Sara's Story - Chapter 7

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#7 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 7 - Settling in

© 2003 Nameless

I am woken up suddenly, as my Master gently rakes his claws through my fur. I open my eyes and find myself looking into his face. He is grinning, I put a smile on my muzzle to appear pleased by his attention. Thankfully what he is doing is not that unpleasant. Soon I can feel my body respond.

"You've got paws as well." he comments.

Hesitantly I put my paw on his chest and start rubbing him. He appears pleased, so I start scratching him as well. Soon his paw moves further and further down my body and soon I start panting. It ends up between my legs and I can feel myself get wet as he moves his finger around inside me. My paw is holding his hardening cock.

He brings his finger to his muzzle and licks it "Hmmm, you taste good."

My muzzle flares out in embarrassment.

He laughs a little, then he suddenly mounts me and pushes into me. He is a little heavy and his knot forces me unpleasantly wide, but otherwise he is gentle with me. Still I am a little afraid when his sharp teeth nibble at my throat. But my body responds to him and I scream in pleasure a few seconds after he spurts his load into me. We stay locked together for quite some time, licking and kissing each other. I am glad when he finally pulls out of me.

We get up to get ready for the day. I quickly wash my face and brush my fur.

When he commands "Back to the kitchen, girl!" and lightly smacks my backside I put on my smock and hurry there.

# # #

I enter the kitchen, walk up to the mistress, bow my head and greet her "Good morning, Mistress." Then I wait for her commands.

She considers me for a few moments, then she points at the table "Grab a bite. You have a few minutes, then you'll help picking plums from the orchard."

"Thank you, Mistress." I quickly grab some food and tea and join the other femme slaves at the large table. I say grace silently and start eating my breakfast.

A few minutes later one of the guards, a wolf, comes in and asks the mistress "Which ones should I take to work in the orchard?"

They walk up to the table and the mistress points out several of the femmes, including me.

He commands "Ok, finish up and follow me." then he turns around and slowly walks away.

I take a last drink from my mug, then I get up and follow him, munching the last of my bread. I have not eaten as much as I would have liked to, but I'm not hungry any more. Way too often I had to do a whole day's work on less than I have already eaten today. And I'll probably get something at midday.

After waiting a few minutes in the yard, we set out. There are six female and four male slaves and five guards. We don't have to walk far. The plum trees are only half a mile away from the greathouse. Together with the other femme slaves I have to climb the trees and pick the plums. The male slaves hold the ladder so that we can pick from the branches that are not strong enough to support my weight. They also carry the full baskets back to the house.

Just as I reach the top of the ladder, I hear whistling from below. Looking back down to see several male slaves and guards watching me with grinning muzzles. My muzzle burns in embarrassment as I realize that my short smock does not hide very much from someone watching me from below. Since there is not much I can do about it, I do my best to ignore the whistles and catcalls and start picking plums.

A little after noon we are taken back to the house while another group of slaves takes over in the orchard. After a short break for lunch, I have to help in the kitchen. I spent the rest of the day making plum jam, together with a hybrid femme. Her name is Tara and she is a rat and badger mix. We chat a little as we work. My arms are tired from stirring the huge pots when I am finally allowed to eat dinner.

I finish my food and clean my dishes, then I sit down again and wait for someone to tell me what to do. The vixen with her kit in a sling looks at me and says "Follow me." Not quite sure I look at the mistress and she gives a slight nod, so I stand up and follow her. We walk down the corridor, and after rounding a corner, she stops and turns to me "Hello, my name is Elizabeth, but call me Liz." and holds out her paw.

I take the offered paw "Pleased to meet you, Liz. I'm Sara."

She points at the kit on her back "And say hello to Mary."

Surprised, I look at her kit for several seconds, then the memory hits me and my eyes fill with tears. Within moments I am weeping helplessly and my knees go weak.

She puts her arms around me to keep me from falling down and whispers soothingly in my ear. We stand like this for several minutes until I have my weeping under control. She wipes away the worst of my tears, then she puts an arm around my waist "Come on." and guides me as I stumble along blindly. We take several more turns, leave the house and walk along a short covered walkway. Then we enter another house. Three guards sit at a table, when they see us, one of them gets up and unbars the left door. We go in and he closes the door again. I jump a little when he slams the bolt shut.

# # #

The vixen sweeps her arm to indicate the room and says "Welcome to your new home."

I look about, we are in a large room, maybe 12 yards long and 5 yards wide. There are several bunks, two fireplaces in the right wall and two large tables. In the near fireplace a small fire is burning, reducing the chill of the air a little bit. There are even a few carpets on the floor. They are old and threadbare, but still it is a pleasant surprise. Several female slaves sit at the table and turn to look at us.

One of them stands up, it is Annie the cat. When she sees the wet fur on my muzzle, she hugs me and asks "Are you all right, Sara?"

I still can't speak and shake my head.

She gently guides me to the bench and sits me down. She puts her arms around me and says "Get it out, Sara."

I bury my face in her shoulder and drench her fur with my tears. After some time I get my weeping under control again. Annie wipes the tears from out of my fur and presses a mug into my paws. It is peppermint tea, a very weak one, but it is warm and it tastes good. "Thank you." I manage to say between sobs and sips. When I look around, they are all watching me curiously. Still hugging Annie, I say "One year ago, in August I had a kit. I named her Mary. She was taken away from me and I have no idea what happened to her.", then I start weeping again.

After a while, when I have calmed down a bit, we make introductions and they start chatting. Annie explains how things work here, how we are treated and how we are expected to behave. As I hear her speak about life here, I begin to relax a bit as I realize that while life here will not be fun, it will be much better than the one I had with any of my previous masters.

Suddenly I hear the bolt slide back and the door opens. We all turn around and quickly stand up when we see three guards enter. They consider us as we stand in a loose semicircle, apparently they want to pick some of us to entertain them.

One of them, the rabbit who had his fun with me a few days ago, looks me up and down and says "I think I'd like the squirrel."

Resigned I take a step forward, but an older wolf puts his paw on the rabbit's shoulder and says "Not today, Jack. The boss said to leave her alone today."

The rabbit looks a little disappointed "Oh, well." then he leers evilly at me and half teases half threatens me "But don't make any plans tomorrow, sweetie." Then he points at Annie, who stands next to me " You!... and you don't need any clothes."

She steps forward, a slightly forced smile on her lips, takes off her smock and drops it on a bed.

The other two guards pick a female each, then they leave our room, and the door is locked. We sit down again.

Trisha, the ferret femme asks "Would you like some more tea?" and points at the empty mug in front of me.


She picks up the mug and fills it up, then she paws it to me and sits down next to me. "If you are cold, grab a blanket or lean on me."

I take a few sips. "Thank you." I sigh in contentment and lean against her. She puts an arm around me, hugging me gently.

"There are enough beds, you can pick an empty one if you like. But we only get enough firewood to keep the fire burning all night when it is really cold outside. So we usually share beds for warmth. If you want, you can join me."

I think about it "Thank you, I think I will."

We chat a little more, then Liz says "I think we should go to bed."

I finish my drink and use the chamber pot, then I climb into bed next to Trisha. We snuggle close, back to back, then someone blows out the single lamp. Soon I fall asleep, exhausted from a full day's work.

# # #

All too soon I am woken when the door slams open and one of the guards calls " Wake up!" and lets in the femmes who had to entertain the guards, then he closes the door again.

I have to force myself out of bed. The temperature in the room is really unpleasant, I start shivering almost immediately. I stretch and jump up and down a few times to get my blood flowing. Following the lead of the other slaves, I stumble to one of the cupboards and pick one of the brushes there. Working quickly, I brush my headfur and my tail. I hate doing this when it is so cold, but I take off my smock to brush the fur on my body.

A few minutes later the door is opened again and two guards escort us to the kitchen. I am glad to be there, it is much warmer there. I have to wait a bit, but then I get my breakfast: A bowl of porridge, a piece of bread and a mug of herbal tea. Not a lot of food, but enough to get me through the day without hunger pangs. I sit down at one of the big tables to eat it.

Again I have to work in the orchards, climb up the trees, pick plums and endure the attention of the guards and male slaves.

Tired from climbing all day, I stumble into our room and sit down. Annie paws me a mug of tea. Gratefully I take a deep draught, then I put it down and start massaging my tired legs.

A short while later the door opens and five guards come in. We get up quickly. The rabbit points at me. I force my lips to smile and step up to him. He paws my body, then he pulls at the hem of my smock and says "You don't need that."

I feel my muzzle heat up a little in shame as I take off my smock and drop it on an empty bed. He continues pawing me until the other guards had also chosen someone to entertain them. He turns around and I follow him. We walk up the stairs to the guard's barracks, above our room. Merry fires burn in both fireplaces, it is noticeably warmer than in our room.

The rabbit sits down at the table, I have to sit on his lap. "Close your eyes and cross your wrists behind your head!" he commands. He paws me as he drinks and jokes with the other guards. My body responds to his attention and my muzzle heats up more and more. Then I hear him lick his fingers and smack his lips and he comments "Hmmm, she tastes really good." The fur on my muzzle flares out further and further.

After some time they wind down and the rabbit commands "Get up!" and pinches my backside painfully. I get up and wait for his next command, not daring to open my eyes. I jump when he suddenly pinches my crotch.

Laughing, he commands "Follow me." and hooks one finger under my collar. Still not daring to open my eyes, I stumble after him.

"Take care of your business. But be quick!" he commands. I open my eyes. We are in a small separate room, at the back of the barracks. There is a single bed and an unlit fireplace, it is rather cool.

I quickly take care of my bodily needs, then I crawl into the bed with him.

He climbs on top of me and quickly has his fun with me. I am panting hard but I am not satisfied, my body craves for the release he does not grant me. He whispers in my ear "You want more, don't you? Maybe tomorrow." I can hear the evil grin in his voice. He turns around and starts snoring after only a minute. It takes me a long time to fall asleep.

# # #

I am woken roughly, when the rabbit mounts me and forces himself into me. I am still dry and it hurts a lot, I do my best not to show the pain. He finishes more quickly than I thought possible, gets up and commands "Go down to your room and get yourself ready."

I get up and walk down the stairs, he laughs when he sees my slightly bowlegged walk. Back in the slave's room, I brush my fur and wash my face, then I put on my smock and follow the other slaves to the kitchen.

After a quick breakfast I head out to the fruit tree groove.

The rabbit is one of the guards who guard us today. When we have our short midday break, I have to take off my smock and sit on his lap. His paws fondle me while I eat my food. Afterwards I am not allowed to put my smock back on, I have to continue working in the fur. At least the weather is not so cold that I freeze too badly. The whistles and catcalls of the guards and the male slaves keep my muzzle hot, however. Sometime later in the afternoon, when the temperature had fallen noticeably, I am finally allowed to put my smock back on.

Shortly after dinner the rabbit guard comes to fetch me. At his command, I take off my smock and follow him into the guard's room.

He fondles me until my body starts to respond and I am panting hard, then commands me to kneel and asks "Well, do you want to get it, my little horny girl?"

Knowing what he wants from me and fearing that he will punish me if I do not give it to him, I kneel on the floor and kiss his feet, begging "Master, please! I crave your touch. I want to feel you inside me." After a minute I hear him open his belt buckle and get up into a kneeling position. I take his cock into my muzzle and lick him until he spurts his load into my mouth. After I have swallowed it all, I lick him clean. But when I want to move back, he puts a paw on my head, forcing me to keep his cock in my mouth as he continues drinking and joking with the other guards.

After a while he gets up and closes his trouser, grinning widely and leads me back to one of the small separate rooms. He takes care of his evening business, then he commands "Get yourself ready."

I quickly take care of my things, then I join him in his bed. He fondles me some more, then he has his fun with me, taking barely enough time to allow me release as well. I am very tired and soon fall asleep.

# # #

I am awakened suddenly when someone knocks on the door and loudly yells " Get up!"

The rabbit darkly mutters something about "Not being allowed to have any fun", gets up and sends me on my way with a painful slap on the backside.

I quickly walk down the stairs to the slave's room and take care of my morning business, then I head to the kitchen.

Together with a wolf femme I have to carry breakfast to the male slave's room. We have to make three trips. When we are finished, I get my own breakfast.

I spend the rest of the day working in the kitchen.

A short while after my midday break I suddenly feel someone look at me. I turn a little and see the overseer, a red squirrel, look at me with a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he smiles and walks up to the mistress and says "Margaret, send that squirrel femme to my room when she is finished with her dinner."

She turns to look at me for a second "Sure, Henry."

After grabbing something to munch, he leaves the kitchen again.

Continuing my work, I can't help but wonder why he wants me. "Have I done anything wrong, or does he want me to entertain him?"


Surprised I jump a little and nearly cut my fingers, then I turn around "Yes, Mistress."


I lower my head "No, Mistress. I was only wondering what ..."

"Henry wants from you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

She gives me a slight smile "As far as I know, you have not done anything that would earn you a punishment. And if you did, you would hear about it right away. Do you know where his room is?"

"No, Mistress."

"In the left wing, the last door on the right. When you are finished with your dinner, swing by the bathroom and make yourself presentable, then go there." She turns away from me.

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

As I continue my work, I think about this. "If the overseer is angry with me, he could cause me no end of grief. Or put a quick end to all of my grief." I shudder a bit at that thought. "I guess I'd better show as much enthusiasm as I can. If he likes me, he could make my life a lot easier. He seemed relatively nice when I picked the nuts a few days ago. At least entertaining him will be less unpleasant than spending another night with that rabbit."

# # #

I finish my supper and clean my dishes. Then I pad up to the mistress and address her "If you have no more work for me, I'll be going, Mistress."

She gives me a slight smile "Off you go, girl. Don't forget to make yourself presentable."

"I won't. Good night, Mistress." I turn and walk out of the kitchen to the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and my paws and brush my fur. I finish and walk down the corridor to the indicated door. I stop and silently say a short prayer, then I carefully put a smile on my muzzle and knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"You wanted to see me, Master."

"Come in."

I open the door and step into the room. It is already dark outside, but the room is brightly lit by several oil lamps.

The overseer sits at a table, several pieces of parchment in front of him. He points at the bed "Have a seat, I have to finish this." He picks up the pen and continues writing on the parchment.

I sit down at the edge of the bed and wait for him to finish "He seems nice, so far."

After a few minutes he finishes, and stores the parchment and the writing utensils in a drawer, then he turns to me and considers me, smiling a little "What's your name, girl?"

"Sara, Master."

"Sara." He muses "That's a nice name. So, what do you look like?"

I get up, take off my smock and drop it on the floor, then I swirl around a few times.

He whistles appreciatively "You are quite pretty, Sara."

Blushing a little, do my best to appear pleased by the compliment "Thank you, Master."

"Let me get ready for the night. I'll join you in bed."

I lie down on the bed and wait for him.

A few minutes later he puts out all the lamps except for the one on the nightstand, climbs into bed and lies down next to me. He lies on his side, leaning on his elbow, wearing only his fur. He runs his paw through my fur, exploring my body. I force myself to smile. After a while my body begins to react to his touch and my muzzle gets hotter and hotter.

Suddenly he says "If you want you can find out what I feel like as well."

The fur on my muzzle flares out and after taking a few deep breaths I force myself to say "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." and put my paw on his manhood and gently rub it. Soon his breath speed up and I can feel him hardening in my paw.

He reaches across me, to the nightstand and blows out the last lamp, plunging us into darkness. Then he mounts me and has his fun with me. He is gentle with me and grants me release as well. Then he pulls out of me and curls up next to me. Soon I can hear him snore.

It takes me some time to fall asleep, as I lie there, caught somewhere between pleasure and disgust.

# # #

I awaken to find him gently fondling my breasts. He smiles at me and I make myself smile back at him. He moves his head down, to lick and kiss my nipples and his paw moves to my crotch. Examining the patterns in the ceiling, I try to make myself believe that I enjoy his attentions. He takes my paw and guides it to his cock. I start stroking it. It is not easy to keep the smile on my muzzle as he watches me. Then he turns his attention back to my body and I feel myself respond to his touch. He hardens quickly and then he climbs on top of me and enters me. He takes his time, kissing and licking my face and soon we are both panting hard.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door, loudly and urgently. Disgusted, he calls out "What's the matter?"

A female voice answers "Sorry to disturb you, Master. But his Lordship has requested your presence, urgently."

He grumbles angrily but answers "Tell him, I will be along as quickly as possible."

"Yes, Master."

He turns to me, the anger in his eyes plainly visible. When he sees the fear rising up in my eyes, he murmurs softly "I'm not angry with you." Then he thrusts into me, hard and quick. Soon he spurts his load into me, then he leaves the bed, leaving me excited but unsatisfied. He starts cleaning himself quickly. As he puts on his clothes, he notices the look on my face and says "If you want to, you are allowed to satisfy yourself. But don't dawdle too long. Then clean yourself up and report to the kitchen." With that he leaves the room.

I lie in his bed, wondering if I should ... satisfy myself. But then I decide not to, I don't quite know why, but somehow it does not seem right. I get up and take care of my morning business, then I head for the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mistress." I say as I stop before her and bow my head, waiting for her commands.

"Hello, Sara." She smiles as she considers me for a few seconds and gestures in the direction of the table "Grab a bite. Then you'll clean the house, starting with his Lordship's rooms."

"Thank you, Mistress." I get a bowl of porridge, a slice of bread, a bit of cheese and a mug of tea and sit down at the table. I eat my breakfast, happy to be here in the warm kitchen.

Together with little Karen, the little lynx-wolf hybrid I go to the Master's rooms to clean them. Shortly after our noon break we meet the rabbit guard in the corridor.

He leers at me and says "Too bad I don't have any time for you at the moment, girl. But don't make any plans for tonight." He grins evilly "I have something special planned for you. You'll love it."

Suppressing a groan I say the only thing I can "Yes, Master."

Suddenly he grins evilly "You'll be begging to lick my nuts in no time at all, squirrel girl!" He laughs loudly at what he considers to be a good joke and wanders off after fondling my crotch for a few moments.

We are busy cleaning the house until sometime in the afternoon, then have to run errands and help in the kitchen until late.

End of Chapter 7