Tir's Tale, Chapter 1

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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This is my first story in two years! a bit like my old story, the tales of drake and xello, but a bit different. My fursona has changed some since then, and i'm trying to write again. Please be as harsh as possible so i can improve

It was dark, cold, and raining that night, soaking my fur till it felt heavy on my body. Tears mixed with blood were being washed off my cheeks. I stood over the body of him. His body was sprawled out, and his white fur was stained red with blood. I knew my time was almost up. The night was slowly giving way to the morning, and it hit. Cold slowly crept up my body. I would join him soon. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning of my story. Let me start from the day I met him... the love of my life.

It was a day like most other days, the sun was shining, it was nice and warm outside, the flowers in full bloom. My red and black tail swished about as I headed towards the campus. You see, I was a student at Mainhall University. I didn't think I would ever go to a major university, but I managed to get in. My emerald green eyes bright and happy, ready to absorb the words my professors would be teaching today.

OH! Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Tir, a winged black wolf. I'm currently 19 years old. My parents, both wingless wolves, or so I always guessed since that is what my grandmother told me, were never sure how or why I had wings. I was perfectly healthy, and they did work. Granted, flying was a chore, that I didn't enjoy. But, my mother died in child birth, and my father... well, he died when I was but 6 months old... no one is quite sure why, but I always assumed it was because he loved my mother so dearly, that losing her broke his heart. Anyways, my past is for another time.

I soon arrived at the campus, my grandmother was so proud... and paying for this for me. Thats when I saw him. He was walking towards the same classroom is was going to be in. He seemed to be around my age, a beautiful white wolf. I could sense it... he has this aura about him... so kind and caring, yet strong and bold. I could describe it, but I had to get to know him. He turned towards me, his eyes so... different. It was such a strange color... a dark lavender color. They were beautiful, captivating.

As I walked up towards him, he turned back and entered the class room. I sighed and knew I probably missed my one chance to meet him, or even find out if he was... well, you know... like me. Yes, I'm gay. I never hid it from anyone, even my grandmother. She didn't like it much, but she didn't give me to hard of a time. But, I speak to much.

I walked into the classroom, looking for him again. I saw him, sitting in the back of the class, alone. I smiled, and I believe I was wagging happily. I had to of been, because a few of the females were chuckling and pointing at me. Bah! I didn't care. I saw something I like, and I had to go for it. How else was I to know? I made my way to back of the class, and sat right next to that hunk of a wolf. He was a mere seat away!

The teacher walked in, unfortunately, before I could even speak to him."Good morning class," said the old raccoon. "My name is Dr. Milds. You are in my class today to learn trig." His voice was kinda distant and sad, as if he didn't really want to be here. But, it also had a hint of... I guess it would be brilliance to it. I turned to the wolf I was sitting next to, and smiled. Then when I noticed him scribbling some symbol on his notebook. When did he get that out without me noticing? Whats more, what is that symbol. It looked somewhat... familiar... yet I know I've never seen it before. I stared at it for a few moments.

"Tir... Tir Hervit? Is Tir Hervit here?" came the doctors voice. I blushed as I looked up. "H..here Professor!" I said waving, my paw in the air. "That's Doctor." he said sharply. "Kids today. Maybe you should stop eying others and listen." He shook his head, going down the rest of the list. "Dawn... Dawn Lively?"

"Here Doctor." said the wolf next me. His voice... it was so soothing. I flowed like a melody... like a quiet river. It caused me to want to melt. I was starting to wag again, going back to looking at the symbol. I can't... describe it to you... you would just have to see it to understand what I mean that its.... very unique... something you would always remember seeing. He looked at me suddenly. "Umm, do I know you or something... you've been staring at my notebook for a bit now, and wagging."

OH NO! He noticed me, and it was like I was being creepy... well, I was, but it still caused my face to turn as bright red as possible. I looked down. "O..oh... I'm sorry... I just... I saw you doodling... and was curious about the symbol." I said softly, splaying my ears. "I'll... I'll move to different seat next class." I said softly, tucking my tail a bit.

He chuckled. Even his chuckle was soothing to my ears. Oh, if only I could capture that voice and always be able to hear it! No, I'm not kidding... his voice was really like that. "Oh no... you don't have to do that. I just found it strange you kept staring without even saying him. I'm Dawn... and this symbol I'm drawing belongs to a group of long forgotten wolves." he said softly. "I think your name is Tir? Your blushing an awful lot."

I was, and him calling it out caused me to blush even brighter. What could I do? I wanted to run, to die of humiliation right then and there. "I... I'm sorry." I said softly again. What I said next... you should never say to other the first time you meet them. If everything wasn't creepy before, it was now. "I love you." That was it... I didn't have a chance in the WORLD now with him.

What happened next was like a blur. I still am not sure what happened. It was like time stood still as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. My entire body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't speak... nor do much of anything. Yes, I'm gay, but I hadn't ever had my first kiss... never done anything... was always too scared. And, here I was... in class... in college... getting my first kiss... from a guy I had just met! "You're too cute." Dawn said softly. He didn't say anything else but when back to doing something in the notebook as the teacher dragged on in the lesson.

Class was ending, and the teacher assigned a massive amount of homework. I wanted to cry a bit... not just about what happened between me and Dawn, but because the homework was three times more than I ever had in high school. As I went to stand up, I saw Dawn rush past me, slipping a note into my paw. I was confused, but I stuffed the note into my pocket. I could read it in a bit... once I collected my stuff and got to my next class. I watched as he left. I could have sworn I saw his rump shaking a bit at me now.

Once I had everything packed back up, and I was out the door, I reached into my pocket and took out the note. I read over it several times, stunned. "Meet me after school around 3 near the fountain. I want to take out on a night on the town. Love Dawn." He said love? I couldn't believe he said love. What was I doing... what was I going to wear... where were we going to go? Should I bring a condom? I was completely confused, and excited, and nervous, and sick... all at the same time. It could explain it any better than that. My heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my own chest.

The day flew by, as if time went in fast forward. If it wasn't for the notes I took, I probably would have missed everything I was suppose to learn today. It was now almost 3. Wait, it was almost 3, and it would take me ATLEAST 20 minutes to walk all the way to the fountain. I was going to miss my first ever date... and probably my true love.

I know what your thinking now... my true love? I didn't even know anything about him, and I'm calling him my true love. Wow, I must be going crazy. I couldn't believe what I had just called him... even if it was in my own mind. I looked at my watch, and noticed it was only two after three, and I was at the fountain. There he was, sitting calmly on a bench. I couldn't help but blush.

He looked over at me and waved. I blushed even brighter, not sure what to do. I could run now... after all, I didn't even know him. Yet, I still walked towards him, wagging a bit. When I reached the fountain, I looked down, blushing, not sure what to say.

"So Tir... You ready for a night out?" he said happily, taking my paw into his. He give it a soft squeeze, standing up. He he did, I followed his eyes with mine, giving a simple nod. He smiled, and started to lead me towards the parking lot. "Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you."

His voice put me completely at ease. I started to relax, squeezing his paw as well. He lead me slowly into the parking lot. I couldn't help but look his body over. He was very hansom, his body quite fit. I have to admit, I was a bit jealous. I wasn't fit, nor was I really out of shape. I had a little bit of a belly. I guess I was what you would call average.

"You ok Tir?" he asked softly, holding open a car door for me. I didn't realize I had started day-dreaming that much. I didn't even notice him holding open the door. "You've just been standing there looking off into space for a couple of minutes now." he said, chuckling.

"Oh... umm, I'm fine... just looking over your body..." I blurted out. I couldn't believe I had just said that out loud. What was I thinking? I might have just killed any chance I had with Dawn. As I looked him in the eyes, the next thing I knew, his lips were pressed to mine, locking us into a deep kiss. I couldn't resist opening my maw, which he took full advantage of, pressing his tongue into my mouth. I began sucking on it, like I couldn't live without it. It felt like the world had stopped.

Soon, I felt him pulling away from the kiss, my body shaking a bit. I was looking deeply into his eyes. "T..thanks." was all I could say at the point, wagging my tail happily. I looked away for a second, feeling a rush of heat in my cheeks. "So... um... where are we going?" I asked quietly

Dawn just stood there smiling. "I figured we could go back to my place now if you want.. or we can go get some food." he said softly, musically. His voice was still weaving its spell over me. I couldn't help but melt. If he asked me to marry him right then, I would have. "It's all up to you Tir."

"I... let's go to your place first... then afterwards we can go hit up the town." my tail was wagging furiously. I was sure what was going to happen, and I would gladly let it. I got into his car, my tail unable to stop moving. I could swear I heard him giggle a bit as he walked around and climbed into the drivers seat.

"Ok Tir.. we can go back to my place, and I can dress you up for the town if you want." he smiled brightly at me, and I leaned over to kiss him again. This time, he took full control of the situation, pressing his broad tongue into my muzzle. I sat there suckling on it again, pressing more into it. I felt a paw on my groin, my pants growing tight. I blushed bright red, and could feel my heart racing. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to no longer be a virgin. I couldn't wait.

He broke the kiss and rubbed a paw against my cheek. "Well then.. lets get to my apartment, and I can show you more. This isn't your first time, is it?" his voice washed over me, calming my heart a bit. I couldn't do anything but simply nod. I large smile appeared on his face. "Well, then I should make this extra special for you."

"Thank you Dawn... I... I want to be yours. I think I'm deeply in love with you already... and i'm willing to do anything." I was wagging happily as he pulled out of the parkinglot, heading east towards downtown.

The drive seemed to take no time, and yet, we were on the other side of town, a forty-five minute drive. When he pulled into a large apartment complex, I was blushing. I was going to give my v-card to someone I had just met. Someone I just met I was declaring my love to. I don't know what was going on with me, but I knew I wanted it. As he parked the car, he climbed out, and went around, opening the door for me. "Come Tir, let's goto my apartment now."

I slowly got out of the car, and stood next to him. I heard someone laugh coming from the pool. Looking over there, I saw a tiger pointing at me. I thought I heard he say something about another one, but I didn't care. We walked right up to the closest door. I stood there, waiting, my heart racing again. If I go in, I'm not coming out a virgin... would it hurt? Was he clean? What's going to happen to me.

The door opened slowly, Dawn, motioning me to enter. I didn't even hesitate. I waked in, hearing Dawn behind me closing the door. It was a little dark in here. I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen now. Dawn turned on the lights, and walked over to the counter. "I have something I want to ask you Tir." he said softly.

"Whatever it is Dawn, my answer is yes." I said bluntly. I didn't care, I knew he would never hurt me. I couldn't tell you why, probably still can't.. but I knew he wouldn't.

Dawn smiled and walked closer to me. "Well, that's sweet, but you should hear what I want to ask first. You see, I really like you." he said now leaning against me. "And, I can tell your attracted to me." hes body was against mine, and I could feel a bulge in his pant. "And I want to claim you as a little subby wolf pet. To use as I see fit. Of course, It would involve some.. stuff."

I didn't even hesitate. I still can't figure out why. "O... ok. I'll do it."

Dawn smirked. "Then, you do know you'll be used sexually?" he said, ripping off my shirt. It fell to the ground in shreds. "And you can never say no to me." my pants were then ripped off as well, standing there in nothing but my black boxers. "And will have to move in." my boxers where ripped off and I stood there completely naked. "For me to use and share as I see fit."

I was now blushing bright red. I couldn't believe it. I was naked in front of Dawn, and my clothes were destroyed. I looked down, a little scared now. "O.. of course.." I said. It was like he already took control over me. "B... but... what about school... and my clothes?"

Dawn grinned broadly. "Oh, don't worry about your clothes. I've got other things you'll be wearing for now on, if anything at all. As for school, you'll be going in whatever I decide for you to wear, and with a collar on."

I nodded, almost begging now. "What about my grandmother and friends...? What about a job?"

Dawn was rubbing my sheath roughly, causing my tip to poke out. "Oh Tir... you shouldn't worry about such things. You'll be happy here." His pants soon dropped to the ground, and he was wearing nothing else underneath. His black shaft was quite huge, and leaking pre. It was also pierced. I couldn't tell how big he was, but I knew I wanted it.

"But... Dawn... What other things are you wanting of me?" I asked, now getting scared. My own red shaft was now fully erect at a full eight inches. Compared to his, mine felt so... small. I leaked pre excitedly, as if my body was begging for this. His voice was still so soothing.

"First of... you will get a few piercings... a prince albert, your nipples and tongue. Except at school, you will be lead around everywhere in a leash." Dawn was smiling softly, and stroking my cock. "Oh, and just so you know, I'm twelve inches long, and quite thick." It was like he read my mind. I felt some comfortable with everything. It was like... he took control over my mind. He then shoved me to the ground and pinned me there, his massive tip pressed against my tailhole. "Now then, time for my bitch to be claimed."

I simply nodded, and actually pressed against is pre covered tip. The next part... to this day... still makes me blush. I gave everything I had to him, not even resisting as he proceeded to rape me basically.. I guess it was rape... more like... I was forced into being a bitch.

The next thing I knew, I felt his large wolf cock inside of me, ripping me. All I could do was scream in pain. I felt no pleasure, nothing but pain. "Shhh, calm down bitch. Master is going to claim you fully. To more you scream and struggle, the more painful its going to be.. and your bleeding... mmmm, very nice..."

"Oh... M..master... I... I'm a complete virgin..." I panted out, closing my eyes, wanting it to stop. Yet, my cock shot more pre out. My body wanted this, and I slowly tried to get use to his cock. I felt each inch sink fairly quickly into me. I couldn't believe it! He was mostly dry, and was forcing himself into me.

"Good little bitch. Then let me show you how good a master can be." he growled out, forcing the rest of his cock completely into me. I couldn't tell how much he had just shoved into my all at once, but I knew I was bleeding, and probably bleeding fairly badly. Yet, I moaned out in pleasure. "See, your already acting like a good little bitch."

"T... thank you... master." That was all I could say. My tailhole felt like it was on fire. He started pulling out and thrusting back into me, causing my to move forward a bit. His own paws held mine firmly above my head. That when something happened I never thought would happen. I came... I came hard... and it was in my hair, on my face, and all over my chest and tummy. I couldn't believe it... he had made me cum!

"Mmmm, seems like my little bitch was quite pent up. But master hasn't even begun to use your hole." he moaned out, thrusting hard and deep inside of my blood hole. I could feel him in my belly... atleast, that's what it felt like. I kept moaning in pleasure as he kept thrusting deep into my, feeling each and every inch of that massive black cock sliding in and out of me, hitting my already abused prostate. "Good bitch, take it all. Beg for it... beg for your master to use you like a cum dump."

Even as I heard that, I trusted him. His voice... it was so calming to my ears. "P...please master... fuck me... fuck me like a little bitch in heat... fuck my hole raw.... don't worry about the pet... please, fuck my hole how you want! Please... give me everything you got... please, just use me how you... see fit... I... I swear my life and body to you.... please... just fuck this little bitch slut of yours..." Did I really just ask all that? Was I really begging like that? It was my voice... and I was sane. Yet... I wanted this... something told me to accept this and love it... something deep inside of me was wanting this... "Please master... I... I love you... and love this..." Dawn smiled as he continued pounding my hole, his knot... oh my lord... his knot was just... enormous. I could feel it pressing against my tight and ripped hole. As he listen to every word, he kissed me. Now, he didn't kiss me like a master claiming a bitch. He kissed me like a lover. It was so soft, so passionate, so... pleasurable... The rough fucking was brutal, yes... but I could tell he really cared about me from that kiss. Then, he whispered into my ear. "Sorry I'm being rough hun, but you have to know who is in charge."

It then happened. His knot entered me. I heard and felt it... a wet popping sound, and a bit more ripping. He howled out and shot what felt like gallons of his precious seed inside of me. Thank goodness I wasn't a female... otherwise there would be no way I wasn't pregnant. As he finished inside of me, he let god of my paws, kissing me softly again. "Thank you master..." I panted out. "I... I want to move in with you right now."

"I'm glad my pet." he said softly. "Also... you saw that symbol right... the one I was drawing...? it was a symbol meant to cause others to be under your control... I basically... forced you to love me."

Did I just hear that right? He used something to control my emotions and mind? "I... I don't mind sir... I... I'm glad I looked... "

He smiled. "It won't work unless you want it to work." he said softly, slowly ripping his knot out of me, cum and blood leaking out of my hole. "Now then, follow me my pet." he said softly, helping me up gently and guiding me into the bed room. He quickly found a thong and a pair of pant obviously too tight fur me. "Rub the cum into your fur and put this on.." he said, going to the closet.

I did as I was told, still barely able to stand. The cum on my body was starting to dry as I rubbed it in. I wasn't sure what he had planned, but I was enjoying this. The thong hurt as it started to ride up my abused hole. Yet, I simply moaned. As I put on the pants, I realized it was to make me look like a little slut. Of course... I didn't really mind. I wagged a bit as most of the thong was revealed. I looked in the mirror and blushed. I looked like a slut, and smelled like one too.

"Here." he said, throwing me a very tight shirt. It had on the front "Proud Cum Whore." I slipped it on and blushed. I could still see the cum on my face and in my hair. My belly was exposed and had some cum on it. My black fur had random white patches on it. "Mmm, such a good looking slut. One more thing." he said softly, walking up to me. "Turn around."

I smiled softly, and turned around. I felt him press his body against mine. This time, it was more gentle, caring. Then when he slipped something on around my neck. I looked into the mirror and saw a white and silver collar around my neck, with a tag that said "Property of Dawn." I blushed hotly and looked at my new master. "T.. thank you sir..." I whispered.

Dawn simply smiled and licked my cheek. "Mmm, your welcome my pet." he said softly. "Now then, maybe you should call your grandmother and let her know where you are and that you have a boyfriend that your moving in with."

All I could do was blush and nod. I picked up the phone and dialed what was my old home number. It rang a few times before the elderly voice of my grandmother answered. "Hey... Grandma... I... I have a... boyfriend." was all I could say right then.

"I'm happy for you Tir... Whats his name, when can I meet the lucky fella?" she asked kindly, softly.

"Tonight... when... I come get my stuff to move in with him..." I said, blushing... "I... I feel so right with him... and he swears on his life to take care of me..."

There was an awkward silence. Then, she spoke, very happily actually. "Really? Is he a wolf? Did he blackmail you or is this something you decided? Are you sure you want to?" she seemed happy and concerned. "You know you always have a home here, but I'm glad your trying to move on in your life, and the day you were suppose to move out, I have a gift for you."

All I could do was blush and look down. "I'll be home in a little while for my stuff. He is a wolf, and we decided together... And I want to... and you don't have to give me anything grandma." I started to wag, whining a bit.

"You okay dear? Did he hit or hurt you? Do I need to come get you?" she sounded worried as she heard me whine.

"N..no grandma... We just... he took my.... ummm... and he... ummm... I just.... look grandma... your not going to like this... but I'm no longer a virgin... and... he ripped me... quite a bit.... and... well... wants me to act like a slut for him... and I like it... but on in private... my clothes... they got... messed up... and.."

"Dear.. don't worry about that.. As long as your happy, and healthy, I'm happy. Now, go ahead and convince this big wolf to come meet me and you get what you need. I love you and will see you soon." she said, hanging up. I couldn't believe what I had just told her... yet, I felt proud to say it.

"Hun... let's go get my stuff." I said softly, looking at my new master. "So my grandmother can meet you and give me my moving away gift... just promise... you'll never hurt me..."

Dawn smiled and nibbling along my neck. "Don't worry pet, master will take good care of you, and other than sexually, I won't ever hurt you." I felt reassured just then and leaned back against him. "But, you can never leave me pet... no matter what... you belong to me, and swore yourself to me of your own free will."

I simply nodded and licked his chin. I didn't care what happened to me now, since I had found someone I really pictured myself always being with. He then handed my a bit longer shirt. I realized it was so that my grandmother didn't see all this and cause her to panic. As I slipped on the new shirt over the slutty one, I realized that it cover my belly and the thong completely. "Thank you... master." I said softly, looking him in the eyes.

Dawn simply smiled and rubbed my rump a bit. He then slipped back on some pants and swished around his tail. "You'll have to direct me to your grandmother's home. I have no idea where you live. Might wanna tell her we've been talk for quite a while." he said softly. I knew I liked him more now, he was not just caring... strong.. and very dominate... but smart.

"Ok master." I said softly. We made our way outside, and into his car. It hurt like hell to sit, but I didn't make any complaints. The drive seemed to take forever, with no conversation and me just giving him directions. As we pulled into the driveway, my grandmother, another black wolf, sat on the front porch in her rocker. As we climbed out of the car, I smiled. "Hey Grandma." I said happily.

She waved at the two of us as we approached. When we were on the front porch she gave me a big hug. "I'm happy for you dear. Though, I always hoped you would have found a nice girl to bring home." she wagged a bit and looked over Dawn a bit. "And you must be the new master." she said, winking. I turned dark dark red as she said that.

"Ah, a very sharp elder." Dawn said, shaking her paw. "Hes both my boyfriend and pet." I blushed even more and backed away.

"Its fine Tir." she said softly, looking me dead in the eyes. "If you wanted to hide it, you should have removed the collar." I had forgotten about the collar. That was so stupid of me. "Come inside, and lets get your stuff, I'm sure your new 'boyfriend' has a lot planned for you tonight."

Dawn grinned from ear to ear, and held the door open for my grandmother. I simply looked down and followed her inside. Things were going to be interesting, that was for sure.