Sara's Story - Chapter 12

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#12 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 2: Present

Chapter 12 - Changes

© 2003 Nameless

The gun roars and kicks in my paws. The rabbit's body jerks, his head whips back, then forward again and he slumps in the grip of the guards holding him. Blood gushes out of a hole in the middle of his chest. I watch him, waiting for the guards to release his body, to let it fall into the grave dug for him. I don't know why they wait and do not release him. But then Jack lifts his head again and he stares at me, grinning now. I feel panic welling up in me, but I can't move. My shaking paws squeeze the trigger of the pistol and it roars again. Something about that strikes me as strange, but I can't quite put my finger on it. His body jerks and hangs limp again. More blood flows down his chest. Terrified and fascinated at the same time, I watch his blood flow down his belly. When it reaches his crotch, his cock starts to rise. Soon it stands proud and incredibly large. When I tear my eyes away from it and look back at his face, he is grinning at me. There is a malevolent glint in his eyes. I squeeze the trigger again. The gun roars, a new hole appears in his chest and he slumps. But only for a moment, for an endlessly long moment, for a terrifyingly short moment. When he raises his head again and his eyes meet mine, they are glowing red. His teeth look a lot more threatening than before, not quite rabbit's teeth any more, more like the rending fangs of a canine. I shoot him, again and again. But each time he recovers more quickly than before. Blood still flows out of his wounds, the grave that was dug for him is now nearly full now. Each time I shoot him the malevolent light in his eyes glows brighter. His teeth turn into fangs, growing longer and longer. Suddenly he tears free from the guards holding him, shaking them off as if they were not even there. I shoot him again, but he does not seem to feel it at all. He steps forward and puts his paw on my shoulder, digging his claws into my flesh.

And suddenly I can move. Screaming in fear, I knock away his arm, rake my claws across his face and jump back.

And tumble out of the bed. My howl of pain as I land on my tail is joined by a second voice. Confused, I crouch in the darkness. Like a cornered animal. Like the cornered animal that I am. Confused and afraid, I want to run, but I am too scared to move.

Suddenly, moments or minutes later, I can't tell, the door is thrown open and the room is flooded with light as the night guard steps into the room. The grey fox carries a lantern and a gun in his paws. His eyes quickly scan the room before they settle on me. I stop breathing as I stare at the muzzle of his gun. A second later he is joined by the mistress and her husband. I take in the look of horror on their faces and turn to see what they are staring at. "The overseer, my master! Blood is flowing down his face." For few moments I stare at him dumbfounded.

" I hurt my master!" Suddenly terrified for my very life, I throw myself on my knees, on my stomach. "I hurt my master! They are going to kill me!"

Whimpering " I'm sorry, Master! I'm sorry, Master!" over and over I huddle on the floor, my eyes shut tight, tears of fear running down my cheek. If I could I would dig a hole to bury myself in.

"I'm sorry, Master!" I can feel their eyes boring into me, wondering how they are going to punish me.

"I'm sorry, Master!" I whimper. "Are they going to kill me, or will they just make me wish they would?" My breathing is ragged, I can smell my own fear and I nearly wet myself.

"I'm sorry, Master." I shiver so badly the floorboards almost rattle.

"I'm sorry, Master." I feel like a mouse in the middle of a mob of cats. I am very much like a mouse surrounded by cats.

"I'm sorry, Master." I sob in fear.

" Sara! Position!"

My master's command hits me like a bucket of icy water. There is no time for thought as I scramble into position. Kneeling, my legs spread as wide as they will go, my torso straight, my tail straight up, my paws on my thighs and my face down, my eyes still closed. I nearly pass out from the lance of pain my injured tail sends up my spine, but I manage to assume the position. Presenting my body, I wait for my master's next command.

"Breathe slowly and deeply!"

I do my best to comply. A minute passes and the panic leaves me, to be replaced by icy fear. Slowly the fear lifts a little "My master did not sound that angry. Maybe they won't punish me that badly." Silently I pray. I can feel their eyes on me still, but I think they are not quite as threatening as before.


"Yes, Master."

"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yes, Master."

"Are you all right?"

"My tail hurts terribly, but I'm still alive." "Yes, Master." I answer and wait for his next command.

"Tom, light that lamp for me, please?" He says to the guard.

"Yes, Sir." I can hear him walk across the room, and fumble with the lamp.

"Sara. Get up and bring some clean rags and wound salve from the kitchen! Tom, give her a light, will you. Margaret and James, go back to bed. Everything is under control."

I follow the guard to the kitchen and grab a stack of clean sheets and the small pot with the healing salve. Then I walk back as quickly as I can. Keeping my tail off the ground hurts a lot.

When I am back in the room, my master commands "Get some water and wash my wounds."

"Yes, Master." I pour some fresh water from a jug into the washing bowl. The master sits on the bed, looking calmly at me as I wash the wounds on his face try to get all the blood out of his fur. I cringe in fear whenever he tenses up to suppress the pain. Then I wash his paws as well, they are also full of blood. "All the bleeding has stopped, Master. I don't think I can get the rest of the blood out of your fur without using soap."

He feels his face and considers me for a moment, then he lies down again, on his side, so that the injured side of his face is on the top. He pats the bed "Come here, Sara."

"Yes, Master." I lie down next to him, facing him. A small whimper of pain escapes my lips when I try to arrange my tail.

"Sara, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Master. Only my tail hurts a little."

"Let me look. Lie on your stomach." I obey. His eyes widen when he sees my tail, it is badly swollen at the base. "You managed to lift your tail straight up after hurting it like that?" He asks in disbelief. Before I can answer, he commands "Lie still." Then he gets up again and takes another rag. He soaks it in the water, then he carefully wraps it around the base of my tail.

I grunt in pain as this sends new pain into my body, but after a few moments the cold soothes my pain. Soon I feel a lot better. "My Master treats my wounds?" I wonder, completely bewildered now. "Thank you, Master." I don't know what else to say.

He lies down beside me again and considers me "What did you dream, Sara?"

I swallow a few times, then I tell him what I remember of my dream.

When I am finished, he looks at me thoughtfully, then he asks "Is you tail better?"

"Yes, Master." His kindness still takes me off guard and I blurt out the question that has been on my mind since I saw his wounds "Are you going to punish me?" I cringe in fear, afraid because I have spoken without his permission " Master?" I add hastily.


My eyes widen in wonder when I hear it "I hurt him that badly and he does not punish me?"

"If you had attacked me in cold blood and hurt me like that, then you would be punished, perhaps even killed. But given the situation, I can't really be angry with you."

I close my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief "Thank you, Master."

He considers me for some time, then he scratches me behind the ear, runs his paw down my neck, gently scratching my fur with his claws. Down my back, back up along my side, then he gently cups my breast. "Hmmm, considering that you woke me up and that my nerves are strung a little too tightly to go back to sleep right away, I think a little punishment is in order." Before I can grow afraid again, I notice the smile in his voice.

It only takes me a moment to catch his meaning. "If this is all the punishment I am going to get, I can count myself lucky!" I roll over, onto my side, to give him a better view of my body and I open my eyes and smile at him.

When I try to roll further, onto my back, he puts a paw on my shoulder and stops me "Not with your tail hurt like that, Sara. We can have a lot of fun, lying side by side as well." His already erect manhood gives testimony to it. He turns around and blows out the lamp.

I welcome his embrace and ... I almost enjoy it.

When I finally fall asleep, a long while later, my nose is buried in my master's fur. His scent and the arms holding me soothe me and this time I sleep without any dreams.

# # #

After I executed Jack, my life changed in some interesting but also unsettling ways.

Nowadays I get to sleep alone most of the nights, the guards hardly ever call me to entertain them. I am only a lowly slave femme, theirs to do with as they please, more or less, but whenever they look at me, there is anxiety, even fear in their eyes. "Do they think I enchanted or cursed that rabbit?" I can't help but wonder.

They are very nearly polite to me. Still, I obey every command to the best of my ability. As much as they are afraid of me, would it take only a single word from them to have me punished. Only twice do I have to share the bed of one of the guards. When I overhear them talking, I learn that at least on one occasion the guard did it on a dare. I don't quite know if I should be happy or afraid of the way the guards treat me. The Lord calls me to entertain him only a few times. The only one whose bed I have to share with any regularity is the overseer.

I find that I am almost content here. I don't mind working, I had to help at home since I was a little cub. Every day that goes by without hunger pangs, every day without being beaten or brutally raped, every day my fear recedes a little and I feel a bit better. I don't like having to entertain my masters in the bed, but they are gentle with me. It becomes just another part of my work, something I have to do, not something to be feared. And something that makes my masters happy with me makes it less likely that I will be punished. And that makes me happy, sometimes I almost enjoy this part of my duty.

# # #

About allowing me to heal for almost a full month, the mistress declared me fit to entertain males again. I spent the first night with the overseer and made sure his attention did not cause me any pain. The next morning the mistress asked me to make sure that I had healed completely and it had not caused me any pain. I got to spend the next night alone, none of the guards wanted me to entertain them, for which I was mostly glad. Several nights later I had to entertain the Lord.


"Yes, Mistress?"

"Clean yourself and go to the Lord's room."

"Yes, Mistress. Good night." I answer, bow and head towards the bathroom.

I knock on the door of the Master's room.

"Who is it?"

"Sara, Master."

"Come in."

I do so and when he points at the floor in front of the chair he is sitting in, I take off my smock and kneel in front of him, assuming the slave's position almost automatically. Looking at the floor between his feet, I wait for his next command.

"Look at me." I do, a little anxious now. "Margaret tells me you believe I may not want your services any more or that I may want to get rid of you?"

It takes me a few moments to answer "I ... I'm afraid, Master."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because..." I want to look away from him, but I dare not "I'm hideous. The sheriff said I'm worthless now."

"First, tell me, why do you have all these scars?"

I look at him, wondering how to answer. How to answer in a way that will not make it sound like it is his fault. Or the fault of one of his men, which more or less amounts to the same.

"You are afraid to tell me it's my fault, aren't you?"

I give a barely visible nod.

"Fine. It's all right, Sara, I'm not angry with you. Because it is my fault." He considers me "Do you want me to sell you?"

" No, Master!" I almost shout.

"You want to stay here, even after all that happened to you here?"

"Please, Master, let me stay here! Don't sell me!" I plead.

"Fine, I was not really planning to. The sheriff was right, as far as that, I would not get a good price for you, I'd be lucky if I got half of what I paid for you. But that does not make you worthless for me. Why do you want to stay with me, Sara?"

"I'm happy here, Master. All my previous masters treated me horribly and hurt me so much. You don't ... and I don't think I'll find any other master who will be anywhere as ... pleasant to serve. And I have become friends with the other femmes. Most of my previous masters did not even allow us to talk to each other."

"Do you like to serve me in my bed?"

It takes me a few moments to answer this. I'm afraid to lie but I'm also afraid to tell the truth. "Yes and no, Master."


I have to swallow a big lump before I can think about a way to answer "If I had the choice, I would prefer not do it. But ... it is not all that unpleasant. You don't hurt me, and ... sometimes I even enjoy parts of it. The way you treat me, Master ... I think I could enjoy it, if I did not have to do it, but did it of my own free will. And ... when you call me to your bed, I can tell that you enjoy my services and that makes it less likely for me to be punished ... or to have something more unpleasant happen to me."

He considers me for some time, so long that I almost begin to be afraid. But the expression on his face is thoughtful, not angry. Then he taps the armrests of his chair and says "Sit here."

I get up and sit there, my legs spread widely, my crotch hovers a few inches above his legs. His muzzle is only inches from my breasts. My body is totally exposed to him and easily accessible to him.

There is a wide grin on his muzzle as he paws my body and licks my breasts. I am panting when he finally speaks again "Your duties as my slave involve doing anything I want you to do. That is, you have to work for me and entertain me. And also the furs working for me or my guests. If none of them want you to have sex with you, then that is no reason for me to get rid of you. As long as you are ready to and do show a reasonable enthusiasm when you are called to do it, then that is enough. Especially after what happened to you. Your duties do not involve being tortured or killed on a whim. If you disobey me, then you will be punished, perhaps even killed. But unless you do that, you are safe. Understood?"

I think about it for a few moments "Yes, Master ... Thank you." I feel a little better now. Reassured that I am safe here.

He considers me for a while "The scars make your face a lot less attractive than it used to be. But ..." He pokes a finger into my slit and then licks off my juices, smacking his lips happily. Then he looks me in the eye and asks "Think you can still show an old wolf a good time?"

Even though my master framed it as a question, it is clearly a command. But it is also a challenge, one I can't afford not to take up. "Yes, Master." I lift my arms above my head and stretch. The way my master's eyes widen tell me that he is enjoying the view.

# # #

One day in late March, as I am eating my dinner, I feel my mistress's paw on my shoulder. I turn to look at her "Mistress?"

She smiles at me and says "When you are finished, make yourself presentable and go to Henry's room."

"Yes, Mistress."

She turns away from me and I pick up my spoon again. "Why does she send me there? He usually tells me when he wants me to entertain him." I shrug my shoulders "He was away most of the day. Maybe he is too tired and met her on the way to his room. He did not even join them for dinner, like he usually does. Whatever ..." I have been given a command, one I cannot disobey.

"Mistress, I am finished here, should I go now?"

"Go, girl, make yourself pretty."

"Good night, Mistress." I say and leave the kitchen.

I am brushing my fur when the mistress walks into the bathroom. She looks at me for a moment, then she closes the door and command "Sara, you will spend the night in Henry's room. You will go in there and spend the night with him. Ignore him if he tells you to go away. Don't tell him that you are doing this on my command. And unless he kicks you out bodily, you stay in there, girl. Do I make myself clear?"

My eyes go wide with fear at her command, I can't speak. My thoughts swirl madly. Suddenly my paws tremble so badly that I drop the brush I was using.

When I do not answer, she repeats "Do I make myself clear, Sara?"

"Yes, Mistress." I answer miserably and hang my head.

"Sara, he will not stay angry with you. And if he is, I will talk with him tomorrow morning and make sure that you are not punished." She claps me on the shoulder and gives me an encouraging smile "Now make yourself pretty, girl. And don't be afraid."

"Yes, Mistress." I answer and watch her as she turns around and walks back to the kitchen. Still, I can't help but fear and wonder. It is nice of the mistress to promise me that I won't get punished. But it won't be her back that feels the whip. I pray that she is right, that Henry won't be angry with me. Still, I have been given a command and I can not just ignore it. I pick up the brush and continue brushing my fur.

I stop in front of the door to the overseer's room and say a quiet prayer. Then I lift my shaking paw and knock timidly. When there is no answer I knock again a bit louder this time, then again, louder still.

Finally he shouts in an angry voice " Go away!"

I swallow a huge lump and open the door and step into the room. Then I say two words that I could not imagine ever saying together "No, Master."

He sits at the table, the food on his plate is untouched. He looks at me angrily and commands " Out! Slave!"

I turn around halfway before I can stop myself from automatically following his command. I turn back and look at him. My paws are shaking with fear as I walk closer to him and say "I can't, Master."

He falls silent and stares at me, angry and perplexed.

I walk past him, sit down on his bed and take off my smock. His scent tells me that he has been drinking. He does not smell bad enough to turn my stomach, but his scent is not very pleasant either. His eyes are bloodshot and the fur on his muzzle is wet, I think he has wept not long ago. I sit there, too afraid to speak, wondering if he will punish me.

He turns away from me and stares at his food. After a long silence he turns back to glare at me again.

When he does, the golden glint of metal on his paw catches my eye. I realize that he is wearing a ring, one I have not seen him wear before. Before I can stop myself, I blurt out "You are married?" Hastily I add "Master?" and cringe in fear, awaiting his anger.

For a moment he looks at me angrily, but then the anger leaves his eyes and tears fill his eyes and run down his cheeks. His body starts trembling and a sob escapes his lips.

Suddenly I can't sit still, I stand up and quickly close the distance to hug him. He grabs me with desperate strength and buries his face in my bosom, crying and shaking with emotions. After a while he calms down and releases me, then he walks me back to the bed and sits down beside me. He turns to me and says "I was married. Two years ago, today I was married to the most beautiful squirrel femme in the whole world. Her name was Susan, she was so beautiful. On the anniversary day of our wedding she went into labor. The next day she and our kit were both dead." His eyes fill with tears.

I hold him as he cries, I whisper soothingly in his ears, kiss his head and massage his back.

He gently extracts himself from my embrace. He looks at me strangely and whispers something that I can't quite understand. I think it might be "Susan." Then he rips off his clothes, almost tearing them in the process. He blows out the lamp, then he pushes me back on the bed and starts mating with me, roughly. Not brutally, but with desperate intensity. He spurts his load into me and cries " Susan! I love you!"

I cry out in pleasure a few moments later.

Panting heavily we lie joined together for several minutes. Finally he asks "Susan?"

"Does he think I am his wife?" I don't know what to say, except "Master?"

He swallows audibly as he realizes that I am not his wife. He buries his face in my shoulder, crying again. I put my arms around him to offer what comfort I can. He only stops crying when he finally falls asleep.

His manhood is still inside me and his weight presses down on me, making it difficult to sleep. I lie there in the dark, thinking about what happened today. Something inside me is different. It takes me some time to realize. "I don't feel violated!" I realize "This is the first time I have been in bed with a male that I have not felt violated!" After some time I fall asleep as well.

# # #

I wake up suddenly when my master lifts his weight from me and gets up. False dawn is just beginning outside. I can barely see him as he moves around the room, uses the chamber pot and pours himself some water from the jug.


After a few seconds he asks "Yes, Sara?"

"May I have a drink, Master?"

He does not answer, but pours himself another drink. Then he walks back to the bed and sits down.

When he paws me the mug, I am so surprised that I almost drop it. But I recover quickly, take a deep draught and return the mug "Thank you, Master."

He takes another drink and puts the mug away. Then he climbs back into the bed and lies down next to me. He places one of his paws on my neck and caresses my head, gently scratches my ear and runs his claws through the fur on my cheek. In a very gentle voice he says "Thank you, Sara."

I look at him, confused and try to read the expression on his face, but it is still too dark. "For what, Master?"

He is silent for a few moments, then he kisses my cheek and whispers into my ear "For being here. For not leaving, even though I commanded you to." He kisses my ear, then he goes on "For helping me make it through this horrible night."

"He thinks I came here because of him! The Mistress sent me here so he would not be alone! Does he think I came here on my own?"

He kisses my muzzle lightly, barely brushing his lips and tongue against me. Then he watches me.

"He is waiting for me to respond! Do I have to kiss him?" His paw continues to caress my neck. "Is this my choice? Should I kiss him? Do I want to kiss him?" I am very surprised to find that I liked the gentleness of his kiss and before I really know what I am doing, I turn my head up at him and brush my lips against his and lick his nose. He sneezes violently and giggles. With only a moment's hesitation I join him. Then he licks my nose. Our lips brush against each other.

He moves his paw away from my neck, down my chest and gently cups my breast. His touch feels so strange. He touches me the same way he did a few days ago, yet it feels completely different now. Not unpleasant at all. Exactly the opposite, actually. My breast fits perfectly into his paw. I sigh in pleasure and slowly run my paw up along his arm, marveling at the feel of his muscles.

We spend a long time like this, gently kissing and licking. Exploring each other with paws and tongue. "Is this what my parents meant when they talked about making love?" I wonder.

When his manhood enters me, my body welcomes him. We move together, slowly getting more and more excited. When he finally spurts his seed into me, we cry out in pleasure together.

End of Chapter 12