunlight peeking through the skylight and causing the entire shower room to light up with shining golden brilliance. As one, we both leaned forward simultaneously and our lips met midway. It was our first kiss; the one in my dream didn't count. It was a meeting of our lips, I could feel the warmth of his lips pressed against mine in a unification of flesh, and that was it. There was no raging fire of lust, no blazing heat of passion, just the gentle warmth of pressing my lips against someone else's, someone who I liked enough to give them a chance.

But a chance at what, I wondered. Certainly, he didn't actually want the product of my cold, frozen-over heart that was a mediocre substitute for love; he couldn't actually want what this cat with a torturous past had to offer, did he?

_ Maybe he did._




And that makes 30,000 words total, on the dot (this little author's note excluded)! Thanks to the ~checks last submission's views~... 59! of you who have stuck with my story so far, it must have been terribly dull for only 59 of you to have come to look at it... But here's the good new, it was all a prologue! The actual Chronicles of Rogue are going to have an actual PLOT LINE~ Yaaaaay. But yeah, I had a plot line the whole time, I just needed some way of producing a backstory detailed enough to provide information, yet captivating enough to keep a public interest. I pretty much failed on the second part ((But woohoo! 59 furs!!)), but alas, I digress. My writing is terribad, and my porn scenes are even worse because my mind is half occupied by fapping to what I'm writing about. Meh. Anyways, it was fun doing this, albeit a little depressing at times (The first chapter of the CoR got nearly 250 views overnight, which I liked very much, but it was short-lived, with the sixth chapter only having gotten 13 views after one week (Yikes)), but I somehow managed to get back on the horse Wulf after a month or two and churn out some more writing. Look for the real CoR, as I'm going to be renaming this as the Prologue of Rogue, because it is, in all senses of the word, a prologue.

Sorry if I pissed you off, but please, I need someone to critique my work! It will never get better without guidance! So, if I did in fact piss you off, tell me why. I dislike pissing people off. ._.