Dark Dealings

Story by Declan Xavier on SoFurry

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A story gift for KaleShadowWalker: A dragon with a curse turns to a demon for help. The demon obliges, but of course gets something in return

Hello everyone. Standard disclaimer time. This work was written for and intended to be read only by those of legal age. Do not view this material if it is illegal for you to do so. Declan and the story itself is my intellectual property, and not to be used without permission. Shadow is the property of KaleShadowWalker and not to be used without his permission. He is used here with permission.

This is a story gift for KaleShadowWalker

Dark Dealings

by Declan Xavier

Declan whistled a merry tune as he walked down the street. He loved getting up to the mortal world whenever he could. Nowadays, demon-kind could not just sit in the shadows, waiting for the prey to come to them. That is what drove him topside on this day. People on the street avoided him, but more out of ignorance than revulsion. Declan was merely an unimportant blip on their radar. He could not risk them touching or interacting with him, he had an appointhimnt to keep.

Touching the doorhandles to the gym, Declan felt the tingle of all the negative emotions left behind by others. It was tempting to lick his fingers clean, but that would have looked odd as the demon-fox stepped into the gym lobby. The poor girl sitting behind the counter was about to look up and notice him, but unfortunately someone slipped on a treadmill, and all of the staff ran to assist. She would be fine, Declan only needed her to be a distraction, not a casuality.

Declan slid past the reception desk and made a hard right, opening the door marked 'pool.' The swimming pool was on the lower floor. Declan marched down the stairs, the chemical reek getting stronger. It reminded him of home. It wasn't sulfur, but it was somehow comforting. The smell covered everything else as Declan opened the glass doors leading to the pool area and locker rooms. There were a few creatures swimming laps, and a sign warning people that there was no lifeguard on duty.

Making his way towards one of the benches, Declan caught sight of his quary. There, having the second lane all to himself, was a big black dragon. He was having an easier time of it than the mammals that were swimming in the other lanes, the water simply sliding past his scales rather than getting caught up in fur. It was quite stunning to watch, but, sadly, it did not last long. Declan did not tend to arrive too much earlier than required, and this was no exception.

As the dragon hit the edge of the pool, his routine was done. He climbed out of the pool, water running down his body in rivulets before entering into the drain. Declan licked his lips as he turned to look at him. The dragon nodded in his general direction, and headed off into the locker room. Declan smiled and followed him shortly, admiring his form from the back.

His workouts had given his muscles that firm definition that allowed him to make them out even through the layer of scales. Declan could watch how each muscle group moved with each step he took, the way that his tail's swinging back and forth tugged at those lower back muscles. Declan was so entranced that he nearly walked straight into the scaly back when the dragon stopped to open the door to the male's locker room.

The dragon looked over his shoulder and smiled. Declan smiled back, not an ounce of shame at having been caught staring. The demon could not really help it; it was a thing of beauty, and as such, needed to be admired. A demon is not immune to jealousy, indeed, some of they seehimd to thrive on it. Needless to say, with a little concentration his fox form's muscle tone improved significantly compared to when he walked into the gymnasium. It was not his style to break a sweat.

The locker room was empty, save for them two. All the better, Declan thought as he rubbed his hand against the door, barring people from entering. It was a very minor charm, just something that would cause people to become distracted if they tried to enter. Declan would have to bar the other entrances, too, but it was no bother. What would have been a pain was getting anyone else out of their hair. As the dragon headed for his locker, Declan headed for the other door and made sure it was barred against anyone intruding. This was their time, after all.

Declan heard one of the showers crank on, and headed back. The dragon was starting to scrub the harsh chemicals off his scales, having shirked his swim suit. The sight of a fully naked creature was always pleasing to the fox, even if it was a reptile. They did not have as much to obviously show off than mammals, but Declan always liked to state that dragons decided to be more action than bragging, even in their anatomy. There were not a lot of dragons that Declan came into contact regularly. Hell had but one dragon, and he was a jealous son-of-a-bitch. Anyone caught copying his form would be severely punished, so, Declan had to make due with those wandering around the mortal ranks.

The dragon turned to acknowledge him, content that they were alone. "Is it that time already Declan?"

Declan feigned a look at the clock, as though that would tell him what Declan needed to know. "It seems that way, does it not, Shadow?" He went by Shadow, despite his true name being Kale. Declan supposed it was fair. Declan went by Declan even though that had nothing to do with his real name.

"Seems like it's getting shorter and shorter between times," Shadow said, more to himself than to Declan, as he squirted another handful of chemical scrub onto the washcloth and started working the suds into his back.

Declan stepped closer to him, a thin head of steam already hovering near the ceiling. "It is, silly," Declan said, scolding him a little. "Winter time, the nights are getting longer and the days shorter. The moon rises sooner. When it starts inching towards summer, the trend wll reverse."

"Not what I meant," Shadow said, a bit miffed. Declan knew full well what he meant, but still could not help toying with him a little bit. He was stressed, Declan could feel it in the sticky sweet air of the locker room. He had pushed himself harder in his swimming than he otherwise would have. He was shorter in his responses. This was all he was thinking about all day.

Declan scratched his head, deciding that there was no time like the present. He quickly discarded his clothing, which was much easier for someone of his persuasion than others. He just stopped thinking about them, and they were gone. By the time Shadow looked again, Declan was standing stark naked, leaning against the wall. Declan could see the dragon's eyes roaming over his form, eyes widening a bit at the toned muscles of his stomach, the defined thighs, and of course everything Declan was sporting between. It was...modest. They were not here for his entertainment, not tonight.

His fur was already getting matted a bit by the heat, and Declan opened his mouth to pant a little. It would help to soften up that which he normally kept wiry and rough. Shadow may have been cold-blooded, but Declan sure as Hell was not. The cool brick of the locker room did little to assuage the stifling heat.

Shadow capped the bottle and kicked it into a corner, the plastic skidding on the wet tile. "Shall they get to it then?"

Declan nodded, getting off the wall and standing in the center of the showering area. His hands started to pulse with violet light as Declan watched the dragon clutch at his stomach. It always started with his stomach, it seemed. Odd, perhaps there was something to that. Perhaps that is where the curse entered his body, Declan was not sure. It was not something he liked to discuss and Declan never felt the need, before now, to ask.

The black scales seemed to break with thousands of hairline cracks, like the shattering of glass. They did so noiselessly, or at least, so quietly they could not be heard over the muffled groans coming from the dragon's lips. The cracks started to rise as the scales became fur. The changes were easier for a dragon to take, since their bodies were in a suitable configuration already. A feline's muzzle would have to extend, a rodent would have to grow many times its size. Not that Shadow did not grow. His muscles, which he had gained through years of good habits, were starting to bloat and become distorted versions of themselves. Declan had seen many creatures take their bodies to new and disgusting heights, twisting the beauty and making it something almost contemptible. It was truly art at work.

The dragon growled at him while the transformation was taking hold of his body. No one outside these walls would hear him, and Declan was certainly not about to be intimidated by something like this. The unbridled beast inside had gotten ahold of his mind. Shadow was gone, replaced by something so gloriously dark and twisted. There was nothing but hate in his eyes for him, even though Shadow would be singing his praises later. Declan tried not to take it personally.

Meanwhile, Declan tried to predict his first move. Did it learn from its past experiences? Would it try something new every time. Declan had not been doing this long enough to know, but the infernal fox would have to learn quickly. Declan had struck a deal with Shadow, and not being able to keep his end of the bargain had serious consequences for the both of them. If there was one thing any demon hated, it was being forced to pay up when they squirmed out of a debt. It was intentionally made as painful for them as possible.

Shadow, half wolf, half dragon, cut Declan's thoughts short by lunging at him. His legs had grown to the thickness of telephone poles, and those muscles fired Shadow's bulk at him with near blinding speed. If Declan had been anything else, his guts would be making an artistic statement against the brick walls. Instead, Declan ducked underneath the grabbing claws, grabbing onto his hip as it passed over him. There was a loud buzzing sound as the demon discharged his power into Shadow's stomach.

The now mostly wolf landed, spinning on the slippery surface to face him, ready to pounce again, but Declan had gotten him on the first shot. One could not eliminate emotions, especially not powerful ones like the anger and hunger felt by a newly transforhimd werewolf. What one had to do was rearrange those feelings, channeling them to something else. In his case, it was a speciality of the second circle.

As he crouched, Declan saw the evidence of his handiwork. Where the dragon had his parts hidden interally, the wolf had everything on display, and they had grown with the rest of his body. Well, that, and the small blast of power that Declan had administered had helped. Nearly half of his tapered wolf cock was exposed to the heat, bobbing underneath him as he leapt forward again. Declan paused for only a mohimnt, before deciding to surrender to the beast.

The difference was his eyes. Before, he looked like he wanted to tear him apart, now...

Declan grunted reflexively as the werewolf carried him into the wall, hard enough to daze him. Declan did not resist as the werewolf spun him around and pushed his face against the bricks, not that he would have. Declan lifted his tail, not entirely sure Shadow would have the presence in his current state of mind not to tear it from his body for getting in his way. The fox felt Shadow's chest press into his back, pushing him forward. Declan had to turn to prevent his muzzle from getting smashed in. Werewolves were not gentle lovers by any means.

Declan barely had time to spread his legs a bit further before he felt the searing hot tip of the werewolf's cock pressing against his anal ring. The demon-fox relaxed as best he could. It did not matter one's biology, relaxing was always better when one found himself in this position. He let out a shuddering breath as Shadow pushed his hips forward. The wolf panted heavily in his ear as the pointed canine tip of his penis wedged the fox's passage open. Declan cried out in submission as he felt the large pecker continue to push inside him, having a mediocre lubricant at best. He was only able to produce a little precum since Declan zapped him.

Declan gritted his teeth as more malehood entered him, trying to count the inches of flesh he was pushing inside. Despite all his relaxation, his member rubbed harshly against Declan's tunnel. Declan clenched in reflex as he felt it near his prostate, and Shadow growled at the resistence. That did not make him relax at all.

Shadow pushed his hips forward again, and Declan nearly dug furrows into the wall as he pushed past his barriers. He started humping hard and rough. Again, werewolves were not tender lovers. They were not 'making love,' they had even gone beyond 'fucking.' He was rutting him like an animal in heat. At first, Declan tried to counter his rhythm, hoping to increase his pleasure and quicken him to an end, but the muscular lycanthrope overpowered his smaller frame easily. Declan simply tried to keep himself still after that, but found his body rocking in time with his thrusts anyway.

The werewolf grunted as he pistoned his cock in and out of the tailhole, hammering at his prostate and causing him to mewl out in pleasure, despite the rough treatment. Declan could feel Shadow's heartbeat between his shoulder blades. Hell, Declan could feel his heartbeat in the nearly foot long rod of male potency he had buried deep inside his guts. The shower room filled with the lewd, squelching noises of their rutting, mixing into a symphony with the werewolf's furious groans and Declan's gasps for breath and yelps of joy.

His dense, heavy balls swung forward and slapped the back of Declan's, causing him to jump a bit. Declan swore he heard the beast laugh at that. It just caused the beast to pump harder, which the demon did not think possible. Declan felt hands wrap around his waist, and his eyes went wide as he was lifted bodily off his feet. He pressed his hands against the wall for support as Shadow held him in place, reserving his thrusts for the back three inches of his cock at best.

It was not long at all before Declan felt the knot starting to form, the bulge at the base of his malehood getting larger and larger with each push forward. Declan felt thick drool hitting the back of his neck as the werewolf bred his tight hole, his own cock was starting to drip preseminal fluid onto the floor and down the length of his shaft. As much as Declan was here for Shadow's pleasure, and received plenty of his own from such a rough fucking, there were certain things that were impossible to deny. Sadly, Declan didd not dare move his hand from the wall lest he fall onto his face.

The knot popping in and out of his ring slowed Shadow down a bit, but did not stop him from putting as much power as he could through his hips. The wolf howled out his pleasure as his climax drew close, his testices pulling up to rest behind his knot. He shoved that bulge into his bitch once more, grinding his hips against the smaller canine's and letting loose a ferocious howl and a torent of sehimn at the sahim time.

The hot seed poured deep within Declan, his legs trembling from the pleasure of being filled so completely. Declan could feel his lust abate by a fraction as more corrupted cum shot into him. Declan did not expect, however, what came next. After his first orgasm finally stopped and his knot started to deflate, Shadow began to pull his shaft free of Declan's ass. His thighs had to have been burning, just like the fox's tailhole was, but that did not seem to stop him from starting up again. Only halfway out, he shoved deep back into the loosened passage with a loud grunt, picking up at a slightly slower pace than before.

Every push in shoved the first load deeper, every pull out drew more liquid down the back of his thighs and even onto his balls. Shadow continued to pump, churning his original shot within the fox. The wet, squishing noises became louder and lewder as he fucked him again, the layer of seed between Declan's innards and his cock doing little to dampen the feeling. Declan could still feel the wolf's quickened pulse through his ass.

If anything, he pushed harder since he could not push faster, and the demon's arms started to burn by the sheer effort of keeping him upright. The smell of spunk and musk filled the steamy air, driving the werewolf towards his second orgasm all the quicker. It was minutes, though, of rough rutting before Declan felt him ready to climax once again. Declan swore his knot was bigger the second time he hilted himself, keeping tied until he emptied his balls into the fox's used guts.

Declan felt more semen rush into him, more than Declan thought possible for a single mortal to be able to produce. Declan squirmd a bit as the tool inside him. Trying to get comfortable in any way while that beast had been suspended on his cock was impossible, but Declan tried anyway. Finally, after a few seconds of being tied together, Shadiw withdrew with an audible popping noise, white wet goo dripping down Declan's legs and onto his feet.

Shadow stumbled, his legs burning with exertion, finally collapsing and sitting on the ground. His sticky shaft still stood at attention, and as Declan turned, he could see he was still in wolf form. His lust had not fully been exhausted, even if his muscles had been. Not that the demon minded. Demons, especially those of the second circle, only get stronger the more they were sexually entertained. they were horny perpetual motion machines.

Declan walked over to him gingerly, his body trying to accommodate the rough handling and copious amounts of werewolf semen that had been deposited within him. Declan got down on his hands and knees and crawled towards the tired yet still horny shapeshifter, wrapping his hand around the base of his shaft and leaning forward. The demon-fox gave the head a generous lick, running his thumb up the bulge of the underside, trying to coax the last remnants out into his mouth.

Shadow whimpered gratefully as Declan stimulated his overworked cock, cleaning it with his tongue. Declan slurped down the liquid left behind from their session, making sure not to let any go to waste. Declan was still unclear as to how lycanthropy worked, how it was transmitted, though the thought of working out an arrangment with another werewolf did get him a little excited.

Declan continued to lick until Shadow's shaft was completely clean. The head started to round out and mushroom in his mouth. He was reverting, he had finished. Declan closed his eyes and continued his tender licks along the flagging erection, at least until Shadow placed his hand upon his head. Declan looked up, and the dragon was smiling at him, now completely back in the form he was born to. Declan withdrew his muzzle, a silverly strand of saliva bridging the gap until finally breaking off.

"Thank you," he whispered before succumbing to his exhaustion and falling asleep. It always happened when the supernatural powers left him. Declan smiled and wiped his muzzle on his arm, leaning forward and lifting one of Shadow's ear flaps.

Declan held up his end of the bargain, and now it was time for Shadow to uphold his. Declan whispered the name of his next intended victim to the dragon, and his unconscious head nodded its ascent. He would find someone else for him to play with, and next full moon, they would meet again. That was their arrangment, and so far, it had worked out for the best.

Declan dispelled the wards on the doors, allowing access to the locker rooms again. Someone would come in and find him, no doubt, and he would find medical attention. Not that he was in any danger. Who knew, perhaps an enterprising creature would take advantage of a slumbering dragon. But Declan had other things to do, other deals to make, and so, with a pop not unlike a knot being ripped from a tailhole, Declan disappeared. He always enjoyed his time in the mortal world, but Declan had duties to attend to, and enough energy to make sure that no one would sleep well in Hell tonight.