
Story by belleange on SoFurry

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#1 of Jailbait


Neg and I had never seen eye to eye on anything so it was quite the awakening to agree on what would soon become our salvation, as well as our undoing. A not-so-little girl with a big heart that we wanted desperately to lose ourselves for.


"Anah, hurry up! I told them we would be there two hours ago." Misty flipped the pancake from the pan to the plate and was placing a pat of butter on top when a loud thump announced her sisters arrival.

"How many times have I told you to sit down when you put on your socks?" She commented with out turning.

"It's faster this way. Now I can buckle my shoes at the table with one paw and eat with the other." Anah smiled as she got up off of the kitchen floor and proceeded to do just that. Misty just shook her head and ate her own breakfast. Anah finished in record time, yanked her favorite stripped sweater over her head and dashed out to the jeep where she lost the impromptu race but a few inches to her sister.

"Okay, now I know you know Bagheera and Sun but some of them I don't want you talking to. Most of them are harmless but there is one, Neg, I don't want you talking to. He's not the most trustworthy guy, okay?"

Anah nodded and made a mental note. She also noted the fact that her sister still thought she was a baby but that couldn't be helped. Their mother died two years after Anah was born so they were virtually orphans. Anah knew nothing of their father and her sister was never inclined to divulge much on his behalf. Misty practically raised her and they did well on their own. They both had jobs which paid marginally well though Misty was the principle bread winner and they had a small apartment that suited their needs well and a wonderful support system through their friends. Misty had a large group of friends, all of whom loved her and her sister like family and there was never a shortage of places to stay or food to eat if the need ever arose.

The ride to the meeting place was short but quiet. Anah wasn't very talkative around anyone other than her sister and best friends. Even her sisters friends who she saw almost daily. It was her nature to be guarded just as it was her sisters to guard her. Anah was loving and welcoming, just not overly trusting.

At the acclaimed "meeting spot", Misty hopped out and ran around to help Anah out of the car. It was another pet peeve of hers. Misty had a rule about holding paws when they went most public places. This was no exception.

"Misty! Anah! Hey, you guys. We've been waiting forever!" Sun called, jumping at the somewhat suspecting duo.

"I know, I'm sorry. Someone took forever in the bathroom this morning." She teased her little sister, pinching the tufted cheeks lovingly.

"It's fine. Did you guys eat already? I brought Crullers and a few thermoses of coffee."

"Coffee sounds good." Muttered the still drowsy Anah.

"You shouldn't drink coffee, half-pint. You're short enough as is." Her sister admonished.

They walked across the pavement to two picnic tables, each with a few of Misty's closest friends. Near the deserted parking lot/picnic area was a raised slab of cement, level with the street but thoroughly separated from it. At a direct glance from their place, it was difficult to see directly across it, as it tilt at a minutely obscure angle. Anah thought little of the platform other than it being a temporary escape from her sister and her jovial friends.

"Hey, who wants vodka?" Asked an obviously already tipsy grey wolf named Rodane.

"Forget vodka. Who's got my tequila bottle?" Tripp demanded, searching around for the lost bottle of liquor which coincidentaly had rolled across the ground and stopped at Anah's feet.

She lifted the bottle, swirled it around a bit to be sure there was no worm and took a quick drink before her sister could snatch the bottle. To her surprise, Misty seemed not to care. She even rubbed her back so that the solidly strong burn wouldn't choke her up. After she had finished taking a nice long taste, she handed the bottle to her sister who did the same, taking a bit more in.

"Will you two stop chugging my liquor?! You want booze, pay up!" Tripp snapped, grabbing the bottle from Misty. Bubbles hit him over the head gently with her sketch pad then took the bottle.

It went on like this for a while, everyone having had a taste of one of the liquours of choice though few having only one. Anah being the few. She wasn't a fan of hard liquor so her sip of tequila was quite enough for the moment. With choices between tequila, vodka and Schmirnoff, one discovers their limits quickly. Bad experiences with the other two and refused each drink offered.

Once she was sure her sister was adjusted enough to let her mingle, Anah darted off towards the raised platform, hoping to find some solitude. What she heard upon rounding the somewhat sharp corner was the steady sound of keystrokes. Just ahead of her, sitting with his legs dangling over the edge of the slab was a polar bear. From what she could see, he was handsome but very intense. His focus never wavered from the key board before him. His long, pale hair bound back with a simple black band while his glasses, which reminded her of a librarians, where sunk to the very tip of his muzzle.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, Anah approached him quietly, coming to stand almost directly in front of him unnoticed. It wasn't until he drew a water bottle to his lips did his line of vision waver enough to see her. He smiled over the lip of the bottle and wiggled the fingers wrapped around the bottle at her.

"Hello down there. And to what do I owe this little visit, miss?" He said in a polite baritone. He regarded her gently as one would a small child but not in a patronizing way.

"I, um, I heard you typing and I thought I'd see where it was coming from." She felt a blush creeping up her neck and dipped her head in a shy gesture. Looking directly at him, he was a lot more attractive than she thought.

"Well, now you know. Would you like to hop up here and see what I'm working on?" He offered, holding out a paw to her.

She said nothing at first, mentally weighing the options. She wasn't far from the others so even drunk, her screaming would bring them quickly. He seemed nice enough but so did most anti-social psychopaths. She took the offered paw and attempted to scramble up beside him. Her shoes kept slipping on the wall so she dropped back down carefully with a sigh. He only smiled, sitting his laptop to the side. He climbed down and lifted her on to the platform before climbing back up effortlessly.

He placed the laptop back across his lap and went back to his typing, nudging her gently to ease her tension. After a moment, he held out a paw to her.

"My name is Paul but you may call me Polar. Most everyone does. No points for originality but it's endearing." He chuckled, kissing her paw once it was offered.

"Anah. Well, it's Anahaset but that stays between us." She smiled, scrunching up her nose at her full name.

"Either way, it's very pretty. Egyptian if I'm not mistaken. I can almost see it. You favor a friend of mine." He said absently, taking another sip from his water.

"Well, my sister's name is Misty, if that means anything." He suddenly began to sputter and choke on the mouthful of water. She patted his back gently, wondering what could have caused the reaction.

"You're Anah?! That explains a lot." Polar managed to struggle out.

"Oh joy. My reputation proceeds me." Anah muttered disdainfully.

"Yes, it does. You are much prettier than I would have expected but for the most part, you're what I expected. Your sister talks about you a lot, you know. For a while, I thought you were cut out of some perfect dream of hers. She acts like you're her everything. It's sweet."

Anah smiled. That was the last thing she was really expecting to hear. She thought he would walk her back to her sister where she would be safe and leave her like she had leprosy. Quite the contrary. It almost seemed like he was grateful to have met her. There was this subtle look of awe on his face.

"Thank you for that. I always thought that all of her friends thought I was some sort of doll under glass. She frets over me so, you'd think I was terminal." She joked.

"Well I can see why she worries. You have a kind spirit. Very sweet, very naive, very dangerous around the wrong types. It's not always a safe world for little girls, Anah. Be grateful you have a sister who cares so much."

She sighed heavily in slight annoyance. Despite her over sized sweater that covered whatever chest she may have had and the dainty mary-jane shoes, not to mention her over all small size, Anah was not as young as most would think. She could easily favor a 14 year old girl especially in what she was wearing. Hard as it was to believe, she was just shy of being 18. In fact, less than two weeks shy.

"How old do I look to you, Polar?" She asked innocently, tilting her head slightly.

"Hmm, I would have to say...15? No, maybe 13-14. Not quite 15." He nodded emphatically as if it were obvious. She chuckled.

"How old are you?" She asked now, crossing her legs and leaning back, thoroughly amused.


"Hmm. Interesting..." She pondered aloud, leaning over and looking at his computer screen.

"Why interesting, little one?" He nuzzled her lightly, egging her on some.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He shrugged and went back to his systems check. On the screen there was a series of 1's and 0's running down in a line. It was like watching the gridlines from the matrix.

"Do you have any games on this thing?" She asked, the constant flurry of numbers making her dizzy.

"Actually, in a way, this is a game. Look as long as you can at the screen without blinking and tell me what you see."

Anah did as instructed, it being easy to keep her eyes open considering her feline heritage. The screen continued to run down in random sequence for a little more than thirty seconds before she considered giving up. As if he could feel her boredom, Polar tapped her chin and instructed her to keep watching. Unbeknownst to her, he was smirking, quite enjoying the show.

Soon, Anah felt her eyes relax as if they were sinking into the screen. The more they relaxed, the more dimension the screen began to form. All of a sudden, she felt the hair on her neck raise. Among all of the random numbers, there was a strange looking stick reaching out of the ground. It looked like a flower bud. It began to move and sway in the imaginary breeze as it reached higher and grew rounder until finally, it bloomed. It was a rose and it bloomed big and bright. Not long after, something else began to take shape. This time, the rose smiled. It had developed a face and was smiling like a sun beam. The whole illusion was eerie but too interesting to look away from so Anah stared.

The rose swayed and wiggle and danced in it's place for a while after that, occasionally waving out at her. It wasn't until it reached a leaflette out and looked like it was about to touch her that Anah jumped back and began rubbing her eyes furiously.

"What the hell was that?" She blurted, looking at the now lifeless screen.

"That was a lovely little thing my computer likes to do from time to time. Did it try to bite you?" Polar asked, placing an arm around her comfortingly.

"No, it just tried to touch me. It was a rose. It grew from a little bud then it bloomed and grew a face and it kept waving at me."

"Hmm, that's new. For me, I usually get something trying to bite me. Don't really know what but it does it every time I look too hard. I guess I was willing it not to scare you so it gave you something nice. Why don't you do that for me, you stupid machine?" He thumped the screen and to Anah's surprise, it seemed to thump back.

"Is it possessed or something?" She asked, reaching towards the screen only to have him take her paw gently.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you. It's not possessed but it's not exactly inanimate either."

"Alright, so what is it?"

"Complicated." He replied with a smirk.

She shrugged and leaned her head on his shoulder. He was sweet and the first friend that she had made here that was just being her friend. It was nice. She felt him wrap an arm around her in a half hug and nuzzle the top of her head. She felt very safe with him for some reason.

"So tell me, Anah. How old are you really? I could tell you were hinting at something earlier."

"It's complicated." She mocked, giggling when he started tickling her side.

"Spill, little one before I have to turn you over my knee." He threatened, setting the computer to the side and pulling her into his lap. She curled up against him and smiled.

"Would you believe I'm a lot older than I look?"

"Yes. How much older would be the appropriate question in this case. You have a mature spirit but a child's heart. I think that's my favorite part about you so far." He smiled down at her, brushing a thumb pad over her cheek.

"I'm four years your junior."

"Interesting. Good to know, little Anah." He readjusted her, sitting her to face the same direction as he was and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She jumped slightly when she felt him leave a feather light kiss on her neck but not out of fear. His fur tickled. He smiled and did it again, squeezing her with each light peck.

"Technically, you're five years my junior. I'm 22 as of tomorrow morning. Think your sister would mind me taking you to a birthday party?"

"Yes but it doesn't matter. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Thank you, miss Anah. Do you think she would mind more if it were a party for two?"

"Most definitely." She tilted her head back to look up at him and smiled.

Suddenly, she felt the most curious compulsion. Her smile turned contemplative as she turned to face him, her legs now wrapped around his waist. He rose an eyebrow at the change but smiled, holding her as carefully as before.

"You are very pretty, Anah. Beautiful. And very much a lady. As such, it would not be right for you to compromise." He seemed to be answering the questions running through her head.

He leaned in and kissed one cheek, then the other, and finally, he placed a barely there peck on her lips. Anah had closed her eyes at the first kiss and kept them that way for quite some time. She smiled and folded her lips in as if to rub the feeling in deeper.

"Thank you, little one. That was a lovely birthday gift." He hugged her, rocking gently from side to side.

"Nah-nah! Where are you?! Time to eat!" They heard Misty call.

"I better go. I'll be right back though, okay? Would you like me to bring you a snack?" She asked, all innocence returning to her small and wavery voice.

"Just you. Nothing else." He grabbed her arms and slid her down to the lower ground, blowing a kiss to her once she was safely down.

She returned the gesture dramatically and he pretended to catch it, with equal dramatics. Anah ran off and greeted her sister, grabbing the little bundle and preparing to run off again.

"Oh no you don't. Where have you been? I'm tipsy, not stupid." Misty asked, holding firmly to the sleeve of the heavy sweater.

"I was talking to one of your friends. He was showing me his computer." She said simply, stuffing some chips into her mouth.

"Ugh, it was Polar, wasn't it? Don't stay over there too long, Nah-nah. He's nice but there are some people who aren't so nice out here. Stay with him, okay?"

She nodded and ran happily back towards her knew friend. As she rounded the corner, she collided with something solid. She bounced back and landed on her rear end, nearly throwing her lunch across the ground. The person she had crashed into reached down and snagged the lunch bag before helping her to her feet.

"Mmm, smells good. What ya got there, kid?" He asked, reaching into the bag and examining a green apple. Before she could protest, he took a bite from the apple and smirked at her annoyed expression.

"For your information, I'm not a kid and that's my lunch your eating, you jerk!" She yelled, kicking him in the ankle.

He hopped on one foot in obvious pain but refused to relinquish the lunch. After the pain ebbed, her grabbed her wrist, snatched her to him and gave her a good long look. He almost had to laugh when she returned his glare ten fold and refused to back down.

"I like your spunk, chica. How about we split this lunch of yours and I'll tell you some fascinating story about myself. I'm sure you're dying to know everything about a hunk like me, huh?" He smirked, straightening out her sweater and holding the apple out to her.

"No thanks. My sister says to watch out for starngers and I'd say you're as strange as they come." She snatched the apple, placed the unbitten side into her mouth and grabbed for the bag. He held it just out of reach, dangling it above her head.

"Fine then. Tell me about you. How'd a cute kid like you end up alone around here. You better be careful, little mama. There are freaks out here." He warned, almost sounding legitimately concerned.

"Yeah and I think I met the head freak himself. Mind taking a hike, bozo. I'm busy." She countered, reaching for the bag once more.

"I'll take off if you come with me. How bout it? I'll get ya back safe and sound as long as I can have some chow."

"No dice, chump."

He placed a free paw on her shoulder and took a good long look at her before backing away and laughing in an ironic way.

"You gotta be kidding! I'd know that mug anywhere. Almond eyes, bushy tail, cutest mug this side of town. You're Misty's kid sister! This is too funny." He laughed until a tear almost leaked out of his eye and then laughed some more.

Anah eyed the tiger carefully, annoyed that he was laughing at her and more so because he was holding her up from seeing Polar.

"I know she warned you about me so no need for the shocked look of revelation. I'm Neg, for obvious reasons, and you're Nah-nah." He circled her for a bit, examining her carefully. "Cute as a button, just like your sister. A little pistol like her too. But I'll bet you anything that you'll be sexy as sin when you're her age. Look me up in about 10 years, jail bait. You just might be worth the wait."

"Jail bait? Not quite. But even if I was, I wouldn't be caught dead with a slime ball like you."

"Right, and you're what exactly? 15? Whatever kid." He put a paw to her forehead and watched her swing her arms wildly.

"Just give me my lunch! I'm hungry and in a hurry."

"Gimme a sandwich and I'll leave you alone." He bartered.

"No, I only have one!"

"Fine then, your loss." He said as he walked over, rummaging through the lunch sack.

"Okay, okay, you can have a cookie or something, just hurry up!" She gave up, chasing after him.

"Don't like cookies. I want a sandwich." He reached in, grabbed half of her hoagie and started eating.

"I baked them myself. They're really good. Can I have my lunch back now?"

"No." He turned and took a seat against a wall, enjoying the sandwich. She joined him, sighing and putting her head on her knees in exasperation.

"Cheer up, buttercup. I'm not some psycho rapist. All I want is a sandwich, I can do without the cherry." He never looked at her, just stared out into space.

After he finished half of the sandwich, he snagged the apple back and finished it off as well as most of her chips and soda. She just gave up, pulling herself into the fetal position. Suddenly, she could smell onions and peppers very close to her nose. She glanced up and saw that he was holding the sandwich out to her. She ignored it at first, thinking he had drugged it or something but he continued to hold it out.

"You better take it or I'll eat it."

"Take the first bite so I know it's not drugged."

"Fine." He bit into the sandwich, then took three more bites for good measure before handing it back.

Anah took it and began eating. It was really good and she was starving. She probably would have eaten it even if it was drugged at that point. She hadn't realized how long she had been with Polar earlier and the day had passed quickly. The sandwich was gone fast, mostly because the bites Neg took had taken nearly half of it. She heard her stomach growl and glared over at the tiger.

Silently, he reached into the knapsack on his shoulder and pulled out two egg rolls and a container of Mongolian beef. He handed them to her with some chopsticks and even found a bottle of mountain dew after some rummaging. She declined the soda but ate heartily. After she had finished all but one egg roll, she looked over at him. He looked like he was falling asleep against the wall.

"If you had your own food, why take mine?"

"I like hoagies."

"Oh. I saved you an egg roll." She offered it to him.

Neg shook his head but smiled, eyes still closed. Anah just wrapped it back up and put it into her now empty lunch bag.

"How old are you, chica?" He asked, sliding further down.


"See? Jail bait. I'm 20."

"It's only a few years. Not that I, you know, care or like you or anything absurd like that!" She quickly corrected, seeing the spreading smirk on his face.

"Oh wipe that smirk off, you jerk! You know what I meant!" She protested.

"Yeah, sure kiddo. Whatever you say." He teased, still grinning.

Anah leaned back, sulking at the smug bastard. They sat in silence for a few minutes after that, Anah starting to think he had actually fallen asleep. He reached over and tugged her arm, beckoning her closer. She leaned in out of curiosity but when all he did was pull her closer, she got puzzled.

"C'mere. I gotta tell you somethin'." He whispered. She leaned her head in, placing an ear near his lips.

He licked her ear, slipping his tongue into it for a split second. She pulled back with a shriek of indignation and slapped his arm. Hard.

"Hey, chill out. It was a joke!" He sputtered, laughing almost too hard to speak as she repeatedly smacked him.

"You creep! That's disgusting!" she screamed.

He tried holding her arms so she began kicking at him as well. By the time he could subdue her, he had all but smothered her to the pavement. She was kicking and wiggling wildly beneath him, her chest hitching every so often, telling him to ease up. They finally stopped moving, Anah's arms trapped over her head and looking for all the world like a caged bull.

"You gonna calm down now?" He asked, laying his head on her shoulder.

She only nodded, still to angry and shaken to speak. He sighed against her neck and tugged at her necklace with his teeth. It was an Ankh on a string of black silk. The string was loosely tied so it would have hung at the cleft of her breasts if she were standing. Now, it was off to the side near her ears.

"You really 17?" He asked, eyeing the side of her head. She nodded. "You don't look it. Well, I guess you kinda do. You just got no shape. Normally you'd have something at 17. Looking at your sister, I'm figuring it's not much but it's gotta be something."

Neg reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled it up to her stomach. So far, her stomach was bare but he could see she was wearing something under the droopy sweater. The other shirt was stuck to the inside of her sweater so he didn't pull it up any further until he could separate them. She had a flat stomach covered in a short but well groomed coat of white fur and her hips curved gently under the folds of her pleated uniform skirt. Neg rose an eyebrow at this, wondering just where the curves led to.

"Got any knockers under there? Hard to tell with this stripped potato sack on you." She glared at him and started kicking again.

"Hey! Calm down, chica. I was just asking. Like I said, I'm not interested in jail time."

"I'm a 26CC..." She muttered indignantly.

"Holy fuck, woman!" He sat back a bit looking at her in shock.

"What?!" She snapped, wiggling.

He released her wrists and lifted her sweater. True to her words, she had a full bosom completing the perfectly proportioned hour glass shape. He let his eyes linger for quite some time but redirected his gaze to her face when she began growling at him.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to be hot." He stated simply, pulling her sweater back down.

"Ha! That's a laugh. I'm not hot. I'm cute. All I ever get is cute. Get your eyes checked, dude." She bit out, standing and gathering her things.

"Hold on a minute. You think you're not hard-on material, huh?" He said, pulling her back against him. She could feel him breathing on her neck and her flesh broke out in goose bumps. Something about him excited her and a familiar fluttering in her lower stomach began.

"Um, I need to go. I have a friend waiting for me." She tried to leave but he held her tighter, nipping her ear and making her shudder.

"And you have a friend right here too." He turned her and kissed her roughly, nothing like the light, gentle kisses she had shared with Polar. She liked it.

"So, wanna be friends?" It was a loaded question, especially the way he said it. There was a heaviness, a thickness in his voice when he said it. He was breathing steadily but harshly into her ear and it made her tingle.

"I guess...." Was all she could manage.

"Good. Wanna do a friend a favor? I'm in the mood for something sweet." He whispered.

Instantly, she reached for the little bag of cookies in her pocket that were now thoroughly smooshed together. Neg took them from her paw and slipped them back into her pocket smoothly. She didn't question him but right then, she wasn't sure if she could. He kissed the front of her throat, then nipped at it.

"Not what I had in mind..." He nibbled her neck, reaching down and grabbing the backs of her thighs.

"Um, then what? I...I thought you weren't going to-" He smothered her lips with his briefly, only to shut her up as his paws were occupied.

Anah instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist when he pulled her up and she rested against him, trying to will her mind to clear. That was the last thing he had in mind though.

He tilted his head and slipped his tongue into her mouth quickly, just tasting her. When she didn't fight back, he tried again. He kept going until he had her leaning into him for more.

"You like that?" He rasped out, catching his breath by suckling on a pierced ear lobe.

Anah only nodded, licking and nipping at him, trying to redirect his attention. Neg chuckled, slipping his paws up to squeeze her bottom under the skirt. It was then that she realized what she was doing. She pressed back and wrestled her way out of his arms only to fall and hit the ground at a crooked angle. Her ankle had bent wrong and she was now sitting on the pavement, rubbing the aching joint.

"Be careful!" He yelped, dropping to his knees and looking at the slowly swelling appendage.

"Leave me alone, you pervert!" She kicked at him with her good leg, landing her foot squarely in his stomach. She scrambled to her feet and tried to bolt but the pain dropped her again.

"Hold it, will ya?! Now just a minute! I wasn't trying to hurt you. I just couldn't help it. Believe it or not, you're hot stuff." He knelt and rubbed her ankle gently, letting a paw creep up her thigh to push the point. She shifted but didn't fight.

"I thought you said I was jail bait." She countered coldly.

"You are but it's only a three year difference. There's a three year leeway period but only if I don't fuck you, see?" She nodded and watched him massage the leg.

"Anah? Anah, where are you?" A familiar males voice made the pit of Anah's stomach drop.

"Looks like your boyfriends looking for you. I better jet. Catch ya later, chica." He leaned forward and gave her a peck before jumping to make himself scarce. Too late.

"Ish ra lam tel yash ra talcus!"

Neg arched backwards and hit the ground beside her, his eyes rolled back in his head and his lips turning a queer shade of blue. Anah lurched forward, wrapping her this arms around his shuddering frame and listening to his heart beat. It was spastic and random, sounding more like a timpani drum than a bodily organ.

Polar ran to her and pulled her away in a fierce bear hug, putting as much distance between her and the poor, writhing man as possible.

"Little one, stay back. Did that scoundrel hurt you?" He looked at her, his eyes devoid of color. Only icy, dilated blue.

"Stop it, you're hurting him!" She kicked and scratched to get to him.

"Chill, chica. I'm okay." Neg choked, pulling himself up off the ground.

"Stay down or I'll keep you down!" Polar snapped, pulling Anah further away.

"Wait! He's not going to hurt me. He's my friend!" She looked to Neg, winking at him.

"Yeah, we were just having lunch. She tripped so you should be more careful of that ankle of hers." He stated, pointing to the hurt leg.

"No doubt your doing. You tripped her or she was trying to get away. Leave her alone, Neg. You aren't welcome around here." Polar said cooly.

"No, he is my friend. Look." She limped to Neg, using him as a brace for the pain. He lifted her bridal style to keep her weight off the ankle.

"Somehow, that doesn't reassure me." Polar sighed, lifting his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Figured as much. Out of all those assholes, you're the worst. Want your little girlfriend back now or can I hold onto her for a while? At least, till she's legal. Don't want you in too much trouble, pretty boy." Neg sneered, readjusting Anah in his arms so she was resting on his hip.

"You touch her again and the police will be the least of your problems, freak!" He growled, eyes slipping back into that haunting blue that frightened her so.

"Please, will you both stop it?! You're acting like I'm some kind of toy!" She yelled.

"Well, technically-" Neg began

"Not another word." She hushed him with a gentle touch of her paw to his lips. He kissed her palm then, just to annoy Polar, pulled a digit into his mouth.

Anah, pulled it back reluctantly and looked over to Polar, beckoning for him to take her. He did as she wished, holding her similarly to Neg. Without warning, she kissed him. It was a sweet and slow kiss on the lips, letting him relax. Neg growled under his breath but allowed it to continue none the less. Finally, she pulled back, smiling shyly.

"And to what do I owe that...Tantalizing treat, little one?" He asked, nuzzling her neck.

"I don't know. I just wanted to do that. Well, when I saw you, I wanted to. You are so...so...I'm not sure how to say it but you just are." She wasn't sure a word of what she had just said was even English but it was the only thing she could say.

He sat her down carefully, eyeing her ankle. Neg stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist in which Polar was none too pleased. Anah calmed him with a raised paw and allowed Neg to kiss her neck. The two men stared one another down, making Anah more uncomfortable by the second. Polar was the first to break some of the tension.

"So how is this going to work? Her sister hates you and I doubt I'll be her favorite for long if she gets wind of it. So what do we do?" Polar paced a bit, pondering the question in his head.

"Well, what do you think we're gonna do? Nothing! I said it before and I'll say it again. She's jail bait. End of story." Neg stepped back from her, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his cargo jeans.

Anah was hurt. She didn't want to choose. She had gotten a taste of them both and she wanted more but she could never admit it. How? It was her first intimate encounter so of course she was a bit giddy and to top it off, there were two of them. She hoped the crushes were just bi products of the brief meetings they shared. Neg seemed to want nothing to do with her and that hurt more than anything but she kept her face and mind blank. She refused to faun over either one. It would be cruel to her and Misty would flip.

"I could care less. You act like it's some horrible problem but it isn't! Misty wouldn't go for me "dating" either one of you and frankly, neither would I. They were just kisses." She hobbled away without a second glance.

Before she could round the corner and rejoin her sister, Neg chased her down and grabbed her. He pulled her to him and held her there for what felt like an eternity. She still fought to keep a stoic expression in place but gave up when he began to touch her like he had earlier. The confident grabs and touches he lavished on her as well as the bites. Polar joined, taking her paw gently and looking her squarely in the eye.

"It may have been a kiss to you but it meant just a little more than that to me. You may be young, but so was Juliet. So was Isolde, Desdemona, Roxanne. It's not as if I want to date you, little one. Just get to know you better. Will you give me that chance?" He pleaded, even sinking to his knees.

"Yeah. You guys are great friends, I just don't want anything happening, okay?" She looked between them and smiled as they both nodded in acquiescence.


And so it began. How odd it was and yet so natural that she had become our balance. Even then, with the feelings I had so quickly developed for the shy child, I had no idea how far we would ultimately go for her love. No idea what so ever...