The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 33 - Heat Of The Night

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#33 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 33 - Heat of the Night

by Mirri

Nala walked all night across the vast plains, moving at a steady pace to combat the cold. Having her muscles constantly working kept her temperature at a level where she would ordinarily have to curl up and sleep to conserve energy, but she refused to do that now. Her goal was too important, too urgent.

By early noon she was resting in the shade and could spot the border of the Pridelands in the distance. She was almost there, and early too. The lion she was traveling to meet was nowhere to be seen just yet so she imagined he was still on his way. The lioness took a break behind the shade of a large hill and slept through most of the day until that evening when she began making her way the last few miles towards Tungora's lands. It had been quite a journey already, both her days away from the pride and now the long trek towards the northern lands.

When she finally came upon their meeting place, the large grey lion was already sitting there waiting and apparently playing with his tail to pass the time.

His eyes lit up like a sunrise when he saw her approach the rock that marked the border and he ran towards her at full speed. It was quite a fearsome sight and Nala might have been nervous to see a lion nearly twice her size come blazing towards her like this, but she knew him well enough to just slow down and absorb the impact of his eager pounce when he got within range.

She giggled like a cub when he slammed her to the ground and headbumped her frantically, nuzzling and mrowling before the slightest word was exchanged.

"Nala! It's marvelous to see you!"

"Great to see you too, Tungy. It's been a while." The Queen grinned and returned his affectionate gestures of rubbing, nuzzling and licking her cheek.

"I heard you were off on a journey. I missed you so much during our visit." He breathed against her neck, nipping at it lightly.

"Gonna make up for that now?" She smiled and rolled over on her back right in front of the King. He could not quite put his paw on it, but something about her posture and her attitude were making the male's desire for her ignite like a flash fire. He shook his head to try and clear it. It was probably just because he had not seen her for such a long time.

"MMmm, most definitely." The lion licked his muzzle while looking her over. There was nothing wrong with admiring a beautiful lioness and Nala was certainly one of the most sensually graceful creatures he had ever met. He just felt a bit odd. Maybe from the long day of wandering?

The sun was receding over the horizon and the shadow of the large border rock grew longer. They would soon be obscured in the star-filled night, and it felt almost like a warm blanket of comfort to be concealed like this.

Nala rolled over on her side to face the male and grinned broadly at him, that grin he knew so well which meant she was up to her usual mischief.

"Strut for me. Let me see if you're as hung as I remember," she stated simply and remained calm apart from her twitching tailtuft.

Tungora chuckled and stepped away from her a bit so she could see all of him. He then walked past her with confident strides, flexing his powerful chest and forelegs. Stopping right in front of her, he shook his mane violently and made it poof out all big and impressive. That was usually enough to make the females swoon, and it was certainly having an effect on Nala as well. Her tail started bouncing a bit and thwapping against the grass while she rubbed the thighs of her hindlegs together - up and down, in a most sensual manner as if to soothe an itch between them.

The two leonines were feeding off each other until the air crackled with sexual tension between them. Tungora made another pass in front of her, tail held high and this time showing off his powerful hindmuscles for her so she could plainly see what a good breeder he was. Many a lioness had been crying out their desire between those haunches and felt the great King's stamina, hour after relentless hour of mating.

The male's arousal was more difficult to hide than that of the female's, but he figured that he might as well make a show out of that as well. He positioned himself at an angle to her so that she could see underneath his belly, and with his eyes transfixed on her grinding thighs, he pulled his abdominal muscles and spilled his bulky red lioncock out of its sheath right before her eyes. Quite a neat trick he had taught himself and no matter how many times the lionesses saw it, their eyes would always widen with interest at seeing it again.

The approving purr from the female was unmistakable as the large male made another pass to display himself, this time accompanied by the sound of his fat catcock slapping against his inner hindlegs as he strode forward. He stopped with his rump turned and looked over his shoulder at her.

"Come here, you little minx." He murrred playfully and signaled her to follow him with an upwards curl of his tail.

Nala rose to her paws again and came up behind the male, pausing briefly when he lifted his tail up over his back just as her head moved close to his rear.

"Go on, Nala. Lick my balls. I know you want to, I can see the way your jaw aches and your tongue feels wet just by the sight of me." His tone was deep and authoritative, and it was not difficult for Nala to give in to his wish at all. She knew just as she leaned forward that the teasing and innocence was over now. Once they touched each other in this intimate manner, they had crossed a line. The female hesitated for only a moment before the strong masculine scent back there overtook her senses and made her press her muzzle up under the massive male's tail, moaning as she began to tonguekiss his hefty nuts.

"There's a good girl. Mmmmr! Now that is how you greet a King properly." Tungora squinted his eyes halfway shut in pleasure and let the female wet his balls with her tongue. He had been dreaming about this moment for months now.

"Get my big cub-makers nicely soaked and dripping." He instructed her with a low, bass tone that made the ground vibrate everso slightly beneath him. She was doing such a good job. "Am I everything you remember?"

"That and more. I've seen rhinos with smaller dicks than yours." There was a clear undertone of awe in the lioness' voice from back there.

"Mmm, I wager you're just itching to have me ram my horn up your backside, aren't you?" The lion licked his muzzle and let the female inhale his strong musk again and again, hoping to seduce her. So far he had only subconsciously noticed that her own powerful scent was overwhelming his mind and undermining his judgment.

"Oooh, I'd love that." She purrred seductively and came up from behind to rub her side against his.

"How much time do we have?" The female looked out over the horizon and the flaming red ball that had already been halfway swallowed by the Earth.

"Days.. My sons are taking care of business back home." Tungora was nothing if not prepared. This was a rare opportunity for him, after all.

"Sounds alluring."

"Not quite as alluring as you, my sweet." The male breathed over her ears and playfully licked on the inside of them, enjoying how it made Nala shiver.

"Hmm, are you all talk, or does that tongue have other uses?"

"Roll over and I'll show you."

Nala lay down on her back, spreading out her hindlegs and the grey lion immediately dug in as if she were a buffet - greedily eating out her pussy and forcing his large tongue inside her. He certainly knew how to please a lioness judging by the moan he got out of her by the sudden pounce.

The small mystery he had been pondering was solved when Nala's taste and scent clearly indicated to him that she was in heat. No wonder he had found her so irresistible; it certainly explained his feverish attraction to her ever since their first nuzzle today.

His joy at discovering this was soon overshadow with a pity that he could not mate with her in her current condition. Yet he was still confident that they would find other ways to pleasure each other. Actually, he already found himself in the middle of one of them.

"Mm, that's good.... ohh yeah, get me all wet and ready." Nala's paws came down on his head to scritch his mane while she moaned softly at the active tongue in her sex. Tongues always made her so aroused, but the sheer size of the grey lion's organ made it feel even more unusual. He actually had some difficulty squeezing all of it into her tight little place, and the struggle to do so only turned her on even more.

Tungora put both his forepaws on the insides of the female's thighs and pressed them down and to the sides to help spread her out more so he could get in. He kept lapping at her slit and knew just how to get her juices flowing, he already felt his chinfur getting soaked.

"I'll get you slick enough to take a rhinoboy." He grunted into her pussy, playing along with her for now even if he had no plans to follow up on his words after learning of her condition. He pressed his lips against her nether pair to push his tongue deeper, worming it inside and feeling her hot walls clench around the wet appendage. His right paw stroked the underside of her tail a bit before he traced a single pawtoe up under her tailbase and gently across her tailhole, eliciting a soft mewl from her. His paw stopped for a moment and then moved down to gently press against her tailpucker once more, feeling the resistance there. Oh yeah, she liked that.

The Lion King widened his stance, feeling the cold breeze against his hanging shaft, but even with this pause he did not shrink the slightest bit. He knew he was getting some sweet tail in just a moment.

The male kept licking away at tasty, soaking lionesscunny for as long as she would let him, easily tasting the similarities between her and Kiara, but her season gave it all a whole new dimension. The world slipped away from his mind and he forgot about everything else, all he could think about was licking, eating, possessing this lioness. The primordial hunger that was instinctively supposed to take over his rational mind and make him concentrate on only one task was doing its job so far.

Nala eventually had to push him away with her paws before he snapped out of it. The lion sat back up with a blissful expression on his face, licking his wet muzzle and trying to get to the gleaming droplets that made his whiskers bend down.

"What's the matter? Don't want to feed the rhino first?" He joked and licked his chops. She was one of the tastiest lioness he knew and the fact that she got so messy when she was aroused only made her even more perfect.

"I want to crouch for you." She purred and rolled over on her belly, elevating her rump and moving her tail aside. Tungora blinked and was taken aback by her statement. A sudden seriousness swept away their little roleplay and the lion looked perplexed. There was no question about what she wanted, but it was strictly forbidden.

The hazy red cloud of lust had already consumed her mind and all she could think of was how much she wanted to spend a whole night alone with him, making sweet lionlove on the borderlands. Any 'alternative' routes to pleasure would not be able to satisfy the itch she had even if that was all Tungora had planned to do. Her heat was at full blaze right now and she felt the insatiable sensation take over her actions. The hunger that would not be satisfied was busily eating away at her mind.

"You're in heat, Nala. Are you.. sure about this?" Tungora did have a certain amount of respect for Simba; one did not simply go and make another lion's Queen pregnant.

Nala turned her head with half-lidded eyes and a seductive purr in her angelic voice. Her pink tongue came out and licked across her black lips almost excruciatingly slowly while she watched him.

"Fuck me, Tungy."

He had respect for Simba, but not that much respect. The male practically leaped onto her back with a snarl, the anxiety being released when he pushed his maleness deep inside her slickened sex with a practiced aim. Her moaning coo of released tension went straight to his most primitive part of the brain and he gave a great spurt of precum inside her before he could even start thrusting.

"Oh gods, Nala my love... I've been dreaming about this for such a long time." He started to pull back and forth rapidly, shoving more and more of his erection inside the sweet lioness' pussy until he could feel her wetness against his rolled-back sheath.

"I've so longed to feel your soft rump between my hindlegs again." He whispered in her ear and began a steady thrusting rhythm, breeding her hard before he let reality interfere with a fantasy he had held for so long.

"A big lion like you belongs on my back.. you should be taking a lioness like me at every waking moment of every day." Nala could feel how he squeezed his hindlegs around her rear. He was not interested in just getting it overwith and moving smoothly on top of her, he wanted to feel the friction of her soft fur against him all over.

"Is that an offer?" Tungora grinned toothily and rubbed himself all over her back, adoring her scent, her fur, her voice, everything about her just filled him with pleasure.

"Maybe.. let's see how well you do today." Nala teased him back.

"I hope Simba knows what a priceless treasure he has. Pussies like you are rare." The King licked the backs of her ears and between them. Playing was one thing, but he was not about to steal Simba's Queen away right after diplomatic relations between their prides had been reestablished. Even in the midst of mating, Tungora could not help thinking about pride politics.

"Pull back m-more.. ohh, I want to feel your barbs."

The lion made fuller thrusts, pulling almost all the way out so that his barbs scraped the very entry to her insides. He was about to ask her if that was what she wanted, but the loud moan and the shivers that started going through her body with every thrust were a clear answer.

"My little sexkitten loves it like that, hmm?" He growled lustfully and let her feel his spines against her most sensitive place.

"Yes!" She gasped and kneaded the grass beneath her forepaws.

"Your young daughter is so much like you. She was begging for my cock too." The male rumbled and bit lightly at Nala's ears.

"Did you give it to her?"

"Mmmr, in every hole she had. Several times. She couldn't even walk when Ratir and I were done with her. I shall of course extend to you the same courtesy." His sheer arousal overpowered his finesse at this and he was soon plunging his whole shaft into the female again, mating her good and swift. He could feel the lioness squirming, muscles tightening with every powerful thrust.

"Faster.." She pleaded.

"Tighter!" He countered with a snarl. Tungora nearly lost his mind when Nala began to clench around him in a perfect match to his powerful thrusts, just pleasuring the male in ways he had not felt for a long, long time. It was not just that Simba's lionesses were beautiful and willing, it was tricks like this that made them goddesses in Tungora's mind.

It was even better than Tungora could have hoped for, and he lifted his head to roar out in unadulterated ecstasy, making the sun duck behind the horizon in fright and leaving just a red shade on the underside of the clouds.

The lion dismounted and Nala rolled over on her back, and then side to side a few times to let his seed sink deeper into her and increase the chances of conception. It was around that time Tungora got a chance to think for just a few moments and the gravitas of the situation started to weigh down on him. If he got her pregnant there was no telling what would happen between their prides. Maybe another war?

Simba had been somewhat unpredictable in his adult life and he had already gone to war with Zira for less than this. At this point Tungora kept telling himself that it was not worth the risk, but just one look over the beautiful body of Nala made all those evaporate. He simply could not convince himself that stopping now and telling her to go home was the right thing to do.

"No, liar!" he thought to himself. He knew it was exactly the right thing to do. He just could not bring himself to do it.

Nala interrupted his concerns with a wink and she rolled over on her belly again, lifting her tail and asking for more. She had barely given him time to recover before showing that she wanted him again, yet beneath her facade of pure lust there was still a tiny shard of rationality left. They both knew this was wrong, but the difficult thing to realize was that it was only wrong for everyone else.

When she looked up at Tungora's loving eyes she knew in her heart and in her loins that what they both wanted right now, tonight, was right. She had gone beyond the playful orgies and somewhat innocent intimacy that Tungora's following and her own family had shared while she was gone. Fooling around was one thing, fooling around when you were in heat was something entirely different and Nala knew so, but she felt this was her last opportunity to reestablish the bonds with the grey lion that they had both neglected for so long. Maybe it was just bad timing, or maybe it was perfect timing? No one could tell at this point.

"Hrmmm, already lifting your tail again, little pussy?" The grey mammoth of a lion rose up behind her onto his feet again and stepped over to mount her, nuzzling gently between her ears in preparation and to hear her approving purr beneath him. She loved his nickname for her, it was so affectionate yet so condescending at the same time. No one had called her that in a long time.

There was a moment of hesitation that made them both freeze and feel the chill down their spines. They both felt the last chance to stop this before it went too far and they each awaited the reaction of the other. None of them wanted to be the one who said no at this point; it was already too late now, so the hesitation was more a sense of reflection on whether they had just made the right choice or not, rather than an actual chance to stop and walk away.

Tungora was struck paralyzed when the female turned her head to look up at him over her shoulder, he dared not even breathe. Had she come to her senses?

"Still waiting? I don't get much more ready than this." Nala winked at the lion to cover her own uncertainty about this whole affair. Just then she went from smiling seductively to crying out at the sudden, rough push the hung lion made to bury his needy meat in her sex again. The release of tension was obvious, they could not go back now.

The thoughts that went through Nala's head were twisted by the much stronger emotions, which surged up her spine as pure electricity so strong that a moment later she could not even remember the original thoughts.

"Ah.... fuck," she muttered into the wet savanna grass. Whether this was commentary on the pleasure once again spreading through her body or the realization of what she was doing sinking in, neither lion wanted to consider.

From Tungora's perspective there was no more wavering and he just gave her his all. Less than a minute later he was emptying his fertile seed into her womb, and he worked to plant his cubs in her all through the rest of the night.


The two feline lovers were illuminated only by the moonlight. They were on their sides, resting in front of the border rock and listening to the quiet chirps of crickets and the rustles of small nocturnal critters around them.

Tungora was spooning Nala and stroked her belly gently with one of his forepaws wrapped around her while they dozed in the tranquil night. He had long since lost count of how many times they had mated. She was an insatiable little demon; this was the first pause of any significant length she had allowed him.Unfortunately, the pause also gave him time to think, and guilt began to nag him the more he thought about what he had just done. The repercussions of this could be severe, affecting both of their prides in a very real way.

True, he had not felt such pleasure in seasons - this was certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity, but was it worth war? He was no longer a young lion. The last thing he needed was a pridal feud on his shoulders. As the lioness against his belly stirred he sighed, making audible his inner conflict. The sigh quickly turned to a rumbling purr when the lioness' tail began twitching playfully between his legs and brushing against all the places that felt so nice.

"What are you going to tell Simba when you give birth to a litter of grey cubs?" He mused, managing to give a playful bent to his tone so that she was open to just giggle and dismiss him. He did not want to ask too seriously about it, after all it might hurt his chances of boinking the little imp for another day or two.

"I'll tell him that Tungora rode me like a stud for two days straight?" Nala grinned back without moving in his embrace. The old King could not help but chuckle with a deep rumbling sound.

"Not afraid of him, are you?" The Queen asked, equally mischievous.

"Not particularly. I know how to handle him." He tried to reassure her and kissed the back of her head, even though he honestly did not know how Simba would take this. If he found out.

"Besides, the chance to bestow a litter to the most beautiful lioness in the savanna is worth fighting for." He hoped.

"Yeah, about that..." She wiggled her rump between the King's spread hindlegs. "Are you about ready yet?"

Tungora chuckled, "Almost. Although I could use a little.. encouragement."

The female smirked and turned around to face him in his loose embrace. She gave him a peck on the cheek, then scooted her body down and without hesitation slipped the grey lion's semi-erect member into her muzzle to slurp around it.

"Ooooh, Nala! You suck like a goddess." Tungora gasped for breath. He had not even noticed himself grow to full size under the near-divine caress of the lioness, he just looked down to see her cream-colored head bob between his hindlegs for a few moments before she slipped her mouth off him again. Her paw brushed against his belly on its way between his legs, and the lion gasped aloud when he felt her soft paw pads caressing his large nutsac. It left him panting and throbbing, every fiber of his being crying out for more.

"Y-You simply must give me a muzzlejob, my sweet."

"Perhaps later." Nala grinned up at him and rolled over on her belly, tail lifting up.

"Right now I want cubs." She growled playfully at the last word and winked over her shoulder at the male. Gods, she looked so fuckable like that. It was not just the effect of her heated scent, or so he kept telling himself.

"As you wish." Tungora crawled up behind her, his breath catching in his chest at the sight before him. He could feel his old bones complaining as he rose to his feet, but as her scent enveloped him those aches just seemed to disappear. The King mounted her for another round of heated love-making, his large tool spreading her wide the farther he pushed inside. Her suckling had given him renewed vigor and his powerful hips started hammering her soft, perfect rear. Yes... he felt like a horny hormone-swamped adolescent again, having his first lioness. The fatigue from the previous day was swept away, replaced with a burning, primal desire to fill this lioness with his seed.

"Ohhhh , I can't believe I'm mating another lion's Queen. I'm so bad." He growled, only getting further aroused at the idea. After their little talk, he was now focusing more on the naughtiness of it and that too gave it all a sense of freshness. Nala became a coveted prize again, feeling so good to have pressed against his belly. He wanted her, more than anything in the world.

"Breed me, Tungy. Show me how fertile my big lionstud is." Nala groaned as he pounded her with increasing ferocity. She knew just how to get him going.

"So tight.." Tungora whimpered and then bit down harshly on her neck to make her cry out before he let go again and increased his efforts ten-fold. He had to remind her who was in charge.

"Oh yeah! Whose pussy is this, Nala? GrrrRR! WHOSE PUSSY IS THIS!?!" Tungora snarled at her in dominance.

"Yours, oh! Yours! YOURS!" Nala cried out in submission, digging her claws into the ground to push back against his powerful jabs.

"Tell me what you want, little female."

"I want to... *nnngh!* push out grey cubs right in front of Simba's eyes."

She was a mind reader, he was sure of it.

"Then he'll know I've been fucking you for days, won't he? He'll know you lifted your tail willingly to get it crammed full of my hard king-cock! He'll know what a little slut his Queen is." Tungora growled and gave an extra hard thrust on each syllable to emphasize his words.

"Only a slut for liondick big enough to stretch me." Nala drooled down her chin from having her muzzle open and panting. She was kept on the edge the whole time, made to be a vessel for all the cubs he would put in her.

"And old enough to be your father." The male remarked with a clearly amused tone of voice.

"I like *oooh* ..males with experience."

"Hrrr. Mufasa would've loved to pound your tight little tail like this." The King whispered to her, almost confidentially as he nipped at her neckscruff, feeling the female get close to her goal.

"Ohh! Oh! OH! OOOOh, I bet he could stretch me too!"

"You have no idea, pussy..." Tungora whispered with a low hiss.

"He had every lioness in the region moan between his golden hindlegs. He has cubs in every pride you know.. Your first litter would have been his." He concentrated fully on the female's heartbeat and rhythm until she gave a sharp cry and clenched her insides like a vice.

A might roar echoed across the borderlands when Tungora followed and came so hard in the seductive little she-cat.


It was morning before they both woke up again. The border rock felt cold from the hours of night, but next to it on the side of Tungora's lands lay the two leonine lovers, warm and snuggled up with each other. The lion was hugging around the lioness from behind, his paw stroking her belly lightly as sleep slowly seeped from their minds with the rising sun. The bright daylight cut through their secure feeling of sharing an intimate moment, they were now illuminated for everyone to see. Apart from the rock behind him, this particular place did not offer much in the form of cover.

Nala made up for this by snuggling her head into the large, grey mane of the male, of course.

"Goodmorning, my sweet." Tungora rumbled and licked the back of his lioness' head. He could barely even believe the night of heated passion he had just spent with her, it would take him days just to remember everything they did and how amazing she was. The feelings of guilt for engaging in this act had long been chased from their minds with their combined howls of ecstasy in the night.

"Mmmmmmornin'.." She purred in return and wriggled around a bit in his embrace, clearly content to be cuddled like this.

"How are you feeling?" The male asked and let his paw draw wide circles on her tummy, imagining his offspring already growing inside her. A whole litter of little Tungys planted within the highest ranks of another pride.

"Mmm, I want more." Nala mrowled and rubbed her rump back against the big male's groin, feeling his sizable morning erection against her back.

He just laughed at her.

"I'm exhausted from last night.. and you're already full, Nala. There's nothing else I can do." His paw moved a little lower, helping her part her hindlegs so he could see his seed staining her rumpfur and around her crotch. She was stuffed, alright.

"But I need to climax for cubs to happen." The lioness sounded almost pleading. Personally he was pretty sure his seed had taken hold, but one does not argue with a sexy lioness squirming in one's forelegs and wanting more.

Tungora chuckled and reached down all the way, slipping a pawtoe into her wet slit and feeling his own goop pour out over it. He started pushing it back and forth and already Nala was cooing and closing her hindlegs around his paw to hold it there. The way he saw it she already had all the seed she needed, but if it was orgasms she wanted, he could certainly supply plenty of those.

"Who's a good little lioness?" His deep voice rumbled through his chest and Nala could even feel her back tingle whenever he spoke.

"M-Me.. oooh!"

"That's right. Who's Tungy's little fucktoy?"

"I am.. oooh, please faster!"

With their backs against the border rock and both of them facing the large plains, his other paw went down to grab her top hindleg and he lifted it up to show off how he was pawing her to all the small critters lurking around in the grass ahead of them.

"Show yourself to everyone, pussy."

Nala blushed at being on display in this way, even if it only seemed like a pair of monkeys in a nearby tree were taking any interest at all in the two lions she still felt exposed out here in the daylight.

Tungora soon distracted her again by biting lightly on her ear and making her *mrewl*. His pawtoe squeezed in a little deeper, stroking her off at a rapid pace and even with her cubtunnel crammed full of the lion's seed she still felt over-sensitive due to her heat and began squirming and panting in record time.

"My little fucktoy likes this." Tungora stated simply with a deep rumble and relentlessly pawed off the lioness for his small audience in the tree. He could hear the female wheeze for breath and quiver to her core; he had her right where he wanted her.

"Are you going to come all over my big grey paw, are you? Hmm?"

"Yes! YES!" Nala cried out and finally shook all through her lithe body, adding her own mix to the mess already seeping through the male's paw. Her heart was pounding at full speed and she was feeling the liberating experience of releasing the fire in her loins and then fall slowly into a soft, cushioned sense of afterglow.

"Again!" The King snarled and pushed against her back, resuming his pawing at the same pace he had left off, barely giving her a pause. He squeezed another thick pawtoe into her soaking twat to join the first one, and Nala's eyes just went wide when the male stretched her forcefully.

The seed and female juices helped a lot with the lubrication, however, and she was soon mewling and kicking her hindleg in the air again. She did not even get down from the plateau of pleasure after the first time, Tungora just pushed her higher right away.

"You want something to suck on, do you?"

"Please! ooh!" She pleaded loudly, unable to stop the involuntary convulsions of her hips.

Tungora changed paws quickly, giving her a wet one to bite on while the other resumed pawing her messy crotch. The female was quick to accept the offer of the sloppy paw held out in front of her muzzle and she took several pawtoes into her mouth.

"Gooood lioness. Bite it, taste your own juices."

Nala chewed on the paw she was offered, trying to not just clamp her fangs down whenever she made another sharp cry of pleasure, but the lion could take it even when she failed to hold herself back.

He allowed her to suck and gnaw on his cum-covered paw while concentrating fully on getting her off again. The female's little nub was given no lenience in this battle - after all, she asked for it.

It was barely even a challenge for him - a lioness in heat would climax for a kind word - and just sliding his thick pawtoes through her tender, sensitive pussy was enough to drive her wild. He did not even have to seek out any of the special spots and pay extra attention to them.

Nala's next cry was muffled by the big, furry, grey thing in her maw when she came again, moaning and gasping as her body trembled with sensual rapture and made her release her own contribution to their cubs into the seed already stored in her womb, just waiting for an opportunity to give life.

The male changed paws again before continuing his relentless invasion of the female's drenched sex. He left a long strand of saliva and goo between his toes and Nala's lips that snapped when he replaced the paw with the soaked one, still warm and coated in her juices as well as his own. Without question she resumed suckling on the new paw just as the clean one took its place by pushing into her slick sex again.

After a few moments of letting her get a false sense of security, Tungora took the pawtoe farthest away from the other two already pumping the lioness' pussy, and stuffed it up her little tailhole.

"One last time, kitten. Squeal for me."

Nala blinked at the strange sensation of suddenly being pawed in both of her snug little fuckholes at once, and her whimper at the rough, unrelenting treatment was unequivocal.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" The other paw moved out of the female's muzzle to allow her to breathe better, since she was starting to hyperventilate at trying to keep up with her own heartbeat racing away.

"Y-Yes!" Was all she could think of crying out.

"I know you do.. if you weren't in heat you'd have begged for a load in your tail long ago, wouldn't you?"


He knew it was unfair. She was on her third orgasm without any pauses and could barely breathe properly, let alone reply to his lewd insinuations. Getting his paw cleaned was probably out of the question by now since she needed to breathe, so instead he just started wiping it off all over her facefur and throat.

"Because you'd rather have Tungycubs in your little tummy."

Nala bucked her hips, helping him push in to the root of every pawtoe, two of them slurping wetly and the last feeling quite a bit of dry, hot friction back there. No doubt he had tried this before, because he knew exactly how to angle his paw so he could keep pawing her rapidly without straining himself. Her involuntary convulsions of pleasure were getting wilder and more uncontrollable by the moment, but he used the paw she just had in her muzzle to hold on to her belly and pin her body against his.

"You're mine now..." He growled in her ear, only speeding up further.

" little cumholder."

" little cockwarmer."

" own ... little ... lionbitch." He whispered the last words in a hoarse snarl that had exactly the desired effect.

Nala strained every muscle in her body and cried out with a *YEOWL!* of pure, carnal lust as she came harder than she had before, even throughout their passionate night. Both her tight little places squeezed the Lion King's pawtoes and he slowed down gradually, letting her whine, wheeze and gasp while riding out the wave of her orgasm to the fullest. It took several minutes before she was finally a sweaty, panting mess of lioness.

Tungora pulled his paw away and wiped it off on the row of firm little mounds on her belly, leaving a matted trail in her fur.

"Hmm, that was fun." He smiled and hugged her close.

Nala just groaned for breath, still trembling all over from the multi-orgasm he had just given her. He knew she was vulnerable enough in her current state to do anything, which is why she felt a paw grab her ankle and pull her hindleg up again.

"Now, you're going to do the nice King a favor too."

She knew exactly what he wanted, and Nala bit her lower lip somewhat shyly.

"I..I'm.." She started, but faltered before regaining her voice. "I'm your own little tailbitch too."

Tungora's warm, hearty chuckle was quickly deafened in her mind by the sharp pain of his cocktip pressing up so hard underneath her tail and not relaxing until the first inch of his barbed member slid inside her rearhole.

"That's right... mmmRrr.. tight as always. I like that. A lot." His warm licks spread out over the back of her ears as he hugged her closer and let that paw rub down her belly again while more and more of his cock was sliding up her over-stretched tailhole.

"Your mom took it like this when I was visiting." He added with a sharp bite to her neckscruff, "I bet you're just as big a slut for it in the tail as she is, aren't you?"

There was only one right answer Nala could come up with. "Y-Yes!" She raised her head up along the ground and moaned out as that large member stretched her beyond belief, and she had not even taken half of him yet.

"Mmmmmr, yeah. I think your slut mommy takes it like this all the time. I bet she got pregnant with you from cum leaking from her used ass into her pussy." The lion growled behind her and pushed himself harder up into her reluctant rear, her resistance only feeding his aggressiveness further. "You know what that makes you, mm? That makes you a little asscub."

Nala's eyes widened in shock.

"A naughty!.. slutty!.. dirty! ..little asscub." Tungora snarled and rammed himself harder into the poor, struggling lioness with every word, sending jolts of pain and adrenaline through her body.

The large grey lion looked down at her from above, having propped himself up in a mostly sitting position behind her with his torso. The rest of him was still mercilessly humping the female's rear.

"And a great piece of tail like you wouldn't refuse a good, hard ass-mating, now would you?"

"Of.. *Nnn!* ..of course not." Nala gasped and tried to hang on to the ground with her legs, but she only managed to get the claws of her top foreleg buried into the dirt next to her, since the big paw was still holding her by the chest to make sure she stayed on her side like him.

Tungora purrrrgrowled in satisfaction and started a faster rhythm with his hindquarters, thankfully sparing her from taking all of his cock to the root this time. He was happy enough just having most of it wrapped in snug, clenching lionessbutt and he did not feel the need to cause her too much pain. Not immediately, anyway.

"Excellent." He leaned down to kiss her cheek lightly, "I so rarely get to enjoy a lioness up her tailhole unless it's one of your Pride. You girls are just begging for it in the dirty place, aren't you?"

"YesssSSSss... *nnnNN!* Tungy!"

"Yeah you like that, my little cock-warmer? *Rrrr* You're soooo hot inside, I feel I could burst.. mmmr, in fact I'm going to burst soon. How many times a day *grunt* does Simba make your snug little rump all soggy?"

"T-Two, or three *UUUH!!* t-times!" The female was gasping for breath, trying to remain coherent even through the flashes of white light that blotted out her mind with disturbing regularity at this point. The thrusts coming from behind were just too fast, too sharp and much, much too wide.

"Yes, I bet he does." Tungora growled and smacked his pelvis against her perfectly curved rear, holding her tightly against him with both his forelegs wrapped around her while he worked feverishly to stuff her tiny little tailpucker as fast and deep as he could. "I bet he wants you limping and unable to walk just so he can go fuck your young daughter and then come back for sloppy seconds in you."

The lion's paw eagerly groped Nala's front, feeling all over her stiff teats and squeezing them between his pawtoes. "Mmm, he must think about you lying there in the grass and leaking cum from under your tail while he's pounding that sweet teenlioness' pussy to make her come before him. Or does he do it right in front of you, Nala? Does he make your daughter squeal from the big daddydick she has to take? Do you watch your mate claim your little Princess and make a real lioness out of her?"

"I.." Nala groaned out in her agonizing pleasure, her whole body shivering.

Tungora raised his brow and was speechless for just a moment. He did not know if she was telling the truth or not, but at this point it really did not matter. She was fueling his own fantasies and doing a damn good job of it too. The humping King felt like rewarding her for her efforts and immediately jammed two pawtoes directly into her wet cunny.

"Tungy! ..TUNGY! ...I.. I can't..!" By now the full length of the lion was being buried in her obscenely stretched rearhole and she felt as if she would split in two at any moment.

The male could easily see where this was going, so he quickly leaned up to set a few teeth into her neckscruff to calm her a bit. "Ssssh.. it's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just scream when you feel like it and I'll know you want more..."

Nala was hoarse by the time she mercifully passed out from exhaustion, drenched with sweat and aching all over.


The bright ball of light rose higher and higher in the morning sky, warming the plains and the fur of the two lovers. It would not be long before they had to seek shade to avoid overheating.

After an entirely wild night of savage sex, Nala had finally been able to close her hindlegs, curl her tail back and generally get into the position she normally would be if she had just been relaxing on her side. It was only then that she had felt all those muscles aching throughout her body from having strained so long in odd places she was not used to.

"Are you awake, my dear?" The lion had to insist they got started before it got too hot, and he pushed the female a bit to wake her up. "How do you feel? Did my eager little slut turn into a sore little lioness?"

Nala winced a bit and cuddled up with her back against the great male's belly as before. He had been kind enough to let her catnap for the rest of the night after abusing her tail like that, just to get the worst exhaustion out of her system. But today was a new day with new adventures, and she lifted her ears up more attentively.

"I'm sorry if it got too rough for you last night." He purred and groomed the back of her neck soothingly, "I got carried away. You're such a tempting little piece of tail."

"Mmm, it's okay." Nala purred back at him, accepting his apology and she then bent her head forward more to enjoy the nice licks.

"Good... because it's probably not the last time it's going to happen."

Nala giggled a little.

"At least tell me you enjoyed it.. even just a little?" The grey lion smiled with a hopeful rumble in his voice.

Nala turned her head around and looked him straight in the eyes, licking her black lips very slowly from one side of her muzzle to the other before speaking in a hushed manner, "I absolutely adooored the way you came so hard in my ass, Tungy."

The lion's heart skipped a beat and he felt his breathing increase immediately. It sounded so genuine. He just stared at the extraordinarily beautiful lioness and the raw, naughty filth coming from her pretty muzzle. It was such a wild contrast that he could hardly believe she had just said that.

"I haven't had my little asshole stretched like that since the last time you visited my Pride." She rubbed the side of her cheek against his, purring and mrowling in the most alluring manner she could. "Was I good too?"

"Oh Nala, you were.. perfect" Tungora sighed happily. "No one takes a rumpfuck as well as you."

"I get a lot of training," she smirked and turned her head to face away from him again, feeling his hug tighten around her a little from behind. "My mate loves it when I let him bury his bone in my butt. It makes him cum so much more."

"Mmmm, Simba has such good taste in lionesses. And I don't mind sloppy seconds." Tungora bit her ear lightly and lifted his top foreleg off her, pushing her forward with the other one so she rolled around to face him at a distance.

"Now since you're full already, and I've got a morning stiffness that would rival a zebra's.. how about a demonstration of that lovely tongue-work you do so well?" The lion urged her on.

Nala just grinned, having regained some of her spirit again. She could practically hear the anticipation on his breath when she went down on him. Those few seconds from the point where he realized he was about to feel the most wonderful sensation in the world, to the point where he actually felt his pointed cocktip slip into her maw - that was really the most exhilarating moment.

Nala went down in one fluid movement and took him to the sheath, and then further still, deepthroating him without pause. It felt as if she was trying to impale herself on his stiff shaft and all he could do was moan and feel his precum flow freely into her wet, inviting mouth.

"OOOOH, gods Nala... that's it. That's just what I want. Suck your big stallion.. make me whinny with lust."

The lioness sealed her lips and started to slide them back and forth, simulating a mating around the male's shaft, yet with the added sensations of her tongue and cheeks all helping to drive the lion mad with desire.

"If only the rest of my pride could see this." Tungora put a paw down on her head to help her speed up, indicating how fast a rhythm he wanted from her.

"It would be worth it just to see their faces when the Queen of the Pridelands muzzles me in public, so eager to get her breakfast."

Nala paused and slipped her muzzle off him entirely, licking her lips from saliva and precum that dripped off her chin.

"I guess I could come for a little visit."

Tungora was about to complain about her having stopped in the middle of something this good, but her remark caught him completely off-guard. The scent of her heat was really getting to him so he was not entirely sure if he had heard her right.

"You do realize, if I take you back like this all the other lions in my entire pride will try to breed you too..?"

Nala grinned impishly and licked her muzzle.

"Then what are we waiting for?" She seemed to like the idea of getting impregnated by a dozen horny lions of varying ages.

Tungora just blinked in astonishment. This could possibly be the best day of his life. It took him a moment to regain his confident and charming demeanor again.

"Alright. I'll take you back home for a day or two so you can get to know all the boys in my pride... intimately." He winked at her and then shoved her head back down over his dribbling shaft. "And now, NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS!"

His paw held her down as watery preseed poured into her maw, already long overdue to be shot out from his balls. She had been teasing him all morning.

"I'm not letting you up till you're gagging on my cum." The lion snarled impatiently. He closed his eyes to enjoy the slurping noises and the powerful suckling sensation around his member, as well as that expert tongue teasing him in ways he never thought possible. It was obvious just how badly she wanted to feed on his creamy lionmilk.

Oh yes, this was going to be an interesting few days. Nala's tummy would be full of cubs from all generations of his own pride by the time she made it back to the border again. No doubt all his sons would line up for a chance to breed with the Queen of the Pridelands. She would not have a single pause for days. The impatient ones would likely start humping her muzzle too.

He especially wanted Namdi to have her. Perhaps he could even guide her back to the borderlands afterwards and breed her under every tree on the way there. Would be fun if a pure white cub appeared in Nala's litter. But best of all was that since there was a whole host of lions willing to breed her waiting for them at home, he could now take her under the tail for his own selfish pleasure all the way back to his Pride.

Yes, that was the plan. Right after breakfast they would start walking back and as soon as he could get an erection again, he would pounce on her back and make her squeal his name while taking it in the ass. She would get the pounding she so truly, truly deserved.

He looked down into a pair of blue eyes gleaming with mischief and put a heavy paw on her head. She could feel his vast reserves of warm jelly already boiling in his balls, anxious for release.

"I'm going to make you lick up whatever you don't swallow. Get ready, Nala..."