12 - The Meeting

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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#12 of Summer Lovin'

A full month has passed. As I expected, all my eggs hatched and being well fed where now able to fly. Within this month, I convinced Ayrana to look out for them in a safe place and on the ancient dragon language; I gave them the order to obey Ayrana at any cost. The place of the meeting stood a day way, enough time for us to go if we parted now. Reluctant, I left my children under Ayrana's care as Pyra took Aisara with her to a safer place, where hopefully would be their den in future. The rest of us, including Mizu and Cian, went as fast as possible to the meeting, where I would be judged by all living dragons on the world.

I never believed when I reached there. In a single place chosen for things like this since ancient times, I could see dragons lining till my vision failed, and as Thyamat, that was quite a range. Exactly thirty days after the announcement, I stepped forward and started.

<My people! Dragons from all around the world!> I said on the dragon language, since it would have a better effect on this giant crowd. <My name is Eliza and I was chosen among humans to be a new dragon and ever since, the new Thyamat. My story never put me wanting power or such things. All I ever wanted was to love and be loved by those who are important to me. I have a human family, I have a dragon family. And I'm only a better being by having this much love.>

<You're about to destroy the most precious dragon law in order to keep in touch with you family!> someone of the crowd said a male dragon which was almost impossible to say who said. However, I was amused by their discipline in hearing first and waiting for their answer.

<Lie. Since becoming a dragon, I put myself under your laws and never turned my face against you, neither told my family about you.>

<Your human sister disappeared mysteriously the same day which Dizaly had another dragon! No surprises that dragon was a hybrid also called Aisara!> Said a male voice. This time I recognized: Eldaron. He came to my side, as it was a fighting among us. And indeed it was.

<Yes. My sister came with me to the beach where I was supposed to meet with Rock. However, she came by her own, so she saw him as I've done. I just happened to ask for Pyra to come too so they could meet each other, which proved to be a great thing for both of them.>

Murmur started along the crowd. Patiently, Eldaron and I waited for them to die, not demanding silence. We had millions of years to go on with...

<When you first met Rock, though, you were on a crowded beach, where people ran after seeing him!>

<Wrong, Eldaron. Rock gave the law a slip. No dragon can be seen by humans. However, the law never said that humans shall not ever see a part of dragons. Rock scared them from within a cloud which just left his wings out.> More murmurs. I couldn't say if I was winning or losing, but they were for sure judging me. <The following years before I turn myself into a dragon, we met in a private cave. Last time here, though, I met with Magna, the previous Thyamat, which proposed me, and ever since I learned the ways of the dragons to be one with my kind.>

<That doesn't change the fact that a full human village saw you completely. Worse yet: one of them visited your family as a friend!> Eldaron continued. From now on, I judged that it would be only two of us attacking each other verbally.

<Not before you appearing on the dreams of three of them, telling them exactly where to find my family and how to reach there.> I countered.

<That doesn't matter now. It's your judgment!>

<Sorry but that does matter, since I only went to talk with the village because the female otter you made dream about it came to try slay my family.>

Then I wondered... 'What if it got off control?' Some problems solve themselves, though. From the crowd came a third dragon, male, immense, almost as big as my 'grown up' size I used to play with Ayrana, and completely white, without any spike or fur, not even wings.

<I saw how dangerous this conversation becomes. My name is Noble and I propose myself to be mediator to this.> as there were no objection, I suppose this Noble could have some respect among them. <As I said, I'm here as a mediator. You two will say and answer each other at will, only with me interrupting before both of you starts to fight physically.>

I got a shiver crossing my whole body. What he just meant was that verbally and maybe even mentally, we were about to star fighting each other anyway...

<You do not have reasons to worry about me, Noble. I've only learned the way of the peace.> I said.

<Maybe you've learned just too well, in my view.> Eldaron countered. <My people! Let me say that this dragoness here, in front of you, has done absolutely nothing about any of the laws broken till now by other dragons. Shi is totally blind to our problems as dragons, like scarce food and others! Shi plans us to be helping the ones who take our food from our children!>

<OUR food? What are you talking about, Eldaron? This world isn't ours! This world doesn't belong do anybody! Animals are out there and my people creates the ones they uses for their own food!>

<And for hunting?> Eldaron asked <Does they creates foxes, tigers, alligators and other animals to release them and hunt them down for merely pleasure or money?>

<I'm not saying that they don't have crimes!> came my natural answer <However, the one who never sinned before cast the first stone! Even we dragons have laws, even us dragons have someone to control so the world isn't anarchy. Even we, dragons, have those which do not respect the law! Even we have sinners and cheaters, so who are_us_ to say anything in that matter? The law of humans takes in account the life of animals too, so they can reproduce to never reach extinction. The law has seasons for hunting different animals, so they can have the rest of the year to reproduce and live by their own, with other seasons to equilibrate the nature once again!>

Another set of murmurs started. It seemed that I didn't have to explain that some humans, the ones which Eldaron said, were those whom didn't obey the law. When murmur stopped, Eldaron looked at me.

<Shi has not lived among us not even for a year before being proposed the right to be a Thyamat!>

<A Thyamat is chosen based on hir potential and hir heart!> someone on the crowd answered. Quickly Magna raised on her hind legs. <Which I myself decided that both could be found within Eliza's!>

<What's it, Eldaron? Running out of lies to throw at me?> I attacked verbally.

<Can't you see, my people? Shi comes and destroy every kind of life as we know it! Shi wants our lives to change so much that even we will be strange for each other!>

<I call this session end since Eldaron is more trying to convince others rather than promote reasons about why I'm wrong.> I intertwined. <And besides, if it wasn't me, it could take another billion of years, but someone would had the guts to change things.>

Eldaron seemed ready to attack me and I was so hoping for a mistake like hat from him. <Enough is enough.> Noble said. < I declare that Eldaron run out of attack arguments and Eliza affirmed. Those which answer will be anything and will not help in decision take off. Those who are at Eldaron's size take such position and those which trusts Eliza took their side.>

More than just a few dragons took off. In truth, just near to a thousand dragons stood only, including my family, and they divided into me and Eldaron almost half to each side. Noble counted quickly, what somewhat surprised me, and said <There are794 dragons at Eldaron's side against 760 on Eliza's side.>

<There are actually 38 dragons which haven't come to this audition. They being my children and with Eldaron here, I didn't want to take any risks.> I added.

<Can anyone confirm what Eliza said?> Noble asked.

<I can give the names and location of everyone.> said Dizaly. <25 of those are my daughters actually and the 13 which aren't, are child of my son Rock with Eliza. I know they would side with hir.>

It took sometime from Noble to locate them after hearing the name. What amazing talent he had. Then he said loud and clear <I confirm existence of 38 dragons, being two adults and 36 wyverns. So being, the score is just changed to 794 to 798. Eliza is declared innocent.>

Almost a thousand of dragons cheered with me as I flew to hug my whole family. Somehow, I felt like all those 752 completely unknown dragons also were my family. I could see the anger on Eldaron's voice.

He and his alike took off, allowing us to be alone. First thing I've done, was flying to the security point. I needed to check on my children after all. Magna and the others I knew would come. But when I noticed the whole group which helped me was following me, I grinned. They indeed acted as my family.

When we reached our safe place, all other unknown dragons stood outside and found themselves some place to stay nearby. I needed sometime to hug all my children. On that little time of privacy, I was approached by Rock.

"Eliza, love..." he caressed my backs "Don't you think you're doing rather too much for dragons?"

"What are you talking about, Rock?"

"Please, don't get me wrong... But besides I love everything you're doing, I'm missing the lovely female cat I fell in love with..."

"But Rock... in this last year I-"

"You had lots of things to learn about dragons and with Magna's time coming, you're running out of time, I know." Rock cut hir. "But you must remember why shi chose you. I'm not asking for you stop being a Thyamat. That's your call, not mine. But as your mate, I do ask for you not change into what you're not!"

"If I'm not the Thyamat, who am I?" Eliza was puzzled.

"You're Eliza, a lovely female kitten which was wearing a blue bikini which left just too little to imagination." Eliza's inside of ears turned pink as she remembered that epoch. "Is that the answer you were waiting?"

Eliza looked inside Rock's eyes and grinned. "Sorry, love... I guess I got somewhat carried way with this new kind of pleasure..."

Rock grinned. "So... may I have sometime with Thyamat?"

"Sorry... shi's rather busy right now..." Eliza caressed his face, slowly turning into a single-sexed female cat-dragoness "However, I'm free... am I enough for you, big and meaty dragon boy?"

"Oh yes, you are more than 'just enough'..." and we kissed deeply. I loved him so much, but even so I forgot completely about that after the recent events...

However, he hasn't forgotten me. His touches, his caress... even hir cold scales heating up in contact with my fur... I missed that... I missed that so much... Why couldn't I see I really missed him? Why couldn't I... so many whys. I left my mind on blank state, allowing my body to just feel and return each caress on his body. Naturally, it came to the point of no return, the children leaving the den to play with whoever wanted to play with them. Rock and I, though, would be playing together for quite some time. First thing he made was lay me on my back and getting over me, so he could get all that delicious dragon cock inside my tight warm pussy. We lost track of time, of the world, of everything. All that matter then was us, me and him in deep love. He kept there, filling me more and more with his dragon meat.

After what seemed for an eternity which ended just too soon, I felt him filling me up nicely, but also I missed his life on it. Thankfully, since I didn't want more children at least for now. "You know... I could live like this..."

"Oh you could?" he grinned, lick-kissing my nose.

"I'm doing pretty fine right now... however... I don't think I can live as Thyamat... you see... shi died for the dragons... it just doesn't seem right to remember hir by having hir name on a title..."

"It has been the Thyamat's legacy for the next generations to come." Rock grinned. "We also get worried with our descendants. Those dragons which decided wouldn't join a side... You remember? I know a couple of them and I know they share your ideas. But they had family to protect..."

I grinned. Playing neutral to protect the family... I just wished I had that option available. However, that only reinforced my first though: given their clear differences, dragons and furries are alike... nothing that different. I hugged Rock as we slowly got asleep. I never felt so right of my cause until I finally understand our true resemblances...