Forbidden Chapter 4

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 4 -- Love Is

"Home?" Alex followed after Sirrus, stepping in front of him to stop him, "Where's home?"

Sirrus smiled up at him, "BIG house!"

Alex looked confused, not at all understanding how Sirrus could be so happy, "Wait...a big house? So you really do want to go back with the rich guy...with Matt?"

Sirrus tilted his head, "No...Mast...wait, Matt? Yes! Matt!" Sirrus flashed a sudden, confident smile and continued walking on past Alex.

Alex reached for the little dragon's shoulder, kneeling down and stopping him again. "But he hurt you..." The fox looked over the red mark on Sirrus's neck, and at the bandages still on his shoulder, "More than once, it looks like. And he just let you go...he even told you that you could go somewhere else."

Sirrus took a seat on the pavement, "Why would I do that?"

Jasyn walked over to them slowly, "Because, people can be better than that, boy."

"A lot better!" Alex chimed in.

Sirrus tilted his head again with that same confused smile, "But mas...Matt took care of me. He let me sleep in his bed, and eat at the table....and-"

Alex petted Sirrus a little to get him to stop, "Hey, Jasyn. I'ma' take care of this, ok? You call and tell your parents, or mine, or whatever, that I'll be back later. Tell them I'm at a friend's house or something."

", I should go?"

Jasyn looked at the fox, who only gave a slight nod, and, trusting his friend on this one, the wolf pulled out his cell phone, dialing a number he knew by heart, and waiting for an answer.

After a hello and a pause, "Yeah...he's gonna stay at my house. Is that okay? Right...okay....yes. Thank you." Jasyn hung up the phone and looked back over at Alex, who was still petting Sirrus. He grinned an uneasy smile, "I'm trusting you on this one, okay man? I'm not sure what you're planning, but I trust you."

Alex looked back at the wolf and smiled, "Thanks. I promise I'll take good care of him. It's nice to know you trust me with it."

"All right. Well, I'll be off then. You're 'staying at my house' okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow..." Jasyn walked off to his truck and drove away without really waiting for an answer.

Alex watched his friend leave silently, not saying anything until he was out of sight, "He said that a little weird, don't you think, boy? He better not be thinking anything...bad..." Alex turned back around to Sirrus with a wide smile, "You like riding in cars?"

Sirrus nodded slowly, obviously not really caring what Alex had to say, "Yes...but are we going back to Matt?"

Alex smiled and sighed, petting Sirrus's muzzle softly, "Are you leading the way?"

Sirrus tilted his head, "What?"

Alex stood up and waved to Sirrus to follow him, walking a little ways, to an old, 94, blue, Mercury Cougar, "I don't want you to have to walk all the way back there. I'm gonna' drive you. You need to show me how to get there, though, ok? I don't know the way. Oh...and get your basket. I'm a little hungry!"

Sirrus nodded and picked up his basket in his teeth, padding over to Alex's car. Alex opened the passenger door to let the little dragon in, walked around, got in on his side, and, after making a quick sandwich and handing Sirrus a handful or two of ham, he backed out, and drove off. Sirrus of course munched down on the ham, finishing it in no time and smiling up at the fox.

After what seemed like hours of Sirrus's confused misdirection, a heavy rainstorm kicking up, and three pit stops at gas stations -- not that Alex didn't enjoy spending the time with Sirrus of course -- they finally pulled up in front of what Sirrus was finally SURE was his home, "This is the one?"

Sirrus nodded and smiled, looking almost giddy as Alex pulled up into the covered driveway to get them out of the sudden rainstorm. Alex got out, went around, and opened the passenger door, letting Sirrus out as well. Sirrus jumped out, still smiling, and, on all fours, began to pad up to the door at Alex's side.

"I have a question for you before we go in, boy..."

Sirrus tilted his head, having been smiling up at Alex the whole way from the car.

"When he was leaving...If you wanted to go with him and come home, why didn't you? Why did you let him leave without you?"

"I-I was my old master."

"Afraid of what?"

"That he would hurt me more. But-but old master never said he loved me..." Sirrus's smile faded and he only looked confused, " is good, right?"

" is good," Alex smiled, "If he means it, then it's good!"

Inside the house, Matt slammed his clenched fists against his wall in his bedroom, ranting to himself. "Damn-it! It wasn't his fault. I...I just...I had to get him to be quiet..." The ottercoon looked over at the leash nearby with a sigh, "I hope he got to eat his food. May-maybe that little wolf or the fox took him in." Matt turned and sat down, his maroon cheeks darkened by tears, as he leaned against the wall, "I...I just hope he d-doesn't make things too hard on them. They seemed like good kids..."

Matt jumped a bit at the sound of the doorbell, "Who the hell...?" The ottercoon wandered down the stairs, drying his cheeks, and opened the door without even looking to see who it might be.

Sirrus sat in the doorway and smiled up at Matt, his tail wagging quickly, "Master!"

Alex placed an open paw on Matt's chest and pushed him backwards, walking into the house, "Come on inside, Sirrus!"

Sirrus shrugged and padded in, smiling awkwardly at Matt as he walked past. Alex stared blankly at the completely silent Ottercoon standing before him, "I brought him back."

Matt looked away from both of them, "Why? And what happened to the wolf boy?"

"He went home..."

As the two continued their awkward conversation in Matt's entry way, a little old pick up drove up and parked on the street in front of the house. As its driver noticed Alex's car in the driveway, the wolf, Jasyn, stepped out, and began to walk up the walkway.

"How did I know?" Jasyn padded slowly through the rain and to the doorway, by now soaked, and caught Matt's eye and the last of the conversation.

"You didn't answer me fox. Why did you bring him back?"

"Yes, Alex," Jasyn chimed in as he tossed his coat down onto the dry, covered porch, "Do tell. Why DID you bring him back??"

Alex recoiled a bit, not expecting to hear Jasyn's voice, and turned to look at him, "Jasyn, just be quiet! And either shut the door...or leave..."

Jasyn only glared at his friend and slammed the door, as Matt backed up, leaning on the back of his couch by, the obviously giddy, Sirrus, "Why did you come back boy? They could have treated you fine."

Sirrus smiled up at his master and nuzzled his pant-leg, "Because you love me!"

"You don't even know what that means, Sirrus."

"But I do!" Alex stepped up closer, "Did you mean it? Or were you just trying to win back"

Jasyn stepped forward as well, "You shouldn't have brought him back here, Alex. What were you thinking?"

Alex looked at Jasyn, "And if I hadn't? What then? He would have walked back here anyway. And if he had, he would have probably gotten hurt, lost, or worse!"

Jasyn placed a paw on his friend's shoulder, "You could have brought him back to your place, then. This guy will only hurt the poor little thing!"

Alex only moved the wolf's paw away and stared back at him, "You said you trusted me with this. Continue to."

Behind them, Matt knelt down by Sirrus, "Please, boy...go with one of them. They'll grow to love you just as much as I do...and they won't hurt you. You don't want to be with someone who'll only hurt you, do you?"

" said..."

"He's right Sirrus." Jasyn crouched down by the pouting dragon as well, "You don't need him..."


"But what, Sirrus?" Alex didn't kneel, or move any closer, not wanting to crowd him. He felt he was the only person asking the little dragon what HE wanted.

"But master said he loved me...and, and...he lets me eat at the table...and gives me baths....and s-said..." Sirrus's lower lip quivered and he whimpered softly, "He...he said I could s-sleep in the b-big...BIG bed. Why does everyone want me to leave?"

Alex sat down and waved Sirrus over to him, "Come here, Sirrus..."

Sirrus looked back and forth between Alex and Matt, having no idea what to do, and waited for someone to tell him.

"I'm not taking you away from Matt, boy. I just want to talk. Come here..."

Sirrus whimpered a bit, but since Matt didn't argue the point, he padded slowly over to Alex.

Alex pulled him into his lap and petted his muzzle, smiling "He lets you eat with him? Sleep in the big...the BIG bed? He gave you a bath?"


"But do you understand, boy, that when he...'plays' with's wrong? It's not something a person's supposed to do with their pet. He's supposed to take care of you, and keep you safe, and well fed..."

Sirrus tilted his head, and looked like he was about to cry before he looked down and away from Alex again, "But he DOES do that...and, it's fun when we play."

"I'm sure it's fun. In fact, I KNOW it is..." Alex paused, remembering Jasyn was still in the room, and Jasyn shifted a bit, looking at Alex. The wolf was a bit confused, but didn't say anything, and let his friend continue, "...but he's not doing it for you, he's doing it for himself. Don't you understand that, boy?"

Sirrus looked up and over at Matt, "N-no...Master didn't...he...he..."

Matt stood up straight, "Wolf boy! You want something to drink? You came here to yell at me, right? Why not take it into the kitchen, where we won't be interrupting them?"

Sirrus sat up straighter, as if ready to jump out of Alex's lap and follow, "M-master?"

Matt looked back at Sirrus with the soft smile that he only showed his pet, "Don't worry, boy. I'm just going to the kitchen to talk to the wolf boy here..." After Sirrus relaxed again, the ottercoon walked off into the kitchen...not really caring whether Jasyn followed him or not.

Jasyn, of course, followed him and stood at the counter, continuing to glare at Matt while he moved around, pouring himself a drink of something.

"You never answered me..." Matt spoke up after taking a drink, still facing away from the wolf, "Do you want something to drink? Or do you just want to yell at me, or something? You might as well do it now, or it'll eat you up and you'll be thirsty, to boot!"

"Why the fuck are you doing this!?"

"No drink then?" Matt let out a huff or breath and then turned around, "I took him from a very bad environment, wolf boy! His last master beat him, barely kept him fed, locked him in the basement, and then one day just let him lose and wouldn't let him come back inside! And...and that's just what I can get out of him; I'm sure there's more. And in the midst of all of it, he convinced the poor thing that that's what masters do. We can do 'whatever they want,' so to speak. And when Sirrus found out that his little nuzzlings in my groin region 'made me happy,' he very quickly went out of his way to keep me happy!"

"And you didn't stop him?" Jasyn let out a long sigh, trying to steady himself, "Why...why would you let it go on?"

"What was I supposed to tell him? He thinks it's a game, he thinks it's fun; if I tell him no, then he thinks I'm mean for not letting him play, or that he's not doing 'his job' right, and keeping me happy enough! It would break his heart! And besides...he's good at what he does. If I'm enjoying it, and he WANTS to do it, why would I want him to stop?"

"Because it's wrong!" Jasyn snapped back, "And besides, what do you think you're doing to the little guy now? He's probably crying in there, because he thinks you don't want him! And it's not like we can leave him with you. just have no idea what you're doing to him, do you?"

"I know exactly what this is doing to him and it kills me!" Matt nearly screamed, slamming his fist on the counter and glaring at the wolf standing in front of him, "All I wanted was for him to have some fun today! I wanted him to get out, be around new people...just fucking be in the park! This is NOT how today was supposed to go!" Matt ran his hands through his headfur and sighed, trying to regain his composure, "We were supposed to come home, and he was supposed too tired from playing at the park to want to...'play'...and we could wake up tomorrow and everything would be just fine! I had no Idea he was gonna' grope your boyfriend!"

Jasyn coughed and sputtered, caught off guard at the statement, "B-boyfriend?!"

"What? You two aren't together?"

" of course not!" Jasyn looked away and shook his head, "And...a-and...that's not what this is about anyway!"

"Hmmm...really? You aren't together? I doubt your friend would be so gung-ho about that, but you're right. That's not what we're talking about."

"Yeah. And...a-and you remember that...we are NOT together!"

"Ok, ok...whatever! It's not that big of a deal. Best friends, boyfriends, makes no difference."

"Yes it does!" Jasyn held up his open paws, in astonishment at the statement, "There is a big difference."

"I meant..." The ottercoon raised an eyebrow, " makes no difference to me."

"And...a-a-and what do you mean he wouldn't be gung-ho about us not being together? It's not like he wants it either..."

"For the love of all that's holy, are you kidding me? That's something the two of you need to talk's not my problem. I'm sorry I brought it up. Can we move along?"

Jasyn shook his head again, "Y-yeah..."

"So what are we going to do about Sirrus?" Matt leaned back against the counter, "He loves me...or...loves being here. But I'm afraid that if something like what happened today happens again...that...that it, or I, will only hurt him more. Besides, you don't seem to be very keen on the idea of leaving him with someone that's yiffing him, anyway."

Jasyn rested his forehead on his hand and sighed, "I don't know...."

In the living room, Alex still sat, holding onto Sirrus and sighing, as he nuzzled the little dragon's tear stained cheek, "So he...he let you do it to him too? Just to make you happy?"

Sirrus nodded slowly and leaned against the fox, still thoroughly confused about all of this.

"But what about today, Sirrus?" Alex continued, "Doesn't it bother you that he hurt you? Do you even know why he did?"

"He just...he was...well...." Sirrus trailed off.

"He was what, Sirrus? No one else is here; you can say whatever you want."

"He was just doing what masters do..."

"What masters do?"

"Punish pets...when-when they don't listen."

Alex thought for a moment. Maybe Sirrus was right about today, Matt just wanted him to be quiet. But that really didn't excuse how rough he'd been, "Do you believe he loves you? you love him back?"

"I...I think so..."

"Do you even know what love is?"

Alex pulled Sirrus's muzzle up to face his, and Sirrus just shook his head. He didn't understand any of this, let alone what love meant.

The fox sighed, "God...let me see if I know how to explain this to you, boy." He paused for a long moment, to see if he could figure out how to put it, "Sirrus...Love is, when you put the other person before yourself. you'd miss a meal so they could have food...or you'd put yourself through pain, to make sure they weren't in pain...or, or you would let them go because you were hurting them. Love makes you want to change the type of person...or pet...that you are, to make that person make that person like you, or maybe even love you back. And you wouldn't do it just because he's your master, or because it's your job. You would do it...because you care for him. Do you understand that, boy?

Sirrus looked up at Alex, with a blank expression, "Do you?"

The question caught the fox off guard. He felt like, with two words, the little dragon had talked him into a corner. He'd just made Sirrus & Matt's entire argument for one another without realizing it.

The fox continued anyway, though. "Do I understand? Of course I do. I love someone too Sirrus!" He sighed, "Just like you...and Matt."

Sirrus tilted his head with a smile, "You do? Who?"

Alex smiled and petted Sirrus a bit, "His name's Jasyn, boy."

Sirrus just smiled.

"'re sure then? You love Matt?" Sirrus simply smiled and nodded, and Alex continued, "And you believe he loves you?" Sirrus nodded again, "Then whether anyone likes it or belong here!

Sirrus smiled wide and leaped up, hugging Alex around the neck, "YAY! I get to stay!"

A few feet behind Alex, Matt tapped his foot and smiled, "Well didn't we walk back in at the perfect time?" He smirked, looking at the wolf beside him, "So...I take it your name's Jasyn, then?"

" is..."

Alex froze, not even turning to look, and knowing exactly what Jasyn heard, "Jasyn?"

"I..." Jasyn shook lightly, and turned toward the entryway, "I'm going out to the car. I...I have to go..." The wolf began to walk to the door.

Alex let go of Sirrus and jumped up, getting in Jasyn's way and stopping him, "Wait!"

Jasyn looked down a bit, into the slightly smaller fox's eyes, "Move."

"Please don't leave, Jasyn...please! I never meant for you to hear that!"

Jasyn just pushed him to the side, "I...I just need to go. I've just...just really gotta' go."

Sirrus looked around again, even more confused, now, than before. "Why is he going? The one that drove me here loves him. He said love was good!"

Both Jasyn and Alex winced as Sirrus repeated what the fox had said for everyone to hear again, and Jasyn stopped in his tracks.

Alex sniffled involuntarily, "My God, Jasyn...I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to even find out. I didn't want you to think...I...I didn't want you to be uncomfortable around me." The fox looked down, too caught up in the whole situation to even know if he should have been crying or screaming, "God-damn-it...I'm sorry!!" He pushed past Jasyn and ran out into the rain, toward his car.

Jasyn stood in shock, and turned slowly toward Matt, "Thank you! Thank you SO fucking much!" The wolf barked.

"You're...welcome?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

Jasyn's body tensed, "'ve fucking ruined everything!" He looked down at Sirrus, "Y'know what? Fine! Stay here if you want. I just don't care anymore!"

Matt pointed out the door, "Don't just let your friend cry in the rain, alone, wolf boy."

Jasyn was too mad, too overwhelmed with everything, to even muster a response. He just turned sharply, walking out and slamming the door, and left Matt and Sirrus alone.

Matt chuckled, "Wow..."

Sirrus looked up at him with a wide smile, "Master!!" The dragon ran and jumped up, hugging his master tight around the chest.

The ottercoon wrapped his arms around his pet and hugged him back, another tear finally squeezing out of his eye, now that only Sirrus was there to see. "Those two will be ok, boy. Don't worry about them okay?" Not that it seemed the dragon even cared, "And...and don't call me master, anymore, okay? I'm Matt."

Sirrus smiled and leaned in to hug, "I love you, Matt..." Sirrus smiled happily, feeling as if he had accomplished something by being allowed to call his master Matt.

"I love you too, Sirrus..."


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Eric Matthew Cameron and Alexander Colin Moen Cecil B. North as Sirrus and Jasyn Aiden Fuller *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

Yay! Everything turned out fine for Matt and Sirrus! But what about Alex and Jasyn, along the way? Will they be ok? Has their friendship been ruined? Will I even answer that question, or will this tiny appearance be all you'll see of the two? Would Borealis find it funny to introduce two characters, give them a story, a problem to resolve, but never show them again, leaving you hanging forever?? Find out the answers to all these questions and more next time!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 52 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^