I'm NOT a Vixen!

Story by seraphls on SoFurry

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A maned wolf goes to visit his friend, who was home "sick" from school. However, his friend's dad was onto that game, and had a little something in store for this kalak.

Uploading this with a little bit of reticence, as this is just a bit darker than what I usually do. However, I made a few minor tweaks, and think it's much better this way.

This was inspired by Riff, who knew I was having some trouble getting a new story out, and was happy to give me some sinister ideas.

Zeke pulled up in front of Gerald's house, exhausted from his school day. The maned wolf had only recently gotten his driver's license, and parked a bit crooked, but he was at least glad to see his friend whenever he wanted. He was a bit smaller than most boys his age, and was commonly mistaken for a fox or hyena at first glance, but always tried to at least act up the "wolf" part of his species. Gerald had stayed home sick from school, but Zeke knew that the wolf was just playing ill to get the day off. Running a paw through his black hair, the canine wandered up to his friend's front door.

Gerald and Zeke met in their History class. Gerald was a sophomore at their high school, while Zeke, a freshman, had decided to take the class a year earlier than most. The two took one look at each other and, as though they had some sort of canine psychic connection, could tell that they were both gay. Ever since then, they had been the closest of friends. Zeke had been horrified at going to high school, for fear of all the horror stories of gay kids getting beaten up daily, but Gerald was well-liked enough around campus that any bully would be a fool to go after one of the wolf's friends. Zeke stayed over at Gerald's house several times after they met. They frequently cuddled together, oftentimes stripping and making out, but despite Zeke's curiosity, they never went further than the heavy petting.

Hoping that his friend was in fact faking, Zeke rang the doorbell. The fox-like canine held onto his backpack and waited nervously at the door. He hoped that Gerald was still home, and that he wasn't about to embarrass himself and have to walk home quite a ways. After several long minutes, though, he heard the locks click, and the front door opened. Rather than his friend, though, a tall grey wolf answered the door.

"Hello there, Zeke." Gerald's father said with a grin, looking down at the maned wolf, "Come to see Gerald, I take it?"

"Y-yes." Zeke stammered, blushing deep red. He thought Gerald's dad would be at work, and had to scramble to make up an excuse for why he was there, "I, erm, heard he was sick, and I thought I'd come by to, uh, see if he was okay."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Gerald's dad said, stepping aside and gesturing for Zeke to come inside, "However, he's not home right now. His mom took him to go see the doctor. Had a nasty fever going, and we didn't want to take any chances."

Zeke blushed and slowly padded in, setting his bag down next to the front door. He couldn't help but think that there was something off with his friend's dad. He always took the older wolf for being more of a no-nonsense kind of guy, but he seemed to be acting almost excited to see the young maned wolf.

The maned wolf sat down on the couch and looked into the hallway, blushing nervously. He took out his phone and started texting Gerald, hoping to find out when he would be back, but the wolf did not respond. After a little while, the maned wolf could start to feel Gerald's dad watching him from the kitchen, and started to get nervous.

"Uh, I think I'll go wait in Gerald's room. Maybe use his computer and start on some homework." Zeke said, quickly thinking up a reason to get out of the living room.

Gerald's dad nodded and started washing some dishes. The maned wolf slipped into Gerald's bedroom and sat down at his computer. He didn't think anything of the computer already being on and logged in, and immediately started mindlessly browsing on the internet. After that got boring, though, Zeke listened to make sure he could still hear Gerald's dad working in the kitchen, and clicked into his friend's porn folder. The maned wolf licked his lips and blushed, immediately feeling his lower bits spring to life as he started flipping through the folder titled "Wolves".

The teen grinned and pressed his paw against his crotch, enjoying the various wolves in different poses, eyeing their knots hungrily. He felt a bit dirty going through his friend's porn without asking, but he figured nobody would need to know. He scrolled through the huge folder, murring as the photos inside titillated his sheath. However, as he absently started skipping a few photos he didn't much care for, he found himself looking at a picture of Gerald, splayed out on his bed and poking at his sheath. He blushed and bit his lower lip, but couldn't help but moan at the sight.

Zeke slowly slipped his paw under the waistband of his pants, feeling naughty looking at his friend. As the photos went on, Gerald's pink length started to come into view, and Zeke started to notice that they were being taken from odd angles - angles the wolf would have a hard time getting on his own. As Zeke kneaded at his sheath through his underwear, the photos started getting more and more elaborate, with Gerald being photographed in all sorts of poses. However, when Zeke got to a photo of Gerald tied down to his bed, the maned wolf could tell that someone else was taking those pictures. And the next photo, with a gray paw reaching out from off camera and fondling the wolf's sac, gave a good indication of the photographer's identity.

"I see your enjoying my son's pictures." Gerald's dad's voice came from the doorway behind Zeke, causing him to nearly jump out of his chair. The gray wolf's shirt was fully unbuttoned, showing his well-toned chest and stomach. He was leaning against the doorframe, with a full view of Zeke and his son's computer. Zeke instinctively closed the window, but it was obvious that he was busted, with no creative excuse.

The large wolf walked into the bedroom and leaned over Zeke, placing his paw on the mouse as the maned wolf tried frantically to cover up the erection in his jeans. Gerald's dad just grinned and opened up the folder Zeke had been looking at again, starting with the photo of the wolf fondling his son.

"M-Mr. Owens-" Zeke stammered, blushing deep red. The wolf just shushed him and kept going, showing the maned wolf teen photos of his friend getting pawed by his dad.

"Call me Liam..." the wolf murred into the teen's ear, placing a paw on his shoulder as he showed Zeke a picture of Gerald with his dad's cock stuffed in his muzzle. The maned wolf shuddered at the touch, his ears lowering nervously.

"Oh, don't act so shy." Liam said with a chuckle, reaching a paw down and resting it on Zeke's, his grey fur clashing with the black gloves of the kalak's, "I'm sure it's nothing you haven't fantasized about plenty. Besides, these photos were meant to be enjoyed."

Zeke looked up nervously, his tail curling under the chair as Liam licked his lips. As nervous as he was, though, his body betrayed him - his length was at full mast, and he was sure that the wolf could tell. Liam murred softly and nudged Zeke's paws out of the way, continuing to cycle through photos of him and his son as he undid the kalak's belt.

"Funny thing about family cell phone plans..." Liam mused, his muzzle right next to Zeke's ear as he spoke in a low rumble, "All I have to do is log on to the cell phone company's web site, and I can read all of Gerald's text messages... all the dirty texts he sends you... I have to say, I'm a bit jealous of him."

As Zeke's eyes were locked on a closeup of Gerald's knot, Liam slipped a paw down the maned wolf's pants and gripped at his length through his boxers. "But I think it's time for me to get a taste. I'm sure my son won't exactly mind - shame he's a bit tied up right now, or I'd invite him to join."

Zeke shuddered and tried to keep from moaning as the large paw groped at him. He leaned back in his chair and gasped as the wolf unzipped his pants, pushing them down a bit. Liam grinned and pulled the rolling chair back, pointing to the floor in front of the bed.

"Stand there and undress." The wolf commanded, typing a few keys on Gerald's keyboard to turn the picture folder into a slideshow as he went over to his son's dresser, shuffling through the drawers. The maned wolf folded his ears back, his knees quivering a bit, but he found his legs acting of their own accord, having him stand and move in front of his friend's bed.

Liam grabbed something out of Gerald's dressed, but held it so that Zeke couldn't see. He minimized the slideshow on the computer, and turned on Gerald's webcam. He hit record and brought the show back up. He then turned back to Zeke and licked his lips, showing the kalak a pair of thin pink panties.

"I figured since you look like such a cute little vixen, you could dress the part. Now how about you give the camera a little show and get rid of those clothes."

Zeke folded his ears back and grumbled - with his reddish fur and black socks and gloves, he was often mistaken for a fox. Even though he technically wasn't a wolf, he hated being called a fox, or hyena, or even a jackal as one teacher called him once.

However, with the gray wolf towering him and holding out the girly underwear, the kalak found his paws moving on their own accord, pulling off his shirt and showing the wolf his chest. His chestfur was a dark red, but with a white streak under his chin and neck. The wolf nodded approvingly as the kalak pushed his jeans down to his knees, his paws resting on the waistband of his grey boxers.

"I'm not a fox..." Zeke protested meekly, getting nothing more than a little chuckle from Liam. His length had already retreated back into his sheath, though his tip was just barely showing. He had only ever let Gerald see him naked before, and was embarrassed at the prospect of showing his body to the older wolf. However, with Liam staring him down, the maned wolf closed his eyes and pushed his boxers down, immediately pulling his foxlike tail between his legs to hide his modesty.

Liam grinned and nodded approvingly, stepping behind Zeke and positioning him to be right in front of the camera. He pulled the maned wolf back against his body, letting the kalak feel the firm bulge in the wolf's pants as he stroked down the boy's chest.

"That's much better... those times I've seen you and my son in bed together... I've been looking forward to seeing you up close like this..." Liam murred as he held onto Zeke by his chest, lowering the pink panties for the kalak to step into.

Zeke gasped a bit, the wolf's breath on his ears making him shudder. The maned wolf looked down and reluctantly lifted one of his long, thin legs to step into one of the leg holes. Once he followed suit with the other, Liam leaned down and pulled the silky thin panties up Zeke's legs and up to his hips. Zeke had never tried crossdressing before, but he couldn't help but enjoy the tight panties on him, the fabric holding his nuts and sheath in close. Liam reached a paw back down and gave the kalak's sheath a gentle squeeze, holding them to make sure the webcam got a good shot.

"Such a cute little vixen..." Liam murred, giving Zeke's ear a light nip, "Now, how about we give a nice little show for the camera? I'm sure Gerald will love it."

Before Zeke could say anything, Liam pulled the maned wolf to the side, pushing him down onto Gerald's bed. The kalak eeped as he landed on his back, his legs splayed out. Liam grinned and stood over the teen, pulling his shirt off the rest of the way and undoing his belt. The grey wolf pushed his pants and underwear down, letting the maned wolf see his sheath. His flared cocktip was already poking out and leaking pre. When Zeke saw the wolf's bits - enormous compared to both Gerald's and his own - the maned wolf pulled the bedsheets over himself, feeling his own little sheath start to swell.

"That's right, little vixen." Liam said reaching down and cupping his sac, displaying himself for the teen, "I know how much you love looking at photos of these - must be nice to get to see one in person."

Zeke's ears flicked as he shrunk down a bit, shifting nervously under the bedsheets - it was certainly bigger than he would have expected, and seeing it in person was far different that staring at his computer screen late at night. The wolf teased his length out of its sheath, crouching down to pull a small packet of lube out of his pants pocket and tossed it onto the bed for later.

The wolf stood at the edge of the bed and reached behind Zeke, gripping him by his thin black mane and pulling the kalak's head in toward his crotch.

"There now, get a good close look..." the wolf said, his cocktip lightly touching Zeke's nose. The kalak wrinkled his nose, feeling a drop of pre smear onto him, "Yes, look well, get a good whiff, maybe even take a taste."

Liam looked down and jerked away the bedsheets, leaving Zeke with no way to cover himself. To his embarrassment, the maned wolf was fully hard, with a wet spot staining his panties at his cocktip. Liam chuckled and grinned, holding the maned wolf's muzzle against his hard length.

"I see you're enjoying this." The gray wolf said with a grin, releasing the kalak's mane and reaching down to give his package a firm squeeze, "Just like a little vixen... but I know you want more than to just look, don't ya?"

Zeke couldn't help but moan as the wolf grabbed at him through his panties, a squirt of pre shooting out into the humiliating undies. Liam took the maned wolf by the wrists and turned him around, shoving him down onto his chest and pulling his legs back.

"Up on all fours, pup." Liam ordered, tearing open the packet of lube and smearing the clear gel over his hard length. The maned wolf yelped and bit down on his lower lip, a tear falling down his cheek as he struggled to force himself up on his paws and knees. Liam nodded and took a hold of the waist of Zeke's panties, roughly pulling them down and grabbing the kalak's tail, holding it up to give a shameful display of the teen's rear to Gerald's webcam. Zeke started to whimper, but was interrupted by Liam giving his ass a quick slap.

"None of that, now. You're gonna take me like a good bitch. And you'll love every moment of it."

Zeke yelped and folded his ears back, his knees shaking as Liam climbed onto the bed behind him, sitting on his knees and rubbing his cocktip against the teen's virgin tailhole. Zeke tried to scoot away from the wolf, but Liam just grabbed him by the wrists and held him down, using his cocktip to smear lube onto the boy's entrance. Zeke whimpered and tried to wriggle free of the older wolf, but Liam just growled and squeezed the maned wolf's wrists.

"Don't even try it. Or am I gonna have to tie you down and take my belt to your ass until my cock is the least of your worries?"

Zeke whined and tensed his paws, but he understood that the wolf was in a position to make him hurt far worse. The kalak whimpered lightly, but buried his face back down in his friend's pillow, his rear on display for the wolf.

Once he felt the maned wolf was ready, Liam gribbed the base of his length and positioned himself just right. He pushed in, just slowly enough to avoid splitting the maned wolf in two, and moaned loudly.

"Ahh, that's good... nice and tight... forgot how it felt the first time with Gerald..."

The wolf pushed Zeke's head down to stifle his pained cries. The kalak had only ever fingered himself a couple times, and even then two fingers were nowhere near the thick lupine cock stretching his tailhole to its limit. Liam wasted no time pushing his lubed length all the way into the maned wolf, murring and holding for a few seconds once he felt his nuts brush against the teen's.

"Shame my boy's not gonna get to experience you like this..." the wolf moaned out, murring dominantly, "I bet you were looking forward to being his bitch first, too. Little slutfox you are."

Zeke whined into the pillow as the wolf's cock stretched him out. It was unlike anything he'd ever have expected, and was much more painful than he would have imagined. He was only given a few moments to adjust to the feeling in his ass before Liam slowly pulled out. The maned wolf shuddered, his legs shaking as he tried to keep himself from tensing up as the gray wolf shoved his dick back into him.

As Zeke's legs started to give out, Liam reached a paw down and grabbed between the kalak's legs, holding his hips up while fondling his nuts while he began to hump in and out of the teen's tailhole. The wolf panted and groaned, growling as the kalak wriggled under him. The lube only helped a bit, allowing just enough slickness to allow the large canine cock to slide in and out of Zeke's virgin ass.

As the wolf started to pound in and out of Zeke's rear, the maned wolf started to find it hurting less and less. Though it still stung, as the wolf's length pushed in and out of him, the rubbing against his small prostate made him start to harden into Liam's paw. The wolf felt the kalak's body respond, leaning in and nipping at his ears.

"That's it... little vixen loves having a big wolfcock in his pussy... bet he's gonna love taking the knot..."

Zeke eeped as the wolf mentioned his knot. The thick flesh at the base of Liam's cock had been pressing against his tailhole, but the mention of it actually going in made the kalak panic a bit. He started to squirm under the wolf, trying to get out, but before he could do anything, Liam growled and shoved his hips forward hard, mercilessly forcing his knot past Zeke's already-strained tailhole and locking his cock inside the kalak.

As the knot was forced into him, Zeke lifted his head up and cried out, tears streaking down his cheeks as he was stretched as far as he could. Liam just grabbed the teen by his mane and pushed his head back down into the pillow.

"If you're gonna yell like that, I'll have to gag you."

Zeke kept crying out, but was muffled by the pillow. Liam just growled and held the pup's head down as he continued to hump his rear in short, quick movements. The wolf panted and moaned, getting lost in his ecstasy as he plowed into the kalak repeatedly. The maned wolf tried to squirm, but every movement only wound up tugging on the wolf's knot even more.

Liam growled and murred, yanking Zeke's head up. As the boy yelped in pain, the wolf bit down on his shoulder, right at the base of his neck, and shoved his hips forward one last time. He moaned loudly as he shot his thick, hot seed into Zeke's rear, his claws digging into the kalak's sides as he pulled the teen back on him.

As the wolf panted and came down from the flood of pleasure, he rolled over onto his back, pulling the kalak with him to straddle him, facing the computer and webcam. The wolf grinned and reached around to grab the kalak's length, jerking his cock up and down quickly as his knot kept him secured. The teen didn't last long, shooting off his smaller load onto the bedsheets in front of him with a weak moan.

As the gray wolf murred and relaxed, he stroked down the quivering maned wolf's back. They sat on Gerald's bed in silence, until Liam was able to lift the kalak off his knot with a grunt. Zeke collapsed on the ground and panted, his rear hurting worse than he'd ever have thought it could. Once he'd gathered himself, Liam stood and walked over to the computer, turning off the webcam and saving the video. He knelt down and gathered up Zeke's clothes, along with the pink panties, and shoved them over to the kalak.

"Get dressed. You're probably expected at home soon." Liam said, wiping his length off on Gerald's bedsheets before it fully retracted, "When Gerald's home, and I've dealt with him playing sick, I'll have him send you a twit, or whatever you guys are doing these days."

Zeke quickly pulled his clothes back on, after Liam snapped at him for trying to put his shorts back on instead of the panties. He hurried out the door, limping a bit on his way home. Once he saw the maned wolf turn the corner on the block, he went back into Gerald's room, opening up the closet door. He looked down and grinned at Gerald, who was tied up with his arms behind his back, and a gag in his mouth, and a full view of the bedroom between the slots of the closet door. The young wolf was naked, and his length was fully hard between his legs.

"Well now... I sure hope you enjoyed the show."