A Small Fee

Story by Cronicdragon on SoFurry

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This was supposed to be a short story to just try out a new style of writing that i wanted to try but it ended up going a little further than just a short story. As usual comments and critisms are welcome, seeing as this is a new way of writing i want to see what people think. You know, good points and bad points. Don't worry, i'm a big boy i can handle critism. Apart from that i hope you enjoy it!

"Tonight is the night, young Carn."

The voice stirred the azure dragon's attention from the dreamy state that it was in, his mind having drifted to memories that he toyed with when he grew bored. But now that he was pulled from them he let them go and instead turned his bright green eyes towards the source.

It came from a much larger dragon than himself and one who was much more firmly fixed to the earth. His muscular form and intimidating size acted as a representation of his deep and powerful voice and his blood red scales only added to his commanding looks. This, however, was deceiving, as he was a kind dragon at heart and although strong he was also gentle. In fact he was the one who took Carn in when he was searching for somewhere to settle.

"The night for what?" Carn tilted his head slightly as he wondered what might make tonight different from all of the others. He was smaller than Kash, the red dragon, and not as well defined as him but being the younger of the two it didn't bother him.

"Why, it's the new moon of course young one, and you know what that means." By now Kash had wandered further into the dim light of the cave mouth, the sun's final rays shimmering off of his blood red scales and into his young friend's eyes.

"That... there's no moon out tonight?"

"Well, I suppose that's true but I was talking about our agreement." He smiled and behind him his tail flickered with an energy that Carn hadn't seen in him before. The little dragon remained quiet, searching through his memories to try and find what Kash might be talking about but nothing came to him. He watched as the larger dragon took a seat next to him, making a small mental note that he was now only half the size of his fellow dragon.

"When I let you stay in my cave Carn I made a deal with you, do you remember?" The sharp green eyes of the older dragon locked onto Carn's but the blue dragon was unsure of what emotions lay behind it so he gently nodded, trying to keep on his good side.

"You could stay with me as long as every new moon you would obediently follow my wishes for one night, yes?" Again the smaller dragon nodded, he remembered the day well. It had been a while since he had had a cave and was struggling to find anywhere suitable to nest especially after older dragons had chased him from land to land. Kash had found him on his land one night and offered him the deal; at the time it had seemed perfect for him, after all what danger could one night a month hold to him. Now he was less sure, it seemed there was something big that Kash hadn't told him and that thought made his scales itch but nevertheless he was curious.

"Okay, so tonight I have to do everything you want me to?" Carn asked as he looked up and down the dragon next to him. His young mind was beginning to churn out scenarios but he didn't want to jump straight into anything that might not be true. However, although he was young, he wasn't stupid. He knew what it was that Kash would be looking for.

The crimson scaled head gave a small nod. "Exactly! Tonight I get to do as I wish but rest assured that I won't cause you any harm." He was worried that the younger dragon might try to leave or talk his way out of it and it was never fun if he had to force anything, not that he felt he would anyway.

Carn sighed a little and mulled the idea over in his mind. He wasn't sure about serving another male in that way; he was still young and, although not a virgin, he hadn't had a lot of practice with other males. Plus when the thought drifted to his mind he couldn't help but pass a short glance over the front of the dragon next to him, hoping to catch any hint of how well hung he was. He was pretty sure that a dragon of that size might leave him with more than just a sore rump in the morning.

However he was in dire need of a home and Kash provided him with that, even if he did decide to leave it seemed unfair to stay there for the whole month and then go just before Kash got his payment. The large dragon was also helpful as a good friend and he was a formidable hunter as well giving Carn a peace of mind that let him rest easy at night without stirring at every small noise.

He let out another sigh and looked up at the red dragon that had sat patiently next to him. "Alright then, but only if you promise to be gentle."

It appeared that that was all that Kash had been waiting for as a sly grin slowly spread across his face and his tail once again picked up it's tireless flicking. "Good, good. I'll be as gentle as you want. But for now, let's get a good look at my toy for this evening." He swung his large red body around so that he sat facing his blue companion, making no effort to cover up his swelled sheath and his low hanging orbs, each one about the size of Carn's paws and a slightly darker red than the rest of his scales.

Carn stared at them with a confusing cocktail of both lust and fear growing inside of him. Even the chuckle of the older dragon didn't pull him from his daze and it took a soft jab from Kash's tail to bring him back. "I'm glad you like them Carn but you have all of tomorrow to stare at them. I'll introduce you to them soon but only after you present yourself to me." He lifted his paw in front of the younger dragon and spun his digit round in slow circles, his grin never leaving his face.

The azure dragon groaned quietly to himself; it always made him seem so submissive when he had to present to another male like a female in heat but still it was what Kash wanted and tonight he was in charge. Trying to be as nonchalant as he could, he turned away from the older dragon and dropped his front half before half-heartedly lifting his tail up, barely enough for Kash to see under it.

The larger dragon let out a soft tutting noise which seemed to strike the younger dragon harder than he thought it would. "If you aren't going to try then what's the point in agreeing to this, young one? Now lift your tail like you mean it." Carn sighed a little but understood the older dragon's frustration and so he straightened his hind legs further and lifted his tail up higher for him. "Even higher." was the only response Carn got to his actions and so, with finality, he lifted his tail up straight so that it pointed at the roof.

"Well done, young one. That is how you will present to me in the future. Now hold that position, I want a good look at you." He looked over the smaller dragon, his eyes following the subtle blue curves from the tip of his tail down to the pink tail-star that sat in the middle of his backside. Kash couldn't hold back a primal growl as he stared at it, the soft ring of flesh twitching slightly as a breeze blew in from the cave mouth and tickled the sensitive hole. Just below it hung the young dragon's own two orbs, not nearly as big as his own but still a decent size for his age and, as he grasped them with his paw, surprisingly full too.

Carn tensed up as he felt the crimson dragon grasp his balls and gently caress them in his warm paw. He slowly began to relax as he felt Kash's soft paw massage them carefully, never applying too much pressure on his delicate orbs and soon he had stopped tensing his body, trusting the older dragon behind him to remain sensible. It was too hard to stifle a moan as he was toyed with but, as quickly as the paw had found them, it left his balls alone. However it didn't leave him completely and slid it's way up the back of his rump until it reached his tailhole; the soft scales on the top of his paws being used to push and probe against the warm flesh.

The feeling was surprisingly intoxicating to the younger dragon and he found himself shutting his eyes and simply enjoying the gentle touch Kash applied to his young pink tail-star. He even let loose a few throaty purrs as he let his inhibitions slide and his shaft slip from his sheath, now feeling more open with the act and growing ever more trusting in Kash's ability. Once again though it didn't last long and the paw quickly left his tail-star alone.

Kash had shuffled closer to his presenting male and brought his paw around in front of him. He pushed his digit against the young male's sapphire lips and found it offered little resistance in his calm state of mind, letting him slip his finger inside to meet his eager tongue. Carn wasted no time and set to work playing his own game, toying with the older dragon by showing off his flexible tongue and his ample lips, teasing him silently with the slow erotic motions his tongue made around the stubby red claw. He took it in until his nose bumped the knuckle and then withdrew his mouth from the now saliva-slicked toe, offering little more than a coy grin at the older dragon.

"Getting playful, are we?" Kash purred in his ear, the hot breaths of the older dragon against the back of his neck only twisting the younger dragon further around his finger. Carn didn't trust his tongue enough to speak but nodded meekly, his fully erect cock proving that it was true. "Good. You'll serve better if you enjoy it."

The paw moved out of Carn's view but the warm breath never left him and he found himself leaning his head back into it to feel the surge of shivers that puled through his with each panted breath. It was one of his buttons and Kash had quickly found it and, seeing the younger dragon's response to it, he intended to use it. Pushing his lips against the younger male's neck, he began to place small affectionate kisses down to his back, toying with his young hormones and obvious need for release in a both erotic and cruel way. The blue dragon felt as though he could melt into the larger dragon's body at that moment, rubbing his tail against his crimson underside gently and arcing his neck upwards in a silent cry as he felt his body manipulated like no one had ever done to him before. It was obvious that Kash was an experienced lover.

Carn began to think that he'd be able to get under control of his body if he could focus. The small kisses and gentle nibbles that Kash was giving to his neck were distracting and the strong ache that came from his loins was almost unbearable but he thought he might be able to grasp rational thought back if he tried. His attempts were interrupted before he could start though as the finger that he had suckled found it's place again on his body, this time back at his tail-star where it wriggled itself inside of him. Carn clenched tightly in response to the intrusion but the crimson dragon ignored it and merely pushed harder to slide his slippery digit inside.

The larger dragon felt his knuckle touch the outside of his rump quickly and looking back he could see that it was firmly buried inside of his toy already. He smiled as he felt the warm walls massaging against it and he pushed back against them to try and find the prostate of the smaller dragon and hopefully make him fully submit under him. There were soft moans as he probed around inside of his companion and at times he felt his tunnel squeeze back against his finger as the younger dragon tried to push it out but Kash never let up in his search for his prostate.

He rotated his finger and pressed on every side that he could reach to reveal where to target himself and eventually he struck it. Kash couldn't tell by simple touch alone and would have missed it if not for the loud yelp that Carn gave and how his knees wobbled unstably as pressure came upon it. A sly grin fixed itself onto his crimson muzzle and he chuckled deeply. "Looks like I know exactly where my little toy wants it."

Carn was once again left nodding, a dark blush strewn across his bright blue muzzle as he felt all inhibitions leave him. It was the first time he had been part of so much foreplay; usually males simply wanted to unload and then leave but Kash, it seemed, was determined for both of them to have their fun. The azure dragon knew that he didn't want to miss out and so he submitted himself to the older dragon, trusting that he would bring the most pleasure for both of them.

He could feel Kash's digit slowly pulling back from his tailhole and the smooth scales tickling his walls as they tried to escape him but he didn't want it to leave. He felt nicely stretched with it inside of him and it teased him nicely as it pressed against his tailhole so he clenched hard to try and trap the larger dragon's claw. It was futile though. He had been toyed with for too long to have enough strength to try and Kash removed his finger with little hindrance, leaving Carn to whimper quietly underneath him.

"Worry not little one, I'll make you feel even better. Just relax for me." The large dragon lowered his muzzle to push his lips against the back of his toy's neck again and kiss it softly. Carn couldn't resist it and his tail dropped as he relaxed, stopping only because it rested against Kash's bright red belly.

"Good my little hatchling. Imagine how stretched you'll be when I breed you, young one. How full that belly of yours will be as I stuff you with my cock and fill you with my cum." The crimson dragon muttered behind his ear, trying to calm the younger dragon even further as he moved himself into place, using his paw to rub over the younger dragon's belly as he talked to him. His dark red shaft was now pointed at his companion's tailhole, the spaded head aiming directly at the loosened tail-star of the younger dragon. A drop of pre clung to the tip of the flared spade and was the first thing to touch Carn's sensitive ring making him shudder and and close his eyes.

The next thing to hit his tailhole was the tip of the engorged cock. The heat it gave off and the slow drops of pre that formed at it's slit stirred the younger dragon into a quiet pant as his hormones thrived in his bloodstream and his body began to lust what pleasure the enormous shaft behind him could give him. His own shaft had now started to drip his young clear juices and a slimy string of it had dripped to the floor as he stood impatiently waiting to be taken.

He didn't have to wait long either as Kash felt the same urges. Even spending the few moments it took to line up his ridged cock seemed too long and he wasn't about to wait any longer. He stepped forwards so that his head hung over Carn's and his throbbing shaft was pressed against the younger dragon's tailhole hard enough to slip the tip just inside of him, spreading him ever so slightly. Then he lowered his head and rested it atop his mate's and he slowly pushed his hips forwards, parting the tailhole with more ease than he thought he would face.

Carn let out a series of low worried stutters as he felt his tailhole stretching further and further apart to the point where it began to make him clench involuntarily in an effort to force Kash back out. This was his first time with such a large dragon and he hoped that he would be able to take him, especially after all of the foreplay that he'd enjoyed and so he gritted his teeth and tried to endure it. There was a moment where he felt his tailhole suddenly tighten and close up slightly, reducing the pain in his tailhole. It confused him but as he heard Kash let out a gentle sigh or relief he realised that the spaded head must now be fully inside and he felt a small flutter of pride at being able to stretch that far.

His joy rose as he felt the pain ebbing from his backside, the larger dragon having waited for him to fully adjust to his size. However it was a short lived joy as he realised how full he already felt and yet he had taken little of the huge cock so far. The crimson dragon on the other hand was not at all deterred by it. Instead he simply lowered his head and licked across the younger dragon's muzzle. "You'll be surprised how much you can take when you try."

Now that he was so aroused Kash was not about to stop at just his tip no matter what and so he gradually slid his hips closer to Carn's, feeling the tight hot walls of his slick tailhole tighten as it took in each ridge. He loved the moment when a ridge of his slipped inside and the young dragons tail-star closed quickly, applying a moment of tight pressure around his sensitive shaft and often made him spurt a small trickle of pre as a reward for doing so.

Carn was in ecstasy himself as he lowered his head and tried to calm himself as inch after inch of the solid shaft slid into his tailhole, leaving him bloated and yet still eager for more. It had already passed his prostate long ago and the constant pressure that it applied was enough to leave his loins tingling in anticipation of the inevitable orgasm. His tail-star twitched and he could feel every slight throb of the erection inside of him so he knew exactly how much that the older dragon was enjoying himself and the warm drops of pre that he could feel wetting the insides of his tailhole were a testament to that.

Kash drew his powerful hips backwards and left his young mate feeling all the more empty after having been so full of his deep red cock. The blue dragon whined quietly but held himself steady so that he didn't interfere with Kash's rhythm and soon enough the larger dragon was sliding in and out of him in a slow even pace that teased Carn's pleasure slowly higher. Thanks to his earlier probing, Kash knew exactly where to aim his shaft and, although he kept his rhythm slow and even, he still angled his cock to push into the blue dragon's prostate.

"See how well you handle it Carn. You make a perfect little cock sleeve for me and I think you love it too, don't you? Having a larger stronger male breed you is what you lust, and knowing that you can take most of my cock inside your tailhole is an achievement for you, isn't it?" Carn's cheeks turned as red as Kash's scales as he listened to him. In his aroused state he would agree with anything but it embarrassed him more knowing that he truly was proud of what he could take of the large dragon's enormous cock and he knew that he was more than willing to do this again each month if it felt like this each time.

"Why don't we see if you can take it all?" Kash chuckled quietly but never broke his pace. It wasn't a question or even a suggestion, he was simply giving the younger dragon a chance to relax himself before he tried. Carn tried to relax himself but there was little he could do that he hadn't done already and so, as the crimson dragon began to push his hips closer to the younger dragon's rump, he gripped the floor and tried to stay calm.

Kash's steady breathing pattern broke as he sunk the last few inches of his shaft inside the younger dragon, feeling his crotch bump with the firm rump of the other male and his balls brush gently against his smaller mate. It made him shudder to think that all of his ridged crimson shaft was now buried inside a younger male, one who so willingly accepted it even as tight and inexperienced as he was. The heat that came from the younger one's tailhole was incredible around his whole shaft and he could feel Carn shuffling against his cock which made it rub and grind teasingly.

He was unsure whether it was out of discomfort or the urge to be thrust into that caused the azure dragon to squirm like he did but Kash waited a few moments longer before he finally withdrew his cock again and took up his usual pace. This time though, it was a little deeper, regularly bumping his crotch against the blue dragon's rump and slowly speeding his pace up as he felt his balls tightening.

Carn was focusing himself on keeping his legs steady. His crotch was burning with the desire to finish but he didn't dare bring his paw up to relieve himself as Kash's body applied enough force to his tired body to almost knock him over. The renewed speed also began to put more pressure on his prostate, making him almost slump in exhaustion and pleasure as his desires began to take over his common sense and tried to control his body for him. He wanted desperately to shove his body back onto Kash's hard cock and bury it inside of him, even if it gave him no pleasure to take it that deep but the thought of it was enough to make him hum to himself. He knew that he would stumble and break the rhythm if he tried it so he focused on staying upright and trying to ignore the small pain he felt still in his tailhole from the sheer size of the older dragon's ridged cock.

Kash knew that his orgasm was fast approaching and so he ducked his head down and gave a few more gentle nibbles at the base of his dark blue neck, a small reminder to shake the young dragon out of his trance.

"I'm getting close, my little cock-warmer. Let's see how much your belly swells." The deep voice behind his ear was mixed with short tired breaths and a low sly chuckle and Carn realised how close the crimson dragon must be. Much like him he was right on the edge and Carn couldn't help but crave the cum filling that the larger dragon was about to give him. Being so close to the edge meant that the blue dragon was as lusty as he was ever going to get and the idea of being flooded with warm seed from the older male was one of the best ideas he'd heard in a long time.

The ground shook gently underneath him with Kash's low primal growl announcing that he'd began to spill over into orgasm. His paws set down either side of Carn and gripped the floor tightly with his sharp black claws. His usually even thrusts became quicker and more erratic and he slammed himself harder into the young dragon's tailhole making him yelp at the sudden change in power and the short burst of pain that came with it.

The blood red dragon slammed his hips forward, bringing them tight to Carn's and making the smaller dragon howl in pain as a torrent of cum began to flow from his tip, spraying his mate's insides a pearly white. Carn felt his belly growing as stream after stream of the warm seed seeped into him; some dribbled back out of his battered tailhole and down the back of his thighs but most of it went deeper into him and bloated him further. The bulge he could see under him sent him wild to know what had happened and the pulsing cock pressed tightly against his prostate helped to tip him over the edge. The blue dragon's cock jumped and fired strings of his sticky seed up onto his belly and over the floor under him to create a pool of his young juices. The scent rose to his nose as the cave filled with the strong scent of his musky seed, a hint as to what had happened there.

Both dragons stood exhausted as their orgasms faded and it was only then that Kash began to realise how much he had filled the younger dragon. Looking under him he could see a noticeable bulge at Carn's belly making him purr happily. "You certainly can hold your cum, can't you Carn?" He chuckled and patted the younger dragon's stomach slightly making the blue dragon wince a little at the feeling.

The crimson dragon didn't wait for a reply and drew his long cock out from his smaller mate's tailhole bringing small whimpers from the still sensitive younger dragon. As he popped the spaded head of his cock out he murred loud enough to rouse Carn from his afterglow, the smaller dragon turning his head to see what had pleased his companion. He could see that the dark red cock was covered in streaks of white cum, some still dribbling from the tip and despite how he had just orgasmed only moments ago it was still mostly hard.

Carn licked his lips unknowingly as he stared at the semi-hard shaft that was soaked in the older dragon's cum. He could feel even more of that seed dribbling from his weak tailhole and felt it pooling behind his hind legs but he didn't care; he wanted to taste it. After craving it so badly he knew that he'd go unsatisfied until he got to wrap his lips around that thick cock and lap every inch of it clean. He wanted to rub his tongue over the slimy cum and feel it make it's way down his throat to meet up with the rest of the salty cum in his belly.

Kash had been following his eyes carefully and laughed quietly to himself. "I can see you're still hungry for more. Come here and clean me, my young slut." He spread his muscular thighs wide and presented himself to the blue dragon beckoning him over with his messy cock and seductive smile. Carn was powerless to resist and turned to face the larger dragon, slinking over to him quickly and bringing his muzzle up towards the almost flaccid shaft. There was a string of white cum that hung from the tip of his cock and just as it was about to break the young dragon lifted his muzzle into it and let the small streak fall onto his face. The smell of the musky cum marred his scales and he realised how potent the smell actually was from this distance. He loved it.

Without any hesitation he pushed his muzzle against the mess, feeling the cool messy cum squash between his dark blue scales and Kash's dark red cock. It felt better than anything he could remember at that moment and mixed with the aroma of cum and sweat that was in the air it was enough to make him moan quietly into the other dragon's cock. He pushed his lips against the underside of the heavy cock, letting it rest against his face in it's semi-flaccid state and he lapped it over with his thick pink tongue.

The taste made him shiver as he let the salty gooey mess cling to his tongue, leaving patches of clean red meat on Kash's enormous shaft. He was hooked on the cocktail blend of his tailhole juices and the large dragon's seed and he was determined to clean the whole shaft from top to bottom just to taste all that he could. Bringing his lips up to the tip he suckled around it, feeling it grow harder at his soft touches. He was unsure whether he could take the whole thing into his mouth at once so he spent his time lapping around the mushroom shaped head and sliding his tongue against every slight bump and vein to clean it all.

The crimson dragon watched intently, purring loudly as he felt the younger dragon's enthusiasm through his playful licks. He was no stranger to being cleaned but he had met very few who adored the taste like Carn now did and it pleased him to see the blue dragon clean each patch that his young tongue could get to. He was bound to stay if there was a promise of more and perhaps Kash wouldn't have to wait until each new moon to have his fun if the smaller dragon was so eager.

Slowly the azure dragon worked his way down the shaft, which was now almost at full rigidity again, never slowing down with his hungry licks. He felt happy where he was, to be sat with his muzzle in an older dragon's crotch and to be licking down his shaft and serving him with such willingness. He loved it all, the thought of it, the taste of the cum on his heavy cock and the strong musky smell that came from the large dragon's crotch.

Soon though he reached the bottom of the shaft and all the cum had been cleaned from the dark red cock that rested against him. He licked his lips clean and purred happily as he looked down at his slightly bulged and warm belly. He knew that some of the cum had escaped from his loosened tail-star but he didn't mind because most of it was safe inside his heavy stomach. Looking up at Kash he let loose a big grin which was marred by a few strings of cum that lay smeared over his scales. But nevertheless Kash loved the look.

"Looks like you've enjoyed yourself, young one." Kash smiled at Carn, having equally enjoyed himself. "Perhaps you'd be willing to do this again next month, yes?"

Carn smiled and pushed his muzzle against the dark red and fully erect cock in front of him, nuzzling it lovingly. "Well, why don't you come with me and maybe we'll do it tomorrow instead?" Then he got up and walked past the crimson dragon in the direction of the chambers where he slept with the crimson dragon quickly in tow.