The Assassin
The assassin constellation has not been seen for a thousand years."
Honour guard Danyk stood, resplendent in his newly earned ceremonial attire. His deep red cape over one shoulder, great staff in the other. The metal of his gilded armour shone in the palace lights, highlighting intricate traceries of blue and gold...
An Assassination
This was the story the assassin had been told, and the one he had constantly repeated to himself as he travelled forth from his homeland.
The assassin could almost feel the fear emanating from the remaining two guards. one of the two guards rushed the assassin, wielding a much quicker blade. two blows the assassin parried before locking blades with the guard.
To be an Assassin
#1 of to be an assassin _so this here is the first time i'm introducing the red tide, a group of fanatic religious freaks led by the crimson rovers, a dying species of immense telepathic capabilities.
The Assassin
She was in her xenomorph assassin outfit, and had a blade in her hand, summoned magically. xennia tackled her target, but was quickly kicked off of them. the blade faded and they would begin to fistfight once she stood.
#1 of assassin's tale an journalist encounters an assassin, and find more than he expected. hi folks. i have been away from my keyboard and story telling for too long.
Cheshire character intro
Ideas are welcome if you want to be used in part of the story let me know. the johnson mr.jonson/miss jonson ect = the name given to the people by shadowrunner's that are wanting to hire shadowrunners game/wetwork= assassination normal legal crap cheshire
Deadlist Assassin
Commandramon got in an elevator to the floor Angel was waiting in. He walked behind her and said, "Monodramon told me that your mission is to take out Veemon once and for all. Once you do he'll tell you where Stitch is. I hover over Veemon's last...
The Sentimental Assassin
"i'm an assassin. a ninja assassin."
To be an Assassin (4)
#4 of to be an assassin "that's great news!" alt smiled when calsa told him about her mother being alive. her eyes shined with joy and hope. "and now that the torak lakus are here, they will help reunite you.
The Birth of an Assassin
All is silent where she stands in a corner of the dark room, lights long since turned off with the coming of nightfall. The only resemblance of light is what comes from her bright, yellow eyes, usually kept covered by the ebony leather of her hood, but...