Cub Services | Chapter 2

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#2 of Cub Services

Like the previous chapter this one doesn't have any yiff in it. I tagged the chapter based on the entire story.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.)

I love comments so please share your thoughts if you have any and thank you to everyone that read, watchlisted, commented or favorited Chapter 1. I hope you are not disappointed. ;)

Thank you to everyone that voted, watched, fav'd and read my story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.


Cub Services

Chapter 2

The shriek of Liz's alarm clock broke the tranquil silence of the morning, sending a shrill and irritating buzz emanating through the bedroom. Liz slowly opened her eyes, loathing the sound with every fiber of her being. She felt Mikey stir against her and quickly reached out to hit the off button so that he wasn't disturbed.

She shifted, reveling in the feel of her silk sheets. The morning sun sent a long bar of light in through her balcony windows, cutting across the deep red blankets that covered her. Warming her already cozy body and cutting the chill of the autumn morning. Mikey's body was curled up close to her with his legs entwined with hers and his muzzle buried between her breasts.

As her body pushed off the last haze of sleep she felt a strange crunchy feeling against her thigh. She moved her leg and felt something tug at the fur. Frowning, she pulled back the blankets.

Mikey's little body was cuddled tightly against hers, something that wasn't really news to her. But as she rolled gently away from him she realized that his shorts were stuck to the fur on her inner thigh.

She looked down to see that the little cub, that she hoped to someday adopt, was still fast asleep. His pointed furry ear occasionally twitched as his body slowly rose and fell in time with his breathing. She inhaled through her nose, recognizing a very faint aroma that tickled her senses and sent a shiver through her spine.

"He couldn't have" She whispered.

She felt a warm tingle spread through her loins as Mikey burrowed in closer to her. Even so, she was still able to examine her thigh more closely. Sure enough, there right against her inner thigh, a few inches below the sensual curve of her sex was a crusty patch that cemented his shorts to her fur.

She felt a wave of relief as she examined it more closely and came to the determination that it had come from inside his shorts. She looked back at his sleeping face, smiling at how adorable he was. She reached out and gently stroked the black patch of fur that ran along the top of his muzzle, between his eyes and into the curly black hair on his head.

He'd had a wet dream, and it had managed to soak through his thin cotton shorts and underwear and onto her fur before drying. She sighed as she pulled her nightgown down, covering her modesty before she began working her fur from the patch on his shorts.

She began working the fingers of her paw into her fur, gently prying and trying not to pull her fur out in the process. Her fingers froze as a sudden pulse spread through the back of her paw. She could feel something hard through his shorts.

Butterflies and arousal fought for control in her body as she realized the little cub was still aroused. She felt a strange set of emotions wash through her as her fingers slowly began working again. Gently pressing against what was obviously the shaft of his cubhood as she tried to remove herself from this sticky situation.

A tingle spread between her legs and a sickening repulsion twist through her stomach at her own bodily reaction. Her mind warred, one half suddenly wanting to feel more, to grasp and hold the shaft that was now pulsing gently against the back of her paw, while the other side chanted a mantra of "sicko".

After what felt like an eternity she managed to free her fur of the sticky trap and climbed gently out of bed. It took every bit of willpower she possessed to not leap from the bed and run away in horror. Mikey whined in his sleep and tossed in the bed, his sleeping form obviously looking for her warmth and comfort in the massive bed.

Liz took a moment to regain her composure. She was still unable to decide how to feel about this. After taking a moment she gathered clothing from her closet. She went to the bathroom to change, donning the loose fitting blue tank top and running shorts she used as exercise clothing. She left a set of black basketball shorts in the bathroom for Mikey. They were two big for him, but would be better than his now dirtied shorts.

She went back to the living room and pulled her treadmill out of the closet, beginning her morning routine. She ran harder than normal, trying to work through her strange new feelings.

Thoughts buzzed through her mind, the consequences of her actions swarming like bees. How many problems would she cause Mikey if he'd woken up to her fondling him? He'd be confused, afraid, embarrassed and uncomfortable. It would shatter every bit of trust she'd developed with him, wouldn't it?

She swallowed, nearly sick to her stomach but still unable to admit she didn't want to do it. And after the way he stared at her last night, a part of her wondered if he'd feel the same way. That thought nagged at her as she tried to sort out her feelings.

By the time she had finished running five miles she was sweating hard, she smiled with pride at the digital display on her treadmill. Twenty six minutes, a new record! She huffed, gasping for breath as her lungs burned like fire, desperate for oxygen. She stepped of the treadmill, squatting with elbows on her knees. Her thighs, calves and lower back began to burn from exertion. After a few minutes she caught her breath and stood up, the burning in her muscles calming to a dull ache.

She turned around as Mikey walked out of her bedroom; the deep red comforter from her bed wrapped around him like a toga and stretching back behind him like a vale. He was rubbing his eyes with his fists. She smiled at him, again struck by how adorable he was.

"Morning sleepy head." She said as she folded the treadmill back up and pushed it into the closet. She grabbed a set of free weights to begin her chest and arm exercises. No matter how bad she felt about her sudden strange urges, Mikey still managed to make her smile and forget her troubles.

Mikey stood in the doorway and she watched as he came fully awake. She noticed he was being careful to keep the comforter covering his shorts as her eyes lingered on his groin. She decided she didn't want to bring it up as she quickly looked away with embarrassment.

She felt a sudden pain in her chest as she wondered if it was such a good idea to be his foster mother. If she couldn't quit thinking like this and staring like a horny teen fur, was it a good idea for her to be around cubs at all? The thought made her nauseous and very light headed.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind and took a few deep breaths. "No, this is just a phase, you'll get past it." She told herself as she began doing arm curls.

When she was done with the arm curls she lifted her arms up above her head and hung the barbell weight behind her back, before lifting it up until it was even with the back of her head. She repeated this process ten times as she had with the arm curls. She noticed Mikey staring again and only realized as she was finishing that her breasts were jiggling as the muscles underneath flexed and relaxed.

She felt the same mix of embarrassment and excitement as she'd felt the night before, but cut her exercises off early. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her ears, and not all from exertion.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked as she tried to strangle and hide her own feelings.

Mikey looked at the ground and then back up at her face, stuttering as he tried to find his voice.

"Do you like eggs? Or cereal?" She asked as she put her weights back in the closet.

He stammered again before finally choking out the word "Yes", his voice thick with embarrassment.

She gave him a warm reassuring smile. "Why don't you go shower while I get us some eggs cooked up." She directed a paw towards the bathroom.

"I put some clothes in there for you; we'll have to see about getting you some more stuff to wear." He nodded his head as his toes dug into the carpet.

As soon as she turned to the kitchen he burst from the blanket like a rocket, running as fast as he could to the bathroom. As the door slammed closed behind him with a bang the blanket fluttered to the ground.

Liz scrambled some eggs and sprinkled cheese over the top of them. The entire time she tried to keep her mind off the idea that Mikey was in the shower naked while simultaneously berating herself for her thoughts and feelings. She again told herself that he was 11 and that what she was feeling was inappropriate.

She heard the shower stop as she finished cooking breakfast and split what she'd made into two. She put some ketchup on the counter next to his breakfast in case he liked ketchup on his eggs and buttered a piece of toast to go with it.

He came out of the bathroom wearing only the shorts she'd left for him, dripping wet with his fur slick down and freshly combed. With his fur plastered to his skin he looked even smaller than normal. He was holding his shorts up with one paw and the strings with the other. She realized just how much smaller his waist was than hers as he approached, the shorts were so much bigger than him that the strings couldn't tighten enough to synch the elastic around his waist.

"Will you help me?" He asked as he stretched the paw that held the tie strings out in front of him. The shorts gaped open in the front as he held the strings out to her as she realized he wasn't wearing underwear. She took a peek, knowing how wrong it was but unable to control herself.

Liz's heart skipped a beat as her eyes tried unsuccessfully to penetrate the darkness. Somehow his slick wet fur seemed more obscene than if he'd been standing there naked. She gave him a wooden smile as she took the strings from his outstretched paw. Her own paws were shaking as she pinched the waistband together and began to tie the strings together. A tingle began to spread through her abdomen as she began to feel her heartbeat between her legs.

The loose fitting tank top she exercised in gaped open, allowing a clear shot down her top, and giving Mikey his first real view of her very round firm breast. He stared at it hungrily, feeling that same strange tingle in his privates.

That itch was back and more persistent than ever. Her breast reminded him of very large snowballs. Except... "Why is her nipple hard?" He thought. His mind began digging, trying desperately to solve the mystery of the pointy nipple. He'd seen a ton of boobs in the magazine he'd gotten from that cub at school but none of their nipples had ever poked out like that.

He felt his thing beginning to stiffen again and sighed at himself. "This was beginning to get out of control." He thought as the accompanying yearning in his chest began to nag at him. "And what was that stuff in his shorts? That was new and awkward". He thought.

"At least Liz didn't see it." It looked like he'd peed himself and he didn't want her to think he wet the bed.

"She'd never let me sleep with her again" he thought as his ears folded back. He'd washed them in the sink and if she asked he'd just say he dropped them in the tub, which was a good lie.

Liz finished tying the drawstrings and gently rubbed the fur on his tummy. The tingling in his groin intensified, causing him to let out the tiniest of moans.

He was reminded again that he was staring. He looked up at Liz to see that she had a funny look on her face, but he couldn't figure out what it was for. He turned running back to the bathroom to get his shirt with a giggle of excitement. He hoped he got to stay here, for the first time in a long time he didn't feel alone, and Liz's body was strangely fascinating and alluring, more so even than the fur's in that playboy.

Liz took a deep breath as she replayed the previous moments in her head.

"Had he just moaned?" She asked herself. It had been tiny if he had. What did that mean though? All she'd done was rub his tummy. Maybe he'd burped or coughed, or maybe it had just been a coincidence.

She sighed as she went to her room, trying to put it from her mind. She grabbed a new button down blouse she'd recently purchased to wear to work. She loved the color enough to look past the fact that it was a bit small and hoped it wouldn't be to inappropriate for work. It had been a concern of hers when she'd purchased it. A pair of cream colored slacks and a towel were added to the pile in her arms as she headed to the bathroom for a shower as Mikey returned to the kitchen and began eating.


Liz picked up another sheet of paper as she continued to work on the seemingly endless pile of paperwork that covered her desk. After four years of college she'd thought herself rather good at handling paperwork. But nothing could have prepared her for the mountain of filing and writing that came with her job at Cub Services.

Her office was barely big enough for her desk and the two filing cabinets that sat behind her. Two chairs faced her desk and next to her door was a window about the same size as her door. The hum of a computer and the distant bustle of a quiet and professional office were the only noises in the building. The room was painted the typical white with light blue undertones that had recently become so popular in office buildings.

She looked at the clock, again counting the minutes until her boss would be free to talk with her. If she wanted to be Mikey's foster parent her best bet was Karen, her boss. The words "foster parent" brought the butterflies fluttering back in her stomach as she struggled with her feelings from this morning.

She sighed, feeling frustrated and confused. She desperately wanted to keep Mikey in her life, but she couldn't bear the thought of hurting him. The nagging thought that he reflected her sexual interest seemed to turn an already frustrating situation upside down.

A knock on the door shocked Liz out of her thoughts. She jumped in her seat as a female badger stepped into the open doorway. The elderly fur stood with a small stoop in a tan pants suit and reading glasses that sat low on her muzzle. The grey and white markings on her fur faded neatly into the salt and pepper hair that Karen always wore in a tight bun.

"You wanted to speak with me Liz?" Her boss said in a surprisingly high pitched voice. Liz nodded as she began rifling through papers on her cluttered desk.

"I wasn't expecting you for another hour." She said as she remembered where she'd put the folder and opened a drawer. "Please come in and shut the door."

The badger gave her an inquisitive look and stepped into the office, closing the door with a click. "Is everything ok?" She asked, concern furrowing her motherly brow.

Liz took a deep breath, she was going to have to lie a bit, but not about anything important.

"I've been contemplating this for a very long time and I've done a lot of soul searching." She stopped as the badger moved to the chair to her right.

Liz swallowed, still a bit unsure if this was a good idea. But she couldn't squash Mikey's hopes like that. Besides, she wanted this more than he did. She would just have to deal with the other stuff.

"I've been waiting and thinking about putting in to be a foster parent and possibly adopting a cub. I'd... Like to be put up to do this for Mikey."

The badger nodded slowly, her green eyes searching her face. "What's the status with his mother?" Karen asked.

Liz frowned. She'd been expecting a number of questions, but not that one. Luckily she'd just gotten done filing the paperwork on his mother.

She pulled a sheet from the pile and began to read. "She's being charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute as a third offense. Cub endangerment charges, possession of paraphernalia and assaulting an officer. Apparently she had a warrant for her arrest for that last one." Liz looked down at the sheet." Also, as far as my records show, he has no other Living family. Grandparents all dead, father was gunned down in a gang shooting. No living blood relatives."

Her boss stared at her intently, her green eyes boring into her red fur. Maybe it was all the strange emotions Liz kept feeling. Or maybe it was that she had technically lied about how long she'd been thinking about this. For whatever reason she suddenly felt like she was on trial, and not doing well.

Karen suddenly broke into a large grin. "Well this is wonderful! You'll make a fantastic mother Liz, of that I'm sure."

Her boss stood suddenly, a slight spring in her step that was only there when the elderly fur was extremely excited. "There will be a number of things that we can skip since you are a licensed Cub Services officer. Of course we'll have to move Mikey's case off of your work load."

She reached out and snagged the folder Liz had pulled from her drawer. "I assume this is the paperwork you need to fill out; already filed and signed I'm sure. I have a friend that's a judge who I can call in for a favor. You should be a legal foster parent in waiting in a few days and we'll put Mikey in limbo somewhere and he can just stay with you in the meantime."

The badger gave her a very large smile as Liz stared in shock. She'd expected a lot of interview type questions, scrutinizing and probing every facet of her life. She'd helped a number of furs become foster parents; it was a long and argues process. Liz stared up at her boss, her muzzle hanging open in shock.

"As far as adoption goes. It will be tricky since you are a single parent but I've helped a couple of furs in your situation before. With the right judge it's not generally a big problem. But of course that's a long way off. We can't even talk about adoption until after his mother is charged and sentenced, and that's assuming she gets charged with enough time that we can prove to a judge that she will not get out of jail before Mikey becomes an adult. Assuming we can do that we can make him a ward of the state and then you can file for adoption, or we may be able to work through a third party adoption agency and transfer him directly to your care."

Liz opened her mouth as it began to sink in. She felt her eyes tingle and flood with tears of joy. She stood reaching out to shake Karen's paw and deciding mid move that it wasn't enough. She moved around the desk quickly, wrapping her arms around the large badger in a hug. Karen patted her back with a smile, hugging her back.

"Thank you very much; you don't know how much this means to me." Liz said as she stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was beaming and brimming with excitement and happiness.

Karen poked her gently with the envelope in her paw. "I've been working here for a long time and I've been here so long because I love cubs. When I'm absolutely sure a cub is going to a good, loving, caring home I don't like to play games. The bureaucracy we put most furs through is to be sure that they can be trusted and that the cub will not be mistreated. I don't think that's necessary with you."

Liz nodded as she desperately tried to hold back the guilt that Karen's words sent flooding through her chest. Her boss didn't seem to notice as she turned towards the door. "If that's everything I'm going to go make a few calls and get this under way. Allen from psychology is still licensed as a Cub Services Officer; maybe I'll have him take Mikey's case. He has the same paws off attitude that I do and should be able to help streamline this for you."


Liz stepped out of her office later in the day. She was still giddy with excitement and pride and she'd finally managed to push her other concerns to the back of her mind. It didn't matter right now. The look of pure joy and adoration on Mikey's face had been worth it!

She looked down the hall, suddenly missing the little cub. The office Mikey was in was still closed. He'd spent most of the day going from department to department answering questions and doing other things that every cub went through when they were taken from their parents.

He had spent most of the morning talking to a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Then he'd had to talk to the police and get a physical. Normally she'd have been there for the police statement but her boss Karen had worked quickly. An hour after they'd talked Allen was in her office to collect her files on Mikey and get filled in on his case.

The physical hadn't gone well either. The doctor was extremely concerned with his weight and height. Mikey weighed in at 44 lbs. and was only 3' 7". He'd offered her literature on proper diet for a cub his age, and suggested that she encourage him to eat whenever possible.

She looked down the hall as the elevator dinged and smiled as her friend Tim exited. Tim was a heavy set brown rabbit with big floppy ears, blond hair and a disheveled appearance. Even when he wore a suit he seemed to make it look unkempt. He was the most untidy fur she'd ever met. Today he wore a sky blue button down shirt with a brown tie and black slacks. His shirt was crinkled but tucked into his slacks.

Next to him walked a small little bunny about Mikey's age. She looked scared and nervous as she walked slowly behind Tim and flinched away from any fur that walked near her. She had a black eye and wore a very tattered and faded yellow sun dress.

Liz felt a lump grow in her throat at seeing the poor thing. Tim walked over to his officer door and let the little cub in, closing the door behind her.

Liz wondered if that was the Hampshire cub he'd been talking about lately. He'd received a report of abuse from her teacher. He'd visited there home a few times and kept getting strange feeling from the Dad. Last she'd heard he'd been unable to get a minute alone with the little cub. He nodded at her as he closed the door.

"Is that the Hampshire cub?" She asked, as she nodded her head towards his office.

He nodded with a sigh. His voice a very deep rumble in his chest. "Yup, the black eye was enough for me to demand that I get some time alone with her. She spilled the beans as soon as her father left the room."

He ran his fingers through his hair as he scowled at the ground. "I hate dealing with these types of cases."

Liz nodded her agreement as her stomach twisted sickly as she wondered how different she was from the bastard that had hurt the poor cub in Tim's office. She swallowed hard and pushed her feelings back. She didn't want to force him. She wanted him to want her like that, there was the difference! She clung to that thought hopelessly.

"The worst part about this job is that you never get to see happy cubs. All we get are the ones that are so horribly devastated by the things that have happen to them that you can't even give them a hug." His voice cracked and he coughed roughly in an attempt to hide his near breakdown into tears.

Liz swallowed and nodded her head in sympathy for him. All Cub Service officers new what he was talking about. She looked at the ground, unable to shake the feeling that her stomach was trying to crawl out of her throat.

She patted his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He gave out a small chuckle. "You know I have actually seen a happy cub in a similar situation?" His eyes flicked to the bunny in his office.

Liz frowned in confusion as Tim shrugged his shoulders, politely removing her paw from his body. "Couple years after I started working here I got called out to a home where the mother was concerned that the babysitter was having sex with her son."

He stuffed his paws in his pockets. His eyes took on a faraway look as he reflected on the case. "He was thirteen and she was nineteen if I remember correctly. They both denied it emphatically, swearing up and down that nothing had happened, even when they were both alone. At the time the law required a penetration test during any suspicion of intercourse."

Liz stared in shock; it was beyond abnormal for cubs to lie about that kind of thing when they were alone. Often times they'd lie if they thought they'd get in trouble, or if they were afraid of retribution, but never once you got the cub alone and trusting you. She briefly wondered if he was making it up. Her paranoid mind briefly wondered if he was trying to bait her before waving the suspicion off as pure paranoia and absolutely ridiculous.

She waited for Tim to continue and when he didn't immediately finish the story she said. "Well, what happened?" Tim shrugged as a mischievous twinkle gleamed in his eye. "The test results came back negative and when the cub turned 18 the two of them got married."

He winked at her. "They still send me a Christmas cards every year." Liz's eyes widened in surprise. "You didn't" She whispered. The case worker for Cub Services filed the results of those tests. Tim shrugged and gave her a defensive look.

"There was no abuse." He said. His words carried a sharp edge, as if he was daring her to say he'd done something wrong.

Liz just blinked as her mind began ten different trains of thought, all in opposite directions and all equally as bizarre as the rest. She looked at the card in his office through the window, remembering the frilly, lacy piece of paper that he'd so proudly stuck to his board with a thumb tack.

"Never forget why we do what we do." He'd told her. The words held an entirely different connotation and message now that she knew the story behind the card. If he had in fact changed the test results like she now suspected.

Confusion boiled back up in her chest as she tried to sort out her feelings once again. Her mind began wandering down the path of what if as she tried to tell herself that it didn't matter anyway. Mikey would never like her like that anyway.

Tim gave her a playful smile as he pulled his smart phone from his pocket. He spent a few moments flipping through screens, the nail on his thumb clicking softly against the touch screen. As Liz floundered in her own confusion.

Suddenly his face lit up with excitement." You're going try adopting the Williams cub aren't you?"

Every train of thought in Liz's mind slammed on the brakes as she reeled in shock. "What?" She nearly shrieked, as she tried to hold on to her thoughts. She looked around in panic, realizing she'd yelled and feeling incredibly embarrassed. She spoke again, in a more respectable tone. "What?" Tim just chuckled.

"Karen put Mikey in both the Housed status and the Pending status in Cub Tracker. She only does that when she's already got a home setup for a cub, but the home isn't ready yet. Only she can enter a cub's status that way." Cub tracker was the system that they used to help find homes for cubs; it was also where they kept notes on cubs and made digital copies of their files.

He shrugged and winked at her. "You either just got laid or you had some very good news. You're smiling so broadly that I can see every tooth in your head. You've had it bad for that cub since you met him. I figured there was a good reason for your cheerful expression and when I saw Mikey's status I took a guess"

She shook her head, her red hair shimmering in the fluorescent lighting as her heart began beating at a normal pace again. Tim patted her shoulder. "Hope it works out. You'll make a great Mom." Liz nodded, still trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered concentration.

"Speak of the devil" Tim said as she felt something brush her hip and pull on the hem of her blouse. Mikey's smiling face was looking up at her. She felt her heart swell with love as his arm snaked around her waist. She felt his paw dig into her pocket and a moment later he was resting his cheek on her side. She hugged his muzzle to her stomach as he began chewing on one of his nails.

Tim gave her a broad smile. "You'll do great" he said as he turned and walked into his office.