The Tales of Sorath (part four)

Story by sorath on SoFurry

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"While we are heading to our destination lets divide the grenades by type and give them to the people who could get the most use out of them." Sorath said opening his pack. "How would we know who gets which ones?" Asked Jack with a puzzled look on his face. "Simple," He said as he got his grenades out "Delilah gets the most smoke's and riot control grenades, you get the most frag grenades, and I get the most concussion grenades." "How did you come to those conclusions?" asked Delilah as she got her grenades out.

"You mostly use your knife so you could use the smoke as cover to sneak up behind the enemies and slit their throats. Once the alarms go off you could use the others to incapacitate them so you could kill them with your swords. Jack sucks against multiple people in an open space since he doesn't use control over his gun" at that statement Jack gave Sorath a light punch in the arm "the fragments from his grenades are effective over a good range so as long as he throws the grenade and not the pin,like in training" this time Jack gave him a harder punch "he will be fine. I could use my grenades to kill and incapacitate my enemies so I can deliver a clear shot to the head. While we're at it lets just list all our supplies. I wanna see what you guys are using.

I have one kukri knife, two M1911A1 pistols with six spare clips, my custom, one concussion grenade, two smoke grenades, one riot grenade, one ceramic bulletproof vest, and a few C4 charges, for the doors of the base. Whatcha got Jack?"

"I've got two switchblades, one standard Kevlar vest, my custom with four spare clips, two SMG's with six spare clips, one smoke grenade, one frag grenade, and a few mines for guarding the doorways we aren't going to use. You're up next Delilah."

"I have my camillus, my custom with one extra clip, caltropes (for anyone who wants to follow us), a few throwing stars, one pair of twin swords, one riot grenade, two frags , one concussion grenade, three flash bangs, and one chemical Molotov cocktail to use as a distraction before we land.

Grab a flash bang because we're probably going to need them. Just make sure you throw them quickly because they will explode in your hand if you're not careful." As everybody finished exchanging grenades the floor opened up I front of them. "Pull your parachute cords in order."Sorath yelled as they put on their helmets. "Okay lets go." Jack yelled as he plunged first into the starless moonless night.

"Lieutenant have you found the whereabouts of our little 'friends' yet?" asked the sergeant before he sipped his coffee and ordered the cheese omelet. "Sir this isn't the place to talk about that." said the lieutenant after he ordered the sausage and eggs. "We are alone in a private booth in an otherwise abandoned restaurant. We can talk freely." " Well I haven't found anything out about Martin and his associates but I have found out more about Veronica." he said as their plates arrived. "I wouldn't start eating until after I tell you what I have found out." he said as he saw the sergeant pick up his fork "Okay what is it?"

"She was a Sergeant First Class and an armorer. She is somewhere around our hidden arsenal. She was only involved in one conflict and that was overseas. The armory she was working at was attacked with the enemies outnumbering staff ten to one. Only three people were left alive after that." "So what." said Johnson as he sipped his coffee. "She fought, and killed, almost all of them. The weapons there were all being repaired when they were attacked." "You expect me to believe one little girl killed one thousand four hundred and fifty three people by herself? What kind of knife did she use?" "She didn't use a knife. She used a scythe that her mother sent with her little brother ,since they were visiting, so that she could sharpen it and put a coat of varnish on it." "I thought that she was a pacifist." "She was until one of the enemy soldiers put his rifle to her little brothers head. First she sliced off his hands then she cut him in half vertically." "Who was the other survivor anyway?"

"It was one enemy soldier who apparently passed out from fright. Once he was woken up he dropped his weapon and ran onto the awaiting bus." "Did he say anything understandable?" asked Johnson with a little tinge of fear in his voice. "While running and getting on the bus he was screaming at the top of his lungs saying 'Run. The angel of death is upon us'. He then passed out again after seeing Hunt come out of the building with that scythe in a death grip. One week ago he was found with a self inflicted pistol wound to the head." "How was Hunt?" "Not only could she not eat anything for a week without vomiting it back up but she also had to undergo extensive surgery."

"For what?" said Johnson with a clearly visible shake. "For the seventeen bullets she had in her. Three were pulled from her torso, two from each leg, five from the right arm, three from the left arm, one from her jaw, and one from her collarbone. Only four hours after her surgery she tried to walk next door to see her brother who was there for observation." "How was the kid?" "He was scared but otherwise unharmed. He said that his sisters eyes went blood red and he felt some sort of evil, murderous presence from her. They only took one picture of each room and hall. It took about five hour since almost every single person who went in there ran out vomiting from the smell and sight of all the bodies. If you want to see the pictures then here." Said Downs as she slid the folder to him. As Johnson opened the folder and look in he look as if he was about to vomit. "I've lost my appetite." said Johnson before standing up, paying for his meal, and walking out.

"Guys." yelled Sorath after they jumped. "We changed location but the plan is still the same." "Gotcha." said Delilah as she threw the molotov. Jack simply nodded. "Alright, pull." stated Sorath. Sorath looked and saw that Jack had his opened but Delilahs was stuck so he dived after her. He was about ten feet away when he realized he wouldn't catch up with her. As he pulled his cords Delilah clawed her chute open but hit a tree branch with her head when she landed.

{Blood, guts, screams, and terrified faces. So much blood.} Veronica woke with a scream. "That is the third time this week. When will these end?" she asked herself. She felt like something was wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it. She then noticed that there was a fire about five feet into the forest and that there was somebody up in the tree above the fire. "Hey that looks like number three. I wonder what she's doing here." Veronica said as she let her wings grow out. Once she got to the top and detached all the cords she felt Delilah stir in her arms. "At least you're alive." she said as she slowly drifted down.

Once they were back on the ground and Veronica retracted her wings she saw Delilah start to regain consciousness she asked "Are you okay number three?" "My name is Delilah." she said as she rose up holding her head "Other than a huge headache I'm fine. Where is the clearing anyway?" "You're at the edge of it right now." "Okay a chopper is going to show up in a couple hours. I want you to get on it. I have to go meet up with Jack and Sorath at the armory." "You'll never make it in time by walking. I'll take you there."

"Not to be offensive but I don't think that a small vixen like you could even pick me up, much less carry me to the armory. Who are you anyway?" "I am test subject number five, Veronica Hunt." She said as she grabbed her scythe and let her wings out. "Where is Michael anyway?" "Sorath is with Jack above the armory roof by now." "Well then hold on tight because we will be on the roof around the time they are."

Once they were ten feet above the roof Jack and Sorath both ditched their parachutes. As Sorath dusted himself off Jack ran up to him and punched him in the face, knocking him down. "Why did you leave her? You could have caught up to her but you decided to leave her." "If you paid attention." Sorath said as he stood back up "you would have seen that she opened her parachute before she hit the tree. That means that she did not fall to her death. Once she regains consciousness she will cut the chute cords and get to the clearing if she doesn't come to help us." After they finished talking Sorath and Jack both heard flapping wings. "What is that?" asked Jack. "Oh shit. Get back!" said Sorath as he grabbed his pistols and got in front of Jack.

As soon as he pulled out his pistols Veronica landed five feet in front of Sorath. "What's the big deal? She seems nice." "She killed over one thousand men in only three hours, while human, using that scythe in her hand." As Delilah hopped off of her back Veronica nodded a hello to Jack and said "Hello Michael, long time no see." She retracted her wings and took a step towards Sorath. "Stop or I will shoot." yelled Sorath as he leveled his pistols at her. "Don't you remember how we used to be at that facility? We both always looked forward to seeing each other. How we needed each other to stay sane? What happened to that Michael I used to know?" "He's gone." said Sorath as he lowered his pistols, turned away, and lifted the skylight.

"Drop Jack from the second floor and then go to the clearing to wait for the chopper. He has the best weapons for cramped quarters. Delilah, go into the vents to take the control room. I will take out the second floors enemies while you two clear the other floors. I will also neutralize the elevator so take the stairs. We will meet up on the second floor to grab the supplies. Jack, put C4 charges on all the exits." Everybody nodded as Sorath dropped the prepped C4 charge through the skylight. "When I say now then go." He said as everyone got to their positions. "Now." he said as he pushed the detonator on the C4 charge. The guards inside didn't hear Delilah drop into the vent and the guards outside didn't hear Jack dropping down with his switchblades out.

As Sorath jumped through the hole he just made and landed with his knife out he only saw two people at the weapon depot door. While they were still in shock he ran towards them and severed their necks with one smooth swing. As he cleaned the blood off his knife he listened to the intercom. "This is not a drill. We have intruders on levels one and two. They are heavily armed and highly dangerous. Shoot to-" He heard the sound of a throat being sliced. Then Delilah said over the intercom "Control room secured. Moving to clear the rest of the third floor."

He pulled out his pistols and turned around to face the horrified crowd of soldiers at the end of the hall. As the commander yelled 'fire' Sorath fired one shot, which caught the commander in between the eyes, and moved to a room where the janitor had just opened the door to. Once the janitor saw Sorath he was knocked out and pushed deeper into the room so he would not be hit by a stray bullet. He then grabbed one of the grenades on his belt, pulled the pin, and tossed the grenade right into the middle of the group of soldiers.

"Grena-" was all that one soldier managed to choke out before it exploded. Sorath then walked to the end of the hall and delivered one shot to each head, reloading after he finished. He then heard a shot behind him and felt a burning pain in his left ear. As he hid behind the corner, after one shot from each pistol to the guards chest, he felt a hole was cleanly clipped where the bullet hit him. He then felt two shots hit him in the back. He then turned around and delivered one shot to both of their heads.

"Sergeant Johnson, you need to see these security tapes." "I know Downs, I have a live feed right here. Capture one of them alive." "What about the others?" "My wife wants a couple of fur coats." "Ye- yes sir." the Lieutenant said as he walked out the door

"Guys we have thirty minutes before our ride gets here. Grab as much as you can." said Sorath as he grabbed box after box of pistol ammo while Delilah was grabbing the M16 mags and Jack planted the rest of the C4 in the middle of the floor. As they climbed down the stairs Jack gave Sorath the detonator. Sorath then looked at the back and saw a battalion sized group heading towards them. He told Jack and Delilah to go while he started shooting round after round of his pistol into the crowd.

As soon as he saw that Jack and Delilah were out the front door he detonated the C4 right before his left paw was shot. As he raised his hands up in the surrender position he was knocked unconscious by a piece of the ceiling hitting the back of his head.

As Jack and Delilah hopped into the chopper they explained to Bill and Veronica what happened to Sorath. Bill just turned around and told them "Don't worry we'll get him back. We don't leave any member of our family behind. At least they won't kill him." "Why not?" asked Veronica with concern in her voice. "They need information that he has. Like where our base is." "What did you mean by family?" asked Veronica.

"This," said Jack motioning around the chopper "is our family. We take care of each other. Welcome to the family Veronica." "Thanks, but this is a really screwed up family." "We are not screwed up." said Jack."We're just dysfunctional." said Delilah with a smile on her face. "Okay I got it." said Veronica with a small laugh.