Path of a legend teaser

The year is 3952 of the fifth age. Peace has reigned for over a millennia. Roads that were once covered in the blood of hundreds of fallen warriors are now being traveled by commoners and royalty alike. Many have taken this time of peace as the coming...

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Kitsuyamon- THe Return- Chapt 2

Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. I have been a bit busy what with my vet courses and all. And before you ask. No I did not decide to be a vet because I like this. I did it because...well...I want to work in a zoo. Anyway onto the story. ...

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Path of a Legend Chapter 7

Several months have passed since then and Star and Kathlyn have been dating ever since. He has taught her how to use a bow and to fight using twin hatchets. She has accompanied him on many of his hunting trips and even when he was summoned to the royal...

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Path of a Legend Chapter 6

It was morning when a knock came to the Torrent's door. "One moment." A maid said as she headed for the door. When she opened it, she was greeted by two palace guards. "Is the master of the house at home?" "He is? Who may I tell him is asking?" Just...

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Path of a Legend Chapter 5

The sun rose slowly into the sky as the rosters from the farmsteads close by made their morning cries. Star woke first between the two of and looked into the face of the sleeping...

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Path of a Legend Chapter 4

It took the pair the rest of the morning and into the afternoon to reach home, by the time Star had touched down just outside the village, it was already late afternoon. "Ok now I really need to rest when we get home." Star huffed. "I'm sorry Star. I...

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Path of a Legend Chapter 3

The morning birds chirped their little songs as the sun slowly rose into the sky the following day. Star and Tide were fast asleep, still locked thanks to their evening activities. All that night however the nightmares that Star had been having...

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Kitsuyamon-The Return Chpt 1

Swords clashed and clanged as Duskmon and a robed digimon fought. Each were exceptional in the art of the sword. "You are quite something my adversary. But it ends here. Dark Shadow!" Duskmon fires a beam of dark energy at the robed digimon. The attack...

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The Sun's Tears

Celestia strode through the winding corridors of her castle in which she shared with her younger sister Luna and their champion Lunar. She had already brought the sun to rest over the horizon and the last glimpses of it's warm light were fading fast...



Lunar flew with all the speed he could muster back towards Canterlot. He was in Ponyville discussing the town's budget with the mayor before receiving a a floating scroll before his face from his younger sister-in-law Luna. It was word that his mare...

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A Much Needed Visit

Lunar stood out on the balcony connecting to the bedroom where both he and Celestia slept. Luna had already started to raise the moon and it was now time for him to awaken the stars. With the magic glowing from his horn, one by one the star burst to...


Chpt 17- War Diaries II

_Day 6_ _We have been trekking beyond the reach of New Saddle. I still say that we should have taken the city first but it was not my call. I am only doing what is asked of me. Anyway as we walked, I could hear Starlight talk about her little brother...

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