Wolf Song

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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Coach Dean Looked through the long list of genetic viruses he had been engineering over the past few years. For what felt like a life time now he had dreamed of finding a way to restore the strength and mobility he had once had in his college years. Baseball, basketball, and football had been rough on coach Dean's now 38 year old body and what was once a star athlete was now an overweight old high school football coach.

One specimen in particular looked promising to Dean. Unlike the other viruses this one had the potential to adapt to the constantly changing stress that an athlete underwent when they trained their body. It was already equipped with the combined genetic codes of over 1000 athletes from sports like track all the way to bodybuilding. Unlike the other viruses though this one in particular only evolved under extreme emotional stimuli of the host. In other words the virus only mutates the DNA of its host when the host needs it, not randomly or sporadically like other specimens. This meant that the rate of mutation should be limited to times of excessive physical exertion, like during a football game for example.

Coach Dean chose the DNA of wolves as the animal mutagen due to their natural strength, swiftness, and agility. Wolves also have a strong pack mentality that made them work together as a team. All these qualities made wolf DNA the natural choice for his experiment. After adding the wolf DNA to the virus he put it in a special serum that would allow the virus to multiply until it was ingested by the intended host where it would then start to transform them into the perfect team of athletes! A plan was already hatching in Deans head as to how he would distribute the virus and keep it contained to his intended subjects.

...part one, Later that night...

The entire town turned out for what was shaping up to be one of the most exciting games in the season. It was a cool Friday night and if we won this game we would be second in the entire AAAA section. That might not be good enough for Coach Dean, but it was good enough for me. Only one thing bothered me about the game and that was lecture coach dean had given me on the Gatorade. "I want that cooler gone before the end of the game Josh!" he had said and pointed at a white cooler of red Gatorade. "And don't you be letting anybody else drink that stuff, the athletic department has enough things to pay for as it is!" he had grumbled and stalked off.

I did my best to serve every player as much of the red Gatorade as I could, but most only drank a cup or two. Only a few players kept coming back, one in particular was number 42, Nick Brown. I had the biggest crush on him and sometimes I thought he liked me too, but he never did anything more than leave his jockstrap in my gym bag. We were winning big time and the players were all kicking butt. I had served almost the whole white cooler , but there was still a few drinks left. Afraid of what coach dean would do if he found that there were drinks remaining I poured the last few cups into a water bottle and stuffed it into my duffel bag. As water boy I often took a bit of the Gatorade after the game.

We won by three touchdowns and everybody was stoked about the win. I was elated, but I had to stay behind and clean up the water and Gatorade. After the game a hot and sweaty Nick Brown came up to my table and put his massive helmet on my table and grabbed a cup of water. He drank about half and poured the rest on his buzzed head. I drooled as the water trickled down his perfect stubble covered chin and down into his jersey. There were few times when Nick looked this way and actually paid any attention to me. "Hey Josh" he said in his sexy deep voice, there's a party after the game, want to come?" he asked and gave me a wonderfully exciting look.

"Sure! I'd love to! But... well... I don't have a car or anything... so..." I said as I stuffed empty cups and bottles into a plastic garbage bag.

"You can ride in my bronco!" he said and ran his hand through his short hair.

"You don't mind!?

"No, I don't mind! I'll wait for you after we get done dressing out" he said and made his way towards the showers. I would have loved to follow him, but I had to clean. I must have set a record because I finished before Nick got back and I was just getting together my things. "Is that the red Gatorade?" Nick asked when he saw the huge bottle I was gulping down.

"Yea, I've only drank a little, you want the rest?" I asked and offered him the mostly full bottle.

"This stuff was great! He said and took the bottle. I watched as he finished the entire think without taking a breath.

"Wow!" I said as he handed me the empty bottle, "You were thirsty"

"Yea" he said and opened the door to his bronco for me.

Nick and I talked a little on the way to the party, but mostly he just sniffed at the air. I was doing most of the talking and I began to wonder if I stunk or something. "I can put on some deodorant if you want?" I asked.

"No! Don't!" he said roughly, "I like the way you smell, no deodorant"

"Ok, sure thing" I said nervously and thought about what I had done to make him angry. Before I could respond though Nick was parking in front of someone's house and we were getting out.

The party was pretty wild and I couldn't boast about having been to any other before. I felt pretty out of place, but Nick pretty much jumped anyone who got in our way. I felt so strange because I caught tons of the other players checking me out as I walked with Nick and I wondered if by some miracle Nick and I might actually be here as more than just friends. As if in response to my rising hopes I found myself in a back room with a couch and a few other furnishings. Before I could sit down Nick grabbed me, pulled me close, and started to kiss me. At first I was so shocked that I didn't understand what was going on, but when my mind caught back up I began my first lesson in making out. Nick lowered me onto the couch and I ran my hands through his short brown hair as he raped my mouth with his tongue. He seemed intent on exploring every part on my mouth and I was amazed at how passionately he kissed me. Eventually he broke away and started to nibble my ear. "Shit!" he moaned into my ear, "How did I ever keep myself off you Josh!" he gasped and locked lips with me again.

We made out for an hour or so before Nick got hungry and went off to get food. When he came back I asked him, "So are you really into me, or is this just a one night thing?" I asked sadly.

The look of pain that crossed his face made me regret asking, but I had to know for sure. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean you've always just played with me before, why are you here with me now!? I thought you were straight and a jock!" I said angrily and remembered all the hazing I had been through and all the times Nick had been there and never said a word.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Nick as he pounced on me from across the couch and pulled me into a painful embrace. "You are MY mate!" he growled into my neck as he took a deep breath. I gasped as I felt him biting into the meaty part of my neck and shoulder and I tried to break free, but he was ten times stronger than me. After he released my neck from his bite he began to talk softly into my hair and relaxed his embrace somewhat, "I've always been to proud to admit I liked the way you checked me out all the time and worshiped everything about me. I might have been teasing you and stuff, but I still wanted you. I always have. You were so hard to resist tonight that I had to do something. I've wanted this since I first saw you. Everything about you melts my heart Josh and I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you. Please forgive me" he said and hugged me and nuzzled my neck.

I twisted in his arms and wrapped my own around as much of him as I could manage and squeezed. "I love you too Nick! I forgive you, I always have!" I said.

As the party ended Nick and I wondered out into the crowds. I was shocked by how many guys I saw making out on the floor and the couches. How many guys like me were there on the team!? Nick and I talked to a few guys, but nobody said a word about how we held hands and kissed every now and again. Finally as everyone was leaving Nick and I even got a few compliments o how good we looked together. "It's been an amazing night" I said as Nick and I got into his bronco.

"Thanks for coming" Nick said and leaned close in the darkness. Our lips met before we were even thinking about it and before I knew what was happening we were losing clothing pretty fast. Nick was licking every inch of my body with his tongue and I swore I saw muscles on my body that hadn't been there before. Nick was pretty much all muscle as it was so he did most of the work. When his licking found my dick I discovered how hard I could really get and soon we were moaning and shaking his bronco wildly. I had never had an orgasm as strong as I did when Nick finished me with his amazing mouth and he must have drunk a gallon of cum that I didn't know I had.

I thought it was over, but Nick sure didn't. He had other plans and he didn't wait for me to get ready or anything. All at once I was manhandled onto my hands and knees and I felt Nick's huge dick pressing against me. The slimy tool was wet with his pre and it slid right into my ass like it was meant to be there. Nick didn't waste any time as he humped and bucked against me; and if the truck was shaking before, now it was about to tip over. He seemed to get bigger with every thrush and I had never felt this incredible in my entire life. Our sounds of passion where pierced by the roar of lust that burst out of Nick as his monster dick exploded into my ass and began filling me with his cum. He tried to keep thrusting but his dick was so big that it was stuck inside so he just pumped and pumped until I thought I would die from the pleasure of his hot juices filling me. We lay together for a long time until we slipped into sleep. His dick wouldn't come out anyway and we were both exhausted from our first sexual experience.

...Part two, the change begins...

Josh slept in my arms like a baby. I loved the way he nuzzled my chest and buried his face between my Pecs. His smell and the smell of our sex aroused me, but I knew there was no time for another go. I held him until I had to wake him and take him home. He was surprised that none of my cum had leaked out of his ass in the night. I was surprised too; I had never had such a long or powerful orgasm before. As Josh hopped out of my truck I scratched at my chest nervously. I waited until he was inside the house and only then did I drive off.

I stopped at my house and ran inside. I changed into jeans and a flannel shirt and shaved before I ran out to go to work. I didn't bother telling my dad where I was going because I knew he was drunk or passed out somewhere in the house. I loved the drive out to the Anderson Ranch because of how deeply forested the area was. I had always loved working out on the Ranch and the simple work had always been its own reward. The entire way to the farm the smell of last night's sex in my car had my dick going big time. I swore it was bigger because it came out of my pants and into my shirt when fully aroused. Strange though was how it would always point up along my body and never out or down like it usually did. I was also aware of a strange soreness in my balls as well. Once I had arrived at work there was simply too much to do and messing with my equipment would have to wait.

About midday a fellow worker yelled out to me while we were loading hay, "Nice beard Nick! I didn't know you were letting it grow out!?"

"Beard" I thought and brought my hand up to my face. To my surprise I had a short furry beard that ran from one side of my face pretty much to the other. My cheeks were almost completely covered and it was so thick that I could run my fingers through it. "Damn! Where's this come from!"

The next chance I got I rushed to the bathroom to look at my reflection. "Holy!" I said once I saw myself. My once square jaw was now hidden under a nice thick beard I had never dreamed of growing. I loved the way it covered my face in a rugged brown and red carped of manly hair. In response to my pleasure my dick responded and began to bulge in my jeans. It was so obvious now that I wondered how big it could be. I began to strip only to stop once I started unbuttoning my shirt. My beard didn't stop at my chin, it had traveled down into my shirt as well, and oddly enough it still looked like it did on my face, only longer. The more of my chest that came into view the more aroused I became until I was completely shirtless and looking at the hairiest body I had ever seen. I had body hair so thick it reminded me of fur. It was thickest on my chest and stomach where it made a handsome swirling pattern of red and brown. A ripping sound and a wonderful release of tension in my under ware signaled the arrival of my fully engorged member. To my shock and horror it was just as hairy as my chest! My dick was covered in a thick coarse hair that was extremely sensitive to the touch, the underside was the hairiest and the top was more like felt, bet the little monster was nothing like it had been last night. I quickly pulled my pants off and dropped my shredded under ware only to sigh in relief as my grape fruit sized balls relaxed for the first time today. After I had inspected my body super hairy muscular body I was seized by a sudden urge to fuck something. Images of Josh sprang to mind and like a faucet pre began to ooze out of my dick. I could have come on the spot, but I suddenly needed to pee.

I quickly discovered that there was a strange hairy skin attached to the base of my cock that held it against my body and made aiming impossible. Plus my dick sure didn't seem to care that I needed to pee and was still fully aroused. Only after I was on my hands and knees over the toilet pointing into the dam thing was I able to raise a back leg and get my dick to piss into the tiny toilet. When I dawned on me what I was doing I was shocked. "I'm pissing like a dog!" I said and looked at my strange penis. The only thing that I had ever seen like it was how a dog's penis worked. Granted I didn't have a true sheath it was still very far from human.

I decided to go without under ware for the rest of the day. I was glad for the shirt because even thinking about josh made the furry beast in my pants long for action. About 4:00 Josh called my cell and I got tingles listening to his voice. "Nick?" he had said and turned my dick on like magic.

"Yes? Are you ok!?"

"I'm fine, but I was wondering if you would like to eat out tonight?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"How dose steak sound?"

I had been eating all day long and at the mention of steak my stomach growled like a wild thing. "Sounds perfect, I feel like I could eat a whole cow!" I said and slicked my chops.

"Good! Could you pick me up and take me to the Golden Cow?"

"Awesome!" I said. I was sad to here the click of Joshes phone, but I knew I'd see him soon. I was glad that work seemed so easy today. I hadn't remembered the hay bales being so light ever before.

...part 3, dinner and sex...

I threw the Frisbee for my dog, Lucky. Like every other time before he raced after it and brought it back. It looked pretty fun to me, but I had never tried it so I wouldn't know. "Good boy!" I said and took the Frisbee back. Another toss sent the flying disc right into mom's Rose bushes. "Crap!" I said. Lucky whined at the bushes and scratched at the ground, he was pretty energetic for a seven year old golden retriever. "I'll get it boy!" I said and reached into the darkness of the bushes.

When my hand found the lost dick it also found a nasty thorn and I quickly yanked my hand out. "Ouch!" I yelped. Lucky licked at the drop of blood and then took the Frisbee and ran off. "Ungrateful...!" I yelled after him but the familiar rumble of Nick's bronco interrupted my shouts. I nearly yelped for joy when he got out of his truck and came to meet me.

After a quick make out session we piled into his truck and made our way to the Golden Cow. "I'm sorry Josh, but I can't afford anything here" Nick told me as we looked at the menu.

"I told you it's my treat!" I said and looked up at the waitress. "I'd like two one ton steaks!" I said and pointed at the 'eat a whole one ton steak and get it FREE!' sign on the menu.

"But Josh...! That's the most expensive...!" Nick said softly but I ignored him and placed our drink orders too.

"I want to see how much you can eat!" I said and laughed.

I wasn't laughing when our steaks came though. Nick however tore into his rare piece of cow like there was no tomorrow. I was through a quarter of the monster when he finished his and looked at the remainder of mine. "Are you..."

I laughed and pushed the plate towards him, "go ahead!" I said and watched as my sexy bearded man consumed the remainder of my steak as well.

I signaled to the waitress when we were done. "One second sirs, I'll have to get the manager" she said.

"That's impossible!" the manager yelled when he saw our empty plates.

"No sir!" the waitress replied, "I saw it with my own eyes!"

"They are kids! Look at them, there's no way they could have finished a whole steak! Not to mention two!" he said and pointed at me.

A low rumbling sound shook the table and I looked over at Nick, he was growling at the manager and his teeth were bared. "Are you saying we aren't manly enough to eat one of your steaks?" he said and stood. The hair on the back on my neck stood on end as Nick stared the man down.

"Um... no...! No, sir! Ha, I just meant that since you helped your friend with his steak you can't get them both free is all!" he said meekly.

"So we don't deserve two free steaks!?" Nick growled and I swore I saw his beard spreading and thickening into his hairline on the back of his neck.

"Ha! Oh no sir, you do, it's just that, we've never had anyone finish two steaks before is all! First time for everything! Have a nice night!" he said and retreated.

"Here's your tip" I said and handed the waitress a ten dollar bill, "Let's go Nick" I said and pulled him towards the door. As soon as we were outside he was instantly friendly looking again and I was very glad for it.

After dinner Nick drove me to his house and we worked out on his weight set. After we were all hot and sweaty Nick made us protein shakes and we drank them on his couch. Nick eventually took off his shirt and I nearly yelped. "What happened?" I said amazed at how much hair had grown in the past 24 hours.

"I don't know" Nick said and pressed his hairy muscle against me, "But I..." he began, but stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong? Nick!" I shouted as he doubled over in pain and rolled off the couch.

Judging by the way he was holding his sides I assumed his stomach hurt, but a sick sound like bones crunching quickly changed my mind. I noticed that the hair on Nick's back was getting thicker and thicker. It spread across his skin until he was covered in brown red fur from top to bottom. His muscles rippled and bulged as they grew beneath his fury skin. A sharp rip distracted me from his swelling torso. As I discovered that the sound was that of his jeans as they ripped into pieces and fell away from his furry ass and legs. A long furry appendage that must have been a tail grew from his ass and quickly was covered in long fluffy fur. "A tail...? Nick you just grew a fucking WOLF tail!" I shouted and backed away from him. "What the hell is going on Nick? Are you some kind of werewolf!?"

When he looked up at me I hardly recognized nicks face at all. His once perfect chin now jutted forward with giant fangs protruding from his lips. His nose was oddly elongated to match his jaw and form what looked like a snout. He looked like a wolf, but with a smaller more human muzzle and a beard like fur pattern. His eyes were a deep golden brown and when I looked at them I knew exactly what was going through his mind. A huge monster hung from his knees and pointed at me like a furry weapon. The pre dripping from the giant hairy dick told me exactly what it's beastly master was thinking.

I bolted from the couch, but before I even made it to the ground Nick had me. He was sniffing me furiously and ripping at my clothes with his clawed hands/paws. When he found the bite mark from last night I knew my ass was doomed. Wolf Nick made a point of pissing on me and rubbing his scent into my skin before he began to rub me against his furry body. He did an amazing job of making me cum into his muzzle and I knew at once what would be coming next. Due to his size though, he had to hold me against him as he pushed the monster of all monsters into my ass and began to fuck me. As he fucked me I began to bark and growl. I felt myself changing and growing too. I bucked against him as he thrust deeper and deeper into me. I longed for his cum and I howled in pleasure with each thrust. Once again I was aware of how he seemed to grow inside me, bigger and bigger until at last he was so big and so hot that he began to roar and bit into my now meaty shoulder. We fucked like monsters as he pumped his seed into me and I felt myself growing as his dick grew in size. All at once it was over and I was tied to my mate in the floor of his living room, lying in a pool of my own cum.

When he shrank enough to pull away from me we left his house on all fours. We ran and ran into the forest outside town, deeper and deeper until there wasn't anywhere left to go. I had never felt so wonderful and free my entire life. As night came we sat on a rock in a clearing and howled at the full moon. At first we howled alone, but soon the voices of others joined in our song. Our music rang through the night forest, and we and our brothers sang our song to the moon, our wolf song.