An Emperor and Some Fun in Life

Story by Maxis Julius on SoFurry

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An Emperor and Some Fun in Life

Another story rattling through me since I wrote the first, totally different yet as I'm still getting the hang of matters will look somewhat the same

The story follows the Emperor of of the mighty and powerful Fortunic Empire, Augustus Lacus Juliusi XII, a noble and yet somewhat corrupt wolf in his early life, the years unknown since he has been declared ageless by his own people and Senate. His empire spans the entire north of the continent of Aquesiani, stretching from the cold northern wastes of the land of Tandia to the tropical rainforests in the deep central continental lands of Umbala. To the east lays his fortress and capital city, the great Imperial city of Fortunia, beyond it laying the large Talix Ocean.

To the west lays the lands of Yaleon, a great and open grassy plain where many could become lost if they lacked a map for its size cannot be underestimated, sitting between this and the lands of the east the smaller land of Hefert nestles in forests ages old and mysterious, grand old castles scattered across this fertile place and where the armies of the Empire come to train in many a technique and warfare.

Beyond the Empire lay kingdoms and smaller lands ruled by aristrocrats and lords, in time many falling foul of the Empire and risking being annexed but finding they could negociate with the Emperor by fair means or foul. With invasions occuring on regular occasions all these smaller lands knew they could lose their land at any moment, no reason or manner given as to why the grand and mighty Empire decided they were a target. But the Empire has its reasons and each invasion removed a possible threat, no mater how small, to the peace of its many lands.

But as said before the kingdoms and lands found a way to appease the Emperor, this story following one such kingdom as it has the privilage of an Imperial visit for the first time in many years, its king a nervous stallion with a fear of being invaded if it all goes wrong.

Now, on with the story

King Equias could barely believe his luck, surely the whole thing had to be a dream. Why would the Empire choose his land? Why choose this little insignificant piece of soil to come and visit? "My Ladies in Waiting, my Queen. It has come to pass that the Emperor of the Fortunic Empire has chosen to come and visit our humble little kingdom. The reason for his visit is unknown at this time but it could not come at a worse time as we all know. Quickly, prepare for what we had feared, be sure the matter is resolved before his Excellency arrives" The king, a nervous stallion now since hearing the news of the visit, commands his followers, hoping everything shall be done and certain to be unnoticed

His queen sat upon her throne and watched the proceedings with a cool demeanor and calm disposition, knowing full well if everything was not made ready in time there would be some troubles ahead "My King, surely you have not forgotten the deal of our kingdom with the Empire? Surely we can hide the evidence better than this?" She wondered out loud and gave him a stern look of meaning, wanting her king to be aware time was not on their side anymore. For as they spoke the grand trumpets of the Emperor's carriage and soldiers echoed into the lands, powerful feral horses pulling the ornately decorated golden carriage "How dare he..." The King snorted "The Emperor dares use our great cousins to pull his carriage, has he no shame!"

Of course, sitting in his comfortable and stable cabin, the Emperor himself sighs and thinks of this as yet another boring long visit to another small useless kingdom bordering his Empire. Surely it would simply be easier to invade them? He thought over and over, but knowing allies are better than enemies so those ideas have to go out of the window "My Guardsman, how long left until our destination is reached? I have a terrible cramp and this box feels like a cell, no such place worthy of my statue and grace. Make haste, I wish to be within King Equias' kingdom within the hour, such is the will of the Emperor" He settled back and sighed for the second time, listening to his feral horses galloping and resting for the time being "This had better be worth the visit..." He mumbles, seriously uninterested in diplomacy like this

The golden carriage finally comes to its place of rest for the day, the setting before the entrance of the castle belonging to King Equias, truthfully not the place Emperor Augustus chose but it should prove good enough for his purposes. Afterall, this may only prove to be a boring long discussion and his escape route to return to the Empire is assured this way, if only to get away from this politics "Very well, I shall leave this devilish carriage and take my time in entering this abysmal castle. Guardsman, call forth the king, let us get this underway" He commands and watches his troops scattering to form a line either side of the path leading to the castle gates, his Guardsman moving swiftly to the door and calling out in tone "His Excellency, Emperor Augustus Lacus Juliusi XII, has come forth to see the noble King Equias, to see him in talks and stay within his fine kingdom. His Excellency demands his audience and shall not be kept in waiting"

Emperor Agustus felt the blood drain from his cheeks and yawns in utter boredom and some uncomfortable manner, always one to seek a quiet entrance and yet he must go through all this prim and proper behaviour whenever meeting with these pathetic little kingdoms, watching again now as the gates of the castle begin to open, allowing him entry into its interior and grand hall beyond "King Equias, you test my patience keeping me in waiting this long. Do you seek your kingdom invaded or shall we meet inside at last and come to the arrangement we shall hopefully agree?" He spoke in his commanding tone, clearly unnerved by being beyond the borders of the Empire, such a tiny land no threat at all to his life or his troops "Well? I see the grand doors open yet you yourself are not here. I shall give one more moment, my troops entering to make you show by force soon after"

King Equias had no choice now and sighed, walking by the side of his Queen to greet the impatient Emperor before his soldiers open the Gate completely, the face he sees one that seems unamused in being kept waiting "Your Excellency, it is an honor that you come to my small insignificant kingdom. Yes, we shall hold the talks and shall come to the arrangement agreed upon. 1 million gold pieces to be paid to you and the Empire, in return granting us immunity and an ally in times of great turmoil" He acted in a grovelling manner, knowing even as he spoke the Emperor merely looked toward his queen, eyeing her slowly and causing the royal mare to blush, which she immediately tried to cover by lowering her head further.

"Yes yes, I agree to such a deal King Equias, now, we shall enter further into your castle. I wish to spend the night and feel quite certain you have foreseen this event. Come now my Guardsman and my troops, we shall settle for the evening and feast during the night" The Emperor smiled wily and winked to the Queen, having noticed her cheeks blushing under his gaze over her beautifully curved form and long golden hair "Maybe it would be possible for the Queen to come to my chambers at a later time also, we would have much to discuss I feel sure" Such blatentness in his tone, wolf male clearly intrigued by the royal mare married to this pathetic king of such a small land "We shall spend much of the night talking if that time comes"

King Equias shuddered and felt the anger boiling up within himself, but he keeps it under control and can only submit to the much more powerful ruler and his wishes, showing the way soon after toward the throne room of his own castle, determined in much of a manner to show this pompous idiot of an Emperor he cannot simply do what he pleases. But for now submission proves to be the best course of action and the most wise, since a mere whim could bring the Empire and its forces crashing down upon his lands and such would be a catastrophe of a great scale "We have entered the throne room your Excellency, please do with it as you please, our castle shall be your own for this night"

Emperor Augustus felt truly bored and had the feeling he wanted more than this from life, surely something interesting could be found in this castle, maybe a little distruction of its interior to intimidate the king before taking his mare up into private quarters to talk, or so he would have many believe anyway. But something seems wrong, something seems out of the ordinary, his powerful wolf nose flaring and taking a sniff of the air, something he recognises as a memory snaps into his mind "King Equias, tell me, since last I visited how has your daughter been? I hear she has bloomed into a beautiful young teeneager and yet, I see her in no place here. So please, tell me now why she is absent from our union in this room, why the scent of season hangs in the air?" He snarls and commands his troops into the throne room, surrounding the royal stallion and his mare before stepping confidently toward them "You are trying to back out of the true know the price all kingdoms must pay, you know it well. Now, bring her to me!"

King Equias sighed and ordered his men to bring forth the hidden matter immediately, watching them scuttling away before returning with it by their sides. What it proves to be is his daughter, the sweet natured Princess Alexis VIII, a gentle and young mare teenager dressed in her ceremonial garments as she was due to enter a temple later that very day, yet now summoned forth to before the Emperor instead of being able to hide. She bows and then follows with a curtsy the moment later to greet the overpompous wolf, doing her best to hide the fear in her eyes from his own piercing gaze "It is an honor for me to stand before one so noble and just" She lied as her feelings toward him were not the same "I, Princess Alexis VIII, greet you in the name of my father King Equias and my kingdom"

Augustus licked his chops and observed the young mare with a great deal of interest before smirking due to her rather forced greeting, siince it has become quite clear she does not like him very much "Now now, come dear Princess, you should not harbour ill will toward myself, it would come as quite bad news for your father since he stands to lose his kingdom for daring to attempt you being hidden from my reach" The wolf snarls and turns his attentions upon the stallion king, clicking his claws to summon his soldiers to the room once more "As for you King Equias, of what do you have to say in your defence? You sought it that I not have your daughter yet you know the agreements made between the Empire and all kingdoms surrounding it. I, Emperor Augustus Lacus Juliusi XII, may lay claim to those kingdoms of whom have daughters, to mate with them once in heat and have my offspring as the kingdom heir. You know of this, yet you try to hide her anyway. Guards! Take him away, bring the princess to my quarters later this day"

five hours pass, the setting changes, the place of story now within the private quarters of the Emperor

He paced to and fro impatiently within his room, the decor simply not to his tastes but good enough he supposes, one night to spend within it all so not as bad in a way he feels. But this night he knows he has business to take care of, business to attend to in order so he may produce yet another heir to a throne, his young and future allies he hopes. Before long a knock upon his door brings back his senses, the wolf moving to lay upon his bed before speaking "You may enter, my room shall be your own, this I promise you with clarity and honesty" He smirks softly, the Emperor ready for the next moments to occur

The grand door of the chamber opens with a loud and echoed creak coursing down the old hallways outside it, his soldiers parting to reveal at last a form of true beauty and grace. Her heart pounds within her chest, nervousness becoming clear since the Emperor can now be seen laying upon his bed "I thank you your Excellency for granting me entrance to your quarters...I have come here as you wished it, what may I do in your service?" The princess sighs and walks forward before jumping slightly hearing the chmber door close behind her, intructions having been given that she hates herself for following the moment later, her robes of silk covering being untied before she opens them and allows the cloth to fall upon the carpeted floor, her naked body in full view now of the wolf

Augustus can barely believe that this mare is real yet here she stands now completely naked within his view, eyes scanning over her form over and over again to take note of her features. Perky breasts developing yet not full stand out with fully erect nipples he feels perfect for giving his young milk, his attention sliding down as her shapely hips make him growl with desire, her tail covering a pert and tight ass with slender perfect legs a little crossed. But it has to be her juicy puffy looking pussy-lips that grab his attention the most, her scent of heat so powerful his sheath stirs and opens to release his huge length, the shaft pulsing and throbbing as the tip reaches a slight point, its base providing a place for his impressive and beginning to grow bulbous knot as his cock drips pre onto his lower belly "Dear princess, come close to me now and lay upon me, this I order you"

Princess Alexis tries to cover the fact the sight of the wolf and his throbbing...oh so delicious looking...cock has her feeling somewhat excited adn wanting to mate him with all the fibre of her being, but she also knows he merely wants to place his offspring into her womb, a way to control her father more and more even as he lays under guard in another part of the castle. That is a part of the predicament but she knows it has come to be too late now and if she disobeys the Emperor she will surely die as will her mother and father, which reminds she has not seen her mother since earlier...however back into the moment her head nods and her body moves toward the bed slowly but surely until by its side, her hooves going to his sides, the male soon being placed below her body as she straddles his hips and form "I am here...your with me as you wish but please do not hurt my mother or father. You dare touch them and I will make sure this child you give me shall die before birth"

He nods and nods some more to make it clear he has her terms in mind, the wolf male and Emperor agreeing to her terms though his mind clouds by the scent of her heat and the fact she now lays over him, his paws coming up and grabbing her hips before he begins to speak and lowers her onto his throbbing thick cock-tip slowly, parting the puffy pussy-lips a little and gasping with some pleasure "I swear upon the Empire I shall not bring harm to your father and mother, you have my word princess Alexis, you have my code of honor" He smiles and growls but instead of being loving and caring only one matter brings him concern, his paws pulling down on the mare, her pussy-lips parting more and allowing hot juices to drool over his throbbing shaft, her depths in heat and needing his fleshy huge cock to fertilize her womb. Pulling down more he moans and smirks feeling a barrier "I see, the King kept his daughter pure. Ha ha ha ha, it pleases me that I shall be the first to take you, the first to claim you as my own forever" One sharp thrust is given the moment later and with this motion he rips through her hymen, plunging his thick pulsing flesh into her blazing hot and tight depths

Alexis screams as he rips up into her pussy so suddenly and falls down so her breasts press against his chest, her tail rising upward to show she is accepting him in mating but the pain has her crying, anything being done to keep her mother and father safe as possible, even if it means mating this wolf and bearing his young "Ohhhhhh, ahhhhh, it hurts! Please, you must pull out of me! Please pull out!" She cries and tries to get off his monsterously thick cock yet his paws prove to be too powerful and strong to escape, her depths clenching down over the wolf as he caresses and pulses against her inner walls "Ugghhh, you promised me, my mother...father kept safe.." She could only really hope he keeps his word, since right now he holds all the cards in the situation, her father and mother possibly facing death or simply their land being invaded by the mighty lands of the Empire "And no! I'll never...ohh mmmmmm...ever be yours!"

Augustus listened and smirked again since he feels her useless struggling to free herself from his embrace, her claims and wants that her parents stay safe and that she will never be his causing a laugh to leave his muzzle "Ha, you claim such even as you grip upon my cock so tightly? You claim you wish your parents safe from harm yet you try and free yourself from this situation? You claim in ways that show me you are lying, you would not try to escape if you truly sought the safety of others" He knows he is right, he knows his words shall gain a large feeling of guilt within the young mare and within moments his answer is given as her inner walls clench again over his throbbing wolf cock, her body lifting up and lowering again as she begins to ride his thick pulsing babymaker "There, such a good mare. See, you know how right I am"

The princess knows the wolf is right, since he remains the only way her parents will stay safe and having her attempts to escape easily noticed and in plain sight especially since her hot in-season pussy remains wrapped around and gripping his cock. Giving in to her fate seems the best idea and in moments she restraddles the Emperor and lifts herself upward, gasping as he slides from her body before gasping again once she lowers back down, his paws gripping on her hips helping make this a little easier though she clearly takes in a mixed scent in the room. It smells of a mare in season, her own scent, a male highly aroused, this imbecile Emperor and blood, blood leaking from her still sore pussy sliding and caressing up and down over its first ever cock and kissing down against the growing knot " are right....I shall do as you obey..." She submits to him and lets the male know this by leaning down, pressing her muzzle to his muzzle for a deep kiss

The male laughs to himself within his mind and returns the deep kiss with passion and a dominace he cannot deny during this encounter, the mare princess submitting after his words of guilt causing manner "Mmmmm, now, there is a very good...Mmmmm...girl..." He moans and lays back but not before his paws begin to make the mare above him bounce faster, the mixed scents in the air serving to spur his motions to new heights as his hips begin to thrust upwards to meet her each time she lowers, the pleasure building and since he gives no care as to if she feels anything he concentrates on his own enjoyment "Mmm yess, such a hot princess..Mmmmm, squeeze and hold me inside you" He speaks in such talk, no time for manners during mating

Alexis obeys him amid fears he may not keep her parents alive if she does not, her tight hot and dripping wet pussy clenching over the hard throbbing cock buried inside its depths, the bleeding coming to a stop as the discomfort and pain begins to dull and makes the mare moan with pleasure since new feelings begin to grow in strength, her inner walls rippling as she is made to bounce faster on the male wolf. "I his Excellency....Ahhhhh...wishes.." The mare moans and closes her eyes, pulling away from the kiss and placing her hooves onto the wolf, his chest being pressed again as she allows the bouncing to continue, being mated by the thick throbbing cock harder suddenly too as she makes herself lower down in a hard fast manner

Augustus gasps and moans loudly feeling such a sudden change in pace and looks up at the mare riding upon his cock, admiring her beauty and feeling a surprising amount of love for this female, feisty in a slight way and not afraid it seems in the right situation to speak her mind. Maybe she could become a concubine in the future, if he can only convince her to agree to this by use of the right tactic. But that can wait until later in time for at this moment he slams up to meet as she slams down over and over, his knot parting her puffy pussy-lips a little more each time and seeming to spur her on and on as she moans with clear pleasure. He now keeps himself from speaking and lets the moment go, the mating making its mark as his balls become swollen, heavily filled with fertile hot seed awaiting the release soon to come as the mare riding seems determined somehow to make the mating reach its conclusion

Alexis truly wishes to make the mating come to an end since she feels something building up so deeply from within herself, something truly immense starting to flow into her being as she rides and slides up and down over the Emperor's thick throbbing cock, her pussy-lips parting more and wanting his knot as she tries to experience her first ever tying to a male, especially a wolf male. And yet this situation was unwanted the moments before, the change in her attitude due to the extreme pleasure she is able to feel, her season making her inner depths hyper sensitive to any contact and this male there at the right time. Pounding on him more and moaning loudly her eyes are closed tightly, one hoof now on her breast and caressing it, her nipple being pinched and tweaked by instinct to cause more feelings yet she has never done it before "Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh, OHHHHHHHH YESSSSS!!" She screams and arches her back suddenly, inner walls clamping around the intruding male cock and squeezing, juices flooding out and drenching his thighs and balls as she slams down one last time and screams again with the pop heard as his knot sinks up and into her body "Ohhh god!!!!!!"

Augustus can barely believe this, from being unwilling one moment to suddenly sure and wanting to be mated, the mare above him so beautiful and going as hard and fast as he is able to do in order to keep up. But then her back arches and she screams out with pleasure, inner depths causing him to gasp and moan as loudly since they clamp down so tightly, the pop heard as he feels her slam down one last time and plunge his throbbing knot into the depths of her body where it immediately swells and seals the young body. He growls and moans again and again now trying to hold back but her orgasm brings forth his own rising peak, his balls tightening and curling against his form before his cock jolt and begins to shoot jet after hot, fertile seed into her waiting womb, doing everything possible to fertilize this beautiful princess and give her his heir as he closes his own eyes tight and howls with ecstacy.

For saying she was reluctant the moments before Alexis feels simply amazing as her orgasm blazes through her body, the entire feeling so new and yet being tied feels so right too, the Emperor and his hot pulsing cock locked by his knot into her tight wet dripping pussy with the puffy lips surrounding the base of his shaft and making sure they keep the swollen and tightly locked knot in place. Every jolt is felt, every spurt of his seed can be felt flooding her womb and giving such heat as she has been mated completely now, the heights of pleasure beginning to die down as she falls against his form panting "My....your...Excellency...I give apology..I acted in such a manner...I am sorry I..." She pants more, yet sleep takes hold and draws her into the world of dreams, eyes closing now as she listens to his breathing

The Emperor coo's softly into her ear and smiles, such a session unheard of before since other princesses seemed stuck-up and very pruide, yet this one let herself go the moment she felt the pleasure, her reaction to it very different from his own as she now lays sleeping, taking ease and rest while remaining tied to his thick and throbbing wolf cock. For this he feels he may be able to give her what she wishes, his paw raising into the air and clicking, two burly soldiers immediately coming through the chamber door and saluting "Your two, take a message to my Guardsman now, tell him we shall deal with the king of this land. Tell him, he is to be executed immediately within his cell"

He smirks and grins with an almost devilsh grin, coo'ing again into the ear of this young mare before looking to his guards and nodding, watching them leave and knowing he was not heard by the sleeping princess. He has the girl, he has the land, his words kept true that HE would not bring harm to her father, yet he never stated his soldiers could not do the very same.

Ah, he thought to himself, this moment is perfect, I could not have planned it better if I had tried, his attention turning to the one who had told him of the situation before this day, having led the events to now "Thankyou for being my spy, you have done most excellently" He smirked and lifts his paw, allowing the spy to come closer and take it into their own

The spy comes forward, removing its long worn cloak and smiling before taking the paw of the Emperor, nuzzling against it and whickering "You are most welcome my love, you are most welcome indeed" The queen smirked to him, her plan having gone perfectly.

There, my second story is done, I hope it is as enjoyed as my first story. This one was one I hope will be liked too so please be kind and tell me what you think :) Critics are welcome so please tell me if I can improve, I have a feeling I do need to slow down or think a little more on what I write but I'm still learning over time