Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything,Part 7

Story by Penelope Ravenheart on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone! This is part seven in my series of stories about Marius and Jillian. In the last chapter, we met Julius, the long lost son of Marius and we also met the evil Lapidus Yarrow. Both play a big part in this chapter as well. There are some interesting developments in this chapter and, as always, some good sex. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading my work.

Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 7

By Penelope Ravenheart

Even though it was a lovely day, Jillian was lonely and a little sad as she sat eating her breakfast alone on the terrace. It was the morning after Marius had left on his three day trip south for business. And also the morning after Julius had returned, hoping to warn his father that Lapidus Yarrow was back and having missed him by only a few hours.

She missed her husband and was concerned for his safety. But she supposed she could occupy herself and take her mind off things by spending the time getting to know Julius. She was hoping to talk with him and try to find a way to help father and son repair their relationship when Marius returned.

After breakfast, Jillian went downstairs, looking for Julius, hoping to start getting better acquainted with him. She found the wolf in the library, reading a book about a far away province in this world. As she came into the room, Julius looked up, smiling. Jillian returned his smile, motioning for him to stay seated when he started to stand up. She sat down across from him, noticing a haunted look in his eyes as she looked at him.

"I found that book fascinating myself," she said, gesturing towards the volume in his paws.

Smiling more, Julius replied, "Well, the book makes the place sound a lot more interesting than it really is. I spent a year there and was pretty bored. The scenery is pretty though."

"Well, at least the book has that part right then," Jillian said. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Pretty well, actually," he replied. "I'm surprised that I did, being back here."

"Well, you must have been very tired. And I'm sure coming home after all this time was pretty emotionally draining. It's no wonder you slept," Jillian said.

"I'm still not so sure I should stay and see my father," Julius said.

"Well, I am," she said, sitting forward. "And I want to help. I can see in your eyes that you're carrying around a lot of pain and I know your father is too. You need to work things out and get your father-son relationship back. Lapidus Yarrow has stolen enough from this family. Don't let him take that too."

"The thing is, he didn't take it. I am the one to blame. If it hadn't been for me, he never would have found my mother," the wolf said, obvious pain and anguish on his face.

"You were very young and in love. You trusted someone who betrayed you. That's not your fault. It happens sometimes," she said, reaching over and putting her hand on his paw.

"But my mistake cost my mother her life," he replied, obviously holding back tears.

"No, Yarrow's selfishness and lust cost her her life. Not you or anything you did," Jillian said, looking him in the eye.

Julius looked back at her, thinking for a moment. "But, will my father see it that way?"

"Your father is a reasonable wolf. You just need to talk to him. And I'll help in any way I can," she said.

Nodding, Julius said, "Alright then. I'll stay and try to talk to him. And, thank you."

"You're quite welcome," she said, smiling at him. "I want this family to be whole and you and your father to be happy."

Just then, Kai came into the room. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," she said.

"No, it's ok, Kai. Come in. You should meet Marius' son, Julius. Julius, this is my friend, Kai," Jillian said.

As Kai crossed the room to them, Julius stood, smiling at her, his eyes traveling over her before coming back up to meet her big, blue eyes. "Hello, Lady Kai. It's quite a pleasure to meet you," he said, reaching out one huge paw to take her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.

Blushing and smiling, Kai replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Julius."

"Have a seat and join us, Kai," Jillian said, smiling as she watched the two of them reacting to each other.

"Oh... um... I... just came in to see if you might like to go for a walk in the garden with me," Kai stammered.

"Actually, I thought I might catch up on some reading this morning. I'm a bit tired. The pup kept me up last night," Jillian said, smiling slyly. "But the two of you should go for a walk. The gardens are lovely this time of day."

Blushing more, Kai shot Jillian an exasperated look before smiling up at the wolf. "Oh, I'm sure Julius wouldn't want to go for a walk. He must have more interesting things to do."

"On the contrary, Lady Kai. I would very much enjoy accompanying you on a walk in the garden," Julius said, smiling and offering his arm to her as he came up next to her.

"Oh, that would be lovely, thank you," Kai said, smiling more as she took his arm.

"You two have fun," Jillian called after them smiling as she went to a shelf to look for a book.

Jillian found a book that looked interesting and took it upstairs, curling up on the sofa in the room that she shared with Marius to read it. The book was quite interesting and she soon found that she had lost track of time. There was a knock at the door and she looked up, realizing by the angle of the light coming in through the window that it must be close to lunchtime.

"Come in," she said, sitting up and closing the book.

Kai came in, smiling at Jillian as she crossed the room and sat on the sofa next to her. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked like she had a secret that she was just bursting to tell.

"How was your walk?" Jillian asked her.

"I wanted to be upset with you for setting us up like that but, I had a very nice time with Julius. He's very sweet and quite gallant," Kai said.

"Oh, good. I'm glad you two had a good time," Jillian said.

"But, I feel a little guilty," Kai said, looking a bit sheepish. "I've been seeing Jonah and I kind of feel like I shouldn't have enjoyed my time with Julius so much."

"You shouldn't feel guilty. It was an innocent walk in the garden," Jillian said, smiling. "Wasn't it?"

"Of course, it was! You're terrible!" Kai said, feigning shock. "But... well... I think Julius likes me and, well, I find him very... interesting as well. But I'm already involved with Jonah."

"Well, you're not engaged or married to Jonah and you said you haven't slept together yet. Besides, nothing but flirting happened with Julius so, don't feel guilty," Jillian said.

"I guess you're right. Besides, the flirting was fun," Kai said, giggling.

"See, no reason to feel bad. It's always nice to know you're appreciated by the opposite sex," Jillian said, giggling herself.

"Well, you should definitely know how that feels," Kai said, still giggling a little. "The Master is like a lovesick little pup around you."

"Lovesick, perhaps but, a very big pup," Jillian said, laughing.

The two women laughed and talked for a while before going downstairs for lunch. After lunch, Kai had plans with Jonah and Jillian decided to see if Julius was around and maybe suggest a game of cards and some conversation. She was curious to know more about him, both before he left home and after.

She found him in the sitting room at the back of the house on the sofa with a different book from the library about another far away land. She supposed he had done a lot of traveling in the twelve years since he left home and had seen a lot of the places she had read about in Marius' extensive library.

"So, does that place live up to the author's description?" Jillian asked as she crossed the room.

"I can't really say," Julius said, smiling and starting to stand. "I haven't been there yet."

Motioning for him to stay seated, Jillian sat in a chair opposite the sofa, smiling. "You must have done a lot of traveling since you left here," she said.

"Yes, I've seen a lot of this world. But, I think I'd like to find one place and stay there. It's hard to have lasting friendships when you're traveling all the time," he replied with a wistful look in his eyes.

"It must have been hard for you. I can't imagine having to move around constantly like that," Jillian said.

Julius shrugged. "It wasn't really bad. Just a little lonely at times. But, I went where I could find work or business opportunities."

"Well, I hope you and your father work things out and you stay here," she said, smiling at him.

"That would be nice but, I'm not going to get my hopes up. My father and I may not be able to work things out. So, I may just have to find another place to start making a life for myself. I've been to a few places that I might consider settling down in," he said.

"Well, I'm sure it won't come to that," she replied. "Now, suppose you tell me about some more of your adventures."

"I don't know if you would really call them adventures. Well, except maybe for the one time in Carrollon. That's a province in the south east..." he began.

Jillian settled in, listening intently to the tales of his travels for most of the afternoon. He had had many fascinating and unique experiences during his nomadic years away. But the one thing Jillian felt very clearly running through all of his stories was the loneliness he had had in his life all these years. He hadn't stayed in any one place long enough to build long lasting relationships. It made her sad to think that he had spent so long without friends, family or love in his life. It also made her angry to think that, because of the selfishness of Lapidus Yarrow, so much had been stolen from so many others. Marius had lost his wife and his son. Julius had lost his family and the years he might have spent making a happy life for himself. And all the people that loved Julius' mother or that would have loved him had lost out too.

The two of them sat there in the sitting room until almost dinner time, Julius telling of his many experiences and Jillian listening, commenting and asking questions now and then. She also told him a bit about her life back in her world and how she had come to be here, leaving out some of the gory details. She didn't especially want to relive them and didn't think that he needed to hear them.

They continued their conversation over dinner, laughing and talking as they ate. Jillian felt very comfortable around the wolf and genuinely liked him. She hoped that he and his father could repair their relationship.

The thought of her husband being home the next evening made Jillian smile. She would be glad to see him herself, as well as wanting father and son to reconnect.

After dinner, Jillian found herself getting very tired. The pup had actually awakened her a number of times the night before. Excusing herself and wishing Julius a good night, she went upstairs for a nice relaxing bath and then got into bed, snuggling under the covers with Marius' pillow cuddled close in her arms. As she began to drift off, she smiled, thinking to herself that the next night, she would be falling asleep in her husband's arms.

That night as the house became quiet and most of the lights were turned off, the guards patrolled the grounds. Jonah had given orders that no post be left unattended and that breaks were to be taken in shifts. He had made the rounds and checked on all the guards himself before quietly slipping off to Kai's room, intending to spend some of his off hours with the lovely young lady he had been seeing so much of lately. It had been a while since he had spent the night with a lady and, if she was willing, he had every intention of spending the next few hours making love to her. He was wishing he could spend the night in her arms but knew he would have to be up too early in the morning for that.

Everything was quiet and all seemed well as the first shift of guards went on their break around midnight. The guard at the garden gate at the side of the house had sent the guard he had been paired with off on his break and was a bit bored as he stood watch, looking up and down the road that ran along the side of the property. He heard something from the shadows just down the road a dozen or so yards from where he was and snapped to attention, his hand going to the hilt of his sword.

From out of the shadows came two scruffy and bedraggled looking young people, one male and one female. They looked hungry and tired and were dressed in rags. The guard relaxed a little, thinking that these two weren't likely to pose much of a threat. As they approached, the guard thought that the woman looked like she might be pregnant and that even though she looked a bit dirty and was dressed in rags, she was pretty and would clean up well.

"Excuse me, sir," the young man said as he walked up closer to the guard, "Are we going the right way to get to the Sisters of the Rose mission?"

The guard smiled, stepping forward, "Aye, you're headed in the right direction, son. The quickest way for you to get there," he said, turning to point down the road to the south, "is just keep going this way until..."

He never saw the blow coming and fell to the ground in a heap, unconscious. The young man turned, motioning in the direction of the trees across the road. Four men, all dressed in black, came running out from the forest, quickly and quietly crossing the road. The young man and woman dragged the unconscious guard off to the side of the gate, binding his wrists and ankles with rope as three of the black clad men went to the gate, opening it and looking around before slipping inside, leaving the fourth outside the gate with the phony travelers to watch for more guards and keep an eye on the one they had knocked out.

Once inside the gate, the three men made their way quickly across the side yard and patio, staying in the shadows as much as possible. They went to the trellis that climbed up the side of the house to the terrace at the back of the bedroom where Jillian slept. One of the men climbed up, quickly and quietly. The other two stayed in the shadows on the ground, keeping watch.

As soon as he got to the terrace, the man went straight for the door to the bedroom, trying it and finding it locked. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of lock picks. He quickly got the door unlocked and returned the picks to his pocket. He quietly opened the door, stepping into the room and listening to Jillian's breathing, trying to make sure she was asleep. When he was sure that she was, he crept across the room, pulling a small bottle of liquid and a cloth out of the pocket of his jacket. He poured some of the liquid onto the cloth, quickly moving to the side of the bed and putting the cloth over her mouth and nose, clamping his hand down tightly.

Jillian woke with a start, trying to scream but unable to make any sound beyond muffled cries. She began struggling as she looked up, seeing the figure in the dark that was holding this chemical soaked cloth tightly over her mouth and nose. She felt a stab of terror as she realized that she was starting to feel lightheaded. She knew that if she couldn't get a breath of clean air soon, she would pass out. She definitely didn't want that to happen. She didn't know who this man was or what might happen to her if she lost consciousness. She struggled harder, clawing at his hand and arm, trying to break his grip and get a breath of air. She was trying not to breathe anymore than she had to because she didn't want to breathe in more of the chemical and lose consciousness.

The man pressed harder, holding the cloth firmly over her mouth and nose as she struggled. He fended off her attempts to scratch and hit him easily with the other hand. Smiling down at her, he watched as her movements began to slow. He thought that, even with her swollen, pregnant belly, she was quite beautiful and the combination of her beauty and this act of overpowering her had given him a large, obvious erection.

Jillian whimpered, squirming and thrashing in his grip, trying to get away from him even more as she noticed the bulge in his pants, visible in the moonlight coming in through the window. Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled over her cheeks in her terror and the frustration at not being able to break his grip as she felt her movements slowing and she slipped closer and closer to unconsciousness. Even as she felt panic setting in and she tried harder to fight, her movements became slower and weaker and a fog began to settle over her mind.

The man smiled more as Jillian's struggling became weaker and slower and her eyes began to close. He wished he could push her thighs apart and force his hardness into her as she lost consciousness but, there wasn't time for that and besides, Yarrow would have his head if he took her without permission. He did take a moment to squeeze one breast, enjoying the fullness of it in his hand as her eyes closed and she stilled on the bed.

As soon as he was sure she was out, he put the cloth away in his pocket, reaching down and throwing back the covers. He pulled out a harness that he had rolled up in his other jacket pocket and leaned over, lifting her upper body and quickly slipping a wide strap under her before lifting her hips and legs and doing the same. Once he had the harness secured around her, he picked her up, carrying her out onto the terrace and over to the railing next to the trellis. He signaled to the two men waiting below, making sure they were ready before lifting Jillian over the railing and lowering her down to them. After the men on the ground had her, the one on the terrace climbed down quickly and the three of them made a hasty retreat back through the heavy wooden garden gate, carrying Jillian with them.

The two other men and the woman they had left outside the gate were waiting for them but now there was a second guard, unconscious and bound, laying on the ground. The group hurried across the road and back into the woods, placing Jillian on a litter they had left there and binding her wrists and ankles before setting off for the clearing where they had left a horse drawn cart and their horses.

When they arrived in the clearing, they loaded the litter with Jillian on it into the cart and saddled up, heading for the north east, where Lapidus Yarrow was waiting at his home. It only took about an hour for them to get there. They had made good time and Jillian had only started to awaken once, needing to be rendered unconscious again with the chemical the man had in the bottle in his pocket.

A couple of hours later, Jillian began to wake up. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a large room with dark, crimson red drapes and walls and black lacquer woodwork. She was on a large bed made of the same black lacquered wood and draped in silk of the same deep crimson, from the canopy and curtains to the bedcovers and sheets.

As she came more fully awake, she lifted herself on one elbow and looked around. As she sat up, she noticed that she wore golden cuffs on her wrists now, connected by a chain almost two feet long and looped around one of the ornate, but sturdy looking pillars of the headboard. She started trying to get her wrists free but soon found that no matter how she tried, her hands wouldn't squeeze through the cuffs. She started pulling on the chain, trying to see if there were any weak links or if she could loosen the pillar on the headboard but, to no avail. She seemed to be very securely anchored there. She kept trying, glancing around at both bedside tables to see if there was anything on either that might help her. The only things on the bedside tables were the ornate, rather gothic looking lamps that stood in the center of each.

Jillian kept trying, furiously trying to free herself. She glanced nervously around the room, wanting to hurry and get free before anyone came in. She didn't know where she was for sure but had her suspicions.

She was just about to try prying one of the chain links open with the edge of her wedding ring when she heard the door open behind her. Her stomach sank as she slowly turned to see who had come into the room.

Standing across the room leering at her was Lapidus Yarrow. His eyes crawled over her as he took a few steps into the room. This night, he was dressed simply in a long, black silk loincloth. Once again, he had a large and obvious erection which made Jillian extremely uneasy as he came closer to the bed.

"Good evening, Mrs. Cane," he said, smirking at her.

"Mr. Yarrow, what do you want?" she asked, struggling harder against her restraints.

Chuckling as he watched her, making his way slowly towards the foot of the bed, he said, "Well, now... I thought we should get better acquainted. And I thought you should find out what a real wolf is like too, my dear."

"My husband is a real wolf. I dare say more of one than you ever will be. He's got something you apparently don't... honor," she replied.

Laughing derisively, he said, "Oh, really? Is that why he took you from your world and forced you to stay here and be his bitch? Yes, my dear, I have done some checking up on you."

Glaring at him, Jillian said, "At least he didn't steal me away from a husband who loved me. And he brought me to this world because he fell in love with me. Not because he was trying to take something from someone else."

"Either way, you're still his property and nothing more. Or, I should say, you were. Now, you're mine," Yarrow said, grasping one of the bedposts with a huge paw.

"I'll never be yours. And I'm more than a thing to be owned to Marius. I'm his wife and the mother of his pup and he loves me," she replied.

"Perhaps," Yarrow said, "But that's of no consequence now."

"You may not feel that way when he comes for me. And he will, you know," she said.

"Yes, when he gets back, I'm sure he will. In fact, I hope he does. Then he can see that you are mine now. And if you haven't come around by the time he gets here, you can watch him die. Either way, I get what I want and you have a new master," he said as he removed his loincloth, revealing his huge, hard cock.

Jillian scrambled towards the head of the bed, pulling at her restraints more furiously. She could see how excited he was as the veined surface of his cock pulsed and it's tip leaked pre. She whimpered as she tried harder to get free but still couldn't

Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her roughly onto her back in the middle of the bed as he climbed up onto it, growling. With one swipe of his huge paw, he tore away the nightgown she had been wearing when she was brought here. Jillian screamed and tried to wriggle away. Yarrow pinned her down with his body, forcing her legs apart with his own as he began moving the tip of his cock over her clit and pussy lips, coating them in his thick pre.

Running one paw roughly over her belly he said, "We'll have to get rid of that before I'll take you but, I can still mark you as mine. But not to worry, my dear, you will get a taste of what your new master has to offer."

"You're not my master! And don't you even think about hurting my pup!" Jillian said, spitting the words at him vehemently.

"That thing in your belly has Marius' defective genes so, of course, we will be getting rid of that as soon as my physician returns in a day or so. And, if you won't renounce your vows to Marius, that will just make it easier for me to kill him," Yarrow said, growling the words into her face.

With that, he moved his paws up over her body, roughly fondling and squeezing her breasts. He lowered his face to them, nuzzling and nipping at them. Jillian squirmed more, trying in vain to get away from him. She could feel his hardness rubbing against her clit, making it throb and swell, reacting to his touch and making her body betray her. She began to cry as he moved his muzzle up, nipping and kissing at her neck as he ground himself against her wet pussy and throbbing clit harder, growling in pleasure as he did.

He grabbed her face with one huge paw, holding it as he kissed her hard, his tongue forcing it's way between her lips. His paw moved down to her throat, holding it and gradually squeezing harder as she refused to allow his tongue into her mouth. As she felt the pressure increasing, she relented, opening her mouth and letting his tongue in to entwine with hers. As she did, the wolf's grip loosened on her throat and he mmmed into the kiss.

He rubbed his thick, veined cock against her faster as his knot swelled. Her pussy became wetter and her clit throbbed harder. She could feel herself getting close to cumming as his hard, pulsing cock ground against her relentlessly. Suddenly, even though she didn't want it, she felt her body reacting to him more as she began to cum. Her pussy spasmed and she arched her back, bucking under him as her clit exploded with sensations. The wolf broke the kiss, watching her and smiling as she came, the tears streaming down her face even as she writhed in pleasure.

"Your body knows who your master is, even if you don't want to admit it yet, my dear," Yarrow said, murring as he felt her moving under him.

As her orgasm began to subside, she looked up at him, her breath coming in gasps. As she regained a bit of her senses, she turned her face, shame making her cry harder. She knew her body was only reacting to the physical stimulation but, she couldn't help feeling ashamed that she had gotten any pleasure on any level at all from it.

Crying, she said, "Marius is my husband and Master. You'll never be either of those things."

"We shall see, my dear. We shall see," he said with an evil chuckle.

Yarrow pulled himself up off from her a bit, looking down at her. He began to turn around, moving his hips up and straddling her face as he positioned his muzzle over her wet, swollen pussy. He inhaled deeply, murring as he enjoyed her scent. He began pushing his cock tip against her lips.

"Open your mouth and take it, my dear. And treat me right if you know what's good for you," he said, dragging his claws over her swollen belly menacingly.

Jillian gasped as she felt his claws on her belly. She knew that he could very easily open her belly with one swipe of his paw, killing both her and the pup inside her. She opened her mouth, feeling more tears streaming down her face as she took his thick hardness between her lips. She felt his claw drag over her belly again and heard a menacing growl coming from him and began sucking on his cock, flicking her tongue over it's veined surface.

"I know you're chained but you can still reach with your hands too, my dear," he said, pushing his hips down a little, forcing his cock tip into the top of her throat.

Jillian whimpered around his cock, reaching up with one hand to stroke the exposed shaft of his cock, moving her hand slowly over his swollen knot. With the other hand, she began gently squeezing his large, furry balls.

"Mmm, that's it, my dear. I can see you'll make your new master a very happy wolf, indeed," Yarrow said, murring as he lowered his muzzle between her parted thighs.

The tears flowed even more as Jillian licked, sucked and stroked him. She could feel his hot pre sliding down her throat and, unlike when she was with Marius, it made her feel sick. She hoped she wouldn't get sick, she could only imagine how the wolf would react to that.

Yarrow pushed her legs further apart as he slipped his tongue between her wet, swollen pussy lips. He moved his tongue from the back, near the tight, wet entrance to her pussy, towards the swollen, throbbing bud of her clit. He mmmed as he tasted her, teasing her clit with little flicks from his tongue, causing her to moan and mmm around his hardness. He took her clit between his lips, sucking it hard as he flicked his tongue over it faster. Despite herself, Jillian pushed her hips up, mmming more around his thick slab of wolf cock. He slid his huge paws under her ass, squeezing her buttocks as he teased her clit, enjoying the fact that he was making her body react to him against her will.

As Jillian began to cum again, Yarrow moved one paw from under her ass, sliding one clawed finger into her spasming pussy. Her pussy tightened around it and she writhed under him more as her orgasm became more intense. Her hips thrust as she felt waves of pleasure washing over her and her legs came up around his neck involuntarily.

Yarrow pushed his hips down more, forcing more of his throbbing cock down her throat. He growled, his knot swollen hugely now as her hand moved over it, massaging it and sending shivers through him.

As Jillian's orgasm slowly faded, the wolf released her clit, moving his tongue back towards her sopping wet pussy opening as he slowly pulled his finger out of her. He slipped his tongue inside her, twisting and wriggling it, mmming as her juices coated it. He felt his balls swelling and knew it wouldn't be long before he came himself as he drove his long, flexible tongue into her deeper, the tip flicking at her closed cervix.

He thrust his hips more, forcing all but his knot into her mouth and throat as he got closer and closer to cumming. He growled and panted and pushed his muzzle hard against her as his tongue danced inside her. Her taste, her scent, her mouth and hands on him, were all driving him wild and slowly, he lifted his muzzle from her pussy, panting and growling loudly as he felt his balls tighten against his body. He thrust his hips harder as his cock began jolting and his hot, thick cum began flowing into her mouth and down her throat. He threw his head back, howling loudly as his pleasure soared.

Jillian was practically choking on his huge member as he began cumming. She had to swallow quickly in order to keep from drowning in the flood of his hot juices. The thought of his cum filling her belly made her feel sick again. She just wanted this to be over. Maybe she could find a way to get away from Yarrow if he would just finish and leave her alone.

As the last of his hot cum flowed down her throat, Yarrow's howls turned to growls and he slowly pulled himself out of her mouth and throat. He turned around, laying on his side next to her, looking her over as he fondled and squeezed her breasts. His long tongue flicked out and he licked her juices off his muzzle.

"You're very good with your hands and mouth, my dear. No wonder Marius has not only kept you but, made you his wife," Yarrow said, eyeing her lasciviously.

"I'm more than a sex toy to him," Jillian said, feeling miserable and wanting to be in Marius' arms more than anything at the moment.

"Perhaps," he said, "But you will make an excellent plaything for me. And you were enjoying it too, my dear. You can't deny that. And if I can make you feel that good without even putting my cock inside your pussy, imagine how I'll make you scream when I do."

Jillian turned her face away from him, ashamed that she had cum, tears flowing heavily down her cheeks. She was glad, however, that he had only forced her to have oral sex with him. She felt violated enough as it was. She knew she would feel even more so if he had forced her to take his cock in her pussy. She just wanted to get away from Yarrow and to be back at home with her husband.

She tried to roll over, wanting to turn away and cry into the pillow. The wolf stopped her, turning her back to face him. He slid one huge paw up the side of her neck to her face, holding it as he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers forcefully. She tried to turn away, whimpering into the kiss as his tongue probed her lips, forcing it's way into her mouth. He slid one paw down her body, between her legs, cupping her pussy with it and squeezing a little.

Breaking the kiss, Yarrow said, "You're mine now. You need to get used to that. You'll do as I tell you, when I tell you and you will submit to me."

"I'll never be yours. And I'll never submit to you, not the way you mean," Jillian said, the tears still streaming down her face.

"We'll see about that, my dear," he said, chuckling a little as he settled in next to her and pulled her close.

Yarrow held her possessively as he closed his eyes, sated and ready for sleep. She wanted to get up and run from the room but, because of the restraints, she would settle for being able to roll over and face away from him. She tried to turn over but he held her in place, his arms too tightly around her for her to move. So, she lay there, crying, wishing more than anything that she could be in Marius' arms right now.

As Jillian cried herself to sleep in Yarrow's bed, Jonah and Kai were parting after spending the previous few hours making love to each other for the first time. Kai wanted him to stay but knew he had to get up very early and wouldn't want to wake her or to be tempted to stay in bed with her and let his duties slide for a while. She walked him to the door, smiling up at him as he turned to take her in his arms and kiss her.

He pulled her close, kissing her deeply and enjoying the feeling of her body pressed to his. As he broke the kiss, he smiled down at her, caressing her cheek as he looked into her big, blue eyes. It had been a long time since any woman had made him feel the way Kai did and he thought the two of them could have a long and interesting future together if things continued as they had been going so far.

"Thank you, my lovely. Get some sleep now. I'll see you later," Jonah said as he released her from his embrace.

"You try to get some sleep too, dear. And, you're quite welcome," Kai replied with a little giggle.

Jonah smiled at her again before turning and heading off down the hall. Kai watched him a moment before closing the door and going back to her bed. She snuggled down under the covers, smiling as she closed her eyes, thinking about the last few hours as she settled in to sleep. Jonah had turned out to be quite a good and caring lover and she hoped they would have many more nights like this one.

Just as Kai was starting to drift off to sleep, she heard a soft knock at her door. She opened her eyes, wondering as she sat up if Jonah had forgotten something. She pulled on her robe as she crossed the room to the door, thinking that it might be someone other than Jonah and the robe might be a good idea. When Kai opened the door, she found Julius standing there, looking a bit nervous and holding a single red rose in one huge paw.

"Julius...hello," she said, a bit surprised and also a bit flustered as well.

"Hello, Lady Kai. I'm sorry if I've awakened you. I had been thinking about you since we were together earlier and... well, I just couldn't sleep until I came to see you," Julius said, offering her the rose.

"Oh, thank you. How sweet of you," she said, smiling and accepting the rose. "And no, you didn't wake me. I hadn't fallen asleep yet."

Julius smiled at her nervously but, obviously relieved that he hadn't disturbed her and that she seemed pleased to see him. This bolstered his courage, even though there was the scent of another male on her, and he took a breath, straightening up a bit and feeling a little more confident.

"I was wondering if you might like to have breakfast with me in the morning and perhaps take a walk in the gardens after," he said.

Smiling and inhaling the scent of the rose as she held it under her nose, Kai looked up at Julius, blushing as she replied, "Oh, that sounds lovely, thank you. Shall we meet in the dining room at eight?"

"I thought it might be nice to have our breakfast on the patio, if that would be alright," Julius said, smiling more.

"Yes, that would be very nice, indeed," Kai said. "I'll see you there at eight then."

"Thank you, Lady Kai. I'll go now and let you rest. It is late," Julius said, reaching forward and taking her hand and bringing it to his lips for a quick, soft kiss. "Sleep well."

"You sleep well too, Julius. And thank you," she said, blushing more.

As the wolf turned to go, Kai closed the door softly. She felt a little guilty accepting his invitation, especially in light of what had happened between she and Jonah tonight. But then, it was only breakfast and a walk, not a romantic, candlelit dinner for two. She put the rose in a bud vase on her dresser, filling it with water from her bathroom sink before taking off her robe and getting back into bed. As she lay down, pulling the covers around her, she smiled. She couldn't wait to tell Jillian about the evening she had had. She supposed that would have to wait until after breakfast though.

The next morning, just before seven, Jonah was out, making his rounds before the guards' shift change. He had started at the back of the large estate, thinking that anyone trying to gain entrance to the property would think that a possible weak point in their defenses. Everything looked to be in order along the perimeter as he made his way around the estate, checking in with the night guards who were just about to end their shifts.

When he came around to the garden gate at the side of the house, he didn't see the guards standing at their posts and immediately felt alarmed. As he got closer, he saw the two guards, bound and gagged, laying on the ground, struggling against their bindings. Rushing to them, Jonah called out loudly to the other guards on patrol. Several of them came on the run to see what the problem was. Jonah ripped the gag off one of the guards as he knelt, drawing his hunting knife to cut the ropes restraining him while another worked to free the other bound man.

"What happened, man?" Jonah asked urgently.

Taking a deep breath, the guard replied, "Two people came up the road while Will was on break last night. They looked like a poor young couple and asked for directions to Sisters of the Rose. When I turned to point down the road, one of them knocked me out. When I woke up, they were gone and Will was on the ground tied up too."

Jonah looked at the other guard, "When you came back, Will, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, boss," the guard named Will replied, "When I got back, there was a girl standing out here and before I could even ask her who she was someone hit me from behind. I was out cold before I knew what was going on."

Jonah told the other guards to finish freeing the two bound men as he got up, rushing towards the house. He went inside, heading straight for the stairs. He ran up the stairs and to the room that the Master and his wife shared. He knocked but no answer came. He pounded harder. Still no answer. He pulled out the ring of keys he, as head guard, was entrusted with, fishing through them and finding the one for this door. He unlocked the door and rushed into the room. The bed was in disarray and no Jillian in sight. He stepped into the bathroom, checking for her in there. When he came back out, he looked across the room and noticed the door leading out onto the terrace was ajar. He quickly crossed the room, stepping out onto the terrace and looking around. He noticed that some of the rose vines and blossoms on the trellis looked trampled. His stomach felt like it was tied in knots as he realized that Jillian had been taken. He rushed back downstairs calling all of the available guards together.

Jonah started giving orders, telling the men to gear up and get ready to ride out. The Master's wife had been taken and they would be heading to Yarrow's home since he had almost certainly been the one that had her kidnapped. He ordered several of the men to stay behind to guard the house and it's occupants. He would leave a skeleton crew behind and take most of the guards in Marius' employ with him to rescue Jillian and, with any luck, kill Yarrow in the process.

As the guards began rushing about preparing to ride out, Julius came out of his room on his way downstairs for his breakfast date with Kai. He was immediately concerned because of the flurry of activity that was going on and stopped one of the guards as he was rushing by.

"What's going on?" Julius asked the guard.

"The Master's wife has been taken. We're preparing to leave for Yarrow's home to bring her back," the guard replied.

"Yarrow! Damn!" Julius exclaimed. "Tell Jonah I'll be riding out with all of you."

The guard nodded before dashing off down the hall. Julius turned, going back into his room to get his sword and dress in more battle appropriate clothing. When he came out, he saw Kai coming down the hallway looking concerned.

"What's going on? What's all the commotion about?" she asked as she got closer to Julius.

"Jillian's been taken. The guards are preparing to ride out to Yarrow's place to bring her back. I'm going with them," Julius replied.

"Oh, no! He took Jillian? Oh, Julius, no!" she said, her hand going to her throat.

"Stay here and be safe, Lady Kai. We'll bring her back," he said.

Nodding, Kai said, "Please do, Julius. She's my best friend and she's pregnant. Don't let him hurt her."

"Don't worry, Lady Kai, we'll bring her back safely," he said, kissing her softly on the cheek before striding off down the hall.

At that moment, Marius and the three guards that had gone on his trip with him rode up in front of the house. He had decided to ride most of the night, only taking a few hours' break to let the horses rest. He wanted to get home to Jillian as quickly as possible. He was worried about her with Yarrow being back and making his presence known. Besides, he missed her and wanted to surprise her by coming home a little earlier than expected.

When Marius and the three guards arrived, the wolf was surprised and alarmed at the frenzied activity going on in front of the house. He quickly got down from his horse, spotting Jonah and heading straight for him.

"What's going on, Jonah?" Marius asked, concern obvious on his face.

"Sir, you're back early! I'm sorry you had to come back to this but, Mrs. Cane is missing and it appears that Yarrow had her taken late last night. I came out this morning to find that two of the guards had been knocked out and tied up. We're getting ready to go after Mrs. Cane now," Jonah said as he tightened his saddle on his horse. "But sir, there is one other thing you should know..."

"Whatever it is, it can wait," Marius said. "We have to get Jillian back safely first. Everything else can wait."

Just as Marius said that and started to turn back towards his own horse, Julius came out of the house, stepping out onto the porch. Father and son locked eyes, both freezing in their tracks, shocked at so suddenly seeing each other for the first time in so many years.

"Julius? Is that you?" Marius said, taking a step towards the house.

"Yes, Father," Julius replied, stepping down off the porch.

"I don't have time right now, son. I have to go get my wife back," Marius said, turning and walking quickly to his horse.

"I know, Father. I'm coming too," Julius said as he walked to his own horse.

"Do as you want but don't get in my way. And don't do anything to cost me another wife," Marius said as he mounted his horse.

Wincing at Marius' words, Julius replied, "I'll do all that I can to help you get her back, Father. And to make up for the past."

The men and wolves were mounted up and Marius rode up next to Jonah, speaking to him for a few moments before turning his horse and facing the rest of the men. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before speaking to them. He didn't want the fear and pain he was feeling to show in his voice.

"Men, some of you have been with me long enough to know how dangerous and unpredictable Yarrow is. For those who don't, trust me when I say that he is those things and more. Do not let your guard down! Our main concern is getting my wife back safely but... if you get the chance to kill Yarrow... take it! He killed my first wife and for that he deserves death. And now he has taken my new wife. Bring her back safely! And if Yarrow dies... all the better! Let's go!" Marius shouted to the men.

Marius turned his horse, riding up the road heading north. Jonah followed, motioning to the rest of them to follow. The sound of hoof beats filled the air as they rode out towards Yarrow's place.

As Marius rode out in front of the rest, he was growling and his lips were curled back in a snarl. He was desperate to get to Jillian and make sure she and their pup were safe. But he also wanted to rip Yarrow apart. And heaven help anyone who got in his way.