MLP ((Title work in prgress))

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry


Night had fallen over the whole of Equestria. The moon's pale glow covered the land in its warming light. Deep in the Everfree Forest just on the outside of Ponyville, a light mist preceded a dark figure as it slowly trotted through the wooded area. The pony in question was draped in a brown cloak, covering his features except for the horn on his forehead. The mist continued to follow the stallion as he walked through the forest. His eyes glowed under his hood as he neared lights coming from home just ahead of him. The house in general was made into a large tree and was decorated in odd tribal masks and other odds and ends. He walked up to the door and lightly knocked. He did not wait long till the door open and a female zebra stood in the doorway. "That cloak might hide you from pony eyes but I know who you are under that disguise." She stepped aside and allowed him to enter. Upon entering she closed the door behind him. "Your mother said I might find you here." He walked in further and sat down at her table.

He reached up and pulled his hood back, revealing himself to the zebra. His coat was a deep blue; his eyes were the color of indigo. His mane was silvery and flowed as the mist that surrounded him before he entered the zebra mare's home. "You have grown since I had seen you last Zecora." The zebra smiled as she placed a cup in front of him and poured some herbal tea into it. "Long has it been since I left my home. Though it is you I see who still roam." The cup was enveloped into a purplish aura before coming to the stallion's lips as he took a sip. "So what made you want to come to Equestria?" He asked. "I remember the stories you told. Ponies and places and things of old." The stallion smiled at her answer. "You wanted to see the land where I am from is that it?" Zecora nodded. "I cannot blame you. I have not seen this land for over a thousand years and it's still as beautiful as the day I departed." Zecora started to gather up a good pile of hay and place it on the floor. "Zecora what are you doing?" The stallion asked. The zebra looked up from her work before she spoke. "I am making a bed though it is not the best. You have traveled far and will need the rest." She then went back to gathering and spreading out hay before covering it with a blanket. "I thank you Zecora for your hospitality but you do not have to do this." She quickly shook her head. "I will hear nothing of the kind. You are my close friend and I feel inclined." The stallion nodded to her as she finished setting up.

It was sometime later after the zebra mare had gone to sleep; the stallion lifted his head up from his place upon the make-shift bed she had laid out for him and looked out of the window as the moon bathed him in its warm glow. "Beautiful night Luna, as always." He said softly before resting his head back down and closed his eyes, slowly going back to sleep