Noir Nights Snippet.

Story by Avia Jiutai on SoFurry

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Part three of the Alchemist story is taking longer to write than anticipated due to problems at work. However, fret ye not, as I have a few days off in which to crack on with it, and you lucky people can have a snippet of a story I've been writing for a while now.

Should things work out and I finally finish it, I may post that here as well. Right now, all I can say is, enjoy your porn.

Alex chuckled as he went upstairs with Marcus, having finally shut up shop after a long, hard day. He was finally happy now that he had his cigarettes to help him with the daily problems, and more still, he'd told Marcus that if they hurried upstairs, they could try that move they'd been trying to do before the colonel had interrupted them all those months ago. Marcus seemed happy to oblige, the gropes to Alex's rump told him that much as he was chased up the stairs, laughing. They stopped as they reached their door, listening for Francis, who currently had other business, judging by the creak of bedsprings. They shrugged and opened their bedroom door. He was either having sex, having sex with his hand, or trying to swat a fly, but they knew their festivities tonight wouldn't disturb him one bit.

Marcus pushed Alex into the bedroom backwards, kicking the door shut as he pinned him to a wall, locking maws with his love, who murred loudly, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Marcus rarely got to be dominant in the relationship, but he always excelled at it during the times Alex felt more submissive than usual, and tonight was one of those nights. His lust had peaked from the teasing and last nights attention, and coupled with fresh nicotine in his system, he felt like letting go and giving someone else a chance to dominate his life for a few hours, and that man was Marcus.

Alex giggled when he was lifted off his feet by rough hands groping his rump. He wrapped his legs around his lovers waist and moaned softly as his neck was licked and nibbled softly. He couldn't stand Marcus like this, always painfully slow and teasing, but the pay-offs outweighed this twenty to one. He popped a few shirt buttons for Marcus, his muzzle trailing down into Alex's soft, white chest fur, his snout drank in his dark vulpine's mixed scent of cigarette smoke, his natural odour and lust.

Marcus' hands trailed up Alex's back, grabbing his loose collar, and gave it a hard tug, pulling his shirt off his shoulders, and pinning his arms to his side, giving him limited movement as he worked his way back up to Alex's neck, his soft little whimpers and whines were music to his ears. He nipped his neck and Alex shuddered and gasped, Marcus pulled the last of Alex's buttons open before wrapping his lower arms up in the shirt, tying it tightly to prevent him from getting loose. Alex arched his back, looking down at Marcus, whimpering a touch, groaning as Marcus focused on his left nipple, nipping and suckling the hard nub. "M-Marcus, you-you're full of... urf... surprises..." he panted. He relinquished his attention from the nub, kissing his lovers dark lips, breaking it to place a finger over them, whispering. "Hush."

With that, he gripped Alex's rump, dropping him onto the bed on his back. He made to sit up, but Marcus pushed him back down as he got onto his knees, nuzzling his bulge, pulling off Alex's shoes to grip his feet, preventing him from closing his legs. Another chorus of whimpers, whines and moans escaped his lips for several minutes as he gently nuzzled and teased the now throbbing bulge. Alex squirmed, panting as he rubbed his muzzle against the bed sheets, his white hair flowing over them.

He soon stopped for a moment, releasing Alex's foot to unbutton his fly, cooing softly as he draws a dull claw down the throbbing shaft, causing Alex's back to arch as he lets out a loud moan, one which seemed to lessen the noise of bedsprings next door, as though he was now listening in. If that was the case, he was going to give him one hell of a show.

He ripped off Alex's trousers, tossing them aside as he stood, removing his own clothing slowly, teasingly as he watched from the bed, whimpering as he closed his legs, his shaft throbbed almost painfully as Marcus stood before him, naked. The moonlight hitting him just right, giving him an unearthly and almost god-like glow. He gripped Alex's feet, turning his body so he was on his back before pulling his legs apart, lifting his lower body into the air. Marcus rubbed his tip against Alex's clenched rump cheeks as he pushed forward slowly, his shaft easily pushing through them to its goal, prompting a deep moan from Alex, who's spine tingled with pleasure, arching his back and his tail twitched madly. Marcus looked down at this beautiful sight, the moonlight made Alex's silky black fur glow, every single twitch, every moan was caused by him, and Alex was enjoying every single guilty moment of it.

He leaned down over his love as he gyrated his hips, letting a little moan escape his lips at the tightness around his shaft, each thrust caused Alex to twitch and moan softly, his own shaft throbbed wildly as he continued, picking up the pace as Marcus held his hips, running them slowly up his sides and under him to his back, his fingers brushing past the shirt used to tie his arms together until they reached his shoulder blades. He licked Alex's muzzle who returned with a deep kiss as he felt himself go over the edge, Alex squirmed and moaned into the kiss as his lover explored every single part of his mouth, his orgasm hit, his hips jerked and his ring tightened as thick, ropey strings of seed landed on his stomach and chest, Marcus' own orgasm had hit as the ring tightened, filling Alex with a deep warmth.

Marcus pulled Alex closer as they explored each others maw with their tongue, mashing his spent seed into their fur. It took some time before they broke the kiss, Marcus laying beside Alex, holding him. He licked the ear of his lover and whispered "I love you, Alex." He blushed softly and returned with "I love you too, Marcus."

They dozed, Alex in Marcus' embrace before he broke the silence. "So... you going to undo my shirt now?" Marcus lifted his head and cocked an eyebrow, smirking. "No, not yet, anyway." Alex blushed hard, squirming a little. "I hate you sometimes, you know that?" Marcus chuckled and turned him so they could see face to face, planting a kiss on his lips. "I know."