Chapter 1 - Lion in Bed

Story by KaleShadowWalker on SoFurry

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#1 of Lion in Collage

(c) 2012 by Kale ShadowWalker

Notes: This story contains the sexual activity of a the furry, gay male kind. Do not read past this point if you aren't 18+ or you're not interested in possible M/M sex. Also, yes, I do realize that this story is a little short and the name of the main character isn't given, but I'm trying something new with this story. Hope y'all enjoy and please comment here or send me an PM/Note if you want. Thank you and enjoy!

The small, dark college dorm room was surprisingly clean for any college student, especially a male that had the class schedule combined with football. How the occupant of the room managed, no one knew. He didn't even know himself at times. Though right now, he was currently sprawled out in his bed, wearing just his jock as he snored lightly ever once in a while. His 6'6", 250 pound frame did not fully fit on the small beds the college used, not that most college students actually fit on the horrible things. His knees were hooked over the edge of the bed, the human kicking his feet on occasion. Many muscles were packed on his from the years of football and workouts for football he had been through. He didn't have a full six-pack, but that has always been the hardest area for him to get toned. His black jockstrap barely covered his large package and keeping it hugged tight against his body.

The quarterback had gone to bed around 9pm, which was quite unusual for him. He usually was up late studying or going over plays for the next big game. For some reason he was quite tired this night, so he went on to bed and figured it would be good to sleep late since tomorrow was his 21st birthday and he planned to enjoy every minute of it. He rolled over in his sleep, pulling his legs up to curl up on his side as the alarm clock beside his bed showed that it was now past midnight, making the male officially 21.

If anyone had walked into the room and been able to see in the dark, they would have seen him slide his hand down and scratch at then rub his package. What they wouldn't see was what was happening deep within his body at the DNA level. Something long hidden and inactive started to turn on; something that was from an old family curse or from something long buried in the DNA of all humans. Whatever it was had activated now that the human was 21 and now had activated a beastly transformation sequence.

It was like going through a second puberty, but this time it was much faster and produced more drastic changes. His toenails turned black, looking like he had painted them. Slowly they grew out of his toes, curving to points and becoming claws that scratched at his bed before pulling back into his toes completely. The toes grew together somewhat, five becoming three thick ones that were perfectly positioned for balance and speed. His feet swelled and grew, muscle stretching while bones grew and repositioned to support him walking digitigrades. The soles of his feet weren't immune to changes either. Soft paw pads grew on the bottom of each of his toes and footpaw where it would touch the ground.

The muscles in his legs twitched as they were stretched by lengthening bones, growing larger and more defined as they twitch. Despite being curled on the bed, soon his feet and legs were hanging over the end once again. His skin grew taught, giving his legs the cut and defined look of a professional body builder, though his veins weren't all popped out and funky looking. Once his legs and muscles stopped growing, he had gained at the very least a good six inches in height and all of the hair had turned pure white.

All of this was ignored by the sleeping human, he felt no pain and he was so wrapped up in his dream that he didn't notice any stretching or growing. Inside of the dream, he was showering in the team locker room when one of the opposing team's players had sneaked in, stripped and grabbed him from behind. The guy was much taller and muscled than him, so he had no choice but to take that massive cock that was shoved into his virgin ass. He was amazed that a thick pole wasn't hurting him, but all he felt was pure pleasure. He wrapped a hand around his hardening shaft, stroking it in time to the opponents strokes.

Meanwhile, outside of the dream, he ha actually slipped his hand down to stroke over the growing bulge in his jock that was his cock. Underneath the fabric, his twin orbs were swelling in their home, growing rounder and larger, producing new, feline DNA laced sperm that mixed with the last of his human load. They swelled past the size of tangerines, slipping out of each side of the jockstrap as the player rolled back over onto his back and spread his legs for comfort. As they swelled larger, a sheath crept up his cock, white fur sprouting out all over it. Inside the new sheath, the human cock was swelling and shifting. The head tapered into a tip, soft spines forming where the crown was. As the whole package was stroked and squeezed, it swelled, growing larger and thicker, pushing against the fabric of his jock.

His tip poked out of its home, the felinehood pressing out and tenting the underwear. Moaned lightly in his sleep, his balls swelling to the size of oranges. His shaft slide out inch by inch, pressing the jockstrap towards the breaking point. With a loud RRRRIIIIIPPPP, his new cock burst through and into the air, leaving his new jock in pieces. As his shaft swelled, around back his rear firmed up and right above it a small bump formed and swelled. Not only did it get larger, but it pushed out as well, nerves and blood vessels grew down into it soon becoming a long cat tail. At the end, fur grew into a tuft, though it wasn't white; instead it was a deep, dark purple with neon green highlights. The rest of his lion tail was covered with soft, white fur.

The changes accelerated as his hand stroke over his growing cock as it pushed out past twelve inches. His slight belly melted away into a firm six-pack with deep valleys and would be the envy of every one on the team. His shaft dripped pre onto them as it throbbing in his grip, the once white cock now darkening to the same deep purple color on his tail. White fur sprouted where ever a drop landed, spreading in thin lines to his legs. His cock stopped sliding out, now fully hard at eighteen inches and between six and seven inches around. Hips humped the cock into his hand, white fur covering everything from his abs and downwards.

The athlete's torso lengthened a little, adding just a couple more inches to his height. His pecs swelled and his shoulders broadened, giving his top a v-shape. His shaft would reach to right under his pecks when it was rested on his body. He groaned louder, pre shooting out onto his chest, causing fur to sprout out and cover it. The white fur grew around to his back, the muscles not really growing much in size, but growing stronger. Fingernails pushed out and shifted into claws just like those on his feetpaws as the pinky and ring finger on each hand grew together to become a single finger as the rest thickened and lengthened some. His paw was now able to fully wrap around his cock, soft paw pads and fur completing the transformation.

Back in the dream, things had changed as well. He was now on all fours on the shower floor, his body taking on the exact changed they were taking for real. That wasn't the biggest change though; the big male on his back was no longer human. The opposing player had transformed into a full, feral lion, complete with a huge feral cock and balls that were being use to breed him roughly. The lion was larger than most, his weight and muscles keeping his pray still under him. His sharp teeth grazed over the human's neck, leaving marks as he filled him with hot pre. The almost fully anthro lion growled and groaned with each thrust, his cock and balls singing under him and drooling pre from the constant pounding against his prostate.

His paw stroked his cock faster back in the real world, his moans coming out as growls mixed with deep purrs of pleasure. His nose reshaped and turned black, sliding away from his face as it pushed out with his jaws and fused to become a muzzle. Teeth sharpened and shifted around to fit into the muzzle just right as his tongue grew longer and rough like sandpaper. Behind his closed eyelids, his eyes shifted colors from plain brow to a soulful, vibrant blue that shined like a clear ocean. His ears slide up to the top of his head, rounding off and twitching to catch any and all sounds. White fur also covered his face before his mane sprouted out and grew into place. Instead of white, it was colored like his tail, a deep purple with neon green highlights through it. It was long enough that if needed or wanted, it could be tamed into a ponytail.

His balls pulled up against his body as he headed towards what would be a massive orgasm. Senses sharpened the closer he got and his nervous and circulatory system strengthened to accommodate his stronger animal self. Both inside the dream and outside of it, he let out a might roar as the pleasure of climax shot through his body. Thick, sticky ropes of his hot cum shot out, coating his furry form an bed, some even landing across the room onto his class supplies. The last of his humanity shot out of his body as well, his mind now focused on finding pleasure with other males and spreading his gift to those worthy of it.

The lion's roar was only heard by a couple other males in his dorm building, most of them too deep in sleep from either exhaustion or drunkenness. He came down slowly from his peak, purring in contentment as he slipped from his hot dream, where the feral lion had just finished filling him, and back into a dreamless sleep. Strangely his body slowly shifted back to normal as it recovered from the post-orgasm exhaustion. Only a few strange changes would remain to greet him when he woke up in the morning: a slightly bigger package, better senses and the six-pack he had always wanted. Well, all of that and the desire to enjoy himself a little with others outside of class.