Pride: Giving In

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#15 of Pride

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Enjoy my stories? Check out my newly published books! Available in E-book and paper back formats!

The bite of the chains against Lathera's scales pinched and bruised the muscle beneath. Her body shoved against the restraints, but her paws refused to find purchase against the wooden bars set beneath her. She could feel the tips of her claws catching against the wood and tearing part of it as she twisted her head to one side. The leather around her neck chafed at the delicate scales along the underside of her chin as she stared around wild eyed. The musk of the red dracine was still teasing her muzzle, but it had become a part of the background. Her body itched and felt flushed until each shifting movement against the restraints was mingling pain and obscure pleasure. She wanted to rub herself against the posts, and mark the ground with her chin. She wanted to spread her scent and let out plaintive calls to a male with all the dignity of a feline in heat. That thought made her halt her struggles and go still with her jaws still gaped open.

She felt and heard the chains shifting as her legs trembled beneath her and she tried to concentrate on what she knew. She wasn't this creature made of scale and desires. She wasn't a creature designed to react to the scent of pheromones. She was better than this! To her horror she could feel her tongue lolled out of her jaws before she drew it back in with a snap. She wasn't this and never would be. She held onto that thought with everything she had even as her body pulsed with the edge of denied pleasure from the drake's tongue. The itching burn that flooded her lower body crept along the edges of her mind as she drew in a deep shuddering breath and then blew it out. She concentrated on how the chains made her forepaws hurt, how the ring beneath her stomach bit into her chest painfully.

"Hold 'im! I SAID HOLD 'IM!" The voice boomed so close to her head that she nearly squalled out in shock. Her head twisted to find Nat standing up with his face reddened with anger.

"I am! Beast gotta mind o' 'is own today!" The sound of claws and the clatter of chains came from close by and behind. Was the red fighting his keepers to try and get back at her? The thought made her stomach clench with a humiliating rush of hope that was quickly pushed down with revulsion. She didn't want him back!

"Get 'is head down! He's gonna claw her up like the last one if ya let 'im go!" Nat moved from her side and for a moment she felt abandoned. The support of his hand against her shoulder and the protective tone of his voice had been almost soothing.

Lathera twisted her head around as much as she could with the hated leather brace around it. The scrape of the ridges sandwiched between the leather poked roughly against her shoulder, but that discomfort was lost in what she saw. Wings. Wide glittering wings that flashed like hammered bronze with scales larger than the hand of a human. They framed a body that was reared up on its haunches as the creature's head was violently yanked down towards its chest. A guttural scream echoed from the broad chest as the form lunged forward towards her. The muzzle was curved sharply at the tip as she watched it spread open to snap at the air in a frenzy of activity. It was unlike any creature she had ever seen. Gold eyes flashed over a strange merging of beak and muzzle as it lunged towards her again and fought against the grooms holding the chains.

"What's gotten into 'im?!" The voices faded slightly into the back of her mind as the scent trailed along her muzzle. It was hot and almost spicy, far different from the red dracine's scent, yet something akin to it. Close enough kin that she felt another stab of heat running through her bound body.

Sean had always lived with the emotions of animals close to his mind. The mating arousal of a male or female wasn't unknown to him, but it had been easy to let it skip past his mind rather than dwell upon it. For the first time he couldn't ignore the feelings, because they didn't come from another creature. They came from himself! His mind seemed rolling in base desires that had nothing to do with being human and everything to do with the female bound in front of him. He lunged forward and flung himself against the collar and leash in an effort to get at her. Every protest his mind threw up was being flung away at the sight and scent of her bound haunches. His beak opened and he could feel his tongue lashing at the air as he drew in a deep heady lungful of it. As he reared up he felt more weight added to his leash and his head was jerked down tight to his chest.

He turned his head and stared at the handlers that were trying to keep him away from what he wanted. Whatever human part of him that was still left tried to calm himself, but it was flung away with his rage. He spread his beak open and let out a shriek of defiance and lunged forward again. He could be horrified and think later, right now all he wanted was to get closer to that scent. Even the sudden burst of outrage from the back of his mind didn't stop him. Ishtar's mental talons slid away from him as the handlers forced him back onto his haunches. His hind legs quivered slightly as he was forced backwards with just his head strained forward. The glistening wetness that clung to the outer lips of the exposed heated folds seemed to mesmerize him.

"Better 'n last time," One of the men shifted closer and moved to clip another chain to the collar. "Easy there, Ish, she ain't goin' no where. Easy..."

"Rogeth said ta keep 'im muzzled." Sean forced his eyes away from the alluring view to focus on the man who had spoken. He tried to focus his mind on what was said, but it felt as if everything had slowed down. His thoughts churned and felt as if they were stuck at a standstill under the overriding instincts of the drapen's body.

"No." The second voice was sharper, and Sean twisted his head with a wordless snarl at the somewhat familiar form that walked towards him.

Rogeth looked at him through narrowed eyes. It was a long speculating look that almost worked like cold water splashed against his muzzle. His pounding animalistic desires started to fade away in the face of the gaze. For a moment it felt as if the man knew something was wrong, something was different. Sean tried to brace himself with the idea that no man could know that the beast was possessed by something other than Ishtar. It was with that knowledge that he shied away as one of the man's long fingered hands reached out as if to touch his shoulder. He tried to keep his mind clear as the handlers wrestled with his chains.

"No, I want to see what... Ishtar will do." Rogeth seemed to hesitate on the name, a fact that made Sean swallow his fear. Did he know? If he knew... The thought trailed off as the leashes loosened and he found himself staring at the gleaming midnight blue scaled haunches before him.

:You damned fool!: Ishtar's snarl snapped through his mind, but the thoughts barely brushed over Sean. All he cared about was the treasure that lay before him.

Lathera barely had time to brace her legs against the ground before the bronze scaled creature came in to snap his beaked muzzle towards her tail. She saw a hint of silver saliva that seemed to cling against the exposed teeth before the head dipped down lower. She wanted to look away, but her eyes were captured by the plated scales along the broad chest and stomach. The edge of one had been forced up so that she could see the scoop shaped tip pushing its way out. The tip of it showed a hint of silvery wetness that ran around the edges of the sensitive flesh before spilling over towards the ground. The inky darkness of the flesh seemed to stand out against the glittering bronze scales.

She spread her jaws and let out a hissing cry as the edge of the beak suddenly bumped up beneath her tail. The plated scales scraped against enflamed skin that made her arch her back upwards and brace her bound hind legs. A hot rush of breath teased over her slickened folds making her choke back another noise. Even that light touch seemed to make her endure a thrill of desire. Her body didn't care what she thought, her body wanted to be able to fulfill itself. It wanted to feel the hot wet rush of life filling her. A barbed tongue suddenly curled outwards and she felt it dragging along the outer edges of her folds. Her head jerked back hard against the leather brace as the spines scraped and pulled at the supple flesh. The broadness of the slippery appendage quickly narrowing down to a tapered tip that flicked up and forced its way between them.

"Sir, the venom!" One of the grooms' voices reached her as if from a distance. Venom? She tried to force her mind to the here and now as the tongue pushed forward.

The barbs scraped along her inner folds and a wet slick heat started to mar her passage. Her body shuddered as it seemed to burn and itch as it pushed its way into her body. The slick saliva started to rub over her outer folds and deeper with each plunge of the tongue that probed her. The harsh arch of the beak pushed up between her legs and ground itself there to force the folds in on themselves. The burning sensation mingled pleasure and pain to the point that she lost the ability to find the line between them. The pain flooded her with pleasure and the pleasure wracked her body with pain. The tip of the tongue flickered in deep enough that she felt the barbs scraping over the soft entrance of her cervix.

Sean lost every ability to think coherently the moment his head was down and he tasted her scent with the tip of his tongue. He felt a gland along the curve of his jaw swell as venom welled up, but not even that coaxed him into moving his beaked muzzle away. He pushed his tongue out and worked against her folds. The barbs that lined the tip of his tongue scraped up the wetness he found there and drew it in greedily. It was sweet and musky, heady and arousing, fertile and promising. His haunches spread to relieve some of the pressure of his loins as he pushed his tongue inwards. He felt a moment of relief as his shaft started to push free. The muscles in his abdomen let it slide outwards while he bathed in the scent of her along his beak and gathered the wetness on the very tip of his tongue.

He could feel the venom clinging to his tongue, his teeth, the sharper taste of it came with the pulse of the gland beneath his jaw. His eyes focused to see a flash of silver as he forced it into her unprepared body. His tongue arched upwards until he felt it rolling through the passage. The muscles clenched down around him in a tight contraction that made a low growl rumble in his throat before he pushed his tongue in further. The tapered tip of it twisted and flicked up nearly brushing its way towards the end of the passage before he had to grind his beak up against her folds. He heard her snarl out as his barbed tongue tip grazed the soft barrier to her inner chamber.

The passage around his tongue rippled and clenched again as the thick venom was pushed out with his tongue. He rubbed it along his passage as his body arched higher in the air. He could feel the pressure and glorious release as his shaft started to slip free from the confines of his body. The muscles tensed and squeezed down around his tongue as he explored. His muzzle filled with her scent as inch after slow inch of his cock started to push out from between the scales of his belly. The ribbing that ran along him stood out as the tip continued to dribble out thin strands of precum that splashed down between his forelegs and belly.

He was dimly aware of some portion of his mind, no more than just a single portion, railing at him to pull away. To get away from the beast or to kill her or to escape! He didn't care! His body had become driven to performance readiness by her scent. When he felt the set up moving forward as the female lunged he lifted his head up and screeched out a warning. His wings flared to either side of his body and the scales rattled while he lifted his head up from her loins. A strand of liquid silver wetness trailed from her folds to his beak before he shook his head roughly side to side. The handlers around him called to each other and scrambled as if trying to control what he was about to do.

Lathera twisted her body as she felt the tongue pulling out. Her form rocked and slammed against the restraints as the burning just increased. She felt on fire with far more than just the estrus that seemed to control her body and emotions. Her eyes looked around her as if seeking help or reassurance, her tail lashed back and forth roughly before she felt the sudden snap of a beak against her upraised tail. It trailed over her scales briefly before the head started to slip up higher along her body. Her neck felt bruised by the grip of the leather around it, but she struggled against it to look back at the bronze creature behind her. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw the wings spread out to either side.

She barely had time to brace herself before she felt claws scrape against her haunches and weight lurching forward over her. The entire contraption that she was locked inside rocked forward beneath his weight and she let out a muted cry. The heavy leather brace that had been wrapped around her neck soon showed its purpose as she felt and heard the snaps of the beak against the stiff material. The pressure grew as a heavily scaled chest pushed down against her and forced her to press down almost bruisingly hard against the stand she had locked into. She couldn't fixate on that issue, not when her body was pinned beneath the strange draconic bulk of the male. The beak gripped down against the neck brace and she felt the pressure as it closed it jaws down to help hold it and her in place. Not that she could escape, even if she wished too.

Her body didn't want to escape. Her body screamed of need in a way that didn't allow her to think past the pounding of her own heart. The heady taste of the male scent on the air had her spreading her muzzle wide as she sucked in the scent and then shuddered it out. The haunches that were pushed down tight over her own pushed upwards until she could feel something slippery and hot sliding against her tail. She swallowed a whimper as the tip rubbed and pushed back and forth over the softer scales just beneath the base of her tail. The trail of slippery precum dribbled down as the creature let out a sharp snarl against the neck brace. A pair of heavy forepaws pulled up just beneath her stomach until she could feel the claws dragging along the insides of her thighs as his hips gave another lurch forward. Each sharp thrust brought the tip in closer towards its goal.

Lathera lowered her head and started to breathe shallowly, even if some part of her realized she should protest she couldn't focus on it. The heat that burned along her curved stomach made her shudder slightly as the cock tip slipped down to bump right against her slickened roused folds. It pushed up hard and caught right against the nub of her clit, hard enough that she let out a snarling hiss in protest before the pressure and gravity forced the tip downwards. The tip drove itself between her folds and drove inwards forcing a shrill shriek from between her lips. It forced her inner folds in on themselves as she was stretched open wider and wider around the strange creature's shaft. The ache that she felt was lost in the glorious sensation of finally feeling something rub along the abominable itch. Her walls clamped down around him as each ribbed inch drove itself in deeper. Thick viscous dribbles of precum drooled out of the tip and were drawn in deeper by her own muscles as she dropped her head as far as she could. Her tongue lolled out from her muzzle as the creature suddenly drew back making her entire body tense up as he pulled himself outwards.

Sean didn't care if the voice in his head, in his mind, was roaring and trying to take back the control he'd been given. He shoved the other away with his own snarl. It didn't matter to him what little grasp he felt of his own self was yammering at the wrongness of what he was doing. All that mattered was the first spread of the folds wrapping around him. The way they squeezed down around the ribbed girth that was forcing its way inwards. His fangs dug harder against the leather that had been wrapped around the female's neck until he could feel them partially piercing into it. He used that hold to drive himself forward as her shrill cries echoed in his ears. It didn't matter, nothing mattered by driving more and more of himself into her body. The heat of her folds clamped down tightly as his tip gave a short drive against a spongy barrier leaving part of him outside of her passage.

The sound of men running around could be heard as he drew his hips backwards and felt each one of the engorged ribs plucking against her outer folds. The wetness clung around him as his hips shuddered before he erupted in a spill of thick precum. He barely pulled himself half way out before he drove forward against with a rough snarl. The yammering and snarling in his own mind overrun with the visceral pleasure of feeling his hips nearly clapping down against the scaled ones. The thick scent of her flooded his muzzle as he sucked in a hissing breath around the leather brace. One of the humans came close enough that he could see their legs from just beneath the bound dark blue forelegs and he mantled his wings further. This was his! His and no one elses!

The moment he watched the legs come in closer he reared his head back with a screech and struck out towards the groom. His jaws clacked on thin air as he showed his teeth and felt something hot and acid tasting forming along his tongue. The glands just behind the curve of his jaw line pulsed slightly as they filled with venom, but the groom had managed to evade him. The sharp yelping sounds didn't sound like words, they sounded like another annoyance as he arched his back up. His claws gripped just against the inside of the blue scaled haunches until he felt them nearly catching against the scales. He squeezed town tightly against them as he let out a throaty rumble and captured the back of the bound neck again. This time he could feel the venom sliding out from around his teeth as he clutched down on either side of her neck. His eyes closed down and he started to put his entire body into the violent sharp thrusts that dug and pushed against the inner barrier.

Lathera writhed and twisted against the hold on her, but at the same time her body reveled in each driving push. The rings that were formed around the creatures cock stimulated and teased her body to the point that she was clutching down harder around him. Her muscles contracted and squeezed as each thrust ended in a sudden jarring pain as the tip bottomed out into her. She closed her eyes as her stomach tensed up and she started to breath in harder pants. The male forcibly kept her on the edge of pleasure and pain until the line began to blur. The aching strike of the cock tip inside of her mingled with the tremors of pleasure when the ribbing pulled and massaged places that seemed to burn and scream for relief.

The harsh bruising grip released her neck for a moment as she heard him scream out at something. Her eyes barely opened before his hips lunged up hard enough that the bindings on her legs bit all the harder to keep her in place. She could feel each pulse inside of her, the way the creature would tense up before a thick splash of precum was spilled out from the narrow tip. It drooled inside of her and her body clenched down drawing it in deeper. The pieces of wood that her forepaws could reach soon were torn as she tried to claw against them as the hammering blows started to pick up pace. She lost herself. Lost her grip on her mind, her sense of self, everything that she clung to under the stroking movements over enflamed nerves. She spread her jaws and let out a guttural animalistic call as her walls pulsed around the shaft inside of her.

She squeezed down tightly around him, her walls suckling and massaging as she felt the rush of pleasure run through her. She swallowed her cries as her legs tensed up and she tried to push back against him, only to feel the beast hammering harder and faster. Her tender flesh given no chance to relax, no chance to cope. All she could do was feel each golden moment of release before the hips suddenly drove up tight. The conical shape of the cock tip stretched something deep inside of her before the hips started to shake behind her. A hot rush of breath hit the back of her neck while she felt the first eruption of thick seed spilling into her exposed womb. The hot ropes of it drooling out into her body and pushing in until it felt as if she were on fire. It burned her body until she whimpered out, but it soothed another part of her as she let out a mournful cry deep in her throat. And still the pulses of the cock continued.

Lathera struggled, but in the end she could only try to relax against the bonds that held her in place. Each pulse erupted into her body with thick gouts that splashed against her cervix and drooled deeper as it invaded every part of her vulnerable womb. Her mind flashed to other times she had been similarly mounted. Similarly? No, not like this. Not with other human beings watching her, not with an unnamed creature spilling into her body. Not with her body trembling with the last edges of pleasure she had felt at the height of the mating. She let her head drop as much as it could as she felt something thicker being pumped into her. The hot drooling stuff clung around her cervix and started to build up there. What had she become? What was going to become of her now?

Sean started to work his hips in sharp steady movements that worked his tip harder against that barrier. The walls rippled around him and squeezed down tightly while he started to pant against the back of her neck. He felt driven, wild and desperate to reach a point of something just out of control. His hips continued to drive against her as he attempted to sink his cock entirely into her. His only moment of faltering came when he heard a shrill shriek and suddenly the muscles wrapped around him. They seemed to pull him in deeper as they caressed and stroked over his glistening flesh. His claws dug in sharply against the curve of her tense stomach before he snarled out and continued his driving thrusts into her. His wings started to pull back as his tongue lolled out slightly and he dropped his head to press against the side of her neck.

The massaging movements of the passage around him pulled him over the edge as he tried to brace himself. He heard a wordless screech deep in his mind before he spread his jaws and screamed out his triumph. His next thrust wedged his cock tip into the tender opening of her bruised cervix and forced it to wrap around his tip in a tight ring. His tail jerked up before what he had been driving for rocked through him. The first tremor of pleasure made his muscles locked up as he felt his cock pulse before he emptied himself inside of her. He could feel the heat of his seed spilling out in a release so exquisite it was nearly painful. His body trembled while he rubbed his beak against the curve of the leather clad neck and pushed his hips forward forcing more of his sperm rich seed into her womb. His breath was ragged in his own ears.

Sean felt a moment of blissful triumph as he seeded the female. The thick fertile scent that filled his muzzle was one that made him feel a smug triumph that he had conquered her. No male could lay claim to what was his now. Even as his hips shuddered he could feel the thicker heavier gel starting to ooze out of his tip. It drooled out in heavy ropes that clung to her inner walls as he started to soften and pull backwards by a few centimeters. The gel plug started to form inside of her forcibly spread cervix to ensure that no other could attempt to usurp his claim. A sense of well being wrapped around him as he dimly became aware of a hesitant tug against his collar. He allowed his body to slip down and pull out with a sickening wet noise as his cock pulled free.

He dropped down to all fours with a shiver at the cool air against his shaft and froze at the sight of the dracine in front of him. Her dark body was limp and barely moving in the bonds. Her tail still spread to one side so that hints of liquid silver clung to her abused scales. The outer folds still gaping from the ruthless way he had taken her. Nausea rolled through his stomach with the shame that hit him. The marks of his claws were plain against her haunches and tooth marks indented the leather of her neck. The female's head was hanging down and her jaws spread so that he could see her still panting in soft gasps. He reared back as chains clicked against his collar and tried to forcibly deny that he'd done it. He reached and groped after Ishtar's mind furiously. The creature had to have done this. He had to be responsible. Sean couldn't have done anything like what he saw in front of him. Not even to another human!

:And you believed me to be the beast?: Ishtar's words dripped venom and rage. It was a cold splash of water as Sean's wings dropped and trembled. What had he done?