Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 13 – The Place is Here…The Time is Now
#14 of Two Worlds Collide
A/N - And back to where it all began. 10 points if you can tell me where the title came from. Sorry for the delays. Last few weeks of school really beat my ass. I pretty much spent the first few days of "vacation" passed out.
All characters fictional. New London (No relation to actual New London, NH) and Thompson State Park are fictional.
This chapter is PG-13. There's some language and suggestive situations, but nothing explicit. If you're interested in a little more action of the non-platonic sense, chapter 13X includes the adult portions.
Chapter 13 - The Place is Here...The Time is Now
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother"
William Shakespeare
Thompson State Park
New London, NH
November 10, 2011,
Stealing through the forest, I felt the cool breeze flowing through my fur as the rising sun started to shine through the trees, casting skittering shadows on the crisp, freshly fallen snow. The crisp, cool scents of the forest soothed my nares as I heard my ears twitched to either side, seeking out that one sound that I was searching for. I was hunting, and I knew my prey was near.
Suddenly, a very familiar scent caught my attention as quiet footfalls crunched through the snow far to my left. Dropping to all fours to hide myself from view, my amber eyes caught the dark silhouette walking through my woods. The silhouette stopped at one of the small copses of trees which littered the landscape, overlooking a small field and stream, one where I had often come throughout my life to search for deer. Sneaking quietly toward the figure now prone on the ground, a smile crossed my canine maw as I quickly closed the distance between us, making certain to keep myself out of my prey's view.
Finally making my way just behind the hunter, I saw a magnificent buck in the clearing below us, the buck nosing through the thin snow cover for any vegetation still alive. It was almost enough to make me start salivating at the sight, and the chance for fresh meat. Returning attention to my prey for now, however, I saw the hunter shift slightly, undoubtedly aiming for the deer. Preparing myself, I crouched down above and behind him, preparing for the lunge as the hunter blithely aimed for his prize...and I looked at mine.
Crack, went the rifle.
I let loose one of my best growls, hoping to startle my prey as he started to turn around. I hoped that he would drop the rifle, but instead, he held on to it as he whipped around. But, by the time he had turned, it was too late. My massive body had already struck him in a shoulder tackle, one of my paws batting the rifle from his hands...hopefully not damaging it.
'If I broke it, he'll kill me.'
Using my weight, I pinned this man to the ground, sitting on his legs to try and hold him down...this was the most fun part of this 'hunt.' I thought as I saw my mate pinned beneath me and still not aware of what was going on...oh, how long will it take him to learn?
Apparently, Mike wasn't having any of it, though. Two sharp jabs hit me in the gut and I instinctively recoiled, almost retaliating before I caught my inner beast and stopped her from doing anything rash. But in that split second, Mike managed to best me, muscling me onto my back and trying to pin me down. As I finally caught his eye, he relented a little bit, eyes roving across my furred body. That was all I needed as I gripped his arms and rolled him back onto his back. Leaning into his face and inhaling of his scent deeply that same scent that I was lucky enough to awake to every morning, my amber eyes gazed deeply into his own blue ones.
"Well, I've got my prey," I cooed in my low, husky voice, playing out a fantasy that had been running through my mind ever since I was a that I had been trying to have come true for the past two decades. "And look, I even got a deer out of it, too." I grinned at him, playing up the part of the predator as best I could, hoping he would play along.
"Are...are you going to eat me?" His stuttering voice came back. I could hear the bad acting in his voice trying to telegraph fear, but his body was telling me something very different.He was at least trying...let's see if we can play with this a little more.
"Yes, yes I am," I replied as my eyes drifted up and down his clothing covered body...oh how I couldn't wait to see that body clothed in just its fur. Focusing on my prize, I used my strong hands to pull out his shirt off of his pants, baring his abdomen to me, his human scent just all the stronger as I did so. Leaning down, I inhaled it, slowly, looking up his body as I continued to hold him down, my mouth agape, with my long tongue hanging in the cool air.
The long, wet lick up his chest made him shiver under my arms. Flicking my eyes up at him, I saw the grin spreading across his face as I continued to lick his chest as he actually started to was a full out giggle.
"I really wish I had a recorder so everyone could hear that...I'm sure David would love it." I let another long, slow lick across his stomach as a grin started to split my own muzzle, revealing the sharp canines within.
"You're evil, you know that," he wheezed out. "You know that I'm ticklish there. You do know I'll get you back for this, right?"
"Oh, I'm sure," I purred back. Before I let him up, I just had to give him another lick, this time across his face. "Just remember...tonight, you'll be getting more than just the tongue." As I said this, I relented, standing aside him and offering a paw to help him up. He gripped that paw...
And pulled hard, pulling me back on top of him. So that's how he wants to play...this could get a little rough.
That same day, an hour before nightfall
I walked slowly back into that same clearing where Amy had rejected me all those years ago. It was appropriate, really, I thought to myself as I slowly strode into the clearing. All those years ago, I had been a naïve kid, not knowing of the duplicity that was integral to the human experience, believing everything I was ever told...a couple years in the real world fixed that. Over those years in the real world, I had my naiveté ripped from my skull and replaced by anger and ambivalence to the world. And I had given up on everyone I had ever known. Perhaps that pendulum had swung too far.
And now, here I was walking into an event which would change my very life. I'd been taking those supplements my mother had told me about...stuff tasted like crap, but if it kept my body from ripping me apart tonight as it tried to change, so much the better. But most of all, it was going to let me spend the rest of my life with Amy, as equals. There was nothing else I could ask for.
The last few weeks had been nothing but good for us. We spent more than a few weekend nights out in the woods, just reconnecting, and finding that we had a lot more in common and between us than we expected...the most shocking was that she had been working to get permission to reveal herself to me for the past decade and a half without tire. Honestly, there was nothing I could say...or even think to say to that.
She had begged her alpha, a position that I had learned essentially meant a civic leader who acted as the arbiter of decisions which affected all of the Lycans in the town, at the time just before I left to allow me into their confidence, but, in her words, the word of a pup was no good to him. The alphas and the elders apparently felt that I could be a good lawgiver for the area...but that I wasn't to be trusted with their secret...not yet. They intoned that I would be read in at some point in my career, and then Amy could have my hand, but not before. My decision to run away changed all of that. Between the fact that I had run away from the town, the fact that I wasn't actually responding to Amy's attempts at contact, and that at best I wouldn't be back any time soon, killed any chance of Amy being able to reveal herself to me, at least in the eyes of the alpha at the time.
Apparently some of the town disagreed, however. I apparently had been the subject of a vote or two over the past few decades. A lot of the older Lycans were set in their ways of not welcoming an outsider...or so Amy had told me, but apparently a number of the ones that I personally knew had argued in favor of brining me into their confidence. They hadn't succeeded but the vote was closer every time they repeated.
After my mother's conversion, the alpha's hand was forced. Because of what had happened, the alpha had taken on the role of training the new Lycan, so to speak. In his eyes, Amy had proved herself unreliable and the sanctity of the pack was his problem, essentially forcing the new pup, as he saw her, into his charge. What happened shocked everyone, however.
The alpha had just lost his own mate just a few short years earlier, age finally reaching the point where even inhuman regenerative abilities could no longer repair her body. The alpha saw in my mother's own loss and guilt and hurt an image of himself only a few years before and the two had actually bonded in the loss. In this bonding, the alpha realized that the two of them were the same and that if he could give my mother his greatest secrets and trust her as a sounding board for the good of the pack, he could trust me to at least know the truth. He told Amy that I could be introduced to the a confidant only.
I shudder at that reminiscence. It had been then that I had completely spurned everyone I knew here, forsaking the town where I grew up. Forsaking everyone I had known...forsaking Amy.
I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder and jumped, a move met with a gruff, deep chuckle.
"Scared ya, did I, Hoover?"
"Oh, David." I stammered without turning to greet him, recognizing the deep tones as his voice when he was in his Lycan form. "Scared, no...startled yes. I guess I was lost in thought."
"I understand...I think. You're going to give up your entire past tonight to get a chance at the future, change who you are...what you are. It's a big change."
No, David, honestly that's not it. I already gave up my past, trying to run from it like a coward because I was rejected...and all the while people were trying to accept me. I was the one at fault in all this."
"Mike, I..." he started, laying a heavy paw on my shoulder.
"No...tonight, I'm taking my past back so I can have a future. I made these mistakes a long time ago, and need to let them go. There's nothing I can do to change them, much as unless this happens tonight, I will be dead. But...I am not going to change what or who I am. Assuming I survive this, I will still be a man, no more or less, a flesh and blood construct who seeks to remake the world in his image, regardless of whether I have fur and a tail or not."
"Wow, Mike," came David's reply as he walked in front of me, a smile upon his muzzle and a gleam of respect in those amber eyes. "That was deep. You been writing fortune cookies?" The grin that was splitting his face was almost unbearable, but I knew how to wipe it off.
"No. Interrogating a prisoner. One Mr. Thomas Michaels. I've spent a good part of the last few weeks taking his statements and poring through his records. This guy's given us everything, from the names of his people to the names of other vigilante groups. He's also been real philosophical and regretful. I really want to know what you told him."
At this, David slumped a little, the smirk disappearing from his face. "Mike, this man got dealt a real bad hand. I assume you've heard this, but both his kids were slaughtered by what we call a feral...a Lycan who has lost the ability to empathize with others, humans, lycans or anything else. A psychopath with inhuman strength and a weapon of a body if he chooses to use it that way. Some of them are like this from brain imbalances, others from the feeling of superiority that some Lycans have. We don't know why this feral did what he did, but apparently Mr. Thomas faked his death and went on a mission of revenge."
"David, I got that much between the interrogation and the mutt who gave me this," I said as I pointed to the scar from Dalis' bite. "But what I don't understand is what happened in that house. All he will say at that point it 'I was wrong,' before he breaks down sobbing. What did you tell him?"
"Mike, we were locked in that room with the bomb and I got him out the only way I could. Between the fact that I risked my life for him, and the fact that I didn't kill him, somehow I managed to get him to not hate me...and maybe even not fear me, but then... I told him why I knew of his sons. You see, Mike, we teach our pups right from wrong just as humans must, and the story of the Michaels boys is the major teaching tool we use. Much as human students must be aware of the horrors of slavery, we must teach our young the dangers inherent in their body."
"So he reacted to the fact that you are aggressively trying to stop what happened to his boys?"
"Perhaps. All I know is that when I told him that I went into the marshals in part because of what happened to his sons, he simply broke. I cannot understand why, though. It's nothing more than why humans know the words 'arbeit macht frei.'"
"Work makes free." I responded in a quiet whisper as the words of one of the most ghastly periods in history came into the conversation.
"Yes, Mike. Is the infraction on the same scale, no, but we teach our pups for the same reason the camps still stand. A wise man once said 'All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auchwitzes- all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember...wherever men walk God's Earth.' That's true for the mass horrors of the holocaust and just as true for a simple serial killer, albeit on a slightly different scale of horror and devastation."
I simply nodded my assent, struck by how much this one act meant, both to David and to Mr. Michaels. I'm not sure who this wise man was, but he was right. We can't shovel over the destruction that we can make...we need to learn from it, and experience is the greatest teacher of all.
My introspection was interrupted by a dark grey blur impacting me at the hip from my right. I was caught unprepared and sent tumbling to the left, landing harshly, but finding something small and furry encircling its arms about my chest and licking the base of my neck.
"Uncle Mike. It's's finally time." How she said that while simultaneously slathering the base of my neck with licks, I'll never know, but apparently Sarah was a little excited.
"Yes, Sarah, it's time for Uncle Mike to join let him up so I can talk to him."
The arms holding me almost in a death grip slowly released me as a strong paw reached down to help me up. Looking up from those strong paws up the toned arms of the she-wolf pulling me up, I finally met her eyes and pulled her into my embrace.
"Evening, Amy." I started, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as she gave me her own short lick on mine. Feeling a little mischievous, I gave her my own short lick to the tip of her nose...she'd rubbed off a little on me over the past few weeks, and it was always fun to remind her of that fact, even as I realized that she would be rubbing off a lot on me tonight.
Her tone was still rather serious as she began, however. "Mike, you understand what's going to happen tonight, right? I don't want any surprises."
"I think so," I replied a little shakily. "If everything goes to plan, you are going to bite me, which will fix the incomplete change that Dalis' bite would have caused. Sorta like reinstalling a computer program to fix it."
"Almost," she said softly. "I'm going to bite you twice...for two reasons. The first bite is to try that reboot you referred to. You've been taking those supplements as have I. The eggheads are pretty confident that this will work, but we're not really sure...Your mother was the only person it's been done to in the last least."
I was having flashbacks to having my wisdom teeth pulled, where the doc flat out said that while it was a routine procedure, there was a chance I could lose all sensation of touch in my lower jaw if things went wrong.
"Mike," that gentle voice broke into my thoughts. "The second bite is a little more important, for me. I know you expect a full wedding, and I intend to give it to you, but the manner in which Lycans take a spouse...a mate, well we give ourselves to the other in terms of a bite, traditionally to the shoulder. It's a throwback to the feral nature of the wolf, but, to me, it symbolizes the trust needed between us. You will be expected to reciprocate after your change."
"Amy, I trust you. You were the only person in this town outside my family who I could confide in while growing up, and my biggest mistake in life was lumping you in with everyone else. The last few weeks have been more enjoyable than anything can think of before, and I would do anything to have more of them. If the bite fails and my body rips itself apart, so be it...I can die fulfilled."
At this, a few of the elders of the pack appeared out of the woods, along with a small coterie of other lycans I had never met least in this form. On full moons they often grouped together, individuals taking shifts in the town businesses that needed to remain open on a simple schedule, but as much of the town as could get out often was on these full moon nights.
Thankfully, this was a rather small group. I wasn't expecting to be the night's 'creature feature.'
"Amy, Mike," the lead Lycan spoke, "Are you all set? We have little time before the forced change will begin, and we lose any chance of survival."
I nodded my assent as did Amy, as my mother stepped forward quickly, trying to give a reassuring lick across the cheek before the main event.
"Don't worry, Mike. We're all here for you."
I simply embraced her quickly before releasing her and standing before Amy, quickly shedding my shirt, although I figured the pants could stretch enough to keep me covered for now. Her mouth had never looked so large before, her teeth so sharp, her eyes so predatory, but I was forced out of my fear by a slight touch as she took my left hand, bending it so that she could focus on my bicep, and Dalis' scar. I could feel her warm breath brushing against my skin as her tongue wiped over the area quickly and as I gritted my teeth.
The sharp pain of her canines piercing my skin was tempered by the strong squeeze of her paw in my hand as she tried to remind me that she was there. A feeling of warmth seemed to spread from that wound as she let go, although whether that was from the cessation of the trauma or something else, I had no idea.
Feeling a warm, rough tongue scraping my arm at the site of the bite, I looked down and saw Amy's long, flexible tongue licking the wound she had created slowly, methodically, as if she wanted to lick away the pain. As the blood flow slowly staunched itself, she looked at me, a beatific smile across her face...a sight that was a little unsettling against the small amount of blood that glistened on her muzzle where it had splattered.
I made a move to wipe it off, before that dexterous tongue went to lick it from her lips. In her eyes, I could see in her eyes what was next and how much she wanted it. I hoped that my own eyes showed just how much I did, but before she could even utter a word, I gave her the answer she wanted.
I rolled my head to the right, exposing as much of my shoulder as I could to her. The warm caress of her tongue across my face was enough to tell me that I was right, as that tongue then moved down to my shoulder, quickly wetting the skin before that sharp pain of a bite met me again. Somehow, it didn't feel as bad this time. Uncomfortable, yes, but almost like a necessary pain.
As she withdrew her fangs from my skin and gently licked the area, I simply embraced her, waiting. I didn't want the moment to end.
A sharp pain in my chest and abdomen, forced its end, however. Feeling the pain hit me like a kick in the gut, I collapsed to the ground, clutching both hands to my chest as a massive feeling of burning swept through my body. I felt worried hands...or rather paws on my shoulders, but I could not speak through my gritted teeth, nor see through clenched eyes.
Through the pain, I felt a prickling heat, starting on my left arm and shoulder where Amy had bitten me. The heat swept across my body slowly and methodically, the uncomfortable feeling never diminishing, nor getting worse, just uncomfortable. The pain in my gut, did, however, start to migrate as it traveled to my legs and arms, first numbing them and then treating them like silly putty, shaping them into something else. I could feel them change, but it was like they were asleep. I knew they were there and moving, but not how or with what purpose. A stretching sensation pushed out from behind me, some new extension of my body...a tail...snaking its way into my pants.
Finally the pain migrated to my head. The world suddenly went silent as my ears migrated to the top of my head. The transition from that silence into the deafening murmur of noise that cascaded from around me when they completed their move was, if possible, more painful than anything I had felt yet. I felt the curious sensation of my ears folding down against my head. Almost as suddenly as they had done that, a pair of weights that I could only assume were somebody's paws pressed down on them, helping to smother the ambient noise even more than my automatic defenses. I felt my mouth and nose being pulled forward, stretched as the cracking noises of bone echoed through my skull. As the stretching seemed to finish, I was struck by the myriad scents pounding into my brain, scents of the forest, the scents of the clothing on my back, and, most prominently, the scents of the Lycans all clustered around me. Surprisingly, my brain recognized most of those scents as family and comforting, but even more strikingly, was able to pick out both Amy and my mother for who they were.
As the pain slowly subsided, I could only let out a groan, surprised by how deep my voice had become from the change. I slowly blinked, wondering what was in front of my face that was blocking my vision, when I realized that the black mass in the center of my field of view was me, my muzzle.
'Holy Crap...It worked.' I thought to myself, although I still could only audibly groan.
I managed to take enough control of my body to push myself into a sitting position, after three tries to find a position that accommodated my tail, I gave up and simply slid it out of my pants. Still dumbstruck, I looked down at my new hands and feet...err paws now, both covered in pitch black fur and tipped with deadly sharp claws at the end of each digit. Idly turning them over, I felt the weight on my ears let up and felt them cautiously lift, the previous din initially apparent but soon quieting as my brain managed to make sense of all of the new stimuli assaulting it. Looking up, I saw Amy's face beaming down at me as she offered a hand for me to stand up.
Her strong arms pulled me bodily to my feet as I found myself standing almost a head and a half taller than her. My tail had already plastered itself to my leg, telegraphing the uncertainty that was running through my mind at this point. I wavered slightly, mind still attempting to reconcile all of the new inputs and outputs that it needed to deal with in this new body, but remained standing. I could feel the eyes of the present pack on me, but, was most conscious about Amy, who was standing before me, looking me up and down.
She, and a couple of the other pack members started to giggle...or whatever counted as a Lycan giggle... before they burst into all out laughter.
"Whath...Damn...bith my thung." Yeah, definitely wasn't used to talking with a muzzle full of sharp canines and a long tongue that seemed to get in the way of forming words.
That only served to redouble some of the laughter before Amy came over to me, panting with her eyes full of mirth.
"Mike, you remember what you were wearing when you first came back to town?"
"No, I donth."
"Black suit with a grey shirt." She recollected. "It looks like that was appropriate for you right now." She produced a small mirror from one of the tables nearby and backed up a bit so that I could see my new body.
Looking in the mirror, I had to let out a similar chuff of laughter at the sight. My body structure was actually pretty nice. The tall regal Lycan head with those piercing amber eyes, proud black furred muzzle, full of, as I had discovered, sharp teeth all atop a well built body. My arms looked well built, the dense fur only somewhat covering the muscles, although thankfully not to the point of looking like some furry bodybuilder. My legs were similar and both arms and legs were tipped with those powerful paws that had so captivated me earlier. The feature that had apparently caught everyone's eye, however, is that my black pelt covered all of my extremities and most of my core, but there was a swath of grey fur from about where my belly button would be on my human body to the base of my neck. It actually did look like I was wearing a suit.
Stepping forward, and feeling very proud at not landing flat on my face as I did so, I walked to Amy and embraced her, moving the tip of my muzzle to just beside her alert ears and whispering to her.
"Thank you...for believing in me." Feeling that I needed to tell her my real feelings, in the fashion that she had been telling me, I gave her a short lick across the tip of her nose, when she simply rolled her head to her right.
I simply followed what she had done, licking her shoulder, enjoying her musky scent, now able to detect some of the more alluring parts of that musk, as well as a spiciness that really can't be put into words. Hoping that I wouldn't bite myself again, I gently pressed my maw onto her shoulder and tasted the coppery spurts of blood that resulted. The feeling that ran through me was surprising. I had expected some sort of feral reaction to the taste blood, but my reaction to it was simply that of love and dedication for my mate at this time.
Releasing my mate's shoulder, I slowly lapped at the blood slowly dribbling from the wound as we simply embraced.
From behind us, all I heard was the grizzled voice of one of the elders breaking the silence that had fallen over the entirety of the present pack over the past few moments.
"Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hart."
In lieu of the typical applause from this announcement, the entire pack broke into loud howls at this. A swelling feeling in my chest caught me and I glanced at Amy and winked. And the both of us tipped our heads back and howled in unison, announcing our joining to the world.
We both made the rounds as a couple, although that was more so that Amy could help me as I was still very good at stumbling over my new body. I made certain to take the extra time to return Seamus' good-natured ribbings with a few of my own and to thank my mother for everything, and set up time to try to catch up a little bit. Now we would just need to tell my sister...we'd never turn her, but she did have a right to know. That, we both understood, would take a lot of time. We all finished the night with a small meal of the deer meat that I had bagged earlier that day...I had never thought that raw venison could be so delectable, but damn...a good part of me couldn't wait for when we could actually hunt these creatures.
After the introductions, my own abilities having improved to the point where I could at least talk and walk on my own, the two of us decided that, for once, we could separate from the rest of the pack on this full moon night and just be together. As Amy quickly stalked off into the woods, I followed as closely, and carefully as I could, following my mate into my new life.
A/N - Please Read and review. Just the epilogue to go.