Devil's Marvel --Kaptel 9-- The Binding

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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The long awaited mating between Marvel and Nel.

hehe....just read.

Slowly, and with considerable light-headedness, Nel stirred from her deep slumber in silken sheets that she recognized as now her own but those of Marvel. Her husband. She sat up, trying to figure out her most recent memory, which was the kiss they had shared, the kiss that made her feel like she never wanted anything else. Just the thought of him made her cheeks run a rosy red, her finger burned and throbbed. She looked down upon her hand, seeing what remained of the ring; it looked like a brighter area of her skin with some strange symbols engraved, but there was no longer a ring.

She stood and walked around in the darkness of the room, trying to find the door, but something stopped her. Or someone. She felt his heavy warm breath fall onto her hair, her hands rested on his chest which was rising and falling steadily, and his skin was almost boiling hot to the touch. Her stomach cramped into a knot as she found herself enjoying the feel of his chest, feeling his eyes look down at her in the darkness, where neither of them could see a thing.

Marvel saw everything. Felt her pulse as she woke up, smelled her scent when she thought of him, the vibration of her steps as she edged around the bed, and quickening of her heartbeat when he stopped her. He wasn't even trying to maintain his human form, he knew it would be useless, her smell alone would drive him overboard. So instead he had darkened the room, and smelled her every desire. By the heat rising from between her legs alone his nostrils flared, that innocent lust she had for him, unsure what it meant. He would show her.

He wrapped his huge arms around her and found the laces at the back of her corset, pulled the strings until they came completely loose of the corset, and dropped them to the ground. He took the corset and it too met the ground. With one loud rip the remaining fabric of her dress was torn off her. The gasp she gave was delightful in his ears, and the fear he tasted in the air made the fact that he was close to full erection undeniable. She stood in front of him, naked, and only he knew that he could see her.

He hooked his index finger under her chin and lifted her small head of towards him. He tasted all her insecurities, her face looked worries, anxious, all of which deceased by his leaning down to lock her lips to his, and as he did, fire engulfed them. Her grasp on him grew firmer, hungrier, and the sweet scent inviting him into her cunt grew more concentrated. His chest rumbled with a low growl as he picked her onto his hips and walked forward into the nearest wall, holding her up and forcing his tongue deeper into her mouth. He grabbed one of her breasts and the touch burned her skin ever so slightly.

The need to enslave her to hid desire was so great, that the animal within him ripped through and took over. He clawed at her thighs, tightly wrapped around his hips, and bit her lip, moved down to her neck and bit her in the crevice between her neckline and her shoulder. The taste of her blood was so good to him it felt like he would fade completely. Her small moans of pain only drove him on further. Getting a firm hold around her back he turned sideways and lowered her to the wooden floor, feeling her breasts pressing into him as her human flesh met with the cold floor.

Steadily he moved her up a little way, so they could rest on the warm carpet, and kneeled above her, looking down into her eyes mixed equally with lust and horror, blood trickling down her lip. And for the first time, Marvel would savage her not for Lucifer, but for himself, make her his, make her shout his name not the devil's and he would make her do it always. Marvel leaned down and licked the blood of her lips, pressing his tongue against her lips until she let him in.

He took hold of her hand, and guided her down to his engorgement, teaching her how he liked to be touched. Her delicate fingers shivered but curled around his shaft perfectly, slightly colder than him, he could feel her breath speeding up, taste the fear intensifying, the guilt. He ravelled at the thought of her distress, helpless bellow him, torn between wanting him and defying her every belief. If he could he would make her impure before she inevitably transformed into a demon. Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't realize when she stopped.

"Marvel...I--" she was breathing heavily, panicky. "I can't."

His cock gave a jolt of joy in her hand as her panic tore through, he wasn't anywhere near letting her leave. She would have sex with him, and after he had given her every desire she could ever account for, then she could decide what she could and couldn't do. "You don't have to."

She seemed relieved, taking her hand of his cock and slowly wriggling out from beneath him. She reached a few centimetres to the left before his arm impounded the ground next to her ear and stopped her. "I'll show you. Trust me."

"Marvel..." She complained as he pulled her back roughly, giving her a few carpet burns in the process. "Stop!"

But he didn't. His hand found its way down to her nether regions, and that marked the end of the dispute. Within seconds she could feel herself submitting to him as Marvel expertly massaged her clit, making a heat rush through her that she prayed would never cease. He watched her closely, how her body responded to him, his every touch activated her, she was wet beyond measure and he was pulsing with naked desire to enter her, but he wanted to make this last.

Gently using his thumb to excite her outer folds, he shoved one of his fingers inside her and began exploring for her sensitive spot. Like before, it felt like he was drawn to it, a sensation that was unknown to him until then, but with Nel, everything was different. He found her g-spot almost instantly, it was a few degrees warmer than the rest of her body, and started massaging both her clit and her inside. Her eyes pressed shut and her chest rose out of the ground, Marvel wrapped his lips around her right nipple, playing with it with his tongue.

The soft moans filling his ears heated him to a point where cum started leaking out of him with his first orgasm. And he hadn't even started yet. He kissed his way up to her neck and lingered just above her collar bone for a while, feeling the soft flesh of her cunt swell up with unravelled lust. When his lips finally reached her ear he whispered; "Still want me to stop?"

She inhaled shakily, beginning to twitch under his grasp from the extreme pleasure he provided her, and with fear rising in her, she shook her head. That was good enough for Marvel. He lifted himself up ever so slightly and fixed himself at her opening, still guiding her desires with his thumb on her clit. With a steady, forceful pace he pushed himself forward and into her, the tightness of her virgin cunt tearing on him like a second skin. Her pain came alive in him and it delighted him, her tears were hot, and when she cried, his eyes leaked blood, but no scent could overpower the mixture of pleasure and pain in the form of her wet bleeding cunt, which he smelled with such intensity that he forgot all about being gentle and shoved his entire length into her to the hilt.

She cried out loud, and her pain was engraved in him, but he enjoyed it and she probably didn't. He lingered deep inside her for a few moments, before he slowly began pulling out and rocking back into her. Her anguish was like a cup, slowly filling to the brim and finally overflowing, at which point she began to fight him off as he pushed himself inside her. He shoved her back down flat onto the ground, grabbed her by the jaw and kissed her deeply, transferring his lust into her, so she could live through his feelings for the while, and before he knew it, her scratching hands started grabbing at him, pulling him closer, her mouth cried out in pain, her body drew him closer in longing.

After all this time, he finally throbbed inside her, all the hallucinations, the dreams, the endless masturbation, he was finally propped on top of her, thrusting into her pelvis, feeling the perfect fit of her vagina's folds around his hungry cock. He wanted more of her, he wanted to be closer to her, but even as he pulled the carpet towards him beneath her, and sat her upright on top of him and lifted her up and down his cock like a pole dancer, he was not close enough, or deep enough. Her body was shivering on top of him, every movement made her break out in more tremors, Marvel received them gratefully, feeling pre cum run down her legs of his making.

When she finally opened her eyes expecting to see black, but she was no longer in Marvel's room, they were hovering above a steaming lake in mid-air, and with every movement, the surface of the lake pulsed with them. Marvel held onto her left rump cheek and pulled her closer, leaning forward and steadily grinding into her, growing more desperate with each thrust to release himself into her. Her body submitted to him completely, moving in time with him, a sensation she had never experienced before. She couldn't understand why sex would be forbidden, although it hurt, it was the most euphoric feeling she had ever felt.

Her arms grabbed onto his back, from which there were now two extremely large black wings bolting out, apart from which he was completely human. Nel was sure this was a hallucination, and so she wasn't too taken aback at the sight of the wings, not even when she realized the lake was red and not clear.

Marvel laid her back down in mid-air and grew quicker and quicker, feeling her body tense up around him, the smell was unbearable and the taste of her lips was all he needed now to end this. He saw her struggling to control her body, and smiling wickedly, he leaned forward to kiss her one last time, before the heat of their proximity filled them both to the point where they experienced their first orgasm together, but once Marvel's hot demonic seed began spilling into her, she barely had time to breathe before her inside demanded another of her. Marvel held onto her tightly as she came again and again, kissing her along the neck to help along the process and enjoying a few thrusts into her after he had settled down.

After her third orgasm, the hallucination around her shattered and she returned to the darkness of the room, breathing heavily, with Marvel's big warm hands firmly holding her upright because she didn't have the strength to do so by herself. The only thing that remained were Marvel's wings, he had achieved his full form through her, something he had never considered. His horns now had a full twist in them, and the black beautiful wings that protruded from his shoulder blades, elegantly hung at his sides.

Nothing could be heard but the sound of both of their breathing, she couldn't see anything, and the smell of sex was very strong in the room, it made Marvel light-headed. Slowly though, the rest of the blood-wine wore off and Nel's head was cleansed with a wave of clarity. She suddenly felt dirty, and without allowing herself to admit it, she liked it. Shakily, she pushed Marvel off of her, being reminded of the pain this had caused her when he pulled out of her beaten cunt, and moved backwards along the carpet away from him. She could feel her back stretch over the fresh burns she had gotten from the carpet and from his touch, and the hot semen that was running down her leg was hissing ever so slightly as it made contact with her much colder thigh. She tried to stand up, but she was so exhausted that she just fell back down.

Marvel lied back on his back with his arms folded behind his head and stared up at the ceiling, feeling her pulse in his chest as his pulse. She was his. Forever. Whether she wanted to from this point or not, she had given herself to him willingly, and now he could do whatever he wanted with her, forever. No grin had ever been so malicious as the one slapped across his face now, unfortunately Nel wasn't demon enough yet to see it. Soon. Lucifer had really helped him out in the end, even if they now both owned her, the point was, he had more control over her because of the rings and the contract and the witnesses; he had to respect him for that. When it came to being a bastard, the devil would always claim the golden medal.

Yes I will. The cackling voice rang inside Marvel's head, which he echoed. Nel backed up against the wall, between fits of panic and euphoria, tasting what she could only describe as Marvel's intentions and emotions, on the tip of her tongue.