Love time lost prequel

Story by Kris the golden retriever on SoFurry

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#1 of Love time lost

Love time lost prequel. Chapter 2-Hapily ending


The morning a...

Love time lost prequel. Chapter 2-Hapily ending

The morning after the long day and the glorious night with his boyfriend, Kris had awoken to the soft sun shining down from behind the soft curtain that hung against the window, plain and lifeless. It was the next day and he felt the after affects, that huge arm still around him a smile on his face and his entire body below his waist, sore, as if he was just struck by a car and left to die.

He had managed to move slightly without too much pain, he was up on the pads of his feet as he had slowly gone to the bag he had brought and gotten out another pair of cloths, a soft purple shirt and tight pair of dark blue jeans that came down to his feet and had crumpled up there from the extra inches, oh and they also made his butt look so perfect and attractive to all the gay guys in his school. Just after he had put his boxers on and buttoned up his pants he heard a deep grumble coming from the opposite side of the room, he turned to see Kevin looking at him, awake and giving him the softest look with those big green-hazel eyes of his. "Well good morning, did you sleep well"? Kevin had said with the gruffest morning voice he had, it almost made Kris melt as he replied "Yes I did, but I have to admit I am very sore from last night though, hehe" Kris had given himself a small pat on his butt, which made him wince from the small twang of pain. Kevin had gotten up making the bed creak loudly, and walked over to Kris and once again wrapped those large arms around his small lover and planted a large kiss onto his muzzle.

Kris had fallen into the kiss almost instantly, making a small straining tent is his pants as the pink tip of his cock had slowly started to push out again. He had given a cute giggle before patting the horse on the butt and escaping his grip putting on his shirt and walking out of his room and down stairs to let the horse get some cloths on.

Kris had gotten down the stairs and the smell of food being cooked from the kitchen had hit him like the wall, he had stopped to wonder, when was the last time he ate? Curious, and hungry, he had walked into the kitchen to see Burt, Kevin's dad, cooking breakfast, the kitchen smelling of French toast the most delightful smell in the world to him. The big horse had noticed him standing in the doorway to the kitchen, he had smiled and said "I see your awake, breakfast will be done soon and then I will be heading out to work, in the meant time pleas make yourself at home, there is a TV in the living room and also there is are a couple game consoles in there and your welcome to play those as well" Kris had smiled at this, and simply nodded walking out of the kitchen across the small doorway/hall and to the large living room, which was larger than he had expected, the same sectionals and TV along with the game consoles, but farther back was another door and a very large computer desk, complete with a computer and computer chair, and also a mess of papers so it was more of a at home office. Kris decided not to go near it and plopped down on the couch relaxing a bit, hoping the pain in his lower half would easy he heard large hoof falls coming down the stairs, he smiled and knew what was coming.

Kevin came heavily down the stairs only dressed in a pair of genes that came all the way down the length of his huge legs and also looked strain from the tightly packed muscle hidden inside the denim. He turned into the kitchen for a few seconds then came clomping into the living room, smiling and looking down at the small dog lying on the couch, "I found you". The horse said with large smile as he sat down on the opposite side of the dog on the sectional, one leg on the couch one leg on the ground, one arm on the backside the other on the outer arm, almost inviting anybody to lay on him, like he was a rock pillow. That was all Kris needed to position himself between the legs of the horse and rest himself on the hard abominable muscle while he uses the firm pectorals as a pillow, and like a hunter and a trap the horse quickly put his arm around Kris and flicked on the TV with the remote onto some news channel where it told about the usually depressing stories it droned on about, todays special a car crash.

Kevin watches the TV intently, then after a while chuckles, "People are getting more and more reckless, they aren't watching anything, and it seems no one cares anymore". Kris look's up at Kevin with those big puppy dog eyes of his, "Pleas be careful when you drive, I don't want you to get hurt, pleas be safe" Kris then tried to hug the horse, Kevin leaning down and giving the dog a small peck on the forehead which made a small sigh of joy, excitement and relief come out of the dog.

Butch had walked into the scene of his son and his mate and mentally smiled happy that his son had found love, but for right now breakfast was more important, he raised his voice a little bit and said "Breakfast is ready and is on the counter in the kitchen, I am leaving to go to work, pleas be safe and don't do anything stupid" He then walked back to the kitchen retrieved his keys from the counter and walked out the door heading to work, leaving the two alone in the huge house alone to do as they wanted. With grumbling stomachs the two boys get up off of each other and head into the kitchen where the both see large plates of food on the counter in front of a flat top oven, the small ledge looking over to give the guest easy view of what is going on. They both take a seat on the bar stool chairs, grab their forks and begin eating, Kris had looked down at his plate and looks at the mass of food on it, it looked like enough to feed six of him, he figured it was because the cook was also a big horse. Between bites Kris looked over at Kevin who was busy chowing down on his food, he had asked "So what are the plans for today?" Kevin stops for a second from his food and gives him a quizzical look, and replies "Well, I have planned for us to go to the park walk around there on this lovely day, then maybe go to the mall, dad gave me money for today so I can get you whatever you want ha-ha" Kris had blushed at this, it was just so sweet and romantic the same reasons that he had fallen in love with that big lug of a horse.

A few hours had passed by since when they had eaten breakfast, Kris and Kevin now are in the park enjoying the warm summer air on their fur, the stillness of the park & the sound of birds chirping. They walk down the concrete path that winds through the large park; it is covered on both sides but Lush Ocean of deep green with tall islands of different breed of trees. It was so serene and perfect Kris was so happy, he had only read about this kind of situation from the stories on So Furry and many other different websites that he usually goes to. A chiming sound had gone off, and Kevin knew it was his phone, he had fished it out of his pocket and looked at the display screen, it was one of his friends calling, he only wondered why he would be calling after being told not to, but he reluctantly answered his phone. He had answered it with a slightly annoyed but peppy voice "You got Kev here", "Yea..." a few second passed and Kris could hear the other person on the other line almost talking his ear off, he just smiled and waited, Kevin shifted his wait annoyed. His last answer to the person sounded a little mean and annoyed but Kris blew it off as his imagination "Okay fine, I gotcha, bye". Kevin put his phone back away in the shorts he was wearing and kept walking holding the small canine's hand. They continued walking, before too long they had stopped and deviated from the path to go over and sit on a stone bench that sat on an overlook of the river, the sounds of the river flowing made Kris relax more as he loved the sound of flowing water. They had been relaxing there for longer than Kris could count before Kevin finally grunted and looked over at him deep into his eyes, those brown eyes almost piercing into his soul. Kevin's gaze had eased up as he shifted and brought out a black box from his pocket and had carefully handed it to Kris. The dogs eyes had gotten wide, as a deep blush came over his face as he took the box and looked from it to Kevin, Kevin had given him a deep chuckle "Go ahead and open it, it's yours" Kris had looked back down and had quickly and gently opened the box, only to have his breath taken away at what he had seen. He had taken out a thick steel banded ring perfect to fit around his finger, it was embellished with deep set and equally sized squares of different color encircling the ring making the rainbow. As Kris looked at the ring he had blushed even deeper then what he already was doing, he had looked up at Kevin now after regaining his composure and his breath and said "Oh Kevin, it's so beautiful, I love it, thank you so much!" Kris hugs the big horse around the neck as he knickers a bit and after the hug helps Kris put the new ring on his finger, a perfect fit. Kris had given his boyfriend the only thing he could at the time, a deep and loving kiss. They had kept kissing over and over for minutes on end with no sign on stopping. All in all they had spent a few hours there, just being together and kissing passionately. Before too long it was getting dark and Kevin had other plans for the rest of the day and long night ahead. He quickly grabbed his small canine lover and quickly led them both back to the car as fast as he could, almost throwing the dog in and quickly getting over to his driver side Kevin started the car and took off out of the parking lot of the park and quickly down the road, covered in the colors of the setting sun.

Around twenty minutes had passed when finally Kevin had stopped his car in another large parking lot, which happened to be in front of the biggest bar in town, "The Drunkard Crow". The lovers had gotten out from the large car and had started making their way in, Kris's tail wagging partly because he was nervous and knew that this bar had many notorious stories to it name. Before they had went in Kevin gave his love a quick glance with a deeply loving smile before opening the door. The first thing Kris saw when he had entered the bar was as dark as night and was extremely hard to see into the place, he had looked up at where his boyfriend should have been but to his conclusion he was gone, he thought to himself..."How could a horse that big just disappear?" As he turned around to leave the entrance of the building a pair of long gray arms reached out of the darkness to grab the canine. With a quickly but mumbled yelp Kris was dragged back into the building before he lost consciousness as something heavy and hard came across the back of his head. He had blacked out immediately from impact.

After what seemed like a few second but was really a few hours Kris had awoken from his deep slumber, he opened his eyes as he saw the blurry dim light of a stage but still wasn't sure where he was or what had happened. He tried to move clumsily but found that his hand and foot paws were tied to a metal chair, he started to panic as he struggled, trying to cry out he just then noticed that he was gaged and could not cry out. He fell limp as all of a sudden from the pounding of his head he heard the footfalls of a heavy beast, sounding too heavy to be Kevin he tried to look backwards as what came into sight was almost scaring him. What he saw was a Rhino, a big one. He must have been twice as tall and twice as muscled as his boyfriend and definitely twice as endowed as all he wore was a skimpy almost sees through thong that barely covered up anything. "Ahhh so your awake my pet, I'm glad, didn't want you missing the show" His voice was deep and commanding like a born and raised dominate furr. Before long the Rhino was standing in the center of the medium sized room as the curtains in front of him were slid open as to his surprise he saw many dimly lit tables full of different furs and a few humans, near the back a large and brightly lit bard that also was full of people drinking before the party started, "Ahh the party is started and the house is full " Was all he said before moving to the front of the stage and taking the microphone announcing the show was starting as the crowd cheered the lights dimmed and many multicolored lights above started splaying themselves around the crowd. Music was blasted as many more different furs came from behind Kris, none he knew. They were dressed in nothing but skimpy thongs as many furry and humans alike walked up the stage to stick dollar bills in the straps of the gargantuan beasts flexing in front of the crowd.

The "Party" had gone on like this for an hour or so, the music dimmed as the same rhino came out and took center stage with a microphone, "All right gents, tonight is a special night, we have one hell of a person who is just waiting to take part and in the end we all may get lucky, let's send him out, too never be seen again!" With those last few words Kris was puzzled "Never be seen again?" To break his thought a part of the stage slide apart to let a rising cage take the center of everything and in the cage was something very shocking. Kris saw his boyfriend in the cage, bound gaged and tied in much different way to make sure he was laying down in a prone position, legs and arms held together arms at his sides. With a loud snapping of his fingers a pair of semi muscled foxes came out with a leather body suit and a large bottle. They had opened the cage and were pouring the contents of the bottle into the large horse as it seemed to mat down his fur and slicken him up a little, they then proceeded to slip him into the pink skin tight suit. Kris was watching intently as they zipped up the back and put a lock on it to ensure it would not come loose. The rhino smiled turning back to the crowd "Okay folks now you know who is coming out to finish the job" At that the crowd went wild cheering a name "that's right, the biggest and most endowed creature out there, Kiiiiiing!" Kris was curious who this kind person was as he heard it. Large footfalls were shaking the ground below him; he heard a deep growl as his fear took over him as he struggled what was behind him. Just before he could lean back and see what was coming over, it stepped into view. It was a lion...but not just a lion it was the single most biggest lion that he had ever seen, it was almost 12 feet tall and could fit 3 Kevin's into him muscle wise and where the usual thong was on most of the other guys there was nothing, just a low set of hanging orbs that looked like 3 basketballs per nut. His long flaccid cock hung at least 3 feet down his length. Kris was horrified and aroused all at the same time, his pink shaft now poking it way out of its moist hiding place. King had walked over to the cage and opens the cages steel locking door with a cynical grin as his anaconda shaft began to almost inflate standing at one and a half feet at half-mast.

Kris was scared at what was going to happen next. Was he going to fuck him? Was he going was he going to do?!?!

The gargantuan lion kept a locked gaze on the horse as he began to arouse from his deep slumber. The lions big paw began to wrap around the horses wait as he picked him up and hefted him to where his mouth was at his cock. King was grinning wider now as he was rubbing kelvins head again the slimy pre that covered the tip of his shaft.

Kris thought to himself "I have to get out of here; I have to get me and Kevin out of here". He began to struggle more and more tossing and turning his head away from side to side, then he heard it, an obvious and loud Squelch.

Kris turned and looked back at the large lion and saw that Kevin's head and shoulders were not inside the large cock. Kris could not believe what he saw, was this really happening?

Kevin was sliding more and more into the large cock as the crowd began to roar alive as he got deeper and deeper, Kris could hardly see them through the thick stage lights. Kris was in tears now thrashing in the chair he was bound to.

Kevin was now waist deep inside the large phallus and you could see the large bulge traveling down the thick cock tube. He was traveling quickly down to the shaft due to the pink suit and the amount of pre that was coming out of the monster shaft. Kevin sank deeper and deeper the last thing Kris saw was the pink covered tale slide in, down the tube as he saw the bulge splash down into his left nut sack. Full awake now Kevin began thrashing around the best he could from inside the pink leather case he was in now.

Kris was almost crying now as king turned toward him smiling and walking over sack swaying back and forth. He reared off course and walked behind the retriever but turned around and arched his back to where his mouth was ear level to the bound dog. "Your boyfriend tasted good, I will have you one day but not yet"

Then ever thing went black.