Jack's Insane Sexual Adventures Part 1

Story by Vitas on SoFurry

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#2 of Jack's Adventures

I awoke with a shock and looked around my room. Former room, I should say. Yesterday had been my eighteenth birthday. All of my friends had come to celebrate it, and a big party had been thrown. Today was the beginning of my journey. I got up, and took a quick shower. I stepped out, got dressed, and began to pack.

As I was finishing packing, my mom stepped in."Jack, son, you don't have to leave. You can get a job around town. You don't have to leave."

I sighed and turned to her, wiping a tear from my eye."I love you, and everyone else in town. But I want to make it big, and there is no way I can do it here."

My mom looked worried."You know very well how dangerous the world can be nowadays." She was referring to the new age. About 200 years ago, science advanced to the point that animals could be made humanoid. At first it was great, and people welcomed it. Sadly, these new beings quickly rose up against their human creators, and a great war was fought. Millions died, but in the end, the "furs" were defeated. They began to assimilate into society, since then. Despite this, many changes had begun. Sex slave trades acquired humans and furs alike. Sex, drugs, and violence had exploded into huge problems, but no one group had enough power to stop it. It wasn't all bad if you lived in a small town, like I did. Cities were dangerous places now, however. I thought I knew the risks back then, but I never thought that I, could be so wrong.

I turned to my mom, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, and headed for the front door."I'll come back when I'm famous! I promise, I'll come back someday."

She sighed, but she nodded and handed me my food supplies. I waved and set out. Walking to the road nearby, I looked at the sign. My village, Leafshaw, was only twenty miles away from the nearest city, Ichirus. Ichirus, where I planned to make my big debut. I was a writer, one of the few jobs left that was respectable. Despite the new technlology, people and furs alike remained fascinated with the written word, and thus, it was still a lucrative career.

I prepared myself mentally for the long trek ahead of me when someone called out my name. I turned to see the love of my life, Sarah. She was the reason for my journey. I desired to become rich and powerful, not for selfish desires. I loved Sarah, and she loved me. But there was a problem. She was not just a feline fur that I loved, she was the daughter of the town guard's legendary leader, Michael Sandela. Descendant of a general from the Great War, he was very proud of his family heritage. He didn't think that any mere human deserved to be with his daughter, and only one that could prove himself physically or economically would do. Several humans, my friends, had tried, unsuccessfully, to best him in combat. He had killed them all afterwards. I was a slim young man with turqoise eyes full of life, and although I had stamina, I had no chance against that fighting machine. So the only other option was to become an economic success. Perhaps the story was cheesy, back then, but now I wish it had been that simple.

Sarah walked over to me. Her orange fur covered her enite body, except for the top of her head, which was black. People made jokes that she was the ultimate Halloween cat. She smiled to me, a gentle smile I had seen many times before."So, you are really going on a journey, just to impress my father."

I laughed."Of course. I love you, and I won't stop until I make you mine."

She purrs a little as she practically slides next to me. I felt her paw touch my hand, and I looked deeply into her beautiful red irises. She ruffled my hair with her other paw. She thought my short black hair was "cute". "Promise not to get hurt, or worse. You know I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt."

I hold her paw in my hand and smile."You are my pretty kitty, and I'm touched, but worrying won't do anything. I'm doing this for us, so nothing will stop me. I promise, I will return. And I will be a success when I do."

Sarah rolls her eyes."You always were a little dreamer, even when we were kids. Fine, I'll do my best not to worry, but you should have a traveling companion, just in case."

I nodded."I can do this."

She laughes."And I thought humans didn't have pride."

I rolled my eyes this time."And I thought you knew all about me, after all these years."

She winks at me, and responds."There are some things we don't know about each other yet. Maybe if you hurry back, you'll find out sooner than later." I winked back, and we hugged.

I whispered into her ear."I'll do my best. Thanks for the....inspiration." I could feel a bulge in my pants, and she could somehow tell. She touched it, and I gasped a little."Daddy won't like that."

She pulls back."What he doesn't know can't hurt him. Or you, for that matter."

I hugged her one last time, and turned around. I picked up my backpack and my luggage, and waved back as I began my journey."Be back as soon as I can."

As I walked off, I looked up to her father's house, and I could have sworn I had been watched. I shrugged it off and walked down the dusty trail. Cars had gone out of style, so my journey was going to be a long one. Boy, I had no idea.

Ten hours and twelve miles later, I found myself setting up camp in the forest. I had all of my supplies laid out. I made myself some sandwhiches. I ate two, and put away the rest for later. I began to fall asleep, so I crawled up to my things and fell asleep, my head on the one pillow I had brought.

I awoke shortly thereafter to a loud noise. I turned to see all of my things were gone, except for my pillow. I got up and looked around in a panic. I took a hand to my side and felt the hilt of my sword. I had brought it with me in case of emergencies, and it looked like I might need to use it. I quickly looked around, and determined where the noises were coming from. My mother never told me who my father was, and I assumed he was a fur of some kind. I had enhanced hearing, and my ears were pointed instead of how a human's normally was. Judging where the noises came from, I ran in that direction.

I reached a river, where I saw a rat fur running off with my things."Hey!" I called out. The fur turned to me and began running. I sped after him, desperate to retrieve my belongings. I caught up with him near the river and pulled out my sword."Drop it."

The fur turned me and snidely replied."A sword. How pathetic." He pulled out a gun."Weapons are for weaklings. Drop yours, now." I bent down to drop my sword, and it clattered to the ground. Before I could say a word, a large piece of wood struck the rat in the head, and he fell back into the water, with all of my belongings. I rushed forward, but was not fast enough, as everything was lost in the wide river.

I sighed, picked up my sword, and put it away. I turned to see who had thrown the wood, only to see a tall horse fur. Even in the moonlight, I could tell he was incredibly fit. He only wore a ripped pair of jeans. He was black as the night, except for his blonde mane. He walked over to me, and chuckled."Looks like you got ripped." I nodded, and he laughed heartily."Well, don't worry. My son and I came out camping and we heard your little friend make quite a bit of noise in the getaway. You can stick with us for a while, if you want."

I quickly nodded, delighted by his hospitality. We talked over who I was, why I was here, and he seemed quite interested. I also learned a bit about him. His wife died in an accident a couple of years ago, in Ichirus. She was hit and killed in a hit-and-run. I expressed my condolences, but he shrugged it off, saying that he had gotten over it, mostly.

We finally arrived at his camp, and he turned to me."My name is Caesar, by the way. My son, Roland, is asleep right now. I was wondering if I could show you the secret camp site nearby."

I shrugged."Sure, I guess. Could we do it in the morning?"

He looked away."I'd rather we do it now."

I nodded after thinking it over, and we walked back into the forest, heading west. We reached a large patch of grass that was rather flat, a great place to camp."So why did you want to show me this place?" Before I could turn to get a response, he grabbed my side and stole my sword.

I turned, still shocked, as he tossed it away. He eyed me up and down."See, I have a proposition, and I don't want you to get mad. Would you at least here me out?"

I felt that this wasn't going to end well, but I nodded."Fine, but hurry up."

He laughed."You seem to like to cut to the chase. Well, I have mostly gotten over my wife's death. sadly, I no longer have someone to satisfy.....my needs." I gulped."Not only that. My son has been asking for me to buy him a playmate. Roland is homosexual, and he wants a boy toy. I think you know what I'm implying."

This kind of thing was common nowadays, but it still didn't make me feel any better."And If I refuse your....offer?"

He shrugged."Then I leave you alone out here. Who knows how long you'll last with no supplies, no way out, and no friends."

I contemplated my situation. I would easily get lost in the forest if I went off alone, and that would not end very pretty. What was better, a gamble in the forest, or becoming a slave to the horse's whims? I loved Sarah, but I was openly bisexual. However, I was a virgin in every way, and so I was worried at how this might turn out. After a few minutes, Caesar turned to leave, when I finally made my choice."I'm a virgin, so if you two aren't too rough...."

Caeasar chuckles."Oh, don't worry. The boy is submissive." He took off his jeans to reveal his equine length. His cock was easily seven inches and still expanding. Soon, it came out to about fourteen inches."I'm a little rough, so how about tonight you just do a little....taste test of what's to....cum."

I walked over to him and reluctantly got to my knees. I slowly took the tip of his cock into my mouth, and grimaced as I tasted a little bit of his pre."Have fun!" He laughes loudly once more, and I couldn't tell if it was because he was about to be pleased or how he had bamboozled me into this. It didn't matter now.

I slowy took in an inch or two, until he was about halfway in. I worked his cock over with my tongue, lathering and soaking every part. With my left hand I felt his large balls, hoping to get him going faster, and with my right hand I put on his length to keep me steady. As I continued the party in my mouth, I heard him let out several moans.

For some sadistic sick reason I didn't fully comprehend, I got off on his moans of pleasure. This motivated me to keep it up. I tongued him over faster, putting in another three inches. My mouth was stretched pretty far by his length, so I was not yet able to fit him fully into my mouth. He didn't seem to mind, as he moaned loudly every time I worked a complete side over. Whatever I was doing, he must have really enjoyed. Or perhaps he was mocking me, but who knows.

A few minutes went by, and nothing changed until I felt his dick start to pulse. Caesar moaned again, and he put his hands on the back of my head. My mouth was full, so I couldn't object as he forced me to take his entire length in my mouth at once. His cock pulsed more, and he began pumping his seed into my mouth. He pulled back a bit, and with his hands on my head, I couldn't spit it out, so I was forced to taste every last drop of his seed. After nearly choking to death on the large amount of cum, he finally stopped, and he slowly pulled out. I stood up as his length slowly shrunk.

Caesar quickly put his jeans back on, and he went over and picked up my sword. He walked over."Get undressed." Before I could object, he glared at me, with those cold eyes of his, and I began to undress.

Now I stood there, a six foot tall naked newly enslaved human in the middle of the forest. My member was about six inches long, not fully erect."Very good. Come now." We walked all the way back to his campsite, where he showed me a collar."You obey well, so I won't use the leash." He puts the collar on my neck.

His son steps out. Around five feet eleven inches, with green eyes full of happiness, he walked over."Dad, is this our new slave?"

Caesar nods."Yes, son. You can have him for now. I'll get his new attire."

The teen, whom I remembered as Roland, nods."Thanks, dad." He turned to me."What's your name?"

I gulped and replied."Jack."

"Jack. I like that name. Jack, my new boyfriend." He motioned for me to come over, and he led me into his tent. He turned to me."Virgin?"

Yeah." I shuddered."Except for my mouth." I added.

Roland laughed."Yeah, I figured my dad would test you out. So, do you want anything? Food? Water?"

I pointed to my now fully sized member, around eleven inches. I had always impressed my friends back home."A release."

Roland looked surprised."A human that large. Interesting. I got the best bo ever!" I looked at him oddly as he slowly got undressed. He came over next to me."I'm not prepared for anal, so do you mind frotting?"

I had heard the term before, but I had no definitions."Um...what is that?"

Instead of answering, he wrapped his legs around my back and scooted up. His fully sized cock was about ten inches, a brownish red color, like the rest of him. His mane of black reminded me briefly of Sarah. I quickly lost thought of her as I felt Roland rub his cock against mine, the friction at the unexpected time caused me to moan.

Roland took this as a sign to continue, as he rubbed his cock against mine faster and faster. In between moans, I managed to get out a question."Is....this your....first time?"

Not stopping or slowing, he responded."Yep. How am I....doing?"

I moaned again."Excellently." Not wanting to be ignored, I began rubbing myself against him, and soon we worked up a rythum. As his pre slowly dripped down, it acted as a bit of lube, speeding him up even more.

After some time passed, he couldn't take it anymore."I'm....gonna.....cum!" He sped up, and I could feel his length vibrate, similar to his dad's earlier. He began spurting his hot sticky seed, on our members, on my chest, and on the floor. Soon I felt my own orgasm overtake me, and I came. After I was done, he sat up, and I did as well.

He smiled."Looks like we're going to be having quite a lot of fun, eh?"

I shrugged."I guess. As long as I complete my goal, I don't mind spending time with you."

He eyes me."So what are you trying to do?"

A couple of hours went by as I explained my problem. Afterwards, he smiled."All right, dude. I'll help you win this girl over!"

"You will?" I said, incredulously.

He chuckled."Sure. As long as you don't dump me."

I gulped."Oh, boy. Explaining this to Sarah will be....awkward." Roland laughed, and after a couple of moments, I joined in. Things looked bleak, but with Roland, I might still be able to finish my task. I fell asleep, Roland wrapped in my arms, and I dreamed of how I could ever explain this to anyone, especially Sarah.

If only I had known that somewhere by that river, a certain rat had climbed out and began making his way to our camp.