Bunnie story Chapter one

Story by emikoxthexbunny on SoFurry

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the final to chapter one ^^" hope its ok

~Bunnie~ Chapter One

My names Emiko, but most just call me bunnie; and this is the story of my year. It was the end of summer the dreaded times of most kids who are just dreading going back to school...MOST that is, for me though it's a different story. I never minded school really, I get to see friends and some very nice teachers, as well as go on the fun trips and goof off on weekends. I think its alot nicer than sitting home alone with nothing to do. Well, as expected, that time came along like it does every year, and it was time to get shopping.

When we got the notices along with the schol shopping list all that was heard were the groans of my older brother and sister, saying how they dont wanna go back and how dumb it is, how they know most of the stuff they teach them or they wont need it, the typical high schoolers thoughts. Me though, I stayed quiet, as I said before I dont mind school for a few reasons, besides the shopping trip anyway. Every school year we have to scramble to the store to buy stuff and supplies, books, folders, binders, pencils, all the normal stuff then the other more interesting stuff came later, like a bookbag and clothes; I always loved picking them out all the diffrent colors and types, it was just so fun for me to go look for the perfect ones that fit me and looked pretty at the same time.

The trip was normal and routine, go to the store read the list and get what you need, until I say him anyway. This boy, he was a tall, handsome canine, thick fur and a seemingly perfect body, about a year and a half older looking than me; he didnt notice me either, my perfect chance to go try my luck. I waited for my faimly to go look for clothes, saying I had to find somthing and stay back for awhile, no one seemed to mind or question it... I was always the least connected to them, the outcast so to say.

I was too shy to just go up and say hi, the fear of messing up and ruining a first impression made me think more. I decided to just stayed around him,in the same isle ofcorse, acting like I was trying to find something in particular that seemed hard to find, like a certain calculator or type of book. This went on for...what seemed like forever, I would glance over at him as he would look away, then id look back over him quietly before repeating it all over. I pulled it off quite well for a while, not saying I didn't look foolish to others while I did it, but I remained unknown to him. After some time, he did notice me, and the 'uh-oh' went off in my head.

I did the typical thing to wave and say hi before trying to escape his view like I would with any other guy, but, unlike most occurances, he looked at me again, then called for me...by name. His deep voice matched his stature perfectly, deep and soothing but at the same time seemingly perfect for a dirty talk. I froze were i stood, "how does he know my name?" i thought to myself, I couldn't do anything but think and watch as he walked to me, getting close as he smiled lightly as his eyes met with mine.

He spoke again, in the same voice but a much lower tone since he was right beside me; "hey, your bunnie right? Some of the other kids were showing me around and mentioned you." I couldent say much at all, only nod and clear my throat shyly, watching his hand as it extended to me instinctively cringing in an unknown fear. But, he only held his hand out to me and spoke "Im kyle, new in town..moved in from hours away with my folks and ive been arond meeting people..I might even be in your class when school starts." Again I couldent do much other then raise my shaking hand to meet his, he took it in a light grip and his made my hand seem like it was miniture, like the hand of a doll. his had to be atleast twice the size.

I could feel the blush, my face getting hot as well as my body; but all i could do was keep a smile and shake his hand, speaking in the lightest voice i could. "Im Emiko, but most call me bunnie..i live here, with my step parents..not many people really notice me half the time ,im so quiet." I rambled on for a moment before stoping myself by biting my lip. Kyle only chuckled and raised his hand again to pat my head lightly "shy arent you? well, dont worry, i wont bite, you seem pretty nice..i think we could be good friends." I smiled to speak, but only heard a voice simmalar to kyle's, but only much deeper, it was his dad calling him to get going. he nodded in responce before turning to me "well i gotta go, i hope ill see you soon Bunnie, its been nice talking to you." I watched him as he walked away, the butterflies rose in my tummy as i went off to find my parents and finish shopping.