Cub Services | Chapter 13

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^ I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below. All characters and ideas from this story are mine and are not to be used without my...

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Runaway 01

So while I was bored at work last night I came up with an idea for a new story. This happens quite often, but I rarely get further than a plot outline that then goes into a folder on my computer where I forget about it. For some reason this story...

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Runaway 02

I'm a bit stuck with cub services. I've found that its easier to keep writing while I'm stuck like this, so I've added and developed this story somewhat. Its nolonger just a 1st draft like the first one I posted. I hope you enjoy, there will be other...

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Cub Services | Chapter 12

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^ I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below. All characters and ideas are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The...

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Cub Services | Chapter 8

I want to take a second to thank every reader that has voted, watched or fav'd one or all of my stories. I would never have imagined that so many people would enjoy my story and it is because of you guys and girls that I have continued. This next...

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Cub Services | Chapter 7

I went through and did a ton of editing this morning. Nothing changed, just fixing grammar mistakes and changing how I phrased certain things. I was in no mood to do it last night so I apologize to anybody that has read this in the last 8 hours. Also,...

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Cub Services | Chapter 6

First of all. I am very sorry this has taken me so long to post. I dropped my laptop while it was running and destroyed my hard drive. Thank god I back-up all my important stuff to my phone! Nothing was lost except time and I am back up and running...

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Cub Services | Chapter 5

This chapter doesn't have any yiff in it. I tagged the chapter based on the entire story. I apologize for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.) I love comments so please share your thoughts if you have any. **Cub...

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Cub Services | Chapter 2

Like the previous chapter this one doesn't have any yiff in it. I tagged the chapter based on the entire story. I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.) I love comments so please share your thoughts if you...

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Cub Services | Chapter 3

**WARNING:** The following story includes graphic sexual content involving a cub. If you are not into that kind of thing please click the back button now. **:WARNING** I'd like to apologise in advanced for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm...

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Cub Services | Chapter 4

**WARNING:** The following story includes graphic sexual content involving a cub. If you are not into that kind of thing please click the back button now. I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.) I love...

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Cub Services | Chapter 1

This chapter doesn't have any yiff in it. I tagged the chapter based on the entire story. I apologise for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes. (I'm sure there are tons.) This is the first story I've ever posted anywhere. So the more comments I...

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