2.5 - Close Encounters

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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#13 of Luminous - Relaunch

During a dinner party, crew-furs' true feelings begin to emerge.

"Oliver," said the snow leopard.

"Assumpta," he countered, warmly. "It is agreeable to see you again."

"Likewise," she whispered, unable to keep the surprise out of her voice. They were at a big government 'to-do' (a party, you might say) on the snow rabbit Home-world. It was an all-night affair, and the crew of Luminous had been invited. She'd only been here about fifteen minutes. Hadn't eaten yet, despite having an appetite. A big one, too. Everything had been put on hold when she'd seen Oliver from across the room. Except her heart, which was beating faster and faster. She hadn't expected this at all. "You didn't have to leave your friends ... " ... or were they partners, she wondered?

"Colleagues," he corrected.

"Still ... "

" ... and their conversation wasn't exactly my cup of tea."

"Really?" she went, absently adjusting the shoulder-traps of her dark blue dress. He was eying her figure (as well he should; she had a strong but graceful one). It made her feel good, if not self-conscious. They hadn't seen each other in, what, a month? Or had it been longer? Not that they knew each other that well to begin with. It'd only been that one night ...

"Council news, rumors from the DMZ. That sort of thing. Vague, controversial events beyond my individual control."

"And what would you rather talk about?"

A warm head-tilt. Those tall, slender ears casting slim shadows. "Something less polarizing, for a start."

"Like predator/prey relationships?" she teased. "That's not polarizing at all."

A mew of mirth. He liked her dry sense of humor. " ... most might take issue with it, true. Especially around here. But I'm not among them, as you know ... "

" ... yes." A deep breath. Oh, she knew. She remembered everything.

"I'm an engineer, like you. So, I suppose I'd rather talk about something 'paws-on' ... something I can affect ... " Adding, after a moment, "I've always been naturally curious. I believe you share that."

Assumpta, with a keen smile, surveyed the room. He was flirting with her. And she had no intention of dissuading him. "I've noticed a lot of attention has been paid to me. I seem to be very popular."

"Not many felines visit our Home-world. Or any predators at all, for that matter. That we know of ... "

She quirked a brow.

"The Arctic foxes. They have spies."

"Do the snow rabbits have spies, as well?"

"As I said: I'm an engineer. Such knowledge would be above my station."

"Of course."

He looked her over, indiscreetly. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way. I've seen you in uniform ... also, out of uniform," he added, quietly. "But never in a dress. I can't blame you for drawing eyes."

"Thank you." Flushing beneath her silvery, spotted pelt. "You look that way, as well. Handsome, I mean ... though I suppose 'beautiful' is not an exclusively feminine term."

"I don't mind being called beautiful. If it fits ... " His eyes lit up, playfully.

"I believe it does."

"Whatever your choice of adjectives, you flatter me." His whiskers gave a few twitches, nose moving up. Then down. Up and down. They were both 'logical' creatures, on the surface. His emotions somewhat restrained, psychologically, by what they called a 'freeze.' Hers weren't blocked by anything detectable. Just an aloof feline disposition and an Arctic upbringing. But they both spoke with a prim and proper undercurrent, their words counted and measured, like this was a game of chess. "The last time we met, unless I'm mistaken, Luminous was a Federation vessel. You've since joined the High Command."

"Not by choice, initially, but ... "

" ... yes, I heard about the Federation's 'planned' preemptive strike. And our preemptive counter-strike. I was very close to the border, as you know. The tension was palpable for several days."

"I can imagine. We live in very uncertain times." She swiped at her own whiskers, absently. "I should have kept in touch with you, but ... " She shifted her weight from one hip to the other. Her body language all too clear. " ... long-distance relationships never work. I always need more than they can provide. And, besides, we are both open-breeders, and ... "

"You don't have to explain," Oliver interrupted, sincerely. "It was a night of passion. I have no regrets."

She went quiet. Just. Yeah. "Well," she eventually breathed. Neither did she (have regrets, that is). "I am certainly glad you are okay ... in regards to the recent conflicts, I mean." Focus, Assumpta.

" ... thankfully," he whispered. "We were shielded by a squadron of cruisers, led by Yellowknife." A pause. "You've faced your share of danger, as well. I heard that wasps boarded Luminous ... " It wasn't meant as a question, but his voice hitched at the very end. Making it seem as such.

"Yes. They regretted it."

"I'm sure they did," Oliver replied. "My government is treating you well, I trust?"

"Yes. Actually ... " A momentary thought. " ... well, odd as it sounds, I'm beginning to feel at home in your territory." Not that she'd ever felt at home back in the Federation. That's why she'd taken a posting on an all-prey ship in the first place.

"Doesn't sound odd at all." An eye-smile. That glowing look snow rabbits tended to give when pleased. "So, to business: are you my superior? Or am I yours? I haven't yet figured it out ... "

Assumpta's ice-blue eyes met his own. "I assume, if you've been permanently transferred to your Home-world here ... "

" ... I have."

" ... that you received a promotion, in the process."

"Lieutenant-commander," he confirmed, nodding. "I've been assigned to the developmental shipyards. We work on outfitting new vessels, retrofitting old ones. Things like that. I alternate my time between one of the orbiting stations and some facilities outside Sleetmute." The city they were in, and the capital of Kendra Province (on the second-largest continent).

"Which station?" she asked, curiously, swishing her tail.

"Orbital 7."

"Ah ... we are docked at 9." Tail stopped, now.

"I will make my way over there, sometime. We will meet for lunch."

"If you wish." She was still breeding with the quartermaster there. It was a very casual affair, but she didn't want Oliver to find out about it (even though he probably had his own 'playmates'). An awkward hesitation. "I have not yet toured the city ... " She'd glimpsed it in the shuttle-pod, on the way down. Snow rabbit art and design was winning her over. The colors (blue, silver, pearl), the streamlined look of everything. So clean and crisp. Even the skyscrapers. She was becoming a convert.

"I'm more of a 'country boy,' myself. I'm still getting used to it, but it's a nice place. I shall have to show you around." A pause, having a sudden thought. "I have an apartment here, in mid-town, actually. I only use it a few days a week, but ... " He trailed. " ... I'm going to be using it tonight."

Her heart was skipping beats. He was inviting her over? Say yes. Say yes, Assumpta. "To answer your original question," she proceeded, evasively, "you outrank me by a step. I am still a lieutenant."

"I will have to remember that," he insisted, unable to keep the 'steam' out of his voice. She hadn't accepted his 'offer.' Yet. He'd give her a few minutes before he tried again. Perhaps she was doing that predatory thing. Playing 'hard to get.'

"Please do," she purred, looking away coquettishly. Judging from their last (and only) encounter, Oliver was more than willing to take dominance with her. Prey leading a predator? There was something thrilling and unexpected about that. There weren't many males she'd submit to. But Oliver's charms were effortless. He wasn't putting on a show. The snow rabbit was one of the most genuine males she'd ever met. And she had a 'thing' for rabbits, anyway. (Which was putting it lightly.)

"Have you eaten yet, by chance?"

A head-shake. "No. I was about to," she replied.

"Would you care to dine with me, then? We can get a private table, if you wish. We're starting to draw some attention from the crowd."

"I presume they are jealous," Assumpta replied, not missing a beat.

A modest mew of mirth. "Of me or you?"

"Both of us, of course."

"Of course," he whispered, hotly, gesturing in front of him. Bobtail giving an eye-catching flicker. "This way ... "

" ... look at them," Kody mumbled, privately, elbows on the tabletop. He didn't know if that was bad manners or not, but he didn't care right now. Besides, it was comfortable. "They can't take their eyes off each other." A scrunch-faced expression, continuing his 'play-by-play.' "They're going to get food, now ... pie. No, cake. Lemon velvet cake." A frown. That was a snow rabbit delicacy. "They're skipping straight to dessert!"

"So?" went Field, holding a chilly, creamy drink with both paws. Nibbling on the end of a straw. Then taking a few sips. "Mm-h." He smacked his lips.

"'Dessert' is a total metaphor for 'pleasure.' Starting with dessert? Who does that? It's like they've met before. Acting so familiar ... "

"Yeah, so?" was the confused, ropy-tailed refrain. "Do you like her or something?"

"Who? Assumpta?"

"You do, don't you ... "

"It's not that." A sigh. He wasn't sure what it was. But it definitely wasn't that. Was it? "I like everyone on the ship."

" ... yeah, but you don't put your penis in everyone," the mouse replied cutely, with a giggle-squeak. His drink, truth be told, had some alcohol in it. Maybe more than 'some.' A mint milkshake with snow rabbit ale. It was blue and very tasty.

"Everyone found out about that, didn't they? She told me not to tell. I held up my end of the bargain." The doctor had gladly 'helped' Assumpta through her heat a few weeks ago.

"You were loud, though."

"Well, I know some other furs who are 'loud' ... " Giving Field an obvious, ribbing look.

His dishy ears went rosy-pink. "Uh ... well. You know ... " He cleared his throat, shyly. Sitting up straighter. " ... some of us can't help it."

"Maybe I should do a study. Loudness during sex in relation to personality types."

Eyes darting. "You can't do that ... "

" ... why not?" Showing his buckteeth.


"That's not a good reason." Glancing across the room, again. They were still fawning over each other. Maybe she'd met him on Orbital 9? But, if that were the case, why'd she look so nervous? It must've been before that. "Assumpta can do what she wants," the white rabbit decided, distractedly.

"You seem upset."

"For the last time, I'm not."

"So, if she asks you for help during her next heat, you'll still say yes ... "

" ... that's purely a biological favor. It has nothing to do with how I feel. We're just friends."

"Uh-huh. So, you are upset," the mouse went, nodding slowly. "I knew it. See, you can't breed without emotions."

"What are you talking about? You can, too." Rolling his eyes.

The mouse remained adamant. "It's not just a biological thing, Kody. It's a psychological thing, too. You know, like ... strengthening bonds and intimacy? Creating alliances, feeling good about yourself." Counting with his fingers. "Relationships. Giving of self. Predators even use it for power plays. There's a whole other side than just reproduction ... "

The rabbit interrupted, matter-of-factly, " ... I'm a doctor, Field. I think I know all that."

"So, that's how come you're feeling weird about Assumpta with another male. You grew a few roots in her soil, and you're having a hard time, uh ... well, uprooting them."

"Field ... " Kody stretched, tensely, fluffy bobtail arching behind him. "First off, the way you phrased all that sounds way too kinky, even for a rabbit. Roots and soil?"

"And seeds," he added, innocently.

Ignoring that. Continuing, "Second, I'm not jealous, if that's what you're saying."

"I wasn't. Or, uh ... not in so many words."

"You know, your mind is like one of those big exercise wheels that mouses use. Or is it gerbils?" Making a twirling gesture with his paw. "Constant spin. Scurry, scurry, scurry. I've never met anyone who could go off on tangents like you. You come up with the most obscure stuff ... "

"I'm a philosopher, I guess," he decreed, puffing his chest out.

"Without a degree."

"Philosophy's like art. It's an egalitarian discipline." A defensive pause. "And I never used one o' those wheels, ever ... except one time." His speech was starting to get more casual, tongue loosened by his drink. "Also, if you weren't jealous, you wouldn't say that you weren't."

The rabbit had his own beverage, which he'd been ignoring until now. He didn't know what it was, so he gave it a sniff. "Well, I had to say it, in case you were thinking it, cause you think so much."

"We just went over that."

"Guess we're both stubborn, then."

"You're the one in denial. I'm not stubborn," Field emphasized.

"Yes, you are."


"Yes," the rabbit insisted. "And you're denying it, so that means you're in denial, too."

"Nuh-uh ... no." Eyes getting mousey-wide and whiskers twitching. "Anyway, even if I am stubborn, it's only sometimes. You can't call someone something if they're only that thing some o' the time ... has to be, like ... a lot of the time for them to ... " He frowned. What am I saying? " ... be that," he finished, blinking. Pink nose sniffing in confusion.

Kody's mood lightened as he watched his friend. Cute, as always. He stirred his beverage with a finger. "You know, I hardly ever drink anymore ... "

"You must get thirsty."

"Wow. That was cheesy, Field. Really." Hiding a smile. "You know what I meant."

A dimpled grin, biting his straw again.

"You normally don't drink, either. You better slow down, or you're gonna destroy that thing."

"The drink or the straw?"

"The straw, mostly."

"That's how come I got, like, five ... " He held up additional straws.

Kody chuckled, finally taking a huge swig of his drink. Might as well get it over with. Scowling, sloshing it about his mouth. There. That made it better. It was strong, whatever it was. He swallowed and shivered, feeling immediately flushed. "Did I even ask for this? I don't remember." He swirled the fluid in his glass, taking a second sip. It got better when you knew what to expect. It was probably best when paired with food. Carrots or something. Or whatever it was that snow rabbits snacked on. Like snow leopards, he thought, with an unhappy twinge.

"Waitress came, an' you were, like, 'gimme something flavorful'," the mouse reminded, ropy tail wavering about behind his chair.

Another swallow, nodding slowly. "Sounds like something I'd say to a female."

"I bet it's whiskey."

"They don't serve whiskey at government parties." Do they? "Besides, you don't know anything about alcohol. You only drink wine and fruity drinks."

"I like things that taste good. Fruit is good. Like, uh, berries, apples, melons ... "

" ... yeah, you like melons cause it makes you think of breasts," the rabbit ribbed.



"I meant, like ... " The mouse began to stammer. " ... cantaloupes and honeydews."

A dismissive paw-wave. "Those are total euphemisms for breasts."

Field's whiskers twitched. "No."

"So, what, are you saying you don't like breasts, then?"

"No," he repeated, plainly.

"You're not saying that, or you're saying you don't like them?" Smiling, now. Trying to trip him up.

"I do ... uh, don't. Do. What?"

"You've got it so bad for tits that you can't even think."

"Whatever." A scrunch-face. "You're such a rabbit. I'm not that crude."

"You're effeminate, though," the rabbit continued, teasingly. "And you've always liked lapines."

He avoided responding to that last part. "Well ... " Drawing the word out, while he thought of a comeback. " ... you can be a 'real male' and grimace every time you swallow that burning concoction." He tripped over the word 'concoction.' Especially the middle part. "And I'll enjoy my milkshake."

The rabbit made a lip-smacking sound. "If that's what you want ... "

Field giggled (for no real reason) and discarded his straw, inserting a fresh one. Nibble-nibble. Suck.

Kody blew out an antsy breath, looking around. Speaking of breasts ... " ... where's your winged thing? Nike of Samothrace? She fly away?"

"Adelaide? Mm-h ... " Wings ...

Kody waited, patiently. "Are you done?"

" ... almost. Mm ... now, I'm done." Clearing his throat. "She, uh, got a call from the ship. Well, firstly. Juneau's been depending on her, lately, for advice about things. Counselor-type things. She went somewhere private to talk, and then some snow rabbit wanted to remind her about a meeting we're having tomorrow, and ... you know, stuff."

"Don't a lot of bats go into counseling? Cause of their telepathy?" You could always talk to Adelaide about your time as an Arctic fox hostage, he told himself. Kody had included everything in his report. Except the, uh ... part about being raped by the lead vixen. Too embarrassing. Maybe that's why he was craving Assumpta? Or, at least, someone friendly to get close with. He was feeling vulnerable.

"Yeah," was Field's eventual reply. Sip, sip ... suck. Swallowing and licking his lips. " ... yeah, but Adelaide's not a crowd-follower, normally. She likes to delegate and keep track of things. That's how come she went into operations."

"I'd noticed." A pause. His drink must've been stronger than Field's. He'd had less and was feeling equally as tipsy, now.

"I love her a lot," Field said, with a dreamy sigh.

A weak smile from the rabbit. "I'd noticed that, too ... " He didn't consider himself a jealous fur, at all. He'd never been that way before. He'd always been happy 'hopping around.' Disregarding the whole hostage experience (he didn't wanna read too much into that), maybe it's because you're getting older, more settled into a career, a lifestyle? Yeah. That could be it. That's to be expected, right? You've sampled so many fruits. Eventually, you're gonna settle on a favorite, and you're going to crave it all the time ... wait, that doesn't sound weird, does it? I do not, Kody assured himself, have a food fetish. I blame Field. Him and his weird metaphors ...

" ... she's ... like, the best thing ever." He'd never even known a bat before meeting Adelaide. Now he 'knew' one, like ... knew, you know? Spiritually? It'd been love at first sight.

"You're getting' drunk, mousey," Kody whispered, eyes dilating and fixing upon his friend. Not just a friend. Lover. (Well, ex-lover.) If he were being honest, the rabbit would probably have to admit that he cared about Field more than anyone else on the ship. The heart wants what it wants. Sometimes, there was nothing conceptual to it. Sometimes, love just was. (Boy, you're turning into a sap, Kody.)

"Drunk? Me? No ... "


"Nuh-uh ... no," the mouse squeaked.

"Didn't we just do this routine a little bit ago? Who's on first?"


"No, Who," Kody clarified.

"Who?" Blinking. "What?"

"It's a joke ... "

"Okay. Well. Maybe I'm a little bit hazy on this milkshake."

"You just like saying 'milkshake.' You think it's a fun word," Kody told him.

"Maybe that's true, but I happen to like milkshakes, especially vanilla milkshakes." A pause. "And strawberry. Milkshakes."

The white rabbit laughed. "Strawberry? I wonder why." A sly glance. "Anything to do with pink?"

"Uh. That's just a coincidence."

"You're a little obsessed with her. Actually, a lot obsessed, if you want my medical opinion. Think she's got you wrapped around her finger," Kody finally stated, gesturing with a paw.

The mouse moved his head from side to side, coyly. With a private, little smile. "I don't mind."

"You're submissive," Kody stated.

"Sometimes." A soft sigh. "Anyway, that's kinda what happens with bats. They have these powers, and wings to wrap you up in, and ... they melt you, kind of. And that makes you, uh ... malleable."


"Able to be wrapped around fingers."

"So, the sex is so mind-blowing that it leaves you in a smitten state the rest of the time? Is what you're really saying ... "

"It's not all ... " Lowering his voice, ears burning. " ... all sex, Kody." A pause. And a giggle-chitter. " ... though it's, uh ... I like it. A lot. Like ... h-heh!" Mm ... mm-h ...

" ... alright, alright. Calm down. I didn't bring any sedatives."

"But, uh ... well ... " Serious face. Mouse face. " ... we love each other. I've always admired strong-willed females."

"As opposed to flowery ones? Probably because you're demure, and you want the opposite of you." I'm the opposite of Field, too, Kody thought.

"She has a lot of softness about her, though. And, uh ... wings. Metaphor and flight. Oh, and toothiness." A sigh. "She's confident and compassionate. She listens. She understands me." A deep breath, now. "Sometimes, you just have great chemistry with someone. It just happens."

The rabbit softened. He knew all about that, of course. He and the mouse had that chemistry, didn't they? Like he'd been thinking about a few minutes ago. Field was truly the most romantic individual he'd ever met. He'd been through a lot (not all of it good, either), but he still had that sweet inner core. Like a light that wouldn't go out. "I'm really happy for you. I am ... " Glancing downward, and then back up. " ... but I think you were right. Earlier. Intimacy does have psychological ... emotional," he corrected, "side-effects." He rubbed his face with his paws. "Throws us into tizzies. Makes us blind."

" ... is that such a bad thing?"


"On what?" Field whispered.

The rabbit didn't say. Just shook his head, clumsily. "Circumstances ... "

Field, sipping on his milkshake again, cast Kody a shy look. He was smart enough to know what the rabbit was talking about.

"I feel like that's your second or third glass. You've been going at that thing since I got here ... "

"My first. I'm sipping it, not gulping. That's how come."

"Still think you're getting drunk ... " Swigging from his 'flavorful' stuff. Setting the glass down with a 'clink'.

"Mouses ... uh." Rubbing his nose with a paw. " ... mouses have finesse, you know. And we don't get drink. I don't know how many times I've told you. That's what other furs do."

"Drunk. Not drink. You."

"I am drinking. So, I am getting ... "

" ... drunk."

"No. You know, cause how can you ... you can't get past tensed ... " Swallowing, and then a quiet little burp. He covered his maw, modestly. " ... past tensed when you're present tensing?" he finished, cutely. Whiskers twitching. That gentle, slightly-effeminate voice of his, tinged with squeaks. "That's a paradox!" Another sip o' milkshake. "I'm tipsy. That's all. And that's a cute word, and that's me."

"H-heh." So silly. "No, you're soused. You're a soused mouse!"

Giggle-squeaking. "Stop it ... am not ... "

"Yes, you are," Kody cooed, moving (almost without even realizing it) over a seat. So he was sitting next to Field, now. "You are ... God, you're adorable ... "

" ... God's ... adorable?" Biting his lip, shyly.

"H-heh." A heavy sigh. "Oh. So fucking cute ... "

" ... who, again?"

"You. Field ... " The rabbit's breath caught in his throat, and he was leaning forward. Like he was being pulled by a powerful magnet. The golden mouse, with the fur like honey-wheat. And lips like honey, itself. He met those lips, twisting, pressing. A hot, liquid kiss. The kind that forced your eyes shut. Whiskers tangling. It was so easy. It was so familiar. He eventually got a hold of the mouse's lower lip, tugging softly before letting it go. His paw ... Kody's paw, weakly to the mouse's hip. Gently under his shirt. Holding to his side.

The mouse's head was swimming. What? Huh? Oh. A throaty squeak, and ... and, uh, his own. Paws. Reaching for Kody, to hold to, to ...

... panting. The rabbit stopped. Lightly lapping Field's lips. They tasted even better than he remembered. But maybe that was the milkshake. Could be. "Oh, mousey, mousey ... I miss you ... "

Field was trembling. He didn't know what to say. He turned his head, dazed. The rabbit's tongue hitting his cheek, now. His neck rolled, and ...

... and then, from behind: "Boys ... "

"Adelaide!" they both went, in unison. Eyes popping. Almost falling out of their seats.

Field stammered, knocking over his glass. But it was mostly empty, anyway, so nothing spilled. Only his incoherent sounds. " ... uh ... it's. It's ... I, uh ... " His eyes watered, and he began to rub at them. This wasn't happening ...

Kody's ears bent over (like someone whose paw had been caught in the cookie jar). "Yeah, um ... not what ... yeah." Nodding lamely. "You think. Really."

The pink-furred bat slipped into the chair on the other side of Field, wearing an amused, fang-tipped expression. "Oh, yeah? And what am I thinking?"

"That, uh ... " Kody's throat felt very dry, suddenly. " ... stuff."

"And things," Field added, barely audible.

"Very perceptive." Crossing her winged arms, which made the membranes fold. "You can relax, though," she insisted. "Just thought I would warn you that you're attracting attention. And not just mine." Everyone in the room had noticed the passionate kiss between the two males, glancing at their table in that 'I'm going to look while pretending not to look' sorta way. Out of the corners of their eyes. And there were at least two hundred furs at this party, give or take.

Neither of them responded to the bat. They were too embarrassed and worried. Stunned. Tipsy. You name it. They were too many adjectives, right now, to speak.

With her telepathy, though, she already knew what she needed to. And had judged the situation to be harmless. "I'm not mad."

They both looked to her.

"Really." She unfolded her winged arms and reached out with a paw, caressing Field's bicep through his shirt. "Relax ... "

"I'm still sorry, though," Field blurted, sniffling.

"I know." Him being attracted to Kody wasn't a surprise. She knew all about their past, along with any lingering, simmering feelings. But they were all grown-ups. She knew Field loved her, and understood this was an extreme circumstance. In fact, " ... that was unexpected, but, uh ... h-heh. Surprisingly hot."

"It was an accident ... " Field blabber-squeaked, on and on.

She gently brushed his mind his her telepathic 'feelers.' Field was very anxious and obsessive. Fortunately, Adelaide was very calm and patient.

Kody, ever the rabbit, and really beginning to feel his oats (and drink, of course), raised his paw and repeated, boldly, "Hot? Seriously?" Did she just say that?

"Is that a problem?" The bat quirked a brow. Her angular, swept-back ears catching all the sounds in the room.

"No ... but, just to be clear: does that mean I can do it again?"

A possessive, plum-eyed look, flashing some fang.

The rabbit's ears stiffened, and he swallowed. " ... gotcha."

"I think we better go," Adelaide said. She nudged at Field. "It's getting late ... "

The mouse, ears red as beets with bashfulness (and arousal), stood up, eyes darting. He wobbled some. " ... I ... I had a milkshake."

Adelaide chittered with mirth. She stood up, too, and steadied him with a winged arm. "Not a regular one, I take it ... "

"No ... " He brushed her velvety wing-membrane with his fingers. "It was blue."

She couldn't help but smile. "I love you, okay?" Whispering it, sweetly. Her feelings for him were intensely evident. "Go on ... we have that hotel room, remember?" They had some briefings to attend tomorrow, with some snow rabbit officials. Or, rather, Field did. So, they were going to stay the night. Adelaide was going to tag along. "I'll be right behind you." Nudge, nudge ...

... scoot, scoot. Tail wavering. "I love you, too." And then pausing. " ... uh, I can't ... uh, the room number?"

"One twenty-one."

"Right." Field swallowed and slowly tottered off, smoothing at his own golden fur, absently. "Right," he went again, radiating shyness. His whiskers twitched all over. He felt like everyone was still looking at him. That kiss with Kody had been a long one, not to mention intense. Wren was here, too, wasn't he? I hope he didn't see that. He'll get the wrong idea, you know ...

Adelaide stayed behind, purposely, until her mate was out of earshot. And then she stood behind the doctor's chair, lowering her head. And her voice (slightly). "Hello, Kody ... "

He looked up. A sheepish smile. "Uh ... hi."

"I don't mind that you kissed Field," she confided, "because I know the history between you two, and the intentions were pure." And they'd both been drinking, obviously. "I'm a tolerant bat. But just remember," she added, possessively, "he's my mouse, now. My mate. And I have mental powers ... so, in future, paws off." She wasn't joking.

A gulp.

Adding, teasingly, "Unless you ask me first ... "

The rabbit blinked. Is she playing with me?

She grinned, enigmatically. But it began to fade. She debated whether to mention this, but might as well: "I know what the Arctic foxes did to you. Your surface thoughts are sorta broadcasting it."

An anxious breath. Eh. He'd been afraid of that. "Happens all the time," he muttered. Predators 'taking advantage' of prey, simply because they could. Nature was cruel. Society could be crueler. "I don't wanna talk about it. There's nothing to say." It'd been a pretty straightforward situation, right? The vixen wanted his cooperation. Wanted control. Wanted pleasure. She got what she wanted. In the end, though, I escaped. I won ... if only he could forget how feral it'd been. He'd been scared. She'd battered him, used him. The whole thing was so jarring. He couldn't shake it. He'd always loved breeding. The vixen had tainted it, somehow. Maybe that was another reason he was pining for Assumpta and Field, even though they were both taken: he wanted someone to purify him. Make intimacy feel safe and good again.

"Still." A sympathetic breath from her. She could sense his confusion. "I'll listen."

"Yeah. Thanks. Maybe another time." His voice was a little blank. "You should go be with Field ... " They were gonna fuck, weren't they? Assumpta was probably going to do the same. He felt very, very alone, suddenly.

" ... you sure?" the bat asked, knowing the rabbit was lying.

A quiet nod.

"He thinks you're a great kisser." She'd already known that from his memories she'd accessed. But, "After seeing for myself, I can understand why." Turning and padding away. Pink as watermelon, with curvy, swaying hips. She even had a violet bow on the base of her short, rudder-y tail.

Kody smiled a little at the complement, watching her go. She was hot, admittedly. And so was he. At least, uh ... temperature-wise, now. Flushing, burning up. He needed some ice water or something. So, he waved for a waitress ...

"What's your name, again? Ron?" asked the snow rabbit. The High Command ambassador to the Furry Federation. Well, ex-ambassador, technically. Political relations had been severed between the two governments ever since the brief border war. He'd wandered over to their table, inviting himself to sit down, saying, 'Rodents! Nothing so energetic as a rodent. Reminds me of ... '

"Wren," corrected the squirrel, slowly, in response to the name question. He'd only mentioned it, what, three times? Weren't rabbits supposed to have good ears?

"Ah, yes. I remember, now. Like the bird. I consider interplanetary ornithology to be a hobby. It's good to have hobbies. Especially when they're environmentally-oriented. Keeps you centered, after all." An upward glance. "And bird-watching's good no matter where you go. Cause every planet has a sky. And wherever there's sky, there are birds." Glancing back down, now, at the captain. "I don't suppose your mother was a bird?" Cocking a brow, curiously.

A head-shake.

"Your father?"

"I don't think it's possible for a mammal and avian to breed."

"Well ... guess not. I mean, they can try, though. Trying doesn't hurt!" The ambassador had 'experience' with avians. Being an ambassador meant lots of parties and functions (like this, tonight) and meeting lots of different species who were away from their homes. And, sometimes, sleeping with them. It was a nice perk!

"Well, I'm one hundred percent squirrel," the captain assured.

Rella piped in, sultrily, with, "He's right. I can attest to that."

Wren smiled.

"An interesting name, though," the ambassador continued. "Very distinctive. And masculine, as well. One syllable. I think that's why ... very 'to the point'."

Knowing her mate wasn't in a chatty mood, Rella attempted to take the brunt of the snow rabbit's inane banter. "I don't believe you told us your own name, ambassador." She put on a 'doe-like' expression.

He gave her a look-over. Mahogany-colored fur. Luxurious, bushy tail. (Squirrels had the best tails, bar none.) She was probably very agile, too. Mm-h. Too bad she was taken. "Well, dear lady, you may call me Cogan." He polished off his second (or was it third) glass of red wine. Shiraz, to be precise. He licked at his own buckteeth for a moment. "It hasn't escaped my attention that Wren here keeps glancing at that table ... the one vacated by the mouse." A finger to the side of his sniffy nose. The universal sign for secrecy. "Care to fill me in?"

"You'll have to ask Wren," Rella replied.

"I wondered if it might be a touchy subject for him."

"I'm sitting right here, you know," Wren piped in. "I spent a few years on the Federation Home-world. Known a mouse or two," Ambassador Cogan continued, letting that picture hang in the air. "Cute things, generally. They have a way of imprinting themselves upon you. They can't be easily shaken ... " Glancing at the captain and raising a brow. " ... agreed?"

" ... yeah," Wren whispered.

"Say no more," the snow rabbit insisted, holding up his paws. The squirrel's tone said it all. Former lovers, perhaps. Him and the mouse. Something had gone wrong. He'd wound up with this bushy-tailed beauty here, this ... " ... Bella, right?"

"Rella," Rella supplied.

" ... yes. Anyway. You're a keeper. To change topics, slightly, though ... there's a strong disliking of the Federation in these parts, nowadays, but it doesn't extended to you. You're really quite famous. After all, you defected."

Wren's whiskers twitched. "When you put it like that, it doesn't sound too flattering."

"One fur's traitor is another fur's patriot. It's all about perspective. You did the right thing. I just wanted you to know that." A pause. "You miss your home, at all?" A head-tilt. "I've been there, mind."

"You mentioned that. But my new home is in orbit, docked at Orbital 9." Luminous.

"Ah." An eye-smile. "Well-played, captain. You could be a diplomat, yourself. And you will have to be, I'm afraid, with all that's soon to come."


"Well, maybe you thought you'd be out here making great scientific discoveries? Helping others? Doing all the ideal things? But things never work out like that. If you ask me, war's about to break out. One way or another. Be it the wasps or the Arctic foxes. Or even the Federation. Someone's going to make a move against us ... " The snow rabbits, that is. " ... and we're going to respond."

"That's rather paranoid, isn't it? Everyone's out to get you?"

"Not if you look at the facts. We've quietly built ourselves into the quadrant's biggest power. We're logical, precise. And we breed like crazy, so we're growing faster, too. This has to worry everyone else." A pause. "I guess what I'm saying, Wren, is that it's good you consider Luminous your home. Because the Federation may not be around five years from now." A pause. "Your tactical officer here knows I'm right ... "

"That remains to be seen," Rella said, quietly.

And Wren piped in, "We prefer to think good thoughts, ambassador."

"A healthy attitude to take." Cogan noticed that Rella was beginning to fidget. "And speaking of health. I think your lady wishes to have you to herself. I've seen that look before. The urge to 'pounce'." Chest puffing up. "I inspire it often."

Rella brought a paw to her maw, coughing to avoid giggling.

The snow rabbit stood and bowed. "I bid you both goodnight. I will see you around, perhaps?"

"I'm sure," Wren said, with a polite nod.

And off the lapine hopped.

"Lord, I thought he'd never leave!" Wren finally blurted, glancing at Rella. "I've never seen a snow rabbit talk that much. No wonder they shipped him off to the Federation Council."

"He's quite a character, you have to admit," she said, with a smile. "I guess you'd have to be an ego to deal in intergalactic politics. He may have seemed eccentric, but he's a keen thinker."

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll give him that ... " Glancing across the room, again. Field's table was empty.

"I saw what happened," Rella said. "The kiss ... "

"I think the whole room saw that," Wren whispered.

"Are you alright?"

A hesitation. "Of course. It's not like they're having an affair. It was a drunken kiss, is all." A pause. "A tipsy kiss, at least. Field doesn't get drunk." He'd had that conversation with the mouse several times.

"H-heh ... well ... " She rested her chin in her paws, elbows on the table. "I'm surprised. You're taking it so calmly. So did Adelaide, in fact."

"We both love Field. We both understand the situation, the emotions. The history. We're both very forgiving ... "

" ... with Field, yeah. With Kody?"

"What about him?" Wren asked.

"Well, sometimes, you two compete for Field's affections. It might be subtle or subconscious, but ... him getting the kiss amounts to him having the edge."

Hesitating. Whispering, "I'm not worried about it."

She gave him a look.

"If there's anything to worry about, Adelaide will know. And she'll beat Kody up for me."

A giggle-chitter. " ... I suppose."

"Also, I'm the captain. I have to maintain some level of maturity. Set an example and all that." He looked at her, intently. "Besides, I have you. And I love you," he insisted, honestly.

She smiled. "I love you, too." A sigh, tilting her head and adding, privately, "The ambassador was pretty perceptive, though."

"Yeah? About how we're all going to be destroyed?"

"About how I'm going to pounce you," she said.

"Oh, in public?" A cheeky grin.

"Well ... " Pretending to think about it. " ... if you don't take me back to the shuttle-pod, I may just have to."

"Now, how can I turn down an invitation like that?" he whispered back, with a sensual glance.

"You can't."

He offered no denial. Just laughed, stood up, and extended his paw. "Our chariot awaits ... " But they both knew their bodies would be moving faster than the pod, itself ...

One by one, in no particular order, Oliver lazily kissed her spots. With an underlying hunger. The ones on her neck. Even traced a few with his tongue-tip, suggestively. "Have they ever been properly counted?" he wondered aloud.

A hazy breath, her head falling to the side. "I'm afraid not," was the simple answer.

"A shame." Eye-smiling, privately. "Then I will have to do it, myself."

"Are you sure? It may take a while," Assumpta teased.

"I don't mind," Oliver insisted. "Unless you do?"

" ... I haven't stopped you yet, have I?"

They were in the living room of his mid-town apartment, after a fairly quiet, twenty-minute walk through a warm breeze. And, now, finally shrouded in the privacy they sought. In the dark, with faint ambient light (from the city and crescent moon) streaming through the windows.

Assumpta could see better than he could, with her feline eyes. But no matter. Oliver was operating mainly on touch. She was already starting to purr. Quiet vibrations that turned into a throaty rumblings before she could reign them in.

"I never thought I would see you again," Oliver finally whispered, tall ears twiddling at her pleasing sounds.

"Nor I you," she replied.

"Logically, the time, distance between us ... " He let the enormity of this sink in. " ... space is infinitely vast. More than we can ever know. Yet, somehow, we both wind up on the same planet, in the same city. The same room. At the same moment. Millions of furs across trillions of miles. We are getting a second chance." Mouthing a fuller patch of silvery fur, now, and sighing through the nose. "A portent, you might say. Fate. I feel sure of it." Such fierce romanticism. He couldn't hold it back. "You haven't said much since we left the party." He hugged her from behind, nose to nape, beginning to sway.

Her hips slanted, willingly, back and forth. Left to right, again and again. She then arched her whole body back against his chest, long, fluffy tail wrapping around his waist. "I suppose I have been 'lost in thought'."

"Why is that ... " Nibbling down to her shoulders.

The purring stopped. She felt out of breath, already, and they hadn't even done anything yet. This was all still foreplay. "What I feel when I'm with you is not communicable in words. My mind, in an effort to comprehend it, won't give me any peace."

He understood, entirely. "Side effects of 'love' ... "

A hesitation. "I wouldn't know," she mouthed. It was barely audible. "I've never felt this way before."

"But you feel it with me."

She swallowed and nodded. "The first time, I could write it off, but now ... " When it happened again, it became a pattern. A phenomenon. It became so much harder to deny. "I know you are a romantic ... "

" ... yes."

"But you are also an open-breeder. As am I."

"There is no rule that says we have to be. That is, if we both want each other badly enough ... "

She did want that. Him. It This. Us. Like drumbeats. Her heart was racing, and it was making her ache.

And Oliver breathed, against her cheek, "You like me?"

"Of course."

"Do you love me?"

A heavy sigh. "I believe I do." Licking her lips. That felt strangely good to say. " ... and you, Oliver? Do you ... "

" ... love you, too," he breathed, phrasing it as a confession. "But I don't wish to talk about it. If you catch my drift." They hadn't left the party to talk. He'd much rather show her ...

" ... by all means," she panted, "proceed."

"Thank you ... " He began shuffling backwards, impatiently. Taking her with him. The apartment wasn't huge. It was meant for a single occupant (in theory, anyway). They soon entered the bedroom. Oliver's scent. Powder-blue sheets, wrinkled and moonlit. But that wasn't their ultimate destination. He nudged her forward, still, through yet another doorway. "Computer, lights," he finally said. A whir, and they came on. The bathroom. He let go of her paw to pull back the shower-curtains. "I have no tub, I'm afraid. Otherwise, I'd draw us a bath ... "

"A shower will do." Her heart was racing.

"But clothing, my dear, will not." Oliver was already removing the shoulder straps of her dress with his buckteeth, erotically. While his paws wandered downward, lifting the hem, pulling it up a few inches at a time. "Raise your arms," he commanded.

Doing so, twisting. Left in panties and a bra. Tugging at his shirt. Had half a mind to use her claws to just rip it off. But, somehow, maintained a semblance of self-control. But only for a minute. By the time they were half-naked, she was frantically trying to expose the rest of him. Limbs askew, breaths mingling. Paws sliding through fur. And he was bumping against her, pinning her to the shower wall. Bra gone. A single snow-white paw fumbling about for a button. He slapped at something. Control panel. The water came on just as she kicked her panties aside. The fog was almost immediate, inside and out, and ...

.... the kiss.

She tilted her head, accepting his lips.

The snow rabbit pressed forward, maw-to-maw. Nose flaring. Whiskers stiffly twitching.

She kept one leg planted. The other, though, raised and wrapped itself around Oliver's waist. Their mouths finally pulled apart (with a succulent smack-sound), both of them panting heavily.

Her vulva, an island of flesh amidst a sea of fur, was visible, now, puffy and pouting, moisture lining the petals like dew. And not just from the streaming water. She'd been aroused for some time. Since the moment she'd seen him in that reception hall.

He cupped one of her fur-matted breasts with his free paw (the one not holding to her bent, raised leg), kneading it. Making her moan, lightly. Hips grinding, bumping. A sensual samba. Until he dipped those hips, gently probing and pushing. His essence. Far more indiscreet that her own. That rabbit-hood, ultra-sensitive male member, searched for its mark. A few hip-dips and ... " ... a-ah." A few inches deep. Paws trembling, now. "Ah." He steeled himself and pushed the rest of the way in, inch by inch. Knife through butter. All seven inches. You couldn't get any closer than this.

A rumble-purr, her big paws spreading across his backside. Her walls gently clamping down on him, all around him. Like a velvet sheath. A scabbard. And he was the sword. Her pupils dilating with affection. Her scratchy tongue lapping at his cheek.

Oliver huffed, remaining at an unprotected hilt, water droplets flying off his whisker-tips. His ice blue eyes glazed over. He nibbled on her shoulder for a moment. Mumbling. Nuzzling. And, then ...

... Assumpta gave an animal-like mewl, claws emerging from her paw-pads. She dug them into his pelt (as carefully as she could) just below his shoulder-blades.

Slow, deep thrusts from the lapine, back and forth, in and out. Him filling her. She covering him. Their genitals squelching softly, merging, fusing. Frantic union. 'Slick-slick-slick.' He even reached down, free paw leaving her breast to rub at her clitoris.

" ... o ... oh," the snow leopard cried, arching, those nipple-hard breasts pushing against him, yes. Each time he humped, she bucked back, weakly. Her head lolling aside. " ... y-yes ... "

Prompting him to hump harder, more excitedly, his penis beginning to tingle like a lit sparkler. This wasn't going to be a particularly long session. He was barely going to cross the five-minute mark. But, then, neither was she. They'd been simmering all evening. Their need for each other was explosive. They had a statement to make.

The snow leopard hissed, losing her breath. Gaping, grasping at her lover. So wet. The water further stimulating her nipples, streaming down her belly, her hips. She rose up, stretching in bliss ... oh, this ... this ...

... as Oliver angled his thrusts upward. Plowing across her upper wall, burying deep. Doing a clock-wise shimmy when fully inside her, pulling back swiftly. And bam, bam, bam, the final, frantic ...

... flutters turned to far-flung spasms. She meowed like a kitten, helpless. Awash in climax, suddenly. Just like that. " ... o ... oh. Uh ... !" She hung her head, whimpering. His mews muffling against her cheeks. She felt his essence give a sharp, jumping jerk. And then another. " ... mew!"

" ... mm-h! Hn-h ... " A few seconds. More. Few more ... seconds (and a few mews from him, too) ... and she'd milked him dry. Her nectar running in a rivulet down the rabbit's tightened, swollen sac, mixing in with the shower water. His seed pooling below her cervix. "Oh-h ... oh, my dear. Dear. Kitten." Bumping noses, forehead to forehead. "My mate? Yes?"

A weak, dizzy nod. Neither of them had ever been mated before. This was certainly a giant leap. Hopefully, they would stick the landing. " ... yes." She swallowed. "Yes," she repeated, hugging him tightly. "My mate." As if her answer wasn't clearly apparent.

Waiting a few moments, he pulled out of her, guiding her directly under the shower-head. Into the stream of warm, flowing water. Reaching past her for a bottle of shampoo. "This isn't meant for leopard pelts, but I don't think it will remove your spots or anything."

"It better not," was her irreverent, playful grin. She was still reeling from what they'd just done. And what they'd just agreed to.

The mirth behind Oliver's eyes was evident as he replied, "Which reminds me: I still have to number them. Your spots. If we're mated, now, especially. It's my duty. Maybe when we're drying off ... "

"I warned you before: it may take all night." A sultry, daring glance, water streaming off her whiskers. The snow leopard purred and pressed against him, nakedly, spreading the shampoo lather from her pelt to his. Their whiskers tangled, and a resulting lip-lock was short-lived. It was hard to properly kiss when you couldn't stop smiling. Her sharp teeth grazed about.

Oliver, hugging her firmly, wet and warm as anything, whispered against the corner of her maw, "I'm certainly counting on it."