Poem #48: Inside

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#49 of Poetry

A poem about what is ... inside. Pretty self-explanatory. Enjoy.


The soul that's inside

It floats and flies

I feel it trapped

Beneath the surface

The mind that's inside

Rants and raves

Yearning to learn

Wishing the torrent to end

The heart that's inside

Yearns for its love

Holes pierce its shell

Bleeding in rivers

The emotions inside

Swirl around in mystery

They ponder and question

Validity of reality

The memories within

Stir and strengthen

Move and weaken

Defining our cover

The desires within

We want what we do

Needing and craving

Supply for our demands

The qualities within

Our faults and flaws

Shown through our actions

Enlightened by our deeds

The beauty within

That tenuous grin

Laughter and joy

Masking the face

The faith within

Looks up to hope

Gives us our courage

And sometimes, blinds us

The intent within

Good or maybe bad

Is our own

Influenced by all

The blood that's inside

Keeps us alive

Flows and runs

Around and around

What is inside us

Is what defines us

Remember yourself

Pride of what's Inside.


"Inside" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License