Housecats Shouldn't Be Spies
"it seems housecats shouldn't be spies since you, little victoria..."
Unlucky Cats 04
Chapter 4 Allie and Sammi looked up at the cloudy, blue sky as their friends got the last of their bags out of the back of the jeep. It was the least their girls could do. Let the pets-to-be feel out what they feel. Hearing the trunk close...
Follow Your Instincts
He chirped at the abruptness as he was plunged into the housecat's throat, accompanied by a wet _glrrrk_.
Suiting Up
Vernon explained, trying to hold back his glee as the housecat nodded.
Sissy Education I
As many other housecats, he had been born in a very different world.
Mate Swap [Commission]
Ocelot paws on housecat shoulders, housecat arms lifting up underneath both legs... he ginned at the expression on the smaller cat's face, as kekipi suddenly found himself no longer touching the ground.
Struggle (Chapter 3)
It was a little shorter then me, moving very nervously, thin, but most importantly, it was a housecat "oh, it's just you matt. why are you sneaking around in the showers?" "i was uhhhh... i was looking for something...
Commission: Flying Too Close to the Sun
Lily's playfully chiding voice broke the tension, the ewe lifted from her chair by the housecat's grip.
The Sheriff's Reward [PTRN]
"i think you're forgetting something rather important, sheriff," snugglemagne pointed out as he bent down, catching the housecat's gaze.
Making Life Worth Living [PTRN]
Seeing the housecat's gaze transfixed on his fattened tool had pride swell in his soul.
Blacksad: Taking the Plunge [PTRN]
Feeling his nubs be teased by both the housecat's tongue and teeth had weekly positively writhe in pleasure.
Everything or Nothing: Chapter 3: The Choice of the Day.
The housecat's atheltic back arching deeper made the tiger chuckle under his breath.