Forbidden Chapter 7

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 7 -- You're Safe Now

Alex groaned as he stretched slowly. For some reason, he felt a little sore as he weakly lifted himself off the bed, on his side leaning on his elbow. As his eyes cracked open, blurrily showing him the bright room, he remembered where he was at. He'd spent the night at Matt's.

"A-Alex?" A voice from behind welcomed him.

"Matt?" Alex stretched again, not yet turning to see who was talking to him, "I told you that you didn't have to stay in here with me. I'll be ok..."

The voice chuckled nervously, "No. Not Matt, dude..."


Alex slowly turned his head and rolled onto his back. He wasn't yet awake enough to process the sound of the voice, and expected to see Sirrus, but when he turned, he found Jasyn sitting on the edge of Matt's guest bed.

"Whoa!" The fox quickly sat up in the bed, "Jasyn? What are did you know I was here?"

Jasyn stood up off the bed, "I-I..." He sighed softly, "Matt showed me."

"What...but, why are you here?"

Jasyn looked away, "I...actually, I came to ask Matt for help."

"Help? What could..." Alex got up out of bed, only in his boxers, and sighed, not even knowing how to finish his sentence as he quickly fumbled for his pants. He wasn't at all comfortable in this little clothing in front of Jasyn anymore, "How long were you sitting there?"

Jasyn looked at his best friend, his voice soft, "Just a few minutes..."

"Did...did Matt say why I was here?" His pants barely fastened, Alex grabbed for his shirt and threw it on, but didn't bother to button it.

Jasyn walked around the bed to stand next to the fox, "He did."

Alex couldn't bring himself to look at Jasyn at all, and just stared at the floor, "What did...what did he say?"

"That...that you cried all night...and that you had nowhere else to go..." Jasyn sighed, "And that it was my fault."

"I...I didn't cry ALL night. Matt and Sirrus...Sirrus helped..." Alex sniffled, still not over his crying from the previous night, but smiled bit anyway, "I don't know what it is about the little guy, but he helped keep me from...well, from breaking down..." Alex rubbed his nose a bit, and finally looked up at Jasyn.

The wolf winced when he saw the tear stains on the his friend's face.

"So..." Alex started hesitantly, "What...what exactly are you doing here, Jasyn?"

Jasyn paused for a moment, but finally took his chance and wrapped his arms around Alex, pulling his friend's head under his chin.

Alex's eyes widened, "Jasyn?"

"I'm here for my best friend, Alex. I'm here...for you."

Alex just sat there in Jasyn's arms quietly, not sure what to think about any this. After a moment to adjust, though, he relented and closed his eyes, his arms slowly slipping around Jasyn too, "Th-thank you..."

After they hugged for a minute, Jasyn pushed Alex back and touched his forehead to his friend's, "I...I'm sorry. Alex...I'm so fucking sorry!"

" too." Alex sighed, leaning heavily Jasyn's forehead, " should never have..." He closed his eyes again, "I didn't mean for you to find out...not like that."

Jasyn shook his head and moved back a bit. Without a moment's thought or hesitation, he kissed the fox's forehead, then gently pulled him back into another hug. "No, i-its okay. I'm the one that acted like an ass. You can't help the way you feel. And I should never hurt a friend like I did last night. Especially not you."

Alex's eyes widened and he pushed Jasyn back a bit, out of the hug, ""

The fox lightly touched his forehead and smiled slightly. He wanted to say something about the little kiss, but didn't know what. Jasyn blushed regardless, though.

Alex's eyelids drooped, and his smile widened, "What...what brought on the sudden change in your attitude?"

Jasyn smiled, his paws on the fox's shoulders, "Alex, you've always been there for me. You've always been my best friend, no matter what. If I could help it, nothing would ever hurt you. And...and the fact that I, of all people, did..." Jasyn trailed off and looked down, failing even more than he had earlier with Matt to hold back his tears. "I'm just trying to make you feel better..."

"You mean don' don't hate me?"

Jasyn looked back up, squeezing his friend's shoulders, "Never...I could never hate you."

"But last night...the way you ran out, I...wait..." Alex stopped and looked up at the wolf, "What did you talk to Matt about?"

Jasyn brushed Alex cheek lightly, "About what I should do." Jasyn took a deep breath. "I...I love you, Alex. I always have, and I don't say that to just anyone. But...but, I don't think...I don't think I can love you the way you love me..."

"Jasyn,'ve never said anything like this before..." Alex smiled and looked away as new tears added to the stains already on his cheeks.

Jasyn quickly turned the little fox's head back and kissed his forehead again, "H-hey! No more tears because of me...okay?"

Alex wiped his cheek, and smiled again at the kiss, "I didn't even notice..."

Jasyn nuzzled Alex's forehead, his muzzle never having left after the kiss, and he held the fox as close as he could. "I'm sorry Alex."

Alex didn't even know where to begin or what to say and just laid his head on Jasyn's chest, as the wolf continued holding tight onto him. Alex wished they never had to let go.

Jasyn whispered, "You can tell me anything okay?"

"Well, a-after this...there isn't really much else to tell..." Alex chuckled nervously. There was something he was hiding.

Jasyn, though, didn't notice, "I'm just saying, if you ever need someone to talk too...I'll be here. And I'm sorry I wasn't last night."

Alex smiled and looked up again, kissing Jasyn on his cheek and whispering in his ear, "Thank you, Jasyn. I wish I had told you sooner..."

The fox clung tight to his friend for a moment, but then quickly realized what he'd just done, and jerked away from Jasyn, his eyes wide and scared.

"Sorry!" Alex closed his eyes tight and sat down on the edge of the bed. He knew he'd just gone too far. "It was an accident."

Jasyn smiled and sat down next to him, slowly. "Its okay."

The wolf blushed and paused for a long moment as Alex slowly opened his eyes again, in silence. With a deep breath, Jasyn turned his friend's head and looked him in the eye. He hesitated for a second then dived forward, quickly bringing their muzzles together in a kiss. It was only a peck and his muzzle stayed closed, but he surprised himself when he didn't immediately pull away.

Once he did pull back, Jasyn nervously smiled, "You...d-deserve at least one...after...after everything I've put you through."

Alex smiled wide, unable to pull his eyes away from the wolf. "And..." His words caught in his throat and he coughed, "A-and you're surprised that I fell for you?"

Jasyn laughed, trying to break the tension, "Who said I was surprised?"

Alex nearly dived forward, hugging the wolf tight again. "Thank you! Thank you so much..."

Jasyn just laughed more and held him close, resting his chin on the fox's head.

"See, Sirrus? I told you it would all work out!" Matt's voice interrupted their moment.

Jasyn jumped back from the hug, and fell onto his ass on the floor, "SHIT!"

Matt stood in the door, holding little Sirrus in his arms, both smiling as the dragon licked the ottercoon's face.

Alex blushed and looked away from everyone.

Jasyn narrowed his eyes and barked, "Where did you come from!?"

Matt just chuckled, "From the living room! Don't worry though, we've only been here since JUST before the kiss!" The ottercoon pretended to wipe a tear away from his eye, "Damn-it! I said I wouldn't cry."

Jasyn just glared harder...though he was less mad than he was trying to look.

Matt grinned, "You two hungry at all?"

Jasyn blushed a bit as his stomach growled, but Alex answered for them, "A bit..."

Matt look a step back and sat Sirrus down, "Sirrus? Be a good boy and show Jasyn to the table."

Sirrus smiled and quickly padded over, "Come on!"

Jasyn sighed and smiled at the little dragon, "Yeah. Okay..." He stumbled to his footpaws and followed Matt's pet out the door.

Alex, after a pause, stood up and walked over to Matt. He looked down the hall to make sure Jasyn couldn't see them at all, and then hugged Matt quick and tight. "I don't know what you said...but thank you."

Down the short hall, through the living room, and into the small dining room, Jasyn sat at the table, leaning back. He was trying to regain his butch demeanor, despite everyone here knowing he'd just kissed another guy, and after a few moments Alex wandered in and sat down across from him, with a smiled.

Matt came in soon after and looked around, "Where's Sirrus?"

Jasyn sat up straight and looked around, too, "He wandered off somewhere. I think he went back into the living room, maybe?"

No sooner did Jasyn finish than Sirrus padded back in, holding a small rabbit plushy in his mouth.

"See, there he is!" Jasyn pointed behind Matt.

Matt leaned down and patted Sirrus on the head, "Hey, boy. You think your plush needs to eat with us, too?"

"Mm-hm!" Sirrus and nodded and wagged his tail, unable to talk with the rabbit in his mouth.

Matt scritched under the little dragon's chin, "Go set down, then. I'll have the food back out here, soon."

Sirrus sat down in one of the chairs around the table, playing with his toy as Matt left the room toward the kitchen.

Alex leaned over after a moment or so and petted Sirrus on his head, "Where'd you get that from boy?"

Sirrus smiled, "Master gave it to me!"

Alex smiled back, "Did you name it? Is it a boy or a...of course it's a boy..." He chuckled a bit, "Did he say where he got it from?"

Sirrus giggled absent mindedly, "He doesn't have a name. And master got him from the mall!"

"Why don't you name him now? Or better yet, why don't you let me and Jasyn name him?"

Sirrus nodded with a big smile, "Kay!"

The fox looked over at Jasyn, "Well?"

"Umm..." Jasyn shrugged, hating being put on the spot, "...Bacon? Come on know I'm no good at this kinda' stuff."

Alex scritched at Sirrus a bit, still smiling, "I know. You were just being so quiet, and I wanted you to talk to the little guy a bit." Alex kept petting Sirrus, the dragon loving all the attention, "He's adorable isn't he?"

"Yes he is." Matt walked back in, fumbling with four full plates before setting them all down. He sat them first on his side of the table, before pushing one to each of his guests and then one to Sirrus.

"Uhm...thank you." Jasyn looked down at his food with a soft smile, and after a moment, he hesitantly looked up, speaking slowly at first, "I'm...I'm really sorry for being such an ass."

Matt looked around for a second, "Which one of us are you apologizing to? You weren't an ass to me. At least not more than is understandable. Some might say I had it coming, right? Just enjoy your food, kid..."

Jasyn just nodded at the answer with a humble smile, and began to silently eat his food.

Sirrus smiled wide and dug in, not bothering to use a utensil, "YUM!!!"

Alex chuckled watching Sirrus, and then started to eat his food as well.

Matt leaned back in his chair, for some reason not eating just yet, and smiled, "Are we all good now?"

Jasyn looked up, swallowing a mouth full of food, "Yeah. I hope so."

Alex swallowed and smiled, "I am!"

"Sirrus?" Matt picked up his fork and messed with his food in an exaggerated fashion.

Sirrus smiled dumbly again, getting the message, and crudely picked up a fork before going back to eating.

Alex chuckled, "He's really cute..."

Matt smiled, "I know. Is the food good?"

Jasyn nodded and smiled, "Y-yes. Thanks again."

Matt finally took a few bites, and, when he realized that it really was good, continued to eat.

Alex eyed the ottercoon, "Matt? Why...why weren't you eating?"

Jasyn turned to look at him too, "Yeah. I was sorta' wondering that too."

Matt looked past the two, and at Sirrus with a smile, "Well, the last time I left Sirrus alone with the food, he messed with it. I wasn't completely sure he hadn't put something in it again."

Jasyn coughed a bit, "So you were going to let us eat it?"

While Jasyn sat wide-eyed, Alex stared at the food, then at Sirrus, and then back at Matt.

Matt smiled and kept eating. "It's not like he would have put anything bad in it. I was just afraid it would taste bad. Last time it was too much salt." Matt looked over at Sirrus with a raised eyebrow, "But my little dragon learned his lesson when we didn't get any lunch that day, didn't he?"

Sirrus just whimpered and jammed more food into his mouth.

Jasyn smiled and laughed quietly, wiping his mouth after finishing off his food.

"So I have to ask you, wolf b...I mean, Jasyn." Matt kept eating, close to finishing his food as well, "You still hate me?"

Jasyn looked down with a chuckle, and then smiled up at Matt. "Of course I do."

"Oh?" Matt kept eating with a smile, "Very convincing."

Jasyn smiled and shook his head, "Well...I can't say I've suddenly started approving and Sirrus. But other than that...I guess you're okay. You helped us a lot today, afterall."

Matt shrugged, "If it helps, the stuff with Sirrus has only happened the three times. And I'm not forcing it on him; he's as willing a participant as I am."

"Yeah..." Jasyn's eyes narrowed a bit, "Doesn't help."

Alex had finished his food off and was still and quiet. Something about the conversation was making him uncomfortable.

Jasyn noticed. "Alex? Everything okay?"

"I'm...a little thirsty..." Alex stood up, "I'll be right back..." The fox left out of the room toward the kitchen.

"Sirrus." Matt raised an eyebrow, "Go see what's wrong..."

Sirrus nodded and obeyed, hopping off the chair and padding into the kitchen.

Matt turned to look at Jasyn after they were alone. "Do you know what that was all about?"

Jasyn shook his head, "I don't..."

"I might."

"What? What is it?"

"He and Sirrus...may have played."

"No." Jasyn shook his head again.

"I doubt it too." Matt shook his as well, "They were hardly ever alone last night. But doesn't take Sirrus long."

Jasyn just looked down and stayed silent.

Matt sighed, "My thoughts exactly." He crossed his arms and leaned back, "But don't worry. Sirrus will tell me what's up."

Meanwhile, a room away in the kitchen, Sirrus padded in and sat down on his haunches next to the fox, "Alex. What's wrong?"

Alex looked down at him, the dragon's face covered in food, and he chuckled slightly, "You're filthy, Sirrus! Let me clean you off..."

Sirrus smiled and clumsily climbed up onto the counter with Alex's help. Alex grabbed a paper towel, and started wiping off the little dragon's muzzle and hands.

With a smile, he responded to Sirrus's question. "So what makes you think something's wrong?"

Sirrus tilted his head, "Well you were quiet and didn't talk. Then you walked in here...and you were just standing here."

Alex smiled wide, obviously a fake one, but he knew Sirrus couldn't tell the difference, "But I'm not frowning am I?"

Sirrus shook his head, "Nope!"

"Well, then how could I be in a bad mood if I'm smiling?"

Sirrus shrugged, "They said so. Master told me to see what was wrong."

Alex got the boy all clean and then nuzzled him, "Did they say anything else?"

Sirrus giggled a bit at the nuzzling, "I don't thinks so..."

Alex turned around and grabbed a Dr. Pepper and a Coke out of the fridge, "Lets go on back to the table ok?"

Sirrus smiled and nodded, hopping down and following Alex out of the room. Alex walked, with Sirrus in tow, out of the kitchen, back into the dining room.

As he sat down at the table, he handed the Coke across to Jasyn, "I figured you might want something, too."

Jasyn smiled awkwardly and took it, "Th...thanks..."

Matt looked between Sirrus and Alex, "Well?"

Sirrus smiled, "He said that he was smiling so nothing was wrong!"

Alex was still smiling but trying not to look at Jasyn.

Matt raised his eyebrow, knowing better, "Somehow I don't believe that."

Jasyn Looked at Alex, "Alex, what's wrong?"

Alex slowly looked over at the wolf but was having trouble making eye contact, "N-nothing..."


"No seriously its--"

"Enough!" Matt held up a paw, "Both of you, hush! Sirrus, I want you to tell me...and only you. Alex, don't you say a word. Sirrus, did you play with Alex last night?"

Sirrus smiled and giggled, "Yup! We had fun!"

Alex just sipped at his Dr. Pepper, looking down at the table.

Matt sighed, and looked at Alex then back at Sirrus, "How did you play?"

Sirrus smiled, having no idea what trouble he would cause, "He let me lick him! He tastes good!"

Alex began to shake as he sat down his Dr. Pepper.

"A...Alex?" Jasyn blinked, staring at his friend in disbelief.

Alex was dead silent as his shaking grew to tremors. Finally able to muster words, he could still barely string them together, "I'm...I-I'm sorry. Matt...Jasyn...I just...I was..."

Matt stood up, "Sirrus, come here..."

Sirrus smiled and hopped off of his chair, walking around the table to stand next to his master.

Matt leaned down and kissed him on the head, "Go to the living room, bud...okay?"

Sirrus just smiled, grabbed his plush, and ran into the living room, as Matt looked at the two teenagers.

Jasyn shook his head in shock, "Alex? Why? How? I mean..."

Alex was still shaking as he looked down at the table, "He...he wanted to play I...I..." The fox suddenly looked up defensively, almost angrily. "I didn't do anything wrong! He wanted to play! I...I...oh God..."


Matt sat down and sighed, "He IS a little too playful, Jasyn. You saw that at the park..." The ottercoon rubbed his temples. Because of how Sirrus was, this didn't exactly bother Matt, but he knew it was doing nothing but add complication for these two kids...and undoing all the work he'd put into helping them.

Jasyn looked away, " were so against it."

"Yeah...well...just yesterday you wanted to send Matt to prison!" Alex continued being defensive, "And today you're willing to set and eat lunch with them!"

"I...I'm not the one that let some innocent pet suck his dick!"

Alex looked down and huffed, "If it had been a girl you would have done the same thing..."

"I-if it had been a girl!?" Jasyn finally raised his voice, "What does that have to do with anything!?"

Alex looked back up quickly, "It has to do with the fact that you're only bothered by it because Sirrus is a HE!"

"That has nothing to do with this, Alex, and you know it!"

"Doesn't it!?"

"No! You let him suck your cock! He's basically a little kid!"

"We..." Alex's defenses were breaking down, "We didn't finish. I mean...h-he...I made him stop! He's not mine! He's Matt's, and I made it stop..."

"And how would I know that!?" Jasyn threw up his arms, "It's not like it would be the first thing you've lied to me about!"

Matt stood up and quietly left the room...knowing that they wouldn't notice.

"How dare you!?" Alex jumped up, "How dare you throw that in my face!? How could you have expected me to tell you that!?"

Jasyn stood up, too, and slammed his hands down on the table, "Because you're my friend! But that wasn't good enough for you! You just went right along without telling me, didn't you!? No, you had to wait till I was pissed, last night, and then let it 'slip out!'"

"What!? You think I wanted you to hear that last night? I thought you were still in the other room!"

"So when were you GOING to tell me, then!?"

"I WASN'T!" Alex screamed as loud as he could, "I didn't EVER want you to know, because I didn't want you to hate me! I didn't want you to look at me differently! Whether you're ok with it or not, I still hate this shit! I know that every time you look at me, I'm not Alex anymore! I'm your gay friend! I'm the fagot that fell in love with you!" The fox started crying again, "I stopped him Jasyn. I knew it was wrong...I knew I was just taking advantage of him when I was down, and I stopped it! But could you DARE throw yesterday in my face?"

Jasyn breathed heavily, trying to calm himself, but still glaring at Alex, "You didn't even tell me, when you woke up. You didn't even tell me in the bed room. I told you, you could tell me anything, and Sirrus was even brought up, but you still held it in! What else are you hiding, Alex? What else CAN'T you tell me?"

Alex looked up, his face already soaked in tears, "You want to know everything!? Do you!? Fine then! You get everything! Yesterday, when Sirrus touched me at the park -- I wanted to play! You're damn right I did! The only thing I could think of the WHOLE damned time was that maybe, just maybe, the three of us could play TOGETHER! How's that!? Or how about this!? When I was nine, my brother raped me! The same brother that stays in the room with both of us, EVERY time you stay at my house! Did you want to know that!? Did you? Did you know, when you stay at my house, in my bed, that it is EVERYTHING I can do to keep my hands off of you! Or, did you know that almost all of the porn I look at is wolves, because I can pretend, just for those few minutes, with my dick in my paw, that it's YOU I'm looking at!? Did you want to know all of that? Did you!? Would you like to know how many times I've came, with you on my mind? Or should I keep that to myself!?" Alex pushed over his chair and walked to the wall, leaning his head on it.

The fox had barely set his head against the wall, before an arm draped over his shoulders.

Jasyn moved in close to the fox, eclipsing Alex's body with his own, and softly spoke into his laid back black ears, "Shhh...I'm sorry, Alex. I'm so sorry."

"Why should you be sorry? I lied, I hid things...I hid EVERYTHING from my best friend: things you had every right to know. I thought about and then DID violate Matt's pet..." Alex closed his eyes tight, sobbing, "I don't deserve to be forgiven or apologized to..."

Jasyn wrapped his arms around the crying fox, and pulled him away from the wall to hold him close to his chest. "Alex...everything will be okay. Don't worry...don't cry. You're safe now...I won't let anything else hurt you. I'm so sorry..."

"F-for what...?"

Jasyn squeezed him tight, "For being arrogant enough to think any of this was about me, when it's so hard on you. For all the pain I've caused, directly or indirectly. For...for everything that's happened to you." The wolf laid his chin on Alex's shoulder.

"You didn't cause anything Jasyn. Stop saying that...please..." Alex leaned back against Jasyn's chest, still crying, "There's so much more you don't know...I...I..."

Jasyn rubbed Alex's chest, "Let it out. Talk to me and we'll deal with it together. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to let anything hurt you."

"Why are you being so...? After what I did...why didn't you just leave?"

Jasyn sighed, "There was so much I didn't know, things that...things that don't hold a candle to this." Jasyn shook his head, barely able to bring it up, "When you were nine...I one should go through that alone. I care about you too much to let you keep dealing with it on your own."

"I really did stop him Jasyn...really." The fox sniffled, "I-I'm not like my brother!"

Jasyn held him tighter, as close as he could, "I believe you, Alex...I believe you..."

"I love you so much Jasyn. I'm sorry to put you through all of this. don't need to have this to worry about..."

Jasyn gripped the fox's chest fur through his still unbuttoned shirt, "I love you too Alex...and I always will. Nothing has or will ever change that."

Alex sunk into the wolf's arms, " know I'd never do anything to you right? I'd never try" Alex trailed off, "You don't have to be uncomfortable around me...okay? I just...I just don't want our friendship to change."

"F...fuck..." Jasyn began actually crying finally, "...I know...I know..."

" you Matt's angry with me?"

Jasyn just shook his head, " he's not...he couldn't be."

"But Sirrus is like his boyfriend...he loves him...and I..." Alex sighed with a long pause, "I don't care if he's mad...just so long as you're not."

"Not at all."

"A-and..." Alex stammered, "And I won't have you over anymore, okay? I'm sure you don't want to stay in my bed anymore. Or...or in the room with...with HIM. I'm so sorry I let you stay there for so long. I...I just...can't handle being there, alone with him...every night. It' was easier with you there. just sleep."

Jasyn let go of the fox and stepped back, gently turning his friend around to face him and looking into his eyes, "Alex...what happened?"

"I...I already told you..."

Jasyn shook his head, "Alex...I can tell...your voice. What happened? Please talk to me."

"He...he threatened me. You-you can't say anything!" The fox grew frantic. "No one will believe us, Jasyn! A-and then he'll hurt me again! He...he did it for months. He could still do it again if...if he ever. God, I was afraid every night...I'm just so glad it stopped. I couldn't live through it again!"


"I hurt, I begged him to stop, and he didn't. B-but the worst part was...the worse part was that he stole my...he stole..." Alex had to look away, "I mean, I'll never be lose my...I'll never be able to have my first time with someone I love. He robbed me of that, Jasyn! At least Sirrus loves Matt..."

"I can't..." Jasyn squeezed Alex's shoulders tightly, "I won't let this stand, Alex."

"Neither will I..." Matt was standing in the doorway again, now, "I'm sorry Alex, I didn't intend to eavesdrop...but he's right. There's got to be something that can be done. We..." The ottercoon looked away, shocking himself that he used the word 'we,' "...we can't just let this go."

Jasyn looked up at Matt and Matt looked back at him. Neither expected the ottercoon to get so involved, to care so much, but he did.

As Sirrus walked into the room, Jasyn looked back at Alex and let go of the fox's shoulders, "I'll be back." Giving no one a chance to stop him, Jasyn calmly, too calmly, left the room.

Matt's eyes narrowed as he watched the wolf leave, then turned on his heel to follow, "Sirrus, stay with Alex...and no playing!"

Sirrus just smiled and nodded, not at all understanding what was going on.

Jasyn hurried to the door, but stopped before he went through, when he felt the ottercoon behind him. "No, Matt. I'm doing this alone. You stay here."

"Jasyn...what are you planning to do?"

Jasyn looked back at Matt, absolutely furious, "Taking care of this!"

"Jasyn...if you're going to do what I think you are...the police WILL have to get involved. Neither you NOR Alex needs that. Jasyn, please tell me you're taking this to the police and not just going to Alex's house..."

Jasyn just turned away, walking out the door and slamming it behind him.

"Damn-it..." Matt ran back to the dining room to find Alex crying and hugging Sirrus.

Sirrus nuzzled Alex's cheek, "Alex? What's wrong?"

"Everything!" Matt knelt down by Alex, "How much does Jasyn care about you?"

"A...a lot...?"

Sirrus smiled wide, "But that's a good thing!"

"No, Sirrus, it's not!" Matt turned the fox's head to look him in the eye, "Alex, you need to show me how to get to your house, now!"


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Alexander Collin Moen and Eric Matthew Cameron Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller and Sirrus *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

Oh, no. What is Jasyn planning? Is he about to do to Alex's brother, what Robert did to Keith and his friends in "Hero"? Or does he have something even worse planned? And can Matt do anything to stop him? Should he? And how will Alex be involved in all of this? Stay tuned.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 49 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^