Tiger Takes Lion - Check

Story by Alexander Redfur on SoFurry

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#1 of Fun and Games

A tiger has a sexual encounter with a lion at the local gym.

Tiger Takes Lion - Check:

Alex sighed loudly to himself as he got off the bus. The tiger walked quietly towards the gym he frequented late at night after he finished work, adjusting the bag slung over his shoulder as he went. "God I hope Jacob will be there tonight..." he mused to himself as he walked, bringing a slight smile to his muzzle and a stir to the bulge in his white sweatpants. The mere thought of the lion started to excite the tiger, bringing a low guttural growl from his lips as he stopped to think about the lion's muscular form working out across the room.

The last time Alex had gone to the gym he had noticed signs Jacob was interested. A slight brushing of his tail across Alex's toned chest as he passed by here, a sidelong glance as they worked out in silence there. Alex swore he could even smell the sexual tension left hanging in the air when the lion had retreated to the shower room that night.

"No more games. Tonight..." Alex's tail swished side to side sharply as he thought about his plans for the lion. Trailing off into another carnal growl, he reached his paw into the pocket of his white hooded sweater, checking to make sure the condom he stashed there was still readily available. "Tonight will be a special workout indeed."

Walking into the doors of the small gym, Alex noted the surprising lack of cars in the parking lot. "Good. It's a slow night tonight. Less people around will make this easier, I just hope he's here..." Alex mused to himself, turning to face the front desk. Sitting behind the desk was a small red fox, his tiny form paled in comparison to the large muscular tiger looming above him. Without looking up the wiry fox continued to highlight his text book. "Hello Alex," he said, pointing to the card swipe slot with his left paw, still focused on his book.

"How'd you know it was me Jeff?" Alex asked quizzically as he pulled the lanyard with his keycard from his pocket. "That breeze from the door opening. I can smell a big cat like you. There are only two big cats that come here this late at night, and I know the lion is already here." "Jacob is here?" Alex almost bit his tongue for shooting out the question so fast, he didn't want to show how excited he had become, knowing his plan was so close to fruition.

"I think he's the only one here other than you. Frankly I don't understand why this place is open so late, but whatever, as long as they pay me." Alex chuckled as he turned to walk away from the small fox. He had the perfect chance tonight. It was all going according to plan.

"Where is he...?" Alex sighed under his breath walking down the hallway, his sweatpants beginning to bulge as he walked. The mere thought of what he hoped to happen tonight was causing him to swell with anticipation, knowing he had the lion to himself in the building. Loud grunting from the free weights room beckoned him to continue on, but Alex stopped to breathe slowly. He didn't want to spoil everything by walking into the room sporting an erection.

After a minute of slow, calming breaths Alex felt ready to move is plan into action. Rounding the corner, he walked into the room casually as though nothing was happening. His eyes immediately snapped to attention, the backside of the large muscular lion filling his focus. Slightly taller than Alex at 6'6", with a luxurious deep brown mane highlighting his golden tan fun Jacob was certainly an eyeful. His white t-shirt was tight against his muscular torso and stained with his sweat from exercising. His long tail swished side to side in time to the curls he performed, calling Alex's attention down to his red gym shorts and thoughts of what was underneath them. Suddenly the smell of the lion's sweaty form hit Alex, like a shot of pure sexual adrenaline right into his nose.

Feeling his maleness begin to swell at the sight and smell of the lion, Alex quickly turned towards a stand of hand weights, setting down his bag and fumbling around with them in an attempt to look busy. "Hello Jacob," he said as plainly as he could muster, trying not to foil his plans for the lion by letting his excitement show. This was a game of cat and mouse to him, silently stalking his prey was half of the fun.

A low growl came across the room, the lion turning his head slightly to catch the tiger in his peripheral vision. "Alex, how good to see you tonight. It's been a lonely workout so far..." Jacob watched the tiger, a coy smile across his muzzle as he continued to lift the weights in his paws. Turning his attention back towards the wall, the lion sniffed the air quietly as the tiger continued to fumble around with the weights absently. The smell of his arousal was clear in the air, but if he wanted to play this game Jacob was happy to oblige him. Games always made the inevitable outcome so much more fun...

"So what brings you in this late tonight hmm?" Jacob asked the tiger, playing his game. "Just needed to burn off some energy..." Alex huffed as he proceeded to take off his sweats, tossing them into a pile near one of the benches. His erection was painfully obvious through his blue gym shorts, and wet spot starting to form at the end of the large bulge. He kept his back to the lion, intent on the foreplay of the hunt.

"You don't mind if I take off my shirt do you Alex?" Jacob asked, setting down his weights to lift up his shirt. "Not at all," Alex rumbled back, attempting to sound as disinterested as possible as the sweat soaked shirt landed in a pile near his own sweats. "In fact I just might do the same. It does seem kind of hot in here..." Alex quickly shed his own shirt, quietly throwing it to the growing pile of clothes.

"Oh good, I was worried it was just me." Jacob mused, continuing to smell the tiger's growing excitement in the breeze flowing across the room. He had wanted the tiger for a while, his toned stripped form a match for lion's own. These games tonight were more than he had expected, but they certainly were welcomed. His own member beginning to slide from its sheath in preparation for what was soon to come, Jacob looked down to watch as his gym shorts began to fill and bulge.

His own erection beginning to throb in anticipation, Alex was lost in thought preparing himself for the next move, to approach the lion. He was snapped back to the present when the pair of red gym shorts landed in the pile of clothes. "Close the door would you Alex? I'd hate to have our workout interrupted..." A low moan of pure arousal escaped Alex's muzzle as he stepped over to the door, quietly closing it before slowly turning back to see Jacob's naked backside. The lion's toned ass the sole focus of his attention as he silently walked to his bag, he watched as the lion continued to flex and work the weights. The contractions of the muscles underneath that beautiful tan fur were almost hypnotic for Alex.

Reaching into the bag Alex pulled a small unmarked bottle from the front pouch. He quietly pulled off his shorts, exposing his dripping manhood. Everything was going so smoothly, so perfectly. Retrieving the condom from the nearby sweater Alex slowly crossed the room towards his prey, ready for the final pounce. Jacob set the weights down on the bench nearby as he approached, keeping his back to the large tiger as if he was oblivious to what was happening behind him.

"You look sore from all of that. Would you like a shoulder rub?" Alex tried to maintain his disinterested tone of voice as he came up behind the large lion. The smell of the lion's arousal struck his nose as he closed in, causing Alex to stop for a second to take a deep inhale of his scent. Everything about the lion was exhilarating him; Alex was struggling to maintain control. All of his instincts were screaming at him to jump the lion, to pound away at his ass mercilessly until he received his gratification.

"I'd love one." The lion panted back, his own nose filled with the tiger's scent, his own instincts screaming at him to mount the tiger here and now. A large orange and white furred paw casually set down a small bottle on the bench beside the lion before retreating back out of his field of vision. Alex came within inches of the lion, turning slightly to not rub his extended manhood across the lion's backside and ruin the game. The body heat pouring off the lion was immense as Alex inched in closer, quietly placing the corner of the condom wrapper in between his teeth as he slowly draped his large paws over the lion's shoulders.

Jacob moaned softly as the tiger began to rub the muscles of his shoulders and upper back. "Such strong hands..." Jacob said quietly as the tiger massaged him. Jacob began to flick his tail in excitement, brushing it across Alex's manhood several times to further excite the large tiger. Jacob could feel Alex's hot breath across the back of his neck as he panted, moving in closer to prepare for the next step.

Alex's right hand slipped from Jacob's shoulder down to his ribcage, then again to just above his pelvis. Alex moved his left hand up to his mouth to grab the condom wrapper from between his teeth and came over the lion's shoulder to rub the condom against Jacob's chest. Jacob stood quietly, barely moving but for the panting from his slightly opened mouth. Alex moved his right hand to rub Jacob's defined abs as the leaned forward to whisper into his ear. "Put it on me," Alex rasped into the lion's rounded ear, rubbing the condom around Jacob's chest.

As Jacob's hand quietly moved to take the condom being rubbed across his nipple, he felt Alex move in behind him to rub against his backside with his full body. A slow, low dip downward allowed Alex to slip his erect cock in between the lion's legs to present itself into Jacob's field of vision. Jacob growled a low, erotic growl to show his approval of the tiger's size. Alex's crimson shaft was already slick from the foreplay leading up to this closeness, allowing Jacob to easily roll the condom down his length.

Alex reached over to grab the small bottle from the bench as Jacob squeezed his legs lightly around his extended penis, resulting in a low groan from the tiger. Pulling backwards slightly to signal his intent to the lion, Alex opened the bottle of lubricant with what seemed like a deafening snap over the quiet sounds of panting coming from the large cats. Pouring a puddle of the viscous lubricant into his hand, Alex brought the fluid down to rub down the length of the condom wrapped around his throbbing erection. A slight moan escaped his muzzle as his tail snapped side to side; he had waited so long for this moment and for it to be so close was such a thrill. Pouring more on the solution onto his hand he moved to prepare the lion's firm ass for the finale of the game. Rubbing the lubricant up across his fingers, he slathered Jacob's backside with the solution, moving up to the base of his tail.

Jacob lifted his tail, a low moan that rose into a hushed roar coming from his muzzle as the tiger slipped his fingers into the muscular ring. The tiger rimmed around Jacob's asshole a couple times before delving deeper, in an attempt to both spread the lube and to excite the lion. Jacob's panting sped up as Alex fingered him for what seemed like several minutes. Finally withdrawing his fingers from Jacob, Alex leaned in to his ear to whisper to him again. "Are you ready?" Alex panted, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue across the back of the lion's round ear.

Moving his hands back up to the back of Jacob's shoulders, Alex began to lightly push them forward and down. Jacob received the message, and put forth little resistance to being lowered down to his hands on the floor. Spreading his back legs slightly, Jacob raised his tail again and prepared for Alex to enter him. Jacob continued to pant quick, shallow breaths as his excitement for the event reached a fevered pitch.

Alex moved to mount the large lion, grabbing at Jacob's hips for something to hold onto as he pressed the tip of his cock against Jacob's ass. Slowly he pushed in, receiving a low groan of approval from Jacob. Alex pressed slowly into the lion, inch by inch his manhood swallowed into the lion's warmth. He began slowly at first, dragging his cock out slowly before thrusting in deeply, rubbing Jacob's prostate along the way. The strong flexing of the Jacob's muscles, the warmth of his insides, and the scent of his arousal as his own engorged penis dripped on the floor began to overwhelm Alex. Soon the slow passionate love making was replaced with hard, fast, and deep thrusts as his animal lust took over. He released Jacob's hips to lie across the lion's strong back, slipping his strong hands underneath Jacob's armpits to grab his shoulders. Alex used his new positioning to thrust even harder into Jacob, adding his arm strength into the thrusting motion.

Jacob moaned again loudly as Alex began to thrust deeper and deeper, nearing his climax as the tiger mounted him. The large organ deep inside him rubbed everything in just the right way, bringing the lion more pleasure than he had gotten from any of his previous partners. Precum drizzled from Jacob's cock all over the floor as Alex continued thrusting, his deep rasping breaths across the back of Jacob's neck signaling his own oncoming climax. Alex leaned in, grabbing the scruff of Jacob's neck into his teeth and lightly biting down, completing the mounting of the lion.

The light tingle of pain across Jacob's nape was quickly followed by the hardest thrust Alex had mustered yet, driving his large cock home. Jacob roared loudly as Alex held his cock deep inside the lion, Jacob's own organ spraying its load all over the weight room floor. Several large ropes of semen sprayed forth from the lion in a tremendous orgasm that caused his very muscles to shake. The scent of the lion's seed hitting the air set Alex off a split second later, several large spurts of semen filling the condom as he released Jacob's nape from his teeth to roar behind him.

Slumping forward, unable to support their weight anymore, Jacob crumpled to the floor panting loudly. Alex held Jacob in his arms for several minutes, panting loudly as he was equally out of breath. "Thank you," Alex murmured quietly behind Jacob, breaking the silence finally. He slid out of the lion and stood, walking shakily over to his discarded clothes and bag. Pulling the filled condom off, he tied it shut and threw it into the garbage before sliding his blue shorts back on.

"Go shower up. I'll clean this up," Jacob panted, finally regaining the ability to stand after several minutes of resting. As he grabbed a towel from the nearby bench and began to wipe his seed from the floor, he heard the door open as Alex left the room for the showers. Shortly after the sound of the door closing, the lion moved over to his bag lying in the corner of the room, unseen by the large tiger. Unzipping the bag, Jacob pulled from the bag a string of condom wrappers and a bottle of lubricant. "You get points for the first move kiddo, I'll give you that. But a lion has to have his pride, and I don't lose easily..."