Quick Silver WIP- (Final Update 01-31-2012)

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K Final update, you will be offically in the dark from here. Nearly 25 pages in Word Processor with 13926 words (according to word count that is) I have a feeling that it can go another 25 pages if I aint careful ^^ so find flaws now, don't hold back on the comments, make every thought count or something just may end up screwy in the final upload.... In other words... HIT ME HARD! I want every grammar/spelling critic out there telling me whats wrong. Don't be afraid about hurting my feelings, I'll bitch then get over it like a man. ciao

I am Lucas d'Vioni. I once was a pastry chef, rather that is what I called myself, in reality, I was a small town donut maker. Don't let the name or the job fool you; I do not know a lick of anything other than making donuts. Twenty-five years on the job and then... the accident happened. Some call it a curse, but there are a few out there that will make that very curse a blessing...

I am one of those few. Some would say I became a cold-blooded killer; others call me a new blood vigilante. If I had to choose from the two, I would go with the latter. What I have become is something that no human would think of becoming. Something that would be considered a beast, a science project gone wrong, a... monster. Me? I consider this a second chance to my now near immortal life. I now save those who cannot save themselves.

I am a Lycanthrope, a werewolf. I am rare even for the breed; I am immune to the effects of silver. Hell, I wore silver on the night of my rebirth. If it were not for my ten karat silver gothic cross necklace I wore since I was ten, I would most likely be dog chow. I do not know why I can touch it without burning, but it certainly has come in handy with the random silver bullets I have come across in my days since.

My time here has enlightened me in various ways. Ways I cannot explain, and others... I just plain do not want to. This is nothing compared to what will happen in the future... my future, where Human and Non-human can live in peace like in the days of the Pagan. Magic still exists, for I have seen it, one only has to believe it is there for it to exist and actually presents itself to them.

I call myself Luca now, mostly because my human self is all but rotting to the human world. This is my life, my story. Learn from my mistakes, be enlightened by my lessons, and follow the light.

"HELP!" A woman screamed in a pitch black alley of the night. She was being attacked by a common black lycan.

Her screams of terror ended abruptly as a silver lycan rushed up behind the wolf and quickly sliced at the back of the mindless predator. The beast jumped to avoid the slight whistling of the claws flinging through the air only to be caught by the ankle. The silver flung the black into the brick wall, a sickening crunch of bones breaking against brick sounded even as the wall collapsed on the beast. The beast rose, rotating its broken shoulder as the bone quickly healed itself. The silver did its best to shield the woman as the beast flung a large chunk of mortared brick at them. It collided against the silver's back and shattered like it was a glass bottle. The beast flung itself at the silver; the silver reached out grabbing the black by the throat with one clawed paw, and then reached for the top of the head with the other.

The silver snarled, ignoring the slashes caused by the black as he ripped the head from the body. Movement stopped immediately. The body limp, muzzle still drawn back in a painful snarl. The silver tossed the body to the ground then pulled a lighter from a small fanny pack that was around the waist. The fur quickly caught on fire; the silver kicked the head into the fire then turned to the terrified woman.

"Here," A rough, deep voice came from the wolf. "Let me help you up."

The woman shrieked again.

The wolf folded back its ears before placing a single digit onto the woman's lips. "Stop that now; I am the help you called for. I am Luca. Go home, and drink something strong to help you forget tonight."

The woman fainted; the wolf sighed then picked her up. He held onto her as he climbed the building and jumped from roof to roof as he made his way to the hospital. He smelled blood on her, but not saliva. This, for her, was a good thing. She would remain human. As he leapt to the ground once he was next to hospital grounds, the all too familiar scent of sterilizing chemicals over powered everything. He grumbled about it, but his nose was used to it by now as well as the staff to seeing him entering the doors to the emergency room.

"Evening, Lucy, I have another attack victim for you. No bites this time, thank God."

The blonde receptionist smiled as she saw him, they had a one night stand once. That was Luca's first step into the hospital doors; he marked that up on his most memorable nights.

"Room Three, sweetie." She winked then grabbed the phone to page for the on duty doctor with the unique code as 'Quick Silver' coming over the P.A. The wolf grinned, he always enjoyed hearing the code named after him. Though he has had to put down at least fifteen victims during his stay in this seemingly quiet town, he still had a very high survivor's rate.

He sat the patient down on the gurney, then realized she was starting to wake. He patted her hand then left her as the doctor came in. The male Cuban doctor refused to look at him, the nurses said it had to do with his religious beliefs that contradicted Luca's existence. He didn't care as long as the victims were helped. He normally didn't stop to listen to the other patients, but for some reason he did tonight. A couple came out of Room One, the woman weeping like crazy. He approached carefully, the scent of Death's Hand wafted heavily over them, he knew then that they were parents and their child was about to die.

The husband looked up but did not startle, instead he did startle Luca as he approached the wolf. "You're the one that the media talks about, 'Quick Silver', right?"

Luca chuckled, "It's actually Luca. What can I do for you?"

"Change our son. He doesn't have much time left. Please!"

"I do not want to make monsters, sir. I do not wish to pass this curse on to others."

"Please!" The mother wept. "He's only ten, I can't stand to loose him!"

"I- " He hesitated. Maybe it was fate that brought him here tonight, maybe this is what he was truly meant to do. "Is he awake?"


"Stay out here, I would like to talk to him for a moment before making my decision."

Luca sighed then went into the room; the boy was a bloody mess. A quick glimpse at the chart at the end of the bed said he was a victim of a drunk driver. A whimper escaped the boy as the morphine drip shot another dose into his bloodstream. Luca looked at the chart again to get his name.


The boy opened his one uncovered eye. "Puppy?" It was obvious the morphine was quick to take affect.

"Uh, yes."

"Are you here to make me better?" The boy slowly said as he eyed the wolf.

"You are smarter than I gave you." Luca muttered under his breath. "If you really want it, I will warn you. It comes with a price. You will have far more pain at first then when it goes away, you will always be hungry. If I am to... help you. You must promise to listen to me, always."

"I want to be a puppy. To keep mommy from crying..." Bobby's eye glazed over as he let the morphine fully take him.

Luca patted the boy's leg lightly then thought briefly. I always wanted to have children, though not taking one... but he does want it, as does his parents. It will be hard for me to just bite. But does it really save his life? As if to punctuate the need for urgency, the vital monitoring systems jumped briefly to critical points then eased back down. Luca sighed then went out to the parents.

"So?" The father asked as sweat beaded on his brow.

"He wants it; I think mostly to keep his mother from crying. But know this: though he will remain your flesh, he will not be your son. I will do my best to keep his human side intact, but it will take several years before he will be able to even get near humans without wanting to rip them to shreds. If I am even able to keep him in control."

"Do it." The mother said sternly. The sudden emotional change made both males to cringe slightly. "I don't want to bury my baby; just knowing he is alive will make me happy."

Luca bit his lip, "Fine, call the nurse, and tell them to bring the silver... just in case I cannot control him."

This made the mother shudder, but she nodded and ran off. Luca went back to the boy's side and hovered over him. Lucy came in with two syringes; one was a liquid silver compound they used to put down transforming victims. The other, Luca did not know. Before he could ask, she stopped him.

"In case you cannot stop yourself, this is enough to put a bull elephant on mega steroids down for several days. In other words, an illegal dosage that we keep... just in case." She grimly smiled.

He knew what she meant then. If he could not control himself, he would have to be contained then beheaded. He gave them those instructions himself. He nodded then looked at the parents. "Stand back."

He leaned over the boy then uncovered his shoulder. Drawing a deep breath, he lunged forward sinking his teeth into the boy. He felt the silent beast within stir begging for release, he contained it and drew away from the boy quickly gasping. Within seconds, the vitals spikes. Luca held the boy still as his body began to shake.

Luca whispered reassuring words to the boy, reminding him of his promise. The vitals flat lined, he held a paw up as Lucy started to move. The boy gasped deeply, opening his eye to reveal total blackness of the inner beast all mankind hid within. The boy was fighting himself; Luca knew this all too well, he fought it every time he fed. The eye slowly faded into a light blue, normal canine eye. The bones audibly cracked as they reformed and shifted to the new form. A howl erupted from the boy as his face contorted and grew into a muzzle. Luca glanced at the monitors they were going crazy, spiking from one end of the scale to the other. The boy finally eased then panted as he stared at Luca, the wolf unwrapped the bloody gauze from the pup's head.

"Your rebirth is complete, far quicker than I have ever seen it. Are you hungry?"

"No." The boy's voice was ragged though still showed signs of physical immaturity. "Where is mommy?"

"I'm here, Bobby." The father held her back, mostly from fear.

"Good. Don't cry, but I am going with him. Right?" The boy did not deviate his stare.

"That's right; I am your teacher now." Luca kept staring into the boy's eyes demanding that the boy's mind considered him the Alpha. "You will always listen to me."

"As I promised." Bobby said almost like he was hypnotized. The fur gleamed in the LED lighting, he was black with a silver streak running from his nose straight back; Luca wondered if it went down his back as well.

"Look upon the humans, what do you feel?" Luca said in a demanding monotone.

"I feel sad." Bobby looked over his former parents; his gaze lingered over his mother. "She stopped crying. I feel... happy. I will miss my mommy. Can we go? I am... feeling hungry now."

"Say goodbye, then we will." Luca smiled as he pulled the drip from the boy along with the other contraptions on him.

"Goodbye, mommy and daddy, I will miss you." The pup climbed off the gurney then turned to stare at the elder wolf.

"I am surprised at how willing he is to accept my power. Watch the news, and you may see us again someday. Let's just hope it is during a good day and not an attack." Luca placed his fist over his heart then bowed slightly then he took the boy's paw before they ran out in the fashion that gave Luca his media driven nickname.

Later at his lair, Luca gave Bobby a live cow. Luca watched him devour the creature, the ever present hunger in the boy showed. But soon, Luca would have that part tamed. That he was sure about. Fate was a cruel mistress with an ill sense of humor, but for a change, Luca thanked the heavens for the boy. He was no longer alone in his continuing fight, which brought more hope to him than the boy would ever realize. He rose from his position in the shadows once the boy began to lick his lips.

"Come, now you need to wash up. We remain clean to keep ourselves as close to humans as possible, then I will show you how to trim your fur. Not only does it stay easy to keep clean, but it is easier to clothe yourself when necessary. Here, only fur is needed. Out there, we must cover ourselves to hide our parts like the human males do."

"Yes, sir." Bobby had no problem learning the simple tasks. This pleased the 'Alpha' so it pleased him. "Sir, I smell something... strong."

"Lavender, it covers the scent of blood from human noses though the scent itself fades quickly. I bathed while you ate. Blood upsets me, always has. Bobby, do not be ashamed of what your new body does from this point forward. I have seen all your body can give from my own experiences, though you have something to help you through everything that I did not, me."

"If anything happens, I will let you know."

"For a ten year old, you are rather smart. I like that."

"I am happy to hear that."

Luca directed Bobby to a room with an inlaid floor basin. Basically it was a personal pool, larger than the standard garden tub. It was already filled with steaming water. Luca grabbed a bottle off a shelf then poured a little of the contents into the water. The crystals sizzled as they met the water.

"This helps keep the fleas and ticks away. Once a month I will add this to your water. In you go."

Bobby slipped into the water and looked at himself, as though he was finally able to have his freewill. "This is funny feeling. I feel the warmth, but I don't feel wet."

"That is from your fur, you will get used to it. Here, this is the shampoo that will get the blood out. Sit on that ledge there to get the rest of your body, and if you want, I will help you out."

Bobby gave him a quizzical look, much like a dog would to an odd sound.

"You have a new body, and I have not given you time to adjust. Washing can be a challenge the first few times. Especially with the tail."

That got Bobby, he looked over his shoulder and looked at his tail. It wagged lightly under the water. "I suppose I could use the help. What do I look like?"

"Like a wet dog."

"No... down... there."

"Like a dog. Now, enough of those questions. You will get time to explore soon enough. But every bit of your front needs scrubbed, get to work."

Bobby looked himself over, both through the water and the reflection. He liked the way he looked, but with a prodding growl, he began to scrub his face clean. Bobby shuddered as his claws raked against his chest, the sharp tips scratching the flesh under the fur. He was not ready for that feeling.

"Be glad you heal almost immediately, you could have just ripped your own chest open. Now, use the pads not the claws."


Bobby followed the instructions given to him and soon he became a soapy fluff ball. He laughed and goofed around like any kid would, that is until Luca pushed him over and forced him under water. The boy came up growling. Luca grabbed and twisted an ear making the boy yelp. Bobby apologized for growling at him.

"Pull the plug then shake off. Towels are in the cabinet, dry the floor afterwards then find me by scent. For now, I will stay inside."

Luca ran off and planted himself in a lounger in front of a sixty-two inch LCD TV. He kept completely silent, barely breathing. He had to play the waiting game before. It took the boy twenty minutes to find Luca.

"Congrats, you move quickly. This is a rather small farm mansion. There are forty rooms, twelve of which are full bedrooms. Mine is on the top floor, you may choose from the remaining eleven rooms then we need to start building your supplies. Mostly things that will curve some urges, some things will not come until later, but better safe than sorry. Find a bed, then in the morning I will wake you to get you started on your training. My advice, get to sleep early. Mornings starts early, and try to be quiet. Remote is on the table, Pay Per View is locked out. I do not care what you watch or what you do as long as you leave my beer alone. Understand me?"

"Yeah," Bobby nodded.

"Good. Now, my DVD's are in the cabinet and since you are no longer held to human age standards, most are horror and adult entertainment. Again, get to sleep soon."

"What is adult entertainment?"

"I'll leave that for you to examine. Enjoy your newfound freedom, but if you get out of hand, I will be the parent type. You hear me?"

"I hear you."

"I am glad I did not totally wipe your mind when I demanded your fealty." Luca got up from the chair then started for the door.


"Never mind. Have fun." Luca left the room, no more than two seconds passed when he heard the hinges of the case open up.

The TV buzzed as it warmed up then the tray of the player slid open. Bobby sat down in the chair and hit play. Luca smiled it was his favorite one, Little Red Horny. A bad remix of little red riding hood, but the scenes of the Big Bad Wolf always made him think of himself. He heard a gasp over the opening scene of Big Bad doing the granny; he heard the all too familiar moan of self pleasure. He stepped back into the room and saw the pup bent over himself as he rubbed himself. Luca smiled and did his best to keep his arousal at bay to see what would happen at the end of the thirty minutes. Fifteen minutes went by and he smelled the boy's unnatural seed, the film was terminated then and the TV was turned off. Luca rushed silently to his own bed allowing the boy his freedom for the last time.

As soon as the silver wolf entered his room, the fanny pack he constantly wore came off. The pack itself was worn, from his very last trip to a Five Flags amusement park as a kid. Well, a grownup kid, most people consider twenty-three still a kid. The fabric has lasted two decades so it was worth the twenty-five dollars and fifty cents he burned on it. The hat rack took the belt silently as always; now all that he had left to take off was a form fitting pair of tights that kept him from showing his well endowed package to the public as he rescued them.

Beside the plain sheeted queen-size bed, a nightstand that held a phone and a little black book. He pawed the pages of the book with practiced ease until he found the number he was looking for then he called it. The other end was a tailor he had befriended and asked if he would come over to do some measurements. As always, the man accepted the request; Luca thought it was only because the guy was aroused just by sight of his fur. Then again, he did know that the man was a bit flamboyant anyway. Which could be another reason he was aroused around the wolf.

Luca shrugged off the thought as he hung up then dialed another number; this one was for an order of supplies. He rarely went out in public just to shop, too many wanted to attack him for one. But it also allowed him to stay inside and not clothed up. Of course the same delivery boy would deliver so he knew that covering up to answer the door was optional, and the only tip would benefit him. The guy always wanted a taste of the wolf's goods. Luca enjoyed it after that first delivery when the guy talked him into it and making the payment easier on his wallet, otherwise saving twenty percent on the bill.

Being a monster never felt so good, Luca could not help but remember that day. His sheath swelled slightly. Again he fought the urges of the beast; lust was once thing he allowed to come out. But tonight, he had to contain it so he would not frighten the boy. He stripped down to his fur then stretched, bones cracked as he contorted himself to lick his own jewel pouch before relaxing back to face the ceiling. His mind raced for answers with no questions, his groin ached for the ultimate release, and his tail ached to wag like a hyperactive mongrel.

With a sigh, he silenced everything and shut his eyes hoping slumber would take over. His dreams even tormented him; at least what he thought was dreams. He watched as a being he could not control walked through his own home searching rooms. He could smell his own scent heavily on everything. Then he recognized the paw that reached up to open another door, it was Bobby's. Luca realized that he was watching the world through Bobby's perspective. Then he saw himself lying on his bed, the boy crept up to him, the echo of his own growl startled him as he shook himself back to reality.

"Boy, I told you to choose from the other rooms. I shut my door for a reason." Luca stared at the ceiling not sure what had happened.

"I couldn't find one that made me feel safe. Everything is too..."


Bobby nodded as his tail dropped.

"Well, you cannot sleep in here. Go to the next room and curl up there."


"No. Go!" Luca rolled over to shove his back towards the boy. "I consider myself as your second father, but I refuse to let you sleep with me. I do not want things to happen that could get out of hand quickly. You don't want to know how hard it is to keep myself from jumping your tail and going to town. Once the urges hit you, you will learn the hard way what I mean."

"As you wish." Bobby spoke in a monotone.

Luca let a muttered growl escape as he realized he just used the boy's fealty against him for a room. He sat up as his door shut; he then slammed his fist into the mattress. He fought his own conscious, he knew better than to apologize for the act. But he did want to confront the boy about keeping his childish feelings to himself, which would just lead to troubles though.

"Shit..." Luca heard the system alert he had made that was his ever watching eye. He sniffed Bobby out then opened the door to his room. "Bobby, we have work to do. Get up, stay close and watch me. We may even run across some willing gals to bring back."

"Why not?" The boy said with a cheery voice apparently untouched by the Alpha's command.

Luca nodded then led his companion to the command room that held a monitor that showed every known Non-human in the city. A red klaxon on the screen flashed in a rundown district showing that an unknown had just come into the city.

"That's were we need to go, I am hoping it is a friendly. But I don't put very much into that hope. Come we must hurry."

"Shotgun!" Bobby jumped up.

"No car. We run faster anyway. Let's go."

"Kay." Bobby sighed and let his tail hang low.

Luca could not resist think of the boy more in tune with the wolf than himself. He used the canine form to a near perfect style. He could not wait to see the boy fight.

Luca directed Bobby outside then kept his pace a little slow to allow the boy time to get used to the speed. He adapted quickly though and was soon passing his elder up. They slowed themselves downwind of the affected block and stopped in the shadows. Luca eyed the target and studied it. He saw that it was a Lycan, and it was just sitting under the street light clawing at people that got too close but purposely missed the soft flesh.

"Well, looks like I may end up having another friend by the end of this..." Luca stopped as the wolf he studied stood to sniff the air then whined. "Damn, a rare female. Now I have to get over there. Bobby, stay here. If anything happens and I go down, run back to our home and stay there for a while."


Luca crept forward nudging in between the crowd as he tried to keep his head lower than their's. He heard several hushed praises as the people recognized him; he ignored them all the same. He only stood when the wolf spotted him and growled. He held up his paws and stood there waiting for her to move in a hostile motion. She just did the same. Ten minutes passed as the stalemate continued. Luca just waited as she continued to growl until a child, either extremely brave or ignorant of the current situation came up to him and tugged on his fur.

"Mister Silver? Can I have your autograph?" She held up a pad and pen as she gave him the puppy eyed looked.

Luca lost his demeanor as he looked at her; he took the pen and knelt down as he signed the pad. He was still aware that the female still eyed him though the growling had stopped. He passed the pad and pen back to the girl then licked her cheek before turning her around and patted her behind. "Go on, little one, it is not really safe at the moment."

She giggled then ran off leaving him once more to stare down the new wolf.

"The humans like you?" The wolf finally spoke, her voice rough, broken but noticeably female.

"Like? Love more like it. They know me as Quick Silver, protector from the Non-human evils. What of you? Are you trying to end your life?"

"In a way. I was taken from my family a decade ago, the only survivor. I have been running from Vampires since. I was raised as a wolf, but I never killed. I am hungry; they look good enough to eat. But they remind me of some of my pack."

"And you don't know what to do?" Luca stood back up and straightened some of his fur. "I tell you what, I recently gained a new born and I could use some help teaching the boy. Join my small pack, and don't worry about going hungry. I raise cattle; I can give you the relief you need."

"You are not going to force me to be your mate?"

"Why? Should I do that? I am not the overly aggressive type, to be honest. I protect my territory like any other wolf and the people within."

The female drew in a deep breath, taking in Luca's scent. "I do not smell any arousal coming from you that is a first for me. I accept your offer. It would be nice to settle for a while. I give you my life, my Alpha."

Luca drew in a sharp breath as she swore her life to him, once more he saw himself through the eyes of another. Luca swallowed deeply as the nausea from the shifting visions settled. "Let's go. It has been a long night and the sun will be up soon, I would rather be home before then." Luca realized he never asked for a name, but that did not matter. He turned tail knowing she was following, that second sight would come in handy should his pack get separated and get into danger.

After they gathered Bobby, they headed back home. The males learned that their new companion's name was Rose before she was bitten as a child. Her former pack chose to name her June to hide her human past from the humans that had served them. When she found that there were no humans at the farm, she rejoiced.

Luca gave the female the same tour that he gave Bobby and ended in the tub. After she cleaned up, Luca had a meal cooking in the kitchen. Unlike Bobby, June knew better than to gorge herself and asked for steak. Luca obliged happily, for not only does it saves the herd but is easier to clean up afterwards. After she ate, Luca once again tried to go to bed. Bobby went to his room, while June wanted to be with Luca. At first he resisted, but when she offered to mate with him, he could not refuse.

Their session lasted a little more than an hour before they collapsed and fell to the call of slumber. June started at the sound of the alarm at four a.m. Luca chuckled as he rolled off the bed to pull his tights up then stretched. He glanced over to June then went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of tights and black tee. He tossed them over to her then went silently over to Bobby's room. The boy was curled up under the blankets and was snoring.

Luca ripped the blankets off of him then barked in his ear. Bobby jumped a good foot off the mattress with his fur standing out straight. Luca smiled then flicked the boy's perked up ears to gain his attention. Bobby looked at him, still scared out of his mind.

"I am glad you held your form, most newborns go back to their human forms during the day and rely on the moon cycles to shift. You must have thought about this for a while."

"Yes, for almost a year. Though I never thought it would be a dream come true. Ever since I went to the movies with mommy."

"Ah, I know which one. Many wanted me to change them after that. Right, time for your first fight lesson. We have two hours before sunrise and the true test on your willpower begins."

"Do I get to bite things?"

"In time. Come on, the tailor will be here after sunrise." Luca turned and walked out.

Bobby was on his tail in seconds as the elder kept walking downstairs. June waited on them, Bobby just looked at her oddly seeing that she barely fit in the tights and tee that Luca had given her. He whimpered knowing that he was the only one in the bare fur. But Luca made him focus on other things as a flame noisily sounded off behind the males, the boy yelped and looked for a way out.

Luca chuckled then grabbed the boy's shoulder and guided him to a dummy. He showed the boy how to use his claws. Bobby picked up the style quickly and easily gained speed that matched Luca's half-hearted pace. June joined in; she clumsily swung at Luca opening herself to attacks that Luca frowned at.

She did get the hang of the style, but it took the better part of an hour. Luca broke off the lessons then went out to answer a knock that had yet sounded. His tailor friend was uncannily time accurate. The man joined Luca as he returned to the others as the wolf explained that he had gained another after the phone call last night.

"Ooh, look at the little cutie. He is such a delectable cookie and just look at the lady. She's rather perky for the type. Tail is bushier than yours. Easy to get around, though. So, what's your color, dearies? Want to stick with the natural or have it stick out?" The man moved around the two, even getting touchy-feely with their tails.

"They need the combat stealth mostly, padded. Day clothes of their choice, of course."

"That's the deal as always, sugar. Black for both, I will need complete measurements and it may get a little personal, hun, sorry." The tailor patted June's paw then dug into his pocket to pull out a roll of fabric tape. "Are you uncomfortable in the fur, dear?"

"No, just uncomfortable with someone playing with my body."

"Ah. Don't worry; I'm a bottom man, if you get my drift. Now for the boy, he will be even more embarrassed, considering I have to get the swell so it can be hid while out in public."

"What!?" Bobby held up his paws and backed away slowly, Luca stopped him in his tracks. "Nuh-uh, not gonna happen."

"Bobby, it must be done. Not only for your safety, but to keep the humans from screaming at us. Trust me, not fun. Even a tough wolf like me will squirm away from a flailing purse."

"But- "

"No! You will do as he says." Luca growled as he invoked his power over the boy.

"Yes, Alpha." Bobby said in an obedient monotone.

June hissed her distaste at Luca's forcefulness. He just shrugged and watched the tailor move to Bobby.

The man started down at the boy's feet. He measured the ankles, and slowly worked upward. When he started to measure the groin region, Bobby snarled. Luca rushed up beside him then waited for the boy to try to break his mental hold. Bobby clenched his claws shut but did not do anything otherwise. The man worked Bobby out of his sheath and into full flare. Bobby moaned as he was worked into an erection. The man quickly measured everything then gently patted the flesh once done.

Luca snarled as he found the look in the eyes of the boy rather vengeful. As soon as Bobby heard his Alpha, he relaxed knowing that he would not get out of trouble anytime soon now. He figured he would have to go with the flow and take the humiliation and be done with it. The tailor shifted over to Luca unexpectedly and caused the elder to yip out. He looked down and snorted, the man apologized but kept moving and measuring as though he did not have them memorized already. He wrote the measurements down then patted the flesh as he did with the younger wolf. He stood then went to June. With less to work with, her measurements went quicker. Then he went back to Luca with a smile.

"Hun, you have to get with me once you got the boy broke. I'll give him a night he will never forget."

"It could be your last, too. Just remember that we are not human anymore."

"Always. That's why it's a thrill ride. I'll need the colors then I'll be off to get the orders ready. Something tells me though, the boy is into solid pink for now. I'm sure that will change."

"I don't know, he's still young. His values are higher. A few decades may change that."

"In a few decades, I could be dead." The man pouted slightly.

"As could we all. Now get their styles and get started, your payment will be a little later than usual but you will get it. Unless you keep badgering the boy then you may just get hurt."

"I understand."

"Good." Luca growled, he knew the man feared and respected him.

June said that she wanted a sundress with a straw hat, while Bobby just went with the average boy's clothes of his age group. Luca ordered a formal setup and a few other items then he escorted the man out of the house. The man turned once outside and blew Luca a kiss. The Lycan just stared at him for a moment then quietly shut the door. He returned to his small pack and huffed lightly.

"Right... now that that is over, let's go select our breakfast before we begin training."

"Are we going to learn how to fight?"

"We? No, you are. I can't have you sitting and watching me for the next few centuries. Bobby?"

Bobby suddenly doubled over as though he was in pain. Bones cracked and fur began to fall away. He screamed then fainted.

"Took him long enough. Too bad I don't have any clothes to fit him. One of my shirts will have to do." Luca dashed off and a few seconds later returned to the boy's side and began to ease the shirt over the unconscious form. "June, the cabinets are well stocked, if there isn't anything you like, let me know."

"As long as the stove is easy to use, I'll be happy."

"Electric, I fear gas build-up. It would hurt like hell if I got caught in a gas explosion."

"I hear that."

Luca took the boy to his room and laid him on the bed. Once he returned to the kitchen, he found June pouring pancake batter onto a stovetop griddle. He licked his muzzle as he also seen that she chose to switch forms. Her human side was a stark white skinned body with waist long, bleach blonde hair. Her C-cup breasts stood firm on her chest. She also was powdered with flour which made Luca even more wary of her body. He watched her from the doorway as she sprinkled some spices onto the cooking batter.

She licked the last of the batter from the spoon she was using to help spread the mix out then placed everything into the sink behind her. She turned around and finally noticed her Alpha standing there watching her. She placed her hands on her hips then thrust her chest out lustfully. Luca licked at the air then grinned.

"You're cooking, so no, I will not play that game. Besides, you're going to catch your tail on fire if you aren't careful."

"But I swi- Oh, my hair, yes, I see now. Burning head is bad. Right, I'll focus on the stove now."

"While you are doing that, I am going to head to the back and stretch. I do hope you are fixing enough for the two of us."

"Of course, and even made enough for Bobby should he wake. I'll call you when it's ready."

"Alright," Luca left the room and went straight for the backyard.


Ten minutes later, June went to see if she could wake Bobby. He did rouse with a yawn and a smile. Though he did jump up at the mention of food. She stopped him from dashing out the room by a single ear grab.

"Bobby, did Luca tell you about pack laws?"


"About the meal, unless said otherwise, the Alpha must be the one to start the meal. He said to get him when the meal is done, not to eat it. After breakfast, ask him to teach you, before you get yourself hurt by doing something very bad. So let's go get him."

"Kay." Bobby waited for June to let go of his ear. Once she did, he rubbed it. "So do you know of anything else I should know?"

"Well, being the only other male in this pack so far, you are his Beta. His second in command, but with no one to truly command that spot is worthless. We'll see if the boss wants to make our pack bigger then you can focus on being a leader."

"Sounds like work."

"Yes, it is hard work, but worth it. At least you aren't a girl, I don't get any power aside from him claiming me as his mate, err wife."

They walked outside to the backyard and heard music playing, June sighed and went to find the source. A retro stereo sat on the patio railing blaring out a Meat Cake song: All fixed up with no place to go. Once the music stopped, a loud whine could be heard by their sensitive ears. Luca was on the other side of the railing stretched out in the shadow of the patio.

"Do you not like his music?"

"Meat Cake is just wonderful, but the meal is served."

"Bless you, I was wondering if you had started over." Luca grinned.

They all went inside and as June started to serve up the platters of pancakes, she sat the bottle of syrup in front of Luca followed by the butter. He still stood behind his chair. They looked at him quietly. He looked as though he was muttering a prayer before pulling out his chair.

"This is the only place you will ever see my human form. It is the one rule from my Momma I keep. No pets at the table, so I remove the pet factor from myself."

Luca shifted his form, his body was just as pale as June's. His hair stuck in a tight crew cut and stark black. His eyes shone a beautiful silver-blue. His face alone looked as though someone had carved it from limestone. His chest and abdomen looked well chiseled, the average six came to be an eight pack. His groin, just as shapely as the rest of his body, laying a proud three inches limp with a well-groomed patch of man-fur above it. June noticed his arms being just as well fixed as the rest of his body.

He sat down without a second look. He grabbed his fork and dug into his meal. As soon as the first bite was swallowed, the other two quickly ate. Luca smiled as they ate trying not beat him. That smile faded as he heard the alarm go off. He rushed off and looked at it leaving the other two frightened a little. They heard him curse as he rushed back fully in his wolf form.

"Troll, come on. Bobby, do your best to avoid the lug. You may be a bit slower in your human form, but you still can do damage. I will say that this will be your learning session. You fail, you could end up being a pancake. Move!"


At the edge of town, the three wolves gathered waiting impatiently for the dumb beast that was making its way through the countryside. Luca told them that all he wanted to do was lure the brute around town so it could continue its path. It pushed over trees blocking the roadway. Luca growled, he had helped plant those trees a year after he had moved here.

"Right, here we go. Male, so it is very aggressive and territorial, but so am I. Go for the sac and beat them around then run slowly away, get it to chase you. If all else fails, we go for the kill. June, keep an eye on Bobby. Bobby, you do the punching. I'll make sure no innocents get in the way. Let's go."

Without waiting for a response, Luca rushed away in his Quick Silver way. Bobby grumbled and started to run after the troll. First he was told to avoid it, then he is told to go head first into the family jewels of the beast. June rushed on ahead of him howling trying to draw attention to her. A club came down between them making Bobby leave the ground and fly back. He landed hard on his shoulder, he heard a sickening crack then the pain came. The pain did not stay long as another sickening pop as his clavicle snapped back into place and restored itself. He felt his heart race and breath quicken.

His body felt as though it was on fire, from bone to flesh. He felt his own beast, he panicked, which only made the beast hunger for more. A howl erupted from his mouth as his skin ripped as bones cracked and reformed. His jaw stretched as he cried out in pain and formed into a muzzle. The silver fur was first to be exposed then it rippled out from there and quickly darkened to the black. His nails shot out from his extended fingers and hardened and sharpened up. A tail shot out from under the long shirt he wore. He clawed the ground as the transformation completed.

With a howl, he rushed the troll. The troll slammed its club down missing due to Bobby's increased speed. Bobby jumped onto the club and clambered up the tree and onto the beasts arm. His claws dug into the tough hide causing the troll to howl.

Luca skid to a halt as he heard the howl, the sound itself sent his memories into full flare. He shook his head as he fought back a flashback moment. Now wasn't the time to remember his first changing and awakening. As he rushed back, he hoped June had grabbed Bobby and stopped his bloodlust. He rounded the corner of a building just in time to be smacked headlong with the tree club. He flew out away from the buildings and landed hard against a billboard. His vision blurred as he lost consciousness.

"Lu-" A feminine voice called out. "Lucas!" The voice shouted in his ear. "Lucas, you must wake! It is time to feed."

Lucas rolled over and opened his eyes, he gasped , hands jumping to his throat. He could have sworn he was dead.

"Do not fear, my pup, you are very much alive."

"But a mutant dog bit me."

"That was me, my child. You are now a Lycan, a Werewolf. And I am your maker, your new mother. You must obey me..."

Luca gasped as his skull cracked and shifted back into place, he spat a glob of coagulated blood then rose to fight the troll. He swung his claws through the Achilles tendon. The brute's ankle twisted as he tried to stomp out the pain. Luca turned and went for the other ankle, the beast teetered as the ankles were suddenly unsupported by the tendons. It righted itself and howled as Bobby took another chunk out of its flesh. June, at some point, had climbed up the Troll's back and clamped her jaw on the jugular vein severing the blood flow. The thick liquid sprayed making the beast loose blood quickly. It collapsed as Bobby still tried to feed off of it.

Luca quickly grabbed the boy and pinned him as June made sure she had the kill. Bobby growled at him, Luca took no chances struck the boy's jaw as hard as he could, bones cracked at the impact on both sides. Bobby whimpered as he lost his rage, now only focused on the pain and the stronger male on top of him. Luca panted slowly, keeping his eyes locked onto Bobby's.

"I am sorry." Bobby gurgled out as the bones realigned.

Luca clenched his claws and popped them back into place. "I had forgotten that newborns have anger issues. That fault is mine. You will have to go through a painful set of lessons that will help you control that, the simplest can mutilate the average human. So when we get home, I'll pull out the list and take you to the shelter to do it in."

"How long will I be in there?" Bobby asked with a bit more clarity and a lot more fear.

"As long as it takes. I isolated myself over a year before I had even an ounce of self control. You have a lot of potential, but this just shows your wolf's age. You must battle yourself and win the dominating role. The wolf wins, every bit of your humanity is destroyed."

"That would mean... I become a monster?"

"You already are, but to master the beast, you must keep you human side stronger."

"I don't want to become a monster... I want to stay a puppy-dog!"

Luca sighed, he could see the child within his pup come out. "Then remember that I am the boss dog and you have to listen to me. I really don't want to remind you of this each time you change."

Bobby whimpered as Luca stood.

"Get up and make sure you are covered. June, make sure you are decent and come over here and keep a grip on Bobby. A news crew is coming."

Just as he said, a white van with a large four on its sides came to a halt near them and people came pouring out. Four men and a woman came over to them with a large shoulder mounted camera, a boom mike and a wireless microphone.

"Can I have you all stand down wind please?" Luca asked before turning to the humans.

"We're recording, ma'am." The cameraman said as he did as Luca asked.

"Here we are with the beloved Quick Silver and what seems to be some extra help taking down yet another creature bent on destroying our homes. Mister Silver, any words you would like to give?"

"As always, Sally, you are the first on the scene and are always prepared for the worst it seems. I do indeed have news of my own. Unexpected events have allowed me to finally get a family of my own, June and Bobby here are new to the city. Bobby especially, he is not even a full twenty-four hours old. I am his best chance at becoming a Friendly and I ask that if anyone comes across us while we are out, do not approach us too quickly. I do not want a frenzied pup in my care."

"You say pup as though he is just a newborn, is that correct?"

"Yes, he is a newborn."

"May I ask how you came to meet him?"

"I am sorry, no."

"I see. How about the creature you took out?"

"It was a Troll, it has blocked the road with trees so a crew will have to come out for that, but otherwise I cannot recall any other major damages. The kill itself belongs to my pack mates, I was barely involved this time. The original plan was to get the beast around the city without any injuries. But as with any plan, unexpected events took place. I won't get into the details, but everything was kept under control. I will contact my people and have the remains removed by the end of the day. I thank you for coming out here, but we need to cut this short. With any newborn, temptations are heavy burdens that cannot be easily controlled."

"Very well. You heard it here first! I am Sally Macinawa with Channel Four News."

"We're clear!"

"Sir?" Sally turned in time to see the trio of wolves run off. "I'll never get the chance to ask him out!"


"Into that room you go." Luca all but snarled as he walked Bobby into the bomb shelter that had been built during WWII, he built the current mansion on top of the military bunker for his own use before he quit using his human form. "This is the only way in or out that you physically can deal with. Don't try to weasel your way through the dumbwaiter, it's only big enough for a microwave meal which will be rationed to you on a bi-daily schedule. You have to overcome your hunger foremost before you can master your anger. Go. The lesson sheets should still be on the limestone table. Other than the meal, there will be no contact with the rest of us. Good luck, my child."

Bobby was shoved harshly into the room and a meter thick lead door slammed shut behind him. The boy howled as he realized he was now alone.

Later that day, June let 'Rose' out to play as she had found the indoor pool in the basement of the place. Luca had come to join her, but he did little more than lay prone in the water while staring at the starry sky painting on the ceiling. It depicted the night sky of when he was bitten.

"You didn't have to leave him to discover everything himself." Rose said as she swam up next to the wet mutt in the water.

"He's not, I've been playing the role of the conscious. I'll be guiding his every step of the way. He's even found one of my journals that I kept down there. He has found out why I am as stern as I am now. Killing one's maker does that. Well, there goes breakfast. Poor boy. I'm glad I made them so detailed now. He has just sworn not to betray me unless I make him do something foul. Trust me, Bobby, I won't..."

"Luca, what is our purpose?"

"Hunt, procreate, and die. We are little more than dust on the wind to the Universe."

"Not that, our purpose? Mine and Bobby's?"

"I don't know, too be honest. Maybe Fate brought us together to make a real difference? One being cannot change a pond, but a village can."

"I know you are not that old... what does it mean?"

"My maker used to tell me that my invulnerability could be the start of a wolven kingdom that would rule all creatures. That was what got me mad at her. Mad enough to rip her heart out then and there and eat it before she even fully died. It means that one has to have others to make a difference. She wanted me to be King of the Wolves. The Alpha of Alphas. I refused that. I have settled here to live among humans and show that even one 'monster' can safely live among them and not all should be hunted to extinction; though I do agree some packs should be destroyed all together."

"You mean you could be the king?

"I could if I trained hard and allowed my beast to be free. I am not a vicious killer like that male is. He only avoids me because I went to him directly and told him my plans personally. As long as I do not attack his direct pack, I am free of his wrath. Which also means that if one of them comes into my... our territory, we cannot attack them."

"So, it just falls down to brute strength?"

"Almost always. He already declared me a worthy adversary once, so his pack does know to show me respect but there are always pups to put into their place. If you're unlucky enough to come across one of them you'll know. They all have the over powering scent of strawberries to hide their natural musk."

"Why? Do they think humans can smell them?"

"Never asked myself, but it is most likely the same reason I use lavender oil in the bath water." Luca rolled over and sunk under the water briefly before popping back up. "It's about time for the vamps to come out, and I need to talk to one hive leader."

"You're just going to leave him here?"

"He'll be fine, I have an eye on both of you. But, for your sake, I would like you to mingle with the nightlife down at the club. The White Wolf is a good place, well mannered too."

"Well mannered club?" June chuckled. "Was there ever such a thing?"

"Not really, there still isn't one. Once there, you'll be on your own, so try to keep your temper in check. A lot of humans will try to flirt and try to coerce you into changing them. Don't. We don't need more pups to train right now." "Aw, why not? It would be fun watching Bobby declare dominance over another."

"I don't want him killed. He may be my only chance of ever having a son. Now, change back and put on my silver suit so they know you're with me. I will meet you by midnight at the bar."

"But I don't have an ID."

"That is what the suit is for."


"The suit is the ID, I own the club. Did you think people just give me money to keep them safe for thirty years?"

"Actually, yes."

"I get a tax break, not much else. Maybe three hundred every couple of weeks if no one was injured during an 'invasion.'"

"The club pays for the rest?"

"Not all, but a decent chunk. Now go get dressed, I have to do something before I get dressed myself."

Luca watched her swim to the edge then left while drying off before changing. With a sigh, he jumped out of the water himself and shook off. He left at his full speed and rushed into the slums where the homeless gathered. As soon as he found one alone, he went in for the grab and dragged the homeless woman to the vampire hive that was not too far off.

On the outside, it looked like an old abandoned hotel, but on the inside, blood stained the floors, walls, ceilings, everything. The woman in his grip struggled, but with his strength he did not fully notice her. He pounded on the door and waited.

"Who is it?" A muffled female voice sounded on the other side.

"Like you can't smell me. Tell Velmort I need to speak with him."


After a few minutes of waiting, the door opened to reveal a man that appeared to be in his early thirties, but Luca knew the man was close to reaching his fifth century. The man took one look at the woman in the wolf's grip then allowed him entry.

"Welcome, pup. What brings you to my hive?"

"The memories are resurfacing," Luca pulled the woman off the ground and smiled. "And a meal."

"Ah, yes. I can help your memory problem, but I would like to keep this one. One of my vampires decided to commit suicide. Damn fool walked right into the sun because of the mortal he loved did not love him back. Oh, sigh... oh, bother, right?"

"Sounds like it was puppy love to me. She's all yours. Just keep the reigns tight, this town has enough problems as is."

"Of course, O great Protector." Velmort chuckled then slammed his claws into Luca's chest.

The wolf flinched but stayed still as he felt his blood run out of him. The vampire took a small chuck of muscle out then swallowed it. The wound closed quickly and left him feeling slightly weak. The vampire stuck the meat into his mouth and chewed on it for a bit before swallowing. Luca felt his thoughts ripple as a wall was built around his memories. Then it stopped.



"It seems that you cannot have these blocked anymore. You're a maker now, are you not?"


"Ah, that explains it. Genetic memories cannot be blocked. Your prodigy will go through the same thing once a maker. You will have to use these memories to learn how to train your pup. Your predecessors will make themselves known in your dreams. Good luck with that."

Luca turned to leave but stopped. "Care if I stay to watch the rebirth? I have until midnight to be somewhere."

"My pleasure, it will be even better so my new child will know who stay on their good side."

"Is there a good side to us?"

"Probably not."

Velmort hissed as his fangs slide out then he clamped down on the woman's jugular. Blood leaked from his mouth as it pumped out faster than he could swallow safely. The woman fell limp as her blood level dropped. Velmort broke away then bit his wrist and forced the woman's jaw open and then forced his bleeding wrist into her maw. She eagerly swallowed the coming blood as it did its accursed thing. Her eyes shot open as they lost the final hint of life and quickly gained the gleam of the night. She stared angrily at Luca as she died.

"Welcome to your new life, child." Velmort hissed into her ears.

"When will she reawaken?"

"Tomorrow, but now I must be buried with her."

"You're welcome to my yard. No one will dare disturb anything on my land. Just stay away from the bunker. My boy is holed up there learning the very lessons I put myself through."

"Noted. Jessabelle, do grab your new sister and a shovel. I have a guest to see out."

A very attractive blonde vampress came out from around a corner holding a blood pack to her mouth. It was drained quickly. She then did as she was told without a word.

"Thank you, sir, but I can see myself out. Have a good night, all."

Luca rushed out then to the opposite side of the city to his bar. Within it, humans gathered nonchalantly with pack-less wolves. It was what the bar was made for, having a place where prey and predator can mingle without the fear of a bloodlust induced riot. Pheromones placed into the vents masked the scent of human flesh which kept the never-ending hunger at bay. Beside's the fact the bar only had two rules. No one under the age of twenty-one and no biting on the premises. The punishment for breaking the latter rule is as follows: First offense, staked by the shoulders to the wall for twenty-four hours. Second offense, removal of teeth and claws. Third offense, death.

The punishment listing was posted at every turn and painted largely at the staking wall. There was always a wolf or two on the wall, tonight held two. From what he learned from the bouncer that kept the fellow wolves from beating them, is that they got into a scrap about a human female. Luca chuckled and approached the wolves.

"So, is this human claimed as a mate by either of you?" Luca asked without even glancing at the wolves instead at the woman who quietly knelt at one wolf's dangling feet.

"Yes." The wolf that had to woman at his feet coughed out not being able to heal due to the silver spikes in his shoulders. "She is my legal wife."

"Have you considered changing her?"

"That is why we came. For advice."

"And you asked the wrong wolf. Drop the kid."

"Sir?" The bouncer asked cautiously.

"He'll return to the wall, but if he truly wants to keep his mate. He needs to have an experienced maker on hand. Drop him, this one will not have an affect on him. It is my decision."

"Yes sir."

Luca, while keeping his silver immunity a secret from the other wolves, allowed the human bouncer to drop the wolf and back away. "Good, take a moment to regenerate. Then choose where you are going to bite. Avoid places where humans will be able to see the possible scar. I suggest the breast, underarm or between the legs. Do not worry about the hunger, I will stop you." Luca finally got a good look at the wolf, he was young, and a dashing red coloring took his fur. "Remember, if you bite anything off, it will not grow back."

The male approached his wife and hugged her. He whispered into her ear then stepped back. She ripped her shirt off over her head then quickly removed her bra. Her perky double C's jiggled as they escaped their prison. Lust filled howls from both genders filled the air, humans whistled loudly. Luca silenced them all with a bark that made everyone cringe.

"Full bite, blood must be drawn. You ready, ma'am?"

"I want to be with my husband again, I have waited three years for this."

"Let the rebirth begin." Luca watched the male lunge in and engulf her side with his muzzle, she gasped. Luca then went in and grabbed the male's ear and tugged him away when he started to tear the flesh away. "Back to the wall now. Be a good wolf and finish the punishment quietly. I'll feed your mate well."

Luca lifted the male up as the bouncer returned the spikes into their temporary homes. The howls of pain echoed as the spikes where hammered into place. Once that was done, Luca turned to the writhing female and picked up her clothes then her and took her to the bar. He sat the woman down on a stool then ordered two plates of T-bones, rare. Then he got her to hold still long enough to return the bra to its proper place.

"I'm Luca, the Alpha of this town. Stay on my good side, and you will be welcome to stay in my territory. For now, your hunger will only grow, stay away from human flesh and you will be able to control yourself a little better. If there are any questions, feel free to ask."

"What is that annoying hum? It's like a song, but faint."

"The moon, very few of us can resist Her call, those that do resist are immune to the effects that hunk of rock has over our kind. Learn to fight it. Fight to keep your humanity. Once that is gone, you are just another animal that will be put down eventually."

"Will this pain stop? It burns."

"Normally the bite will burn until the first change, if you were prepared for this, the change might occur sooner than the next full moon. My own pup changed within minutes of the bite. I think it was his age, failing health, and willingness to change that did it. He has enjoyed his new life so far. Oh, to stay out of further trouble here, I suggest finding a private room, wait out your mate's punishment then ride him until he no longer can perform. Your scent will tell others who your mate is, how sexually active you are, if your adventurous and seeking other possible mates, etcetera."

"Here's the meat, sir."

"Thank you. Eat your meat, pup, so that you may heal."

"It's raw."

"You need the blood, or rather the wolf needs the blood. Just eat it."

"Can they at least warm it?"

"It's cooked enough to kill any bacteria on it."

The woman whimpered and slowly cut a bite out of it. After the first taste, the steak quickly disappeared.

"Good girl. Eat this one now. Can I get a Banethumper here?"

"Right up, boss." The barkeep growled out. "Heavy or lite?"

"Lite. We don't need to kill her."

"What kind of drink are you getting me?"

"It's wolfsbane jacked up with gin and black tea to cover the taste of the bane. It will help keep you from trying to kill someone here as your instincts take over."

"Will I change that much?"

"And more. You will notice the ever present hunger first then you temper will become very short. Then your libido will go haywire, which is why you need that private room. That way you don't rape everything in the building alive or not. Now, to save yourself the embarrassment, I will have room two-fifteen set up for you. Then once your mate is done with his punishment, he'll be sent right there."

"Thank you."

"I will have a full meal sent in an hour. Good luck."

"Well, well, a pup and a wannabe master." A feminine chuckle sounded behind the two.

"Ah, June, come and have a drink with us."

"Why not." June slid onto the stool next to Luca. "I'll take a heavy one." As the Barkeep made her a drink, June turned to look at the woman. "Say, honey, you got a male?"

"Yeah, I do. His name is Marcus. He's the skinny one on the wall."

"You two live in town?"

"Just outside, really."

"Really? What do you say, my Alpha? We keep'em?"

Luca sighed, more growled than anything. "Only if you two swear yourselves. I will not have any human hunters in my pack."

"I'd have to discuss that with my husband-

"Mate. He is your mate now, not husband. That is a human term; we are not human." Luca interrupted as he slammed back his drink. "Not bad... Alright, finish your drink and head up to your room. June, hold watch over her and make sure no one interferes with her transformation until her mate can get to her. That includes you. A tray will be slid under the door for food. It will have a silver tether so she can't beat someone with it. Over all, be careful."

Just then, a howl sounded as a male flew over a garden wall and landed just behind Luca. Another male bounded of the wall and rushed up to the male and picked him up. A growl from the attack overtook the sound of the beaten spitting in his attacker's face.

"You shall pay for that, mutt!" The attacker swung a fist but the fist stopped just a claw width away from the other male's muzzle. "What?!"

"What did this poor boy do to deserve being tossed across my club?" Luca had leapt from his stool and snatched the attacker's elbow in a quick second.

"This beast killed my child! His scent was all over her"

"She was alive and well when we parted. I didn't kill her! It was a one night fling!"

"Why do I always have to play daddy? Hmm? You two want to fight? Take it to the Ring. Duke it out there. But my suggestion is that you actually have evidence that he killed your child instead of evidence of a good mating night. Get out of here. Shoo!" Luca tossed the male as though he was a doll then took hold of the other. "Boy, if you are wise, find a mate that has no ties to a larger male. Got that!"

"Yes, sir... uh, Alpha."

"Get." Luca released the wolf and watched him skid off yelping the entire way.

Luca smiled satisfied with his ruling. He heard June and the female get up and move off. He focused his senses on Bobby for a moment and found him sleeping. The Alpha muttered under his breath then strolled around the night-owls that were still drinking heavily. He made his way to a gold painted chair that stood alone from everything else on a raised dais. He sat down and stared at the crowd.

The 'omegas' howled as they realized that their Alpha took notice of them. The few humans that were there shivered but otherwise did not show any fear. Luca waited for the crowd to settle before standing. The wolves stared obediently and expectantly.

"My brothers and sisters, I have news. I am an official Maker and that is not all! I am a true Alpha!" Howls sounded randomly. He waited for them to settle down again. "I also have found a mate. I want to make sure all knows this so that anyone that wears my mark and holds my scent is safe within my territory. Anyone who tries to harm them will die by silver implantation or by other means depending on severity."

A sickly howl made the crowd shift uneasily.

"Have something to say, Brother Kaisly?" Luca growled quietly as he addressed a wolf that stood in the back of the crowd in the shadows.

"Aye, I do." The wolf wheezed out. "You are making yourself... an enemy of the King!" The wolf coughed then wiped his muzzle clean of spittle.

"He knows my strengths, Brother, and I know he knows that it would be foolish if either of us pits against each other. Mind your tongue here, Old One, your ways died when you lost your Alpha title due to your own heresy."

"What of you!?" The wolf shouted causing him to cough viciously.

"What of me? Breaking the old ways and living among the ignorant? Have we as a whole here done anything that is not as civilized as the humans? Have I not proven that we can live together without having to hide our true selves?"

"Our Blood is sacred!"

"Only to those who live by the Blood! I am not one of those feral mutts. I have a brain and I use it. Now silence yourself before you do something to void our own pact!" Luca heard the sickly, old wolf growl but nothing more. "If anyone else wishes to question my title, I have the answer for you: The King of Wolves gave me this county! This town is mine!"

"And fairly given to you, pup." A strong voice boomed form the main door. The omegas yelped and hunched down a few laid themselves prostrate as the new wolf entered the building. "Kaisly!"

The old wolf limped through the crowd on a crutch. His entire left leg was missing and the joint showed within the healed dimple of flesh. The elder quaked in fear when he finally stood in front of the crowd face to face with his monarch.

"So you disapprove of my decision? How sad, you there, pup, come here." The King pointed to a random omega and motioned for the wolf bitch to come forward.

"Yes, your Excellency?"

"Dispose of this foul beast for me, would you?"

"Of course, Sire." Without a second thought, the bitch slammed her claws through the old wolf's chest and ripped out his heart then as the wolf fell, she slammed her other claw through the spine and flesh removing the head.

"Thank you, pup, finish the job for your Alphas, would you?"

"Yes, Sire."

"Good girl. Luca, my boy, a word."

Luca lead the King of Wolves to his private office behind the bar. He cringed when the door shut behind him and the Alpha of Alphas strolled around him and sat in Luca's chair. An awkward silence took over for a moment as the two males sized each other up.

"Lucas d'Vioni, there are things that have come up that only you can handle. You are not the only immune wolf out there, and this one is out to destroy our kingdom by forming hunters. They know of you and they are coming quickly. I hereby authorize you to indoctrinate any of the Packless you deem worthy of fighting. I will be sending you a few of my own to teach these backwater mutts how to properly fight. That young male that you have on your wall, he is a native to your territory as is his mate. They are properly yours, do with them as you see fit, though I do not recommend banishment."

"Very well, I shall take them both as my own. What do I need to know about these hunters?"

"They have found a way to introduce quick silver into the bloodstream and the wolf has found a way to bypass the immunity. You kill him and his makeshift pack of blood thirsty humans and I will reward you greatly."

"It shall be done."

"Good, prep your humans in charge. Keep panic down to the minimum. What you have done here is a blessing that I never thought possible. Though I still do not understand why you have shrugged off your tastes for human flesh."

"I haven't entirely, Richard, Sir. Occasionally I will dine with an ally of mine. Mostly to clean up his kill."

"Ah yes, the vampire. He always has amused me. The next time you see him tell him: 'Arí patö .' That should get him to squeal like a school girl being peeked upon in the gym showers."

"What does it mean?"

"An answer to a long overdue question. What he does afterward... just ignore. Especially the howls of pain from his cellar."

"Right... That little problem. That is how I originally met Velmort."

"Ah, good. Then I don't have to play coy. That pup was the heir of the last King and went crazy, which is why he vanished. The Council of Elders deemed it necessary for his... disappearance but they refused to determine how for nigh two hundred years." The King scratched his jaw with a claw then threw his feet onto the desk. "Well, now that business has been dealt with. I heard through the grapevine that the pup you created was a preteen boy, correct?"

"Yes, I know that he will be even more difficult to be dealt with as his body matures quicker than it should. He's in the bunker just as I went through."

"I have faith in your decision. Though his recklessness may be your secret weapon in the end. Speaking of which, I have a fund set up to help you remodel your quaint home for the upcoming battles including the needs for a more advanced system you use for the city. I won't question any kind of withdrawal from it." The King placed a card on the desk then stood.

Luca had just realized that the Alpha followed his underling's land laws about clothing. He grinned slightly then offered a paw. "King Richard, I must offer to make my home available to you, it's only fair that I make my thanks known."

"Survive and I will take you up on that offer, I would like to know your prodigy once he is free of his own demons. I doubt it will be too long before he finds himself meditating like you did when I finally found you."

"Ah, I remember that night quite well. You have been my first and last male wolf companion."

"That is surprising. The way you howled, I figured you would have offered yourself to others by now. Well I must be off, my Beta is having trouble with a newborn."

"Must be female."

The King grinned then took Luca into an embrace then licked his cheek. "You know him too well. Be well, my friend."

Luca stood there silently as the King left him. After a moment, he picked up that card and looked at it. He sighed then pocketed it.

"Always treating me like a son of his own blood. Can't say I don't blame him, I even bested him once even if it was in bed." Luca drew in a deep breath then straightened the desk up before returning to the club floor.

The club was silent as he re-entered the main room. He went straight for his makeshift throne and sat there silently for a moment. When he looked over the crowd, humans and wolves alike stared at him worryingly. With a grin, he leaned forward and addressed the club.

"Attention all Packless. I have the King's blessing to indoctrinate those I wish. There are few I will personally ask to join. Though all others must prove themselves worthy of calling themselves Silverpaws! Take to the Ring and fight for victory. I will personally judge and declare who is fully worthy of fighting for the King of Wolves! Humans who wish to join as well are welcome to fight as well, though you shall not pit yourselves against wolves. I shall see to those few now." Luca jumped the two-step rise then went to the staking wall. He went to the young male and stared into the pain-filled eyes of the younger wolf. "Marcus."

"Is there something wrong?"

"The King told me that you are a native to my territory and therefore are not really Packless. If you are willing to stay in my territory, I hereby invite you two to join the pack. Are you willing to follow me?"

"As long as my wife is going to be at my side, then yes. I offer myself as your own claw."

"Thank you." Luca said after a moment after the second vision flickered across his own. "I shall return to you once your term on the wall is up. I would take this time to sleep."

"Is there anything else to do here?"

"Not really." Luca growled as he turned away to the other wolf. "What say you? Where does your life lay?"


"Then I advise you head there after your sentence is up and not come back for while. I rather have a peaceful parting with us."


Luca turned and returned to his office then attached himself to the laptop screen as most people do. He went to the bank site from the card and entered the information. His jaw dropped as he saw the amount. Five point six million sat at his disposal. He picked up the phone and dialed the memorized number for the military outpost that supplied his needs for civil defense. He gave his code word to the other end so he could talk to the base leader freely.

"Hey, boss man, it's Luca... yea, it's time for an upgrade on the property. Including that old bunker." Luca could not stop staring at the screen. "Yeah, the cash was giving to me from a good friend... Yeah, the usual obsolete stuff you can sell me. That should include my surveillance system as well. Oh, and there is a problem that I cannot speak of over the phone... If you would, thanks."

Luca hung up the receiver and sighed, emotions ran thick and against each other as he continued to stare at the large number in front of him. He logged out then closed the lid. He leaned back and stretched before getting up. Then he went back out to the bar.

As Luca sat on a stool, the barkeep slid a glass of frothy beer his way. "Looks like you could use one." The man said quietly.

"Thanks, but not really. The King just gave me a fortune to fortify my own kingdom. Not to mention the reason behind that gift."

"That would be?"

"I rather keep that quiet, just in case the wrong ears hear it."

"I see. Looks like the normal's are finishing up for the night."

"What time is it?"

"Uh... two in the morning."

"Make the last call," Luca slammed his drink back and gulped hard.

He stood as the bartender shut off the music and shouted out the last call. The crowd booed, Luca did not care. He just went across the room and unlocked a door and shoved it open. Those that knew the door knew it lead down to the arena. That sight quieted the group. Many finished off their drinks and rushed down to the narrow stairs after the Alpha.