Freebies Vol. 48: Long Distance Edition: WhiteTiger2000

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#29 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Duo the tiger meets the male he's been spending so much time talking to online. Turns out the fantasies they'd discussed aren't necessarily fantasies...

This story was written for whitetiger2000 during the 2/11/12 Freebies livestream.

Duo stepped up to the door of the house. It was a modest house in a typical suburb. The fading sunlight illuminated the high rises and skyscrapers of the city in the distance; in the other direction, it was already mostly dark. The streetlights flickered on as the tiger raised his paw and knocked three times.

The tiger was of average height at five-foot-nine, but he had a good body. Blue stripes, instead of black, ran across his otherwise pure white fur. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung down past his shoulders.

His tail twitched behind him nervously. He'd talked to scaledude10 online for the past few months. Scaledude10 was funny and interesting. Duo had fallen for him after a short while and pushed to have a get together. When he asked, he could almost feel the mystery male at the other end of the instant messenger program hesitate. Then the words had popped up: "Yes."

So here he was, outside scaledude10's house. He realized he didn't even know the male's name or what he looked like, hence his agitation.

Duo perked his ears forward, hearing footsteps from inside. He tugged his light jacket around his shoulders. He was dressed casually - jeans and a t-shirt, in addition to the fleece.

The door cracked open a bit and a yellow eye peered out. Then the door opened fully and Duo's blue eyes widened at what he saw.

The male standing before him was very unusual. A long, tapered snout ended in a black beard and mustache. Large yellow eyes peered from under a heavy brow. His head was smooth and ran straight down into his neck, which was itself nearly indistinguishable from a set of broad and heavy shoulders. His jaw and neck were smooth and dark brown, with no hair. The back and sides of his neck and head, however, were covered with a thick layer of copper-colored scales. They overlapped on their way down, running into a button-up shirt.

He had a very long torso and short, stubby legs. A broad, tapered tail hung from his backside, covered on top in the same overlapping, triangular scales.

"Uh... scaledude ten?" Duo asked.

"Call me Chris," the pangolin said, extending his hand. He took Duo's fuzzy white paw in his and the tiger was surprised at the softness of the male's paws. Also at the size of the thick black claws on the ends of his fingers.

"I'm Duo," the tiger said, running his other paw through his bright blue headfur self-consciously. "Nice to meet you in person."

"Come in!" Chris said, turning to the side and motioning Duo through. "I just woke up, so sorry if I'm a little groggy."

"Night job?" Duo asked as he stepped through the doorway.

"Yeah... nocturnal as fuck," Chris said, following Chris through the hallway. He pointed the tiger into the living room.

The house was clean and smelled fresh. The furniture was old, but still in good shape. In addition to a large couch, there were a pair of matching recliners, a wooden coffee table, and a large television mounted on the wall. The floors were wooden and covered with lots of small scratches - presumably the pangolin had claws on his toes as big as the claws on his fingers.

Duo sat down on the large, overstuffed couch, and scooted over a little when Chris sat next to him. The two didn't speak as a few awkward moments passed. All the semi-raunchy, flirty messages they'd passed back and forth over the past few months were going through Duo's mind. It was easier to be a charming stud online than it was in real life, apparently. The pangolin seemed to be experiencing much the same thing, but Chris ended up making the first move.

"You know what? Fuck it," he said, before grabbing Duo by his jacket and hauling the tiger close.

The feline's eyes widened in surprise before closing as they kissed. Chris's small muzzle fit against his in a strange way - Duo's mouth was much more broad. But it was still nice.

That's when the scaled anteater demonstrated his tongue. Duo's tail shot straight out and up as he felt Chris's tongue invade, curling around his own, sliding over his teeth and the roof of his muzzle. His erection bulged against his jeans and he reached down, gripping Chris's midsection tightly. His fingers pressed through the fabric against the solid scales on the pangolin's sides.

Duo wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted, but when Chris finally let him come up for air, the tiger was done with foreplay. Still not having spoken a word since they sat down, the two undressed each other rapidly, trading kisses all the while.

Chris's chest and belly were smooth and muscular. His skin was soft, despite looking like worn-in leather. The scales wrapped around his sides, leaving his chest and stomach bare. Duo shuddered as he felt Chris's claws stroke through his chest fur. The pangolin leaned in, licking under the tiger's jaw, eliciting a series of purrs from the highly aroused male.

Duo was nervous at first about letting claws that size get near his throbbing erection, but his fears were unfounded. The pangolin's touch was light and experienced and the hardness of the claws only added a little spice to the experience. Soon they were both naked, with Duo on his backside, claws out and scraping down the pangolin's scales as Chris's tongue molested the tiger's sensitive neck.

The pangolin was well-hung as well, a few inches longer than Duo's own impressive nine-inch cock. Their shafts rubbed together, leaking pre, as they shifted their hips, grinding and grunting, working themselves up into a frenzy.

Unbidden, memories of other things he'd talked about with Chris online came to Duo's mind. The tiger, panting and purring, squeezed at Chris's thick shoulders, feeling the muscles under the scales.

"Remember... what you said... you'd do to me if we ever met?" the tiger asked.

The only answer was a grunt as Chris's magical tongue found its way back into Duo's muzzle. The pangolin slipped his arms under Duo's legs and lifted them up, exposing the tiger's ass. A few thrusts later, with the help of his hand to guide his cock, Chris was pumping himself deep into the tiger.

Duo hadn't expected to be taken quite so roughly, but he loved it all the same. As the pangolin's thick cock churned his guts, the especially naughty and dangerous fetishes Chris talked about online were forgotten. All there was was a thick cock breaking his ass open.

Duo reached up, palms against Chris's chest. The pangolin leaned over, eyes closed, hips pumping. His claws grasped the tiger's shoulders, holding him down as he slid in and out roughly, with only pre-cum for lube. Duo shuddered and moaned, cock throbbing against Chris's hard stomach. The pangolin's heavy nuts swatted his cheeks with every thrust as nearly a foot of cock slid in and out, in and out, over and over, until the tiger wasn't sure how much was in at any given time.

He did notice when Chris pulled out. The pangolin grunted and dropped Duo's legs, then clambered further up the couch until he was straddling the tiger's chest. His thick cock drizzled pre-cum onto Duo's lips for a moment before Chris leaned forward and thrust, impaling the tiger's muzzle with just as much urgency as he'd fucked his ass a few minutes before.

Duo's eyes closed yet again as his muzzle filled with thick, warm, slippery cock. His throat opened, admitting a few more inches, and he gurgled as he felt the weight of the male's body push down on his lips and nose. A few short thrusts, a few half-heard moans, and then a burst of saltiness.

He couldn't help but swallow the thick load. Several shots of the hot cum flowed down his throat before Chris pulled back, though he left enough of his cock in that Duo had to keep swallowing the thick, creamy jizz. He moaned and pawed at Chris's smooth chest, hips wriggling as his cock ached for release.

The pangolin grunted and leaned back, cock still dripping beads of white into Duo's blue-striped fur. The anteater smiled and licked his lips as his cock flopped over on Duo's belly, half-hard. His backside rippled as he flexed and stretched, obviously enjoying himself and the tiger's tight ass and throat. Duo just hoped he'd hurry up and get hard again so they could keep going.

The tiger, panting, eyes still closed, felt the weight of the pangolin's body lift off his chest. He shivered as he felt those large claws tickle his belly fur, then tease his balls, eliciting a whine. The claws went lower, down his thighs and over his knees, his calves, and his ankles. Finally they tickled his feet, lifting them up into the air.

Still keeping his eyes closed, Duo panted and moaned. He didn't care what Chris did to him now. That had been one of the best, roughest fuckings he'd gotten in a long, long time.

Then he felt his toes slip into something warm, hot, and slippery.

Sitting up with a start, Duo's wide eyes stared as he watched the pangolin's hips push forwards. The anteater's thick, foot-long cock was stretching like rubber around the tiger's feet. Duo's jaw dropped as he felt the pulsing meat suck in the rest of his feet, up to his ankles.

Instant messages swam before his eyes. There'd been a night, a few months before... it had been late and he'd talked dirty to Chris. Almost vulgar. The anteater had replied in kind, promising all sorts of nasty things they'd do together. Towards the end of their teasing, scaledude10 had said something especially hot, but something Duo hadn't thought possible.

But now, with his legs getting sucked into the male's cock, his feet already stretching out the pangolin's sac, he realized scaledude10 had been completely serious about cockvoring him.

He grinned and moaned, both paws going to his cock as he felt the warm, slick length suck him in further. It stretched around him, crawling up his rump and over his hips, soon covering his paws, which were frantically jerking his cock. Chris's cock bulged with every nuance of Duo's fuzzy body as he was swallowed up whole. Chris's balls, especially, shifted and moved as the tiger's legs and toes flexed. The pangolin gripped Duo's shoulders, pulling him in more quickly. He was groaning and panting loudly, eyes closed and neck straining. Duo panted harder as he felt the head of the cock slurp him up like a piece of spaghetti. It was under his chin in no time, and then, with a helpful push of the pangolin's claws, he was fully inside the warm, cum-filled shaft. Musk invaded his nose as he was dragged down. He could feel his feet splashing in cum and wriggled in delight. His cock ached in his paws, slick and hard. As he squeezed down into Chris's balls, he couldn't help but explode with cum.

The heat and pleasure he felt inside the pangolin's heavy balls were incredible. The tightness squeezed around him, pressuring him to curl over despite his wriggles. He kept cumming, an orgasm like he'd never experienced before, even as he felt his body dissolve away. In fact, he'd never felt so ama-

Chris sighed and leaned back on the couch, patting his massive balls. His cock was hard again, throbbing against his belly. A steady stream of white cum pulsed out of the tip, as much per second as the entirety of the load he'd pumped into the sexy tiger's ass earlier. The bulges and wriggles of the feline faded away as the pangolin's balls dissolved him into cum. Soon they were perfect spheres, bloated and huge, each the size of three car tires stacked together.

Chris sighed and stroked his cock with the tip of his claw, eliciting a few more thick strings of cum. He'd like to keep the tiger inside all night, leaking him out bit by bit, but it was Duo's first time. Better to get him out right away in case he was nervous.

Gripping his 12-inch dick with both hands, the scaled anteater grunted, leaned back, and jerked himself off, using his own cum to slicken his cock. He'd taste it occasionally, enjoying how much it tasted like the tiger. His long tongue swirled across his chest, scooping up stray drops of the sticky jizz and pulling them into his long, narrow snout.

Pleasure built up. His balls vibrated as he shook with pleasure. With a near scream of pleasure, the pangolin's tip burst open, shooting a stream of cum as thick as his wrist up into the air. It splattered down over Chris's chest, rolled off his skin onto the couch and floor. He kept cumming, harder and faster, buckets of the stuff. As he emptied his balls, the sticky goop began to solidify. Pools and puddles moved of their own accord, drawing up onto his chest and belly. The stream of cum shot directly into the puddle as hips formed, lifting out of the pool and surrounding his cock.

The proto-rump squeezed down on his cock, making him gasp and shudder all the more. Chris reached out, stroking along the mass of seed as it took on more and more of Duo's form. Soon the tiger's body was more visible, nearly completely reformed. Cum dripped from his eyes and nose, soaked his fur, flooded his muzzle and rump. Still, Duo pushed himself onto Chris's cock, taking the last few bursts of cum before the pangolin's sac returned to its normal size, each orb about as big as an apple.

Duo licked his lips, tasting the thick cum plastered to his face, and smiled down at the pangolin, who was panting hard and mostly limp with exhaustion.
