Poem #28: Rejection
#28 of Poetry
A poem about what it feels like to be rejected by someone you love very much.
Cast aside Blood flows free From the wound Deep, ingrained, Controlling Containing Love Not yet shared But flowing fast Sticky and red Between my fingers Sickly-sweet scent So fresh Hilt is still present Twist and turn Inside my heart.
Pain pumps through My body Blood rushes my ears Thump-thump Thump-thump In my head Losing control Emotions welling over Over to sickness Hurl my insecurity Proceed to grief Anger, obsession, love What to believe?
The onrush of feeling Can't control myself Lost my sense of sight But not my eyes I see you in my dreams My sleeping dreams My waking dreams My dreams both Chosen, unchosen You compliment those dreams You haunt those nightmares Ghost inside my head.
I feel your touch Feeling me Breaking me to pieces Fragments splattered in blood Drinking up my love You refuse to partake Refuse to bathe No nourishment for me.
Fragments of my mind Pierce my soul Driving me insane Into an early grave Cemetery without you By my side never Feel my breath Breathe my stench It raids your inner core Mine is dust Please scrape me up You toss me aside.
My heart pounds with blood Filled with love I've lost myself For you, but You digress I distress My own hell it seems Is inside of me My own hell is me.
You cast me aside Stab my heart Shatter my mind Spill my blood Wound me beyond compare Pierce my soul Break my body Crush my hopes Destroy my dreams Abandon me to My consuming emotions Yet... I obsess you I adore you I need you Feel you, want you Breathe you, crave you Bleed for you Cry for you Dream for you Die for you Because I think that I will still, always, Love You.