A Vixen's Tail - Chapter 3

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#3 of A Vixen's Tail

A Vixen's Tail

Chapter 3 - Education

© 2003 Nameless

I wake with a startled " Yip!" when my master squeezes my left nipple. My eyes are instantly wide open. Not that I can see anything, I am still wearing the blindfold.

"Good morning, pretty vixen. Are you in the mood to play a little?"

He must have been awake for some time already and put that time to good use. It seems that the pleasant dream he had woken me from had some base in reality. I am definitely ready to 'play a little'. More than ready actually. "Good morning, Master." I purr, turn my head toward where his voice came from and lick his muzzle.

A while later my master gets up and I kneel on the bed to give him something to rest his eyes on while he goes about his morning business. When he is finished, he ruffles my headfur and fondles my breasts "Take care of your things, put on your smock and report to the kitchen. Goodbye for now, Monique." He licks my nose and leaves.

"Goodbye, Master. Have a pleasant day."

I wait for a minute, then I take off my blindfold and stretch. I quickly groom my fur, put on my smock and head towards the kitchen. I feel better than I have in a long time.

I enter the kitchen and pad up to the mistress. "Good morning, Mistress." Then I bow my head and wait to be acknowledged.

She turns to me "Good morning, Monique." She waves her paw "Get some tea and breakfast. And don't forget to take your Kasher nut, of course."

"Yes, Mistress." I say and pick a nut from the jar. I chew it as I get my food and a mug of the weak herbal tea. I don't like the taste of the nut at all, but it is not so bad when I can get it out of my mouth quickly by eating something else afterwards. I eat quickly and wash the dishes I have used, and then I pad up to the mistress "I am finished, Mistress."

The badger femme considers me for a moment then she commands "Help Annie over there with the vegetables."

"Yes, Mistress." I bow, pick up a knife from the rack and head over to the cat femme to help her. I spend the rest of the morning in the kitchen. It feels good to be here. Even if the slaves don't talk among themselves, the atmosphere is friendly, not filled with fear. The mistress has yet to beat any of the slaves.

After a pleasantly filling lunch the mistress assigns me to a group of femmes who will work in the vegetable gardens. We are assembled in the yard. A sudden barking sends a shiver down my spine. One of the guards, a wolf, is leading a large feral dog towards us. Held loosely on a long leash, the dog pads up to the closest femme and sniffs her. My paws begin trembling as it comes closer to me. When it catches my scent and growls angrily, I shake visibly and I can smell my own fear. That excites the dog even more and it bares its long teeth. I nearly pass out from fear when it rears up on its hindlegs and puts his forepaws on my shoulders. For a horribly long moment I stare into its wide-open muzzle until the guard pulls it away from me. He sniffs and notices how badly I am trembling and asks "Are you afraid of her?"

"Y... Yes... Yes, Master." I finally manage to say, barely above a whisper.

"It's all right. She won't hurt you. Unless you try to run away or something, of course."

"I... I won't, Master."


I relax a little when he leads the dog away from me. A minute later another guard comes out of the house and we are led to a shed where we are given hoes and other tools. Then the guards escort us to one of the vegetable plots, where we work for the rest of the afternoon.

Late in the afternoon another guard comes out and takes me back to the mansion, so I can prepare myself for the master while the other slaves continue working in the fields. The guard delivers me to the kitchen, where I am given a mug of tea and a piece of bread. Then I have to go to the bathroom to clean myself and groom my fur. When I have done that to the mistress' satisfaction, she paws me a blindfold and sends me to the Master's room where I have to blindfold myself and kneel in front of his chair and wait for him.

# # #

I have kneeled there for only a few minutes when I can hear the footsteps of my master in the corridor outside. A few moments later, the door opens and he walks in. He stops right behind me and ruffles my headfur. Then he leans down to cup my breasts and to take in my scent. "Hello, pretty vixen." He says and walks around me to sit in his chair.

"Good evening, Master." I answer.

"Hmmm, you look tasty today."

"Thank you, Master."

"Go on with your story."

"Yes, Master." I say and turn my thoughts back to the past.

The next morning a female slave, a lioness, woke us up early in the morning . She unlocked the manacles and commanded "Take off your muzzles."

Watching the others, I took off my muzzle and attached it to my collar, just like they did. Again imitating the others, I picked up the shackles and locked them on my legs. Then I picked up my bowl with the food still in it. We followed her outside. When I was sure that the femme could not see me, I snagged a bit of my food, I was so hungry. But somehow she must have seen me.

After we had dumped the food into the trough in the pigsty, she made us stand in a line, looked us over and asked "Did anyone of you eat any of your food without being allowed to?" When her eyes met mine, I knew that she knew. "And just to make things clear, lying is the worst crime you can commit, except for running away or hurting your master. And the dogs are always happy when they get a tasty morsel." A shiver of fear ran down my spine when I heard that. She looked at each of us in turn, waiting for the "No, Mistress." before going to the next.

I had never felt so miserable in my whole life. Afraid for my life, I hung my head and said "Yes, Mistress."

She looked at me for a long while, then she said "We will go to the kitchen now. When we get there, you will kneel at the Mistress's feet and you will tell her what you did and ask her to punish you." Then she turned and padded off in the direction of the kitchen.

Utterly miserable, I followed the others. I knew that I would be punished badly if I told the mistress what I had done. But if I did not, I was sure I would be punished even worse. My legs felt like lead.

The lioness looked at me pointedly and then pointed at the floor at the other end of the kitchen. The others padded there and knelt. Horribly afraid and trembling all over, I padded up to the Mistress and knelt. She kept stirring a pot, but after some time she turned to look at me. And because I was so afraid, I had forgotten to keep my tail up. She stared at me and roared "What did I tell you about your tail?"

"Keep it high, Mistress." I choked out.

"You think you can do whatever you please, don't you? I think I'm going to have to use stronger measures with you. You will obey me perfectly, and I don't care if I have to break you. Or kill you." She pointed at a cupboard at the other end of the kitchen "Cross your wrists at your back... Bring me the riding crop!"

"Yes, Mistress." I sobbed and walked there. It took all my self-control to keep my tail up. I felt so horrible, I wanted to hide it between my legs. Since I could not use my paws, I had to carry the riding crop back in my mouth. I felt totally humiliated. All the furs in the kitchen were watching me. I knelt again and the mistress took the riding crop.

She commanded "Touch your nose to my foot... And put your chin on the floor... Don't move until I allow you to." I knelt with my snot on the floor, my ass high in the air and my wrists crossed behind my back. The rat femme let me wait for a bit until she whacked the riding crop across my ass. She took her time, sometimes beating me several times in quick succession, sometimes waiting long moments between strokes. When she was finished, I was sobbing helplessly and barely able to keep my position.

She turned her back on me and went back to her cooking. The other girls kept their position, but watched me with a mixture of horror and pity in their eyes. After some time she turned to me again and asked "What did you want, slave?"

I swallowed "Mistress, I... I ate some of the food... Without permission." I tried to keep my voice steady but I failed and barely managed to say "Please punish me, Mistress." between the sobs.

"You are a really tough case, aren't you. What shall we do with you?" I began trembling badly and nearly wet myself while she considered me for a long time before she said "I think five strokes should do it. Get up!" She pointed at a table "Sit on that table over there!" She made me sit with my crotch level with the edge on the table, then I had to lie back and put my paws on my hips. "Put your paws next to your twat and spread it wide."

Whimpering in fear of what was to come, I obeyed.

She raised the riding crop and commanded "Close your eyes, don't move and be silent." She swung the crop through the air several times, before she hit me the first time. I buckled and howled in pain when she did, it hurt more than anything I had ever felt before. "Did I not tell you not to move and to be silent? Perhaps I should not count this stroke?" She let me tremble in fear for a while before she hit me again. This time I nearly managed to remain still. The rat took her time and hit me again and again, seven times in total. Right after the last one she commanded "Get up and kneel next to the others."

My head was swimming from the pain and I could barely walk, but I did my best to obey her. I barely made it to the place she had indicated. The fur on my muzzle was soaked with tears. I knelt there, grateful for the momentary respite. I never again tried to eat any food when I was not allowed to, no matter how hungry I was. Just thinking of doing it filled me with dread.

We knelt there for a few minutes, then we were muzzled and had to walk to one of the sheds, where we were given hoes. Then we had to work in the vegetable garden for the next hour or so. I was terribly hungry and thirsty by the time we were led back into the kitchen. On the floor were several bowls with food and water. One of the bowls was nearly empty, and sure enough that one was mine. The mistress commented "Since you took some food before, I am sure you are not all that hungry, little vixen." We had to kneel and eat without using our paws, like feral animals. We had to eat like this most of the time. Eating that little bit of meat actually made me hungrier. It was just enough to get my juices flowing, but not nearly enough to fill my stomach. Then we had to go back and continue weeding the vegetables. We were muzzled all the time, except when we were fed or given water.

Around noon we were led back into the house, this time not into the kitchen, but into the dining room. There were bowls with food for us, standing next to the wall. We had to kneel facing them, looking at the wall with our ass high in the air, showing our private parts to whoever sat at the table. We had to wait for the master. Kneeling like this, my nose only inches from the food was horrible, my stomach must have growled loud enough to be heard several rooms away.

After some time, the master came, sat down and ate. When he was finished, he got up and said "I'm going to play with you a little bit while you eat. If you don't want me to, you can leave now." He waited for a moment, but none of us made a move. My muzzle burned in shame when I felt his paw on my ass. Then he said "You may eat now." I did so, doing my best to ignore his probing paws. There was not really enough food to sate me, but enough to keep me running. At least my stomach stopped growling for a few hours.

Then the guards led us back to the vegetable garden, where we worked the whole afternoon until close to sunset. I was used to work at home, but I never had to work a whole day on so little food. I was miserably tired and dirty when we finally trudged back home. Our muzzles were removed and we were sent to the bathroom to wash and groom our fur. The mistress led us to our sleeping room. I had to muzzle myself and put on the manacles. The mistress left us there. I was so hungry that I decided to beg a male to let me lick him to be allowed to eat my food.

I was very disappointed when the first guard ignored me and went straight to the squirrel femme. She sucked him off and he left after a few minutes. All without saying a single word.

Another few minutes later, a mouse male came in. Later I found out that he was one of the higher placed servants of my master. I shuffled forward as far as I could. When he stopped in front of me, I rubbed my snot against his crotch and sniffed him, all the while giving him my best pleading look.

He grinned at me "Want to lick some candy, little one."

My muzzle burned with shame as I nodded, doing my best to appear eager. He considered me for a minute and I went back to sniffing him. Then he removed my muzzle and opened his jerkins. I began to lick him. I had never felt so humiliated in my life.

"More than when you did the soldiers?"

"A lot more. Then I had felt mostly horror and disgust and... I had been trying to save my little brother's life."

"Ok, go on."

Well, at least he did not taste that bad, he groomed himself much better than the soldiers had done. Right before he came, he pulled out and splattered his seed all over my muzzle.

Grinning at me, he ruffled my headfur and asked "Did you like my candy?"

"Yes, Master." I answered. He continued looking at me expectantly and after a while I realized that he was waiting for me to lick up as much of his seed as I could reach. I almost expected my snot to burst into flames, I felt so ashamed as I licked his cock and my face clean.

He ruffled my headfur once more and said "Well, you still have a lot to learn, little one, but I guess you were good enough." With that he closed his jerkins and left.

Two more males came and let themselves be sucked off by the two other older femmes. The two who had been enslaved together with me had not yet gotten over their disgust enough to beg to be allowed to lick a male.

Then the mistress came in and turned off the light. I ate my food and fell asleep.

"How did you feel?"

"I felt... strange. On the one paw I felt more humiliated that I had ever been, on the other paw, my stomach was full for the first time since I had been enslaved."

"Did you enjoy doing it? Did you like his taste?"

"No, I did not."

"But now... ?"

"I learned to enjoy it."

"Did you like my taste?"

Instead of answering, I lean forward to sniff my master's crotch and lick my lips.

"Well, did you?"

"Yes, Master."

"Well, then... since you have been a good and eager slave..."

When I hear the clink of his belt buckle, I lean forward eagerly.

My master pats me on the head "You are really good, you know. Now go on."

"Thank you, Master." I say and lick my lips a few times before I do.

Even though some parts of my body still hurt from the punishment I had received in the morning, I slept reasonably well that night.

The next morning we were woken up and untied. Then we were led straight to the kitchen. My two companions who had not been able to eat their food, ate it while the rest of us got fresh food. I even remembered to keep my tail up. When we had finished one of the free servants, a female ferret, led us to another room and pawed each of us a small satchel. I did not dare to ask what it was, I just took it and put the strap over my shoulder. Then she led us out of the house, where a guard, a male wolf if I remember correctly, was waiting for us. He had one of the large feral dogs with him. We had to stand still while the dog sniffed us. I was so scared I nearly wet myself. The servant muzzled us and tied our paws behind our backs. Then she used several pieces of rope to tie us into a coffle.

The guard grinned at us whenever we shrank back from the growling dog "Are any of you even thinking about running away?"

Terrified, I shook my head, as did the others.

We waited a few minutes, then another guard led a group coffle of four more young female slaves out into the yard. Several free kits about our age followed him as well. The female slaves were a little older than us, the oldest of them was fifteen. The other slaves were also tied up and connected to the coffle. Then the wolf pointed down the road and commanded "Walk." We obeyed.

We walked for some time, about an hour or so. The free kits, children of the servants and guards, as far as I could tell, flitted around us, talked and joked, often at our expense. There was nothing I could do except walk on. Finally the guard commanded us to stop and untied the paws of the rat femme, who led our short procession. "You know what to do."

She untied our paws and the other femmes began to break up the coffle as soon as their paws were free. When all the ropes had been untied, she removed her muzzle. The others and I followed suit. Then she opened her satchel, removed a dress from it and put the muzzle and her rope in. I had already removed my muzzle and stared at her in disbelief, my mouth hung wide open. When the other older girls followed suit, I opened my satchel as well. The dress in it was made of rough cloth. I was almost in a daze as I put it on. When I stored my muzzle and the ropes that had bound me, I found that my satchel also contained some food and my mouth started watering. I closed it with a great deal of reluctance.

The guard looked at the rat girl "Tell them."

"Yes, Master." She turned to us and waited for moment until she had our full attention "Down the road is a church and a monastery of a religious order, the Brethren of the Book. They also run a school and this is where we are going. While we are there, we may behave like normal kits and treat the other kits there as if we were their equals. Almost their equals that is. We have to obey all the grown furs. There is a fence around the compound, we may not leave it without being commanded to or without a very good reason."

"You still address me as 'Master'" the guard added "and if you leave the area without permission... I will assume that you are trying to run away." When I turned to look at him, he was cleaning his claws with a really unpleasant looking knife. A shiver ran down my spine "That's it. Everything clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then let's go." We walked on.

"So, you actually know how to read and write?"

"Yes, Master." I answer "Actually, I knew how to read and write before then."


"Well, my father was a Viscount. That is before he lost the title when we lost to you Britons. The village priest taught us and sometimes my father or my mother gave us some lessons as well. For a year he even hired a tutor. Mainly for my oldest brother, but we also attended his lessons every now and then. So I had some schooling even before that. But since I became a slave, I have never been allowed to read or write anything outside of that school. None of my other masters were interested in letting me use the skill. I don't know why that master let us attend the school, he never let us use what we learned either. Maybe he thought it some kind of cruel joke. I never dared to ask him. I was sure that he would not told me if I had."

"Interesting. What else did you learn?"

"Mathematics. A little history, mostly about the Briton empire. And a lot of religion, of course. Sometimes I was even allowed to read the Holy Book. I loved that most of all. They also taught us some healing skills."

"Hmmm, that is really interesting. Maybe I can find something more useful for you to do than work in the fields or the kitchen."

"Really?" I blurt out, suddenly excited at the idea. "I would do anything to be allowed to read from the Holy Book or to do any work that involves reading and writing. I was really good with my numbers, Master."

"Hmmm, you would do anything? What would you not do if I did not allow you to use these skills?"

"I..." I fall silent. There is not really any answer I can give to that. As my master he can command me to do anything anyway. "I... don't know. Master." I say, suddenly miserable.

After a minute he ruffles my headfur "It's all right, Monique. I'll have to think about this. The problem, of course, is that any work that involves reading and writing is important work. How could I trust a mere slave with it? And a femme at that?"

When he falls silent, I realize that he is actually waiting for an answer "I don't know, Master. If there is anything I can do to make you trust me, I will."

"Well, enough of that for now. Go on with your story."

"Yes, Master."

We walked for a few more minutes before we reached the church. It stood on a small rise, surrounded by several houses, the homes of the furs who lived there. They were all members of a religious order, all males and they called themselves "The Brethren of the Book". In one of the smaller houses was the school. The guard led us there.

When we entered, one of the priests, Father Dominique, I think, was at the blackboard. Several furs of about our age, mostly males, were there already. The priest told us to find seats, which we did. He had just been telling a story from the Holy Book when we came in. When he was finished with that, he gave us a lesson on reading and writing. To practice writing, we used shallow boxes filled which sand. A little before noon he led us to the church, where we joined the other priests of the order for a short service. Then we had a noon break of perhaps half an hour, so we could eat our lunch. I spent that time talking to the other slaves. The free kits sat at a different table and ignored us. I learned that the older slaves slept in a different room and that they had to entertain our master at night. I also found out that he was only a minor noble, but a rather wealthy one.

Then we went back to the classroom for another two hours of lessons, after which the priest sent us home. For us this meant that we had to walk back under the watchful gaze of our guards. Once we were out of sight of the school, we had to take off our clothes and we were muzzled and tied up.

When we got back to our master's mansion, our paws were untied and we were shackled. One of the female slaves removed our muzzles for a moment and gave us a bit of water, then we had to work in the field.

"How long did you go to this school?"

"Most of the time I was with this master, about four years in all."

"Tell me a bit about the school."

"Yes, Master."

The Brethren of the Book ran this school. They believe that it is their mission to teach all furs how to read, so that they can read the Holy Book. They believe that it is needed to read the Book to fully understand its message. I think they are not a very large order, but they run schools in several villages.

"I think I have heard of them. Did you go to school every day?"

"No, Master."

We went there three or four days each week, depending on how much work there was to be done. We did not go at all during harvest or during other busy times. And this also became another means of punishing us. Anyone who displeased our master would not be allowed to go, but had to work hard all day.

I quickly found that I enjoyed the lectures a lot and I picked up reading and writing faster than the other kits. The fact that I already had some education helped a lot as well. I loved going there. Most of our classmates, all free furs, ignored us or ordered us around as if we were their personal slaves. A few of them were nice enough to talk or play with us sometimes. We stayed in class for about two hours, then we had a break to eat our food and to relax, talk and play. Then the lessons went on for some two more hours.

We usually got home two or three hours after noon. Sometimes we got a little food when we came back, sometimes not. We always had to work hard for the rest of the day.

The lunch break was about the only time I could talk to my fellow slaves.

"Did you always have to walk there naked and tied up?"

Tied up, always, naked most of the time. In winter we were usually allowed to wear the dress, unless we had given the guard a reason to punish us. When the weather was particularly foul, we were given a raincoat. We always changed in and out of the clothes out of sight of the church. I think the brethren who ran the school made it clear that while our master could treat us however he wanted, we had to behave and be treated like normal furs while we were there.

"Go on with your story."

"Yes, Master." I fall silent for a moment until I remember where I had left off when my master asked questions about my schooling.

When we had returned home, we were given a little water, then we were muzzled again and sent out to work in the fields. The sun was nearing the horizon when we were finally led back to the mansion. My paws were trembling with fatigue. The guard left us in the yard. We stood there for some time, tired and hungry but too afraid to move without being allowed to do so. Finally an older slave femme came and led us to the bathroom. We were untied and allowed to remove our muzzles. Each one of us got one piece of bread. I wolfed it down quickly. Then I picked up a bucket and went outside, to fetch water to wash my fur with, as per the femme's instructions. Staggering under the weight, I barely managed to carry it back to the bathroom. I dumped it into one of the bathtubs and went to fetch another one from the well. Washing my fur with the cold water was not that pleasant, but it was much better than being dirty. And since I had been told to make myself clean and pretty, I did my best to obey. The memory of my last punishment was still very fresh.

When we were clean, the slave femme muzzled us again and we had to put on the shackles. She led us to the kitchen, where each one of us got a bowl of food. We had to carry them to our sleeping room and manacle ourselves. The femme left us, together with the squirrel girl.

A few minutes later one of the guards came in and we all shuffled forward, eager to be allowed to please him and be allowed to eat. He choose the rabbit doe and left her with his seed splattered all over her muzzle and face. A few minutes later another guard came.

Some time later the grey squirrel girl returned. She carried her muzzle in her paw and her fur was wet and smelled strongly of the ferret and other things. She put the wooden piece into her cunt and locked herself up, but she did not put on her muzzle. Not long afterwards the femme slave came and blew out the lamp. I was not lucky that day and had to try to fall asleep on an empty stomach with the maddening smell of the food in my nose. I cried and finally fell asleep after a long time.

# # #

"Enough." My master commands and I fall silent. "Take care of your evening business, then kneel on the bed and put your blindfold back on. I will join you in a few minutes." With that he gets up and leaves the room.

"No food today?" I wonder "Did I offend him? At least I had some food for lunch." But since there is nothing I can do, I shrug my shoulders and remove the blindfold. I blink my eyes a few times to get used to the light and stand up. I stretch a few times and then I trot into my master's bedroom. Working quickly but thoroughly, I wash my face and groom my fur. Then I kneel on the bed, facing the door and showing my assets. Then I put the blindfold back on and wait for my master.

I don't have to wait long for him to return. He gives an appreciative whistle as he walk in. I hear the clink as he sets something metallic, probably a pot, down on the table and I can smell a hint of roasted meat. "Either he ate a little while he waited for me to finish or he brought some food for me." As the smell gets marginally stronger while I wait for him to finish getting ready for the night, I assume (and hope) that it is the latter.

I can hear him carry the pot to the nightstand. He moves things around on the bed, I think he is piling up the pillows at the end. Then the bed shakes as he sits down on it. He commands "Come here."

I carefully scoot backward until I bump against him. He sits with his legs spread wide and when I have moved as close as possible, he closes them a little, until they touch mine. "Lean back." I comply and he puts his arms around my waist. My feet are right under his crotch and I can feel his testicles touch my soles. He lets his paws roam over my body and comments "Hmmm, that feels nice."

"Thank you, Master. Your paws feel good." I close my eyes and revel in the pleasant feelings for a while.

I am almost purring when he commands "Open your muzzle." A low moan escapes my throat as I comply. The smell of roasted meat fills the room and my stomach growls in anticipation. My master laughs and then he touches a piece of meat to my tongue. I have to fight a little to get him to release it. Savoring the taste I chew slowly. All the while his left paw continues to fondle my crotch, which is getting rather damp. His rapidly hardening cock presses against the base of my tail. He feeds me another slice of meat. I almost spit it out in surprise when he licks the inside of my ear. I start giggling before I can swallow it and promptly choke on it. My master thumps me on the back and once I have my breathing back under control he gently nips and licks my ears and neck.

We go on like this for quite a while, until my master finally runs out of food "That's it, Monique. I'm out of food."

"Thank you, Master. That was wonderful." Strange, but I can say in complete honesty. My whole body seems to vibrate gently from the feelings coursing through it. Grinning on the inside, I decide to show a little initiative. I turn my head to my master and put a mock pout on my snot "But I'm still hungry..."

"Still hungry, little vixen? Well, too bad." There is a note of amusement in his voice "You'll have to do without. I'm feeling too comfortable to get up right now."

"But... my 'other' mouth is still waiting for a hunk of meat."

"Oh." He sits still for a moment.

" Eeep!" I was expecting something, still I squeal in surprise when he suddenly grabs me and whirls me around. A moment later I am lying on my back and my master is on top of me.

"Well, let's see if you like that 'hunk of meat'." He promptly feeds it to me and I find that I like it very well.

Some time later we fall asleep in a tangle of limbs, exhausted and surrounded by the comforting scents of our mating.

End of Chapter 3