A Very Kerry Christmas, Part 1

Story by Sandwalker on SoFurry

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#7 of Horsie Ride

Anson buys a gift for Kerry; Kerry cleans house; Dave meets Anson.

I'd meant this to be finished by January 1, but laziness, summer heat and a new PlayStation 3 joined together to make me rather lacking in inclination to write. I also have job hunting and an upcoming move to think about as well. So, instead of a much longer story, I've decided to split it into two sections, so I can post the first one, and work on the second part later. No doubt that'll be a few months away.

Anson lay in his bed, hands crossed behind his head, thinking about Kerry. Christmas was in a few days, and he wanted to give her something, but he couldn't think of anything.

He rolled over and leaned on one arm, scratching at his nose. He wasn't particularly good with his hands, he wasn't artistically inclined and he was in no way a musician, although he could hold a tune.

"Maybe I could write something," he mused aloud. "Or get her some new clothes?" The horse sat up and rubbed his eyes. As he cleared his eyes, he glanced down and noticed that he had an erection again. He chuckled and gave it a gentle rub, smearing the leaking precum over the head. He pondered rubbing one out, but decided to leave it until later.

He stood up, yawned and stretched widely, and proceeded to get dressed. After a sniff at his shirt, he decided that it was probably time to shower and put on some clean clothes. The dirty ones were thrown into the laundry hamper, and a clean shirt and shorts pulled from his drawers. A quick check outside his door showed that his father wasn't around to see him naked - not that it would have bothered him too much if he was seen, though the erection might have embarrassed him a bit. A few minutes later Anson was in the shower, eyes closed and relaxing into the spray of hot water as he massaged shampoo into his hair and fur. His thoughts continued to be focused on Kerry, and what she might like as a gift. "Man, what would a young female pup want?" he said to himself, eye ridges moving together as he frowned. "Girly stuff, I suppose."

The horse thought of Kerry again, imagining her in a bikini, or a skimpy shirt and frilly knickers, posing for him, and he couldn't help but get hard again. "Damn, girl," he moaned, stroking a large hand over his cock. "Why'd you have to get all sexy in my head?"

Anson managed to leave his cock alone long enough to rinse himself clean, then he took care of his horniness. Leaning against the side wall, the water still spraying over his front, he caressed his thick member, playing with his heavy balls as he stroked off. In his mind Kerry did a little strip show for him, slowly removing her shirt to reveal her tiny nipples, then turning around and bending over, pushing her rump out towards him as she wiggled her plaid skirt down over her panties. His breathing got faster and shallower as she hooked her fingers into her panties' waistband and ever so slowly pulled them down. Her tail flicked up as it was released, and the pink-brown star that was her virgin anus winked at him teasingly before the pouting lips of her vulva were revealed, soft and slightly puffy. She smiled at him over her shoulder, and slipped a hand between her legs to lightly rub her fingers over her sex, before inserting two fingers and starting to gently finger herself. A soft gasp came from her throat when her fingertips found her hidden clit, followed by a moan as she stimulated herself.

He came before she did. With the deep groan of a male finally sated, Anson climaxed. His legs wobbled a bit as his shaft throbbed in his hand, spewing forth several jets of his viscous seed over the opposite wall. As his orgasm waned, the cum issuing from his cock was reduced to oozing from within to be washed away by the water. He panted hard, seeing sparkles for a few moments before his head cleared.

"I think I know what to get her, now," he said to himself, looking at the semen slowly drooling down the wall.

In another part of town, Kerry was having similar issues. She sat at the dining table with her father, eating breakfast, chewing slowly as she thought. "I wanna get Anson something for Christmas," she said to him, her mouth still partially full of food. "I dunno what to get him."

"Hmm." Dave rested his elbows on the table and looked at his daughter thoughtfully. "I nearly always get a gift voucher, but it shows you haven't really put any effort into it." He stirred his milk-soaked cereal around in its bowl, then took a mouthful. "I've never really had to get anything for a boy his age before." He grinned as an idea occurred to him. "Maybe some lube? I suppose he wouldn't need condoms with you, though it's a good idea to be safe."

"Yeah," Kerry agreed. The pup chewed on her honey-spread toast and stared at her plate. She thought back to when Anson had taken some photos of her, posing on his bed, showing off her young sex, and the cum that he'd squirted into and over her, and grinned. "Hey, Dad?"

"Hmm? What?"

"Remember those pictures I gave you, that Anson took of me?"

Dave scratched behind an ear and nodded, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. "Yeah, I do. What about them?"

"Did you like looking at them?"

The elder canine nodded again, wondering where Kerry was going with this. "Yeah, I did. Still do, actually," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "Sometimes when you're asleep, and I'm about to head for bed, I have a look at them and paw off, wishing I could have been there to watch."

Kerry nodded. "Could you take some photos of me for him? Or a video?"

Dave stared at Kerry for a few seconds, the idea playing through his mind, creating a tightening in his shorts. "Uh... yeah, I could do that. I think he'd really love it if he could watch his little pup bouncing on her daddy's lap, too."

The pup giggled. "Yeah!"

"Maybe tonight. We have other things to do today before we have any fun, like start getting the house cleaned up. Your mother will be home for a while over Christmas and New Year's, and I'm sure she wouldn't want to come home to a messy house."


Dave smiled, and reached over the table to ruffle Kerry's headfur. "It won't take too long if we put our all into it. If we get it all done by this afternoon, then I'll treat you to an ice cream or something. Sound good to you?"

Kerry nodded, leaning her head into her father's rubbing. "Yup! Do I have to clean my room as well?"

"Of course. You've let it get quite messy, you know."

"Yeah, I know."

"Finish your breakfast, and get started on your room. Then you can clean the bathroom. When you've done that, we'll have lunch."

The pup muttered a rude word under her breath before nodding in resignation. "Okay, Dad."

"I'll be cleaning too, so don't get all upset about it." Dave looked down at his bowl, decided that the cereal was too soggy to be worth eating, and got up. "Starting with this soggy mess."

"I feel so awkward," Anson muttered to himself as he browsed through the lingerie section in the department store a few blocks from his house. He was torn between looking intently at the merchandise and just casting casual glances.

"May I help you, sir?"

Anson started, turning sharply to regard the vulpine saleswoman that had appeared. "Uh, I, I don't know," he stuttered, trying to look her in the eye without looking embarrassed. "I'm looking for something for... uh... my girlfriend. She likes to, uh, show off her attributes."

"Anything in particular?" the vixen asked. "Or I could make a recommendation."

"Um... I'm not sure." Anson scratched behind an ear. "She's, uh, a little on the short side, and she's chubby, particularly in her butt." After a short pause he added, "Which I like."

The vixen looked thoughtful, then gestured for Anson to follow her. "I think I can suggest something suitable." She led him past several racks of bras, bikinis and other similar items to one that had a range of lacy knickers and G-strings in various styles. "Would one of these suit her?"

Anson glanced over the assorted garments, mentally picturing Kerry in each of them, finding the image quite appealing. Unbidden, his cock began to harden, pushing out against the front of his shorts. "Uh, yeah, these would do very well," he murmured, trying to adjust himself surreptitiously.

"I'll leave you to it, sir," the saleswoman said, giving him a knowing glance. "I'm sure she'll be very happy with your gift."

"I'm sure of it as well."

The vixen wandered off in search of another customer to assist, and Anson began sliding the hangers along the rack, examining each garment. He stopped when he got to some panties in a dark shade of cerise, hemmed with delicate white lace. Provision for a tail was given by an elastic band fastened with a clip. The gusset was narrow enough that it could almost pass as a G-string. Anson took it off the rack and held it up, trying to gauge the size. "I think it'll fit," he murmured with a smile.

He decided to look for a skimpy shirt as well, and though he couldn't find one in a similar colour, he did find one in white that was short enough that it would reveal the midriff quite well.

By the time he reached the checkouts his erection had gone down, much to his relief. As he walked home, he tried not to think about Kerry, and how she'd look wearing his gift.

He arrived home without popping another boner. After pulling the Christmas junk mail from the letterbox he entered the house, dumped the mail in the hallway for later disposal, and went to his room. "Now, where did I put that wrapping paper?" he pondered to himself, looking around. That was the problem with Christmas paper; it got put away for the next year, then forgotten about.

It took Anson just two minutes to locate the paper, royal blue with silver stars, squashed under a mound of shirts that had been dumped in the closet some months ago. "Terrible," he murmured, shaking his head. He smoothed the paper out as best he could over the floor, used scissors to cut out a big square, then took his purchases and placed it neatly in the middle. He then spent a few minutes wrestling with the paper, trying to fold it properly. "I should have got this wrapped in-store," he muttered in annoyance.

Eventually the parcel was wrapped, somewhat haphazardly, whereupon Anson put it on his desk, next to his computer's keyboard. He sat on his bed, staring at it for a while, chewing his bottom lip, wondering what the best way to get it to her was. Dropping it in the letterbox would work, but he wasn't sure who'd find it first. If Kerry's mother happened to be home.... That wasn't a possibility he wanted to think about. Maybe he'd have to do some reconnaissance first to see who'd be home. That could wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, he had some chores around the house to do, as well as a summer assignment to work on. He had to think about what to give his father, too, which never an easy task. Every year he struggled to get something suitable. It was rather taxing on his creativity. Last year he'd gotten him some socks and a new business shirt. This year... probably the same again.

"A girlfriend might do him some good," Anson muttered to himself as he got up, heading for the kitchen to start on the dishes.

"Are we done yet?" Kerry whined, her voice echoing slightly in the small bathroom. Most of her fur was damp, and she smelled strongly of bathroom cleaner. The bristles of the brush she was holding were looking decidedly dingy, but the edge of the bath where it met the wall was definitely cleaner. "My arm's getting sore!"

A few seconds later Dave came in to inspect his daughter's work. "Pretty good," he said approvingly. "Rinse it all off, and I think you'll be finished." He crouched down and had a better look at Kerry. "You, on the other hand, look as if you need a shower." He reached out a hand and plucked a stray cobweb from her headfur, showing it to her.

Kerry giggled and nodded. "Okay, Dad."

"When you're all clean and dry, we'll go out for some ice cream. And when we come home... we can plan out what we'll do tonight for Anson."

"Yay!" The pup dropped the brush into the bath and put her arms around her father, hugging him tightly, and nuzzling her muzzle into his neck. "Thank you!"

The elder St Bernard put his arms around Kerry and stroked her back. As much as he loved his daughter's displays of affection, he still found them a bit awkward when he thought about how they were now illicit lovers. Some people might have taken things further, but Kerry was always happy with a cuddle, although, Dave had to admit to himself, that he probably wouldn't mind if she decided to get a little naughty and rub his crotch now and then when he wasn't expecting it.

He could feel his sheath swelling in his shorts, so he reluctantly broke the embrace and stood up. "I'll let you get on with it, while I try to find my wallet again. I'll get you some clean clothes, too."


Dave closed the bathroom door behind him, and went to Kerry's room to rummage through her drawers. He picked out a loose cotton T-shirt of pale yellow with buttons up the front, a knee-length skirt of dark blue, and a pair of white panties. He looked at the panties for a few seconds, then, on an impulse, he raised them to his nose and sniffed at them. As he'd expected, they smelled faintly of detergent and fabric softener.

As he carried the clothes back to the bathroom, he wondered why he'd sniffed his daughter's panties. She'd hardly have put a dirty pair in her drawers. He shook his head, and opened the bathroom door.

Kerry was just hopping into the bath. She turned her head when the door opened. "Can you move the head, please?" she asked, pointing to the shower head.

"Oh, sorry." Dave had used the shower last, so it was set for his height. He placed the clothes in a neat pile on the side of the vanity, then leaned over the bath to pull the shower head down slightly. "There you go."

"Thank you," Kerry replied, stepping into the spray with her eyes closed.

Dave stood for a few moments, arms crossed, watching as his pup got herself good and wet. He was slightly startled when she reached between her legs, rubbing her sex. Before he could get turned on, he turned and left the room, closing the door with a quiet 'click'. He busied himself with locating his wallet, which had once again disappeared. For all that he could keep track of his finances, he could never keep track of his wallet.

Despite having cleaned most of the house, he still hadn't come across it. Eventually he found it tucked into the top drawer of his computer desk. "Why on earth did I put it in there?" he wondered aloud as he picked it up and shoved it into his pocket.

A short time later Kerry finished showering, and she came out of the bathroom smelling strongly of apple. "I used your shampoo," she said apologetically. "I couldn't see with my eyes shut."

"No kidding," Dave responded with a grin. "Go get your brush, and I'll give you a good grooming."

Kerry dashed off and returned a few moments later. She handed him the brush, then stood beside the bed while her father went over her with the hard-bristled brush. He stopped now and then to remove clumps of damp, matted fur from it. He debated getting under her clothes as well, but decided that there was no point if no one would see it. "Okay, I think that'll do," he said, looking Kerry up and down. "Now, let's have some lunch."

A bit later, after they'd eaten a meal of roast beef sandwiches, coleslaw and fruit juice, they cleaned up the table, then left the house. As they began walking down the street, Kerry turned to look at her father. "Can we walk over to Anson's place? There's a dairy near his house."

Dave lost step briefly before he picked up the pace again. He had some reservations about meeting Anson face to face after so many years, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to see him just yet. "Uh, I guess so. You know the way?"

"Yup! First we go to school, then go from there!" Kerry explained simply.

The walk to the school wasn't very long, about twenty minutes They stopped briefly outside the main gate, and looked through it into the austere courtyard that welcomed students and visitors alike. Dave found the experience a little surreal. There was something about a school closed for the holidays that was... depressing. It sat, empty and forlorn, patiently waiting for its lifeblood to come back and resume pumping through its corridors. He shook his head and looked down at Kerry. "Let's move on," he suggested. "You'll have to lead from here."

"That way," she said confidently, turning and pointing in the appropriate direction.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Dave asked as they strolled at a leisurely pace down the pohutukawa-lined street. Thanks to some recent rain, the trees were putting on an impressive showing of thousands of vivid crimson flowers.

"Strawberry," Kerry replied promptly. "Anson got me one the first time he took me home."

Dave smiled and nodded. "Right. Ah, is that the dairy?" he added, squinting into the distance. He could just make out a sign set out on the footpath.

Kerry nodded. "Yup! Anson's lucky, living so close to it."

"Yeah, I guess," Dave agreed. Having one nearby would definitely be convenient, but the price mark-up on even basic items was a great deterrent to buying from them.

They stepped into the dimmer light of the shop's interior and made for the ice cream display. "Two double scoop cones, please. Uh... one strawberry, and one,,, spearmint, I think."

"Certainly, sir," replied the shopkeeper. He busied himself with preparing the cones, keeping a wary eye on Kerry as she wandered around the shop. "Six-forty, thank you."

Dave paid for the cones, and handed the strawberry one to Kerry. "Thanks. Have a good day," he said, turning and leading the way out of the shop.

The pup went around the corner and headed down another street. "Nearly there!" she said, dribbling a bit of pink onto the ground as she spoke. She almost seemed to have a spring in her step now, and she was walking a little bit faster.

Around another corner, and a few metres up the next street she stopped. "Here we are!" she said.

The elder St Bernard gazed at the indicated house, the slightly overgrown lawn and the cobbled path, out of the cracks of which moss was beginning to grow. "Nice place," he murmured. He looked at Kerry. "I guess you want to see if he's home?"

Kerry didn't reply, instead opting to just go up the path to the front door. Dave sighed and followed her, getting a knotting feeling in his midsection as he did so. He felt quite self-conscious standing on the front porch, waiting to see if anyone would respond to Kerry's knocking. They waited a minute or so, then Kerry knocked again, putting more effort into it.

Anson stopped writing briefly when he heard a quiet knocking, but after a few seconds he shook his head and resumed tapping away at his keyboard. A short time later he heard it again, this time louder. "Huh. Someone is at the door," he muttered, getting up with a wince as his knees complained about changing position.

When he opened the door, he found himself staring at a middle-aged St Bernard. Beside him was standing... "Kerry?" he asked, blinking in surprise. He glanced back at the taller dog, assuming he was her father. "This is your dad?"

"Yeah, I am," the elder dog replied. "I promised Kerry some ice cream for helping me clean the house, and she conned me into coming over here as well."

"Right. Um... come in, I guess. I wasn't expecting anyone," Anson replied, stepping aside to admit the two dogs.

Kerry's father shook his head. "Thanks, but I'll pass for now. I, uh, have some more cleaning to do at home. Kerry's welcome to stay for a while if she wants though." His gaze roamed around, looking everywhere except at Anson's eyes. "I suppose you could walk her home."

"Uh, sure," Anson responded, looking a bit confused but accepting the refusal graciously. "Is five o'clock okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Kerry got her head fur ruffled, then her dad turned to go. "Have fun, kids."

Anson and Kerry watched him walk down the path and out of sight. "He seemed a bit surprised to see me," he mused as he closed the door behind Kerry and guided her towards the kitchen.

Kerry kept silent, remembering what her father had told her about his past.

"Want a drink?" the horse asked as he opened the fridge. "Milk, Coke, fruit juice, some kind of cordial...." He pulled the milk out and proceeded to pour himself a glass. "Help yourself."

The pup picked out the juice for herself, and handed it to Anson. "The bench is too high for me."

"Oh, right," Anson replied sheepishly. He filled a large glass with juice and gave it to Kerry, then put the milk and juice back. "Sorry." He left the kitchen and went back to his room, closely followed by Kerry. "Had a good morning?"

Kerry poked her tongue out, even though she knew Anson couldn't see it. "Lots of cleaning. Mum'll be home for Christmas, and Dad wanted the house clean."

"Fair enough," came the reply. Anson plopped down onto his chair and sipped at his milk. "Oh! I got something for you," he said, spying the haphazardly wrapped gift upon his desk. He grabbed it and passed it to Kerry, who'd just sat down on the bed.

"Oooh!" Kerry set her drink aside and tore into the paper enthusiastically. "Knickers and a shirt?" she asked rhetorically, picking each item up and examining them.

"Mmhmm. I chose them for how sexy I thought they'd look on you," Anson confessed with a smile. "I hope they fit okay. Try them on?"

The pup hopped off the bed and quickly shed her clothes. She soon had her new duds on, and turned herself around for Anson's inspection. "Like it?" she asked, adjusting the panties' gusset as it tried wedging into her vulva.

Anson nodded. "Yeah, I do. They fit great." He smiled widely and put his arms out, inviting the Kerry to hug him. "I think you look very sexy in them, and I'd bet your dad will think so too."

Kerry embraced him, and tried to get into his lap. She managed it with a bit of difficulty, and held on by putting her arms tightly around him. She rested her chin on his shoulder, and wagged her tail. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"I haven't got you anything... yet," Kerry said. "Me and Dad are... gonna do something for you."

"Oh?" Anson's curiosity was suddenly piqued. "You're not gonna tell me, are you?"

The pup giggled and shook her head. "Nope!"

"Will it involve putting something long and hard into a small, tight place?" Anson asked after a moment's thought.

Kerry pouted. "How'd you know?"

"Just a lucky guess," Anson replied, nuzzling at his lover's ears. "Whatever you do, I'm sure I'll love it." He shifted around on his chair, starting to feel some discomfort in his shorts as the thought of Kerry and her dad putting on a show just for him aroused him.

Kerry moved around on the horse's lap, noticing his growing erection. She giggled and climbed off him, watching the bulge in his shorts get bigger. She helped him along, rubbing her chubby fingers over it.

"You really love cock, don't you?" Anson murmured with a smile. "Does my sexy puppy want some horse cock to suck on?"

"Yes, please," Kerry said, ever polite. She stepped back and let Anson pull down his shorts, freeing up his engorged member. It stretched up to his lower chest, pulsing gently with his heartbeat.

"Here you go," Anson said with a smile, waggling his shaft at Kerry. "Come and get it."

Kerry giggled and moved closer, getting between the horse's spread legs. She grasped his cock with a chubby hand and pulled it down towards her mouth. Her wide pink tongue came out and slithered wetly over the slightly flared head, and slipped beneath it as she engulfed it.

Anson moaned softly and leaned back in his chair, watching the pup start to suck him off. Though he'd had plenty of time to get used to his unorthodox relationship with Kerry, he still had trouble believing that he had a seven-year-old pup as a girlfriend, that he had fucked her, and that she enjoyed everything that they did together. He stroked a hand through her scruffy headfur, caressed a floppy ear. "Beautiful pup," he murmured.

She worked his cock a little more before she lifted her head and looked up at him with her soft brown eyes. "Thank you," she replied with a wide smile and a wagging tail, before she went back to her fellatio.

"Mmm." Anson sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing as his thick shaft was suckled upon. He could feel her mouth's wet warmth and velvety tongue all over the top half, and her fingers rubbing and squeezing the remainder. As lacking in experience as she was, she could still bring him quickly to climax.

It took only a few minutes for Kerry's stroking and slurping to bring the horse to his peak. His lower body tensed in preparation, and his breathing quickened. He gritted his teeth and panted loudly. "Gonna... come!" he managed to grunt before he let out a loud moan of relief as his seed spurted thickly from his cock.

Kerry was ready, and as the first jet shot into her mouth she pulled her head up so that his flared head was just within her lips. Her mouth was filled in just a few seconds, and though she swallowed quickly she couldn't quite keep up. Some of Anson's spunk leaked out, dripping down onto her new shirt, leaving dark, gooey streaks down her front.

It had been only a few hours since Anson had last shot a load, but he still fed Kerry a considerable amount of semen. He gazed down at Kerry, watching her gamely trying to keep up with the flow as it throbbed out of his cock. "Good pup," he said, pushing her head gently off his shaft to let the head pop free. He took hold of his member and stroked out the last of his emission, dabbing it over her cheeks. "There we go."

Kerry licked around her jowls. "Yummy," she said. She burped suddenly, and giggled. "'scuse me."

"You're excused," Anson replied, leaning forward and gathering Kerry into a hug. "Mm, that was wonderful, hon. Thank you."

The pup snuggled up against her equine boyfriend, the somewhat bitter taste of his seed still on her tongue. She sniffed at his chest, smelling the shampoo that he'd used that morning. "You smell nice."

"Heh, thanks. It's a new one I got recently. Has dragonfruit in it, I think." Anson cuddled Kerry for a bit then unfolded himself from the embrace. "We should probably get you cleaned up." He looked at the cum that had seeped into and begun congealing on her shirt and tsked. "You've had that for only a few minutes, and already it's got dirty."

Kerry grinned. "Sorry."

After Kerry had changed back into her regular clothes and washed her face, she joined Anson in the lounge. "You want to watch a movie?" he asked as he browsed the TV Guide. "There are a few on right now. Mostly the usual Christmas repeats. Or we could watch a DVD." He grabbed the TV remote control and flopped down onto the couch, switching the TV on and starting to channel surf.

"Maybe," Kerry said, sitting down beside Anson and snuggling up against him. "Ooh, I like this!" she exclaimed when a small ferret with blond headfur showed up on the screen.

"Ah, Home Alone," Anson said, nodding. "This works for me." He put an arm around Kerry and snugged her close, giving her a kiss on the forehead before turning his attention to the movie. "I haven't seen it in years. It's just started, too."

The two watched the movie in relative silence, aside from bursts of laughter. By the time it was over, the two had changed position so that Anson was lying out on his side, and Kerry was in front, snuggled back against him. The couch was just big enough to fit both of them, though Anson kept a gentle grip on Kerry to prevent her falling off.

"I forgot how cheesy that movie was," Anson said, trying to stretch his cramped limbs. "Hop off, hon, and let me up." Once he was up and limbered up, he checked the time. "Nearly half-past three. Hmm." He turned and looked at Kerry. "Feel like doing anything else, or should I take you home now?"

Kerry shrugged. "Can we play a game?"

"Sure. You pick it."

A short time later Anson was at the kitchen table, playing Battleship. "I think the last time I played this I was eight," he said as he pondered his upper board. "C... 7."

"Miss!" exclaimed Kerry. She placed a white peg and considered her own options. "D-9?"

"Damn! You sank my cruiser," Anson replied, placing a red peg in the appropriate ship.

Nearly half an hour later, Kerry's fleet was still mostly intact, but Anson's had been picked off one by one, until just a solitary ship was left. "G-1?"

"You sank my battleship," the horse said with a wry laugh. "How clichéd. One more game?"

The second game was closer, leaving both players with one ship each. After both had had several misses, Anson fired the winning salvo. "J-9."

"Hit. Sunk." Kerry had a pouty look on her face.

Anson leaned over the table and ruffled the pup's headfur. "Hey, you won the first game! You can't have everything your own way." He checked the clock, and saw that it was just past 4:30. "Time to pack up and get you home, I think."

"Aww, okay." Kerry helped Anson put the game away, then waited for him to find a bag to put her cum-stained shirt and panties in.

"Okay, let's go," he said, giving the bag to Kerry and grabbing the house key from its hook.

The walk back to Kerry's house was uneventful, aside from a cyclist nearly running into them as they rounded a corner. "Son of a...!" Anson swore as he danced out of the way. "Idiot!"

He took her as far as her letterbox, refusing Kerry's offer of coming in. "I'll pass for now. I'm not sure your dad's all that comfortable with me," he said.

"Yeah, I know," she replied, looking slightly downcast. She wanted to tell him why, but she couldn't bring herself to do so, having no idea of how he'd react. "Maybe someday." She sighed and gave Anson a hug. "I'd better go in now. See you soon?"

"If you want to give me your, uh, 'gift', you will," Anson replied with a smile. He scratched her lightly behind an ear. "Come visit again when it's done."

Kerry grinned and leaned into the scratching. "Sure." She hugged him again. "See you later."

"Bye, hon." He smiled and watched her head around the back of her house, before he turned and strolled back the way he'd come. As he walked, he started pondering her father's discomfort over meeting him. Perhaps it was the awkwardness of a parent meeting their daughter's boyfriend for the first time. That might fit, but there seemed to be something else that he couldn't pinpoint. A sense of guilt? The way he'd avoided looking at Anson seemed to suggest that.

Eventually his thoughts moved on to what Kerry and her dad might get up to. He was sure that it would be an interesting gift, one that he could enjoy many times over. Feeling his shorts start to tent, he quickly tried to think of more mundane things. Almost immediately his summer assignment came to mind.

Anson sighed heavily. Summer was meant to be a time for soaking up sun and surf, or otherwise having fun - not schoolwork. "Maybe if I work extra hard on it, I can finish it early," he mused.