Romance in the Desert

Story by BadlandsDaemon on SoFurry

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A story for that special time of year when everyone is out trying to buy that perfect gift for a loved one.

Romance in the Desert

Moldering tomes and grisly skin parchment rolls cluttered about, stuffing crates, bulging from cubbyhole slots, and generally strewn about in disarray were the first things anyone noticed. Usually, the second thing noticed, innumerable multitudes of candles, some lit, melted wax pooling and dripping down, others new in plastic wrap, stacked like cordwood. Finally, any soul brave or foolish enough to enter noticed the proprietor, a fierce, hateful looking dragon. This day, he bundled up in thick winter clothes, despite the Vegas strip heat. He scowled as silver bells chimed from an opening door's motion.

"So," he growled, not bothering even to look up at his patron. "Come to this terrible place, and for what, I wonder, sadness and pain?" Taken aback by such a depressing statement, the furnace flame red fox stepped back.

"Hey, if this is a bad time, I can come back later," he began. Flashing an impossibly toothy, predatory smile downward, the dragon snapped his head up.

"Always a bad time for a visit in Hell. Now, why are you here? Who sent you? Did you come to ride the touen stone?" he smirked.

"Slow down, man, one question at a time. I'm," but he was cut off by the dragon.

"Let me guess, dark slacks, blue shirt, shined dress shoes," he read off the fox's apparel. "A Fremont High junior, no...senior, come to the freak store, perhaps to gawk at the curios and wonders?"

"I'm just here to get a valentine's day gift, but that's right about the school stuff. How did you know?" he asked, carefully approaching the counter, sky blue eyes flashing reflected candlelight.

"You think I don't get twenty of you fuckwits in here a day, getting your oily hands and paws all over my books? So much worse now, all the procrastinators and chronically inept here looking for Eleventh Hour gifts."

"No need to yell at me; I'm right here," the fox defended.

"I will yell if I want to, and no puny is going to stop me!" the dragon roared, smoke pouring from his nostrils. "Just get out if you're not going to buy something. If you are, in that case step up to the counter."

"I don't want any trouble," the fox said, raising his paws. "I just heard that you sell a lot of mythology stuff, you know, Athena's Shield, the Lance of...of, that one Roman guy, at the Crucifixion, stuff like that." The dragon burst out laughing.

"You can rest assured, foxy, that if I had the Aegis, I wouldn't be working in some pissant shack in the desert, that's for sure! And the Spear, don't get me started about that!" he lost himself in a paroxysm of laughter, tears forming at his eyes then boiling away. The young fox began to get nervous. "Tell you what, kid, you've managed to put me in a good mood. I doubt you've the finances to purchase any major relics, but I could be persuaded to make a deal. The fox gulped.

"What, what kind of deal? You're not a demon, are you?" the fox said, backing up, causing the dragon to laugh again.

"A demon! Ha, that's rich! No, now what'd you want before I lose my newfound mirth?"

"Well, I want to get my girl a present for her eighteenth birthday. Something special, something that shows her how much I care."

"That human singer Timberlake once sang something along those lines on Saturday Night Live," the dragon joked. The fox's face turned to a look of confusion. "No? That's okay. How about...if I can just put my hand to it..." the dragon disappeared behind a pile of stacked, book filled crates. He returned a few seconds later, holding a bird's tail, shining blue feathers still clinging to it despite its apparent age.

"Just the thing," he said, modeling it. "The Tail Huitzilopochtil. Rumored to be a potent aphrodisiac, and, I don't know, you could do a fan dance with it. Entertain your girlfriend, I don't know."

"Uh, no," the fox said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Maybe something more, you know, romantic?"

"Fine, fine," he said, dropping the tail. "Every girl wants a pony, how about one as fast as the wind? I've got Slepnir's skeleton in the back...somewhere..."

"Why would Kris want a horse's skeleton, why would you even sell that?"

"Not a student of that particular branch of history known as mythology, eh? That's fine. I mean, who really wants the horse of the Asgard gods anyway? I have one more thing that might suit, also from Norse legend." He reached into the breast pocket of his black and white pinstripe suit jacket and removed a blue velvet ring box. "Odin's magical ring, Draupnir. Once removed from this box, every seventh day it will create seven non-replicating clones of itself. Perfect if you and your little bitch want to start up a family and need money. And, as a bonus, if you no longer need gold, for some reason, just put in back in its box."

"Finally a real gift. And Kris isn't a canine, for your information, she's a human. How much for the ring?"

"Oh, taboo love," the dragon mocked. "Like that hasn't been done countless times by Hollywood and romance writers. Two hundred, American, unmarked and non-sequential."

"Are you serious? Even if this thing isn't magic, two hundred bucks for gold? You must be crazy." Not believing his incredible fortune, the fox reached into his pants for his wallet.

"Yeah, that might happen when one sleeps with the Borden family woodcutting axe under one's pillow. Two hundred dollars, and, and when she dies, you have to make sure that the ring gets returned to me in her Will."

"What if we break up and I never see her again? How am I supposed to make sure she puts a stranger in her will?" he asked, laying out three fifties, a twenty, two tens and two fives.

"If that unfortunate possibility should manifest, simply tell me, and I will, shall we say, extract... the ring from her possession."

"Right," the fox agreed, grabbing the box. He opened it to check that the ring was there, and when it was, tucked the box into his pocket. "Thanks," he said, disappearing out the door. The dragon chuckled.

"He'll be back, they always come back."

A rush-hour drive across town and back, and an hour and a half later, the fox arrived at his girlfriend's house. Nervous in the predominantly human gated community, he parked his blue Fjord Ef-One-Sixty in front of her house and stepped out.

He had stopped at home to change, before he came to see her. Ring in its box, tucked safely in his loose, wholly blue jeans pocket, covered slightly by his overhanging black t-shirt with a yellow-orange lambda symbol with a subset three (?3) inside a circle with one squared corner of the same color. 'Damn,' he thought, walking up the concrete steps to her front door under the sweltering Nevada sun. 'Shouldn't have worn black.' Though the neighborhood was cookie-cutter, Kris' slightly eccentric parents insisted on a zeroscaped yard, so instead of grass and trees, cacti and gravel grew.

As were most of the houses, Kris' was made to look like adobe brick (couldn't be real adobe, no, that's too low class). Someone, probably Kris' mother, had even taken the time to paint in desert bronze and turquoise teal spirals and waves and a crude representation of a petroglyph. Other than those little additions, the house was exactly like all the other ersatz-adobe homes in the area, sickeningly so.

Under the shade provided by a porch over the front door, it was immediately cooler. The fox paused, catching his breath and his composure. Doesn't make a good impression, standing panting in the doorway. Before he could ring the doorbell or knock, the door flew open.

"Don't just stand there outside, Mike," Kris called from somewhere inside. "Come inside, and close the door behind you, you're letting all the cold out." Grateful for the sudden rush of cool, air conditioned air, he stepped inside, closing the door.

"Kris?" he called. "Where are you?" no lights were on, and little light pervaded the shade-drawn windows.

"In here," she called as he rounded the corner into the living room. She sat coolly on the couch in her light blue tank top and slightly darker toned short shorts. Her clothes matched nicely her sparkling blue eyes, and complimented her blonde hair, which she had in a ponytail. It reached down about two inches past the her neck onto her back. Torn open wrapping paper and empty gift boxes surrounded her.

"You're late," she playfully accused, pushing the debris aside and standing up. "I wanted you here at five, and its five oh three." She walked over to him and hugged him tight. "My parents just called, and the caller ID said they were calling from Aruba, so they won't be here to get in the way," she whispered into his ear, slipping a hand behind him to teasingly yank his tail.

"According to that wall clock," he said, squinting to see it in the darkness. "I'm two minutes early and - whoa, what're you doing back there? Trying to pull my tail off?"

"No," she said, apologetic look in her eyes enough. "Just playing with you a little bit, sorry if I got too rough."

"It's fine when you do it," he reassured her. "It's just, the bigots at school, some days it seems like they're trying to yank it off. It's connected to my spine, you know."

"I don't need the anatomy lesson, Mikey," she said, stroking behind his ear lovingly. His tail swished happily back and forth accordingly. "Well, not an internal anatomy lesson, anyway," Kris whispered.

"I turned off the camera system my parents installed to spy on me," she announced as they walked, still embracing, towards the couch. They plopped down hard on it, Kris sitting on Mike's lap. "We could do it in their bedroom, on their bed, and they wouldn't even know," she suggested seductively.

"Whatever you want baby, it's your special day," Mike agreed, rubbing her shoulders. "Oh, that reminds me," he reached into his pocket and dug out the box. "Happy birthday Kris, I got you this ring," he said, opening the box.

"Oh baby, it's beautiful," she said, slipping it out of the box and on to her ring finger. "Wait, is this a, you know, proposal ring or something like that?"

"No, no, it's just a, a, 'I really like you and wanted to get you something special' ring," the fox quickly defended.

"Good, cause I really like you too, but marriage is a big step, I don't think I'm quite ready for it." she saw the look of relief in his dark eyes. "Hey, what do you say we take this party somewhere private, huh stud?" He nodded eagerly. She leapt up and practically dragged him to the master bedroom.

She pushed him into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, and then backed away. Doing her best to be seductive, she started to sway her hips as she pulled off her shirt, teasingly slowly. She tossed the shirt aside and opened her arms, showing him her body. Her C breasts bulged slightly against the small size red bra she wore, an illusion, albeit a stimulating one.

"What do you think Mike?" she asked, but she did not have to. All the answer she needed was on display in his pants; a tented bulge, and a faint wet spot at the tip of his growing bulge. "I see you really like me," she said, bending over slightly as she slipped out of her shorts. She stood there, rubbing her nipples through the thin material as he struggled with his belt. "Let me get that for you," she cooed, walking over to him. She looked intently at his t-shirt.

"Is this symbol supposed to mean something, or what?" she asked, pointing to the encircled lambda subscript three.

"No, it's just some company's symbol. Let's get back to getting naked." She smiled at him, and tugged his shirt off over his head, tossing it away. She sat down on him, and began to pet him.

"So soft," she remarked as she caressed her way down from his neck to his flat chest. She moved slightly on his iron-hard erection, causing him to give a low moan. "I don't think I've ever felt a man get this hard so fast," she teased. "Have you been taking performance enhancing drugs just for me?"

"It's all me, Kris," he managed to say, in between pleasured moans. His clawed fingers traced delicate lines up and down her back, straying occasionally too close to her bra and getting snagged or tearing. "Can...can we please do it? My dick's starting to hurt," he whined, and she grinned.

"In a minute baby. You said I could get whatever I wanted for my birthday," she said, no longer petting him to use both hands to unclasp her bra. It fell off, leaving her two pinkish tits staring him in the face. She hunched forward, clamping her face on his muzzle and invading his mouth with her tongue.

Her tongue tangled around his, exploring his mouth, running around his sharp canine teeth.

"Pretty soon now," she said, breaking the tongue-duel. "You kiss really well, foxy, let's see how well you can use that tongue of yours on my...other parts." She pushed his head down towards her chest, and he got the message.

Putting one paw on either side of her chest, thumbs facing himself, he began to lick and tease her sensitive nubs of flesh with his tongue. But he was a good boy, and didn't leave her other teat unattended, instead rubbing it in circular motions with his thumb, back and forth, up and down.

"Ohhhh...that's it..." she moaned as he switched sides. "You sure...Oh! You sure know how to please a girl," she praised, rubbing behind his triangular ears. She pushed his muzzle away, much to his surprise. "There's just one more thing I want from you before your 'main course,' if you know what I mean," she said, getting off his lap on onto her parent's marriage bed. She lay down on her back, and spread her legs. With one hand, she rubbed her chest while the other she pushed her cherry red panties down. She was entirely hairless, recently waxed and clean for her lover, thinking that he might've chosen a human because he was tired of fur and hair. "Lick me clean," she instructed. "Then you can fill me up." Both of her hands moved to stroking and massaging her fuck hole. The scent of need pouring off her sex entered the fox's nose, getting him more aroused. He sighed, rubbing his rock-hard pole through his pants, and descended on her.

Gently at first, he lapped at her entrance, long slow strokes of his wide tongue covering and recovering her ground. He pulled back, and spread her legs further with his hands, creating more room for him to move in. Up to just past his nose, he pushed his muzzle in, whiskers and fur tickling and pleasuring her sensitive canal. He inhaled her scent, and shook with lust before getting down to business. Each rotation of his head and muzzle, no matter how slight, filled her with combined sinful joy as he lapped and sucked and prodded her innermost regions.

"Get ready," Kris said, legs wrapped around Mike's body, toes curling and uncurling with pleasure on the brink of her orgasm. "I'm about to...OH! OHHH!" she shouted, his oral ministrations pushing her over her edge. He pulled his face out, muzzle sticky with her fluids. He licked them off as best he could, and got up on his knees. He struggled for a few moments with his belt, but managed to fumble it open and pull it away. He quickly undid his pants and kicked them lazily away, his mind more focused on other matters. His dick strained against the blue pattern-less fabric of his undershorts. With another move, his shorts were around his legs, nine-inch dick hanging free, covered in his leaked pre. Her eyes widened at the sight of his equipment, particularly his bulging knot.

"What the hell is that?" she demanded to know, backing up against the headboard.

"This?" he laughed, stroking his member languidly. "This is my dick, Kris, and don't worry, you're about to get all of it."

"I know that, Mike, I'm not stupid. I mean what the hell is that tumor thing on it?" she pointed, libido rapidly deflating. The fox looked hurt.

"It's not a tumor," he said, looking down. "It's just my knot."

"Do, do all Furs have them, or..." she trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

"All us canine boys have them, babe. I didn't think this was your first time with a canine Fur."

"Well it is," she defended, folding her arms across her chest. "I still want to, you know, have sex with you, but..."

"I understand, Kris. You're nervous, maybe a little scared. It's okay; I won't put it in you if you don't want me to." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for being so understanding," she said, drawing back closer to him. "Now, where were we?" she laughed. He walked on his knees up to her, and dropped to all fours, his hands planted into the bed just under her arms, resting on his knees in between her spread legs.

"I might not be as good," he cautioned. "Usually I'm not thinking about holding back, so I can just focus on making it good, but I'll try." She kissed him, lifting up from her reclining position.

"That's okay Mikey, you already got me there once." That was all the encouragement he needed, and he plunged his pointed tip in, causing both of them to moan. He repositioned to get better leverage, bringing his hands closer to her hips, scrunching up in the process. After a few more testing strokes, he plunged in, his shaft and her hole already moist with saliva, sex juice, and pre.

He pumped harder and faster, careful to keep from shoving his length in completely. He let his mouth hang open, tongue to one side, panting as he worked his hardest to give his girlfriend a great pseudo-first time. At last he couldn't take it anymore, and he let go, exploding into her. His balls worked furiously, supplying the cum his dick injected deep inside her. After one final thrust, he collapsed on top of her, spent but not tied together.

"Good boy," she said, scratching his head as she came down from her second orgasm. "We have all weekend and all of next week after school to keep trying."