Introduction Part 3

Story by Bartaugh on SoFurry

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#3 of Introduction

Introductions by Bartaugh

Part 3: Going Home

He was waking up again, though more gradually than before and with less of the disorientation at awakening in an unusual setting. The minotaur's body, still present against his own, felt warm and comforting, and the texture and softness of the bed now felt strangely familiar, as though he had awoken upon it all his life. He'd been sleeping for awhile, he could tell that much even if he did not know just how long. Bartaugh was beneath him, and Freynis found comfort in snuggling against the willing minotaur's strong, warm, naked body with his head at the creature's waist. He felt a large hand splayed lazily at his back, and his head nudged forward, finding the creature's sizable cock and affectionately nuzzling and kissing. That flesh rewarded the elf's gesture with a gradual firming. Continued administration of elven lips and tongue elicited further pulsation and the addition of rubbing fingers soon gifted Freynis with another shower of minotaur cum, splashing upon the boy's youthful face, which turned sideways to lap and drink at the heavy gushes.

Bartaugh sounded rather satisfied, even if all that he said was "Aaaah."

Freynis blinked a few times. Bartaugh's tasted had awakened him properly, or perhaps he had simply woken up fully in the time that he had taken to bring off his host. Regardless, he was now awake, and he gradually pulled his messy body to a sitting position against the creature, whose huge head leaned downward and slurped up some of the mess that had been spilled upon the elf's smooth-skinned face.

"Are you still hungry.." the minotaur asked after raising his head back up,

"... or have you filled yourself with my semen?"

Freynis's blush deepened and his head turned toward the pan beside the bed. There was scarcely anything left to eat, unless the elf fancied the taste of marrow. Dh'rath had evidently been reduced to a loose collection of bones, so disorganized that few could be specifically identified, though Freynis did recognize the ribcage and the pelvic bone amidst the pile. The mess was barely recognizable as humanoid, though Dh'rath's intact head, laying on one side of the pan, gave away its true origin; Freynis only now thought to wonder how the dark elf's long, white hair had survived the heat of the minotaur's oven.

He felt himself being gently nudged away from the minotaur's leg, and he allowed himself to fall upon the warm softness of the bed below as the creature stood once more. Reclining lazily, Freynis watched as Bartaugh retreated to his oven, which seemed to bear a far dimmer glow than it had shown the night before, and he watched when the minotaur returned, carrying with him Dh'rath's right leg -- all of it -- which had evidently been kept warm overnight. Freynis needed neither instruction nor warning to make room for the creature's descent back to the bed, and the young elf snuggled in close again as Bartaugh rather calmly took a heavy bite from the thigh. While chewing, the minotaur gave a sly smile to his elven guest and he lowered the still juicy drow foot toward the blushing youth's face.

Freynis needed no further invitation to tear into the tasty sole.

Breakfast ended, and with it out of the way Dh'rath had been quite thoroughly consumed, his flesh filling the stomachs of a sated elf and minotaur. The pair took some time to recover from the meal by simply laying with one another and enjoying each other's presence. Eventually, Bartaugh stood and he drew Freynis up with him, and the young elf was taken to a natural freshwater spring within an adjacent cavern room to freshen up, removing the dried semen and the remnants of Dh'rath from his body.

Then the pair were back in the minotaur's living quarters, sitting by the large fire in the center of the room. The two had not spoken since the morning meal -- nothing needed to have been said since then -- but Bartaugh finally broke the silence more suddenly than the young elf had expected.

"You need to decide where you will be going from here."

Freynis looked up to see the creature smiling knowingly at him, which made the elf feel at a disadvantage. For some reason, the elf had given no thought at all to his future beyond the next moment and the creature's words reminded him of home, all that was there, and all those who would certainly be wondering where he had been.

Before he could speak up on the matter, however, Bartaugh stated the available options: "You may, if you wish, stay here with me. I would enjoy your company, and I would happily share my home with you as my companion. After last night, I can see clearly that you and I have similar interests in other boys."

As if the implication of the creature's words were not sufficiently obvious, they were punctuated by a slow and somewhat noisy licking of lips. Freynis didn't bother trying to hide his blushing face, though he tried not to let his cock become too firm once again.

Bartaugh continued, "...but be aware that any others who enter my home will always, ultimately, be served as dinner. I have undoubtedly eaten elves from your own village, and I will undoubtedly eat more in the future. Should you stay, you may find yourself bidding your own friends or even family farewell as I close the door to my oven."

Nervousness and apprehension began creeping over the boy at the suggestion. Oddly, he found suppression of an erection even more difficult now. He gave a simple nod of acknowledgment; he had no counter-argument to offer nor did he have reason to believe that any challenge to the minotaur's words would succeed.

"Alternatively," Bartaugh continued, "you may return home. I will guide you through the labyrinth to the outside, bid you a final farewell, and you will be free to go..."

A large hand touched Freynis's bare back. The boy could tell, from the minotaur's tone, that more was to be said and so he simply waited, looking up as the creature looked down to him.

"... but if you choose to go, I will no longer be able to extend my offer of companionship. Should you ever yearn for my company and my touch again, and return to my home..."

Large fingers gently curled at Freynis's back, tips creeping beneath his arm to rub at the boy's side.

"...I shall grant you my touch. I shall happily provide you the pleasure that you seek. One final time... but..."

Bartaugh's smile widened in a way that could have been malicious were it not hinting at a slight playfulness as he stated, "...I will feast upon the flesh of roast elf boy that night."

The comment hung in the air for a moment, its presence seeming to echo off of Freynis's pointed ears and made him feel oddly lightheaded. He felt himself swallowing nervously before the minotaur reiterated his intent, "...if you leave now, then should you return, I will sate your lust, but the payment will be the sating of my hunger for elf."

The minotaur's hand slid downward and off to Freynis's side, over the hip and down over the thigh. The large fingers squeezed firmly, and the elf felt reasonably certain that his flesh was being appraised.

His strength faltering, Freynis fell sideways into Bartaugh, who gently held the young elf close. The boy's head turned, and he nuzzled into the short fur of the minotaur's side and he inhaled sharply as he took in the offer.

The previous day and this morning had been, undoubtedly, the most indulgent of the elf's young life. Never before had he known the passion of a minotaur, and pleasuring such a creature had provided him with an intense and inexplicable sense of satisfaction; he had never felt more fulfilled than when he felt Bartaugh's cum splattering upon his face or gushing in his mouth, and his own orgasms had never been more intense than when they had been drawn out under the minotaur's administrations; his balls still ached from the morning's release.

Then there was the matter of last night's dinner.

Dh'rath had been delicious. Unquestionably, Freynis could not recall eating better fare. Moreover, the elf realised his utter excitement at devouring another boy's flesh -- not because of who the boy was, but only because it was another boy and he began to realise that he could probably easily do the same to another boy, even one who had never before tormented him or even one who had been his friend, and feel the same thrill.

Considering the idea further, Freynis realised that he could, in the minotaur's company, happily devour any one of his closest friends and feel no guilt at all for the act. Eating Dh'rath would only be the beginning: staying here, he would quite willingly become a full-fledged cannibal.

He began to think of the minotaur's words, the day before, of devouring human and halfling visitors, but he stopped considering the claim any further lest he begin wondering and fantasizing about the differences in flavor.

His body trembled; the prospect of giving in to a life of companionship with the minotaur, to surrendering to a hedonistic existence, was dizzyingly frightening.

He wanted it. He desperately felt an urge to fully accept Bartaugh's invitation, to call this warm place with this wonderful creature his home, to spend his evenings making love with a minotaur and to cook and consume those who found their way into his new place of living.

But it wasn't right. He didn't feel it. He wasn't even sure that he fully believed it, but he *knew* it to be true.

And so, with more than a little sadness, Freynis declined the minotaur's offer.

Bartaugh, while disappointed, understood.

The pair stood at the entrance to the creatures cave. The labyrinth, puzzling and confusing as it had been during the trip in, had seemed almost a quickly traversed corridor as Bartaugh guided the boy through. And now the journey had ended, and Freynis, now fully clothed, tightly embraced Bartaugh one last time, as firmly as he could.

Then they parted ways. Bartaugh retreated into his cave, and Freynis began the trek back to his village.

The journey home was a familiar one, the way known to the young elf, yet all the while he felt as though he were recalling a distant memory rather than returning to a place he had left only yesterday afternoon. All the while, he felt as though his clothing were confining him and unnaturally blocking off the cool autumn air against his skin.

He arrived home to meet concerned friends and family, whom he placated by claiming to have been lost after eluding a wandering band of goblins before seeking shelter in a cave through the night. Aware of his own apathy toward their worry, he at least acknowledged their fears as valid: more than one elf his age had vanished after wandering a bit far from home.

With that fact in mind, Freynis began to wonder just how many of those disappeared elves had served as dinner for Bartaugh. He remembered a boy nearly his own age, Elrendor. He hadn't known the boy very well, but had shared some friendly words in passing before.

One morning, Elrendor went out exploring and never returned. Search parties found no trace of him.

The night after his return, Freynis imagined the boy -- as best he could recall him -- in Bartaugh's home. Naked, and willingly servicing the minotaur's cock.

Then bound, tied tightly and put into the minotaur's oven. Then served, eaten for dinner. His skin would have taken on a deep brown hue; Dh'rath's dark complexion had been relatively unchanged, but a paler-skinned elf ... well, Freynis could guess how that would appear.

Then the boy would be eaten. Legs torn off, thigh ripped apart by those strong jaws. His cooked cock...

After masturbating, Freynis felt fortunate that had managed to find some measure of privacy amidst the questions. He had been distant and aloof since arriving back home, and he knew it and he could hardly blame those close to him for fearing such a stark change in such a short time.

"Freynis, hello..."

Areanin stepped into the elf boy's bedroom.

Freynis turned his head. He was surprised to see his the other boy, though he realised also that he should not have been. After vanishing for a full day and then returning and shutting himself off from all loved ones, he should have expected his closest friend since early childhood to investigate.

He had never quite noticed before how Areanin's golden hair, so frequently loosely tied back out of his eyes in a way that let it still spill down and frame his handsome face, seemed to shine in the sunlight. Perhaps the boy was just standing in the right place near the window.

Or perhaps Freynis had never thought before to look.

The recently-reclusive elf stood from his bed, now realising the wisdom in putting upon clothing this morning despite urges to remain naked. His soft boots barely sounded upon the wooden floor as he stepped toward the other boy.

Areanin seemed not to have prepared his next words.

"I haven't seen you since you returned. I, ah..."

The blonde elf boy rubbed the back of his head self-consciously as Freynis approached. He rather quickly added on, "... I have heard that you have hardly spoken with anyone. And, ah, you haven't even talked to me."

Freynis was standing before Areanin in a moment, and the puzzled elf finally finished by asking, "Is everything alright? Did something happen when you were away?"

The tone of the questions implied that Areanin already knew the answer, and was seeking specifics.

Freynis's left hand fell onto Areanin's right shoulder, and the troubled boy answered, "I... I believe that I am well. But thank you for your concern."

Areanin's arms slipped up, and around Freynis's sides in a friendly embrace as he offered, "If you do need to speak of things... or of anything, I am your friend."

Freynis's brown locks slipped over his left ear as his head tipped downward. The hand upon Areanin's shoulder slipped further back, and his other joined as the embrace was returned and then tightened, creating additional closeness. He felt his friend's warmth upon his own, and his fingers could feel the contours of the muscles of the other elf's backside.

Freynis took in a breath. It was slow, despite his urge to inhale sharply and deeply to better appreciate Areanin's presence. He wanted to move his head, to brush cheeks with the other boy, but he could find no means to do so while creating the illusion of accident.

Then, as his fingers tightens, he realised that he wished to feel than just the bare skin of Areanin's cheek against his own.

He considered, for the moment, full indulgence of his urges. He thought of kneeling, of stripping this boy's pants away, of nuzzling in at what lay beneath. He imagined kissing and caressing the other boy's cock, of sucking upon it and playing with the balls until gushes of Areanin's seed filled his mouth. He fantasized of holding Areanin's head down and masturbating himself, of spraying forth a mess upon his friend's face.

But it would not be enough. No elf's orgasm could possibly sate his newfound lust; he needed to be drenched in cum, to climax to the promise of an overwhelming torrent of it, and to climax again as that promise was fulfilled.

He needed that, and he knew of only one who could give it. Even if only one more time. Even if it were the final experience of his life.

So, rather than indulge his immediate urges, Freynis drew back. Breathing normally proved a struggle, and so Freynis took some time before he spoke again, for fear of gasping out too forcefully. Areanin, for his part, found himself blushing but not knowing why, but he showed relief on his face as well. Freynis no longer bore an expression of distance and distraction, for the first time since his return, and the sudden return of his good cheer seemed to radiate out from him.

He had left home again, though it didn't quite feel that way. To Freynis, he was returning home, and so the fact that he would never again go back to his village barely registered to him.

He didn't quite remember all of the twists and turns through the labyrinth, but he hardly needed it. The maze seemed to have a guiding quality; even when completely lost within it, travelers always found themselves drawn closer and close toward the center, to the cavern and to the beast who made his home within. Freynis remembered hearing that, or just knowing that somehow, and he trusted the maze to guide him to where he wanted to be. Each step made his pulse feel stronger and faster, the anticipation started to numb his fingertips.

A price would be paid, yes, but Freynis was prepared. To experience what he needed again was worth the cost.

Bartaugh reclined upon his bed, resting, contemplating. The loss of Dh'rath, while not quite regrettable, did mean an end to one reliable source of food. True, unlucky adventurers wandered in from time to time on a somewhat reliable basis, but the minotaur's hunger could stand more frequent acquisition of fresh meat.

He ended his thoughts on the subject, for the moment, upon sensing the presence of an interloper reaching his home. Regardless of how he would solve his conundrum, he would be eating well this evening at least.

The creature's eyes widened and sparkled with a rarely beheld expression of surprise upon seeing Freynis step through the threshold of his home; such was his amazement that the young elf was able to speak first, in a tone tinged with humility and submission.


Bartaugh gave a nod of his head in greeting, and replied, "Freynis. I did not expect your return."

"I... I could not stop thinking of you."

The boy's head lowered slowly as he added, "...I just had to see -- to feel you again."

Bartaugh smiled warmly as he approached, and he answered, "...and you shall."

The creature's huge but gentle hand fell upon Freynis's shoulder as the creature added, "...but the rules have not changed. I have two urges, and both will be fulfilled this night. Your return has seen to that."

Freynis looked up, finding comfort in Bartaugh's expression. He gave a slow nod of his head and a nervous swallow in his throat.

And then the young elf looked, expectantly, back to the entrance to the creature's cavern home.

Bartaugh looked there also, curiously, and his eyes widened at the sight of a blond-haired elf boy, seemingly equal in age to Freynis. The other elf's expression, through the visible fatigue of trying to keep up with Freynis's rapid trek through the labyrinth, showed even greater surprise; evidently he had not expected the sight of a huge, nude minotaur embracing his friend.

"Areanin," Freynis said, "this is my friend, Bartaugh. He shared his home with me on that night."

Areanin gave a slow, dumb nod. Whether he yet was able to understand what had been said was not entirely clear, but Freynis paid the dumbstruck look no heed as he turned his head back to the minotaur and finished the introduction.

"Bartaugh," he began, with an unmistakably sly tilt to his smile, "this is my friend Areanin. I was hoping that you would not object to having him for dinner this evening."

The slyness of Bartaugh's returned smile soon exceeded that of his new lover and he rumbled, "You are quite the clever one. Yes, I think that I would be delighted to take your friend in."

Areanin's attention had been momentarily diverted to the huge shaft that hung between the minotaur's legs, which he could now see more clearly as the minotaur approached him. The sight of it proved so overwhelming that his other senses had been momentarily dulled. He snapped out of the trance at the sound of his name being spoken again, this time in the unfamiliar but oddly pleasant deep voice of the minotaur. He blinked a few times, and Bartaugh paused to give the addled elf a moment of recovery.

A large, warm hand pressed to the boy's backside and pushed him further into the room as the creature intoned, "Come. Let us remove your clothing..."