All About the Timing

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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So, where has DJ been, you may be asking and what is this sight that you see before you?

Well, in that order, my laptop recently went through a phase where it decided to just stop working. The heatsink fan stopped dead in its tracks and when I turned on the computer it gave me an error that the fan wasn't working properly.

Flash forward to yesterday and the thing ACTUALLY starts working as intended just out of the blue!

As for this story... well, you may be curious as to what the creatures detailed within even look like! Well, thanks to the wonderful illustrative powers of one Majorra over on FA ( they look like this! ) These are the Erions. Much like my Hurricusians of yesteryear, these are an alien species based off an earth species and then changed until there's no confusing them for their earthly counterpart.

In that picture on the left, you see the Coldforest Erion. A being that evolved to live in the mountainous, snowier forests of the planet Eri. On the right is a Warmforest Erion, one who evolved to live in the warmer and nearly tropical climates of said planet.

Not pictured, however, are the Falseforests, cunning predators who've evolved until they look nearly identical to the other two in every way except for some rather interesting features that I'll more than happily discuss in a future story detailing their interesting predatory habits. (Oh yes, there will be /vore/)

But for now just sit back and enjoy some gay as hell xenovulpine copulation. :3

The faint glow of the sun's twilight shined through the leafy green canopy high overhead, casting its faint amber glow upon the pair that had seen fit to grace this clearing with their presence. They were a jumble of icy white and sunburnt brown, a bundle of limbs and extremeties each jockeying for position until the taller of the two pinned his companion against a tree at long last. They stood there for what seemed to be a stretched moment in time, chests heaving as they looked upon one another, one with pupils etched of the iciest blue and the other with vibrant greens that seemed to echo the trees over head. And as suddenly as they stopped, they were both upon each other again, lips pressing hungrily against one another's and both of them pushing that contact for all it was worth.

"Quilima... ah!" The smaller of the pair, the brown-furred one with the broad ears managed to gasp out as their kiss ended and the ice white one dipped his head down, nibbling a little at the orange one's neck. His horns got in the way ever so slightly, nudging against the bark of the tree behind them and the cheek of the smaller one. "Mmnh... s-stop fo-for a moment... le-let me look at you."

A simple enough request, and one that at least made the antlered vulpine lift his head up to show a mischievous grin playing along his supple, dark lips. His ears were bent forward, showing their differing shape compared to the other one before him. Whereas his partner's ears were broad triangles that almost naturally splayed out at an angle, his were round cups with just the barest hint of an opening near the top, the relative size of the ears matching the pair of antlers that sprouted from the top of his head. Decorating both ears near the base was a round gemstone of the blackest night, glittering as darkly as the sclera in both creature's eyes. "All right, Jeshui... I stopped, but I can't guarantee that I'll stop for long."

Jeshui couldn't help but blush at that, the warmforest dipping his head down as the rosy glow spread along the bridge of his muzzle and both cheeks, a weak smile tugging up the corners of his lips. He reached behind him, careful as his hand brushed against the rough bark of the tree behind him as he produced two identical cords of leather from his pouch, each decorated with a small bone with a curved symbol that intertwined at various points on it. "W-well. Maybe this will help to curb your appetites for just a moment longer." He slipped one of them over his head, letting the decoration hang against his chest before offering the matching one to the suddenly breathless vulpine in front of him.

Quilima hesitated for a moment before gingerly taking the offered jewelry from the warmforest of his affections, the cold forest looking down at it with an almost apprehensive stare. "You know what you offer in giving me this, Jeshui. Do you still give this to me, knowing what it stands for and what it means for both of us?" The coldforest's throat was dry, his mouth almost refused to work. Any of the heat in his body was stilled and he felt as if the icy waters from around his home had been dumped unceremoniously atop his head. Just over Jeshui's shoulder he could barely see one of the thatched roofs of the village they had just come from... Jeshui's village. If they knew what was going on just beyond their watchful eyes, the elders would...

"I know what it means and my heart tells me that it's the right thing to do. We've shared of our bodies already, Quilima... indeed, we've made love right here in this very grove. But..." Here Jeshui paused ever so subtly, holding his breath for just the right moment when he was sure that the coldforest was paying attention to him. "But it means little if we can't dedicate ourselves to one another. I know we've only been as one for just a full cycle, but I want us to be... a couple." Jeshui spread his hands apart near his waist line, openly showing himself and how defenseless he was. He was serious about this commitment alright and nothing short of a refusal would make him back down from this position. Quilima felt his heart fluttering in his chest for a few moments before he swallowed, a desperate attempt to bring moisture to his dry mouth and explain himself.

"Your way with words does your festival performances proudly, Jeshui. I wish to commit myself to you more than anything... and you understand what it means by giving me your token. All right, Jeshui... I accept." The coldforest smiled tenderly, taking the trinket in his hand before slipping it over his neck, the gentle clink of bone on bone sounding out as the two talismans swayed against one another by the soft rising and falling of their chests. Almost as soon as the talisman was over his head, Quilima gasped as Jeshui's lips pressed against his own again, their pitch black gazes meeting again before their eyes closed.

Tongue pushed against tongue in a frolicking, heated dance as their bodies pushed against one another. Icy white fur blended evenly into dark brown and the two trinkets danced in what little open space remained between their bodies as Quilima picked up his love by the hips, pinning him against the tree as his lips followed their own desires and explored further down along the vulpine's body. His tongue pushed through Jeshui's fur before his ivory white teeth nibbled through the short scruff at the skin beneath, just to let his breath wash over the whole area he'd just bitten. Quiet moans lifted from the warmforest's throat as his coldforest lover made him squeak and moan in the most interesting ways, those teeth doing their job and sending prickles of excitement wherever they decided to stay.

Feeling almost adventurous, Quilima let his head drop even lower, his black nose nudging against the talisman that hung around Jeshui's neck for just a moment before meandering over to his right. There under the fur he found what he was looking for, the small nub of flesh that made his love moan ever so loudly when his teeth played over it, tugging the sensitive flesh for a second before letting it go and his hot, panting breath roll over it in dancing waves. They were both hungry for the touch that the other could bring and no other creature in the world could bring them such satisfaction as they felt now. Heat danced in a wave around them as the sun slowly settled against the horizon of trees, bathing their joining in an auburn haze that soon turned steaked with reds, violets and orange hues that played so wonderfully over the coldforest's blank fur.

Two pairs of onyx black eyes opened on the gaze of each other before two pinpricks of color appeared in each eye, glacier blue meeting with forested green. Quilima moved his head back up, kissing Jeshui lustily and even being so bold as to nibble the vulpine's lower lip for a moment before pulling back all the way and letting the warmforest sink back to the ground on his own weak and wobbly legs, supporting him against the tree with both of the coldforest's hands at the small of Jeshui's back.

"Tell me you want me, Jeshui. Tell me you want me to rut you against this tree and I swear I'll do it. I'll make you sing into the night that we're one, that we're a couple that no one can ever break apart." Quilima reached up, clasping Jeshui's talisman and his own in the same hand, the dull clatter of bone coming from between his clenched fingers. "Then we can go back to the village and they'll have no choice but to take us, for what're we but the mightiest hunters that they know? We'll hunt our own feast for our joining and we'll invite everyone for miles around!" He stopped, catching his breath as he watched his partner's eyes widen with excitement, those forest green pupils catching the light just perfectly and glowing like fires. "But for all that to happen, you must tell me... do you want me to rut you?"

The answer, when it came, was simplicity in and of itself. The warmforest turned himself around, gripping into the tree in front of him with long and slender fingers and his whole body leaned forward, pushing himself against the coldforest behind him with a passionate whimper. "Y-yes. I want all of that, I want that but more importantly, Quilima... I want you to breed me. Breed me and make love to me, make our cries echo through the night!" He swished his hips a little without a clue just how enticing such a motion was to the quietly desperate vulpine behind him.

Lust poured in waves betwee the pair, lust and love simmering in their hearts as Quilima sought to give Jeshui just what he desired... what they both desired! The coldforest pushed himself forward, only needing to shift Jeshui's belt out of the way as the heat of the night saw both of them without anything but their packs to keep them clothed. Already Quilima could feel his staff fill out with desire and hunger for the male bent over before him, the tapered black flesh standing proudly free of its furred pouch and begging to sink underneath Jeshui's tail. He lifted that furred appendage out of the way, brushing it carefully so it hung over the warmforest's left hip and moved his body inward. Quilima winced as the heat of his partner's body brushed against his stiff ebon spear, but it only encouraged him forward as that pink star of flesh seemed to beg for his girth to intrude into its sanctified depths. Quilima swallowed softly, getting the accumulated saliva out of his muzzle before he urged his hips forward yet again, this time to be greeted by Jeshui's tight pucker against the tip of his length.

A hoarse moan rose out of both of them as Jeshui looked over his shoulder at his love, urging his hips backwards ever so slightly and feeling that mighty spear sink against his flesh, threatening to enter his body and those heated depths that hid behind that initial wall of pink flesh. A silent nod from the warmforest was all the encouragement that Quilima needed, their breaths stopping for a moment in bated anticipation, the urging of Quilima's hips growing all the more insistent against the resisting flesh... and suddenly they were joined, the coldforest's aching cock pushing deep into the snug walls of his love's body before he had the presence of mind to stop and let Jeshui adjust. They sat there for what seemed like eternity, infinite after infinite stretching before them as those tight walls grasped and squeezed around the intruding flesh.

Then Quilima was advancing forward, taking his time in spreading out the backside of his lover as his ebon flesh sunk under Jeshui's tail and into that pink cave, crooning as the tightness and heat of the passage encouraged droplets of his hot essence to spill into the warmforest's backside. He heard what sounded like the first droplets of the spring rain drop against the springy grass under their feet, but smiled as he saw that Jeshui's body was reacting the same way with a thin and viscous string of pre-cum hanging from the tip of his firmed pink erection. Quilima moved his body forward until his hips finally brushed against Jeshui's own, being rewarded with a satisfying cry from the warmforest and to see that string of precum break off into a single bead that fell to the ground. Quilima leaned forward carefully, hands taking hold of Jeshui's hips to steady them both, until his muzzle was right next to the vulpine's broad, triangular ear and his voice was growling into it. "Beg for it, Jeshui... beg for my essence inside of you..."

For a moment, it seemed as if Jeshui dared not stir for fear that the only noise that would rise from his throat would be nothing more than the base moans of an animal in its season. But he soon lifted his head slightly, nudging his ear against the taller vulpine's muzzle to feel that hot breath wash against the sensitive inner hairs of his ear before he managed to speak. "Give... give it all to me, Quilima... I want every drop of your seed inside of me... I... I w-want my belly warmed by your seed..." He tipped his head back after his admission and whined out, a plaintive cry that could be heard for yards around them both. "Please, Quilima... f-fill my body, take me as yours!"

Quilima needed no other encouragement, indeed he didn't even need those words to fall upon his ear. He was ready for the task at hand and he would've given it to the smaller vulpine regardless of what words he'd spoken. But this, oh now these were words that he could work with! He drew himself back and stood proudly, planting his feet ever so slightly apart as he drew himself back. Those strong hunter's legs propelled him forward as he just about slammed his entire weight into the warmforest below him, a lewd grunt rising out of his throat as he shoved his entire meat back into the vulpine before hime. Thrust after thrust after hard thrust pinned Jeshui's body against the tree, making him nearly yelp out as that staff plunged into his back door. A short bark erupted from Quilima's mouth before he tipped his head back and crooned out his lust for the creature before him even as Jeshui responded with a delighted whine of his own.

The night air washed over the both of them, carrying the scents of their coupling through the trees around them, the sharp musk of two men sharing in the delights of their bodies as they rocked back and forth in a tempo that only they could feel and experience. Quilima's arms wrapped around Jeshui's hips, hugging him close as the bulb at the base of his shaft grew and expanded. Each thrust made that growing knot slap against the warmforest's anus, denting the abused flesh inward for a moment before it withdrew and repeated the process over again. Quilima could almost feel his heart fluttering in his chest as he neared that explosive finale, his pupils contracting until nothing but the darkness of the midnight sky shone in his eyes and the light twinkle of a blue star hung in the inky darkness. It was bliss... it was passion. It was... coming!

A howl rose through the trees, the sound echoing into the night sky as Quilima plunged himself forward one last time, Jeshui's abused rectum forced to take the male's fully expanded knot with a pained gasp. For a moment they hung there, time frozen all around them before the first pulse of liquid heat poured into Jeshui'd tunnel. He could feel the pulse of Quilima's knot as each beat of the vulpine's heart sent another wave of that spunk into his body, filling his belly with the liquid heat... and little did he know that sometime during that rough pounding, he'd already coated the forest floor with his own offering, hot essence staining the ground beneath them.

And just like that it was over... or at least the initial act was. Quilima's lips pressed against Jeshui's cheek as they stood there, the very ground beneath them threatening to give way to their tired bodies. Musk and maleness hung in the air around them, tinging the natural smells around them with the scent of a heated coupling, Quilima's tongue darting out and tasting the sweat hanging in Jeshui's fur with a soft moan. "Mmhhff... oh my love... you're mine, now..." He could hear the words rising from his lips and he meant every single one of them, even as he reached down between his partner's legs and wiped some of the drooling essence from the male's erection and just about smeared the result over his own lips in his haste to taste of it.

Off in the distance, somewhere through the blanketing canopy of trees and encroaching darkness, the moon started to rise into the night and casting its own, wintery glow over the mating of the pair, summer and winter joined together in a union seemingly blessed by nature itself and one that would make its own mark in their tribe. A mark upon their tribe that would decide the course of Erion culture for centuries to come.


There was silence for several minutes, the two actors holding their breath as they stood there, awaiting the audience's reaction with bated breath. Just as both of them looked at one another, warily holding each other's gaze and knowing that they had somehow fouled up the entire performance, the entire group in attendance exploded into applause. Relief coated their faces as they both stood up and, after a little work in tugging themselves free of one another, took their bows to the joyous and thunderous applause of the group in attendance.

The sound of festivities seemingly rushed into the coldforest's ears again, music and dancing and the sound of a glorious feast all around them as Erions from all around for miles had taken the time out of their lives to join in this festival. And above the stage, hanging between two carefully placed lanterns were the yellowed talismans that Jeshui had made for his union with Quilima those hundreds of years ago...

How else would you celebrate the two male founders who'd created this wonderful village?