Simba's Story: Elephant Graveyard

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Zazu had just gone through the birdie boiler, and the cubs heard him scream as he was shot away. Simba quickened his pace even more, and Nala was just steps behind him. He ran into a cave, hoping the hyenas might have been too distracted with Zazu to see them. Once they were both in Simba looked around in horror. He had lead them to a dead end, the only things around were the bones of elephants that had been dead for a long time.

"Simba." Nala cried as she looked at him, her eyes wide with fear. "What are we going to do, there's no way out"

Simba looked around his eyes darting in every direction hoping for something to help him out. "Common" he said as he started walking over to what looked to be the ribcage of an elephant. "We can hide under here, they might not have seen us come in here. We can stay here until Zazu gets help."

"Ok." Nala murmured as she followed him to their hiding place.

Once they were there Nala plopped down onto the floor. She was even trembling slightly from fear. He knew exactly how she was feeling, he felt the same; but he had to fearless like his father. So he was acting brave so Nala wouldn't see how afraid he was.

He lay down next to her and nuzzled her head. "It's going to be alright, they didn't see us come in." He said hoping what he said was true.

They lay there curled up together, the minutes stretching on for what seemed like hours. After the first minute Nala stopped shivering. She was becoming less scared, this was giving him renewed hope. They kept laying there, Simba was just starting to think that they were actually going to be okay, when he heard a laugh from the mouth of the cave.

"Come on out little kitties." The Female said as the three hyenas walked in.

"Yeah, This game of cat and mouse is over." The male that wasn't laughing said, as a smile crossed his face.

Simba darted from their hiding place, knowing it wasn't good anymore, and started climbing the skeleton they had been hiding under. Nala was right behind him, and they both started jumping and clawing at the wall as they tried desperately to escape. They made no progress with their attempts to escape, and proceeded to fall back down to the floor as the skin that had still been attached to the bones gave way under their weight.

All three of the hyenas started laughing as the two cubs fell back to the floor. Simba scrambled back up to his feet, and stood between Nala and the hyenas. Simba stared them down, and two of the hyenas stopped laughing, a more serious expression on their faces. The other one kept laughing, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he did. The two that had stopped laughing were in front of Simba, while the one still laughing was to his side a bit.

They kept staring at Simba for a few seconds before the male that had stopped laughing spoke. "Shut up Ed." He just kept laughing at Simba, and neither he nor the other two hyenas knew why.

"Ed, what's so funny?" The female asked, agitation in her voice. She turned her head from Simba and looked at Ed instead. Ed reached over with his paws and grabbed her head and pulled it, so her head was in front of his body. Then he turned her head so she was looking at Simba again.

"Ed, what are you?" her question was cut short as she started laughing.

"Shenzi, what is it?" the male who wasn't laughing snapped.

"Banzai, look between his hind legs. The little guy's turned on." Banzai moved so that he was at a better vantage point to see Simba's erection, and he started laughing as well.

Not exactly sure what they were laughing about, but sure it was had to do with him, Simba decided to look between his hind legs. He put his head down so that he could look through his front legs to see right between his back legs. To his surprise he saw some read poking out from where he peed. He tilted his head in surprise before he remembered that there were hyenas right in front of him. He tried to stare them down, but they just continued laughing.

While he waited for them to stop laughing he couldn't help but think about that red thing between his legs. Pretty soon he was becoming more aware of the pulsing. He could feel the slight breeze drifting across it, he even though he was imagining that he could feel the breeze across more than he had only second earlier. After a bit of staring at the hyena's he was sure that the wind was somehow hitting him more down there than it had done previously. When he looked between his legs his red member was fully erect hanging out more that it had previously. "What does it mean?" He asked as he brought his eyes back up to look at the hyena's laughing at him.

"It means that we weren't the only ones that wanted a little pussy." Shenzi said as she smiled both at Simba and Nala.

"Yeah, looks like you're up for some dicking around." Banzai added laughing.

The third male continued laughing, and made some strange sounds that Simba couldn't comprehend while he made some weird thrusting gestures with his hips. This caused the other two to laugh harder.

After a bit of the hyena's laughing, and Simba being confused the female spoke up again. "It looks like the future king had something in mind, and who are we to deny the future kings last wish." Her smile was far to big, showing almost all of her teeth.

Simba started backing up as the three hyena's started coming closer towards them their jaws snapping loudly. Nala had been a few steps behind him when he had last seen her behind him, she must have been backing up as well. As he knew he must be getting closer to the wall he hear a scratching noise, then what must have been Nala landing on the ground. She must be trying to climb up the wall again.

Simba decided to make his stand there. He planted his paws on the ground, and rocked forward as he attempted a roar, hoping to intimidate them. He was only rewarded with a hoarse growl, which sounded nothing like the roars his father did. The hyena's weren't deterred in the slightest they just kept coming at him, snapping their jaws as the distance between them grew less and less. He could still hear Nala scratching desperately at the wall.

They hyena's stopped approaching when Simba was sure any one of them was close enough that could have taken a bite out of him. They stopped snapping at him for a second as well, all three of them smiling much to big for Simba's comfort. Their pointy white teeth almost showing Simba his reflection. Simba was quickly turning his head between all three of them, they had him surrounded, and he had to turn his head to make sure he could see them all.

The two males started snapping at him again drawing his attention. Simba was trying to figure a way out of this when he felt something sharp grab the back of his neck and lift him into the air. Immediately he started thrashing and yowling as he was turned to face Nala, she was still trying to claw her way up the wall. The female must have picked him up, what was she doing now.

Simba struggled to get out, not gaining any ground until Nala landed again and he was dropped, and his chest landed onto her rump, pushing her tail to the side. Immediately Simba turned his head around to look at the Hyena that had picked him up. Her teeth were coming at him again, and Simba jumped farther onto Nala to get away from the incoming teeth. Once he was as far forward as he could be he felt his member slide against Nala's belly. He shivered slightly from the pleasure before he remembered what was happening around him.

Simba began to back up off of Nala again, her soft fur rubbing against his member as he pulled back from her. Once his member was free of her, he looked back around to see if Shenzi was still right behind him. He saw her open mouth and teeth, and jumped at Nala again, this time his dick hit her slightly before it started to slide against her belly. It did feel good when things touched him down there.

He began to pull away from her again, and just as was free of her belly fur he heard one of the males speak up, Banzai he though his name was. "Shenzi just guide the little guy in I'm hungry, the sooner we are done here the sooner he can eat."

"Fine." Simba heard Shenzi say from behind him.

The next thing he knew there was the female's rough canine paw wrapped around his tender lion cock. The next moment he felt her lift him slightly and shove him forward. Immediately he felt a warm wetness surrounding his cock. He was so caught up in his bliss that it took him a few seconds to hear Nala Yowling in pain.

"Simba. It hurts." Nala cried from underneath him.

Not sure exactly what was hurting her, but intent to find out the young male moved to try and get off of her, his immature cock starting to slide out. He stood there a moment not wanting to leave the warmth, his tip still holding his spot. Just as he was about to pull completely out he was pushed again so that he hilted her again. The immense pleasure was there again. Slowly he pulled out again, and this time when only his tip was in he did the thrust inward.

Simba began thrusting in and out of his best friend awkwardly, he had no rhythm in his movements. He was unaware of his best friend sobbing beneath him, or of the two male Hyena's just a few feet away rubbing their throbbing erections. He was only aware of the new pleasure that he continued to feel more and more with each thrust.

Soon the pleasure began to feel more and more intense, and Simba's thrust became faster and even more erratic. Simba didn't know why he felt that was the right thing to do, but as he did it he could feel pressure building up inside him. With one last thrust he hilted Nala again, and he began to spew his immature lion cum into her. As his orgasm overtook him with the most pleasure he had ever felt he collapsed onto Nala, who had just been raped by her best friend. Fortunatly for her Simba was to young for his penis to be barbed, otherwise she would have been in much more pain.

Simba lay on top of Nala Panting, he had completely forgotten about the hyena's and the Elephant Graveyard until he was lifted up and out of Nala. This time the one carrying him was laughing like a lunatic.

"Shenzi we just want to do one more thing before we have out cub sandwiches. We promise to be quick."

"Oh trust me, you two being quick is the least of my worries." Shenzi responded laughing.

Simba was to tired to try to escape, or even to really look around while he was being carried. He knew exactly which one of the hyenas was carrying him. Once his feet were on the ground he looked back at the hyena that lad carried him. The crossed eyes and tongue lolling out of the mouth wouldn't normally have freaked him out. It was the lustful need that was in those eyes that made him nervous, and the drool dripping down from that tongue. Simba was even more freaked out when he saw the hyena's large throbbing member, with an especially large bulge at the base. They hyena's cock dwarfed his own, and was only inches away from his tail hole.

Simba looked forward and tried to escape the hyena, and was unable to. In front of him he saw Nala in the same position, Banzai's cock was about the same size as the one behind Simba. Again Simba tried to Roar, hoping something would hear them, and come to their aid. He was met with the same results as last time. Simba knew what was coming next, and he tried to prepare himself. After what seemed like forever he felt the large member press against his tight tail hole. He felt his body resist it for a few seconds before the smallest part of the Hyena's member began to penetrate Simba. Immediately he could feel the pain.

Desperately Simba tried to roar again. This time to Simba's surprise he sounded just like his father did. Immediately he felt the Hyena's efforts stop. Simba could see the other two looking around, and assumed that the one above him was doing the same. Suddenly he heard the sound of a large animal sprinting to him, and suddenly he heard a thud and the hyena above him was no longer there. Simba looked just in time to see him fly into the wall.

When Simba looked up above him he saw his father standing there above him. He watched as his father Roared again. Banzai pulled off of Nala, and joined Shenzi, as they started trying to run away. Ed was just barley able to join them as Mufasa charged them, and pounced onto all three.

Zazu landed right between Simba and Nala, and both cubs moved toward the bird hoping for comfort.

Once Simba was with Nala and Zazu, he watched the fight between Mufasa, and the three Hyenas'. Pretty soon Mufasa had all three of them pinned to the ground, the female in the middle between the two males. Immediately Mufasa moved his back paws onto the males still partially erect members, and began to knead their crotches as he said something that Simba couldn't make out. The males had a look of pain on their faces as they nodded to whatever Mufasa was saying.

Simba watched as his father let the hyena's go, and they all ran away. The two males moved awkwardly as they retreated from sight.