meeting an old friend

Story by kardking on SoFurry

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Authors Notes: This story was written to show a pinpal bf. When he found out I was in to yiff he thought it would be nice for me to make a story about him. And this is that story

A Ford Escape pulls on to a street full of houses. Ace turns off the head lights allowing the only light to be the street lamps and the full moon above. Driving slowly he parks in front of a house, making sure no one in side noticed he was there.

Ace reached in to his coat pocket pulling out a cell phone, typing in the message "I cant belive ur parnt left u hom alon again". Sitting patchently in the car for 3 mins, he got a reply "ya, im alon again to night... y u ask". Smiling at him self Ace just replies "just checking up on u". Getting out of the Escape a 5' 8" tall fox with a solid red coat, stood in only a black trench coat. Ace wanted Sammy to never forget this.

Walking quickly up to the door Ace rings the bell. As the door opens Ace drops the trench coat leaving a naked red fox in door way. The door opened up all the way with a white snow leopard looking at him with a smile. Ace just smiles back at him and says "are you going to let me in or not." Trying to act cute. Sammy just smiled and back up to allow the fox in. Grabbing his coat Ace goes in. Dropping the coat next to the door.

"so this is why u wanted to know if I was home alone." Said the leopard looking the fox up and down with a lust in his eyes. Smiling at the eying leopard "well I couldn't just do that with ur mom opening the door, now could I?" Leaning forward kissing Sammy softly on the lips. Breaking the kiss Ace says "if I remember right, I owe u an hour of slavory."

(flash back to a couple of nights ago)

Ace and Sammy played a lot of only games. They played a game of poker. Ace had trip 5 "now I can have some fun" saying to him self. Typing to Sammy "tell u what, instead of the chips I have a new bet...". Cutting it off to see if Sammy would go for it.

The reply was simply "what do u have in mind"

Just smiling Ace typed "winner gets a slave for an hour". Waiting felt like an hour for him, then he got his reply.


With that Ace hit the show button that revealed his hand to Sammy. Getting ahead of him self Ace "I win". Then he looked at Sammy's hand with shock, and then the message came up "lol, look again, I win". Typing slowly Ace just replies "fine, ill have to come up there soon to make it up to u"

Ace and Sammy lived 4 hours away but they never let the distance get the better of there loving sides.

"na, its all fun, u don't have to come all the way up here for just that."

(back to present)

Sammy chuckled and kissed the fox again. "I said u didn't have to have to", with a simply reply "now where's the fun in that" with a grin and a tail waging back and forth that brushed the neck. Locking eyes with the leopard Ace said happily "so what's my first slave work".

Watching the leopard think Ace already excited, with his member already fully out with a length of 6.5 inches. It took a lot of will power for him not to paw off right there. Then the white leopard walked out of the room "Come on, I know what u can do". With the same smile from before that hadn't left his face, Ace followed. Coming in to a bed room, Sammy unbuttoned and took off his jeans and took off his white t-shirt. Leaving him in only a white pair of boxers that matched his fur. "first I want u to suck me off, then well get in to some real fun". Sammy laid on the bed for Ace to get to work.

Ace climbed on top of him and kissed the member through the boxers. He then slowly pulled them down to reveal the 7 incher. Ace just licked his lips and kissed the tip, Sending a slight moan from Sammy. Taking it slow Ace licked the member from the base to the tip and then back down. After coating the member in a layer of licks, he then took the member in his mouth. Sucking slowly at first then speeding up. Running his paws along the leopards smooth sides.

Sammy just seemed to be enjoying every moment of it, moaning with every suck and gasping with every touch of the fox's paw. After 4 mins of this Sammy tells him to stop. Ace felt disappointed "was I that bad". Looking up at Sammy with a sad look. Sammy just smiled at Ace and said "u were great, but I have a better idea for that first shot". Seeing the lust in his eyes Ace relised what he wanted and felt excited again, rolling on to his stomach "go for it, I am ur slave after all". "lean against the bed" was all Ace heard and he obeyed. Moving off the bed and bending over the bed. "hows this?". With the only reaction was a kiss. Ace took that as a "perfect"

Watching Sammy get be hind him and when he got right be hind him he couldn't see him any longer. After a moment he felt the leopard pushing in on him. The sudden jolt made the fox jump up for a second, but then relaxed to it. Enjoying every inch that was put in side him. "go at it hard, I wount complain", with that he felt Sammy shove the rest of his member in with one good thrust. Bring a tear to the eye, Ace waited for the rest. Feeling the leopard pull out then shoving back in again. All Ace could do was close his eyes to keep him from crying.

After a couple a couple thrusts Ace felt his own member being stroked. Opening his eyes he looked down to see Sammy's paw rapped around in stroking it with the rhythm of fucking. Then he heard the leopard say "even the slave...... needs some fun". Hearing a little giggle in his voice. Ace tried to reply "I... was" saying in between waves of pleasure.

Ace felt Sammy shot 5 huge streams in to his ass, but Sammy's thrusts didn't slow down. He just kept pumping Aces ass and stroking him member. "u still have to shot" was all Sammy said. Ace just smiled and kept riding the cock in his tail hole. It wasn't long before Ace shot all over the bed in front of him and on his chest. With that Sammy pulled out, letting some of the seed drip out. Painting Ace turned around and layed his back on the bed. Looking up at the grinning leopard and then at a clock on the night stand. "wow, u where great. And u still have 45 mins Master." Trying to make the word master sound important.

Sammy laid down next to him and turned to face him. Kissing him hard on the lips "well we could do some here." Or pausing looking out the window at the creek that ran behind his house "or we can go play in the woods", Ace thought for a second then answered with a "I do what ever my Master tells me to do". With that Sammy stood up and left the room, Ace knew to fallow and he did.

Sammy grabbed some blanks and then they left the house and went in to the creek naked. Only being guided by the moons light they came to a part of the creek that had a little shack that was next to the water. "nice place u got here Sammy" looking over that the leopard as he put the blanks in the make shift shelter. Then he turned tords Ace and made a run for him. With a sudden shock Ace tried to get out of the way, but failed. Sammy talked him and they fell in to the deep water. Coming up quickly for air, Ace was met with a kiss. "you have no idea how nice a place this is" Sammy said while floating in front of him. Leaning in again for a kiss they locked bodies. They started to sink but Sammy paddled them a couple feet over, where the water was deep enough to stand but with only the top of their chests above water.

Breaking the kiss Sammy looks at Ace in the moon light and says "to end ur slavory u have to get me to cum again, and if u can do this in 5 mins ill be ur slave for an hour", jumping at the chance and started to suck wildly at white member. Putting 2 of his digits in to the leopards ass, pushing them in and out just as rapid as he was sucking. He could hear the moans from Sammy, even through the water. Every now and then he had to come up for air but was back under instantly.

At the 4 min mark Ace could tell Sammy was close but still had to push him over the edge. Taking his 3rd digit he pushed it in the leopards ass with the other 2. Feeling the jolt Sammy's body gave, Ace took that as a good sign he was close.

Sammy shot his load in to Ace's mouth, Ace was pleased to finally get to teast the leopards great seed. Wishing he could drink the last of the seed but having to come up for air he looks at Sammy with a huge grin. "ur my slave now" kissing him lightly on the lips.